Comments by empathetic_opportunity Comment Post Date An International business generating revenue from around the globe usually faces problems due to... How might the news affect businesses? 06/2/24 In my opinion businesses should be allowed to encourage people to vote as in India almost 1/3 of... Businesses and elections 06/2/24 In India we refer to animals as the blessing of God and consider them holy. The cow is often... Animal rights 05/2/24 In my opinion it would be a bad idea if the real adults are replaced by bots because instead of... AI bots on the Hub? 05/2/24 In India the number of people who are getting actively engaged in politics is rapidly... Are young people politically engaged? 05/2/24 I scored a solid 12 out of 15 in the quiz. the quiz was really informative and helped me to grow... Show what you know 04/2/24 As Richard mentioned in the above video prison is not only a place where people go for... How should prisons be run? 04/2/24 I personally think there should be a discussion post about "JOINT GLOBAL CRIMINAL LAW... Suggest a discussion 03/2/24 At first glance I was only able to locate 8 of the ways in which people are reminded in the... Climate change: regular reminders 03/2/24 I believe that the best depiction of my country (INDIA) will be 'A' and 'E'. The reason for the... Climate change in your country 03/2/24 I think there should be a discussion post about the "GREAT PACCIFIC GARBAGE PATCH AND OTHER... Suggest a discussion 03/2/24 The student that really made me think differently is valuable_journalist . he/she made me... Competition #2 winners 02/2/24 I strongly disagree with opinion A because a prison is a place where people pay up for the sins... What if prisons aren’t working? 02/2/24 I saw that most of the comments here align with option A and C, however I personally feel that I... AI accident: who is responsible? 02/2/24 This is actually a quite engaging and interesting question which acts as food for our brain. In... Age restrictions 01/2/24 Today, we had a debate about this topic in our class where the students were divided into 2... Too much negative news? 31/1/24 The way I see it, prisons usually serves two main purposes out of these five that is the purpose... What’s the purpose of prisons? 30/1/24 In my perspective governments should focus more on preventing crime ,this actually is the ideal... Prevention or protection? 30/1/24 I strongly agree with your viewpoint and as a fellow Indian I myself have noticed that many... Why don’t people change? 30/1/24 If we are ready to take away resources as gifts from our mother earth then we should also be... How to make a change 30/1/24 < 1 2 3 4 >