Comments by forgiving_hedgehog

Comment Post Date
So, separating the two type of wastes is very beneficial and has reduced the load of rag... How to make a change 31/1/24
India has been taking a lot of steps to ensure that the environment is protected since long. For... How to make a change 30/1/24
I think there are a lot of reasons as to why people wouldn't change their behaviour and help the... Why don’t people change? 30/1/24
I chose the option of showing only bad news to the people. If I wanted someone to take action... Too much negative news? 30/1/24
I scored 9/10 on this quiz. I learnt that around the world there's so much awareness about... Show what you know 29/1/24
I agree and respect your opinion on how AI could be risky too as it has access to our personal... Jobs of the future 29/1/24
I think Google Classroom is an example of how technology has changed our learning system. Since... AI and the future of education 29/1/24
This video made me think differently about AI. I learned that AI is being used for many amazing... An interview with Raman Rai 28/1/24
I think AI could be beneficial to both the teachers and the students in a lot of ways. For ex -... AI and the future of education 27/1/24
I think there should be a Hub Discussion post about how much access AI is given. Some people say... Suggest a discussion 27/1/24
Hi! I think one job that robots will be able to do better than humans in the future is that of... People v robots 27/1/24
Hello everyone! We conducted our classroom discussion on AI. We decided to engage in a fun... Classroom spy! 27/1/24
I strongly agree with you that AI might be needed in the field of cyber security in the future.... Jobs of the future 26/1/24
I am really curious about the future of AI. I wonder if it would bring more good in the society... What's your reaction? 26/1/24
I strongly agree with option c as schools are not just there to educate and make us learn... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24
If we rely too much on AI, it will consume us and we become habitual of it until we require it... Classroom spy! 25/1/24
The news story that caught my attention the most was Chandrayaan - 3's Vikram lander is now a... Competition #1 winners 24/1/24
I scored 15/16. This quiz made me realise how much I already know about AI but there's so much... Test your knowledge 24/1/24
I agree with you on what you said but I also feel that if we rely too much on AI we might get... Classroom spy! 24/1/24