Comments by highspirited_concept

Comment Post Date
I agree with you and many of these parents do this not because they don't want them to end up as... Gender inequality: have your say! 20/2/24
I agree with B , because at many times I feel that people aren't talking about equality but are... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 19/2/24
I feel it stereotypical that people feel men do not have enough social language with no factual... Are journalists the answer? 19/2/24
I agree and I would also like to add how these same businesses could be of help, for example a... Businesses v the environment 17/2/24
I strongly agree with option A because I feel everyone has a part to play in fixing a problem we... Businesses v the environment 17/2/24
I feel both public and private organizations could arrange seminars to both factually and... Why so divisive? 17/2/24
Yes, we had a similar class thought we also thought that every country should have their own... How did the lesson go? 14/2/24
I don't totally agree because if anyone is just allowed to live anywhere it would cause a lot of... What do you know about immigration policies? 14/2/24
In all honesty I feel sharing the actions of a candidate is good, aslong as it's not... Businesses and elections 13/2/24
I disagree because... This may cause many inconveniences for the people already living there as... What do you know about immigration policies? 13/2/24
Thank you for the suggestion, I really enjoy my new knowledge on the 'brain drain', I am... Fair or unfair? 13/2/24
I feel if someone has an opinion it is important for them to be heard, because if that person... Why so divisive? 12/2/24
I agree with you but it's not always good to immigrate, as this would cause the country that is... Why are there rules about immigration? 12/2/24
I agree with you and I also think that if there are too many immigrants it also affects, their... Fair or unfair? 12/2/24
I agree because... not only would many people depend on you as employees but even your... Countries behaving badly 09/2/24
I think the topic on climate change and business link the most, they both help me see the bigger... Competition #3 winners 08/2/24
I'm with you on this idea, and not only does it help us be better members of that community but... Responsible citizens 08/2/24
I agree with you on the matter of voting itself, but I feel even with this they should not be... Businesses and elections 08/2/24
I'm not sure about this because, even when they dropped Kanye West their profit would be... The business and politics quiz 08/2/24
I'm not sure about this because... when a business chooses a face they are choosing the person... The “face” of a business 07/2/24