persuasive_starfruit has not published standpoints yet. Comments by persuasive_starfruit Comment Post Date Comment: I think that the media is good for election because I think that a citizens of our respective... Post: The media and elections Date: 08/3/24 Comment: I think that these advantages are fair because for example if you have long limbs or access to... Post: Unfair advantage? Date: 06/3/24 Comment: Hello, the topic I think would be interesting for us to discus is the effect of drugs on young... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 06/3/24 Comment: I personally believe that when dealing with a problem such as stereotypes, we should face it... Post: Stereotypes Date: 05/3/24 Comment: I agree with Opinion D because when we talk about gender inequality, we don't just mean that... Post: International Women’s Day: good or bad? Date: 05/3/24 Comment: I agree with B because, sports has always been about hard work and skill and to show the result... Post: What do you think about the Enhanced Games? Date: 04/3/24 Comment: I disagree with your comment. You said 'no on is forcing women to stay at home unemployed' But... Post: Gender inequality: have your say! Date: 04/3/24 Comment: I was surprised at the fact that women are paid less than men and it it because there doesn't... Post: Gender inequality: have your say! Date: 04/3/24 Comment: I think that the reason that people have different opinions about immigration policies based on... Post: Why so divisive? Date: 14/2/24 Comment: I personally think that we should not leave the responsibility of stopping climate change to the... Post: Climate change and inequality Date: 09/2/24 Comment: 12/12 I was quite impressed about the number of successful and well known business's involvement... Post: The business and politics quiz Date: 06/2/24 Comment: I don't entirely agree with you because in some cases, it is not the 'face' of thee brand that... Post: The “face” of a business Date: 06/2/24 Comment: I think that a brand should have some control of the 'face' of the brand because the person... Post: The “face” of a business Date: 06/2/24 Comment: I as a business owner would withdraw from doing business in Country A because although I have... Post: Countries behaving badly Date: 06/2/24 Comment: I respectfully disagree with you and I don't think that we should be classifying prisoners as... Post: What if prisons aren’t working? Date: 02/2/24 Comment: I disagree because I think that the main reason should be to teach the prisoners how to be... Post: What’s the purpose of prisons? Date: 02/2/24 Comment: One of the topics I think we should be discussing is Bullying. I picked this topic because I... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 02/2/24 Comment: I agree with opinion A because an AI cannot be held responsible for any mistakes they make... Post: AI accident: who is responsible? Date: 02/2/24 Comment: I agree with you and I do think that although women have been included in many things such as... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 01/2/24 Comment: I believe there are several reasons why people refuse to change, some being; people prefer... Post: Why don’t people change? Date: 01/2/24 View more >