Comments by reliable_lobster

Comment Post Date
I completely agree with you that businesses should have the ability to provide a platform for... Businesses and elections 28/2/24
Hello everyone, I was thinking about a topic that I believe could be interesting to discuss.... Suggest a discussion 28/2/24
I agree that when it comes to the planet, it is everybody's responsibility. I am well aware of... Businesses v the environment 27/2/24
Hi! Today in our class, we had a very interesting discussion on the topic of gender equality... Did you do the classroom lesson? 27/2/24
I am not sure because I believe that it is essential to give women the same opportunities as men... Selam Gebrekidan: this topic’s poll! 25/2/24
I received a score of 9 out of 10 for my work on gender pay inequality. My comment focused on... The women in media quiz 25/2/24
It's great to hear you agree on the importance of taking action on environmental issues.... Businesses v the environment 24/2/24
Hello Siriliya @ The Economist, When it comes to combating bias in our daily lives, it's... Who has the power to stop social bias? 24/2/24
Hi, inventive signature. I believe you gave some good points, but I would like to state... What are the benefits of immigration? 23/2/24
Hello everyone! In my country, most girls are trained to become housewives and are not given... Who has the power to stop social bias? 23/2/24
Hi Polite King, you made some great points. However, I believe that immigrants could potentially... What are the benefits of immigration? 22/2/24
I agree with you because gender discrimination is a widespread issue that exists not only in my... Gender inequality: have your say! 22/2/24
The statement that I agree with is "Everything around us affects women just as much as it... “Nations that fail women, fail.” 21/2/24
Celebrating Women's Day is essential to boost women's confidence and give them hope that gender... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 21/2/24
In my opinion, women are portrayed as figures in the media. One such example was stated by... Do you feel represented? 20/2/24
I totally agree that journalists can be a powerful force in inspiring change and promoting... Are journalists the answer? 20/2/24
Hi everyone! Since students are the future, they will need to be influenced positively to... Who has the power to stop social bias? 19/2/24
Hi Charismatic Squid. You stated some great points, but I would like to disagree with you... Businesses v the environment 19/2/24
Hi Clever Peach! I love your comment and the examples gave but can you give an example of AI... Will AI transform the emerging world? 18/2/24
Hi everyone! I think some of the problems journalists face are: 1. Bribery: Most journalists... Challenges to journalists 18/2/24