Comments by students of Choithram School | India Student Comment Post Date interesting_beaver Scoring 10/10 in the quiz brought back memories of my childhood fascination with elections in my... The elections quiz 13/3/24 active_clarinet Yes, thankful olive this totally true that nothing should be said as waste and we can use all... AI and the planet 13/3/24 triumphant_snow I agree with the argument B Well it not only means that it seems unfair that those who do not... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 13/3/24 triumphant_snow Indeed immigrants can be beneficial to a country. Many unskilled migrants help as labour in... Benefits of Immigrants to a Country 13/3/24 loved_thought I completely agree with you because if any prisoner escapes it doesn't mean that they deserve to... What if prisons aren’t working? 13/3/24 loved_thought I think security should be the priority of a prison officer because if, like in Ecuador, any... What’s the purpose of prisons? 13/3/24 communicative_engine Hi! I believe if the parties choose to form a coalition government after the election, that... How does the Indian election work? 13/3/24 benevolent_groundhog I believe that the media is good for elections. It makes us aware of what various parties are... The media and elections 13/3/24 loved_strawberry I think people should all the news that is somehow related to the works done by just political... The media and elections 13/3/24 benevolent_groundhog The following would be a few things I would like the leader of my country to do - Invest more... “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” 12/3/24 loved_strawberry I think there should be a hub discussion post on the reality of accessibility of the basic needs... Suggest a discussion 12/3/24 terrific_gooseberry I think it's not one person's work or effort that would help us stop these bias like everyone... Who has the power to stop social bias? 12/3/24 communicative_engine Yes, this system is fair, and it's important not to view it through the lens that 60% of the... How does the Indian election work? 12/3/24 terrific_gooseberry I think it's important for young people to learn about AI in the News because we all are aware... Competition #8 winners 12/3/24 empathetic_opportunity A business has the power to change and influence the perspective of people towards different... How could businesses make positive change? 12/3/24 communicative_moose Media is a special and best tool for common people to know more about the happenings in their... The media and elections 12/3/24 lovable_tangerine Nice comment funny_fish. Yes I agree that it may not be worth taking the risk but, having a look... Enchanced games! Is it worth taking the risk? 12/3/24 daring_tornado I think AI would create more jobs than it would replace. It's the same cause which was with... Will AI transform the emerging world? 12/3/24 empowered_flute I got a 7/10. It's not a great score, but surely one that reflects how little awareness I have.... The elections quiz 12/3/24 empowered_flute Thank you for reading my comment. I found this information in an article by The Hindu who... Suggest a discussion 12/3/24 < 1 2 3 4 … 55 56 >