Standpoints by amicable_duck Written by: amicable_duck Nepotism and its impacts. 18 May 2023 1 comments Comments by amicable_duck Comment Post Date Comment: These results were predictable, as most people stand for workers rights, and without workers our... Post: Strikes poll results! Date: 21/5/23 Comment: AI can cause problems of impersonation or identity fraud, as you can change your voice to... Post: Photos and voices Date: 21/5/23 Comment: I learned lots about nepotism, and the repercussions of nepotism in our society and the world. ... Post: Tell us what you think! Date: 21/5/23 Comment: The concern of AI in art is valid because with AI the future of person-generated art may die,... Post: Artists are not happy with the existence of AI Date: 19/5/23 Comment: I agree with you, as there should be no reason strikers should even be pushed to start a strike,... Post: Strikes : Causes and it's solutions Date: 19/5/23 Comment: I agree, as royals can bring in money through multiple ways, and raise the economy of a country... Post: Thoughts on Royals and Their Role in Society" Date: 19/5/23 Comment: I agree, as strikes can cause multiple societal and safety issues in our world, but in the long... Post: The strike between the government and the demands Date: 18/5/23 Comment: I agree as the CEO or founder of the metaverse is not a single person, there will be lots of... Post: who is in control?! Date: 18/5/23 Comment: As it is a government mandated holiday, everyone should have access to it whether you support... Post: Not for everyone? Date: 18/5/23 Comment: I agree with you as royalty is a touchy topic, as there is no right or wrong answer. Some may... Post: Does the modern world need royals? does America? Date: 16/5/23 Comment: Corruption is a despicable thing that if left alone long enough can "corrupt" our world. When... Post: Corruption is a tool that destroys society. Date: 16/5/23 Comment: My answer to the first question is that this court case can change things by creating awareness... Post: Climate change in court Date: 16/5/23 Comment: I was inspired by Tina and her fascination for stories and news. I loved how she couldn't find a... Post: Tina answers your questions! Date: 15/5/23 Comment: I think idea 1 would have the least impact on nepotism, and idea 5 would have the greatest... Post: What should be done? Date: 15/5/23 Comment: I agree with you as there should be no reason that workers should go on strike in the first... Post: STRIKES: The decision for vital workers Date: 15/5/23 Comment: I agree with all of these, as equality is very important for workplaces to thrive and succeed.... Post: "Fairness in the Workplace: Understanding the Impact of Favoritism and Strategies for Promoting Equality" Date: 11/5/23 Comment: Children who are born into nepotism don't appreciate the value of money and may fail in other... Post: Is nepotism acceptable? Date: 11/5/23 Comment: I agree with your opinion, as nepotism might make those not as privileged feel as if they might... Post: Nepotism is a monster that has taken over human minds Date: 11/5/23 Comment: The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the... Post: Competition #5 Standpoint skills Date: 11/5/23 Comment: I scored a 9 on the quiz. I learned about the good and bad about royalty, and what it... Post: Test your knowledge Date: 02/5/23 View more >