Standpoints by blithesome_pie Written by: blithesome_pie WHY STRIKE??? 13 May 2023 3 comments Comments by blithesome_pie Comment Post Date Comment: What is AI artwork? Artificial intelligence is the field of science which works to build... Post: Will AI art destory the art world? Date: 21/5/23 Comment: I agree because... corruption is on the rise and we can see how it is affecting us today,... Post: Corruption is a tool that destroys society. Date: 14/5/23 Comment: Equality is very important for us to be able to abolish or put an end to this epidemic called... Post: Equality Date: 14/5/23 Comment: Most people mistake nepotism to be love , care, support and encouragement but we have to let... Post: Nepotism a natural tendency Date: 12/5/23 Comment: AI is not worthy to be called an artist. Fine, I agree people who produce art are called artists... Post: Is AI an artist?? Date: 12/5/23 Comment: I think that strike is a means of communication that workers have found to communicate to their... Post: "Perspectives on Strikes: What's Your Stance?" Date: 12/5/23 Comment: Which Festival topic am I most passionate about??? Earth Day: tougher climate laws. I really... Post: STEP ONE: do the lessons, pick a Standpoint topic Date: 10/5/23 Comment: My opinion on royals and media is that royals should be allowed to choose what they want to be... Post: Royal responses Date: 09/5/23 Comment: I agree with you because to me the monarchy system of government is not really well structured... Post: The role of royals Date: 09/5/23 Comment: We also suffer from corruption in my country too especially in our political sector, which... Post: Join a discussion! Date: 09/5/23 Comment: Nepotism starts when a person in power gives his or her relative or close friend a position over... Post: Where does nepotism start? Date: 09/5/23 Comment: Nepotism is the act of granting an advantage, privilege, or position to relatives or close... Post: Nepotism poll results! Date: 09/5/23 Comment: The skill I have chosen to focus on is listening. Listening is important for understanding the... Post: Competition #5 Standpoint skills Date: 08/5/23 Comment: AI has a lot of success stories because of the number of benefits it has. Like, in the... Post: AI poll results! Date: 06/5/23 Comment: I agree because... most employers take advantage of dedicated workers by infringing on their... Post: Lessons learned! Date: 06/5/23 Comment: I agree because...together we have to make the world a better place, that's why each year on... Post: Balanced discussions on the Hub Date: 04/5/23 Comment: AI catalyzes human creativity .Artificial intelligence (AI) can lead us to new insights and... Post: Thinking questions Date: 04/5/23 Comment: Personally, I feel it is each of both. It is a good thing that AI can produce art but it also... Post: Thinking questions Date: 04/5/23 Comment: I totally agree with you I because artist have a right to copyright so I feel like AI has to... Post: Inspiration... or stealing? Date: 03/5/23 Comment: Although, AI has it's disadvantages which is normal because every thing has it's own... Post: AI poll results! Date: 03/5/23 View more >