capable_seal has not published standpoints yet. Comments by capable_seal Comment Post Date The word I chose is guessing that when you follow a news, you can guess what will happen, and... #27 One word! 29/3/22 Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson is an American scientist who pioneered telephone line identification... #25 Best inventions! 14/3/22 My country is successful because there are a lot of males and females in Gaza work in private... #24 Success stories! 04/3/22 The fictional character I chose is Batman from the Justice Team and from a book called Bruce... #22 Escape the pages! 22/2/22 If I were a news reporter, I would do a report on the importance of preserving forests. This... #21 You choose the news! 11/2/22 Picture X would be best icon for news app because The world is a small village .Whenever you... #20 The winning icon 04/2/22 To Person B, I completely agree with you, because watching the news on television contributes to... #19 Respond! 31/1/22 I found the word (world) and this word is related to the news because the news deals with all... #18 Search and say! 24/1/22 Well, if I have a million dollars I will campaign in the streets to serve drinks to people... #17 Hey big spender! 14/1/22 What news stories might we see in 2022?? There will be life on planets other than Earth, and a... #16 Wheel decide! 05/1/22 The events of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood war and the people of Gaza standing next to them. #15 Headline of 2021 10/12/21 I would like to interview Mrs. Malala to ask her this question: What are the security concerns... #14 Interview who? 06/12/21 It is important for me to talk about the news because I think it is difficult to live your life... #13 You and the news 25/11/21 If l were the leader of my country The first promise is that I will give the unemployed and... #12 Important promises 22/11/21 I think that picture D is the one that is related to the news because it gives the house a... #10 Pick a picture 08/11/21 The news : T/Teach yourself how to think . H / Hand of truth has no hand above it . E/... #8 The News 22/10/21 I liked this sentence (try to learn from a lot of very samart People )for Mr Al Gore because it... #7 Share the expertise 19/10/21 I listened to Dhruti Chakravarhti The most important thing she said is to build and develop the... #7 Share the expertise 18/10/21 Palestine suffers from the problem of constant power cuts, which has led to the suspension of... #5 Innovation for your nation! 11/10/21