communicative_moose has not published standpoints yet. Comments by communicative_moose Comment Post Date Comment: I don't think elections should take place while a country is at war as elections at first cause... Post: Should countries hold elections during wartime? Date: 17/3/24 Comment: As a citizen, I want my country's leader to - 1. spend money on educating people 2. expanding... Post: “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” Date: 15/3/24 Comment: In my thought process, somewhere I feel that this system is fair as it might be possible you... Post: How does the Indian election work? Date: 14/3/24 Comment: Media is a special and best tool for common people to know more about the happenings in their... Post: The media and elections Date: 12/3/24 Comment: I believe that an athlete shouldn't have drugs before playing a sports competition because this... Post: Should people know? Date: 29/2/24 Comment: I agree with option B. The things women do should not be only appreciated on womens... Post: International Women’s Day: good or bad? Date: 24/2/24 Comment: In my point of view , women's football can be in a spotlight with the help of media , help of... Post: Women's sport Date: 17/2/24 Comment: In my point of view , there are alot of other types of leather like cactus leather , mushroom... Post: Animal rights Date: 16/2/24 Comment: I would like to comment on 'too young'. Lately in my surroundings i have noticed that the... Post: Too old, too young, not enough, too much Date: 13/2/24 Comment: In my opinion AI is both helpful and a trouble for the teachers. If we talk about AI helping... Post: Classroom spy! Date: 09/2/24 Comment: In my opinion, the age limit for voting in election should be 18 years only, as in that time of... Post: Age restrictions Date: 06/2/24 Comment: I could find a plethora of climate change reminders, about 44. I do come across such reminders... Post: Climate change: regular reminders Date: 04/2/24 Comment: I would describe my country (India) as picture C. India is a densely populated area so managing... Post: Climate change in your country Date: 03/2/24 Comment: Adaptation Clinic is a mind blowing project. Looking onto it, i perceived that this project has... Post: How to make a change Date: 02/2/24 Comment: A magnificent initiative that caught my eye is SoULS. Solar Urja through Localization for... Post: How to make a change Date: 02/2/24 Comment: People aren't changing their behavior to protect the planet. I strongly agree with this... Post: Why don’t people change? Date: 02/2/24 Comment: Hi, I'm worried about the future of us humans and AI as I feel that AI is disconnecting us... Post: What's your reaction? Date: 29/1/24 Comment: I believe that AI ethicist is a job that AI can create as we humans have feelings and a sense of... Post: Jobs of the future Date: 29/1/24 Comment: I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "Is AI safe for human civilization? ". This... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 26/1/24 Comment: The news that caught my eye was about the Uttarakhand Tunnel Collapse and rescue mission where... Post: Competition #1 winners Date: 26/1/24