Comments by educated_revolution

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In my perspective, I believe that taking performance- enhancing drugs doesn't define your... Should people know? 28/2/24
Indeed, international games can be extremely beneficial for people from every regionality and... Which sports “matter”? 27/2/24
Well, if I had the opportunity to create my own game, I would want for several rules to be... You make the rules! 26/2/24
I firmly concur with you and I was also astounded by this quote. Although a woman has to face... Gender inequality: have your say! 25/2/24
Despite the obvious that reproduction wouldn't be possible and consequently children wouldn't... Suggest a discussion 25/2/24
I would rate the contribution of journalists to elimination of gender discriminations a 8 out of... Are journalists the answer? 25/2/24
It is common knowledge that women have contributed positively to various sectors with their... Suggest a discussion 25/2/24
In the quiz above, I scored 9/10. There were many interesting facts about equality and the... The women in media quiz 24/2/24
I think that the responsibility for stopping social bias rests on everyone's effort but mainly... Who has the power to stop social bias? 24/2/24
I concur with opinion B and C. To begin with the former, just thinking about a women's issue... “Nations that fail women, fail.” 23/2/24
I concur with opinion A as International Women's day is a great manner to celebrate women's... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 23/2/24
In my perspective it is generally accepted that women have to cope with more multitasks, such as... Gender inequality: have your say! 21/2/24
I disagree with this belief and in my perspective, it is very discriminative and it also comes... Selam Gebrekidan: this topic’s poll! 20/2/24
One of the most pivotal issues that every woman have to face is the inability to harmonize their... Suggest a discussion 20/2/24
Taking into account all four options, I believe that the most compelling one is A. Particularly,... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 20/2/24
After viewing all three options, I have come to the conclusion that the one that could radical... Reformation 18/2/24
Hello, After considering all options, I have come to the deduction that the most compelling... Prison staff 18/2/24
I firmly agree with your very compelling and convincing perspective which is being illustrated... Businesses v the environment 18/2/24
Hello, From all the quotes above, the two that drew my attention and made me overthink is... "Climate anxiety is a failure of the systems of power." 18/2/24
In my view, boycotting has both pros and cons both of which are illustrated by compelling and... Are boycotts helpful? 16/2/24