Standpoints by glad_outcome Written by: glad_outcome Substitutes to PED's 17 March 2024 0 comments Written by: glad_outcome The Cure to Eco-Anxiety 07 March 2024 22 comments Comments by glad_outcome Comment Post Date Comment: Honestly, I believe that the original Olympics are better than the enhanced games because the... Post: The Enhanced Games: are they better than the Olympics? Date: 20/3/24 Comment: YES, this was what I expected. Someone who has doped, should have no other choice but to reveal... Post: Performance-enhancing drugs: poll results! Date: 17/3/24 Comment: I would actually say that different people actually react to eco-anxiety differently because the... Post: Eco Anxiety: Is it the same for everyone? Date: 17/3/24 Comment: I concur. AI has a lot of negative aspects, but they are commonly overlooked because AI is a... Post: The undermined side effects of AI on the user Date: 14/3/24 Comment: I have never really supported the usage of drugs in sports, and the enhanced games have brought... Post: Unfair Games Date: 14/3/24 Comment: I concur with you. Instead of creating divisive immigration laws, richer and more advanced... Post: Helping countries stop migration Date: 14/3/24 Comment: I agree. People need somewhere where they can relax and connect with nature, and a city park... Post: City Parks: Nature's Places In Busy Cities Date: 14/3/24 Comment: Well, the Open Ballot System is the system of elections which Nigeria is currently using. It... Post: How does the Indian election work? Date: 13/3/24 Comment: Hi, I believe that development of prisons can actually lead to the rehabilitation. The cleaner... Post: Make prisons better for better people! Date: 13/3/24 Comment: To be honest, I do not think the risk is worthwhile. Doping has detrimental consequences on the... Post: Enchanced games! Is it worth taking the risk? Date: 12/3/24 Comment: Hello, Artificial intelligence (AI) has a lot to give the workplace and educational sectors of... Post: HOW CAN AI CHANGE THE WORLD OF JOBS AND EDUCATION Date: 12/3/24 Comment: Hi, The impacts of immigration laws are actually more negative than anything, but when I come... Post: The impact of divisive immigration policies on society Date: 11/3/24 Comment: Hi, I think that the best way to deal with AI is by applying moderation in the application of... Post: How should we deal with AI? Date: 11/3/24 Comment: I agree. Businesses have manipulative power, and this power is mainly used for good when it... Post: How Businesses Can Impact The Turnout Of A vote. Date: 11/3/24 Comment: Hello, I have chosen: OPTION B: “Countries should have more than one leader if it has a big... Post: How would you respond? Date: 11/3/24 Comment: Well, honestly, I think that the best way to reintegrate people back into the society is as easy... Post: Supporting ex-prisoners to reintegrate into the society Date: 11/3/24 Comment: I'm not sure about this because... businesses should actually prioritize their profit over... Post: Profits or the planet? Date: 10/3/24 Comment: I think that the major advantage of children learning programming at a young age is... Post: The Importance of Learning Coding at a Young Age Date: 10/3/24 Comment: I agree because... Believing is a crucial step in making things work. If you try the first time... Post: The Cure to Eco-Anxiety Date: 09/3/24 Comment: Hello, Honestly, what I think about this system is that it is quite primitive. Indians as a... Post: How does the Indian election work? Date: 09/3/24 View more >