Comments by students of Elite Scholars Academy B | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
ingenious_owl I think the agreement is both fair and unfair. If there are too many immigrants, the amount of... Fair or unfair? 23/2/24
insightful_idea I agree with opinion A. International Women's Day should be celebrated as women have impacted... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 23/2/24
objective_persimmon To provide evidence for my claim: For example, during the 2011 earthquake in Japan, the lack of... Responsible citizens 23/2/24
motivated_rainforest I agree with your comment because vehicles are the #1 transport device, but also near #1... How to make a change 23/2/24
hardworking_hippopotamus Hey enthusiastic honeydew, I'm really glad you decided to share this! But I disagree with you... Reformation 23/2/24
hardworking_hippopotamus I think the option that offers the best opportunity for prisoners to change for the better is... Reformation 23/2/24
free_armadillo I somewhat disagree with this comment. Yes, there is a problem with immigrants coming... Fair or unfair? 22/2/24
miraculous_yuzu I personally feel that it lies in citizens themselves children have there own opinions but are... Who has the power to stop social bias? 22/2/24
discreet_harmonica Hey steady_studio! I'm not so sure about this. First, I do agree that having more prison staff... Prison staff 22/2/24
engaging_twilight HI peaceful_mode and topical talkers I agree with you because many journalists want to publish... Challenges to journalists 22/2/24
miraculous_yuzu I think opinions A and C are spot on, which state that women play a crucial role in the growth... “Nations that fail women, fail.” 22/2/24
engaging_twilight Hello, On a scale from 1-10, I'd give this statement an 8. Well, it's not that I think that it... Are journalists the answer? 22/2/24
daring_passionfruit Yes. I think that everyone deserves their basic human right to voice their opinion, don't you... Suggest a discussion 22/2/24
inspirational_opinion Countries have rules and policies about immigrants due to concerns of diversity, protection,... Why are there rules about immigration? 22/2/24
motivated_rainforest I agree with your comment because just because you do not have many resources, you can still... Climate change and inequality 22/2/24
hardworking_hippopotamus Hello Topical Talk! In the future, AI will definitely be used a lot more, so it will have an... Will AI transform the emerging world? 22/2/24
insightful_idea I agree articulate moment! Opinion A is what I agree with because women throughout history and... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 22/2/24
sympathetic_penguin The information that surprises me mostly is the pay average that men make compared to how much a... Gender inequality: have your say! 22/2/24
sympathetic_penguin I agree with your comment because with the stereotypes of women in media are considered, “not as... Do you feel represented? 22/2/24
sympathetic_penguin The woman from the news I would like to celebrate is, Oprah Winfrey. She is a influential black... Competition #5 winners 22/2/24