Comments by students of Rex Mill Middle STEM School A | United States of America Student Comment Post Date kind_seahorse These photos are so amazing you guys should take more. These photos can teach the values of life. Festival snapshots! 16/2/24 kind_seahorse These photos are great.These photos show that you don’t need electronic devices to have fun in... Festival snapshots! 16/2/24 kind_seahorse I feel like the first one aka the one that has to do with banks is needed because that can... Fair or unfair? 16/2/24 allowing_editor Historys of migration and integration are reminders of the amazing abilities of humans to adapt... How did the lesson go? 15/2/24 powerful_clarinet In my country, a dog race was held, this consisted of the duels running with their dogs. The... Animal rights 15/2/24 powerful_clarinet Immigrants help the country a lot. The most important way in which a country could benefit from... What are the benefits of immigration? 15/2/24 fearless_boysenberry Many people don't care about global issues that affect various types of environments. They don't... Why don’t people change? 15/2/24 fearless_boysenberry A topic that I'd like to talk about is "Flying Cars". I would like to discuss this topic because... Suggest a discussion 15/2/24 communicative_twilight In my opinion, I feel like if everybody had AI bot I feel like life would be a little easier for... AI and the future of education 14/2/24 communicative_twilight I believe if a celebrity is the face of a company the company should have some control of what... The “face” of a business 14/2/24 adaptable_flute I think a great caption would be "Reviving the Earth" Caption this! 13/2/24 fearless_boysenberry It is important to not just come up with your own thoughts and opinions on situations but to... Why so divisive? 13/2/24 fearless_boysenberry The topic I'd really like to suggest is "Sex Education". I chose this topic because Generation... Suggest a discussion 13/2/24 powerful_memory I think Businesses, can help make a positive change because it can help us learn new things. It... How could businesses make positive change? 13/2/24 congenial_leopard The United kingdom has decided to send immigrants back to where they came from, and honestly the... Poll: the UK’s Rwanda Bill 12/2/24 adaptable_flute I think there should be a Hub discussion post about firearms and how easy it is to get. Because... Suggest a discussion 12/2/24 adaptable_flute I think Punishment and security matter the most because prison is supposed to be a punishment... What’s the purpose of prisons? 09/2/24 allowing_editor Should young people be involved in business and politics?? Suggest a discussion 09/2/24 gutsy_alligator i haven't heard or seen someone to keep the planet clean It was probably a long time ago. People... How to make a change 09/2/24 altruistic_independence "Too old" is used to indicate something or someone that has reached an age where they are... Too old, too young, not enough, too much 09/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >