Comments by students of Thurgood Marshall Elementary School | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
playful_raisin I agree with the answer being C because, in the United States of America and more continents... Climate change in your country 08/2/24
lovable_camel Hi! I did a really fun activity for eco- Anxiety. What we did was everybody in the class got a... Report back 08/2/24
upbeat_temperature I think that animal cruelty is bad.Animals are pets not fur hats.No animal should be treated... Animal rights 08/2/24
involved_hummingbird I think that the United Kingdom needs to stop using animals to make their fur hats. Animals are... Animal rights 08/2/24
dependable_cricket In my opinion I think that AI might take over the world in the future. I say this because almost... What's your reaction? 08/2/24
plucky_signature I think AI is more good than bad for the planet because AI can be programmed to do good things... AI and the planet 08/2/24
consistent_crow Well in the lesson me and my peers had about AI. In the lesson, we had to get a blue card or a... Classroom spy! 08/2/24
upbeat_climate Even though AI has made people lose their jobs, Al has also made new jobs, created new jobs, and... Jobs of the future 08/2/24
lovable_camel In my opinion I agree with choice (A) the most and disagree with (C) the most. I agree with... AI accident: who is responsible? 08/2/24
stupendous_snow I believe it would be a bad decision for AI to be on the hub, my reason for this is that if AI... AI bots on the Hub? 08/2/24
stupendous_snow I completely agree because with how amazing and unique artificial intelligence is today I... Will schools exist in future? 08/2/24
positive_engineer I would agree with point A and partially with C. I chose those 2 options because they're both... AI accident: who is responsible? 08/2/24
allowing_starfruit I disagree because... While sharing the negative news about climate change could help, it is... Too much negative news? 08/2/24
steady_studio I do not think it would be a good idea if the real adults on the Hub were replaced by AI. This... AI bots on the Hub? 08/2/24
steady_studio I think everybody is responsible to help stop climate change because everyone should want to... Climate change and inequality 08/2/24
steady_studio I honestly think AI will be more bad than good for the planet, because AI will more than likely... AI and the planet 08/2/24
committed_speech Enough people aren't changing their behaviour to protect the planet for several reasons. One... Why don’t people change? 08/2/24
sincere_apple In my opinion, staying informed about local news helps you become more responsible and active in... Responsible citizens 07/2/24
amazing_whale I agree with option A the most and option C the least and here is why. I agree with option A... AI accident: who is responsible? 07/2/24
introspective_grape I think people should know that in 1942 around 60% of the jobs now did not exist and how that is... Test your knowledge 07/2/24