Competition #5 Journalism jobs
15 December 2022
Winners announced!
Thank you to everyone who entered the competition this week - it was great to see how many of you might like to work in journalism in future.
The winners this time are...
polite_eagle of Lyons Hall Primary School E in the United Kingdom,
noble_grapefruit of Elite Scholars Academy A in the United States of America
and amicable_independence of Scoris International School in Uganda
Well done!
It’s time to start working on your standpoints! And to make sure they are judged fairly once you’ve submitted them, we’ve asked some top experts from The Economist to help. Each standpoint judge has a different area of expertise: Henry Tricks is a fantastic writer, Harriet Shawcross is a whizz at making films and John Prideaux is awesome at audio.
This got us thinking. What area of journalism might suit you best?
This week’s competition comes in two easy steps.
STEP ONE: work through the quiz below to find out which type of journalism you might prefer based on which skills come most naturally to you
STEP TWO: Let us know your result in the comments! You should say whether you agree or disagree with the result and why. Would you like to have a job in news one day? Why or why not?
You could phrase your answer like this: “In the quiz, I got XXX. I agree/disagree with the result because… . I would/would not like to work in news in future because…”
The deadline for entries is Friday 2nd December. Good luck!
Comments (141)
I was replied that "You would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show!"
I agree because in this position I would be able to publish many exciting and touching storiesthat can change people's lives and elevate their position I can also publish article that can be used by students to pass exams and help to teach them some more skills like make there problem solving skills more bigger than before I can also help to reassure some teenagers that are facing some problems and to help pass through there problems. I can also be able to teach some people like presenter the skills of how to solve problems in such a good way that can not hard others I will also be able to inspire some children to this job or give them tips of how to conduct them selves till success. In this job I can also have a chance to know if everything around the world and I can get to discuss my options to the public. I can also be able to get interviews with a lot of people and know there views about everything. -
The work of journalism is wonderful and beautiful. I discovered that I am a skilled speaker. I can express my opinion freely and say it frankly and boldly. That is why I chose to work as a journalist.
In the quiz, I got "You would make an excellent TV news presenter or news podcaster". I disagree with the result because I am a shy person by nature, am not comfortable speaking in the presence of large audience except from family members, my class mate and a few other friends. Since am not a public speaker I use the opportunity in expressing my ideas and showing of the new things I have learnt or come across online or somewhere . I would not like to work in news in future because I actually have a passion that is related to the entertainment sector which is being a Music Producer, I would have loved to be a musician but it has to do with public appearance and that is what I try to avoid as much as possible. I would not mind working in the photographical aspect of the news because i have a personal interest for photography.
I agree with the results of the short test and they were as follows: You will work as an excellent TV news presenter or news anchor, speaking comes naturally to you. You love letting people know what you think. And sharing your ideas with others and you love knowing what is happening and confirming the reasons by means of examples.. In my opinion, I got this result because I really want to work in the field of journalism and media. It is a very interesting and positive field. It increases self-confidence. I speak my opinion without fear, even if I was really a broadcaster. I will talk about the Palestinian cause, and I can leave a positive imprint on the hearts of children and youth, like the late presenter Sherine Abu Aqleh, as she is the one who planted in my heart a love of journalism, speaking to the camera, and positive dissemination of news. I can also raise awareness about my world and talk about what is happening in it, and about the dangers of using the press in Inhumane purposes and spreading rumors with the aim of sowing discord and bad things. The presenters are an example to some. I believe that journalism is one of the most important fields because it controls everything.
In the Quiz, I got "You would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show!" which I agree.
I would like to have a job in news one day because I am patient listener. I love to hear others perspective. I would like to do my homework before posting about something. I wait for others to comment or air their views. I love reading. I would like to express myself through words. Unless I am convinced, I know for sure that what I write or express is correct, I won't post it.
Anything that could bring a positive impact and problem solving, I am in. -
The result of his test was brilliant and fact-checking I agree with this conclusion because I am really a person who likes to be sure News by knowing all its facts and I like to research things that impress me And know more about it but I don't want to work in news in the future I may have talent in this field, but the difference is natural Not all of us are inclined to the same thing even if I have the abilities But I tend to be in the areas that I love and have goals that I want to achieve I believe in the phrase "do what you love so you can love what you do".
In the quiz i got You will make a great editor for a newspaper, magazine or news program!
I agree with the result, One of the most important tools to be a successful editor is to be good at expression, and this is what I see in myself, especially since I have the talent of writing, and the ability to simplify the news with a simple example that is easy to understand,Also, I am one of the people who constantly develop themselves, and I always try to think about how to link popular inventions in the development of modern communication,And I have a good listening skill in conferences and interviews that enables me to give an appropriate and quick response, and in press clarifications, I will make sure to use the weapon of questions well, as we use it here in the global conversation when asking questions to experts,I also have a personality that combines a sense of humor to consolidate relationships with people, a fertility of imagination and a breadth of perception that supports the accuracy of the article, and empathy. -
In testing, I knew I was better at speaking journalism based on my skills at speaking frequently in the news.
I agreed with the outcome because I knew that I could wait for others to share their thoughts so they might think something different, and that when I read a news story that contained fact you had never heard before, I checked the source of the information before I decided what to do.
Would you like to have a job in the news one day? Why and why not? My answer is I don't want a job in the news but I would like a job in medicine. -
I got 'TV News Presenter or News Podcaster' I firmly agree to this I love talking to people. It is a gift I got from my dad, he is a motivational speaker and a book writer, growing up I was always told by my mom and all my teachers I had a gift of speech, when was just 9 years old was was picked to work in a radio station. A couple of months back I was picked at random to present a spoken word ,I was so scared because I had never done one before but as soon as I got on stage I stole the spotlight not only because I had practiced but because it was an inborn talent . Recently I have been invited to different event to speak . I would like to work with the news actually because it is a place were I can express my true self and my true gift and my talent is shown to the world and it is better for people that have passion for news to work with the news. ' Good things come to those who Believe ,Better things come to those who are Patient and the Best Things come to those who DO NOT GIVE UP ' From today I will work on my gift and never give up.
Yes Water and Electricity Services Access to clean, safe and secure water resources is an essential precondition for the prosperity of local communities. While access to water and sanitation is often considered a necessity in developed countries, many people around the world are denied this basic right every day. Historically, the single largest contributor to human life has been the separation of drinking water from people's. Building health infrastructure has enabled communities and, by extension, economies to thrive, without the burden of waterborne diseases. Today, however, a staggering 1 billion people still do not have access to improved sanitation, despite the fact that it would reduce disease and child mortality.
I took the quiz and journalist or script-writer for news shows were the results. I think that these suggestions symbolize creativity which is something I take seriously. For a matter of fact I take arts and literature which link to creativity. I would take any of these suggested jobs in future because I would be drowned to the job and passionate about it.
I was replied that I would be a brilliant journalist/script -writer for news shows and I agree with the results because I love writing exciting and encouraging words for people around me to read so when I join journalism, this will come naturally because creativity comes naturally to me. I would use the media to inspire a lot of people to fight for their rights and to write to them words like “life is full of ups and downs, you just need to stand still and work hard because God lifts the weak by holding their hands as HIS own children.”
In the quiz, I got “Fact-checker”. I agree with the result because I like finding out about facts and actual information.
I was replied saying I would make a excellent TV news reporter or broadcaster for TV . I agree because at my school I love to volunteer for things and give speeches. I also agree with the answers to the quiz because my favourite speech was a very good and powerful speech about climate change and the impact it had on the community.My other reason for me to be it because I love doing news reports. When I was younger I made a channel called NWA news with ****** i pretended I was a weather reporter and videoed it I think it is very good for me to be it
The journalistic field, which may suit me better, is the video, and I chose the video specifically because it shows things as if they are real for the viewer, makes them realistic, monitors events well, and brings the meaning closer to people's minds quickly. My job in this field will also be beautiful because I love the field of journalism because I feel that I am of great importance and of great importance in society, even though this field is difficult and difficult for some. My assignment is that I will discuss many topics including causes and ways to reduce poverty, famine, stress, food crisis, fast fashion, infectious diseases, and more.
In the quiz, I got " You would be a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news shows!"
I agree with the result because I am a listener, kind of an introvert and I express myself by writing, not talking.
"Introverted journalists can use their strength of listening, observation and deep focus to their advantage..."~Google
So, it would be a great way to share my thoughts and ideas...
I would like to work in journalism in the future because... It's a way to meet a lot of interesting people from all over the world, you will know what's happening around you and this job can teach you how to tell stories in a creative way, to defend your points of view and to change people's perceptions... But, working in journalism is a bit of stressful, risky for your life and journalism is a competitive field...
To be a pro in journalism, it requires confidence, investigative skills, discipline and being a good listener...
All in all, I would like to be a journalist someday... -
I got excellent in the quiz .
I really wanna win this competition because I enter it but I didn't have the quiz.
Now that I do I hope I can win!!!!!!!!!!!
In the quiz I got journalist/ script writer for news shows. I agree with this statement because I love hearing about others viewpoints and comparing them with my own. I feel I should always share my opinion or share ideas about a topic. Knowing how to be open to others ideas is an important skill to me.
In the quiz, I got a journalist or script-writer for news shows! I agree with the results because I feel like I am a creative person. I always have ideas and different ways to share them. Although I do agree with these results, I do not feel like I would be able to be a journalist or script-writer for the future because I am not interested. Money is also important to me. I would not be able to love off that kind of salary based on my future goals.
In the quiz I got You would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show. I have never considered being an editor but it makes a lot of sense. I never take the news and stop. I look for why that news is true or reasons why the news is happening. Going into news would not be my first choice but I would definitely consider it as a career choice.
In the quiz i got Brilliant journalist or screenwriter on news programmes
I agree with the result because I like to write information in a coherent form with great creativity that enables me to deliver the desired message, and I will be a writer who combines all cultures at the same time, and I will be able to write all the facts that everyone should know, and I will work to increase people’s self-confidence and defend the oppressed, And I will work on writing scenarios that spread national and global awareness mixed with facts and some feelings -
In the quiz, I got news reporter. I agree with the result because I like to tell people my opinion about new things I find out about. I would like to work in news in the future because it seems fun to be on tv and everyone would listen to the news I present. Also, I could become famous if I'm really good at presenting interesting news a lot of people are interested in.
I got "TV news presenter or news podcaster". Apparently speaking comes naturally to me. Well that is quite interesting. I don't know if to agree or not. Why? Because it may come easy for me to talk to my friends, family, and classmates but if you ask me to talk to a stranger I'd rather go hide in the bathroom hoping you won't find me. And also just think about talking in front of millions of people. Personally that scares me.
I was replied with “ You would be a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news shows!”
I don’t agree with this because I don’t really want to be a journalist because I would have to write a lot and come with unique ideas, so if an idea is wrong I would be the one criticised.
The quiz also said that creativity comes naturally to me.
I agree with this because even if i don’t like thinking about new ideas I am actually really good at that and I can eassily think about an idea to solve the problems. -
My quiz result is that I might be an exellent TV news presenter or news podcaster. I dont really agree with that, since I dont like being filmed. I always get nervous and my voice starts shaking. When I watch the filming I am in, I also never like it. Talking really is my thing, but not on camera. I am pretty chatty about anything I can express my opinion about freely. A news presenter reads everything he, or she says from a script. I would rather have my own words, and my own point of view in every thing I say, or do. I think it is important to think for ourselves and if I ever had to read about something I did not agree with then this would be a challenge.
In a way, I like the job of news presenter, but I want to become a doctor.
I think it's a nice job, but it doesn't suit me. I don't have the talent to present news. I like helping people and making sacrifices to save lives. Maybe for someone else, and he likes this job. Every man thinks differently.I think so, but others may think differently than me. -
In the quiz, I got TV presenter. I agree with the results because I can present things all around the world to people and I can also say my opinion to people but I also want to be an artist in the future. Drawing relaxes me and is very interesting. Where as I think working in the news would be very stressfull. There is a lot of pressure.
In the quiz I got the answer that I could be a journalist or script-writer for news shows. I agree with this idea because I like to write storylines . I would like to be a journalist because I could write many interesting things about the world.As a journalist I could tell the world the truth about what's happening.I am young and I I am not very shore about working as a journalist but I think I would do a great job writing articles.
I got "You would make an excellent TV news presenter or news podcaster.
SPEAKING comes most naturally to you. You love letting people know what you think and sharing your ideas with others".I agree with the result because when I was younger and now I really want to make a podcast about everything that interests me. I'm not sure if I would/would not like to work in news in future because I didn't think of that yet.
In my opinion not the results it's meter but your experiences and personality make you to be successful. -
In the quiz, I got "Journalist or script-writer in a TV show". I agree
because I am pretty good at writing texts or composing, and I think I would be good at asking questions, as I like studying history, and I know things about politics. I do not know what it is like to work at the news, but probably I would like to work there, because I like debating different topics and writing texts, but for now I have other plans about my future job. -
I got a reply saying I would be a brilliant journalist and scrips writer for news shows it’s says creativity comes most naturally to love linking your ideas together and thinking up exiting ways to share your learning with others
I got a brilliant journalist or script writer. I think I would be good as a journalist because I can confidently share creative ideas and tell people about all the shocking events. I think this comes naturally to me because I love linking ideas together and thinking up exiting ways to share your learning with others
I summited and It says I would make an excellent TV news presenter or news podcaster.
In this amazing fun quiz I got the answer “tv news presenter or news podcaster”.
I agree with that because I am very confident on speaking and sharing my thoughts with friends and family.
I would love to have a big audience listening to me and having conversations about there thoughts and mine as well! -
It said I would be a great news presenter or a news podcaster :)
Firstly we may ask ourselves what is journalism. Journalism is the activity or profession of writing newspapers, magazines, news websites or preparing news to be broadcast.
In the quiz I got TV Presenter or News Podcaster.
I agree with this because am naturally confident. For me to make friends is really quick. This happens because am confident and passionate about what I say and shows am open to people. Sharing different stories or rumours to friends, I take it important because spreading news is good. Any podcaster to become good, being confident an open to people might be an advantage. I really like to know what happens everyday so I think being a TV presenter OR News podcaster suits me. -
competition entry a news podcaster!
I agree with the test results because I liked the test results. The test results were that I will be a brilliant journalist. I am naturally creative. I like to connect my ideas. I love learning interesting ways to share with others. Working in the news is a wonderful thing. I hope to work in the news in the future because I want to I convey to people the correct news and also because I have patience because those who work in the news must be patient so that they can bear the bad news that comes to them as well as the good news
In the test, I got the result of a brilliant journalist / screenwriter. I agree with my result because when I write, I connect rich sentences with interesting words. I also think of great ways to share them with others and hear their opinions. I would like to work in the news in the future because it will benefit me in my scientific and practical life, which is We also learned about developments in the world and society, and if I work in journalism in the future, do you know why I want to? Because the press gives people the freedom to express opinions and different opinions, and even provides people with information and reports about what is going on around them. You think that the press is only for news. Your belief is wrong. It prepares interviews with people and presents them to people. The press is the basis of society, and it helps people to realize their rights. Also, one of its functions is to collect information and reports that include important information for citizens, as the journalist is part of history so that it helps chart the course and path of human history, and documents it in a way that no profession can do.
In the quiz i got Journalist or screenwriter i agree with the result because Writing and journalism teach us a lot of beautiful (new) things, building a person’s personality, expressing opinions, and working for fame. I mean people’s love, interaction, activity, and motivation for us in such a field , I would like to work in news in future because I really love him so much It teaches us a lot, as well as script writing, through which we learn discussions, build beautiful ideas and cultures, and do interesting and amazing works that attract attention.
In the quizz, I got brilliant editorand I agree with the results because I am someone who after getting some new information, I do extra research so that I can see whether the information is correct or real. And I also agree with the results because I have always dreamt of helping the world in some way. For example once I went and searched for world problems and I thought to myself; the reason why the richest people in the world are rich is because they solved a world problems eg Bill Gates. I would like to work for news in the future because I would like to speak up for those who have not been given the opportunity to do so and I would like to help in ending world problems like corruption, gender inequality, global warming, global food crisis and many more by confidently talking about them through the news. And I can confidently say that I would only like to work for big news channels like BBC, CNN and many more.
In this quiz,I got "I would make an excellent researcher or fact checker."I agree with the statement.I dig into things before jumping into conclusions.Even in my academics,if there are some solutions which isn't supported by proper facts,I straight away ask my teachers about it and get the relevant facts to back up the solution or statement.For me it is important that whatever I am reading and what my readers are going to read is truthful and accurate.I am a patient listener too and i wait patiently before having a word on others' say even if I feel like what they are saying is wrong.I would like to work in news in future because I feel that I am the most happiest when I share my opinions and views with people through writing.I have absolutely loved sharing my thoughts in this forum too.
In the test, I got the job of a journalist, and this I like very much, because he is the one who reveals the facts and conveys them realistically and accurately. Without him, we would not have known what is happening around the world thanks to their courage.
Imagine a journalist who entered a gang’s place of residence and started doing a journalistic scoop, pointing the cameras at the terrorists and trying to entice them to leave the hostages, and she did not care about the weapons directed at her.
But there is a problem, so I do not prefer working as a journalist. Where I live, the parties and sects control the radio channels, as they reject any article or journalistic scoop that reveals facts against those they support,
Those who put pressure on the journalist and make him carry out their orders to the letter. Thus, they distort the facts and manipulate them to satisfy their interests and I hate this. If I want to become a journalist, I want to be free and free, not controlled by anyone, not lying to anyone, and not responsible for destroying anyone -
My result stated that "You would be a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news shows!" Personally, I agree with this statement because I find that I really enjoy writing and coming up with ideas on my own. It also says, "Creativity comes most naturally to you," and I do find myself to be a creative person. Writing is a big hobby of mine that I do enjoy, and this especially applies to me because I find that when I have something I want to share, I find myself writing. But even though I most easily display my thoughts into words and writing, I'm not sure if this is something I would like to pursue in the future. No matter how much I like writing, it is only a hobby that helps me present my thoughts into words, so unfortunately, I would not like to work in news in the future.
In the quiz, I got "Tv new presenter/ News podcaster".I agree with this because naturally comes most naturally tome. I also love letting people know what I think and sharing my ideas with other.
In this quiz, I got researcher or fact checker. I agree with the result because I like using the internet once I hear something that interests me to learn more about it. I also gain more insight and information by reading newspaper articles and news feeds.
My result was "You would be a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news shows!"
I disagree with the result because I am not into journalism and I am not very skilled at script-writing. -
From the results of this quiz I got,"You would be a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news shows!" I agree with this statement. Being able to write scripts for news shows and expressing my ideas and my opinions would be amazing. I would be excited to be a journalist of that type of work. I can provide many people with information to make good decisions in their lives. With their community, governments, and many more. Helping people with different things is something I would like to do. People could come to me and ask for help with their problems. I could gain awareness of important problems going on in the world. I could create different plot lines for these productions that could have deeper meanings for children and adults that are having a hard time.
In the quiz, I got "You would make a great research or fact checker." I do agree with this because I usually try to find the source of things. I try to check myself before I tell people about things I discovered. This job would allow me to find out the truth and make sure no fake news is being spread. I believe this job is right for me.
When I had taken the test my results were "You would make an excellent news presenter" and I was shocked by its accuracy, it had fully captured the way act around new information. I fully agree with this statement ,but I would not like to work for the news for two reasons. One, it would not fit my interest, and Two, the drama that comes along with the business. I am not interested in working in the news, my interest is in biology and health. I find the way organisms work and their bodily functions interesting. Like I said before the drama of working in the news industry, because often news reporters and presenters often get hate for spreading facts and often around election time many news companies get bought of which leads to fake media/news, and lastly the news is commonly associated with bringing fear to citizens. So unfortunately I would have to decline the offer ,because whats the point in telling the news to other people even though its not true.
I got this result "TV news presenter or news podcaster." I strongly agree with this result as I'm passionate about expressing my opinion about global issues especially. I'm a person who is involved in politics and world troubles and I like to convince people and make them aware using convincing methods about what to do and how to take attitude toward a certain issue. I like to uncover the facts that are hidden and remove the disinformation media.
Actually, yes I would work in the news in future to make major changes in the news fields especially under the huge amount of disinformation that is taking place to mislead the people about what's happening. -
In the quiz,I got"You would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show
PROBLEM -SOLVING comes most naturally to you .You like figuring out what's going on and using examples and reasons to back-up your opinions " I agree because the reason they gave for me it is relatable.Yes I solves the problem easily and figures out everything easily like professional .I will be strong at my opinion if I'm right whereas if I'm wrong I will be correcting myself . I will be thinking in the different perspective and my taught is to make everyone understand what I mean and thinks to be unique among everyone .I would like to work in news in future so that my knowledge improves a lot .I'm will be person who reports the news to the people.I start to speak with the different people with their different ideas -
My results were that I would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show. I was also told that
problem-solving comes to me naturally, I like figuring out what's going on and I use examples and reasons to back-up my opinions. For the most part, I don't agree with this statement because I like to be the center of attention sometimes but I get really shy in front of new people. I also would not agree because I'm really bad at public speaking. I would not like to have a job in news one day because I would get too nervous to talk in front of people. -
In this quiz, I got "You will be a brilliant journalist or screenwriter on news shows!" And I agree with the result because I like to think and create a lot. I notice that all screenwriters, no matter how different the topics of their books are, have creative and distinct thinking. I feel I belong to this character and I hope I do too. I feel this because in my spare time I usually sit quietly with myself and write down my thoughts. And topics that express my psychological state in which I am in that period, I write all the hidden feelings inside me at that moment, and while I write I try to write creatively and I am keen on that as well.
I would like to become a news program writer because my passion tends towards writing creative ideas, and I imagine myself in that position, so I will be a very wonderful writer to publish news and draw attention to the articles and news that I write creatively for them, and people will become interested in the news they hear in those articles, and they will be fluent journalists Speaking and publishing. -
I was replied saying I would make a excellent TV news reporter or broadcaster for TV . I agree because at my school I love to volunteer for things and give speeches. I also agree with the answers to the quiz because my favourite speech was a very good and powerful speech about climate change and the impact it had on the community.My other reason for me to be it because I love doing news reports. When I was younger I made a channel called NWA news with ****** i pretended I was a weather reporter and videoed it I think it is very good for me to be because at my school I love to volunteer for things and give speeches. I also agree with the answers to the quiz because my favourite speech was a very good and powerful speech about climate change and the impact it had on the community.My other reason for me to be it because I love doing news reports. When I was younger I made a channel called NWA news with ****** i pretended I was a weather reporter and videoed it I think it is very good for me to be on itv .At our school we have a school and eco team.And we always give speeches so we are already good at speaking out to other students.
I was replied by You would make a great journalist and editor i do agree because i like sharing news and to talk alot and i could publish brilliant ideas
Newspaper, magazine or news program!
I agree with you, I love to link things together until I reach the whole truth, and I cannot rest without knowing the true truth, and I love sharing information, but in a distinctive and new style that leaves my mark. I may have acquired this in my childhood when I preferred watching Detective Conan cartoons and puzzles, as it calls for linking facts to each other and the way they are presented in an amazing way, like a magician, but I do not prefer working in the field of journalism. Sometimes they are exposed to danger until they get the necessary information for their newspapers, and that if you do not submit a suitable newspaper, you may be excluded from the team, so I do not prefer working in a newspaper -
The field of journalism is very cool, because many of my relatives are journalists, and I want to be a doctor.
It is important for journalists to work on this in order to provide people with news and weather forecasts.
If you enjoy exploring the happenings around you and knowing the news of people and the world. If you like to share your opinion with others and take their opinion.
But the profession of journalism is very difficult because not everyone has all the capabilities for that and the features that you need to be a journalist are
Artistic grace, eloquence, wit, intelligence, daring to present the event, talent accuracy, accuracy, attention to detail, analytical mental skills, presenting ideas in a smooth, easy and correct way, the ability to write reports... -
I answered the questions for the first question. I answered look at the source of the information before you think about what to do because it is possible that the information is wrong because you are using the person or any other means about their actions because of false information. Therefore, you should make sure that the news is true before you talk about it. In the second question, I answered to think about how their idea fits my idea because they may be right or I should know what they think or what their point of view is. My idea is for their minds. I can explain my idea extensively and communicate it correctly so that they can understand me. As for the third question, I continue Talk because it is possible that people listen to my point of view and want to know what I think, so I don't stop talking. The fourth question is I think about all the different topics that the keyword can relate to so that people do not get bored because many people try to use the word more than once, but it is useless. As for the fifth question, find out more information and write my own article to make the story complete in all respects. The beautiful one who has learned a lot from them about the land How to solve the problems and difficulties facing the Earth...
In the quiz I got "you would make an excellentTV news presenter or news podcaster. I agree with the result because my personality is strong and I have tact in speaking. I would like to work in news in future because I will report the correct news to the world and report the world's news in terms of wars The economy, natural disasters, and the suffering of countries after wars from the destruction of the psyche of children and the displacement of families, and to convey the news of natural disasters and what results from them, and to have credibility and transparency to convey a lot and a lot of news
In the quiz, i got that i could be an excellent TV presenter or podcaster. I agree with the result because, i do have presenter character, i love to search for news, and topresent them as well as i have a clear loud voice that attracts the audience towards the news i'm presenting. In addition, most of my teachers and relatives told be that i can be an excellent TV presenter. I would like to work in news in the future to make a shift, i want to reflect the independent trustworthy journalism, because nowadays some parts of the journalism isn't being really independent but under control of stronger countries nor wealthy heads.
I agree with the result of the Quiz “It's important to you that the news is truthful. You would make a great researcher or fact-checker”. This is more interesting and resonates with who am I. I always believe in speaking words that cause no harm is the truth. It gives me respect and gives confidence in what I do. In my school, I’m the student representative for a group and I’m a leader too, student friends believe me as a transparent person who speaks the truth creating a bond and trust. The truth is I’m not the class topper in studies, but I get a different value, by speaking openly and ensuring that the information I share is true with facts and accountability, I do have friends who hate me to the core for being what I’m, they are still my friends and I hear their views understanding how they see things in their perspective.
Looking at myself as a journalist in the next 8-10 years, I would have gained more exposure to the world that needs the truth for better decision-making with reliable facts and flawless content and be the voice of the voiceless. Falsehood can be colorful and sounds interesting to modern society, but there must be one source of truth for any action which makes history with facts and opinion. I do understand the risk of being a true journalist but journalism can change the world -
I don't agree to be in journalism or on a new programme. It is true that I love to solve problems, help and support people. However, I don't like being a journalist because I don't think I would be suitable for this job because it would be stressful and difficult for me
In the quiz, l got "you would be a good TV presenter or news podcaster, and l disagree. ever since l was young journalist has been my dream because seeing how courageous those people were made me feel like l want to be like them one day, but as l grew up l have notice that l have fear of public speaking l get so nervous even in a class presentation because of that l don't think being a TV presenter would be good for me. and they also asked whether l would love to have a job in news, yes l would love to have a job in news l would love to be a news editor, because most news papers are used to tell us what is going on in the world globally but l would personally like to publish things that are fun for example:-
1. games, as we all know children and some teenagers love playing games, l would introduce games that would be in an academic way that way children can revise without touching their books. -
I was told I would be a brilliant journalist or scriptwriter on news shows. Creativity comes naturally to me. I love to tie my thoughts together to think about exciting ways to share my learning with others.Yes, I agree with this result because I have the ability to express and think about ways, solutions and topics and share them with others.Would you like to get a job in the news one day? In fact, yes, if I have a chance at this job, why not, this profession is really great and also fun, I love it.
You would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show!"
That is my result from the quiz and I strongly DISAGREE with it BECAUSE first of all personally I am not don't like reading long articles or stories,I don't like being more practical for example taking photographs on certain stories instead of sitting in an office all day editing newspaper articles behind a computer,this could even have negative effects on me such as back pain,neck pain and obesity so I WOULDN'T AGREE to becoming an editor.
Honestly I WOULD NOT LIKE to work in news in future because first of all have no passion for it and one important lesson I learned from my parents I to do what your passionate about and only then can you do it in the best way in the finest version of yourself.I instead have passion for a job in medicine. Away from that jobs in news in my country are scarce since there are less opportunities and so you may study journalism and you end up a janitor.I think a job in medicine can't fail to get a job because we have a huge problem of doctor shortages in our country.
In addition,people like journalists in my country are underpaid so they suffer with the cost of living and besides that,they are unvalued and there cases in my country where policemen flog/cain/beat up journalists as they are doing their job.In situations like riots some even lose their lives.
But mainly it's all about "PASSION" because all jobs face challenges but one's passion is what matters.I'm not passionate towards such a job.
I encourage anyone reading this to always do things your passionate about because only then can you perform beyond limits and get the best out of it.
The result of my survey was...
"You would make an excellent TV news presenter or news podcaster."
"SPEAKING comes most naturally to you. You love letting people know what you think and sharing your ideas with others."
Okay before I answered any question in the survey, I stopped to think carefully to make sure what the option I was picking was true because I was genuinely interested in knowing what career opportunity in journalism suited me best. I have to say that the student hub has helped me a lot to know more about myself and to develop skills that otherwise would have remained dormant and this quiz has helped me to really think critically about myself and know myself better.
I agree and at the same time, disagree with the result of the quiz . I do love letting people know what I think and sharing my ideas with others and I am confident and not shy with crowds but I am not the kind of person that flows with his/her speech. I think every word that I am about to say through thoroughly before I say it. This is because I try to avoid mistakes and saying something that will offend others. I am not sure if this will go well with being a news podcaster as they do not really pause to think of what they would say next like I do. That will be bad for keeping to time on shows. Somehow tv news presenters are able to balance saying what they have to say within a short period of time while making minimal mistakes in their speech and I do not think I am able to do that.
I prefer communicating through write-ups as it gives me time to think before I write something so that I will be able to effectively communicate my thoughts and ideas effectively.
However, the quiz helped me to think carefully about myself and I think the best result for the quiz should have been, "You would be a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news shows!" -
In the test, I got
You will be a brilliant journalist or screenwriter on news programmes. I agree with the result because
I am one of those who have imagination in writing scenarios, and this is a skill from childhood. Other than that, it needs creativity. I think you can get creative with everything in this field. Also, screenwriting requires someone who has experience in this field.
I would like/don't want to work in news in the future because
I want because this is a beautiful thing and something I have wanted since childhood to be a good screenwriter, I have to have the guts to lead the foundations
To be a professional screenwriter, I have to learn training courses on this subject, strengthen my literary sense, and have enough experience to enter this field. -
In the quiz, I got "You would be a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news shows!". I agree with the result because personally, I am someone that can think critically and speak in a crowd without fear.
I would not want to pursue a Carrer in Journalism because I don't have the passion for it, and I don't see it as a lucrative source of income -
My result was, "You'll be an accomplished journalist or screenwriter on news shows."
I agree with this conclusion first, because I love journalism. I love my role to convey the news to the world as it happens and to warn them of the dangers that occur and so on.. and as a scriptwriter for news programs so that I can write whatever I want and express my opinion because I love writing, I empty my energy by writing and expressing my thoughts. My feeling and everything is done through writing, so it's good for me to share my opinions and feelings
And I want to get a job in the news in the future, because sometimes an event happens and everyone talks about it, but I have a different point of view on this event and I cannot share my point of view, so I can give my opinion freely and other important things to work in the news like knowing what is happening in the whole world -
In the quiz, "TV news presenter or news podcaster." I love talking to people, and saying what is on my mind, but personally I don't think I would. I would love to be a TV presenter for fun! I agree and somewhat do not agree with this position. I agree with it because I like talking, but don't like to talk to people that I don't know. I love to be on camera, and I would love to see my face on TV. I feel like if my family sees that I am on TV they would know that I am successful in life. Some people are just negative in ways that they have to hate on you for being successful in life, so that is one thing I would be afraid of if i was on TV. Or of what people will think of me, I also discovered that speaking comes naturally to me, and that I love letting people know what I think and sharing my ideas with people. I don't think I would have a job about new features, because it's not really like me, and I don't I would want to do something that I don't enjoy doing.
In this quiz i got "you would make a good journalist and script writer." I totally agree with the results i got in the quiz because i take my time to analyze and carefully make research about a given topic before coming to conclusions. This also applies to journalists, you should first think critically and carefully make enough research before making conclusions about given topics. For script writers, it is good to first analyse the role of each character instead of using them just because you have seen them else where. I would like to work in the news some day because i feel like i can deliver more information and people's views to the general public especially those that are oppressed and can't confidently express themselves because its a journalist's duty to present what people dont know to the news desk for everyone to know and to perfectly fulfill that task, one must be information seeking and has the skill of critical thinking before making conclusions.
Thank you. I liked the result because this profession is independent and has a great influence on creative trends and emotional impact. Its owner has iron determination, daring and presentable so that he is ready to discuss any topic in a short time. He is flexible and adaptable with a permanent smile and a conscientious person at work. He is very distinguished and educated in various matters. Fields of the world and ask the imagination, trying to discover everything new, the owner of a management that guarantees success and guarantees continuity. I do not want to enter this field. I love this field as a hobby, creativity and producing distinctive ideas, but I have other aspirations. I want another humanitarian work.
"It's important to you that the news is truthful. You would make a great researcher or fact-checker".
I agreed with the statement because in this world of sharing false information there is a need to measure the authenticity of the piece of information shared on the media.
I think the media is a platform where the mind trends are set in there days. So we need to check the reliability of the source of information before sharing it on any platform. -
In the quiz, I got "You would make an excellent TV news presenter or news podcaster.
SPEAKING comes most naturally to you. You love letting people know what you think and sharing your ideas with others". I agree with the result because I'm a good speaker and listener too . Actually I may would like to work in news in future because it's quite interesting job and fits me alot and I'm too curious seeker for facts ” -
On the test, I got "You'll score great on a newspaper, magazine, or news program!" Problem solving comes naturally to you. You love knowing what is going on and using examples and reasons to support your views. I liked the words and they made me very happy and changed my thinking a lot. I have a new dream that I will work on and strive to achieve from now on, which is to become Mahrez in a newspaper, magazine or program news, and I hope it will be fulfilled in the near future.
I took the quiz and I was told that I would make a good researcher or fact checker and I actually agree with this because I love doing research and our new curriculum is actually research based where the teacher comes in and guides you what to do and then tells you to go and I find out more about what he talked about. But some people think that research is only done from the internet forgetting that there are also people around us who have this information. And I would like to work in the news in future as a researcher because it's actually fun. I get to move around and interact with different people and get to find out more information and then I ask different people to share their ideas to see whether they have something different from me and then get the different answers and you see how they link to each other or how they are related. You can also find out more information using the internet where you open different sites to find out what is happening around the world. I can also find don't more information using written records like the books, old newspapers and magazines and then after doing all that I sit down and I sort all the information I have gathered and then write an article of mine about what I have gathered or I can even decide to make a documentary about the information I have gathered. But before publishing anything I will first have to check the source of this information again to make sure that it is reliable.
The reason I say that I would like this job is because you get to interact to many people, you get to know people's ideas and even learn more from them, you get to find out the past of your country and the more information you have the more understanding you gain and wiser you become. Then there is also becoming famous after publishing your article or documentary. Thats why being a researcher is actually a very good thing.
But also there are some negative consequences because when you are doing your research you might come across people who have their own problems and when you ask them questions they answer you rudely and end up giving you wrong information. Then also you will have to put in much money because of the transport costs since you will be moving around to make your research. During your research you might find robbers that might even cause ha to your body and take all stuff.You might also be affected by bad weather conditions like too much rainfall while you are carrying out your research and also incase you make a slight mistake and publish wrong information and people find out they won't ever trust your information and they will stop buying your articles and you might even end losing your job. -
In the quiz it said ''You would make a great researcher or fact-checker.''I think i would make a great researcher, because I like to understand what is happening and look at the truth before telling anyone about it.
I would make an excellent TV news presenter or news podcaster and I agree with that because I have a lot of confidence in this part. You could share a lot of things that are happening in the world and it also improves the skill of talking and discussing with other people over the world. This definitely describes my character and personality.
I was told that "You would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show!" I agree with this because with the position I was given, I could make and share amazing stories and publish articles for those who want to change lifestyles and express my opinion to others.
I got the reply, "You would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show!" I am happy with this answer, as I would like to have an open job, reading lots, learning lots, and being able to voice my opinion. I like listening to others, and hearing different points of view. I would also enjoy being able to share my ideas and freely discuss some of the main challenges our world is facing. The thing I would enjoy most is hearing what people think is important, and to have a greater understanding of what is going on in the world, so I could widen my perspective of current events.
I was told i would be amazing at news reading or an animal journalist .I agree because I believe that animals and all types of news is effective immediately it does not seem to stick so if i was going on the news or became part of that brand or branch i would make it stick because when i look at the news i let it grip and stick.
I'm a news podcaster because speaking comes most naturally to me. I love letting people know what I think and sharing my ideas with others. I agree with this because I love to share my ideas with other people and I love to start a conversation about news with others.
In the quiz i got"You would be a brilliant journalist or script writer for the news!" and i'm actually not sure whether i agree or disagree i because i love acting and when i get the chance I'll take it! especially if i'm able to be the script writer and write everything everyone has to say. I also love writing so much and i love to write stories and anything else so something that includes writing would be a fantastic job for someone like me, although I've wanted to be a doctor for a long time I would also love to be a journalist or a story writer but i wouldn't really be the type of person to work for the news, from a child i was never interested in the news only the drama parts! I also love reading so anything with stories would just be good for me.
I was replied that "you would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show!"
I agree because the first one said that if you see the news and something important is on it i chose to tell a
friend to notify them that something is happening that they should be ready. Also i could show many other people to save the world and make a change. -
In the quiz,I got "You would be a brilliant journalist or script writer for news shows".I agree with the result because creativity comes most naturally to us.It is the exciting ways to share your learning with others.I would like to work in news in future. Being journalist ,informed about the world. We can travel to new places to find out more information. We can learn more about the world. We can spread out own ideas. We can work with many different people. And, It never gets boring.
I was replied that " You would make an excellent TV news presenter or news podcaster." I think that might be true because I enjoy asking questions and contributing to discussions. I feel confident about it.
In the quiz I got TV News presenter or news podcaster. I agree, as I am usually a person that likes to speak out and express my ideas. Also, when I was little I used to pretend like I was a news reporter. And I would also like to debate on the topics that are fake news and the truthful ones and mostly taking part to debate the big topics.
“You would be a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news shows!” Well excellently agreed! My thought are engraved on a paper in the form of subtle ideas and well woven facts. The thought of being able to present my ideas on a bigger platform and especially in a textual form may precisely advocate my voice and definitely lay a foundation to it! On the contrary, instead of Public Speaking, I prefer writing and crafting essays to allign them with the world political, social and economic conditions. As a person who wants to major in chemistry and pursue my minor as journalism, I can clearly declare it as a passion to strive for more leadership roles and can commence by impacting my society to further reach long term goals.
In the quiz i got Podcaster and TV news presenter, in my opinion I don't think I suit TV news presenter because
I like to hear other people's ideas before mine and add to what they say. And i'm surprised that I got Podcaster because I think that I'm better at writing than speaking. -
I'm not actually sure.
In the quiz I got a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or a news show. I disagree with the result because I want to build my own business. I think I won't also suit it and I am not great at editing but I do use some ideas from other people to help me. -
I would make an excellent TV news presenter or podcaster and I agree because I love to share my thoughts and ideas. I also am very confident. I would get to know what happens all around the world and discuss it with other people.
l was told '' You would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show.
I agree with problem-solver because I like to solve maths problems and more and I can spend time on them. However I am not sure about editor because I am not sure what is involved. -
I was answered I would b brilliant editor !yes I am interested in journalism ,as being an editor would b very much relevant to my taste nd sense . I would've variety of news from all walks of life nd I would educate nd inform ppl abt different news stories. In the coming days mass communication would b great nd there would b more nd more awareness channels .
The test results were as follows: You will be a journalist or a screenwriter and a brilliant in news programs Creativity comes to you naturally You like to connect your ideas together and think of exciting ways to share your education with others
I think that the test results match my goals in the future, I am trying to become a screenwriter who expresses his ideas and opinions through his writings. In our time, people do not care about the media. What attracts people most is movies, so I thought that we can express our thoughts and inspire people through stories and movies. There are a lot of movies that inspire many people, or be a reason to increase their awareness, or be supportive of their dreams, so movies have become the best way To deliver positive and wonderful ideas to people -
In the quiz , I was replied ,’you would be a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news shows’ which I total agree with because I love searching for new ideas and I also love finding new solutions to problems.As a journalist or script writer, I would like to make news shows more interesting especially for kids.Most kids do not watch news because they think it is boring hence missing out on important information but using my creativity I would broadcast my news using cartoons because kids love that so in that way they will be attracted to find out more information on certain facts. I love putting my mind to the test so by being a script writer I will be able to think of I can make my show interesting and different from the rest.speaking in public is a fun thing so I think I will really love my job.
I will be a great screenwriter and journalist. That's what I have in the exam. I agree with this result. Creativity comes naturally. I like to connect ideas. And I think of interesting ways to share with others. Of course, I don't mind being a journalist because it's fun and entertaining. I tend to choose my profession based on my personality. My personality tends to be creative and critical.
In the quiz, I got “ You would make an excellent Tv presenter or newscaster”, I think I agree in some aspects; I enjoy sharing my ideas and hearing what others think of them but I love hearing people's ideas and trying to find some similarities to mine even more. In the course of partaking in the student hub, I've realized that everyone has different opinions and views but that doesn’t necessarily make the other wrong. No matter how much I love to speak I always have a fear of saying an opinion that might be considered wrong, but this program has made me realize that you will eventually find someone that agrees with your view.
I agree with the reply that was " you would be a good editor for a newspaper, tv show, magazine."
Being a newspaper editor is amazing!! I must use this opportunity to spread positivity and relief.
I would really love to share my opinions that might be helpful for people to get motivation.
I will raise the emerging issues and giving their possible solutions. Also by being an artistic person I must use the pictorial way to highlight the important problems. -
He said to me: You can make an excellent TV news anchor or news anchor. I agree with this , my outlook on jobs has changed a little bit and I think my personality is suitable for this job because I like talking to people and I have confidence in myself and somewhat patient and I hate changing my mind about things I will be able to communicate my own opinion and I can talk about my problems and education news and financial economics news and stuff many others.
In the test, I agree with the result. I got an excellent TV news presenter or news anchor, because I always like to talk naturally with others, and I like people to know my opinion closely, and I like to share my ideas with others, as they may present me with new ideas that I did not know before Also, by talking to them face to face, I can convince them of ideas that they were not convinced of in the past.
In the quiz, I got that I would be a brilliant journalist or script writer for news shows. I agree with this result because I like writing and forming discussions in my head and creativity comes most naturally to me and I love to pick peoples' brains to share their ideas.
However, I would not want to be in the news in the future because it involves travelling a lot and I want to be a family man and this will not allow me to get the stories and write my scripts which in reality doesn't hold much attraction to me. I am aspiring to be a professional sportsman (Basketball) -
In the quiz, I learned that I would be a great researcher or fact checker, and listening is most important to me. I agree with this result because I always listen to very important conversations, therefore I always have a personal interest in researching, problem-solving, creating and driving the conversation, and finding facts about most things I come across.
I would not like to be in the news in the future because my aspiration is not to become a journalist despite being a great researcher or fact-finder. I am set to pursue a career as a nurse and this can not accommodate journalism. -
In the quiz, I got that I am a TV news presenter and a news broadcaster and also that speaking comes most important to me. I agree with this because I love talking and also love to be on the stage.
I would like to be a TV news presenter and news broadcaster in the future because I once did a talk presentation when I was in Primary school and my performance is what gave me the courage to talk confidently. I have discovered that I love championing discussions with groups of friends where I act as the anchor or host. One area of TV news broadcasting that has caught my interest is the area of healthcare. -
In the quiz, I got that I would be a great researcher or fact checker and listening comes to me as very important. I agree with this result because I love listening to people because what people say gives me an idea of how I should shape my conversation in public.
I would not like to work in the news in the future because being a footballer is my dream and being in the news is not something I see myself doing in the future. This is because public speaking is not my strength and when I see footballers like Mohammed Salah, I imagine myself in his shoes and that is what drives my imagination. -
In the quiz, I learned that I would be a great researcher or fact-checker and that listening is most important to me. I agree with this result because I always find interest in researching and fact-checking many things. I am mostly quiet, hence listening to different conversations and finding ideas about particular topics that appeal to me.
I would not like to be in the news in the future because my dream is to become medical personnel and journalism does not suit my personality. -
According to the quiz, "I would make an excellent news researcher or fact-checker, and listening is very important to me." I agree with this result because I am not usually the type to speak in public, and I am not usually appointed to speak in meetings. Why? Because listening is my speciality, yes, listening is my speciality, because when people talk, I remember more of what they said than what I contributed to the meeting, because I believe what they say brings the topic together and that their words have value, and when I hear them bring up their topic, I have the desire to learn more, and this desire has taught me many things, including my day-to-day skills.
I don't want to be in the news because, regardless of the quiz results, journalism isn't something I'd like to do because it doesn't meet the requirements of my skill set, and, similarly to the aforementioned urge, when I'm with a computer, it's as if I've entered the zone and it just gives me a sense of power and the ability to create. -
In the quiz, I got that I would be "a great researcher or fact checker and listening comes most important to me". I agree with this result because in class, I love homework that has to do research and I like to know facts about the world and the environment so that makes me a great researcher. I like listening to other people because it enriches my conversation
I would not like to be in the news in the future because I have a passion for football and I am already getting ready to enroll in a football academy. -
I was replied that You will work as an excellent TV news presenter or news anchor, speaking comes naturally to you.
I agree with that because I like to share my views and information with as many people as possible, but when I think about something very important, I see that journalism is not among my dreams or goals for the future. Sometimes it's too much for me, because I can't unite to the camera without laughing, because I find it a bit difficult to do that.
What about you, do you think that whoever presents a TV program or works in writing newspapers should have self-confidence? -
even if I was really a broadcaster. I will talk about the Palestinian cause, and I can leave a positive imprint on the hearts of children and youth, like the late presenter Sherine Abu Aqleh, as she is the one who planted in my heart a love of journalism, speaking to the camera, and positive dissemination of news. I can also raise awareness about my world and talk about what is happening in it, and about the dangers of using the press in Inhumane purposes and spreading rumors with the aim of sowing discord and bad things. The presenters are an example to some. I believe that journalism is one of the most important fields because it controls everythingAnd I have a good listening skill in conferences and interviews that enables me to give an appropriate and quick response, and in press clarifications, I will make sure to use the weapon of questions well, as we use it here in the global conversation when asking questions to experts,I also have a personality that combines a sense of humor to consolidate relationships with people, a fertility of imagination and a breadth of perception that supports the accuracy of the article, and empathy.Would you like to have a job in the news one day? Why and why not? My answer is I don't want a job in the news but I would like a job in medicine.
On the test, I got the conclusion that you would make a great editor on a newspaper or news program, and I agreed with that score because I like to explore, research, analyze, and think about situations that interest me. I am also sure that working in this field will increase my creativity, thinking and intelligent analysis. I would like to work in news in the future because news helps people express their views and make their voices heard all over the world. It also helps spread awareness in society and expand the culture of individuals by providing them with correct information.
I got “You would be great writing a list or text in news magazines” and I agree with this result, because I am a kind of introverted and listener person, and I also like to express myself and my feelings in writing, and I can share my thoughts in a beautiful and wonderful way, and I believe that working in journalism is a fun work, and a way It is nice to meet important people in the world, and you can know everything that is going on in the world around you, but working in journalism in general is exhausting and fraught with dangers, and it is a competitive field, and I personally do not wish to be a journalist in the future, because we do not all tend to the same The thing is, it could be another talent that I would like to achieve, and I tend to the fields that I love and would like to achieve.
My result showed that I would make a great researcher or fact-checker. I agree with the result and there's no doubt I would love to work in the news as a researcher and fact-checker.
Currently, news channels have become very biased in my country to certain leading parties, and half-truths are told. I want to work in the news and give well-researched information to the citizens. This way the people of my nation would know the complete truth and not be confined to a single point of view and get to choose what is right and what is wrong for themselves.
Apart from that, I would definitely want to be a fact-checker to ensure that accurate information is being presented rather than false and spiced up news. In my country, many news websites present wrong information related to religion which is a big issue that brings hate among the people of a country where 'secularism' is preached, and leads to violent and murderous riots. By being a fact-checker, I would be able to give precise information. This way, people would not live in misconceptions and feel hatred towards any particular gender, community, religion, etc.
I want to be a peace-maker for my country. And working in news in the future would give me a perfect opportunity to do this. -
He told me that I could be a brilliant journalist or screenwriter in news programs!!
I agree with his opinion because I love journalism and work as a writer or journalist because I am good at speaking fluently and boldly, and I also communicate the idea to people in more than one way through my conversation with them
I want to be a journalist one day. I love this profession, because all journalists are famous, and I want to be famous like them. This profession suits me very much.I love the work of journalism and I love the work of the writer very much -
In the quiz I got that" You would make a brilliant editor for newspaper, magazine or news show. " I agree with the result because
I really love to read book and magazines and I want to become an editor because it make me more confident to talk in front of general public. I also want to ask questions from gorvernment and leaders about problems faced by my country and their sincerely in it and how they are going to sout them out and want to expose the truth so I really like this advice.
Moreover I am so confident and always do comparing in my school so I think this is good for me . -
As a result of taking this survey, this survey has concluded for me that being a journalist or script - writer would work best for me due to having the inborn quality of creativity. I agree and disagree at the same time on the script- writer part as I am comfortable amd can get into the zone to topics that I relate too. For example, if I were to write the lines for a play or film about a a family living far away from each other and therefore that has an impact on their lives, I could convey those emotions vividly as my grandparents, cousins and aunt live all the way in the Romania. Hence, I do not get to see them often. On the other hand, I would not have produced such high-quality relatable lines about a person whose relative or close friend has passed away as none of my relatives I have got to intimately known have passed away.
To conclude, I would undeniably take on the role of both a journalist or a script-writer although some topics may not be within my comfort zone . However, I would try my best to push myself out of my comfort zone and write the best article I could possibly do. -
I was told, "You can be a great editor for a newspaper or a news program." I do not agree with the result, because I am a person who does not like to talk much and is not very social with people. Also, I am shy by nature, as I cannot face a lot of cameras and a large audience. My passion is in the medical sector, so I see
My creations and ideas are in this field, and also I do not like appearing on channels and cameras, and this is personal freedom, and the field of journalism is not fun because you have to be present in the event area at every moment, and in the end, the field of journalism is not a bad profession, as there are many who like
This field and they want it, they will innovate and enjoy their work because they wanted this through their inclinations, passion and personality. -
Everyone has different points of view, but I want to express my point of view. I think that in the test I agree with the result, because really Henry Tricks is a wonderful writer, and I really want to work in the news in the future, because every profession that we want to choose must have advantages and distinctive news is It is interesting and exciting, and I believe that I have the ability to become in the future working within the news because it presents information in a clear and consistent manner and explains the facts completely without any modification, as in a journalist working in the news, and the story revolves around a breeder who fell into the sea and this led to the death of some of them and Everyone was confused. As for the news, it published everything, without a doubt, and revealed the truth
In the test, I got a result that I liked, and I agree with the result. It was that I would become a brilliant journalist or screenwriter on news programs, and I didn't want to and don't think about journalism at all. I am thinking of studying medicine, but the result encouraged me a lot to try this profession and made me search for it a lot, and I found that the screenwriter responsible for developing the narrative and writing the script, and the word (development) showed me the distinction and creativity of this task as well as the great influence of the screenwriter on creative trends, as affect the text oThe movie, the writer's character appears in the text.And in my results, I found that I am good at linking ideas together, as it is the first motivator to think about learning journalism and screenwriting
In the quiz, i got "i wouldn't make a fantastic broadcaster . I disagree with the result because am not really talented in speaking and something times i get to lose words while talking and that makes me feel shamed and shy of my self i would not like to work in news in future because i might lose words in public which is extremely embarrassing, this is also because speaking is not my talent but dancing is my talent and is in me , i can dance in public while i can't speak public which is so surprising.
“In the quiz, I got You would be a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news shows!
CREATIVITY comes most naturally to you. You love linking your ideas together and thinking up exciting ways to share your learning
with other.
. I agree with the result because I love deep thinking, creativity in writing, and I feel comfortable when speaking what is in my heart and mind in a beautiful way, whether writing or reciting
. I would like to work in news in future because
the news is consistent and connected with each other and draws attention to all people So I have the ability to say and write with confidence. -
Being told at the end of the quiz that I would be a brilliant journalist or scriptwriter for news shows got me a little excited.
I could already picture myself up and about gathering firsthand information with absolute confidence, working overnight to ascertain the proper composition of information that best suites readers this makes my proposed area of profession one I agree with as it also entails my personality of being an outspoken person who loves to interact, mingle and interested in the matters of my environs and the world in whole.
Though keeping in mind its challenges, risk and other unpleasant factors such as hiding personal thoughts and opinions about specific areas, trying to get exact legit and accurate news and being sensitive to waves that should shake my ethics and morals as a journalist just like every other profession possess their challenges.
I would most surely like to get involved with the sourcing, composure and dissemination of information as I find them pleasing to enjoy its exciting parts as well as to pull through with its challenges along with a positive mindset. -
In the quiz i got a brilliant journalist or script-writer for news show i really agree with the result because I love writing very much i feel I am a creative person when i arrange some ideas in good way . In the future I would work in the news because working in this field makes me very active and in continuous searching about events updates . Ifeel my self VIP .
In the quiz i got the job of a journalist or a script writer because am creative.
Journalism has been my dream job since when I was in grade 9, and I want to be a sport journalist because I love to share ideas , think if new ones,how it's affects my society and my country as a nation. I really love sports that's why I want to become one. One has to be skilled to be creative, you learn from others . It is a platform for me to express my self freely. I have lots of mentors who I look up too because of their passion in their work journalism -
In the quiz,I got that "I would make an excellent TV news presenter or news podcaster since speaking comes naturally to me. I agree with these result because generally speaking, I am a curious person by nature. I love exploring and learning new things everyday. For one to be an excellent podcaster, he/she needs to have good communication skills and that is something I have within me.
I am saying this because whenever I make a research I try to look into the news properly before giving my opinion because, who knows? it might just be a fake news and that is going to be really bad.
Even if I don't plan on taking the job of a news presenter I still love sharing my opinion and this has helped to be a better speaker, I get to hear other people opinion and they hear mine.
The topical talk hub has also helped me in the sense that, I get to read other students' opinion on the hub about a particular topic, and if it matches my interest, I click on it and make my point. -
I got a result of being a researcher or fact checker. I agree with this result because these two qualities are important because both of them are related, they both work on information. A researcher studies more on an information while a fact checker verifies information, And having more people on this type of job can make the economy grow.
I would like to work as a fact researcher or a fact checker in the future to study or verify information.
Information is life. Wrong information can lead to many disastrous effect s but having the right information can make one live a peaceful life because one will be sure of the information being heard.
That why it's important to have a fact checker and researcher. -
I will be very productive in the Research department if i am to consider a job in the media. Am an inquisitive learner,optimistic and eager learner who likes to learn new things anytime,anyday and everywhere.
I enjoy making research locally and online using "Chrome" search box. Its quite fascinating to know that i will do very well as a researcher because i am a public speaker and i like learning new things and i always look forward to meeting new people.
I have a belief that research is life as it is important that we make research before we embark on any project because during the process of investigating or gathering facts we will meet people,explore interests and broaden our perspectives,so off i go to become a researcher!!!!! -
In the Quiz,I got "you would make an excellent TV news presenter or news podcaster!.
I agree because speaking comes most naturally to me and also letting people to know what I think and sharing my ideas with others. I also agree with the answer to the quiz because expressing my thoughts and ideas gives me confidence. I would love to work in news in the future because i can present things all around the world to people and also gather reliable information.
When I was young, I love listening to recent news inwhich it gives me the inspiration of becoming a newscaster one day. Becoming a news presenter I should be able to follow current events and present news stories to audience in an informative, interesting and unbiased way. Speaking fluently with reasonable and accurate news eagers me, sharing useful information to citizen that would guide and help them is an opportunity I look forward to be because accuracy, promptness and good hygiene is needed to be a good news presenter. -
In the quiz,I got "you can be a good and brilliant journalist ". I agree with the result because journalism has been my dream course. The work of journalist was to write, edit and file news stories. Journalism educate the public. They spend too much time to interview an expect sources, also looking for an information about crime scene and other important issue that happen in the community. I would like to work in a broadcasting company as a journalist i future because it has always been my dream to know what is happening in the world, and to be on the media. I also want write and deliver news about stories and publish items and to broadcast stories news and I will be able to write and edit news. I will have the chance to meet some popular people arround the world
researcher or fact-checker. 👌
I was replied I will make a good journalist or script writer. I totally agree with that because I find it easy to communicate with people, starting up conversation is not a problem for me;I am also a public speaker .
I also love politics alot,any body who comes in contact with me will know I have zero tolerance for discrimination. -
The result of the test .. (I will work as an excellent TV news presenter or news anchor) .. This field is very wonderful .... The person who specializes in this work works on spreading news and information about daily events for people ..... and the person must be proficient For his work and have a certain specifications. There is no doubt that this profession differs from other professions in that it is a message before it is a profession it is very hard and dangerous...... As a person who is confident in myself and loves photography and is courageous, I'm with this amazing field .
I got 'You would be a great TV presenter or news podcaster.' I don't disagree with this as that would be a good job for me but sometimes I get nervous on TV or a show or a modeling shoot but these nerves come naturally to lots of people. I do like acting but working for the news how would I know if the piece of news I am sharing is true or false? I like my result but i think it would be too much pressure on me.
I got "You would make a brilliant editor fro a newspaper ,magazine or news show". I agree because I'm always editing my mum's Youtube videos so that she can post them on her Youtube channnel Annebetty's ,(subscribe to the channel)with cool efects, pop ups and everthing from text to an ingredient list.
I was told that I would be a good TV news presenter
I was told I would be best in creativity [ not sure what job though ] I'm not sure if they read your mind but i would love to be in a job something to do with creativity . I'm really happy with that !
In the quiz, it said that ' You would make a great researcher or fact-checker'. I agree with this because I know that there are a lot of fake websites and scams in the online world. Fake news and facts can also come from the government which can change people's lifestyle or even something more important. I like listening to other people to hear what their opinions and views are before making my mind up. Overall, I think I would enjoy a job in news department as you get to debate a lot before you make the final judgement.
In the quiz, i got "You would make a great research or fast checker"
I agree because I've got to know that I'm good at meeting people and asking them few questions
As a researcher,my thinking faculty will get broaden due to new things i will come across in my society and those things I'm surrounded with
As a fast checker, i will work in the research department for magazines and television show
My main ambition is to work with the media House, Being a research and a fast checker paves way for even development of the brain
As a researcher, me travelling around to make research about what is vast and hidden to people will also enlighten them on what they don't know
I agree to this because I'm an extrovert by nature and I'm willing to know more to the ones i have already
As a researcher, you will have to know little or more about everything, even things that are not in your field
I will try to go extra miles to tribes that people don't know about and their traditions....through that More traditional policies will be amended
Indeed, what you don't know, you can't tell others
I will make a lot of findings about the modern government and the old form of government, in order for the old to flow into the new
I'm always craving for knowledge.
The two occupations I'm given is interwoven, after making research as a researcher, i need not to give to anyone to cross check, so i will do that myself as a fast checker
Still craving for the media house!! -
In the quiz, i got......."You would make a brilliant editor for a newspaper, magazine or news show" i agree with the result because i will like to have a job in the media,and i will want people to see me on the television, i have always wanted to become a news caster right from my childhood. The reason why i agree is that i will like to talk about what going on in my country, to know more about my country.To also talk about the leaders in my country. And bringing more information that are accurate to the citizens in my country.
I will be happy to work in news because i have passion for it and i want to know more about my country, to give people knowledge about their country. And to encourage those who want to become a news caster or an editor for a newspaper through my action.
Giving accurate information will help me build my status in the field of news casting. -
I did quite like the comptition so we can share our thoughts to over people
"In the quiz, I got TV news presenter or news podcaster. I disagree with the result because my initial field of study is to become a lawyer not a TV news presenter or podcaster. When you are a news presenter or podcaster, you are likely to know people and speak to the world, sharing your experiences, thoughts, and also knowing what
is happening in other countries. I as a person, i have stage fright, and i can't talk to a large number of poeple which is to be required as a news presenter. I would not like to work in news in future because it does not align with my ambition of being a lawyer.People push me into news presenter but i am a type of person who is shy.
I can speak but scared to face crowd. -
In the quiz,I got a reply which says"you would be a brilliant journalist or a script-writer for news shows"!
Actually I agree with the reply because journalism is one of my optional course I want to study in the university,and I am a script writer naturally I write scripts for drama and writing for news or shows won't be difficult for me because I am opportuned to meet many script writer,also I am a very creative person. I also love doing researches and finding new things,so being a journalist is a great idea for me because it grants me opportunities to know more thing about what going around my society and beyond and also I am not shy so I can speak.
I would love to work for the news one day. I will go to the university to study criminal journalism and work on criminal news and letting the people know about kidnapping,killing,arson and so on. I will love to share my ideas with people and let them know what happening around them. This will give me an opportunity to interact with other people from different places. I will really love to achieve my dream of being a journalist and work for the news one day.
polite_eagle | Lyons Hall Primary School E | United Kingdom 28 Nov 2022
I was replied saying I would make a excellent TV news reporter or broadcaster for TV . I agree because at my school I love to volunteer for things and give speeches. I also agree with the answers to the quiz because my favourite speech was a very good and powerful speech about climate change and the impact it had on the community.My other reason for me to be it because I love doing news reports. When I was younger I made a channel called NWA news with ****** i pretended I was a weather reporter and videoed it I think it is very good for me to be it
noble_grapefruit | Elite Scholars Academy | United States of America 28 Nov 2022
In the quiz I got journalist/ script writer for news shows. I agree with this statement because I love hearing about others viewpoints and comparing them with my own. I feel I should always share my opinion or share ideas about a topic. Knowing how to be open to others ideas is an important skill to me.
amicable_independence | Scoris International School A | Uganda 30 Nov 2022
In the quiz, l got "you would be a good TV presenter or news podcaster, and l disagree. ever since l was young journalist has been my dream because seeing how courageous those people were made me feel like l want to be like them one day, but as l grew up l have notice that l have fear of public speaking l get so nervous even in a class presentation because of that l don't think being a TV presenter would be good for me. and they also asked whether l would love to have a job in news, yes l would love to have a job in news l would love to be a news editor, because most news papers are used to tell us what is going on in the world globally but l would personally like to publish things that are fun for example:-
1. games, as we all know children and some teenagers love playing games, l would introduce games that would be in an academic way that way children can revise without touching their books.