Comments by enthusiastic_buffalo

Comment Post Date
If political parties pay to make news about elections, there's a risk of bias and manipulation... Who should fund news about elections? 06/3/24
In my opinion, power should be distributed among all three entities—the leader, the voters, and... Who has the power? 05/3/24
During election periods, it's super important for people who read the news to be careful about... The media and elections 05/3/24
I agree with option A: "Yes because protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility,... Profits or the planet? 05/3/24
The skill I am going to focus on is problem-solving. This skill is important for understanding... Competition #7 winners 05/3/24
I chose "curious🤔" because as AI advances new development pop up so I feel that because of the... What's your reaction? 03/3/24
I chose opinion C: “School is not just about learning information. It’s important for things... Will schools exist in future? 03/3/24
The impact of AI on the environment can be both positive and negative, but whether it leans more... AI and the planet 03/3/24
Firstly, my arguments in favour of Rule 50. The Olympics aims to foster unity and sportsmanship... Sports and politics 03/3/24
I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the role of AI in combating climate change,... Suggest a discussion 03/3/24
I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the impact of political instability on... Suggest a discussion 02/3/24
I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how to address eco-anxiety in educational... Suggest a discussion 02/3/24
I respectfully agree with you because the significant amount of unpaid labor that women often... Gender inequality: have your say! 02/3/24
I strongly disagree with C because escaping from prison is a criminal offence, and it poses... What if prisons aren’t working? 02/3/24
I strongly agree with you because companies developing AI technologies have an ethical... AI accident: who is responsible? 02/3/24
One piece of news about climate change that makes me feel good is that scientists have... Finding a balance 02/3/24
Hi Bella, One notable example of journalism shaping public opinion on gender equality is the... Are journalists the answer? 02/3/24
Of the three quotes from Zanny Minton Beddoes, the third quote stands out to me the most:... “Nations that fail women, fail.” 02/3/24
I strongly agree with quote "C" because it shows a deep grasp of the problems we're dealing... "Climate anxiety is a failure of the systems of power." 01/3/24
I agree with you because it's true that developing an AI capable of performing any job is... AI companion 01/3/24