Comments by students of Rhemaville Christian Academy | Nigeria Student Comment Post Date stellar_reflection I disagree because some industrial businesses are actually doing some changes to climate and to... Topical Talk in your classrooms 09/2/24 charming_artist From my opinion voting should be for any matured individual despite the age of the person, as... Age restrictions 09/2/24 straightforward_beaver Probably, the answer might be funds and workers that will be ready to sacrifice their time and... Suggest a discussion 09/2/24 chatty_fact I disagree because the main purpose of a business is profit making and profit making involves... Countries behaving badly 09/2/24 intelligent_orchard Well educated_fox, I can see this situation from two perspectives. 1. The employees... Countries behaving badly 09/2/24 charming_artist Correct, aside from the media, famous people, and people in high places, companies also play a... Businesses and elections 09/2/24 articulate_moment I agree because... Unemployment is a really major problem all over the world. Either there are... Suggest a discussion 09/2/24 allowing_peach Hello, approachable_climate @ topical talk. I beg to differ because... as I previously... Animal rights 09/2/24 articulate_moment I think there should be a hub discussion on "how businesses can stop wars from starting in the... Suggest a discussion 09/2/24 reasoning_knowledge Changing a rule without proper communication is not right. It can lead to disorganization,... Responsible citizens 09/2/24 clever_redcurrant I agree the news would have a big impact on businesses these impact can be negative or positive... How might the news affect businesses? 09/2/24 giving_snail Hi, The effect of the news on businesses is great and deeper than you think. The news is what... How might the news affect businesses? 09/2/24 grounded_seal I agree because... The whole point of businesses in our society is to help those who do not have... How could businesses make positive change? 09/2/24 intelligent_orchard Very good points you have there precious_swan. But i have a question. Is it possible that a... Businesses and elections 09/2/24 devoted_television I'm not sure about this because climate change is a global problem and affects everyone, so age... Why don’t people change? 09/2/24 articulate_moment I agree because... Poverty is a main problem in my country too. About 88.4 million people in... Suggest a discussion 09/2/24 devoted_television I agree because climate change started as a global problem because almost everyone contributed... Climate change and inequality 09/2/24 thankful_olive I accede to your comment here forceful lemon and really a lot has been said about this. So ill... Will schools exist in future? 09/2/24 tenacious_robin Hello, While reading through I found this question, well personally I won't say It provides... AI companion 09/2/24 clever_redcurrant I agree it would reduce stress for the students and it would also help students to develop... AI and the future of education 09/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 … 122 123 >