beloved_koala has not published standpoints yet. Comments by beloved_koala Comment Post Date Comment: I find inspiration for art through many things. I see myself as a real bookworm, so reading and... Post: #43 - What inspires your ideas? Date: 10/7/20 Comment: It would be a good idea to be more diverse and less sexist so it can encourage people of... Post: #41 - Ideas to Include Date: 22/6/20 Comment: When you say the word art, it is sectioned into a myriad of things, ranging from the classic... Post: #38 - Hundred Word Challenge Date: 05/6/20 Comment: I think Open-Mindedness is a crucial trait for a journalist. If he/she is able to listen to... Post: #35 - Skills for success Date: 15/5/20 Comment: My question for Anita Ganeri about writing about extreme weather is, ' Do you have a particular... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 29/4/20 Comment: A Changed World The reason I chose this title is because, to state the obvious, in the image,... Post: #32 - Give it a title! Date: 20/4/20 Comment: My 7 words are: *Informative *Helpful *Realistic *Educational *Awareness... Post: #31 - Say it in Seven! Date: 16/4/20 Comment: In my point of view, I think B is the odd one out as - since it's on a website - there will... Post: #30 - News Odd One Out - Winners Announced! Date: 09/4/20 Comment: To show my gratitude and my appreciation, this is what I would say to all of these hardworking... Post: #29 - Write an inspiring speech - Winners Announced! Date: 03/4/20 Comment: A fantastic story I saw is that China's death toll has reduced drastically and civilians can... Post: #28 - Good News Stories - Winners Announced! Date: 27/3/20 Comment: If you ask me, I believe that the key fact I've learnt is that there are about 100,000... Post: #26 - Fact Findings - Winners Announced! Date: 13/3/20 Comment: The one thing that I would like to change is the respect MPs and Prime Minister, Boris Johnson... Post: #20 - What One Change....? Date: 31/1/20 Comment: Power. It can mean a myriad of things, ranging from both positive to negative things. I... Post: #19 - Concept Comments Date: 24/1/20 Comment: What was the most difficult time throughout your 25 years as a journalist? In what way did you... Post: #18 - Question the Questioner - Winners Announced! Date: 17/1/20 Comment: I am absolutely delighted that you have decided to choose me as your prime minister. I'm... Post: #17 - Winners Announced Date: 10/1/20 Comment: I think that 6 -removing space junk- is most important since space also deserves to be taken... Post: #13- Breaking News Reaction - Winners Announced! Date: 06/12/19 Comment: In my opinion, I would send a poem into space. I think poems really bring the emotion just by... Post: #12 - Message in a Rocket - Winners Announced! Date: 25/11/19 Comment: My motto is... "The world is in our hands." The reason why I said this is because even... Post: #11 - Make a Motto for NASA Date: 22/11/19 Comment: I think that space tourism is a good idea since we 'ordinary people' -by which I mean those who... Post: #10 - Brain-stand! Winners Announced Date: 15/11/19 Comment: My three words to describe space is... 1. Mysterious because it seems as though once you learn... Post: #8 - Three Words And Why Date: 31/10/19 View more >