brilliant_blackberry has not published standpoints yet. Comments by brilliant_blackberry Comment Post Date Comment: My virtual arts festival would include traditional cultural art that represents the diversity of... Post: #39 - Your Virtual Festival Date: 12/6/20 Comment: Art is important because it is a way for us to communicate with each other without words. It... Post: #38 - Hundred Word Challenge Date: 05/6/20 Comment: It’s really difficult to choose just one skill, as I think all of these skills are essential for... Post: #35 - Skills for success Date: 15/5/20 Comment: The most important thing I have learnt from other people on the hub is that different people... Post: #34 - Global Connections Date: 06/5/20 Comment: You write a lot about extreme weather. Does the research you do for your books cause you to... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 29/4/20 Comment: Good evening volunteers and welcome, I want to start this speech off by saying thank you.... Post: #29 - Write an inspiring speech - Winners Announced! Date: 03/4/20 Comment: I read that, because of Covid-19, many more people are not using transport as much as they used... Post: #28 - Good News Stories - Winners Announced! Date: 27/3/20 Comment: My idea for improvement is mobile doctor’s surgeries. The way these will work is that doctors... Post: #27 - Ideas for Improvement Date: 20/3/20 Comment: ‘NHS BATTLE PLAN TO SAVE MILLIONS OF LIVES’- DAILY EXPRESS What is it trying to make us... Post: #25 - Behind the Headlines - Winners Announced! Date: 05/3/20 Comment: On my poster for NHS staff, I would write: Sometimes just being near someone is enough to make... Post: #24 - Notes to the NHS Date: 28/2/20 Comment: I used to think that the voting system used in the UK (which I now know is called First Past The... Post: #22 - I used to think... Now I think... Date: 13/2/20 Comment: I think that politicians do need more respect, but not so much. I am in the middle. This is why... Post: #21 - Poll - Do politicians deserve more respect? Date: 07/2/20 Comment: I suggest that we could have a greater say in who will be our next MP. What this means is that... Post: #20 - What One Change....? Date: 31/1/20 Comment: I chose the word power What do you think of when you see this word? When I see this word, I... Post: #19 - Concept Comments Date: 24/1/20 Comment: I have noticed that you often repeat your question several times in succession, often talking... Post: #18 - Question the Questioner - Winners Announced! Date: 17/1/20 Comment: Something I think will happen is that the universe will continue to expand indefinitely. I... Post: #15 - Will, Might, Won't! Date: 20/12/19 Comment: My chosen space job is Robotics Engineer. I have chosen this because you would have a chance to... Post: #14 - Space Job Skills - Winners Announced! Date: 13/12/19 Comment: Which one will be most worth doing and why? Removing space junk Space junk has become a... Post: #13- Breaking News Reaction - Winners Announced! Date: 06/12/19 Comment: NASA: The Future of Space Exploration Is In Safe Hands I have chosen this motto because I... Post: #11 - Make a Motto for NASA Date: 22/11/19