Comments by daring_cherry Comment Post Date In my opinion, 1.Diversity in movies is a very vital thing if we are to call a movie a world... Why is it important to see diversity in films? 11/11/22 “you have to see it to be it” I certainly agree with Billie that you have to see it to be it... Do you have to see it, to be it? 11/11/22 The cartoon depicts a sinking ship with a British flag and people trying to hold onto whatever... What does the cartoonist think? 11/11/22 Among my suggestions I think, ''Use of internet services like zoom, google meet and skype to... Are COP events sustainable? 10/11/22 Is it time for a general election in the UK? Given the political instability in UK whereby Liz... Is it time for a general election in the UK? 10/11/22 In my country, the rich have upper advantage of benefiting from those innovations since most of... Space innovations: what do you think? 10/11/22 WELL,as a young person, being a leader of my country would be a good job because i would like to... Would you be a leader? 10/11/22 WELL, as for me, am actually interested in exploring the whole universe because i have always... What makes space 'out of this world'? 09/11/22 Well, protecting people is important but we have to as well protect the future world where... Space: a positive human future? 09/11/22 Well, your right about the power of will but personally i think that if its connected to saving... Reduce, reuse, recycle! 08/11/22 I think celebrities could participate in recorded charity events where second hand clothes are... Reduce, reuse, recycle! 08/11/22 Well, only the blind would say space exploration is useless because if you are a person of... Space: a positive human future? 08/11/22 In my community, we pick up plastic bottles in large amount in big sucks and we take them for... How sustainable is YOUR community? 07/11/22 In my view, COP event organizers should start the use of solar panels on the buildings where the... Are COP events sustainable? 07/11/22 PERSONALLY, I was inspired by Mark Shuttleworth being the first African to go into space on... Expert challenge: achieving dreams! 07/11/22 Considerate platform to change lives Suggest a discussion! 07/11/22 My questions for a new leader would be; 1.What will you do about the gender inequality in our... Competition #2 Questions for leaders 07/11/22 politically, around the world,the most politicians are selfish and greedy that they would... The food crisis: why can’t we just share? 07/11/22 $450,000 is a lot of money I would use it make my life as well as the lives of those around me... Money, money, money! 07/11/22 On my part, the information about women doing unpaid work surprises me at some point cause... Gender inequality: have your say! 07/11/22 < 1 2 3 4 5 >