enigmatic_singer has not published standpoints yet. Comments by enigmatic_singer Comment Post Date Comment: It's actually my first time participating in the topical Talk festival and it has being great... Post: Topical Talk and YOU Date: 20/3/24 Comment: The purpose of prison is to reform those who engaged in criminal activities. How prison could be... Post: What is the purpose of prisons and how can we improve them Date: 17/3/24 Comment: I agree its a good idea for AI to go for war in stead of humans in order to reduce the death... Post: AI: and the future of war Date: 17/3/24 Comment: Hi topical talk I prefer humans teacher over robot teacher because robot teachers will not... Post: which is better robots teacher or teachers Date: 14/3/24 Comment: My opinion on AI is that it has helped us a lot in many aspects, both in the positive and... Post: My Opinion on AI Date: 14/3/24 Comment: It's not worth taking it because If a person take the pills an it has a side effect on the... Post: Enchanced games! Is it worth taking the risk? Date: 12/3/24 Comment: One of the problems and challenges journalists might be facing could be fear, when a journalist... Post: Challenges to journalists Date: 12/3/24 Comment: What I think is that the reasons why countries have rules guiding immigration is one to avoid... Post: Why are there rules about immigration? Date: 11/3/24 Comment: The media player a great role in supporting women's football because the media is global so... Post: Women's sport Date: 07/3/24 Comment: What I think young people want from the leaders is fair hearing that is the government need to... Post: “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” Date: 07/3/24 Comment: I agree a prison place where people who has committed crimes are kept for reformation but... Post: Cleanliness or hygiene's of prisons Date: 06/3/24 Comment: I agree with options A because everyone has the responsibility to protect their environment.... Post: Profits or the planet? Date: 06/3/24 Comment: I said yes because I would like to solve those problems that the past leaders were not able to... Post: Your country in your hands! Date: 05/3/24 Comment: I scored 9 out of ten in the quiz and what I actually learnt in the quiz, is the purpose of an... Post: The elections quiz Date: 05/3/24 Comment: Everyone knows that the social media is global and any news which is posted must be belied by... Post: The media and elections Date: 05/3/24 Comment: My opinion on this is that the voters has more power, because the voters are the one who will... Post: Who has the power? Date: 05/3/24 Comment: What I would like to say about it is that all sports mater because every one has a reason for... Post: Which sports “matter”? Date: 29/2/24 Comment: I scored 11 out of 16. Actually I learnt a lot of things during the quiz. What I learnt was... Post: Show what you know! Date: 29/2/24 Comment: I agree with C because we all know that everyone has different was on how our bodies react t to... Post: What do you think about the Enhanced Games? Date: 28/2/24 Comment: Why I think so is because for instance a business is walking together with a particular person... Post: Businesses and elections Date: 21/2/24 View more >