Comments by intuitive_argument Comment Post Date Hello Is really important for young people to learn about the news because is a great way to... STEP TWO: get ready for the competition 08/3/24 Hi the topic which I am most passionate about is the enhanced games because it involves both... STEP ONE: do the lessons, pick a Standpoint topic 08/3/24 I think that people should know when an athlete is using enhanced drugs because if not it is not... Should people know? 01/3/24 I score 14 out of 16 and I can really say that I had learn many things in this quiz. I knew... Show what you know! 01/3/24 I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the health and impact of the enhanced drugs... Suggest a discussion 29/2/24 I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the impact in society due to certain women... Suggest a discussion 29/2/24 Hi! In order to minimize this gap I would suggest to raise the wage floor of jobs and encourage... Gender inequality: have your say! 28/2/24 In the lesson of the Enhanced games in my class we had talked about the billionaire Peter Thiel... How did the lesson go? 28/2/24 In my opinion is a good idea and fair that athletes are required to stay in a neutral zone about... Sports and politics 28/2/24 If I had to create my own game, a rule which I would imply to all the people taking part is... You make the rules! 28/2/24 I think that all the examples mentioned before are good and decisions we can make for becoming... Unfair advantage? 26/2/24 Actually all sports deserve respect and matter equally. Is true that most of sports nowadays... Which sports “matter”? 26/2/24 As I see it is more important people who can influence the adult behaviour because all around... Who has the power to stop social bias? 24/2/24 There are some important reasons why people are not changing their behavior towards the bad... Why don’t people change? 24/2/24 The information that surprises me the most is the gender pay gap. From my point of view is not... Gender inequality: have your say! 21/2/24 I completely agree with opinion A because woman throughout the history has been less recognized... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 21/2/24 If I had a robot one day, I would like that it help me to do my chores because it takes me a lot... AI companion 09/2/24 I think that the jobs that robots will be able to do better than people is all what have to do... People v robots 07/2/24 I agree with you because it seems that from now onwards AI intelligence is going to be... Jobs of the future 03/2/24 I think that the news should be balance in order to maintain things well. Is true that watching... Too much negative news? 03/2/24 1 2 >