Reduce, reuse, recycle!

Great Thunberg is one of the most well-known young climate activists in the world. She recently said that 90% of her clothes are second hand and have been passed onto her from other people, such as her family and friends.
Wearing second hand clothes is one way of cutting back on the waste produced by fast fashion. But what else could be done to encourage people to reduce, reuse and recycle clothing?
Put your problem-solving skills to the test by answering the following questions:
- What do you think celebrities could do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
- What could big brands and shops do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
- What could you do in your community to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
Tell us your thoughts in the comments below. Don’t forget to let others know what you think of what they've said by replying directly to their comment. For example, do you think their ideas would work? Why or why not?
Comments (163)
Awareness campaigns should be implemented to allow people understand and appreciate the outcomes of these actions. this can be done through the internet and social media platforms to enable capture a great deal of people most especially the youths. the awareness campaigns will give room for information and once ignorance is broken, tolerance prospers
This is an interesting concept patient_fruit. What would you have as the main focus of your first campaign? What would you want to raise awareness of?
This is true, and all people here in this world have grown up on different cultures and started with them from childhood, but now they grow up on these behaviors and cultures, so there must be a long period of time to spread awareness, and perhaps awareness will not succeed at all and we have to resort to other parties.
Whatever famous fashion brands declares openly as a "new trend" stays like that for a while so I'm thinking of famous people spreading awareness of safer and more eco-friendly styles that are still delivering glamour as they are saving the planet. Probably sticking out some fliers that shows how modern clothing can be great if we start making dresses from polyethylene terephthalate bottles and reusing some leftover cotton is a step.
I agree because... the more Eco-friendly clothes there are, the closer our planet is to becoming a safe environment.
To be honest we all know how easy it is to get influenced and who influences better than celebrities, literally all celebrities have to do is just say a few word and boom! everyone follows. They can organize clothes donations and people will show up. I feel big brands can organize things like a return and get where people return clothes they have used and get a small money token even if it's just about $5 or so and they can recycle the clothes and get a little more money. In the community we could try to do something like and clothe exchange people could gather together and exchange clothes with each other like a top for a jacket or a dress for some trousers that way they spend less and have a larger variety of clothes.
I think it's a great idea for big brands to organize recycling scheme and offer cashback/ voucher to customers for swapping old clothes. I aware some brands have been started promoting some related schemes. Do you have any idea on which brands allow you to swap old clothes for vouchers?
Recently there are many upgrowing companies care about Earth and start recycling clothes. I love how "Recycle Coach " website called them Ethical Companies in this article
I like your train of thought, and you raise some very good points regarding the influence of famous people and that big companies are capable of organising recycle drives. The money in return will encourage more people to recycle their clothes instead of throwing them away. Do you think thrift shops or charity shops can also implement this strategy? Do you think influencers on social media should also be spreading this information and not just big celebrities?
I agree because... we need to start recycling and yes celebrities are really good influencers and they can influence the world with what they say even what they wear . now a days people want to dress like celebrities and copy every thing they do . So I believe that if celebrities start reusing and recycling especially their clothes other people to will do it and we can fight climate change.
I agree with you a lot, especially when you say that celebrities can influence people in a better way, and this is true. Purposeful projects related to clothes, people here will follow the lives of these celebrities, where when projects and companies related to clothes are set up, a source of income will be provided for unemployed people.
I salute you for this idea.
What can you do in your community to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
First, introducing people to the recycling process is the first and most important step in this process, by publishing
Videos and information that inform people about the importance of collecting old clothes and donating or disposing of them in ways that allow them to be recycled, and fortunately, the Internet has made this task easier by providing many videos and programs that tell us in detail about the process of recycling
Do you think people will need an incentive to take part in this? Or is awareness enough to get them to do it?
I think celebrities can be an example to their fans and also others when they reuse and recycle clothes, because when people see them doing it they will actually be motivated and will want to do it. Celebrities can also use their fame and popularity to prompt reused and recycled clothes.
This is a great point on celebrity influence. What do you think it would take to make them want to use their influence in this way?
Very good point. Don't you think that an encouragement should come from the general opinion as well? For example, follow more actresses that have reused their dress?
Celebrities can do a video of recycling some of their clothes instead of throwing them away, so people watch the video and try to imitate that famous recycling of clothes
I agree because...Celebrities can easily post a video about recycling clothes so people can try to listen to a famous person talking and imitate and respond to the video.
Yes, in that work we contribute to recycling, and everyone becomes imitating celebrities and reusing clothes instead of disposing of them. With this work, we get rid of throwing clothes, and there is a shortage of waste and waste.
i agree because if celebrities do a video of recycling some of there clothes then more people will start to do the same so i think it would help
They make new beautiful and attractive clothes from old clothes and this is something that everyone will love to recycle, an example of that
Making a dress from an old shirt, so we can benefit from the shirt instead of throwing it in the trash
Making a hat from a winter jacket
Making a pillow case from a shirt
Quilt work with an old T-shirt
Making a market bag using an old shirt and tie
Making a skirt from an old T-shirt
I love that
Those are some wonderful ideas for simple recycling at home! People can also use old fabric pieces as dusting cloths, rugs etc!
In our home, we use pieces of cloth as dust and other things, and we benefit from it
In our house, we use dust cloths from excess fabric and make beautiful things such as flowers,,, things that decorate the house of our own making, and we can also make clothes for Barbie or our toy
I agree because... I think that making new stuff from old is a great idea like you said " Making a dress from an old shirt, so we can benefit from the shirt instead of throwing it in the trash
Making a hat from a winter jacket
Making a pillow case from a shirt
Quilt work with an old T-shirt
Making a market bag using an old shirt and tie
Making a skirt from an old T-shirt "
We enjoy this work, we benefit from less waste and even benefit from the new things that we have made
I agree because this would reduce waste by a large amount, however, don't you think that the material is also causing pollution? shouldn't we go more towards a natural fabric, and the fashion should show how to use those material better?
It is possible to collect all the clothes that need to be recycled and work together as one to return and beautify them and make good clothes that attract customers
This would be a great collective effort committed_tsunami. Do you think there's much that could be done to either reduce or reuse in the fashion world before there is a need for recycling?
Since celebrities are really influential and role models for many people, all they have to do is put on second hand clothes and talk about it and if they are shy about doing it then maybe they should all do it together that encourages them
I think when people buy brands, they don't buy clothes, they buy the logo, the brand, the name. It wouldn't be different for them if companies used used clothes so they should sell it as a replacement
I have to keep my clothes good, because there are people who will wear them after me, this encourages their purchase and we have to spread environmental awareness, because in order to buy jeans, you will contribute to wasting 20 thousand liters of water, and I have to accept wearing second-hand clothes, whether I buy them or one of my clothes . Relatives gave it to me.
That is a wonderful way to re-use second hand good quality clothing. It brings some responsibility to the wearer to take care of their clothes which is really nice.
What do you think about cheap clothes that people buy over and over again to keep up with fashion trends? How can we break that cycle? Those clothes are often very low quality so many people just throw them away after they're done
I don't like it because despite its low price, it will make me buy more and spend more and harm the environment more. I feel that the reason for this incident is the person's feeling of deficiency in himself, so he tries to bridge this gap by consuming like them. Consumption is the only way to become like them. Immediately, the idea of fast fashion should go away
Can you think of any reasons why companies WOULDN'T want to use used materials for their products? (It may seem like a simple fix but it's helpful to think about why these changes haven't already occurred. Then we can find ways to remove the things that are blocking that change.)
Most of the time, the goal of the companies is to achieve profit and fame, so the reasons for these cancellations of Festko will be:
1_ People's refusal to wear my clothes, used materials, and their fear of not accepting customs. 2- They are afraid of the company's reputation, so the company's reputation will be destroyed, and its profits will be reduced, and this means that its bankruptcy will close, even though this problem can be solved with some documents that confirm the cleanliness and safety of its product and the prices. 3- Lack of environmental awareness.
4- The desire of some people to create a new type that is special to him and carries his code, his name, and this problem can be eliminated by taking the clothes and recycling them in specialized factories, so that the threads are washed and he repeats his compositions, removing the symbols and slogans on them, and then printing your own slogan.
To be honest we all know how easy it is to get influenced and who influences better than celebrities, literally all celebrities have to do is just say a few word and boom! everyone follows. They can organise clothes donations and people will show up. I feel big brands can organise things like a return and get where people return clothes they have used and get a small money token even if it's just about $5 or so and they can recycle the clothes and get a little more money. In the community we could try to do something like and clothe exchange people could gather together and exchange clothes with each other like a top for a jacket or a dress for some trousers that way they spend less and have a larger variety of clothes.
By opening specialized institutions and stores that encourage the sale and recycling of old clothes or unwanted clothes to wear and employing people with the ability to be creative and think about creating and reshaping clothes and making people accept to buy them by reducing their prices
This is an interesting idea. Can you say more about the creativity required by those employed to process the old/unwanted clothes and sell them? What else attracts a prospective purchaser of recycled clothes other than a reduced price?
The question: What can celebrities do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothing? They can dress up more than once to show their fans that they're not just spending their money on clothes. Famous or non-famous mothers can wear pieces of clothing that no longer fit her child, immediately give them to her younger child and a size than him, and work to mend the torn parts so that her child can wear them. Mothers can convert the piece into a small bag by redesigning it through the use of a sewing machine, to be used as a bag to carry clips and ropes or other items that may cause chaos inside the house, and may resort to converting a piece of jeans into a small handy bag or school bag. I hope you like my ideas!
That's a very good suggestion, I like it. It would reduce waste. In addition to that I would love to have the possibility to buy new cloths, but made with sustainable material, easy to recycle, or that just doesn't create pollution.
As a generation we are the most fortunate generation that has ever lived on this beautiful planet, we have constant access to information and we can educate ourselves on a daily basis by accessing YouTube tutorials, LinkedIn articles, newspapers articles and so on. The challenge behind is the power of the will, do celebrities want to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes, do brands show enough initiative in changing their perspective and the way they work around the reuse and clothes recycling?
Everyone is inspired by everyone, celebrities could perhaps wear the same outfit they wore at their last seen event, or big brands to use the same fabric or materials used during they're last fashion show from the clothes that have not been sold and advertise that through events or advert.
Well, your right about the power of will but personally i think that if its connected to saving our planet from its threats due to CO2 emissions and massive waste production then i think its everyones responsibility to fight for the future of earth inclusive of celebrities, it becomes their responsibilities as change makers and humans to save the world buy accepting to encourage others to reuse and recycle clothes
Clothes became a commodity that was used many times and then was thrown into used clothing containers.
In terms of celebrities, they can set a good role model for others to follow. As we all know how easy it is for celebrities to influence others in a better way. They can encourage people to recycle clothes. They can also provide direct support to the needy and make donations to the poor and needy.
I think big brands and (popular) stores are working on going to the place where people throw away, recycle, and save on clothes they used to buy.
Some well-known stores also dedicate a part of the clothing to support the needs of the poor or who are unable to purchase by providing them with clothing, and in the community we can try to do something like exchanging clothes with friends and family. These are interesting things as each person can bring all the old clothes they don't need and exchange them with others in need. This can increase the spirit of cooperation, happiness and excitement between individuals and communities.
You have considered a few solutions here using your problem solving and creativity skills careful_jambul!
Do you think there are other ways besides our friend's creations here?
But from my point of view, I think that celebrities can open a small project and it depends on opening a store to sell the clothes they used and in this way they will earn a lot of money because this generation is related to celebrities in an unusual way and most people like to wear clothes that are completely similar to celebrities And when they earn money, they buy new clothes to donate, which are beautiful and clean
I aspire for the famous fashion brands to be environmentally friendly and suitable for all seasons and to harmonize their colors. I ask celebrities to display their clothes to be suitable for all groups, the rich and the poor, so that they have the ability to buy them. We ask them to recycle them to take into account the conditions of people and make videos to recycle them and publish them to everyone through social media platforms.
Great comment @glad_concept. What could the videos demonstrate? Would the celebrities show themselves wearing second-hand clothes for example? Or would the videos show them recycling at a clothes bank?
I liked your comment too but you made me very confused why are you so sure celebrities will accept? And why would they choose you over others? And how will you convince them?
Many people think that worn clothes should be discarded, but some of these pieces carry some special and beautiful memories associated with some people. In my opinion, there are many innovative ways
To reuse old clothes
like making a quilt with old T-shirts.
A quilt can be made with old "t-shirts", by collecting the old pieces and stitching them together until they turn into a cover for the bed.
You can design a “pillowcase” from an old shirt, by choosing old shirts, cutting the sleeves, flipping the shirt over, stitching it at the back, lining it with foam or cotton, and turning it into small living room pillows.
A small coin purse can be designed using an old shirt bracelet.
People should be encouraged to recycle clothes and use them in other projects such as the manufacture of bags, umbrellas and hats, and there is a lot of their use. Awareness campaigns should be carried out in the streets, making banners and hanging them in the streets, schools, workplaces and parks to spread them, and also through devices such as mobile phones and radios and showing them on applications and also showing them On TV channels and campaigns in schools, parks and public places, I think that this is what works, because the recycling process reduces waste and reduces pollution in the environment, and because it works to return clothes in beautiful shapes
I'm very interested in your awareness campaigns calm_deer. I like the digital campaigns you suggest such as mobile phones and applications. Do you think the production of banners would have enough impact to outweigh the environmental impact of making them? Could the banners then be used for other purposes?
These banners can be recycled. We can turn them into waterproof bags.we can donate them to a school to use them for floor during missy play.
I think they should reuse clothes
Can you think of ways in which clothes could be re-used neat_statement? Would they be re-used to make other outfits? Or re-used in a different way?
I agree because it means you will save cloths
I agree because... you dont need so many clothes you could just use your old clothes there is no reason to get more clothes if you already have some so i agree
I agree because people have way to many clothes if you don’t wear it sell it
i think you are right neat statement because not many people reuse there clothes there just throwing them away
Celebrities have a great impact on people's lives, especially teenagers, and they should use this influence to educate people about the importance of recycling used clothes by creating videos that show the experiences of celebrities by donating old clothes or using them to make pillows for the living room or make bedspreads for the floors of the house or for some furniture.
These are some great examples of recycling and celebrity endorsement awesome_sea. Can you also think of examples that cover re-use. This is even more environmentally friendly than recycling.
Some people have personal shoppers who take back clothes and bring new ones. These are usually borrowed, not purchased. Purchased items can be sold, donated or thrown away. Donated clothes can be sold at charity auctions. (The famous Princess Diana donated her dress to a special charity). After all, we all play in our own lives.
emotional_moon this is a great example! Do you think we should encourage renting and hiring clothes to help with the fast fashion problem?
It is a good idea if celebrities wear these clothes to their parties and the owners of famous stores make commercial ads supporting these clothes and Ivisit these places monthly to buy wath we need and encourage those who buy them
Fashion is stupid, yes I understand that is allows us to express ourselves, but we can express ourselves in several different ways, in my opinion, it is a waste of time, money, and effort, you see, society has been extremely judgemental against looks, to the point where people would starve, just to fit the latest trend. Life shouldn't depend on looks, instead, it should depend on personality. A few years ago, there was a study, where an ugly actor and a beautiful actor made a scene, where their cars broke down, the attractive actor got THREE times more help than the ugly one. It really exposes the flaws in society, and how modern day fashion is mentally unhealthy.
This is an interesting example inspired_acorn! Do you think fashion can give people a way to express themselves, or should it just be functional e.g. to keep us warm?
I think celebrities should hold talk show programmes about what they've been through that is, their clothing from the start of whatever industry they belong eg music and their opinion or feeling about the idea of reduce,reuse and recycle.Honestly, not all especially big brands and shops will consider the idea but they can start a cloth recycling industry just so to provide their products to all classes of people no matter the standard.
I very much agree that celebrities influence people, and this is through several ways, as they can appear in clothes more than once, or exchange clothes with the poor and make videos and films in which they represent reality, or turn them into other pieces, and They can take advantage of natural materials, to show people that they should choose the best, not the most beautiful.
I like the example of choosing natural materials free_snail! What natural materials could they choose?
There are many natural materials that can be used, including vegetable and animal Vegetables such as: cotton, which absorbs sweat in the summer and keeps heat away, and linen, which gives a soft texture and a beautiful look. Animals such as: animal skins, as they are used in heat and cold and stay for a long time, as well as fur and wool that is used for heating in winter. In your opinion, can we combine more than one material to give us a new one??
I agree with you, because the life of luxury has become the reality. Here I also suggest the owners of international brands should recycle their used clothes of the same brand. When buying, it is agreed to return the piece after use and deduct a small part of its price after returning it and recycling it in the same factory and with the same brand and selling it. in poor countries
These brands and shops can use the internet and post to inform people that waste clothing can be used to make different things like carpet padding ,rubberized playgrounds and many others, in this way people can understand and put it into actions, and some programs help people donate clothes for recycling which earns them money in the end. In my pinion most people are inspired by celebrities fashion and in case the same fashion brands celebrities put on reach them they are willing and ready to fix the clothes so that they can atleast be like their inspirers at some point. In the community we could try to tell or inform each other about some of the advantages of recycling clothes like they could sell them to recycling companies and get money, they can make amazing clothes out of the old ones, and could donate others to the people who need them to avoid a wastage life.
Celebrities are among the influential people and indeed they are the trend makers so, celebrities some products of recycled clothes in their trends for example blankets made from recycled t shirts and encourage people to recycle their unwanted clothes so that more products like those are made. Big cloth brands could also make some nice products from recycled clothes for example blankets and also put prizes for people who shall be recycling the most and also they should make clothes that can be reused and recycled.
I can encourage people in my community to recycle and reuse clothes by telling them the benefits of such an act.
I like this project because this project will help the poor a lot. In my opinion, he should shoot videos while they take the recycled clothes and wear them and talk about that these clothes are beautiful, and the brands and stores should make boxes with a big sign that says "Put your piece of clothes and come in a week and we will recycle it and it will be more beautiful than before" This is how they will be encouraged. To put papers in public places and to post a message on social media, which is "Let's recycle our clothes and give them back better than before."
I prefer that they recycle it and make clothes in a different way that others like like a famous channel of a famous person named Dar Man who made a video about used clothes and recycling and got a great and great success The only thing I can do for cheerleaders in my country is give them tips and watch them recycle nicely.
Each of us has ambitions and dreams that he wants to achieve. In determination, will, confidence and diligence, a person succeeds, his ideas succeed, and his dreams come true.
. Since celebrities are the most influencial people in the world, they are capable of changing the trend. Wearing the same cloths in different music videos and as they take pictures, this shows people their love for their old cloths hence trying it. For the big companies, there is need to delay in producing a new type of cloth so that it delays on market and gets scarce too and the shops should sell the cloths in small amounts too. In addition, i think for people in my community to reuse and recycle clothes they need to be informed about the dangers of dumping cloths since it affects the environment negatively .
We can recycle spoiled clothes, cans and cans
And we can advise and kind people to recycle things
For example, spoiled food and fruits are turned into natural fertilizer for plants, or we can donate our surplus clothes to the poor.
And if we recycle things, we will preserve the environment and prevent pollution from sweeping it
We all know that celebrities make a huge impact on their followers, their followers imitate them in the way they dress and sing, so that we can benefit from it. We repeat clothes in more than one party. Then the audience imitates us and they repeat their dress, this reduces the phenomenon of throwing clothes, and there is another way, which is if I am a singer, I will sing about recycling and always choose what is good for our environment and not choose the worst for the environment and distribute the excess clothes to the poor, then we can see the smiles on their faces
I love the idea of a pop star singing about recycling clothes to help change their fans' fast-fashion habits!
Celebrities most importantly should start repeating clothes and stop bringing new trends so often then they can start a boutique that have their old clothes so people can come and buy them instead of getting new ones that are in vogue. Big brands can promote reuse by offering rewards for old clothes on a large scale also they can promote recycling by promoting the buy one, give one culture and offering discounts on their products in return for customers leaving a bag of any brand of clean, dry clothes. In my community I can encourage people to buy clothes made out of eco-friendly materials, repairing old clothes, donating and buying quality over quantity.
You make a great point that the responsibility for reducing the waste from fast fashion needs to be shared. Influential people like celebrities can set a good example and turn rewearing their favourite clothes into a new trend in itself. Businesses of different sizes can shape the market and limit the supply. And if ordinary people can be helped to understand the consequences of fast fashion on their environments, they will also be encouraged to start to change their behaviour. If you think about these different groups – businesses, individuals, and also governments – who do you think needs to make the first move to help kickstart these positive changes?
Celebrities can say motivating phrases to people and tell people that reusing and recycling clothes is not a shame because if we follow this method we will reduce the waste generated by fast fashion and reuse and recycle celebrity clothes and big brands and stores can be from the unimportant clothes wonderful and attractive clothes like this People will be attracted to buy and use recycled clothes and also they can picture a lot of celebrities reusing and recycling clothes because people imitate celebrities a lot. What I can do in my country to encourage people to recycle and use clothes is to open a big gallery and everyone puts pieces of Clothes that he does not need or that are too small for him, and then these pieces are recycled, so we can use them again
for celebrities; It is possible to display their clothes in an exhibition at an affordable price that everyone can buy, whether from the artistic community or any ordinary person
As for merchants, they can allocate stores that use the barter method (exchanging a commodity for a commodity) to relieve people and exchange their used clothes with newer ones, or use their clothes and coordinate them with other stores in a new and unfamiliar way
As for the community, they have to exchange clothes between relatives and neighbors as a beautiful custom that works on love among community members and spread joy to all
The importance of recycling for the environment Many people seek to find solutions to reduce environmental pollution through several practices that help solve this problem, and the process of recycling has positive effects, and we note that these days people wear fast clothes more than before. It is also considered the fashion of the modern era, but I think that the clothes of the modern era are very bad because of the ruptures and breaches of values, morals and human customs.
Everyone knows that fast fashion is bad for society and it needs much money every time, so There are many of creative ways you can reuse your old clothes like ,you can buy a sweater ,trouser and shoes and look after it and use it in many ways with others pervious clothes . Also , you have to fous on quality than quantity to keep it more. we can watch some video which influences make it to show ways to recycle the clothes in fresh shape and turn old one to new.
Celebrities start by themselves, show people what they're wearing, recycle them, announce it to people and shops, recycle them, put new touches on them, and sell them at the right price . I try to recycle a piece of clothing that i love, tell people how I do it: a pair of jeans, you can have shorts or Bermuda or abag.
I think that celebreties could use their popularity by advertising for clothes charities where people can donate with their unneeded clothes but ofcource these clothes can’t be ripped or ruined because there are other humans that need to use good stuff for sure so this is a type of (reusing) Also there has to be in all countries in each city at least two huge containers for ruined clothes so the factories can come and (recycle)it by doing different stuff from the materials of these clothes.
I also recommend to people to have a middle quantity of clothes not a little bit and not too much to let people have different styles and in the same time not to waste all their money on clothes only because there are more stuff to buy,So each person has to have different styles for different places and seasons ofcource.
So I would just save my community by recycling and reusing the clothes that I’m volunteering and like that I’m giving one of the needs of the poor that are always willing to have .
These three "Rs" symbolize the common goal of how to heal our world from all the toxicity and harm our activities, knowingly or unknowingly, have caused to it. We all can make a difference like Greta through the little changes we make in our lives. Stylish clothes are fashionable but you know what else is? reducing global warming. As our styles change, so does our climate. Should we compromise staying in vogue with saving our world, of course we should. I think the latter is more important and everyone else should too. If fashion stops us from having a safer world, then let us do something about it. No matter what, we must not lose focus on the goal which is to save our world. I personally have made changes in wardrobe ( But positive ones though). I encourage everyone else to do so.
1.What do you think celebrities could do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
~ There are a lot of celebrities have a personality brands,instead that they can make fast fashion brands,of course that will make the followers so excited to buy more of used clothes.
2.What could big brands and shops do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
~ Non-manufacturing any new clothes,and tell people to return the old and used clothes,to reuse and recycle it then sell it cheaper.
3.What could you do in your community to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
~ Create campaigns..., make a day to exchange their clothes with each other.
I agree because... we should use what wast we find and you can use old clothes
It would be better if they use less oil for man made fabric and stuck to using sheep and other animal wool for clothes
I agree because the oil is making the world have global warming so I agree.
people could reuse materials to make new clothes.
i think that is a good idea because then people wont have to throw away there clothes that they dont want anymore and there will be less waste
i think it is good to save cloths becase you are saving fabric
I agree loads, thousands of people wear the same clothes tons and tons of times. yet fashion designers keep making loads of clothes and don't recycle them. They should reuse, reduce, recycle!
I agree because... thats exactly what everyone can and should do
i agree that you should reuse clothes for as long as you can keep it so its better for the enviroment and the world its also good because designers work realy hard
I think that we should reuse clothes and rubbish and make something new or even give some warm clothes to poor people so we should reuse clothes.
Totally agree we should reuse clothes just like you said good job!
Honesty we all know how easily we get influenced by celebrities . All they have to do is to tweet something and boom people have already started doing it. When it comes to dressing (clothes) people easily do it for example people buy brands of clothes like Nike, Gucci ,Splendid .All because they see celebrities wearing them .Celebrities like Angie Harmon, Kristen Bell and Mark have taken part in the reduce ,reuse and recycle . Then big bands of clothes can divide themselves and go to places where people gather to donate clothes .They recycle clothes and rise a little amount of money .In my community we try to do it by exchanging shirts for trousers and many more .In that way people don't spend alot but gain more
I think 90% of the people in the world are being influenced by celebrities. A child and an elder are both influenced by celebrities that is why most brands use celebrities to be the faces their comes.
Big brands should go in areas where people are more populated and advertise "THE REUSE AND RECYCLE CLOTHES." If this is done people in different areas will learn and will reuse and recycle clothes.
In my opinion, I would have carried out a donation policy in order to collect clothes to reuse and recycle. In case of reusing, i would donate the clothes to the needy people.
I think that celebrities could teach people how to reuse and recycle clothes by recycling their clothes and turning to sum the new.I think that brands and shops could show how to help those that need clothes by recycling their old clothes.I could help by shoon them what is good by recycling they clothes.
i want to answer your question what is good about recycling clothes
First and foremost is to drastically reduce the amount of waste
Second, we give to people who can't afford expensive clothes
Thirdly, we benefit from it as a profession and learn spinning and sewing
Fourth, reduce the amount of wool and cloth extracted from nature
Celebrities have the most influence on people these days. They are like the original and every other person is like the copy. Celebrities have all the resources they need in order to pass a message to the world or to start a trend. Celebrities can start by using recycled cloths. They can wear them to the Oscars, Grammy or Even Met Gala. They can post do it yourself videos on their social media pages with recycled cloths. A whole trend can start about reusing used cloths. Celebrities like Tiffany Haddish has famously worn her white Alexander McQueen gown multiple times, Elizabeth Banks has rewore her Vanity Fair Oscars party from 2004 sixteen years later . Tiffany Haddish uses recycled cloths and this has made so many of her fans feel comfortable reusing cloths and recycling cloths.
Big brands can tell their customers to return their wore out cloths for a remodel or repair this will encourage people to reuse cloths. They can also make some of their fashion show theme based on a recycled cloths.
I can reuse clothes and make different nice and glamorous everytime I wear them and also teach people in my community how to maintain and manage their cloths.
Clothes have become a commodity that is used a few times and then thrown into used clothes containers, where it is estimated that more than one million tons of clothes are sorted and often dumped in one of the used clothes containers. The clothes can be recycled by promoting these clothes and making them with high quality until Arouse people's interest, cooperate with international companies to promote clothing and advertise on both print media such as newspapers and fashion magazines and electronic media platforms such as radio and television
once you have finished with your clothes dont throw them in the bin otherwise it would be bad for the enviroment so you could give it to charity or children in need so there happy and also its way better for the enviroment remember reduse reuse recycle
I agree very much with you because loads people are in need and you just think "this is out of trendy stuff so bye bye I mean I never worn you but I don't care so nothing will happen if I throw away one t-shirt"and then you throw away your whole wordrobe and buy more and more again and again when 60% of the world is dieing from cold and hunger
How can we change that mindset?
Some well-known stores and brands offer to allocate part of the clothes to support the needs of the poor or those who are unable to buy by providing them with clothes. or When there are good clothes, or that we could not wear, or of famous brands, and we cannot throw them away, in this case they can be uploaded to commercial sites
Celebrities have a big role in encouraging people to recycle clothes, as they can make a positive impact in society for a better and brighter world... Kate Middleton, despite belonging to the British royal class, has no problem in repeating her look and reappearing more than once in The same clothes, even on her official tours.. she did not consider this a defect, but rather carried two great messages, the first: a clear message to the economy in consuming clothes that harm nature and cause pollution, and the second: a proof from them that elegance does not presuppose the spending of wealth and that man must be environmentally friendly
Good examples.
We are all fully aware that we live in an interconnected ecosystem that depends on all the resources that are available in it. Therefore, each of us is responsible. I can give them ideas for recycling clothes, including: reusing clothes that may carry memories and happy occasions and turning them into a pillow cover, for example. I advise them Using it as a fertilizer after removing the buttons from it. Or you can use a skilled tailor to narrow the pieces that have become wide after losing the extra weight.. The most important thing is that I can donate it to friends, relatives or those in need.. There are specialized stores or online to sell used clothes, so those who need those are for you. Clothes because they can't buy new clothes
These banners can be recycled. We can turn them into waterproof bags.we can donate them to a school to use them for floor during missy play.
I think celebrities could encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes by repeating their outfits onscreen for award ceremonies , promotions , events etc . As we all know that no actor or actress repeats their clothes so maybe if they , their fans might get inspired and try to follow them .
Big brands and shops could promote reusable clothes by using durable cloth in the making of clothes so that they last longer and stay in same condition even after wearing it several times . They could share different ways of how to style the particular outfit every time the person wears it so that it looks interesting and new every time .
I would reuse and recycle clothes by donating my old clothes to underprivileged people . I would encourage people by recycling the torn and waste clothes into cloth bags , cloth napkins and other many useful things .
Talking about celebrities and people ,we all know how easy it is to get influenced and who influences better than celebrities, literally all celebrities have to do is just say a few word and boom! everyone follows as we have the attractive point of views, observations towards celebrity. The age group from childhood the the ageing age, everyone gets attracted towards the term celebrity. And the recycle reuse term can be very common among us but on the matter of fashion ideas or materials, I guess non other than celebrity could be alot to encourage people for the recycle and reuse of clothes. We think that celebrity don't rewear the same clothes and we do the same, but what we need to think is reusing the clothes is normal and recycling is the best. Celebrities can do a lot of things to encourage others to recycle and reuse clothes: they actually can make videos on it about using the clothes for many other uses, they should and can think that using clothes are normal , also making new stylish clothes by your own in videos can be a better option.Also the better idea can be when the clothes are used by your younger one if it doesn't fits you, or giving the clothes to orphan kids , or the one who are actually suffering in their lives for better clothing . Thus, I think none other can be the best influencer than celebrity.
If you want to be an designer you can be it.You can be like Be like Beethoven everybody told him he can't be a composer and pianist because he was death but he didn't care and became a very famous composer and pianist.
Celebrities are like an important figure in many places and there are may people that follow and copy what celebrities do so in order for the celebrities to encourage the reuse and recycle of clothes by wearing the same clothes they put on at a past concert or even just improve it and show people their creativity. They can also donate some of their clothes to the needy so as to show an example to rest.
Big brands and companies can encourage reuse ad recycle of clothes by hiring people to move around to pick up the clothes that people threw away so that they can recycle them. They can also decide to buy second hand clothes from people and sell them at a much lower price to help the people who can't afford the new ones.
The people in the community can also decide to give out the clothes that they no longer need to those who need them which will even teach the children how to reuse and recycle. Many different people who don't have jobs in the community can decide to collect clothes that were thrown away and use their creative skills to create something new and sell.
celebrities could have different adverts, adverts like short videos on how people with clothes that are just lying around their houses could put down for charity that will be handed down to child that actually need these clothes and these adverts can be posted on different social media platforms and the web.
And doing this there won't be need for newer clothes hence reduction.
Clothes are a commodity that is used several times and then discarded in second-hand clothes.
Celebrities have such an influence that they can be good role models for others to follow. Celebrities can donate their used clothes to the poor and needy and also they can encourage people to exchange and use clothes several times and recycle them as well. Not only celebrities but stores that sell used clothes can influence people with this thing since it is cheap, it helps people who do not have much Money to buy and recycle clothes. Also we can exchange clothes with our relatives and friends!!
Everyone should bring his old clothes and exchange them with others.
Most people around the world are obsessed with acquiring the latest, trendy outfits and therefore in such a short amount of time , the products are out of stock. However, even if these people are wearing jaw-dropping, expensive outfits, the negatives certainly outweigh the positives due to the following outcomes :
. There will be a drastic rise in Co2 emissions
. More people will be pressurised to purchase these clothes
. A hierarchy will be formed where the rich are clad in expensive, ostentatious garments whilst the poor will be marginalised. Therefore, they will yearn to have these specific attires thus spending "precious" money on pointless necessities.
If we want to stop not only Co2 emissions but also reputation standards, then we could host annual events such as :
. Charity events where you can donate second hand clothes to charity
. Simply avoid any temptations such as reduced clothing
. Try to repeat what you wear and mix and match. Sometimes, even more modest styles give a better impression than constantly changing flashy outfits every day.
Great suggestions brilliant_vegetable!
1. What do you think celebrities could do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
To indulge a greener red carpet or any other fashion expo, to wear up cycled clothes like Lady Gaga or to use their influence to convince people through social media platforms or word of mouth which I think is more convincing.
2. What could big brands and shops do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
Similar to buy one get one free, for any five clothing items returned in descent condition, a customer gets a bonus or discount on subsequent purchases.
3. What could you do in your community to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
There could be like an annual or biennial event were people scavenge for materials in their environment to create new innovative ways to make clothes with no risk of hurting the environment. Every country has yet to be found materials or already found materials that need to be creatively explored.
We can reduce, reuse and recycle by following some simple rules:
#1 Increase the time of wear your clothes.
#2 Repair your clothes.
#3 Donate.
#4 Sell your clothes online.
80% of the textile that are thrown away can be recycled and use again.
Ceebrities are oftwn the most followed on every social app so they should spread awareness regarding it .They alreay have a number of fan following which belong to different classes so it might help many of them out .they could say to several people as well nd they r popular enough to b followed .
What could big brands do to encourage people to reuse nd recycle clothes ?
Bug brands nd ahops of course earn alot and many of their items dont get sold out ;they can donate those clothes to charity .rhwy should make clothes in free size so wvwry one is able to wear it so it doesnot cause any problem in donations
What can celebrities do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
To post videos about their use of used clothing because many people consider celebrities to be role models for them, especially adolescents What can major brands and stores do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes? They sell used clothes and display them in luxury shops for people to buy and used clothes can be recycled as wipes used in cleaning and as a pillow cover and much more.
Celebrities influence a wide variety of people if they were to make like a short video clip or even a song about recycling most people would end up following their directive. Even just going to the red carpet or the Met-Gala and say that the outfit that they are putting on is recycled it would probably start a new fashion trend which would help cut down on cloth production maybe like a good 15-20%. The big brands and shops could make a deal with customers where as when u bring back old clothes you get discounts on the next item that you buy. I'd say that people could organize a day within a month and exchange clothes that they rarely or no longer put on. That would also help cut back on production costs.
honestly i think celebrities can encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes in many ways for example, celebrities can re wear their clothes ,they can also donate their old clothes to poor people and then post about it with a hashtag like "reuse and recycle" , they can also donate clothes to a clothing collection facility then tell the people how it will help to stop clothes waste , they can also recycle their clothes through clothing recycling programs like H&M's garment collection program and lastly they can also recycle they old clothes by being creative for example making a bag out of an old jean and then use it on the red carpets .
It is an interesting point and a great idea that celebrities, with lots of followers, can help to promote sustainable fashion. Do you think that governments can help with this too?
yes, the government can help with this problem by ;
Building clothing collection facilities
Creating clothing recycling programs
educating the people on how beneficial reusing and recycling is
building charity shops or community organizations that help people to reuse or recycle clothes
Famous brands could do many things like choosing a famous celebrity who would support the idea of wearing second hand clothes. They also could choose many celebrities and do a big fashion show with a creative designs. Of course a lot of people will admire the idea because it's a big brand and celebrities wear them so why not? Also, they could do a campaign called “Reuse your clothes, SAVE MONEY” many people will be attracted by the idea because it's helping them saving money and getting them a new style.
I really like your idea of using celebrities to popularise second-hand clothes amazing_effort!
Thank you...
I appreciate it ☺️
Celebrities in general are called celebrities because a lot of people watch and follow them and that is good if this fame is used for the benefit of societies So how can celebrities encourage people to recycle and reuse clothes? Every famous person has something that makes them famous. For example, a singer can create a song to encourage recycling, and models can use and recycle old clothes and teach people how to use them beautifully.
We may all know who follows a famous person through the Instagram application or Facebook. Do you follow him with a goal for nothing or you follow him because you love him and spend your time with him for fun.
Through this famous person, he can make a beautiful live broadcast with wonderful and amazing words and to encourage the giving of prizes or rewards.
But through major brands (such as Adidas, Nike...) and it is one of the most famous stores that merchants or people deal with, and I am one of them now. I wear a jacket from Adidas.
When you drink a soft drink, what are the fastest types that come to your mind, Coca-Cola or Pepsi, then these companies should make advertisements, meetings, notice and how to rotate.
I will work on a live broadcast, tell about it and how to recycle clothes and give them opportunities to inquire about what they want and answer them about it and encourage and talk about its importance and about the savings that will become in the state, purity and serenity and not being exposed to the sustainable environment
I agree that wearing used clothes is one way to reduce waste resulting from fast fashion, but there are ideas that work on reusing and recycling clothes.
• Celebrities can encourage people to reuse clothes by appearing with few pieces, not many, and wearing them more than once to show people that there is no problem with that.
• Big brands and well-known stores can encourage people to use clothes in a variety of ways, for example, wearing red balloon clothes, jeans, and so on...
• I can encourage people to reuse clothes by making them understand that brothers can wear the same piece. If it is too small for one of them, the smaller one wears it, but the piece must be good, and if there is no smaller child, it can be given to someone who needs it.
Thank you.
These are great ideas, especially shops encouraging people to wear their clothes in a variety of ways.
Thank you
I make a compaing for donating clothes to poor people that don't have clothes to wear that wear tidy clothes and. Want new clothes I want smile on that faces which are dull and sad and have no more clothes and ask people to recycle clothes for poor people that make them happy and their smile is my smile
I think celebrities could participate in recorded charity events where second hand clothes are given out to those in need and this will influence others to also follow the trend of charity. They could also appear in adverts emphasizing sharing of second hand clothes and they can also repeat their clothes to emphasize reuse of clothes.
Big brands and shops could conduct offers where people are allowed to return old clothes for new ones for recycling. They could also host massive charity events where people give out their second hand clothes to those who need them.
For our communities, the government could introduce something like WORLD REUSE DAY where all the people are supposed to find a way of sharing their clothes to reduce on the wastes produced and CO2 emissions.
I like your ideas daring_cherry!
An idea came to my mind, what if the famous people wear such old clothes and therefore their pictures will spread via social media and the world magazines, by this way, most of their followers will immitate them and this culture will spread (the culture of reusing of the old clotes ), by the way I think people will accept the idea and it will be common after that ! This is my opinion.
In my opinion,I think that instead of throwing away our old clothes we should wash and iron them and give them to ENGO's so that the needy people can also wear clean clothes and we can also give them to people who don't have clothes to wear.
Apart from this,we will sell these old clothes at a low income and distribute the money of these clothes among the poor.In this way,these clothes will not cause dirt and the money from these clothes can be used to help poor and the needy.
Apart from this,we can use these clothes to clean our houses or to make shopping bags(In this way we can reduce the use of plastic bags which are the great source of environmental pollution).
Wasting of clothes is the faster growing category of waste in the country. But I think this is the global problem. Because I researched on fast fashion, Fast fashion is important to grow but it is essential too that we must consider on recycling and reuse of waste cloth. According to my knowledge this cloth wasting is increase day by day. I think that it is the right of every human being to wear new clothes, but at the same time There is a need to consider how the waste of clothes can be prevented??
For this the government needs to make a law that law should be "don't waste clothes".
What you think about the prevention of clothes?? How we can encourage people to reuse their own clothes?
1. What do you think big brands and shops could do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
a.) Shops and non-profit organizations could open other 'stores' that they keep all the clothes that are donated by other people so that people who cannot afford clothes can come in and take any of the clothing's they like for free. To encourage people to donate clothes money can be given to those who donate even if it is small amount like $5 dollars or $10 dollars. This will encourage people to donate clothes.
b.) Big brands that usually organize fashion events where models display clothing's can encourage greener and more eco-friendly clothing ideas that are also fashionable and beautiful to encourage people to pick up greener alternatives to clothing's.
2. What do you think celebrities could do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
Nowadays, one of the fastest means to start a new trend whether good or bad is through the influence of celebrities. So, if celebrities could use that advantage to good use, it would be better for everyone. Some of the ways they can encourage people to start reusing and recycling are:
a.) To donate clothing's to those stores set up by private stores and non-profit organizations so that less privileged people can have their pick of clothes for free. This will encourage other people to donate too.
b.) Celebrities should support fashion events by brands that model greener and more eco-friendly clothing options by wearing their pieces and posting on social media or by directly advising people to support those clothing lines too.
3. What could you do in your community to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothing?
a.) Swap parties can be organized regularly where a group of people bring together clothing that they would like to swap with others. It is a good alternative to shopping. It cuts down cost and expenses of people and it also encourages people to reuse clothes.
b.) People could donate to stores opened by shops and non-profit organizations that enable less privileged members of the society to pick clothes for free.
I love your idea of swap parties, amazing_computer!
In my opinion, celebrities publish videos, photos, and recycling programs, so they like the recycling method that the celebrities did, and thus make recycling easier for people.
As celebrities are like role models for their fans and people like to copy what they do, wear, and many other things, they can use one piece of clothing, like a sock, and use it as a glove or other things, they can use a scarf as a sleeveless shirt or a belt, they can be creative and people will follow them. This will reduce the amount of clothes they buy.
Another way of encouraging people to use one piece of clothing as many other ways is if shops show displays of maneqins using clothes for many reasons as this will also inspire people walking past or entering the shops.
I can be a person of courage and make posters saying,'' recycle or reuse.'' I will tell people how this helps others and our world, which is upsettingly being destroyed.
I agree that people do reuse and recycle their clothes because no body can have 365 clothes for 365 days in their wardrobe. Celebrities do reuse and recycle their clothes .For example : An indian actress Alia Bhatt told in an interview that she often reuse her clothes . celebrities can encourage people to reuse by using the reuse method for themselves as in present time people usually follow fashion sense big celebrities . The big brands which reuse and recycle the clothes are H&M , Levis , Marks and spencer and many more. There should be no shame in reusing the clothes , if we won't reuse it this will lead to global warming and thus damage to our nature
To be honest we all know how easy it is to get influenced and who influences better than celebrities, literally all celebrities have to do is just say a few word and boom! everyone follows. They can organize clothes donations and people will show up. I feel big brands can organize things like a return and get where people return clothes they have used and get a small money token even if it's just about $5 or so and they can recycle the clothes and get a little more money. In the community we could try to do something like and clothe exchange people could gather together and exchange clothes with each other like a top for a jacket or a dress for some trousers that way they spend less and have a larger variety of clothes.
I want to say that in my country used clothes are used, which are the lowest price than new clothes. Used clothes are imported from foreign countries. In fact, I would like to say that they are better than new clothes. During my research, I found that India is making used clothes for new clothes, i.e. through “Recycling” and this thing I liked very much instead of throwing used clothes that increase the percentage of waste and pollute the environment. Therefore, I recommend remaking used clothes that reduce waste...
How can celebrities help us?!
A lot of people are becoming interested in different celebrities in different fields such as singers, writers, painters, poets and storytellers, and they take them as role models and imitate everything that these celebrities do because they love them. The phenomenon through this song, for example, that the painter embodies this phenomenon in his art and drawing and presents it to the world and these paintings can be sold and displayed in art museums, that the writers write this phenomenon in a book or novel that talks about this phenomenon in fun ways, or that a famous person speaks directly In the subject of fast fashion and carry out an advertising campaign in the interest of this topic to educate the largest possible number of followers.
I think that brands should be the moral leader of society, that is, they must prove that they are trustworthy and environmentally friendly, that they show that they care about the types and materials they use, and you show in various locations the quality of their products and their contribution to preserving the environment
In my community, people can be encouraged and persuaded to recycle clothes in easy ways, because we have already been wearing recycled clothes for a long time and they have been circulating in the Gaza Strip. A dedicated association can be set up for each individual to put the clothes he wants to donate for recycling, and educational and awareness campaigns can be set up On the topic of fast fashion to convince them faster
I think celebrities, big brands and my community should encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes by getting their old clothes repeat them and take a photo and post on their instagram handles in order for them to show that they can be reused ,get those old clothes and take them to the tailor in order for the clothes to be transformed into a different style whereby they post there new transformation on their social media handles and show that those clothes can be recycled then they can also donate them to people who will obviously wear them which can show that they can be reused.
Yes recycling is a very good use of clothes, clothes that have been used's fabric can be used this can help to reduce on the amount of trash caused by textile but the question comes back to the buyer.
Are you willing to buy clothes made from used fabric.
I feel like celebrities can promote reusing/recycling clothes by shouting out our tagging the store. Such as Ross, Goodwill, Five and below, ETC. They can wear the clothes and post it on their socials so their fans can probably start to buy some of the cheap clothes. Big brands can promote reusing/recycling clothes by collaborating with that company and tell people that the prices are low for very valuable items. And also just promoting the company. What i can do in my community to promote reusing/recycling clothes is by showing off nicely put on outfits and tell them what cheap company i got it from.
The textile industry that produces clothes is the second largest polluter of the environment on the globe, as textile waste constitutes 5% of landfills in the world. Therefore, recycling and reusing clothes has become an essential matter in protecting the environment, in addition to its charitable and economic importance.
I feel famous celebrities should try to put their selves in the level of average when it comes to fashion. why so? is because most people at the average level see celebrities like idols. If celebrities bring their selves down to the average level , their fans wont rush to buy the latest fashion or the same design that has been worn by the famous person for $1000. Clothing industries can establish a group of people who will go to houses to collect old, moldy, and worn out clothes to be recycled into something new. This will help to reduce the wastage of money from buying cotton, polyester, nylon and so many other raw materials for clothing brands. People who throw away clothes that they have worn for only a year or a year and few months after because they feel it is old fashioned should be encouraged to either donate it to the orphans, the needy or brands so it can be recycled or reused.
To be honest we all know how easy it is to get influenced and who influences better than celebrities, literally all celebrities have to do is just say a few word and boom! everyone follows. They can organize clothes donations and people will show up. I feel big brands can organize things like a return and get where people return clothes they have used and get a small money token even if it's just about $5 or so and they can recycle the clothes and get a little more money. In the community we could try to do something like and clothe exchange people could gather together and exchange clothes with each other like a top for a jacket or a dress for some trousers that way they spend less and have a larger variety of clothes.
In my opinion, famous people and social media influncer can play a vital role in advertising for the used clothes. They can affect people by displaying used clothes in a different and beautiful way Talk about how to use their used clothes, not throw them, and maintain hygiene.Also they can puplish videos about how to recycle clothes then all people will imitate the influencer.
Major malls can display used clothes in another design Another form of advertising and talking about used clothes and how to benefit from them.And the can offer the used clothes in a cheaper price so many people can buy it.
What can I do in my country?
I can't force them to use used clothes, but I can offer tips, ideas or suggestions that they can do with used clothes and benefit from them This reduces waste in the community.Another awsome thing that I can do to make a large box for putting used clothes in a public street and then send them to a company or a factory for recycling the cothes.
Since celebrities are taken as as role model .They can motivate the people by donating their clothes on cheap or nominal price.Rather ,they can motivate to exchange clothes with each other.In our country ,people import used clothes from European Countries and the people of little afford buy those and fulfil their needs.I just remember that my mother used to make decorative bags from a sack using mirror work and embroidery..making garland frim straws and the same way ,we can reuse siblings clothes to each other or donating the rest to or flood effected areas.
i agree that you should reuse clothes for as long as you can keep it because fashion desingers work really hard to make these clothes for us to wear not to throw them away
i agree that you should use clothes for as long as you can because it is quite hard to make clothes and people are just throwing away clothes so much
To be honest I feel another reason for fast fashion is the fact that no one looks at the quality no one is bothered if the cloth has good quality, they there would be no need to buy clothes very often. Quality not trend should be a new hashtag. Yes, donating clothes is good but not every clothe should be donated we should try to donate fairly used clothes and change the rest to various household items. Clothing items that are made out of things like cotton can be reused. Some old and worn-out clothes can be reused they can make clothes for dolls and even for stuffed animals.
why do people through clothes away? donate them!
people just leave clothes and rot. when you can donate them!
donating clothes go out all over the world and it all comes from donating.
please donate to change some peoples lives.
To reuse the clothes you are getting from the shops you should give them away to someone who it would fit like a friend or somebody you know.
Something that I think celebrities could do to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes is that celebrities could reuse and recycle their own clothes . Another thing that celebrities should do is talk to people and tell them that they should reuse and recycle their clothes.
Celebrities can play a huge role in encouraging people to recycle their clothes and shoes as they have a great impact on people's way of thinking. First, we can make an interview with celebrities who are already known with recycling their clothes to talk about how they recycle their clothes and post these videos on social media to reach a large number of audience to raise people's awareness of recycling. Also, they can arrange charity events in particular places at particular times to enable people to exchange their used clothes with others based on what they need. They can create a brand for second hand clothes and they can give it a name like( TWICE BUT NICE) for example and they can start with themselves to buy and exchange used clothes and for sure others will be strongly motivated to do the same . Celebrities can ask brands and shops to make a partition for their used clothes to be available for purchase and then they can use they money collected in donations to help people in need. Moreover, celebrities can hold a campaign for encouraging factories to make clothes of environmentally friendly materials.
Furthermore, brands and shops can offer vouchers as a reward when people donate a box of clothes. They can also make an event for selling celebrities' used clothes with nominal values and use the money collected in charity. Also, they can offer discount on their products when shoppers leave a bag of clean clothes or shoes of any brand. Besides that, shops can offer repair service for customers' clothes instead of throwing them away.
As individuals, we can dye old clothes into something new.We can also watch tutorials to learn how to turn old clothes into something new. I once saw a video that teaches you to turn a sweater in a winter hat and how to turn a baggy t-shirt into a dress.We can also create a recycling team in every neighborhood to encourage their community to recycle ,reuse and give away their clothes by holding a garage sale twice a year for example so that people can shop second hand clothes and also help poor people.
Recycling is a very important aspect in stopping global warming as it decreases the amount of carbon dioxide and thus this will help in preventing climate change.
I believe that celebrities and creative people are the most influential and role model on society as they impact on our generations, so I thought that one of the best quick ways is to do a fashion advertisement by doing a fashion show for recycling and how to reduce our clothing materials or to sustain some brands.
Conducting an awareness program for clients during the fashionshow , using a YouTube channel to explain the ways of sewing and converting old clothes to become new, teaching sewing & tips and tricks on how to look afteryour clothes to ensure they last. They can advise to use a mobile app which is a great resource that rates brands according to their environmental impact and treatment of workers and animals. Purchase from brands rated ‘Good’ or ‘Great!’
Buying clothes made out of sustainable fabrics including recycled or certified as organic cotton, organic linen and hemp, recycled wool and low impact materials .
Upcycle is an amazing way to be more sustainable with your clothing . Upcycling (or creative reuse) means the process of transforming items or things you already have into new ones, by patching up or mending broken bits, or turning them into something completely different.
In this 21st century also known as the modern age,people of this century are so modern that , they are always like to follow the trend.Here are many clothing brands and shops worldwide producing new desings of clothes
turn by turn continuously.They are competiting with one another .All the people are being so much fashionable that they tent to buy all the new desings of dress which are trending.Buying so much clothes which impact our environment.So,the primary source from where all this clothes are being produced in the number of large amount be responsible for our environmental degradation.Clothing factory and shops working all over the world should have an idea of how to reduce and recycle the number of used clothes. They should open thrift store ( where people can sell or buy all kind of clothes). While producing clothes if some cloth gets damaged,is in worst condition or is not used fully then with the of help recycling machine such brands and shops should convert those clothes into different useful materials such as blankets, pillow, cushions, etc.They can rent their clothes on some money too.They can also donate their clothes which are not being sell since long time.While making clothes they should choose the fabric which will be stable for long period of time.
I think brands can continue a trend for a long time so that people can reuse their same clothes many times.
Celebrities can encourage people by donating their clothes and reuse their own clothes.
Big brands and shops can organize a scheme of giving clothes in exchange of others.
I can encourage my community for recycling clothes by inviting them at my home and ask for using clothes of their elders or cousin on behalf of buying new clothes
I think that people could take their old clothes that dont fit them anymore to a clothes bin (like I do)so that they can get recycled and made into something brand new out of an old item that you can't use anymore or can get sent to a donation charity where they can be given to another person.
We all know that celebrities are big influencers and people like to copy what ever they do or say. So if a very big influencer starts reusing, and recycling clothes every body would start reusing and recycling. I know of five brands in the world that already encourage other people to reuse and recycle like; MADEWELL, THE NORTH FACE, MARKS AND SPENCER, H&M and LEVIS. I believe if other brands join these brands and encourage reusing and recycling then every body will start reusing and recycling. In order to encourage recycling in my community I can; increase the number of times I wear my clothes, repair my existing clothes, look after my clothes, buy quality over quantity, buy clothes made out of eco-friendly materials, rent and donate.
I believe that a fast fashion company can influence both positively and negatively on our lives.
The positive is that these companies saturate the market with products that can be available to a large number of the population.But at the same time, these products are made from not very high quality raw materials in order to reduce the costs of these companies.Therefore, not all companies participate in the processing in this product after its use.For example, in my region, the Turkish company LC Waikiki accepts their own and h&m company's already used products for recycling, and they release new products marked Green. But not all companies have the opportunity to accept used products for further processing due to the poor quality of the materials from which the clothes are made.Also, ordinary people cannot transfer used clothes, for example, to those in need or to their younger relatives due to poor quality.Therefore, they simply throw it away, so do the companies that produced these clothes, if for example they did not sell a collection that was not in demand, all this pollutes the environment and has a negative impact on our lives in general.
In order to reuse and recycle clothes, you can , Increase the number of times you wear your clothes , Repair your existing clothes , by turning them into other pieces, for example: turning a long shirt into a dress . You can also buy clothes made out of eco-friendly materials , manufacturing clothes while considering the environmental impact, as well as the health of consumers and the working conditions of labourers , eco friendly clothes with no toxic dyes or finishes are softer, stronger and will last you for years.
To encourage people to recycle their clothes , celebrities can make advertisements to big brands and shops that recycle clothes . You can also help your community by forming a Recycling Club, write a Column in Your Local Newspaper or Newsletter about clothe recycling , and advise people to look after their clothes .
Celebrity influence on fashion trends. Celebrities influence fashion by wearing whatever is in style at the time but they also create trends for themselves.
Celebrities can encourage people to reuse and recycle the clothes
People used to view what kind dress that celebrity wore and buy the same as it is an fashion.
Celebrities can do advertisement relating in recycling clothes.
Some Celebrities reuse their clothes. They are role model for many people.
Many products which are used in flims are sold by auction in such way clothes can also be sold.
Shops can exchange clothes and accept the return of used clothes which are in good condition.They and renovate it and resell it or they can provide discount for return of used clothes.
Some brands are also changing their ways to keep up with the change in the times, with some actively encouraging customers to recycle clothes by offering incentives.
We can also do tie dye to our clothes and use them.
We can recycle our clothes by
Looking for a nearby recycling station
By Donating our clothes
By Selling our clothes to thrift shops
By Turning them into rags
By Swaping clothes with our friends and family
Buy quality over quantity
Buy clothes made out of eco-friendly materials.
Increase the number of times we wear our clothes
By Repairing our existing clothes.
Shop preloved
Sell our clothes online.
Benefits of recycling clothes
Save up on water consumption.
Reduce your carbon footprint.
Promote a more sustainable fashion industry.Take care of biodiversity.
Recycling clothes reduces pollution and environmental harm.By re-using the existing textiles, it reduces the need for newly manufactured fibers. This saves water, energy, dyes and chemicals, which results into less,
Well celebrities can organize rallies and programs where they put on a particular trend for maybe two years back or even longer. This will just pass an information to the people telling them that look am a celebrity, but I still make use, or I still wear this outfit even though its and old one so therefore this will make fans or people decide to reuse some clothes that they feel they can't wear again and instead of wasting money on new clothes they can go back and reuse their clothes.
We all know that when celebrities say simple words, all people will be attracted to that idea. For example, when a person wants to make his online store famous, he goes to celebrities and gives them a valuable amount, thus achieving fame, and they can raise the hashtag of recycling clothes, or they can recycle clothes that they no longer need, and thus people will be encouraged to recycle
I think that brands and supermarkets can do a lot, for example in stores, they can do a section for recycled clothes, and that will be a great success.
In our society there are negatives and positives. Some people from the upper class bully the poor who recycle their clothes. This does not motivate the rest to recycle, and the rest can also do a campaign not to bully.
Whatever famous fashion brands declares openly as a "new trend" stays like that for a while so I'm thinking of famous people spreading awareness of safer and more eco-friendly styles that are still delivering glamour as they are saving the planet. Probably sticking out some fliers that shows how modern clothing can be great if we start making dresses from polyethylene terephthalate bottles and reusing some leftover cotton is a step.
Recycling and reusing clothes is very important, it reduce pollution and at the same time reduce the expenditure of money. Recently, in my community, we start to see a lot of semi-new clothes thrown on the roads near garbage, while a large part of the population does not have the price of one piece, so I started thinking about developing a plan that could prevent this issue from spreading further, so why not build chlothe's recycling factories, therfore anyone who no longer needs their dress should take it to that factory to be recycled instead of throwing it away.
Also, we can be build stores depends on the process of exchange. In case if we no longer need a dress we can bring it and take another dress for free, and this will push people to take their clothes to these stores in order to get others, which will secure those people who are unable to always buy clothes in abundance to replace their clothes continuously.
This is a great idea composed_cloud. What do you think would be the best way to encourage people to use these recycling factories or clothes exchange stores?
I agree because... Recycling can be done individually by trying to take advantage of some discarded materials that the individual does not need, such as: using plastic bags collected at home to package and store some things, and they can be used in waste bins. Other examples of recycling methods include using old pieces of clothing and cloth, and turning them into towels or mops. Buttons, belts, and zippers on some of these clothes can be kept and reused when repairing other clothes. Food waste can be recycled, by feeding it to some domestic animals, such as: cats, rabbits, and sheep, and these waste can be used in the manufacture of organic fertilizers
In this article, we explain what the raw material procurement processes are drawn up, the need for the material recycling process has increased with technological development and productivity in all countries of the world and the increase in production in the industrial age, and the phenomenon of the need to eliminate the environment and preserve the environment also on the environment and natural resources are new resources, and there are term for reboot ❤❤❤❤❤
We cannot possibly cut-off fast fashion. However we can limit it’s use and resort to other means like thrifting, reusing and recycling.
Remember that top you have that you don’t wear anymore? Add a few pearls to it and up-cycle it into a new top.
Celebrities and media are one of the leading cause of wide spread of fast fashion. They bring up new trends every week which people can’t help but follow to look cool.
As a public figure it should be their responsibility to openly agree to reuse clothes! You cannot possibly have 365 clothes for 365 days.
Brands should encourage people to return their clothes to the brand once they’ve worn them enough so that they can be recycled or even re sold!
I don’t see the issues with wearing second hand clothes. This is nothing to be ashamed of but rather to be proud of! We are just taking care of our environment.
I think celebrities show encourage people to reuse and recycle because it encourages other people to do the same
There are many famous people who referred to recycling clearly, including:
1. Kate Middleton, who was not ashamed to recycle her clothes as a message from her to economize on the use of clothes that harm nature, and made it clear that elegance does not assume the value of what we buy daily from dresses.
2. The rapper "MAI" (.m.I.A) who produced a lyric video asking his viewers to "join the initiative" and share the clothes they don't want.
Instead of celebrities, many companies, such as H&M, launched a global initiative to collect used clothes, placing boxes in thousands of stores in more than 40 countries.
Since the good clothes are sent to help developing countries, which cannot be used again, they are converted into new tissues that are used in various fields.
We can start from our homes with recycling. For example, we are now in our village collecting clothes that no one wants, and we join sewing sessions, where we make new toys or clothes from the pieces, which helps us develop our skills.
What we find in good condition, we send it to the donation association that we established, and they distribute it to poor families and others
In Today's Generation People wear different types of clothes in different occasions. We have Different types of clothes like school dress, casual dress, party wears etc. But we are living in such types of community that can't afford diverse types of clothes for different occasion. So, for Reusing the clothes we can make such types of clothes that can be wear from both sides. As we all know, People buy different towels or microfibers for cleaning purpose. So, for Recycling we can recycle old clothes for cleaning purposes. We can raise awareness campaigns also. In this way we can encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes.
We all know that fashion is an important trend. we can use our environment to improve our fashion sense. Our fashion sense can be based on nature and the things around us. Recycling are the wheels to power this motion or cause.
The solution to this problem is to hold a conference where all the celebrities who use used clothes are gathered, where all people are made aware of this problem and the clothes are recycled and used. For the community, it is possible to print magazines and post banners about the fashion of the models who wear these clothes and write on them #Yes to recycling and using clothes.
What could you do in your community to encourage people to reuse and recycle clothes?
I think that it is possible to collect old, healthy clothes for use again and to do a charitable market in which we offer clothes for free to those who need them, so we recycled these clothes and helped the needy
Celebrities are fashion icons who are frequently given clothes, shoes, and other fashion accessories by fashion designers and big brand names in order to promote their clothes and brands for them. It is widely assumed that celebrities do not wear the same clothes twice. Celebrities must be seen to reuse and recycle their clothes in order to encourage others to do the same. It is time for celebrities to raise awareness, change their lifestyles, and help change the narrative in order to make an impact and save the environment. When their fans see them wearing the same outfits over and over, they will be inspired to do the same. Celebrities can support sustainable fashion on their social media pages, and they can also support brand names by promoting those who support sustainable fashion.
We have been taught at my school to reduce, reuse, and recycle, and we are encouraged to visit orphanages and help out as much as we can. As a school, we make every effort to collect good clothing and donate it to various orphanages.
Brands can encourage people to reuse and recycle clothing by producing it from sustainable materials.
I think we should give are cloths t0 charaty
Fast fashion is one of the most common problems that society faces. There are many ways to address this issue, the most important of which is not to buy a lot of clothes. Here, dear reader, are some of these methods:
1- Instead of throwing clothes away, offer them for sale (through social networking sites such as: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
2- Recycling clothes (such as drawing on them or adding colors to them)
Celebrities can contribute to addressing the problem of increasing the number of clothing purchases (by recycling them and teaching viewers how to recycle clothes)
These methods can address the problem of (increasing the number of clothing purchases) in the community.
i agree that the clothes we dont want anymore we should give them to Charity because then the people that are struggling with money can have some clothes for alot cheaper
they use enough oil to fill a olympic size swimming pool it bad enough were experiencing cimate change they need to stop
i think that you should start giving clothes to your friends or other family members so then when they dont fit in it anymore you can just pass them along or you could just give them to charity even tho they have been worn loads of time it will help other people that need it
if you buy some clothes and do not like them you do not have throw them away
if you buy clothes and you dont like them give them to charity because other people might really want them and they will be gratefull
Celebrities could mention recycling clothes when there on television also they could also wear recycled clothes. Big brands could have a recycle clothes bin where they could make new clothes out of the materials from the old clothes. People could put signs in their windows saying recycle clothes.
if you don't like/want your clothes anymore give it to charity so it can get some use again.celebrities should help by encouraging people to give there clothes to charity and if your clothes have a hole /tear in then give them to someone to sew it up. if you find you cant give it to charity then pass it down to you little siblings, if your an only child or you only have older siblings then pass it down to your children. maybe if you grow out of clothes you could take them back to the shop you got them from and they can make the clothes again without wasting materials.
A "new trend" doesn't really matter because clothes are clothes and they all do the thing but to some people it means EVERYTHING.So since clothes mean everything to them they go to Gucci,buy a £200 shirt,where it seven-ten times the throw it away to get back to the new trend.
Celebrities could put on there billboards to not instantly throw away there clothes and maybe give it to a friend or charity
Big shops could tell people not to throw away there clothes by making a give clothes to charity corner so you can donate clothes and buy clothes
You could reuse cloths by taking old cloths to charity shops!
i think that is a great idea because then people will stop throwing away there clothes and then start helping people if they need help
people should buy things that can be re-use like a metal straws for drinking.
I think what we could do is make more recycle able tshirts or clothing. and encourage more people to recycle.
option 1:
get people in the habit of recycling there clothes .
option 2: there definitely should be more donations or campaigns.
and also so many tv shows that people enjoy there should be inspiration to recycle so yeah i think it should be notified that people need to recycle more.
I think that clothes should be made out of recycled materials and all so wool and maybe make them are self.
i think that is a great idea because it is simple and easy but some people might find it a little bit tricky to make the clothes
there should be refunds. i know we have some now but in other countrys its very hard. people should sell clothes that do not fit them anymore or recycle them. cloths protects your bod and keeps you warm but we could recycle them and turn them into blankets, other clothes, pillows, rugs and more. the goverment can help alot in this case by giving people unused/spare clothes or starting even more charitys will help alot!!! i woud definatly help people by atleast giving unused clothes and alt of other people can do the same. everyone helping people with poor items can emerge a big impact for everyone in need!
i think when clothes are to small for you, you should give them to charities or give them to a younger family member, and if they are to big return them. they should also accept refunds i think you have received something you did not expect e.g fast food places or online shopping, they usually dont accept refunds so it is unfair. you shouldn't throw away clothes just because there is a 'new trend' just keep them u may wear them later or if u really want to get rid of them sell them. Some people actually need clothes but you have loads and loads you are just throwing them away! please reuse and recycle!
I think influences can start reducing reusing and recycling so their fans will follow in there foot steps and that will make more clothes already and for people just to be aware of how much clothes they have. I think we should all start know.It will also really help climate change.
We are very inspired by celebrities life and what they do, to the degree of we start to we imitate them with every small thing they do especially the young once. The idea is if celebrities started to show up and talk about not to throw away the clothes and to know how to reuse them and recycle them this should be a great idea to spread awareness between people because celebrities on social media at least they have 50 million follower and at least half of them will see their comment about this idea, and from one person to another this pedigree of the people who throw away their clothes without reuse and recycle them will be gradually decrease.
What most people do not understand is that most celebrity behaviours is influenced by individuals in a society. A celebrity does things that will please their fans and when their fans frown at something they either apologies and stay away from it or they just stay away from it. To be sincere I think we should stop letting celebrities, public figures and influencers to make decisions for us . If the fans do not support it then celebrities would not.
In my community every couple of weeks I could do a campaign to assemble from people all the clothes that they don't need and giving them for people who don't have something to wear or I can make something new from nothing, in can take these clothes and start to gather them and sewing them to make some new clothes that I can wear In a new way :)
Clothes have become a commodity that is used many times and then thrown into used clothing containers. In terms of celebrities, they can set a good example for others to follow. As we all know how easy it is for celebrities to influence others in a better way. They can encourage people to recycle clothes. They can also provide direct support to those in need and make donations to the poor and needy. I think the big brands and (grassroots) stores are working to go to where people throw away the clothes they used to buy and recycle and save. Some well-known stores also allocate part of the clothing to support the needs of the poor or those who are unable to buy by providing them with clothes, and in the community we can try to do something like exchanging clothes with friends and family. These are interesting things as each person can bring all the old clothes they don't need and exchange them with others in need. This can increase the spirit of cooperation, happiness and excitement between individuals and communities.
Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our Nation, India, not only preached about living simply but practiced. He encouraged weaving our own clothes using the simple yarn. Even today, there are many institutes across India, which teaches to spin our own yarn. Representing a country which was in the clutch of poverty then, he inspired the rich to follow his footsteps, to lead a simple life.
Sudha Murthy, is a well-known author, educationalist, a billionaire and philanthropists in our country India and also the mother in law of UK's Prime Minister, Mr. Rishi Sunak.
She is a celebrity and is known for leading a simple life.
In one of the talk shows, she mentioned that she had not bought any saree in the last 21 years, since she already had few which are in good condition to be worn every day. I have always loved her quote "The beauty of a life lies in simplicity and confidence; so live life for yourself and not for others."
If more celebrities actually lead us by example, we shall also not be trapped by this fast fashion.
The big brands can actually ask the consumers, to bring their clothes in good condition, and get those clothes get some different design so that it can be re-used and also lives up to the trend.
In our home, I wear those clothes which are good in condition but become smaller for my elder sister. Likewise, those clothes which we feel we can't use anymore but are in good condition, we give it away to the orphanages.
Also, those clothes which cannot be reused, we recycle. We make cloth bags, pillow covers, some thick foot mats etc. So that it is reused in every way possible.
We can do awareness campaigns about used clothes. We can wear it after cleaning it well and this helps us reduce the number of recycling operations in general, by using this step we may be able to encourage the world to wear used clothes.
By making use of the recycle and turning them into cloths, example of a musician that did it is lady gaga.
1) Celebrities should be able to understand that the world needs help so they could use second hand clothes , tell the world I make songs about using second hand clothes.
2) big brands can encourage people by selling second hand clothes so they can buy it too.
I could put up posters around the neighbourhood so that we should reduce reuse recycle.
In my opinion we can recycle material in our environment to make cloths. Ihezie Chisom Glory a Nigeria lady that has made so many beautiful dresses using recycled products like bottle covers, newspapers, rubber bands. She is not harming the environment but instead helping reduce the refused released into the environment. She is a social media influencer and she has influenced so many models, teenagers and even adults to see the relevance of keeping are environment clean.
Celebrities are like inspirations for many of us.They influence people to a great extent.Many popular brands are popular because of their ad campaign with great celebrities.So these celebrities who can promote a particular brand can also run an ad campaign to induce people to reuse and recycle.Celebrities can also announce to the public that they will take a picture or give autographs to people who are the most engaged in recycling and reusing process.This will motivate people to get engaged in reuse and recycle process more actively.Big shops and brands can get these used clothes and in exchange can give points or score.After achieving a certain score the customers can be allowed to purchase certain clothing items for free based on their score.This used clothing collected by the shop can be used for further recycling process.In our community we have already been having the practice of giving the used clothes to our cousins or some friends.We also have the practice of giving these used clothes to sanitation workers and house cleaners.This practice can further be implemented by everyone around the world to promote reuse and recycle.
Clothes have become a commodity that is used many times and then thrown into used clothes bins. In terms of celebrities, they can set a good example for others to follow. As we all know how easy it is for celebrities to influence others in a better way. They can encourage people to recycle clothes. They can also provide direct support to those in need and make donations to the poor and needy. I think the big brands and (grassroots) stores are working to go to where people throw away the clothes they used to buy and recycle and save. Some well-known stores also allocate part of the clothing to support the needs of the poor or those who are unable to buy by providing them with clothes, and in the community we can try to do something like exchanging clothes with friends and family. These are interesting things as each person can bring all the old clothes they don't need and exchange them with others in need. This can increase the spirit of cooperation, happiness and excitement between individuals and communities.
I think a way clothing brands and companies could advertise recycling and reuse of clothes. Obviously advertisements wouldn't automatically make you do what they're promoting as soon as you see it, but I'm saying that they could tell ask people that are buying things from them or using clothes to reuse the clothes. Maybe, You could take them to another store who allow you to let other people reuse your clothes. I think maybe if clothing stores do more things like this, you could probably get a lot of people to reuse or recycle their clothes.
I feel that lots of people could encourage others to reuse and recycle clothes. For example; lots of mothers when their children's clothes get too small they often will get a big bag and take the bag to goodwill for other kids to wear those clothes someday which they child will eventually catch on and encourage their kids to do so. Big brands such as Nike, or Adidas could make infomercials on the importance of recycling and reusing clothes. In my community I often see my brother/sister throw away things like socks and t-shirts I like to often tell them not to throw away such stuff because they are people out there who could need things like those. My family has a massive GoodWill bag that we take to the store at the end of every year and a lot of times I correct them by putting clothes inside the bag instead of in the trash.
Celebrities could promote businesses who recycle and reuse clothes, small companies who do the same, and others. Big brands and shops can put up "Recycle and Reuse Clothes!" signs to encourage people to do it. People in their community could influence other people in their community to recycle and reuse clothes.
I think that since celebrities already promote clothing they should promote the clothing the companies try to throw away. Since celebrities already have big platforms they should take the clothing sell it or give it away to the homeless. Big shops and stores could encourage people to give the clothes away. Don't throw away the clothing and burn it. They could give the clothes to the workers or give it to people who can't afford designers or expensive clothing. What I could do is post about giving away clothes and make people change their point of view. Some people got their lives handed to them and others had to build their life brick by brick.
I think celebrities can be an example to their fans and also others when they reuse and recycle clothes, because when people see them doing it they will actually be motivated and will want to do it. Celebrities can also use their fame and popularity to prompt reused and recycled clothes.
that is a great idea because then more people will start to reuse there clothes and it will be better for the environment
I think celebrity also have to start wear thrift clothes and make social media videos on them by which people who follow them also learn to do thrift shopping.I heard that celebrity didn't use the clothes which they wore ones time and posted on social media so I also thought they have to sell their that type of clothes on thrift store by which normal people are also able to wear clothes same as celebrity on affordable price and it also makes the habit of reuse.
To be honest we all know how easy it is to get influenced and who influences better than celebrities, literally all celebrities have to do is just say a few word and boom! everyone follows. They can organize clothes donations and people will show up. I feel big brands can organize things like a return and get where people return clothes they have used and get a small money token even if it's just about $5 or so and they can recycle the clothes and get a little more money. In the community we could try to do something like and clothe exchange people could gather together and exchange clothes with each other like a top for a jacket or a dress for some trousers that way they spend less and have a larger variety of clothes.
The dress is out of date, you buy it for a certain period and lose its validity and buy it back, this is the vicious cycle of fast fashion. Finally, what is the solution to this problem? The solution is that we as consumers must educate ourselves and be aware of the industry. I mean, if we see a product that is too cheap to be affordable, we should at least wonder and think why is this product so cheap? Change starts with us humans, you and me and all the people who buy from these global brands should change themselves and not wait for these brands to change. It's happening fast and we know what's happening in poor countries and their suffering because of this industry. In the end, it is we who choose the project we want to support, because there are all people who choose fast fashion, although it is harmful, but everything spreads quickly among people, and this is a very harmful thing, because fashion has many defects.
Clothes became a commodity that was used many times and then was thrown into used clothing containers.
In terms of celebrities, they can set a good role model for others to follow. As we all know how easy it is for celebrities to influence others in a better way. They can encourage people to recycle clothes. They can also provide direct support to the needy and make donations to the poor and needy.
I think big brands and (popular) stores are working on going to the place where people throw away, recycle, and save on clothes they used to buy.
Some well-known stores also dedicate a part of the clothing to support the needs of the poor or who are unable to purchase by providing them with clothing, and in the community we can try to do something like exchanging clothes with friends and family. These are interesting things as each person can bring all the old clothes they don't need and exchange them with others in need. This can increase the spirit of cooperation, happiness and excitement between individuals and communities.
Recycling and reusing clothes is very important, it reduce pollution and at the same time reduce the expenditure of money. Recently, in my community, we start to see a lot of semi-new clothes thrown on the roads near garbage, while a large part of the population does not have the price of one piece, so I started thinking about developing a plan that could prevent this issue from spreading further, so why not build chlothe's recycling factories, therfore anyone who no longer needs their dress should take it to that factory to be recycled instead of throwing it away.
Also, we can be build stores depends on the process of exchange. In case if we no longer need a dress we can bring it and take another dress for free, and this will push people to take their clothes to these stores in order to get others, which will secure those people who are unable to always buy clothes in abundance to replace their clothes continuously.