Who is responsible?

If you did this lesson in class, you would have discussed the BIG QUESTION for: ‘Fast fashion.’

This topic’s BIG QUESTION is:

What are the problems caused by fast fashion? And who is responsible?

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  • Fast fashion describes cheap, stylish, mass-produced clothes that have a huge impact on the environment. Coming from the perspective of its problems, people are more likely to throw away cheap, trendy clothes than more expensive,timeless pieces. I once heard from that the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) reported 17 million tons of textile waste were generated in 2018, of which only 2.5miliion tons were recycled this shows that clothing has lower recycling rates than other materials like paper, glass, or even plastic. From all indications the government are meant to be the ones responsible for the fast fashion and it's obvious that they cause for the problem of fast fashion most especially in undeveloped countries in Africa.

    1. That's a very interesting comment regarding the role government's need to play in reducing the environmental impact of fast fashion. What should governments do to help reduce fast fashion?

      1. As for me the only way the government could do to reduce fast fashion is simply by making laws concerning fast fashion and implementing those laws.

        1. OK blessed_reflection: what laws should governments make and implement to address the concerns around fast fashion?

    2. Great comment @blessed_reflection, really well informed. What do you think governments can do to reduce this problem of fast fashion?

    3. Hi @blessed_reflection

      Really good points! There is so much waste!

      Do you think anyone else other than the government is responsible?

      1. me as authentic history i think yes ,there are others responsible for fast fashion other than the government because clothing companies are also to blame cause they keep on letting trends caught up with their work

    4. Really enjoyed the point of linking this to the climate change ! Government definitely plays a vital role, do we have any suggestions on what they can do to make an impact?

    5. Do you think consumers can be held accountable?

    6. Do you not believe that the companies developing their products are responsible for the negative effects of fast fashion? The companies condoning fast fashion and using it to their advantage through selling mass numbers of products to customers contribute to 10 percent of global carbon emissions and 20 percent of global wastewater. The government are not the ones controlling the distribution of products, it is the companies, also from these figures it demonstrates that it is the companies responsible for the effects on climate, as it is the sheer amount of products being sold and thrown away that negatively contributes to wastewater and to global carbon emissions- this is currently out of the governments control. Although, the government could make laws, in which they state that a certain number of products can be distributed at one time. Despite this, I do feel that the large majority of responsibility falls for the companies. Furthermore, it could also be the consumer's fault. Every time a customer purchases a clothing product that is part of the fast fashion industry, they can make a decision on whether or not they need to buy it or if they will even wear it; every item bought contributes to the negatives effects of fast fashion, this is the customer's actions creating a negative impact.
      What do you think?

  • I think the manager of the work place are responsible because they are the people who are paying there designers only 2 to 4 cent each pair of clothing

    1. To be honest these clothing designs don't directly go to the manager but go through different sponsors that actually give the fashion designer the money and the confidence to continue designing these clothes... then finally reaching the store manager.

      1. I agree with champion camel because most times managers don't even have an idea of what is being designed next, and also cause of the huge amount of sponsors trends has to be made in other to keep the fashion lifestyle moving.

    2. I don't think so, because the manager is like everyone else. He works to earn money, develop and upgrade his workplace, and meet his and his family's needs. Instead, people buy clothes unwisely

      1. This is a great point thinking from the side of consumer of the fashion products. Growth in consumerism is driving a demand and production. Customers want it at a price not hurts them, but it will hurt somewhere else, i.e unfair wages for workers and work conditions with concerns.

    3. Interesting point. However, what would you say about the clothing companies who contract workplaces like that known to have such cheap labour and immoral workplace conditions? Certainly if clothing companies are the ones to profit from such cheap rates, they should be held accountable for fueling the demand?

    4. Hi @enthusiastic_wasp

      You are right, managers of production should pay staff fairly and provide safe working environments.

      Do you think that the law is protecting people from unfair pay?

    5. I feel the manager should not be held responsible. What about the brains behind the job? The manager is paid to organise the production process.

    6. I disagree because... not everybody who pays their workers are responsible the mangers are responsible because they think and bring ideas and not only that they help organize the business and make everything to be in order not because they pay their designers.

    7. I disagree because... managers are not completely responsible for the choice of clothes people want to wear, and someone can be self employed and design dresses in the comfort of their home, would you know say that managers are still responsible?

    8. I agree but its the designers that are paying the under payed workers the money not the manager. The manager is telling shops to tell the designers to pay the under payed workers 2 to 4 cents each pair of clothing. I think it is the shops fault because they could say No i'm not telling them that.

  • This topic makes me angry because fast fashion brands take ideas from international brands and then make clothes and sell them at a lower price, which means lower quality, fast tailoring and lower wages for workers. One of the problems caused by fast fashion is that fashion uses 25 percent of carbon globally by 2050, and this makes it one of the largest polluting industries in the second degree after oil, and this is just an example of its impact on the environment.

    1. Why is it bad to take ideas from other brands do you think?

      1. Yes and certainly, because some stores take the form of branded clothes and design themselves, but with poor quality and sell them at a price as if they were branded clothes.

    2. Really well said @sceptcal_journalist. What action do you think us as consumers can take to minimise the power of fast fashion brands?

      1. A really great question. I have a solution. I will do awareness seminars on the seriousness of this matter, and I will make posts on social media.

    3. I personally think that celebrities are also a contributing factor to fast fashion because most celebrities buy their clothes and accesories from international clothing lines for example louis vuiton ,channel and gucci.Because celebrities influence the society this causes most individuals to take ideas from their clothing and make low quality clothes and accesories that look like that of the celebrities and due to the low quality the clothes are not going to be durable enough and clothes cannot be reused or recycled. How this can be solved is if most celebrities start influencing the use of ecofriendly produced clothes than using that of international brand.

      1. I'm interested that you see celebrities and designers as a contributing factor. What role would you say is played by peer pressure in fast fashion, for example the brands that your school friends are wearing, or the trends promoted by influencers that you follow?

        1. They also play a very big role in influencing other people cause i know most of us don't want to be left out
          on the trending fashion so once we see our friend using trending clothes we to get that feeling of not wanting to miss out thereby influencing us .Well influencers also play a large role in fast fashhion cause as we may all know most people follow what influencers do so if they see an influencer with the latest fashion they too want to follow.

    4. They also play a very big role in influencing other people cause i know most of us don't want to be left out
      on the trending fashion so once we see our friend using trending clothes we to get that feeling of not wanting to miss out thereby influencing us .Well influencers also play a large role in fast fashhion cause as we may all know most people follow what influencers do so if they see an influencer with the latest fashion they too want to follow.

  • Fast fashion is a term used to describe the clothing industry's business model of replicating recent catwalk trends and high-fashion designs, mass-producing them at a low cost, and bringing them to retail stores quickly, while demand is at its highest. I think, in addition to environmental issues, fast fashion garments spark a lot of ethical concerns. They are often made in sweatshops where underpaid workers are employed for long hours in unsafe conditions and are exposed to harmful chemicals used in textile production .Fast fashion is severely criticized for its negative social impacts. It doesn't promote decent work conditions, gender equality, diversity, or inclusivity. Instead, retailers foster a culture of discrimination, harassment, and violence. Talking about fast fashion, corporations and companies are responsible for fast fashion

    1. Thank you, a great thinking on the social concerns! Force labour, working condition, equity, living wages, health and safety, privacy, freedom of association etc., were often regarded as salient human rights issues. Companies who produce the products certainly have the responsibility to respect human rights. On this basis, can we think of any other subjects? For example, can government or financial sectors help to tackle this?

      1. Thank you so much for appreciating those words. Creating a sustainable and ethical future for the fashion industry is an important but complex challenge for government, industry, and the public. We must seize this moment by pushing the government to be a global leader, helping to build a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry. Obviously, government also can also do something to eradicate the fast fashion. Instead of buying fast fashion you can
        1)Buy second-hand.
        2)Organize a clothing swap.
        3)Rent clothes ,Go shopping in your own closet.
        4)Shop local.
        5)Invest in timeless pieces.
        6)Look for sustainable materials.

    2. I agree because fast fashion seems good, but it is just cheap, wasteful clothes that damage the environment and the workers that make them. Everyone should know what fast fashion actually is, and what bad conditions the clothes are made in. Also, people should think that even if the clothes don't cost a lot, the real cost is our planet's health. What do you think about this?

  • In my opinion, it is we, who are responsible for creating this problem. Everyone uses social media these days, a new fashion trend spreads like the latest news and we all feel like keeping up with the influencer's clothing styles. The companies produce according to the trends to increase their sale as we all want to buy it. But does a new trend lasts for long? No. A fresh one comes up so frequently like that in a week. This leads to increase in the dump and competition in the fashion industry.

    1. Great point eloquent_nature, I really like how you viewed this problem.

    2. This is a great example!

      What do you think we as individuals could do more to take responsibility?

      1. We as individuals should be more aware of what we are buying rather being simply attracted by all the glitters. We can invest more in clothing brands that promote sustainiblity. For instance, H&M shows how sustainable their clothing is and their roadmap to become more sustainable. Many brands put specials tags on the clothes that are sustainable, we should try buying more of those.
        Apart from that, let's try buying the clothes that we know we are going to wear more or invest more in basics like jeans, tshirts, etc.
        I have noticed this problem in the area I live in that people simply throw the clothes they do not want on the road. What we can try doing instead is that let's donate the clothes we do not want. Recently, Zara India took up the initiative to take the clothes that people do not want to wear and give them vouchers of the brand in return. The youth posted several reels on Instagram to promote this initiative and actively participated as well.

    3. I agree with you eloquent_nature. Due to how we always want to take part in the latest trends and to wear what we see our favorite influencers wear on different social media platforms, we tend to create piles of clothes that we forget about and do not actually need. This causes rivalry between fashion industries, thereby making workers or designers of such companies, work under intense pressure just to outdistance their competition.

    4. Totally agree eloquent_nature, people all over the world are always looking for trending styles and a new style comes like that in a week! You have made a really good point!

    5. I agree because... trends seem to be so much faster these days because of the way things move so quick on social media and we never get a chance to slow down this is a big reason for the 'throwaway culture' that the economist talks about in their fast fashion video on youtube. Some stores even change there clothes every week which is crazy for me!

    6. Actually I agree with you, because there are some teenagers when they see any kind of clothes that are spread on the Internet, they buy it, even if it is not interesting, I hope they will be made aware of this, and put an end to this.

    7. Good point about social media playing a part. How do you think we can use social media to make a positive change?

      1. Farnoosh @ Clifford Chance, Social media is both a big cause and big cure of fast fashion. Thousands of people scroll through social media every minute and this is a major reason why it can be used to make a positive change. Social media influencers should be encouraged to promote slow and sustainable fashion more. Big brands can also partner up with these influencers. Through social media marketing, brands like H&M which have a sustainable clothing line, can promote their sustainable clothing. Social media can also be used to create awareness about the harmful effects of fast fashion on the environment. Social media campaigns can make a great platform for the youth to evaluate the negative aspects of fast fashion. And well, the current fashion is all about what is 'trendy' on social media. So if slow and sustainable fashion become the new trend on social media, we can make a positive change.

      2. How do you think we can use social media to make a positive change?
        Social media fuels fast fashion in cases where we see influencers promoting new styles in adverts hence fueling the growth of fast fashion.In my opinion,we can still in the same use social media to make a postive change in society in reducing fast fashion because it's a silent virus that we don't notice eating us up.We can use social media to make adverts with help of celebrities and politicians showing the projected harm of fast fashion on our environment such as too much dump that causes soil pollution, burning of old clothes the leads to air pollution and all these pointing in the direction of climate change. We can use social media to make websites to offer mobile access for buying second hand clothes so that they can be reused to help reduce the dump rate. We could have celebrities make videos of themselves donating their old clothes to others in need to raise awareness that instead of dumping them,you can give them out. Celebrities could make videos as they are repeating to were the same clothes that they have won before to encourage others to reuse. Adverts could be made showing the benefits of recycling and the dangers of dumping forexample when you recycle you get a new item but dumping only does harm to the environment. Make adverts encouraging people to repair their clothes rather than buy new ones forexample sewing a shirt than buying a new one.We could also use social media to visit fashion companies' websites and encourage them to design new ranges less frequently to reduce dump because its estimated that 92 million tonnes of textile waste is created annually by fast fashion industry and according to herbones.com,fast fashion contributes 8% to 10% of humanity’s carbon emissions and is responsible for 1/3 of industrial water pollution due to manufacturing practices and is accountable for 20% to 35% of microplastic found in the ocean.So with such statistics I think that social media can really play a huge role in reducing fast fashion since it's given alot of attention in that over 4.74 billion people are social media users and they spend alot of time online.Besides that,people prefer acting after influencer recommendations so social media through influencers can impact a positive change on us depending on how we use it.

    8. Most clothing brands are now in a competition. Every one wants their brand to be the trend and social media is not helping in bring a solution instead it is promoting the competition by announcing new collections of cloths. Clothing brands are also not paying attention to the damage they are bringing to the world they are more concerned about being the top brand and making money.

    9. Thank you for your comment because you are right in saying this. Indeed, we are responsible for this problem, as the world is rapidly affected by fashion and follows it as well, so people are competing to keep up with fashion, so companies are taking advantage of this opportunity to increase their production and increase their advertising for their productions so that the world is affected And so we become responsible through our great immersion in fashion and advertising.

  • To me rich people are making the fast fashion to go viral by buying more and more clothes which they don't even need just on the name of fashion to highlight their status

    1. Interesting point - why do you think it is rich people responsible for this?

      1. I would like to politely disagree here.
        I feel my friend is trying to convey that the rich people have the money and the resources to keep up with the latest trends and they buy clothes mindlessly for the same. 'Rich people' do this only for the sake of flaunting their new outfits on social media platforms, and to show how rich they are.
        However, I feel this is not really a 'rich people' problem. This is rather the pressure our entire youth is under. Many of us get influenced looking at the beautiful stylish clothes a social media influencer or a friend is wearing and feel the urge to buy them too. Who would feel like posting a pic where they are wearing extremely casual clothes? We are all stuck in this vicious cycle where we show each other how 'trendy' we are when it is not the reality.

    2. I agree because... most social media influencers are into fast fashion and the have influence on the public.

    3. I agree that the promotion from those with money endorse and expand these fast fashion industries. However, is it not also down to the consumer (often those who do not have that much disposable income) that are slightly to blame for the continuous impact these labels are having on our environment and population. Fast fashion is aimed at the poorer sector of society, it is just another way of exploitation from the rich. They are forced into buying these clothes and products as they are left with no other options. These fast fashion brands do not offer status but instead they introduce modern day slavery that is accepted into society.

  • In my opinion, the endless fashion trends causes a heavy environmental price, it is responsible for around 20% of industrial water pollution and it is also responsible for enormous amounts of textile waste that estimated 92 million tonnes of textiles waste annually.
    Every person who is connected to this industry is responsible designers, sellers, customers and businessowners
    I believe that we human beings are responsible for preserving our planet and should pay attention to the decisions we make because they affect our lives and our environment.

    1. That is a very interesting point: We all have a role to play in reducing the environmental impact of fast fashion. How do you think designers, sellers, customers and business owners could be encouraged to make more conscious choices?

    2. Enjoyed the idea of linking this to environmental impacts! Do you think there are also social impacts? Thank you

  • I think that the managers of the place are more responsible cause there are some people who are right now paying designers to make them a clothing like 2 centimeters for each cloth

    1. How can you blame the managers when they're only meeting the demand of the consumers?

      1. Meeting the demand of the consumer is important for managers and businesses. However, do you think that managers should balance demand, and ethical responsibility?

        1. Managers do not really have any more opportunity to change the products than the workers themselves, in my opinion it is almost fully down to the consumers wants and the business fullfilling these in order to make a profit

    2. In my opinion, those who are responsible for fast fashion are the companies in order to sweep the world and gain a wide international name that enables them to introduce money and high-quality goods ,and thus they attract people and brainwash them about the importance of fast fashion ,so the result is the profit of the company and making a part of these people on the side of this fashion ,that is , its supporters.

  • The fast fashion industry being the the major polluter in the world right now causes a number of problems like using cheap and toxic dyes which pollute both the air and water and another problem would be negative environmental impact like some companies cut down rainforests or make use of child labor in countries where workers are not adequately protected by laws.

    I'd say that the customers of the fast fashion industry are the cause of all this because the customers want cheap but available goods and they make high demand for more clothes to be produced.

  • Society is the responsibile for fast fashion.
    Fast fashion is like making a copy of a famous brand the copies are made up from cheap and low quality products and then they sell there products in low prices.

    The people between age of 24 to 30 use fast fashion most .

    China , Bangladesh, Vietnam and Indonesia are the some of that countries which are affected by fast fashion.

    Like people of society around us think it would be proud for them to wear brand then that other people will get attracted from them but in reality people around us are busy in their own work like on one care what you wearing.

    In my opinion:
    We can reduce fast fashion by buying 1: second hand clothes because you can afford it and the quality of product will be also good .

    2: People should have to be proud for what they wear ,you should wear the clothes confidently even through its simple or casual and if people do that they can surely reduce fast fashion.

    1. This is a great contribution with lots of interesting points. Why do you think people between age of 24 to 30 use fast fashion the most when this age group is often considered the most "environmentally conscious"?

      1. I think that , people between age 24 to 30 are conscious about environment but at the same time social media have capture young people mind by trendy fashion people want to look stylish by following there ideals,
        So that's why people do fast fashion instead of maintainess of environment,
        It's also possible that the people between that age are not aware from the bad effect of fast fashion.

      2. And i didn't mention that the people between age 24 to 30 do shopping the most and are newly independent and like the people before age 24 are depends on there parents and when they get newly independent they want to follow trend and do what they want, this is why I think people between 24 to 30 are most into fast fashion .

    2. Your suggestion of buying second hand clothes is an interesting solution. How do you think we can influence the consumer market to consider second hand clothes when shopping?

      1. I think we can influence the consumer market to consider second hand clothes when shopping through social media influencers that can make videos supporting the concept and encouraging people to buy second hand rather than new ones in a perspective of reducing waste and making our commuties more sustainable because actually 49% of comsumers depend on influencer recommendations to also trust in doing or buying something.We could organise events where we sensitive people about fast fashion and it's danger such as and suggesting buying of second hand clothes as one way the reduce such dangers forexample it will reduce the number of natural resources being used, it reduces the amount of energy used and pollution that’s being emitted such as toxic chemicals and carbon emissions. People will surely be influenced and try to reach a hand in stopping the dangers of fast fashion once they are sensitized and aware so they would consider buying second hand clothes during shopping.We could also do this through campaigns encouraging people to reuse clothes so such messages can influence people to buy second hand clothes upon shopping.
        Telling people that "Why be like everyone else?" New clothing might is got from mass productions that you may find that you and your neighbor are having the same dress,but if you second hand you will own clothes that you won’t find just anywhere.
        I all those ways I bet people shall be influenced to buy second hand clothing when shopping.

  • I'm a person who is big fan to fashion . Later I discovered that fast fashion has negative social impact . It doesnt encouraged work conditions , diversity , gender quality . In addition fast fashion industry is responsible for gas immitions and waste. So everyone should be aware of what is called Trend .

    1. That's very interesting, shy_lake. How did it change your attitude when you discovered this? What do you do differently now?

  • "Fashion is a book made by smart people to steal the rich, the poor people believe it." I don't follow the fashion and I don't buy brands, but I thought I was doing a good deal, but one piece was years away from four pieces gone bad after the second wash.

    1. Can you give a source for your quote, involved_mood?

  • Me , you and most of people play key role ( as consumers) in sustainability of fast fashion without being aware of this . We should try to stop fast fashion. Do you know why ? Let me tell you that fast fashion kill our planet slowly because of emissions ,waste, toxic chemicals and the most important thing that can kill poor workers.

    1. This is a good starting point, how should we try to stop fast fashion?

  • Fast fashion is trendy clothes, but cheap, in other words, clothes that are not branded, for example, the markets that are found in the Gaza Strip, such as the blouses in the markets, the lowest price than the shops because of the fabric that was used, it is of lower quality than the original, and therefore it is cheaper than the original blouses. Fast fashion makes clothes less expensive, but factory workers are negatively affected Such as The increase in transport emissions due to the shipment of many new groups and this increases the pollution rate and also the biggest impact on the environment is the amount of clothes that are produced in a huge proportion and are thrown in the garbage and contribute to the resource and waste pollution Pollution of water, air and soil and most of these pieces will be disposed someday.

    1. Interesting point. I think people often forget the environmental impact. Do you think it's possible for nations to keep production and sales local. What other positive impacts could that have on local communities?

  • I think the manager is as well responsible because like he doesn’t pay them enough and they work really hard

    1. Interesting point, but sometimes we need to consider that manager may not have the fundamental rights to decide the wages, any other subjects we can thinking of? For example, can government work on setting the min wage level?

    2. I concur with them because the manager underpays them for the amount of time, they spend producing garments nonstop with no breaks. Instead, they only receive less than 10 pounds.

  • Fast fashion affects people and pushes them to consume and waste, which leads to poor economic conditions among people and sometimes poverty, and the reason is the low prices that encourage people to buy a lot. Mostly responsible for this problem are fast fashion companies that rely on factories to speed up production, and so we learned about the negativesFast fashion and who is responsible for it

    1. Honestly I would hold the government of countries responsible. The government should not allow fast fashion companies to market their products.

  • If Iam not mistaken, capital companies and their great advertising campaigns are vary much responsible for the fast fashion..the expensive price of the brand names clothes plus the pressure from the social media have contributed alot in spreading of these fast fashion trends. People want to feel fashionable and trendy but still can not afford the expensive price.. so the need of cheap copies of the original brand has grown world wide

    1. Interesting point. How do you think social media can be used to make a positive impact?

      1. I think social media can promote less expensive clothes, second hand items or can promote ideas to restyle your old pieces inorder to not be in urgent need to buy new stylish items and be less stressed with the frequently changing fashion trends.
        Like this will help reduce the urge of buying these fast fashion items and will help reduce the clothes waste which will lead to help

      2. I think social media can promote less expensive clothes, second hand items or can promote ideas to restyle your old pieces inorder to not be in urgent need to buy new stylish items and be less stressed with the frequently changing fashion trends.
        Like this will help reduce the urge of buying these fast fashion items and will help reduce the clothes waste which will lead to help the environment and keep our financial situation more stable.

  • I think that fast fashion runs after the latest trends for money.
    Not all people can afford actual quality clothes so they buy from the fast fashioned clothes .
    Fast fashion clothes are cheap for a reason , because they are made out of cheap kind of fabrics , so people would find them looking okay with a cheap price.
    Companies who sell them do not always succeed, for them being raggedy and not very neat.
    Alot of fast fashion companies would make fake brands or sell something very similar with a different letter in the name .
    The only people who are responsible for this are 1- the people who make them 2- the people who buy them.
    Because when you buy them it makes the company produce more since they are getting money out of it .

    1. I agree because not everyone is rich or able afford nice things. Like people in africa, they go through alot and they don't get to wear nice things.

  • Fast fashion has two sides: nice becuse fashionable
    dangerous because it removes our traditional clothes.
    The only one who responsible for fast fashion is the customer by his hand he encourages factories to increase pollution and harms himself.

    1. In my opinion the only advantage of fast fashion is it makes fashionable cloths cheaper and the middle and working class people can look presentable and fashionable, it enables them get a taste of fashion but at a cheaper price but on the other side the disadvantages are more and the working conditions for workers is also poor.

      1. emotional_meaning can you think of a solution to the fast fashion problem?

        1. Yes
          International brands should have a collection for cheaper and fashionable cloths. Government should prohibit the establishment of fast fashion companies, there should be fashion inspectors that will check how cloths are produced, sold and the work conditions for the workers, they should also inspect the waste that is being released to the environment.

  • 1. What are the problems caused by fast fashion? And who is responsible?
    The main problem caused by fast fashion is pollution, most clothes are made up of synthetic materials which include the use of factory production which leads to air, water and land pollution. The worst part about fast fashion is not only the production part but the after use part. Another major problem is recycling. When we humans find something of no use to us either because it is faded, not our sizes or out of style we don’t consider what it can do for another- another man’s trash is another mans treasure. This compels us to just throw away this items without thinking of the consequences- pollution. The person majorly responsible is not just the producers but we the consumers!

    1. That's a very good point, spectacular_theory. What do you think consumers should do to reduce pollution?

  • We live in the era of speed and fast fashion. Clothes have become an investment method for owners of manufacturers and owners of investments in these companies, and the spread of social networking sites has promoted these companies, which has become an obsession for some to keep pace with modern fashion and fashion. I see that it has become a gap between the person who is able and unable to own these brands.

    1. I agree with this. I think people are way too intrested in how they look like. I understand the feeling of wanting to look good, but then it always hapens to start wishing to have a clean planet. We like posting photos of us on social media, but we also like breathing some clean air. We like buying clothes, but we also like the feeling that we get after we helped clean a forest. How can we be so intrested in geting rid of pollution, in planting more trees for oxygen, but still keep wearing the fast fashions clothes? It is more than just hard to give up some habits, but we have to. We have to do it for ourselves and for others. Our helth is worth more than the fast fashions trends from social media.

    2. Hi, I am Nel from Nigeria. My mother is a single mother, she supports the idea of fast fashion because she cannot afford original and expensive cloths. Ever since I started wearing fast fashion cloths I was accepted where the rich could go to in school because I looked fashionable and presentable.
      Hey, I am Maya from Nigeria. I have heard so much about fast fashion and I think it should be stopped because it causes pollution and unfavourable work conditions for their workers. In my opinion it devalues cloths and even cause clothing inflation.
      Nel and Maya have different point of views, Nel sees fast fashion as an advantage but Maya sees it as a disadvantage. Fast fashion is of relevance to some people while to some it is irrelevant. In everything we should look at the bright side, if fast fashion had better working conditions, produced good cloths at cheap price and has less negative impact on the environment then the world would not have a problem with it.

  • Fast fashion is providing a large number of clothes to people (which is good ) but they are wearing them for shorter time periods due to their bad quality these clothes are disposed off but getting rid of waste isn't the an easy task these cheap clothes contain many more harmful chemicals well we don't know who to blame i think it's our responsibility as society.

    I love biochemistry i hope that i can create transgenic bacteria to decompose these clothes .


    From a distance, fast fashion with all its trends at cheap prices may look cool and amazing. Buying clothes that are "in style" several times a year looks dreamy and almost unreal. But everything has a price! Here the price is paid by the garment factory workers who are heavily exploited, by the big brands and labels for their own gain.

  • Hello, I am the honest cat, so I will be honest in saying that I do not like this fast fashion even though it is cheap, but in society, people are layers and we always see the high-end and rich classes wearing original clothes that sometimes cost $1,000 or more. When we come to the popular markets, we see that the fabric used is not original, so its price is low, and it can be sold for 10 dollars or less. In my opinion, the person responsible for this matter is not a human being, but an inanimate object. Yes, it is modern technology. Technology invented many machines and sewing machines that facilitated the creation of clothes.

    1. I agree because... the industrial revolution made a big change in the way that fashion is produced and this meant that fashion was no longer made in a slow and organic way. In a way this is good because it means that we do not have to worry about people not having clothes but in another way it's not so good because it means that we produce a lot more clothes in mass consumption and this is how we end up with so much waste. Just because machines can doesn't mean they should at the end of the day it is the person operating the machine who is responsible not the machine itself. I think there are pros and cons to technology when it comes to fashion.

    2. Hi I'm brilliant_ferret and I have a brilliant reply for you . In my perspective we need to change the minds of people who buy fashion for the style and not for the reason of why they are wearing it.

  • The issue of fast fashion can be tracked back to the unethical business practices of corporations and companies. The preceding reason as to why companies are primarily responsible for fast fashion is because not every consumer can avoid it. Many consumers cannot afford to buy ethically produced fashion.

    1. That's an excellent point, passionate_truth. What solutions can you suggest to somebody who wants to help the environment but can't afford to buy ethically-produced fashion?

  • Fast fashion is the fashion in which we started to wear new clothes and discard our old clothes
    Just due to this fashion every year we generate 91 million turn off waste which is almost equal to 500 billion dollars
    In order to make these clothes from electricity we use resources such as water which is wasted the huge amount fashion industry uses almost 79 billion cubic metre of water per year and this is happening when there is scarcity of water for 2.5 billion people
    Also the fashion industry contribute in 8% carbon of emission per year
    So summarization is that due to discarting our clothes wasted generated carbon is amated and water is polluted also the water is wasted
    I am not saying that you should stop wearing clothes with their certain steps that can reduce pollution and wastage of water
    We should use all are clothes fully instead of discarting them that they are not in fashion anymore
    Because Identity is not defined by clothes but it's defined by our personality
    "" Buying sustainable clothes ""
    We should use such clothes that are sustainable and carbon neutral and also in your budget
    "" Donating Our clothes ""
    We should not discarded clothes instead we should give them to donation
    By donating these clothes will not go to waste instead they will go to search peoples and families which do not have anything to wear

  • The social media means have assisted the exposure of e-marketing, which increases the demands on modern fast fashions.

    The cheap and low-quality fashion increases the risk of textile waste, while the implementation of optimized industrial practices will significantly save our plant.

    Fast fashion is another face of globalization, where the wearing of nations’ traditional clothes keeps the beauty of diversity and save our plant from the effect of a hug volume of non-biodegradable materials.

  • In my opinion the people who caused the problem are the famous influencers who starts wearing new outfits so their followers tries to imitate them so all followers tries to get these outfits so the factories are going to produce a lot of this outfit causing the pollution

    1. Recognising what drives a problem is a very important starting point to find a solution. You have stated you believe famous influencers have caused the problem. How do you propose to change the culture of famous influencers promoting fast fashion?

    2. I believe that the solution of this problem is to decrease the fashion changing by decreasing the influencing videos and posts of the fashion change. That means that the influencers can change of the look of the outfit with the same clothes so if the followers and watchers want to copy them they won't buy new clothes so the factory wouldn't produce more clothes leading to the pollution

  • Fast fashion is extremely unhealthy for our environment. It comes with the demands for high production and that is where our workers get exploited; long working hours, low wages, poor working conditions. It also leads to loads of wastage and undoubtedly puts our youth in the habit of keeping in pace with the new trends making the future of our planet, the culprits for killing it as they are encouraging fast fashion. And well, not keeping up with certain trends can increase competition between our youth and harm their mental health. The clothes in fast fashion might often have a use and throw purpose. Can we really afford all this when we are aware of how disturbed our environment is?
    The ones responsible for this are many. Firstly, the producers. For expanding their businesses and earning popularity, are they really putting so much at stake? Secondly, the sellers, who are putting a step forward in the wrong and selling these clothes, creating demand for more. And thirdly, the consumers who are attracted to the glitters but forget that the price is much more than what their money pays. And they too are buying these clothes, creating demand for more.
    We must increase awareness about such issues, reduce the consumption of such clothes from our side, and encourage the ones around us to do the same as well. Let’s correct our mistakes together.

  • I think that the problems that fast fashion creates, which is that it is not available in all countries, and that there are those who like foreign fashion and there is no like it in his country. I think that this is the biggest problem.

    1. Hi Great_Mango - you note that the biggest problem in fast fashion is that people may be influenced from trends overseas. Could you tell us more about what you mean by this? Why is this a problem?

      1. When I like clothes from outside my country, I will have to import it from abroad, and this will lead to an increase in the pollution rate due to transportation, and this is a big problem. All countries must achieve what they want only in their own country and help other countries even in how to produce designs, and This is how we can reduce air pollution

  • If Iam not mistaken, capital companies and their great advertising campaigns are vary much responsible for the fast fashion..the expensive price of the brand names clothes plus the pressure from the social media have contributed alot in spreading of these fast fashion trends. People want to feel fashionable and trendy but still can not afford the expensive price.. So the need of cheap copies of the original brand has grown world wide.

  • Fast fashion is selling like hotcakes nowadays, especially among the youth of the era. The prime reason for this is the growing attraction among youngsters, be it for their dressing style or their fashion sense. In such a situation, one needs to keep himself/herself updated as per the ongoing trends. However, if we just step out of this rat race and ponder for a minute, what is this ultimately leading to? Whom is this affecting, in the long run? It is not only we who are getting exploited. Further, the growing fashion craze has also led to the depletion of the green cover of the Earth. So, it’s high time, we wake up from this everlasting dream of fantasy and have a look at the destruction caused behind our backs.

  • Hi
    Is there any positive side of fast fashion ???

    1. Yes, there are advantages to fast fashion, as it focuses on improving certain aspects in the supply of these fashions, as it is designed and manufactured quickly and at a low cost that allows the average consumer to buy the latest fashion at the lowest price as it is sold at an affordable price.

      1. Thanks, but i personally think that there are more negative side of this picture as it increase 8% of CO2and also waste billion of cubic water water per year
        What do u think ? It has more negative sides or positive

    2. Well, I rely on a saying that everything in life has its pros and cons. Fashion has its pros and cons.
      Among its advantages, fashion is linked to the human being, and the importance of fashion in our lives is due to the fact that it is one of the most important components of culture related to the human being and his ideas. Wasting money, for example, if the teacher or employee receives a huge salary at the end of the month, if she pays attention to keeping up with fashion first-hand, then surely this salary may not be enough to follow fashion and take care of its fees, rituals and traditions,

        1. Can you explain why?

          1. I agree in such a way that it really provide us many fashions which is a need of hour and secondly I really like the comment if something has advantages then it also have disadvantages
            But still i dont like fast fashion because it has worse effect on our environment

    3. Yes there is a good side to it because I don’t know about you but my personality comes through my clothes

      1. Can you give examples of how personality comes through in clothes?

        1. Because the colours of my clothes come thought and also the style

  • Who is responsible?
    The issues of fast fashion can be tracked back to the unethical business practices of corporations and companies the preceding reason as to why companies are primarily responsible for fast fashion is not every consumer can avoid it many consumer cannot afford to buy ethically produced fashion

  • There are many problems caused by fast fashion, including decreasing the quality of clothes and not having a very decent shape and will not be of the same good material because they are quick to manufacture, so there are many problems, but the responsible for the spread of these clothes are us because many people do not care about the quality of clothes, but care The cheap price and this is a big mistake that leads to a lot of fast fashion, but I do not advise much to buy these clothes because they are of low quality

    1. The quality of clothes is one problem with fast fashion. How do you think that fast-fashion affects the workers, and who is responsible for helping them?

      1. Fast fashion affects the health of workers, because the demand for these clothes is great, so they must work a lot, and this leads to a decrease in performance and production, because the workers are tired, and the workers also suffer from stress and many mental health problems because of the large demand for fast fashion. Lots of people buy from these fast fashion clothes

  • Fashion may be one of the most vacuous and wasteful sectors within the arts. The product life cycle in fashion has always been relatively short, and the social and environmental costs are high. Perhaps if we didn't socialize or encourage such blatant narcissism in our societies, people would have more resources to share for the basic necessities of life for all.

  • Fashion companies and international fashion houses strive to achieve their sales to achieve the highest profits, but for the consumer, they constitute a financial burden that harms the family budget, so I think consumers should boycott these fast fashion goods ,especially the clothes which made of low quality materials which are unhealthy and causes skin problems.So in my opinion, I think the consumer is the one who can stop this wheel .

  • A quick idea caused the problems you wanted: good cost, good consumption at first, and good buy-in at first. Products that eliminate products that require a specific production. Equivalent to production costs in poor countries with wages, planting the United States. International fast fashion brands, moving on from the story of Ng. You will win millions of dollars for these international fast fashion brands. It turned from a story of the success of a persistent human being to a story of greed and selfishness.

  • The dress is out of date, you buy it for a certain period and lose its validity and buy it back, this is the vicious cycle of fast fashion. Finally, what is the solution to this problem? The solution is that we as consumers must educate ourselves and be aware of the industry. I mean, if we see a product that is too cheap to be affordable, we should at least wonder and think why is this product so cheap? Change starts with us humans, you and me and all the people who buy from these global brands should change themselves and not wait for these brands to change. It's happening fast and we know what's happening in poor countries and their suffering because of this industry. In the end, it is we who choose the project we want to support,

    1. I agree. I said today in my class that it is about our mindset. Just because a big company sells something that doesn't mean we should buy this. You have to be the change you want to see in the world as Gandhi says.

  • Fast fashion is the rapid or mass production of large quantities of clothing at low prices. You'll tell me that's a good thing because they offer cheap clothes that everyone can buy, that is, they are affordable But really there are consequences behind the scenes, things we don't see, the price of fast fashion, what is it really? The fashion industry is expected to use 25% of the global carbon budget by 2050 making it one of the largest polluting industries in the world, second only to oil, and this is just an example of the environmental impact and what it is doing to the environment. Earth. The human impact is a long story. The idea is that we spend hours and hours in front of the mirror thinking about what we're going to wear today, but have we taken the time to think about this dress we're wearing, and how it was made? In what condition was it made? And where did it come from?

  • I think that internet is responsible for this and then we.We live in a world where our every movement is associated with something.As soon as we see a new trend from the internet we spread it like sea water.When people see its low price they buy it and after wearing it couple of times they start thinking of other fashions.In this way,by following a series of fashion,a lot of clothes are gathered.When they become old the fashion is found in rivers,dustbins and canals.This causes a lot of problems.When it rains,the clothes get stuck in sewage systems which result in dirty water(causing a number of diseases).

  • I think we should be responsible for fast fashion because there are clothes filling up warehouses in the UK and all around the world. We should contribute into helping to empty the warehouses and fill our wardrobes or give clothes to homeless and charity so people who are not so wealthy could get some nice designed clothes and not be cold.

  • I think that...
    These days, the majority of
    people use the Internet and look at fashion, but this can negatively affect and there are several problems
    caused by fast fashion these days, whether on the environment or the person's psyche.
    on the environment, such as the pollution that fashion leaves when pieces of clothing are purchased and then other fashion appears and is done Throwing it away leads to pollution
    and a negative impact on the environment.
    On the psyche of a person, such as when a person sees the latest fashion and wants to buy it, but he can't because of the financial situation and poverty.
    Of course, this affects his psyche, as he/she feels a lack of self-confidence.
    This is also a problem caused by fast fashion these days.
    In my opinion, the one who is responsible for it may be us when we use the Internet and look at fashion and desire to Buy more and more.
    We just can reduce this problem by publishing awareness campaigns about the problems caused by fast fashion in aspects of life and encourage people to wear the clothes more and more not just once.

  • In my opinion, it is we, who are responsible for creating this problem. Everyone uses social media these days, a new fashion trend spreads like the latest news and we all feel like keeping up with the influencer's clothing styles. The companies produce according to the trends to increase their sale as we all want to buy it. But does a new trend lasts for long? No. A fresh one comes up so frequently like that in a week. This leads to increase in the dump and competition in the fashion industry.

    1. Hi Humble_Date - you mention that social media trends in fashion do not last long. Can you give an example of a fashion trend on social media which did not last long and where those clothes would now be "off-trend"?

      1. For example, you can see that few years back people in my country wore simple sweaters but now people wear hoodies and almost forgot that sweaters. Off-trend clothes are sent to poor countries or to the poor peoples because they cannot afford the new trend.

  • I believe that fast fashion increases competition among commercial companies. During my research, I found that the goal of fashion is to produce fashion in a cost-effective way. We are responsible for this because the fashion business model is based on the consumer's desire to get new clothes to wear at the lowest price. This increases Sales are profits for commercial companies. This encourages them to make more products to make consumers buy more clothes. I think this leads to excessive consumption...

  • I do believe fast fashion is a huge problem and we as a society are constantly undermining it.
    It is detrimental to the environment and probably causes even more harm to the people working behind the scenes. To the consumers, it can fuel a sense of guilt after impulse buying. Fast fashion has completely taken over the world and its effects are devastating.
    However, I don’t think it’s because of the quantity of the clothing produced or how much people buy. I think it’s because everyone lacks an identity or personal style they can stick to. If people stopped subjecting themselves to trend cycles, then brands would take note and focus not on making pieces that work for a trend, but clothing that are higher quality and would last longer.

  • fast fashion cause greenhouse gas emission and water pollution it also causes problem with waste management by disposable cloth and burning clothes in my opinion the most prominent companies and factories like Stradivarius, victoria's secret are responsible for fast fashion because they cause more problem in a rapid manner to earn more benefits

    1. It is really sad because they do not only cause greenhouse gases. We should ask ourselves how people that work in these companies cope because they work for hours and get low pay some of them are also abused during work ours by their bosses. I see fast fashion as a form of a modern slavery .

  • What r problems caused by fast fashion ?? So far fashion word is very strange for people like me who living in developing countries as we ve not resources to do fashions like we cant cop with every day changing fashion just its producing a complex among us . Parents cant afford fashionable dresses for kids .some students of my age insist on buying expensive dresses with matching accessories so parents r over burdened nd over thinking how they ve to increase their salaries.??
    Who is responsible for these problems ?? I think we r responsible when we dont cut our clothes according to our cloth without thinking that fashion suits only on big screens as we watch heroes and heroines in the movies nd films wearing . In real life we need to set our goals how to get proper education nd get a smart job

    1. Hi Magical_Kiwifruit - you mention that changing fashion is encouraging students to insist on more expensive dresses and accessories. Can you say more about what is causing this change in behaviour?

      1. Students like me ve more exposure of social media to see changing fashion so unconsciously we want to upgrade ourselves but our resources dont allow to think more than good education nd basic other necess ties of life .. in my opinion it creates clash of opinion between parents nd their kids .

    2. Fast fashion's negative impact includes its use of cheap,toxic textile deys-making the fashion industry the one of the largest polluters of clean water globally,right up there with agriculture.
      However those who are responsible for fast fashion : corporations and companies ;as they are primarily responsible for fast fashion is because not every consumer can avoid it.Many consumers cannot afford to buy ethically produced fashion.

  • I will talk about the Gaza Strip. In the Gaza Strip, people here care about fashion more than anything else, but they overlook many things that are the cause of our ruin. One of the problems caused by fast fashion is its contribution to the pollution resulting from waste, and we cannot get rid of waste because we We do not have containers designated for waste, all the pieces we use are disposed of as waste, and in one year around the world a million pieces of clothing are produced, if everyone disposes of his worn clothes, the world will be destroyed, also we rely heavily on the craft of agriculture and fashion The rapid cause of agricultural pollution of crops used in the manufacture of fashion costumes,Away from the material aspect, fast fashion had a clear impact on the moral aspect as well, as it was the cause of creating hatred and hatred among the owners of companies, not only competition, but rather it developed into problems between them in terms of those who are able to sell a larger quantity without paying attention to the quality of the product Or its negative effects on the environment. All they cared about was the material return, and all of this had clear negative effects on society.
    In my own opinion, I see that we are the ones who buy these fashions. We are responsible for all of this, as we are in control of the popularity and releases of this product and we support it and stop it as well. The solution is in our hands, but the only problem remains is the way to educate the community in identifying the appropriate options before buying These outfits, even if it is a fashion that everyone wears.

  • Fashion industry is playing an important role in promoting trade nd business .It has different impact on different classes present in society. As I belong to a middle class family I feel that problems caused by fast fashion is parents cant afford to provide all types of fashionable accessories to their kids . If the kids r stubborn enough nd insist on fashion able articles . Then it's become problematic young generation prefer studies more than any other thing .
    who is responsible ?? I think the behaviours towards fashion is responsible we try to change it . Yo do fashion is not basic right of any body . It's just a time pass nd satisfaction of aesthetics sense .

  • And I think that responsible for this problem are the companies responsible for the designers who instruct them to design and display fashion to impress people and earn money.

    1. Hi Credible_Emotion - you mention that the responsibility for fast fashion is with the designers. Could you explain why and give an example?

      1. The companies responsible for the designers, because these companies are the ones who order the designers to design clothes that can draw attention and make a fuss in the world in order to achieve financial gains. I also blame the artists and famous people who accept the idea of ​​advertisements for a certain amount of money.They praise this product or this site that publishes clothes and reviews them through social media, even if the product is fake.

  • Rapid production of customers' rapid consumption of customers is one of the most important contributors to pollution production. Every year the entire world consumes billions of pieces of clothing. These clothes contribute to resource pollution; Because most of these pieces will be disposed of one day.
    Fashion damage:
    1- The passion behind excessive follow-up of fashion, affects the individual's psyche negatively, if he cannot keep up with everything that is new, whether for the lack of financial ability.
    2 - Following the stranger of fashion lines from wearing unsclosed clothes or strange hair styles contributes to an inappropriate appearance and avoiding elegance that is the basis of fashion.
    There are some solutions to reduce fashion damage:
    1_ Not to follow all the fashion that is issued in the market to avoid environmental pollution.
    2_ Avoid purchase obsession increases fashion production.
    3_ Don't donate associations with surplus clothes.
    4_ Recycling

    1. Hi Free_Seal - you make an interesting point about the psychological impact of fast fashion. Can you say more about why there may be a negative impact on a person's state of mind if they don't keep up with trends? ?

  • My opinion is that humans, although they have minds, they do not use them correctly.
    Nowadays there are online shopping sites. A person sees a picture of a new model and likes it,but when he receives it,it is completely opposite to the picture,so he throws it and buys other. This is a waste of money that causes poverty, and this problem can be solved by not believing everything that exists on the internet.

    1. Hi Joyful_Yuzu - it's a good point that a lot of fashion is now bought on-line. If you buy an item and don't like it, it may be possible to return it to the online shopping site. Do you think returning the clothes would help in reducing wastage?

      1. I don't think so, that there are online sites that do not accept returning the clothes or the item you purchased,and some ask for high shipping costs to replace the item

  • In addition to water pollution, soil, and agricultural land. The manufacture of some fabrics also pollutes the oceans with plastics, such as fabrics made from chemicals or petroleum, such as nylon and polyester. Half a million tons of synthetic microfibers are thrown into the ocean every year, this industry needs many stages of work, and people do not appreciate it, they quickly buy and throw clothes, They should make a decision to make their own clothes and try as much as possible to meet their own needs, not relying too much on others for their needs. It is also possible to work to spread awareness among people and convince them that elegance is possible with used clothes as if they were international brands.

  • Most of our clothes are in the waste after a short time due to fast fashion, celebrity imitation and modernity, getting rid of clothes and making them damage the environment a lot
    You must ask yourself, how many clothes do not fit you and you did not wear them? Was it replaced by another? Have you ever thought, where does this huge amount of clothes go? After she went out of fashion and laid off? Of course not. Usually at the end of each summer or winter the clothes are rearranged, some go to distribution, and some go to landfills. And most of them often go to landfills, everyone should be aware that these textiles make up a very large part of landfills, and this is a serious problem, the effect of which may not yet appear.

    1. Hi Awesome_Sea - it's a concern that old clothes go to landfill. Do you mean that (a) customers are sending their clothes to landfill when they do not want them/they do not fit or (b) that shops are sending their clothes to landfill at the end of the season? Are there any alternatives for customers or shops to dispose of unwanted items other than landfill?

      1. Garment waste is a modern problem Ready-made clothes are suddenly getting cheaper and more plentiful 80% of the clothes produced end up in landfills Many of the clothes that are charitable donations will also end up in the garbage, but not all donations are the same Donating to small local organizations increases the odds that your items will reach a new owner.
        And developed countries that produce and consume the largest proportion of these clothes, their laws prevent harming their environment, they get rid of old clothes by exporting them to developing and poor countries and countries that accept large quantities of used textile imports from the United States, such as Ghana and Chile, now have huge problems in wastetextiles.
        Recycling clothes is a good idea, but the recycling rate does not exceed 1% globally, because there are clothes that contain metal parts, plastic, nylon, elastane, or polyester that are difficult to recycle, such as used shoes, which are made of rubber, leather, glue, polyester, plastic and metals. Recycling So we must increase the proportion of recycled materials in the production of clothes and clothes can also be rented, resold, repaired and renewed

  • The fashion industry is one of the most polluting in the world, according to a report published by the World Economic Forum. The garment manufacturing process, from securing raw materials to the final stage of their manufacture, is responsible for approximately 5% of the world's total carbon emissions. Fashion pollutes water, air and land. If you wear jeans, they used an average of 7,500 liters of water to make them, which is roughly the same amount of water a person would drink over the course of 7 years. Water used in the fashion industry carries with it chemicals from making and processing colored fabrics, and microplastics, known as microplastics, produced from fabrics such as nylon and polyester that are derived from petroleum-based materials. The question is where does all this go? Of course to rivers, seas and oceans.

  • The most important thing for a person is his outward appearance, and of course he needs clothes that make him elegant and draw the attention of those who look at him, so he heard something called fashion because he found that it is the main solution and noticed the brand buying many numbers of clothes and fashion became famous for creating the most admired clothes while remaining negatively affected such as passion, lust and excessive In using money to buy clothes, and there are some solutions, such as accustom yourself to thinking financially before you run into anything

    1. Do you think everyone would agree that "the most important thing for a person is outward appearance"? How could you rephrase this so that it shows that this is your opinion rather than a fact?

  • About 92 million tons of textile waste is produced globally every year, and it is estimated that in 2030 it is expected that textile waste will reach more than 134 million tons per year! Thus the equation becomes more textile waste, offset by more gas emissions, as the fashion industry produces 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions, and the clothing industry accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions, which is the second pollutant after oil. Thus, greenhouse gas emissions will increase to more than 50%. Except for the lung diseases caused by cotton dust, and the weariness of the weak who pay for their health and increase their misery above their own. Who will prevent lung diseases that come from cotton dust? Who will ask about the rest periods for workers in these factories?

    1. Hi Tolerant_Sea - you make a good point about the conditions for workers in clothing factories. If we reduce the amount of clothing produced globally, what do you think the impact could be for these workers? Is it likely to be positive or negative?

      1. I feel the impact of reducing production globally is likely to be negative on workers. If the production is lessened, then the labour required would also be less which can lead to unemployment. Unemployment is a major reason for increasing poverty. If removed from their jobs, workers would get caught in the vicious cycle of poverty again and we cannot afford this.
        Exploitation of workers was a problem even hundreds of years ago and still continues to be one. Our governments should implement stricter policies which ensure good working conditions for workers, and make it compulsory for companies to provide good quality healthcare to its workers. Workers should have fixed working hours and fixed rest periods with a minimum wage level. If not for these workers, we would not have the garments we are wearing today. And if they cannot protest against this then we should on their behalf. This exploitation needs to be protested against.

  • The question here is who is responsible for this damage? We humans, yes we humans allow these companies to impose an overconsumption policy on us. So you should think carefully about every piece of clothing purchased, and don't allow these companies to make a fortune on your monthly income, and on the environment and its health. Thus, we may have at least contributed to reducing the harm that these companies do to the environment and to us as human beings.

  • Id would say some problem cause by fast fashion are things like ripped, teared, destroyed, and used clothing. The people who would be responsible would be the cloth makers.

    1. enchanted_hippopotamus can you try to tell us more about your theory?

  • Fast Fashion in itself is not bad itself.The big issue related to fast fashion is its ever changing nature.This is the biggest challenge to fashion industry to keep on producing as per hit trends.To keep in line with Fashion trend goes against not only individual budget limits but also put extra cost to industry.All manufacturers,celebrities and media to project fast fashion are responsible for it.The layman is unable to go on with ever -changing trends.Consequently,they get inferiority complex as being unable being showy .

    1. Hi Credible_Analysis - you lay the blame on fast fashion on manufacturers, celebrities and the media. Which one is most responsible? Can you give an example?

  • the constant fashion changes cause a lot of environmental problems, it is responsible for around 20% of industrial water pollution and it is also responsible for large amounts of other waste that estimated 92 millions of textiles waste annually. Government are meant to be the ones responsible for the fast fashion and it's obvious that they cause for the problem of fast fashion and celebrities too if celebrities try to make a difference and reduce the changes in their fashion and what they wear it would make a difference in the environment.

    1. Hi Accurate_Wombat - if you say that the government should be responsible for fast fashion, what would you suggest they do to solve this?

  • The dress is out of date, you buy it for a certain period and lose its validity and buy it back, this is the vicious cycle of fast fashion. Finally, what is the solution to this problem? The solution is that we as consumers must educate ourselves and be aware of the industry. I mean, if we see a product that is too cheap to be affordable, we should at least wonder and think why is this product so cheap? Change starts with us humans, you and me and all the people who buy from these global brands should change themselves and not wait for these brands to change. It's happening fast and we know what's happening in poor countries and their suffering because of this industry. In the end, it is we who choose the project we want to support,

    1. Hi Outstanding_Rabbit - you make a good point that customers can change the behaviour of businesses by buying products from more ethical businesses. How could customers tell if a business is more ethical? Is it easy for customers to make this choice?

  • Some problems caused by fast fashion are using animals skin such as snake skin, alligator and crocodile skin, making the latest fashion out of animal skin can cause the animal to pass away by, blood loss and the weather change and even change of temperature can cause the animal to pass away because they don't have it's skin or fur to keep them in the right temperature that keeps them warm, cool, cold, or hot.Textile dyes are the world's second largest polluter of water, while pesticides, widely used in cotton cultivation, contaminate soil and groundwater. I'm not so sure about who is responsible but i think the people who make the fashion and the people who take fur and skin from animals and cell it is responsible. Hope this is helpful.

    1. I think you've brought up a new and interesting discussion around ethics in fashion!

  • Our world is already facing massive price hike.The situation is more alrming in developing countries as Pakistan.Fast Fashion at the name of being Trendy and up to date are getting attention in every circle or strata of society.Consequently,people are getting out of budget.Especially ,in marriage ceremonies,when parents try to make girl dowry,the groom family demands for Brands Clothing.Thus lots of repercussions are being faced at social,economic and emotional level.Top of all,fast fashion is creating restlessness who cannot meet the pace of Fast fashion.

  • The responsible of creating the fashion in and out is our industry,celebrities and media.

  • I think that people who follow the latest fashions are the reason for this because I see it as a mistake to rush to keep up with the latest trends in fashion and people should choose the best dress in terms of sustainability and aesthetics and not what is unsustainable

  • We have been talking about fast fashion, yes but have we ever said which clothing accessory take part in fast fashion the most. It is ironic to find out that shoes are more involves in fast fashion than any other clothing accessory. Brands like Nike and h and m make about 20 million shoes a year that is a dangerous amount of fumes I mean really how much shoes does one person need, another thing we should be concerned about is what the shoes are being made out of is it made out of the skins or endangered species or is it being made out of materials that need heavy refining .The way all the big-time brands produce shoes is quite alarming and at the rate we are going we would make the earth to no longer be a home but rather a drained resource, we should learn to understand that the earth is delicate and in order to save it we need to start with the most basic of stuff, I mean the amount of clothing we use is highly unnecessary I mean we are already facing a lot with global warming I don't think what we need is thousands of industries emitting tons of waste into the earth. We are not really taking this as serious as it is, look at water for example I believe that fast fashion industries use a whole lot of water in their means of production, and before we know it water the most common natural resource would also be scarce. We should not leave detrimental environmental footprints.

  • pollution, , pollution and the overuse of water and other resources are only a few of the negative impacts involved in the industry. It is already known that "the textile industry in itself contributes heavily to pollution due to the use of chemicals in production" . These chemicals pollute water sources waters, soil and air causing serious damage to environmental and human life . the fast fashion industry pollutes water, soil and air with toxic dyes, and increases the number of microfibres in the ocean and i fill like fast fashion companies are responsible for this problem

  • Fashion, for me, is any set of apparels which makes me feel confident and comfortable. The industry of 'fast fashion' is ballooning these days which makes people buy cheap and trendy clothes. I, as a teenager do fall for this trend. But this certainly leads to a disappointment when I see faded colors and pilling on my clothes. It does prick me on the fact that how we are contributing to carbon footprint. We study about the 5R's, but by following fast fashion, we actually defy the idea of sustainability and conservation of environment. So, I accept that millions like me are responsible for this wastage, overuse and wastage of resources.

  • I think the owner is responisble because the run every thing like the clothing of fashion selling and design.

    1. Do you mean the owners of clothing companies @upbeat_anteater? Do you think the people who buy the clothes are also responsible? Can governments do anything to help the situation or is it up to individual businesses alone?

  • Fast fashion is the imitation of clothing produced by international companies that use the best materials in the manufacture of clothing, and people often turn to it because of the fact that it is worn by celebrities and because of the right price to celebrities, but it has negative effects on manufacturers of high quality materials, as people consume less. Companies produce large amounts of clothing each year, using chemicals that negatively affect the health of the workers in the company and the surrounding residential area. Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are having a major impact. One suggestion is to limit the negative effects of this phenomenon. First, we must start by reducing the gaps between poor and rich so that each one can be convinced of what he or she has and what he or she can wear. Second: Save in buying clothes of any kind. Third: Sensitizing people through social media sites.

  • I think it is we, who are responsible for these fast fashion trends. These days everyone is on one or another social platform. They see new trends from their friends or from famous celebrities/influencers and buy similar clothing no matter the price. Because it is us ,who feel that we will be left out in society if we don't follow the trends. And what do we do with those clothes we bought? We either give them away or just keep them like that when ever a new trend appears. I think that this fast fashion is not only harmful for the nature but for our pockets and mental wellbeing too.

  • It is us the masses responsible to give birth to the evil named Fast Fashion.In the countries like Pakistan, where most of the masses can't afford stylish designer clothing, they give priority to buy these inexpensive and replicas of the brands to cope up with fashion trends shown on social media. These trendy clothes go out of fashion in just days adding piles and piles to the landfills. High number of laborers are hired on low wages for long hours to yield more amount of these cheap clothing.Now the question arises; Is fashion more important if it comes with an expense of our environment and ethical values?

  • "Don't hate the player; change the game." - Steve Harvey
    The problem with fast fashion does not lie with the producers or sellers, but instead with the human mindset.
    We humans are social animals, it is a natural instinct for us to try to fit into society and gain prestige and popularity.
    However, these days due to the spread of the internet and social media, competition between people is at an all time high. The livings of many 'Influencers' depends solely upon the latest trends and standards set by society. Due to this, the many people who are easily influenced by the internet and want to look fashionable and popular cause a huge rise in fast fashion and its negative effects.

  • I think that we cannot blame any one for it because at first we are one who is responsible. And the second one, brands who encourages that competition getting harder day by day in the field of fashion which have many disadvantages just like poor people are affected by complex and causes depression.
    According to me there is a solution for that, first of all we have to change our thinking and should not jealous of others.

    Brands must continue the same trend for more time.
    Celebrities should encourage people to wear their clothes more than once and they need to donate their clothes at large scale.

  • Fashion is a cultural and intellectual invasion that targets the mind and distances us from our traditional, inherited dress. For me, this is the problem, and I think The people responsible for creating this problem are the celebrities. When they wear torn and short clothes and we see them, we have the desire to imitate them and own the same clothes, which creates an atmosphere of competition between the producing companies and makes us the biggest consumers.

  • I believe that we, as a generation, have a part to play in the sudden resurgence of fast fashion. Between 2020 and 2021, many people started to shop from a popular clothing website known as SHEIN. SHEIN is a well-known fast fashion company, they’re known for their extremely low prices and ‘trendy’ clothing. The problem with this company is the fact that they are horrible for the environment and exploit their workers for cheap labour. Admittedly, I have ordered from this company a few times as their clothing is cheap and relatively good quality. However, contributing to this company can harm the environment as their ways are not environmentally friendly. It’s an infinite cycle. A new trend emerges and everybody rushes to buy the clothing. However, trends come and go, and in a matter of weeks or days, the trend is dead. But, when your favourite influencer promotes a new item of clothing, you’re compelled to get it, whether or not it harms people and the environment. Due to the rate at which new styles and trends come out, it can cause huge amounts of waste to pile up which, in turn, will harm the environment. In my opinion, in order to curb the issues of fast fashion, as difficult as it may seem, we need to stop getting clothing from fast fashion companies. Another thing we can do is invest in timeless pieces. Clothing items that are always stable in anybody’s closet. Jeans, t-shirts and tank tops are a some of them.

  • Fast fashion industry contrary to other industries like sports, electronics ,leather, textile, mobile nd ceramic is damaging social set up . As if we take an electronic appliance for home all family members get benefit of it.nd these appliances r not thrown away very soon . Fast fashion means putting a new stylish dress to update oneself on regular basis this is what I mean materialistic approach that is spending too much money on selfbeautification caused by fast fashion .who's responsible?? All those people
    Who spend their time nd money .

  • In my opinion, it is we, who are responsible for creating this problem. Everyone uses social media these days, a new fashion trend spreads like the latest news and we all feel like keeping up with the influencer's clothing styles.Fast fashion affects people and pushes them to consume and waste, which leads to poor economic conditions among people and sometimes poverty, and the reason is the low prices that encourage people to buy a lot. This leads to increase in the dump and competition in the fashion industry.

  • We know that fast fashion has many negatives or problems: one of these problems is the great world's immersion in the fashion of this modern age to the extent that they can be affected by the naked and uncovered fashion, and this is very bad.
    Also fraud in sales and commercial marketing via the Internet for fashion clothes in terms of its quality in fabric and many details.
    We also see that the world has changed its origin and heritage due to the great influence on the eastern fashion clothes, which changed its origin and the clothing of its country.
    ▶️ We also note that the human world is responsible and the cause of these problems, just as every person has a mind of his own.

    1. I agree with you and yes nowdays there are so many cases of fraud with the quality of clothes. Some online shopping sites even sell fake goods of expensive brands like Chanel, celine, dior.

    2. Yes! There’s so many identical bags from expensive brands such as Chanel, LV, and more.

  • Since the 19th century, factories has been producing a lot of clothes that are made from cheap quality, depending what style is each week. Honestly, loads animals has been hunted or killed to make clothes just for the human beings. Today, almost everyone is watching their phones and there are new styles of dressing up on the internet every week even though it won’t last long.Most people feel like keeping up with the trending ones and because of that, companies like Primark manufacture new types of fashion every week to earn money.
    Those old styles are mostly abandoned (like a song from the 1950s) and thrown in the bin, leading to huge waste. Same to the high quality ones, too. Expensive shops like Selfridges and Harrods in London sell clothes that have too much fashion it’s pretty (some)ridiculous to wear. Plus, since they are sold for a high price, I’m afraid that not a lot of people are gonna buy it and wear it. Even if they have reduced the price people are still not buying because what’s the point of buying some that is high quality but still costs money, and something they’re not even interested in? Based on these facts, this is who I think is responsible for the mess. It is us, the human beings that killed thousands of animals for ourselves to warm.

  • I think that the biggest burden falls on our necks because there are some people who cannot buy clothes like those that are published and sold in the markets , so they tend to buy these clothes , but some people also tend to buy the same clothes as a result of their stinginess and that the manufacturers of them are nible for what t people are the + ترجمة جديدة ones who use them insane and incorrect

  • Fast fashion describes cheap, stylish, mass-produced clothes that have a huge impact on the environment. These garments appeal to shoppers because they are affordable and trendy. But because they aren't built to last and quickly go out of style, and because the owner didn't spend much money on them to begin with, these clothes are quickly discarded, piling up in landfills.

  • In my opinion it'd be a good idea if we stopped buying so many clothes. It is very easy to blame the big companies but the truth is that they wouldn't exist without us, the consumers.So I think we are all equally responsible.
    Fast fashion causes a lot of problems like: Child labor, under paid women and pollution.

  • There are a lot of problems caused by fast fashion.I think the biggest problem is that 74% of people don't use all the clothes they buy and only 26% of people buy the necessary quantity of clothes.So I think that it is not only big companies that are responsible, we are too.It's a basic matter of need versus desire. Another problem caused is that the materials are very bad and they hurt the environment as well. I think we should only buy clothes that use materials that do not harm the environment and that do not exploit people. That's my opinion about fast fashion.
    My reference for the percentages above: to:https://fashionunited.uk/news/fashion/people-do-not-wear-at-least-50-percent-of-their-wardrobes-according-to-study/2018081638356

  • I think fast fashion causes waste of clothes and with the clothes that nobody wants they just throw them away instead of giving them to people that can't aford them.There is also a waste of material and of money.I think it's also our fault because if we know that we won't wear those clothes,and we still buy them,then the company thinks people like those kind of clothes and will make more. I think the goovermen knows about this situation and they should talk about it and solve it.

  • There are many problems with fast fashion. Because people buy thousands of clothes and don’t wear them more than 1 or 2 months and they throw them away. Those clothes don’t usually get to be reused and get thrown away in landfills. Most people would probably say that it’s our fault but I believe that this is the company’s fault because I’m really sure that that they know what they are doing and how damaging it can be but they just choose to keep using the same damaging materials we can’t really do anything else at least not here in Romania. We don’t really have other stores that are more safer for the environment. The second hands here aren’t really safe and you can get different skin diseases because they don’t really take such great care of the clothes. A question I have for Amelie Zilber is if she has any ideas in stopping fast fashion but as well be safe for us and look just as fashionable?

    1. This is true. Here in our country the big companies don't care about the environment and this is very bad for us. I think that us people want to change because we start using more recycle bins but we need the people in power to change and the ones with money so we can get better. I hope one day in Romania we will have more material choices in stores like H&M pull&bear and bershka.

  • In my opinion, there are big and serious problems caused by fast fashion. First of all, small family businesses are starting to get closed down because nobody buys from them because they are more expensive because they're handmade, people think they are not that cool, they don't have the company name on them and other reasons and most important, why would we buy those clothes if we have cheap clothes that are made in far-away countries?
    Secondly, it causes pollution. That is no good! Companies should think about using more high quality materials. Also, shipping goods also causes pollution.
    There were aslo times when fast fashion wasn't so common like when covid hit. We had to stay in our houses so we couldn't buy that many clothes but also we realised that we didn't need them. So a lesson the pandemic should have taught us is that waste can be avoided. We don't need that many clothes, we should buy less and wear more. So we are responsible for damaging the planet while making big companies rich. It's up to us to drive the change.

  • The problems caused by fast fashion are: more pollution because people throw away their clothes and not all of them end up in recycling centres. Another problem is that people buy clothes that they don't need and buy them just to wear them three times and forget about them. But I think it's the buyers fault because it's their responsibility to check the clothes material and size before buying them so it's their fault if they get home and decide to throw them away.

  • It is trendy but cheap clothes, in other words, the general stores, that is, the popular ones, produce the designs that were shown on the platforms or worn by international stars, very quickly. For example, a large number of T-shirts designed by international fashion houses are made with inferior fabrics than the original and are sold in the popular market for $20 or less, compared to the price of a global brand T-shirt that sells for $200 . And it has negative effects For example, the increase in transport emissions due to the shipment of many new groups, which increases the pollution rate.and the use of cheap, easy-to-produce, petrochemical-based materials such as polyesta

  • In today's world of fashion trends , expensive clothing , latest fashion people tend to keep up with the trends but also want to find a cheaper alternate to fashion . This is where fast fashion comes into play which has been a profitable asset to the fashion industry and companies but a loss to the eco system . I am personally of the opinion that both the consumers and producers are at fault for the problems that we face due to fast fashion in the world today. Most of the consumers and unaware of the disadvantages and problems that our world faces while they search of the latest fashion . They are unaware of conditions of companies that make these clothing items. People should be educated on how it is harming our environment. Most people tend to throw away cheap clothing items that aren't in trend anymore just to keep up with the pace of the fast going world. Companies and clothing industries only look for profit these days , they ignore the side effects and the harm that every living thing faces. The producers often waste a lot of fabric and accessories which later becomes part of the heap of garbage which is dumped on the streets or in the water bodies. I believe both of the consumers and producers are at fault and should be educates and guided about the harm which is caused to our environment

  • Fashion is nice but sometimes it will get out of hand,and like losing a lot of natural resources but Fashion is needed for fame,wealth,and goodness and the person that could cause all this is maybe like a small company owner/starter.

  • There are numerous problems caused by fast fashion, it negatively impacts our environment as a lot of waste is generated and also it is one of the biggest consumer of water. About 1,800 gallons of water is used to create just a single pair of denim jeans. Now that is something of great concern. For all these problems I would say we all are responsible. We see new fashion in our peer group and then we are also influenced by them to buy new clothes and some of us have a fear of being left behind. We try to fit in this society and be in trend by following the latest fashion. Nowdays fashion advertisements are all over social media, magazines and television etc. Fast fashion has made people fill their wardrobes uncontrollably with latest clothing rather than filling it with as per requirements.

  • What are the problems caused by fast fashion? And who is responsible?
    In my opinion, it is us who is responsible for creating the fast fashion crisis, but the problems caused by fast fashion are many, including the low prices of these fashions because it encourages people to buy them more than usual. Fast fashion affects people and forces them to consume and waste, as well as the poor economic conditions among people, and this problem can be solved By knowing ourselves and being fully aware of the industry, that is, when we see a product that is so cheap, we must ask why it is so cheap.

  • Fast fashion is responsible for some of the polution. Big companies don't only use very cheap chlothing materials, but they also pay the ones working in the factories very little. This is happening just so there are as many clothes as the people demand.
    For this, we can not just blame the ones who run the companyes. They would not do this if the people would not buy all the clothes. So, we are all responsible for fast fashion. What we can do is change our mindset. Lots of people tend to buy so many clothes just to wear them once, and then throw them away. We all need to stop that. What if insted of buying more cheap clothes, we will buy less, but high quality clothes? Wouldn't that help us stop the fast fashion industry?
    My mum told me that when she was in high school she only had one pair of jeans and one pair of shoes. Clothes were more expensive then so people used to buy less. But they also used to take better care of their things. So there was less pollution and less waste.

  • Fast fashion is a marketing method through is realizing a large number of products in a short time and at a very low price .(brands like Zara, Mango, GAP forever 21 use this strategy) All this brands launches on the market approximately 20 collections in a year.
    What impact has Fast fashion on our world?
    The Fast fashion industry is the second at number in the top of the most polluting industry. The Fast fashion impact on our planet is huge.
    We are the persons that are responsible for this because we buy a lot of clothes and shoes.
    What can we do?
    1. We can wear our clothes for as long as we can.
    2. We can start conversations with our family and friends about how we waste
    3. We can think about how we spend.

  • The problem caused by fast fashion is that trendy clothes are made cheaper and are mass-produced, which have a huge impact on the environment because not many people are interested in wearing cheap clothes just because they are trendy. A way better way of getting clothes is by renting them, so you give them back after wearing them for some time. For example today in class I learned about rent the runway a company which rents high fashion clothes for less and lots of people can wear these dresses so they don't get wasted. Low quality clothes are also harder to recycle because the materials they are made from aren't environmentally friendly. It's mostly the Companies fault Because they advertise their new, cheap, trendy clothes which makes more people aware of it, even though the clothes won't last for long or are good for the environment. It's also partly the people's fault because they introduce new trends which everyone then wants to buy. So, people advertise fast fashion in a way, because people will want to look trendy just like their friends. Do you believe it's the Companies that affect the environment or the consumers that support them by buying their clothes?

  • Fast fashion is getting bigger and bigger by the day. People think that cheap trendy clothes are better than the ones that are made with expensive materials witch are made by hard working people who spend hours designing and creating them. After wearing trendy cheap clothing a couple times I can bet you won't wear them anymore since they might rip apart or just do not want to wear it anymore. The clothing brand named "Patagonia" posted an image with a jacket with the title "DO NOT BUY THIS". They wanted to say that you shouldn't buy cheap things just for the sake of wearing them once. A solution to the fast fashion would be to just stop buying cheap made clothing. It's our fault as customers that we buy these types of clothing. If you were part of a fast fashion industry you would try to attract people into buying. It's not THEIR fault, it's OURS. We need to take action and hold ourselves accountable. How can we do this? When we go shopping for new clothes instead of thinking "does this look good on me" we need to actually think if we need that. We need to make a difference betwen "I want this" and "I need this".

  • 1 In my perspective fast fashion is an addiction for rich people and it s caused by buying new clothes every week and the old clothes or the clothes how still not look like how were when they were bought are throw on the streets.
    2 I thing that the government is responsible for the pollution/fast fashion.
    How can we work on this - We can make shops for the second hand clothes where you can trade your clothes for another clothes. I think we need these in my country as we don't have much.

  • The problems caused by fast fashion are the following ones:
    1. The materials used by fast fashion are polluting and toxic for the planet.
    2. Workers in factories are treated badly and payed little.
    3. Low prices for fast fashion gives people an impulse to buy a lot.

    I think both people and companies are responsible because if people wouldn't buy that much, then there would be less demand, and companies would produce less, and if companies would produce less and higher quality, people would buy less.

    We could stop wasting clothes by
    buying only a few and better quality instead of lots of useless clothes or the government should give bonuses to companies who produce clothes from recyclable and organic materials.
    Also people could rent clothes or donate their to charity shops.

  • Fast fashion is popular for a lot of good reasons. It's cheap , convenient , fashionable. However , the problems with fast fashion are really bad.
    Many problems with fast fashion clothing come from quality problems in both material and work. For example, a t-shirt might be made out of a thin fabric that quickly loses it's shape.

  • The fast fashion brings happiness to us but is destroying the environment.Every day are thrown away so many clothes . The materials that clothes are made of are polluting the earth.There are two sides that are responsible for this.The bigger side that is responsible for pollution is actually us.To stop it we should try to stop going shopping every week.If you can't stop and you are addicted to this then try renting clothes. So stop buying cheap clothes just cause you want them and then throw them away.
    On the other side are the shops because they make the prices lower and make people to buy them. They also advertise a lot and make us want to buy more and more.

  • Fast fashion is the mass of clothes that represent the latest trends at high speed and low costs to maximize profits .
    This so called " fast fashion " not only leads to the decrease in demand for local goods but also leads to the exploitation of indigenous culture. Further this divides the society as 'branded' and 'local' human beings, where everyone tries to impress others by showing their luxuries or branded equipments . In reality the root these fast fashion hubs tricks you by giving huge discounts - 50 percent off or 80 percent off but they only provide you with the old stuff that needs to be discarded of quickly.
    We, the people of the world are only responsible for this increase in demand of
    ' fast fashion clothes ' , actually the ugly truth is that, anything which is imported seems cool to us or anything which is of the latest trends appear more heart warming as compared to the old traditional clothes .
    This is not our culture and the influence of fashion in exploating Indian society is not acceptable . Furthermore in my perspective social media sensation should foster ttraditional clothes .

  • I feel like since everyone has an imagination people tend to think imagine and create new fashion, new trends and its business you have think fast in order for your competitor not to overtake you soo fashion designers once they have a new idea tend to exhibit it physically and that's it everyone wants to make business

    1. but do you agree that the fast-fashion industry does create problems, imaginative_boysenberry? What are they? You suggest that designers aren't responsible for those problems, because they're just following business/artistic principles. So who is responsible?

      1. People have choices, the clothes your wearing right now, you decided to buy them yourself, the producers can't force you to buy something you don't want to buy fashion is what we can't avoid, clothes is something we have to get but the amount, type and style are your choice so if you decide to buy a whole dress store because you love the clothes isn't the producers fault. They are just doing their job to produce clothes. So I feel like we are all responsible for the amount of dresses we have.

  • Fast fashion also impacts many different human rights areas, especially in the global south where fast fashion companies and their suppliers can exploit cheap labour and lax environmental laws and regulations. According to non-profit Remake, 80% of apparel is made by young women between the ages of 18 and 24. Since fast fashion, aka"cheap fashion" can be found anywhere.

    1. Don't forget to share where you get your information from!

  • Fast fashion causes a lot of problems in the world today. The environmental impact of fast fashion comprises the depletion of non-renewable sources, emission of greenhouse gases and the use of massive amounts of water and energy. But who are the people responsible for fast fashion? Some argue that consumers should be blamed for purchasing fast fashion, while others argue that the blame should be placed on the companies and their practices. The issue of fast fashion can be traced back to the unethical business practices of corporations and companies Actually But the questions are why is fast fashion so popular? and What are the ethical questions for leaders in the fast fashion industry?

    1. OK, blithesome_engineer -- you write that "some say this" and "some say that" -- what do you think, though? Who is to blame? And what ethical questions do you have for leaders in the fast-fashion industry?

      1. There is actually nobody but everybody to be blamed because there are negative effects of fast fashion but still companies still produce such and customers still buy to keep up to trending fashion.

  • There are so many negative impact of fast fashion like;
    Low Quality, Negative Environmental impact most fast fashion companies over produce and they release toxic and harmful waste into the environment, Increased Consumption, fast fashion causes material waste and does not encourage the utilisation of materials, Increase in consumed energy, Unsafe Working Conditions, Negative Impact on Developing Countries.
    Did you know that mere polyester production in the clothing industry accounts for 706 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emission, annually. The constant emission of harmful gases in the environment can lead to serious depletion of the ozone layer, causing global warming.
    In my opinion if the issue of fast fashion is not handled it may lead to human trafficking in order to meet the labour requirement. Research has also shown that fast fashion is negatively affecting workers because their worker suffer Low wages, long work hours, unsafe conditions, sexual abuse, and physical assaults .

    The people to be held responsible for fast fashion are the CEO's of such companies and majorly the influencers that help fast fashion companies advertise their product , though the buyers are the least contributors but they are also strongly responsible .

  • I think it is the company's fault because they know wat is happening but they don't care about it because they want as much money as possible.

  • Nowadays , fast fation has dominated a large part of our daily life, at the point were someone doesn’t go out if the outfit is not so perfect and if they have worn it once before.
    For me, social media takes a part of the responsibility because influencers in addition to bloggers always try not to appear in the same clothes believing that this is called content . So pay attention to who yoh are affected by.

  • I believe that the main reason for the fast fashion crisis is us. Everyday more clothes are being used by people especially influencers. Celebrities and influencers think that wearing a clothing one time is enough and then they just get rid of it as soon as possible, without them being aware that there are some people around the world who are just looking for a piece of clothing to wear, and to keep the warm. And also the amount of consumption to cotton is tremendous, well-know brands consume a lot of cotton for celebrities so that they can wear it one time and get rid of it. I think that we should be aware of what’s happening, because if we continue doing this we would destroy ourselves with our own actions.

  • Fashion damage ~
    Excessive following of fashion negatively affects the psyche of the individual if he cannot keep up with everything that is new, whether due to financial inability or inadequacy to it.
    The financial burden, the creation of a consumer society in the first place, the increase in expenses, and the addition of endless items to the family budget.
    Fashion conflicts with the cultures of some societies that have their own customs and traditions that put a person in conflict with his society
    Fashion also leads to some health damages, for example, wearing high heels for women leads to problems in the spine and back and leg pain, and there are some accessories that lead to skin infections and allergies.
    As for those responsible for all these damages, they are the companies that are looking for any way to market their products, and this is done through social networking sites and ads that use a celebrity who has a lot of fans, so this trend spreads widely and obsessed people struggle to buy it. Because a famous person bought it, and we summarize all this by the term blind imitation.

  • Fast fashion describes cheap, stylish, mass-produced clothes that have a huge impact on the environment. Coming from the perspective of its problems, people are more likely to throw away cheap, trendy clothes than more expensive,timeless pieces. I once heard from that the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) reported 17 million tons of textile waste were generated in 2018, of which only 2.5miliion tons were recycled this shows that clothing has lower recycling rates than other materials like paper, glass, or even plastic. From all indications the government are meant to be the ones responsible for the fast fashion and it's obvious that they cause for the problem of fast fashion most especially in undeveloped countries in Africa.

  • In my opinion, everyone who follows fast fashion is responsible, and everyone who buys is responsible, because if companies did not find demand and huge profits from manufacturing and selling fast fashion they will not continue to produce it.
    So I think that buying a few clothes of good quality and being convinced of what we wear will be one of the best solutions because in this way small businesses and designers will be supported more.

    Don't worry no one will say anything if you wear your clothes for two days in a row. 😁

    1. Hi composed_cloud. Do you mean that those who follow and buy fast fashion are irresponsible? If so, what might be the best argument to convince them to buy less?

      1. From my point of view, everyone who buys fast fashion in an exaggerated manner is responsible. When the demand for the commodity increases, the manufacturer will be eager to make more quantities of these clothes.

    2. I'm not sure about this because Considering what you wrote at the bottom of the post about wearing clothes for two days. This is normal, but in our personalities and societies we like to change permanently, not repetition, and this may cause some profit for manufacturers.

      1. Yes, but the idea that wearing new clothes every day and throwing away the others is of course a wrong belief. Because in this way you meet your desires at the expense of the environment and expose it to pollution.

        1. I disagree because..
          The idea is that if a person is able to constantly buy clothes, this is what may support the market, or anyone can benefit some poor people from old clothes, so it is nice to make a change if you are able to, and from my point of view there is no impact on the environment.

          1. You've made an interesting point here that as people buy new clothes they can donate old clothes to others.

          2. I disagree because...
            If a person is well off, he will not buy poor quality clothes as fast fashion, but rather expensive clothes of high quality.

            As for pollution, fast fashion clothing is harmful to the environment for several reasons, including carbon dioxide produced by factories during the production of fast fashion clothing.

            1. I disagree because... This is what I meant when a person is well off, he is able to buy clothes of good quality and this is what does not cause danger to the environment, unlike poor clothes or "fast fashion".

              1. The problem of fast fashion is the volume of new clothes produced and thrown away. Even for well-off people, when fashion trends change quickly many feel they need to have the latest item. What do you think could start to change this trend?

                1. I agree because... Yes, this is a problem that causes many problems, due to the large amount of clothes that are manufactured. In fact, this problem can be solved by reducing the amount of clothes that are manufactured, as only 20% of the value of the manufactured clothes is consumed.

  • In my opinion the responsible one is the manager and the workers or employees . Because the manager is the one the buys the store at first and then he hires workers , so he is the one that gives money to the employees . The manager is also the one that is responsible for all the income or the money that he gets for ever what he sells .The manager needs to take care of these points and if he doesn't care about these points then he is not a good manager and the employees will leave him and he will have no workers at all . So the manager is an important thing.

  • I think money can sometimes bring you happiness because it only brings you happiness when you buy something you love or if you brought a present for someone you care about.

  • I see that we are all responsible of the fast fashion as we are the real reason of getting a new fashion trend
    But how? When a new fashion trend come up we all go buy it to keep up with the latest fashion,so the designer earn more money that makes him come up with a new fashion that become a trend which cost him alot to produce big number of it and instead of helping the planet by anything they produce more and more that during the rapid manufacturing maybe amount of them are industrialized wrong.

  • We are responsible for this problem as individuals in this society. We must preserve it by consuming fast fashion in moderation and choosing natural fibers if possible. We must always try to buy clothes from natural fibers such as cotton, linen, wool or silk, as natural materials are safer for the environment. If you don't need a specific item, consider swapping or borrowing clothes from a friend. It's a good way to try out new styles without committing to buying. Avoid throwing away clothes unless they are completely unusable. Donate unwanted items, sell them online, or give them away to friends instead of throwing them in a landfill. It is less environmentally and financially wasteful to buy fewer clothes and to wear the ones we already have rather than buying extra just because we want to because this is responsible for widespread environmental damage.

  • What are the problems caused by fast fation?And who is responsible?
    The problem with "fast fashion" is not just that your closet is overcrowded; Rather, it causes global environmental pollution that leaves many negative effects on the long-term level.

    Purchasing mania encourages more production to meet demand. And often, if not all, production methods are unhealthy or sustainable. Opponents of this phenomenon point out that the fast-casual clothing industry costs trillions of dollars a year; As it is manufactured about 20 pieces per person. Perhaps the only positive element in this phenomenon is that it has prompted well-known fashion brands to look for new ways to meet the demand while at the same time taking into account the desires of the new generation for ethical and sustainable products, and most importantly at fairly affordable prices.

  • The term "fast fashion" refers to a shift in the fashion industry that has led to faster production at lower costs. Fast fashion relies on the mass production of fashionable clothes to produce clothes with prices according to the latest trends. At first glance, this may seem very beneficial to the consumer but it is important to pause and ask what does this really cost? And to what extent can ordinary people limit this?

    Discourses on sustainability and ethical consumerism are at the forefront of many current social issues. The clothing sector in particular, thanks to the means of communication, has achieved great success.❤

  • Fast fashion is something that we all buy from these days! These brands not only help us stay “in-trend” but also have affordable prices which are appealing to the consumer. However the impact that these brands have on the environment is too menacing to ignore. Fast fashion means abundance of production which leads to a lot of waste! And by a lot i mean huge landfills just full of clothes. This is not the only issue.
    These brands often give employment to little kids and offer them meagre wages.
    They are made to work in poor conditions. Fast fashion is unavoidable to be practical! However it’s use can be limited.

    The person i think who’s responsible for this are the consumers! Whatever is selling and giving someone profit will be produced more! Everybody needs money and us consumers are only helping these brands to earn heaps of money.

  • I feel that the major problem of fast fashion is coming from both the manufacturers and those who buy such materials because of their insatiable needs for latest fashion trends forgetting about the effects such materials have on the general well-being of others. The major problem of fast fashion is pollution. This is where the fault of the manufacturers come in; they do not spend a lot of money in the production process of such clothes because they are not made to last long and such clothes are discarded leading to various forms of pollution such as CO2 emissions which lead to marine pollution and the most common form of pollution which is land pollution. The media also plays a huge role in fueling the fire of fast fashion because everyone wants to be on the latest 'trend', and this causes textile industries and fashion houses to reduce the quality of their brands, in order to meet the cravings of their customers.

  • At first, I thought the blame lay with the company who make the clothes for us to buy. Then, once I thought about it more, I realised we also have a responsibility as consumers to check the quality of the material and think about how the piece of clothing is made before we purchase it. We have a responsibility to check the company's ethos and hold them accountable if need be.

  • The problems caused by fast fashion are many, including:
    Relying on it in the cheap market, no one buys from the expensive market, and the biggest example is that when we go to the market we buy clothes that are less expensive than the expensive ones.
    When we buy clothes from fast fashion, we notice that the fabric is not as expensive as the original clothes.
    But it is good in developing countries.
    In my opinion, we are responsible for that because we always choose the cheap way.

  • In my opinion it'd be a good idea if we stopped buying so many clothes. It is very easy to blame the big companies but the truth is that they wouldn't exist without us, the consumers.So I think we are all equally responsible.
    Fast fashion causes a lot of problems like: Child labor, under paid women and pollution.

    I think that we only wear 20% of our clothes in our wardrobe. This may not be a good thing for our planet cause it puts the pollution problem in first place.
    I read on ,,Laurie B Style" that we trow almost 80% of our clothes whiteout even wearing it more then one time.
    A lot of studies show that we are wearing just 20% of our clothes. I think we are doing that beacuse we do not like the material, how they look, how they feel on our skin etc.

  • Fast fashions dont coused any problem its just a style and a ware but the people that ware these thing he informs them and give the thing more than worth it and out society shed light on theis peoples . The manager not responsible he just sale citizen mentality is responsible

    This what "Livia Firth" said.
    Several problems are caused by fast fashion which are:
    - Low Quality
    - The toxic gases of factories
    - Negative environmental impact
    * For me,this pollution resulting from fast fashion is due to the increase in the buyer’s demand for clothes, in which the number of persons who are buying clothes reached (99.23) billion in 2022.However, this happens especially at a time when fashion and its types are developing, as well as the forms and styles of clothes that it includes. So the buyer is considered one of the most prominent responsible for this disaster, which is the pollution resulting from fast fashion."I brought this statistic from (GlobeNewswire
    Fast Fashion Global Market to 2022)"

    1. If the buyer is responsible, how could consumers start to change this trend? What would make a difference?

  • As much as fast fashion has a lot of problems it also has advantages and I suggest that topical talk can as well as people "the advantages of fast fashion"and my response is;
    Fast fashion helps the poor who admire wearing these cool brands get chance of doing so, we all know that these original clothes are so expensive that some people must sacrifice literally all their salary to buy them and this where fast fashion comes in and saves the day enabling all people be able wear cool brandings despite their income levels.
    So I suggest you please consider that questions so that you get people's say about this question.

  • The first problem caused by fast fashion is the pollution of the environment and the lack of confidence of adolescents in their self-esteem if they do not keep up with the latest fashion outbreaks and also works to waste money in a wayI don’t make any sense of that, and I think the person responsible is the popularity of people with celebrities and fashion shows online, and the love of imitating and following them, and the companies that disturbed clothes helped spread these ideas.

  • In my opinion, I make 3 groups are responsible for this Fast Fashion, which is getting duplicating and bringing new styles to the market in very less time, knowing the impact on environmental pollution. 1) We, Consumers 2) the Production house, and 3) the Government.

    “Demand meets supply” We as a consumer are highly exposed to the modern world and today's trends/fashion on one side of the world creates an immediate demand on the other side of the world, particularly after globalization consumer expectation increased which creates an unlimited desire. Too much desire creates a demand for the production house to make it mass production with a cheap price with low cost to make their profit margin, knowing the impact that causes environmental pollution consuming more than a trillion liters of water.

    It is an industry stuck in high production and high consumption, eventually ending up in textile waste, which is estimated at 2 million tones every year, today's trend is tomorrow's trash. Finally, the government is still not taken any preventive steps to reform or regulate certain norms, such that production houses do not overconsume and should maintain a certain standard to avoid textile litter (waste)

    All 3 are responsible.

  • Fast fashion is getting more important and our caring on clothes styles . The first and biggest cause for this caring is online shopping . People now can easily buy whatever they want by one click . Also , now celebrities will not wear the same style in more than one festival or party , then in each party celebrities will have another style . Fans will copy those styles then a huge number of clothes and styles will take place in our lives and we’ll be encouraged to buy them . For example , online sites that reach all world countries play a big role , as “Shein “ that have millions of clothes styles , so people will surely buy many styles , then those sites will make another styles to get more money because buying a lot of styles become an addiction . Do you like to try each style ?

  • I think the shops are responsible because they are telling the designer to design clothes and they are telling them to tell the under payed worker to make the clothes. I think to solve the problem of fast fashion is to pay the workers more money and people should reuse their clothes more.

    1. I agree because they should be responsible the should be payed abit more like you said rise the pay.

  • I think that fast fashion is bad because the people who make the cloths dont get paid anough and peopel who use fast fashion only wear apair of jeans around 10 times before geting a new pair and this should stop and people should onely by fast fashon if they have children.

  • It is the customers fault for not buying the clothes that they like and almost instantly throwing the clothes away and it builds up and up

  • I think the people who throw away the clothes or return it they should give it to charity

  • The worst thin is the people work in fast fashion don`t get paid enough.

  • Fast fashion.Bad for the world and the people who make them. The people to blame, the fashion companies.
    Here's why:
    The customers buy the clothes (like me) they were for about 7-10 times them return it wich then has to go on a plane,boat or truck.And most of the clothes at the end of the day,get dumped.

    The fashion companies design the clothes.Right?Then that design gets send to hot countries such as Thailand in a sweatshop.The low paided workers (they get paid two-4 pence a peice of clothing they make)then make them then the clothing brands ask busy clothing shops to put their clothes on the shelf then it just repeats repeats and never stop!

  • I think it would be fashion cumpaneis because they are the ones who are making the shops give more money to them and because of that the shops have to make the people who make the clothse have to only be given less money and they have to work the workers because they have no other job to choes because they do not have enaph money. The shops also have to raise the money of the clothse because the fashion cumpanes are making them pay more money. The saloutoin of this promplem would be if the shops go to a difrent fashoin cumpane that does not raise the money so they have to pay more.

  • i think it is the customers who cause this because they buy clothes and get rid of it and it,s get bernt by fire

  • I think the people that throw away clothes that they do not like have a bit to blame because them clothes could go to people who don`t have many clothing or they could donate the clothes to charity.The people who make lots of clothing who don`t get paid much for example 2 to 4p per clothe is definitely not enough for a day.People could also give them more money or maybe the managers could pay them more.

    1. What rules might you bring in to make fashion more sustainable?

    2. I agree because there are other people that need clothes and they’re just throwing clothes away like its nothing. These people really need to think harder about what they are doing with objects the throw away. One mans trash is another mans treasure.

  • personally i think that it's the fashion designers fault because the workers dont get paid enough money , even though they make 2-4 p an hour. and they charge too much money so the people who buy will think to not buy there because it's too expensive and buy somewhere else what less expensive.

  • Fast fashion, Its really bad for almost everyone, bad for the people that make the clothes because in hot countries (India, and other countries across the equator)The people that make the clothes get paid from 2-4 cent or 1-3 pence
    for every piece of clothing made or very little pay in other words.

    Its also bad for shops that sell these clothes because the business they buy from tell the shop if prices are too high, but they have workers to pay, bills and tax to pay and some times even insurance if needed, meaning even if they get far more profit than they need, when everything gets paid, they might only have up too as little as 1000 bits of currency, sometimes even less.This leads to them barely being able to buy more clothes for the shop and pay the workers aswell.

    With the shops having high prices on clothes, it will dis-satisfy, so they will have too buy expensive clothing, meaning they dont have enough money for tax, bills, and insurances and food on-top of that, so then when customers have no money to buy clothes, the shop wont get as much profit, and then same old story, cant pay tax bills and insurance.

    So the answer to this question is, its mostly the fashion company's fault, but what do you think?

  • I feel that it’s the consumers fault since in this age people don’t want to walk around with off-branded clothes and most people wear flashy expensive clothes which means hard working people who make clothes barley get paid

  • I think we, as a generation, have a role to play in the sudden rise of fast fashion. Between 2020 and 2021, many people started shopping from a popular clothing website known as SHEIN. SHEIN is a popular fast fashion company, which is known for its ultra-low prices and "on-trend" clothing. The problem with this company is the fact that they are terrible for the environment and exploit their workers for cheap labor. Admittedly, I have ordered from this company many times because their clothes are relatively cheap and of good quality. However, contributing to this company can harm the environment as their methods are not environmentally friendly. It is an endless cycle. A new trend appears and everyone rushes to buy clothes. However, trends come and go, and within weeks or days the trend is dead. But, when your favorite influencer promotes a new clothing item, you're bound to get it, whether or not it's harmful to people and the environment. Due to the rate at which new styles and trends emerge, it can cause the accumulation of huge amounts of waste which in turn will harm the environment. In my opinion, in order to reduce the problems of fast fashion, which can seem difficult, we need to stop sourcing clothes from fast fashion companies. Another thing we can do is invest in timeless pieces. Clothing items that are always a staple in anyone's wardrobe. Jeans, t-shirts, and tank tops are some of them. It will harm the environment. In my opinion, in order to reduce the problems of fast fashion, which can seem difficult, we need to stop sourcing clothes from fast fashion companies. Another thing we can do is invest in timeless pieces. Clothing items that are always a staple in anyone's wardrobe. Jeans, t-shirts, and tank tops are some of them. It will harm the environment. In my opinion, in order to reduce the problems of fast fashion, which can seem difficult, we need to stop sourcing clothes from fast fashion companies. Another thing we can do is invest in timeless pieces. Clothing items that are always a staple in anyone's wardrobe. Jeans, T-shirts, and tank tops are some of them. Listen to me, a dress is old, you buy it for a certain period, it expires, and you buy it again, that's the vicious circle of fast fashion. Finally, what is the solution to this problem? The solution is that we as consumers must educate ourselves and be aware of the industry. I mean, if we see a product that is too cheap to be affordable, we must at least ask and think why is this product so cheap? Change begins with us humans, you, me and all the people who buy from these global brands should change themselves and not wait for these brands to change. It is happening fast and we know what is happening in poor countries and their suffering because of this industry. In the end, we are the ones who choose which project we want to support,

  • Among the problems caused by fast fashion: 1/ Pollution: The clothing industry relies on cotton to a large extent. This makes people grow cotton using pesticides which causes some problems, and sometimes factories use some dyes, salts, etc..... While making fabrics, they are washed many times until they are good. This is the wasted water method

    2/ The problem of poverty: When a woman goes shopping weekly and follows fashion, she needs a lot of money and she has to work to get this money.

    3/ Health damage: Fast fashion leads to rapid damage, for example women wearing high heels leads to problems in the back and spine, and carrying heavy bags on the shoulder also causes problems, and wearing accessories that cause skin sensitivity causes problems. So, there are many reasons for fast fashion, but we also don't lose sight of its benefits

    1. Is it just women who follow fast fashion?

  • My opinion is that we are responsible for problems caused by fast fashion.
    Because only 15% of the clothing we wear is recycled or donated, the remaining are thrown away.One of the problem in fast fashion is that it has increased consumption patterns for consumers who want to keep up with both current trends and seasonal trends.As we buy dresses mostly in online and worn it hardly one or two times and after next trend begin we opt for buy it instead of using those which we bought previous.It causes carbon emission , material waste etc..

  • The dress is old, you buy it for a certain time and it is out of date and you buy it again, this is the vicious circle of fast fashion. Finally, what is the solution to this problem? The solution is that we as consumers must educate ourselves and be aware of the industry. I mean, if we see a product that is too cheap to be affordable, we must at least ask and think why is this product so cheap? Change begins with us humans, you, me and all the people who buy from these global brands should change themselves and not wait for these brands to change. It is happening fast and we know what is happening in poor countries and their suffering because of this industry. In the end, we are the ones who choose which project we want to support,

  • Fast fashion! Who is responsible? It's the end consumer! No garment companies would produce goods in large scale if there weren't any demand!
    We buy, we use, we discard, and we buy once again because the one that we bought isn't a trend anymore!
    One should see the mad crowd across our country India, during the festive seasons mainly during Deepavali! The entire nation would be on the roads to buy and buy more!
    Even I am party to it! I have to live up the trend! And I buy. I am no saint!

    But reading this discussion, I feel I should stop somewhere.

    My father, for example, is very conscious about buying. Unless it is required, he won't buy. He says, we are contributing big time for the climate change. He buys good clothing material or shirts or trousers, only if it is required. And he in total owns 3 pairs of trousers, and 4 shirts and 4 T shirts. And that's it. He uses, and reuses. If the cloth comes to a stage that it can be worn any more, it gets converted as a waste cloth to clean the area.

    1. Do you think you could do something similar to your father? Why or why not?

  • it could be cheaper and more safer!

    1. Can you say why, conscientious_tradition?

  • I feel like celebrities and influencers are responsible because they are the ones that create fashion trends and latest looks and are also used as the cover of glamorous magazines. I understand they are individual but sometimes as they flaunt and spend their money on things they consider important they forget that their influence on the society has a big impact especially on young people who tend to do anything even break the law all to be part of the latest trend.

  • If you think about it fast fashion is not really that bad, think about it fast fashion causes people to get new clothes often, which causes them to have excess clothes, most people who do not have space end up giving those clothes to the needy, hence providing a wider populace with clothes.

  • I feel we are the ones causing the problem because we follow fashion trends a lot and this will force companies to produce those clothes in mass and this may not be done with carefulness. Fashion is a very unstable thing, new things are formed everyday and people strive to get them in order to feel among. This reduces the quality of production in the fashion designing industry but increases the quantity of goods produced. This is very wrong. We need quality not quantity.

  • Every individuals has their opinion and choice to make in life. i believe in this fast fashion, everyone decides whats best and when its best to display its fashion. Everyone is responsible for themselves.

  • I think everyone is responsible because you are only responsible for your own actions. And I think the problem of fast fashion is that it takes machinery to create clothes and machinery uses petrol or fossil fuels which pollutes the air which makes green houses gasses which makes the air warmer which makes climate change

  • Fast fashion is a term that describes certain clothing that is low-cost to manufacture, mass-produced, and commonly replicates trends and micro-trends. This form of clothing is impactful for the environment as due to the clothing being tailored towards trends it will fall out of use within months; Furthermore, the low quality of this clothing means that it will be degraded after little use. Both of these contribute to clothing waste; 40% of fast fashion ends up in a landfill upon arrival and most fast fashion garments are worn 7 - 10 times before being thrown away. These articles of clothing are made in highly unethical working conditions; Globalization in fashion has led to the largest fashion companies outsourcing their work to low-wage sweatshops. Additionally in the fast fashion industry's replication of trends, it leads to the theft of intellectual property created by fashion designers; Brands like Jaded London have been seen completely copying the design of smaller businesses and mass producing their unique designs with no credit. The consumers of fast fashion are less responsible than the brands; However, as a conscious customer you should not overconsume these products as many may do. Moreover, you should educate yourself of the impact of these brands on the environment, and on people. The brands should work towards creating better working environments and more ethical operations. Despite this, I believe the very idea of fast fashion is flawed and cannot truly be an ethical business structure.

    1. Many people are aware of the impact of fast fashion, however, they cannot afford the clothes they need for themselves and their families. What would you say to these people?

      1. I believe these people are in a position that they have no choice, so I don't think they are ethically wrong; The main offenders with fast fashion are those who overconsume. When on social media, it's common to see Shein hauls with £1000 worth of clothes. Those who can afford to purchase 'hauls' on such a scale can afford to shop more ethically. Those who cannot afford any other choice aren't capable of consuming this much fast fashion and therefore do not contribute to the waste.

  • In my opinion, the person responsible for creating this crisis is man. It is precisely in these times that many people use social media to spread the latest news about fast fashion. Fast fashion also pushes people to extravagance, waste, massive consumption, and the current poor economic conditions in the country, all of which create problems because of the low price of those clothes, which encourages people to buy in large quantities.

    1. What kind of man do you think is responsible?

  • Some of the problems caused by fast fashion is the use of animal skin such as snake skin, crocodile and crocodile skin, making the latest fashion from animal skin can cause the death of the animal, blood loss, weather change and even temperature change can cause the animal to die because it does not have its own skin or His fur to keep him at the right temperature that keeps him warm or cool or cold or hot. Textile dyes are the second largest water pollutant in the world, while pesticides are widely used in cotton cultivation, polluting soil and groundwater. I'm not entirely sure who's responsible, but I think the people who make the fashion and the people who take fur and skin from animals and hive are responsible. Hope this is helpful.

  • The problems caused by fast fashion is cheap clothing fabric and I would say the clothes designer would be responsible because they are the ones that make the clothes.

  • There are many bad impacts of fast fashion . Some workers are being abused and unpaid, they use chemicals, they mostly care about making profits more than the well-being of the workers, and it has a bad impact on the planet. I think the companies are responsible for this.

    1. I agree, using harmful chemicals is not good for the earth and the way they treat the workers isn't right . In the end it won't matter what we have on when our world is trashed and not even suitable for living, because of how bad we trashed it, just because we want to look good and fit in. THIS HAS TO STOP !!!!!!

  • Fast Fashion has a huge impact on the environment by the problems with waste management, burying or burning of large amounts of discarded clothing into the atmosphere, it also cause water pollution, and the use of toxic chemicals and increasing levels of textile waste. Day by day, the amount of discarded clothing is increasing causing more and more environmental issues.

  • Pollution is a problem that fast fashion contributes to. The factories where the clothes are made cause greenhouse gasses to be released, so not only is underpaid workers a problem but pollution is too. I think that big influencers that promote these corporations and the managers of these businesses are most responsible. They promote this and influence kids/teenagers to buy large amounts of clothes because they see its trending and the managers keep paying the workers only two to six cents per piece, adding to the problem.

  • Fast fashion causes problems such as contributing to pollution, because fast fashion produces large amounts of textile, because cheaply made clothes aren't durable. Fast fashion also uses microplastic fibers and hazardous chemicals which also contribute to pollution and environmental degradation. The society is responsible for fast fashion, because they want to keep up with the latest trends, and they use fast fashion, which harms the environment.

  • What I know about fast fashion is that they sell cheap clothes for a faster time. But the only problem in fast fashion is the companies and the employees. First the companies don't pay their workers enough money for themselves and their family, and also the companies are probably rushing the workers to make new clothing for customers because of new trend clothes. After the old clothes go out of trend, since the companies don't have enough storage to keep all the clothes in there, they instead burn the clothes which affects climate and can damages life in the wild. Now the workers are not being paid enough to feed them or their family, so what they do is fast fashion, which is making clothes in a short amount of time but cheaper. They often do this because they want to get paid more for making more clothes in a short time.

  • i think the low paid workers is who responsible. Because they can go on strike in stop all this. But then again its the owners. so its equally the owners in low paid workers

    1. Do you think low paid workers going on strike will make a difference to their pay?

  • The problems caused by fast fashion today are the way their clothes make people feel.When people wear something that's not trendy or old news it makes them feel like they don't belong or like what their wearing is ugly and people won't like them.And I blame the owners of the fashion companies. Because they are choosing what clothes are made and how they're made and what fabric the clothes are made of.Fashion companies today are causing big problems in the world today.

  • Fast Fashion is a thing that looks like it's good but it really is a huge problem. In huge countries like India and Bangladesh, Fast Fashion factories are sweatshops that are dirty and have insufficient utilities. Poor countries are like this, especially in Asia. But if I had to have a say on whose fault it is, it's the owners fault, they are what is making the employees have stress.

    1. fairminded_wallaby what minimum standards would you put in place to ensure people work in a healthy way?

  • Everyone is responsible for fast fashion. The company is responsible for making the workers make the clothes. The workers are responsible for making the clothes and if they don't like they can just stop making the clothes for the company. The shops are responsible for putting the clothes on the shelf They can just stop putting most of the clothes and if they don't the customers can stop going there. The customers can stop going there or they can boycott and stop buying their clothes. This is how everyone is responsible for fast fashion.

  • the fast fashion and the consumers because they throw away 70 pounds of clothes each year. wasting clothes and its make an bad mark on the environment and they are not even paying the slaved workers alot of money they have to work 17 hours a day 7 time a week

    1. Are consumers responsible for how much workers get paid?

    2. This is true what is the point when you buy clothes but then throw it away that's wasting your money.Some people need to buy the product for where they actually get it from.

  • I feel like these stores such as H&M, Zara, Fashion Nova, Urban Outfitters, and many more are responsible for fast fashion. The environment is getting corrupted by these high fashion companies. We need to cancel fast fashion and help the planet!

  • There are a lot of problems caused by fast fashion, some of them are low quality and a lot of environmental problems, but the people that are responsible for this are both the Consumers and Companies. Consumers are the ones who want what they want, and it just the companies who provide, but the companies who try to provide for everyone make the quality bad and with a lot of harmful chemicals for the earth. The companies can do a better job on using stuff better for the earth.

    1. I agree because if u burn clothes it affects the environment. I also agree that the people that make the clothes are the one's that are also the problem. If consumers don't return the shop wouldn't have to burn the clothes.

  • It is the customers fault for fast fashion. Let’s say there are no costumers, what would the fast fashion companies make. They wouldn’t make anything. The costumers make fashion ideas and the companies mass produce them product.

  • I think it is the customers that are responsible for what will be produced in stores. Don't get me wrong the people who give the ideas to design the clothes definitely play a part in it. But the customers decide what they want to buy and why they want to buy it. So when they notice their money is going down they will try and find the latest fast fashion trends. So this is the reason why I think customers are the reason to fast fashion.

  • Some problems with fast fashion are when people start getting clothes so quickly it runs out within a few days.Another problem is when people are getting paid unfairly for companies that get tons of money.The customers are mainly responsible because they are the people that are making the fast fashion more impossible for people who wants to keep up with the new trends

  • I respectfully think the real problem in the source of fast fashion is the Companies that know that the workers are struggling, trying to get ends meet with a very small amount of money they have.

    1. I agree to this because I feel like the bigger companies should be helping not making them struggle more

  • Who is responsible? I personally think everybody is responsible. The buyers, the sellers, the designers, and the sewers. Technically everybody is doing something to provide into the Fash Fashion industry. the buyers are the reason why the designers have to make the clothes because of fashion trends. The stores are providing into the Fast Fashion. It's hard to put the blame on one person because everyone would have something to do with everything. Also there was a picture that showed the rotation of how the fashion even got transported. So everybody has something to do with everything.

  • The low paid worker because they are the ones who make it but also it could be the people who designed it because they are the ones selling it to stores but stores might also be it because they are selling it for less money so i would say it all three because they could all be the reason why it would like make it bad like they could make it like itchy so they could be the answer for why its bad for the people.Like why would you sell something lower than it usually is.If the low paid workers were paid more then like 3 dollars .Maybe they would do a better job then what they do now if you paid them at least 30-50 dollars an hour.Maybe if the stores didn't sell the same product at a different price and maybe keep the regular version for people to buy.Yea I get it they don't want to run out of business.But if there was a difference of low paid people getting paid more maybe they wouldn't make it like that.

  • The problems caused by fashion fast is that when people return their clothes they burn them and this hurts our environment . The people that are responsible for this are the shops. The shops are responsible for this because they get the clothes when people return it and instead of donating it, they burn it.

  • What was the problem with fast fashion was that people have to stay back to work for more longer and it was back for climate because many people are throwing away there fast fashion clothes in the dump, and then it is a bad habit for people because people have d been dying in work from fires and many other things. Who was responsible for this was the owner of fast fashion because they are putting them in danger and risking there lives for money.

    1. What would be your recommendations to improve worker safety?

  • I feel like the people who are responsible for fast fashion are the people who copy the clothes from small business. I feel this way because they are taking somebody's else's work and selling it cheaper so they are making it much more money that the small business. That's why I feel like the people who copy off of small business are responsible for fast fashion.

    1. Can you give an example of this happening?

  • The person i feel like is responsible for some serious side effects are the customers. The reason I feel like the customers are responsible for the serious side effects is because the customers are the ones who buy the fast fashion clothes. Also, the customers pay the makers of the clothes very little money for their hard work and just waste their time. Also, the reason I also chose customers is because people throw clothes away and the clothes end up in the landfills and that is very bad for the climate and us/the people.

  • Fast fashion is cheap and harmful to the environment where people live in the surrounding areas . People throw the clothes away when they get out of trend or become unfashionable anymore. Fast fashion is killing people and families . They don't talk about how people get killed and many more things . Fast fashion is responsible for part of climate change .Fast fashion is responsible for 10 percent of all carbon emissions every year. Fast fashion is killing the industry .

  • The problems caused by fast fashion are pollution and gas emissions. Pollution is a waste of harmful materials in the environment. Fast fashion causes pollution by putting in the ocean and beaches and one way to prevent this is by recycling the clothes. Gas emissions is when gas is released into the atmosphere. Fast fashion causes gas emissions by burning clothes and CO2 gets released into the atmosphere and one way to prevent this is by reusing clothes into better clothes.

  • There is problems with fast fashion because people want to keep up with the latest trend and the person who is responsible is the person making the clothes

  • I think that managers or the people that make them have to have responsibility for it because they are selling the piece of clothing for money and money is very tight right now but the prime minister also needs to encourage more recycling or less materials in clothing like a 100% recyclable t-shirts or sell them cheaper ;)

  • I think this is serious thing because it is causing pollution it is the mangers fault.

  • I think its the manager’s responsibility to pay their designers more money.

  • What are the problems caused by fast fashion? And who is responsible? The problems with fast fashion is that it is just cheap clothing and it can come back to the corporation.

  • In my opinion, Zara ,H&M , Shein , Forever 21 such fast fashion brands are most responsible for creating this problems. If those brands wouldn't have start fast fashion here would not have any chance for people to buy clothes from such brands and this sorts of problems would not have been start.

  • I think everyone is responsible, however it isn't intentional because many big clothing brands and companies use fast fashion as a way to make a lot of profit without paying the price.

  • I think that it is everyone’s fault i think that you should throw out all the clothes you don’t like and just wear the ones you do like and when you throw all your clothes out either donate them or have them recycled everyone has to do their part in helping the earth because it is all of our homes for the rest of our life.

  • I think, that us, the consumers, are respnsible for this.
    We all go on social media nowadays, and I think that is the root of the problem. Online, there are many different websites and apps that give you good deals and better clothing. But, is better clothing necessary during the cost of living crisis? In this period of time, I feel that many people would want to keep up with the latest trends so that they can show off to their friends. Every time I want to buy a piece of clothing, I remember how bad it must be for the planet. After thinkingback, I usually change my mind and decide that I want to save the planet, not destroy it.

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