Iran: Should people speak out?

If you did this lesson in class, you would have discussed the BIG QUESTION for ‘Protest in Iran: Mahsa Amini.’

This week’s BIG QUESTION is:

If the Iranian government is making it difficult for Iranians to protest, should people outside Iran speak out for them? Why or why not?

Comments (199)

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  • Yes, I think people outside Iran should speak out for them because if the government won't let it's own people protest and show them what they did wrong then I feel like the rest of the world should try and show them that what they did to Masha Amini was not right and fair. And the government should at least try to apologize and show that they were sorry for the mistake they made.

    1. This is a good point, however, would you find fair if other countries would analyse and potentially decide if what the government is doing good or bad? I am trying to imagine what kind of reaction this would spark

      1. It would spark a negative reaction because first of all it would seem like as if the Iranian people voted in a wrong government body and they would end up losing trust in the decisions that it makes.

        It would also seem like the the rest of the world would be making the decision if the Iranian government is bad or not making Iranians seem irrelevant. But again on the point that I had stated above the rest of the world would help in resolving that issue because they would help spread awareness through social media posts and even showing it on their local news. So I feel like if other countries helped analyse and potentially decide for them if what their government is doing is good or bad it would be sort of fair. Remember the Iranian government refused their people from speaking out for themselves so yah it would be fair.

      2. It wouldn't be bad because everyone one has their own opinion about something so if other countries analyze and potentially decide if the government is good or bad is okay.
        But it won't be okay for the Iranian government because they will think that other countries are trying to teach them how to rule their country but to me it would be fair because the Iranian government refused people to speak out or even access the internet so other countries are actually doing it on behalf of their fellow people that are suffering in Iran.

    2. Have you considered the pros and cons of that statement? Of course it is good to protest and make yourself heard but with a very inconsiderate government, you can be putting yourself and family at risk. Citing what transpired in Nigeria in October, 2020, the youths came out in numbers protesting against bad governance and they were massacred mercilessly. therefore I suggest that they allow the matter calm down before swinging into action because everyone has the right to be heard.

      1. A fair point, rhetorical_beetle -- but as you can see in history, and around the world in many places right now, people demonstrate against their governments at great personal risk. Don't you think that "allowing the matter to calm down" might reduce the power that crowds of citizens have when they challenge injustices together?

        1. When people are aggrieved, it does not matter the duration they have to stay without their views being heard and listened to, when the opportunity comes for them to air their views and express how they feel about what has happened, no matter how small the chance may seem, they will come out in their masses, and make sure that they are heard by all means irrespective of who they have to stand against and whatever "punishment" that will be meted on them.

    3. I agree because it’s not fair the people

  • Any any country without justice or fair treatment peaceful demonstration are always allowed by the constitution to speak out but when the country doesn't allow them those with nationalistic feelings outside the country can speak out because they are under the protection of the other government so it is the work of those outside the country to do speak out for those inside the country so that the government realizes its mistakes

  • Indeed people outside Iran should speak for them since the government is making it difficult for the Iranians to protest and it is also our duty, responsibility to make sure that others are safe and the governments stops them from protesting in ways like arresting them, beating them up and doing any kind of torture which this can make some of them get scared of protesting for their own rights and most people outside Iran can freely protest without being harmed and this will help Iran have a peaceful living.

  • I think people outside Iran should speak out for the Iranians since the government is making it difficult for them to protest because as humans, its our responsibility to protect and fight for gender equality and human rights because that's what brings us together and brings out the true meaning of humanity. If the people outside Iran come up and talk then maybe the government of Iran might reconsider and value its peoples rights as a result of pressure from the
    human rights fighters that have come up. Not speaking for the Iranians will mean that we are abandoning the cause of human rights and equality and will show that over the years,human rights protecting organisations like Armnesty International have been working in vain.Take an example of George Froyd,a black in america who was killed by policemen.After the public spoke and protested against this act,there were several police reforms enacted in relation to protection of human rights.

    1. Other countries should speak out for Iranians to show support. I honestly think that countries like Russia, China, Syria and India that are good friends with the Iran government should speak the loudest . Russia is the closest country to the Iran government and they also have influence on so many countries, there is also a 65% possibility Iran will listen to Russia, I suggest that Russia should come to an agreement with the Iran government against all violation of female right and inequality of women in Iran.

      1. Thanks emotional_meaning an interesting point! Where do you derive your statistics from?

  • i think it is unfair how the girls in iran are being treated and are having to hide there hair or cut it off.
    i am proud of the people who are sticking up for the girl who died and showing there respect to her .

    1. also i think that you are right but children are protesting and having to hide their faces do you think that those children should be allowed to risk their lives to protest and have a free speech or do you think they shouldn't risk their lives protesting?

      1. This is a great question! I'm curious to see what others think.

      2. I would say they should be allowed to risk their lives and protest because they are also citizens in the country and they have every right to know what takes place in the country and also a right to freedom of speech.
        But also these children risking their lives protesting is not worth it because they have a future they have to work for I would rather they just concentrate on their education and leave the older people to handle the rioting.

    2. I agree because some people are dying for this law to stop so the Iran women can have a free life

    3. I agree because all woman should have the opportunities as men in Iran or not Iran
      Mahsa Amini shouldn't have been killed for not wearing a hijab
      There are some serious issues especially human right issues

    4. I agree because... if they don't stand up now, this exact situation would still repeat itself, and I hope that we won't loose hope for a better life for this girls who fall victim of such act.

  • I think that it is unfair to the girls because they shouldn’t have to feel ashamed of who they are. They shouldn’t have to be burning there headscarf’s or cutting of there hair!

  • in April 1983 in IRAN it was announced to wear hijab and it was applied for both Muslim and NON Muslim and foreign people visiting Iran and now a days there is a problem of wearing hijab is raised in Iran MAHSA AMINI a journalist was arrested for not wearing hijab and she was died during these crisis and Irani women were protesting in favour of Mahsa and government banned the protest and now other countries are protesting on their behalf and in my opinion the rule of wearing hijab for everyone should be modified and it should be valid only for Muslims because every one have the right to spend their lives according to their will we cannot force them to do what we want and we then this should not be compulsory for everyone because it is against humanity to force someone to do something and it will lead to very dangerous consequence and I think the protest for them in other countries is not right and it is not good to meddle in other people affairs let them solve their problems on their own and we should not bother them the government should be willing to make their laws and apply them

    1. What happens when a government enforced law is not supported by the people?

      1. When a government enforced law which is not supported by the people,it causes disturbance in the country.The people may feel less because if their own government do not show concern for them who they will call for their interest. The people will surely protest against the government and it can also affect the activities in country and may the economy.The innocent people may also get harm and it will cause social instability.

      2. I think the government makes sure that whoever does not follow the enforced law is caught and punished.

      3. When a government enforced law is not supported by the people the country will face many problems because people will start rioting and these involve the destruction of property in the country. This will lead to the death of many people in the country even the innocent people might end up being killed because of the riots that will be taking place. Many businesses like the companies and industries will be affected or they might fall into huge losses because their building might also get destroyed during the riots and also the market of their products will reduce since people will be busy rioting. People will lose their rights like freedom of speechand obligations like use of the internet anymore. Because the government might decide to disconnect the internet in the country and this will affect them because people use the internet for learning online, some work online and they also won't be able to speak out and connect with people from other countries without the internet. The children might even stop going to school because their parents might fear them getting problems on their way to school or back from school because of these protests

    2. This is a very good comment. Who would decide what is right and what is wrong? Reading your comment, are you suggesting that any government should be completely separated by any religious belief, right?

    3. I'm curious to hear your opinion, charismatic_eel: do you think the law in Iran should be modified to make the hijab mandatory only for Muslim women; or should they also be allowed to choose if they wear one or not?

  • A citizen is a basic element of society and societies form a country. Every one in a society has equal rights . As a quote is famous ' a friend in need is a friend in deed . According to my thinking point of view; people from outside will help humans, its our responsibility to protect and fight for gender equality and human rights because that's what brings us together and brings out the true meaning of humanity

  • To me people should speak out if the government is not allowing Iranians to protest by other people protesting for Iran women can make the Iran government realise that they are on wrong path they should have to sort this problem by changing their rule of wearing hijab for every girl whether she is Muslim or not and let the women's live their lives as they want as it is also against humanity . They should not burdenize they othervise it will lead to very severe consequences

  • I think people outside Iran should speak out for the Iranians since the government is making it difficult for them to protest because as humans, its our responsibility to protect and fight for gender equality and human rights because that's what brings us together and brings out the true meaning of humanity. If the people outside Iran come up and talk then maybe the government of Iran might reconsider and value its peoples rights as a result of pressure from the
    human rights fighters that have come up. Not speaking for the Iranians will mean that we are abandoning the cause of human rights and equality and will show that over the years, human rights protecting organizations like Amnesty International have been working in vain. Take an example of George Froyd, a black in America who was killed by policemen. After the public spoke and protested against this act, there were several police reforms enacted in relation to protection of human rights.

    1. I agree because the protests in America did cause changes. However, I'm not sure it was the fact that people in other countries protested too, that contributed to these changes. Also, the US is a democratic country, whereas Iran isn't. So in my view the more closed a society is, the less power people from the outside have to make changes. Unfortunately, in a lot of cases the changes have to come from within.

      1. Brilliant reasoning remarkable_peach

  • yes, people outside Iran should speak out for the Iranians who find it very difficult to protest because of their ruling government because that they can help you in some time to come when you are I the same situation.
    When people outside speak out about what the government of Iran is doing perhaps they might hear what the rest are saying and change or International Organizations might step in and help them in this situation.

    Though not all people should speak out because some people will speak out but in favor of the government and there are those who will speak out in a wrong way like use of abusive language that will just annoy their government and they will just keep on mistreating the Iranians. So incase people decide to speak out let them do it in way that it won't lead to more problems but to the freedom of the Iranians.

  • Yes people outside Iran should speak about the Human Rights violation and Sexism occurring in the country because the same issues occurring in Iran are occurring all over the world and this encourages women in other countries who are facing the same oppression to speak out and fight for their equality and rights and bring us closer to a world which has the same opportunities and freedoms regardless of their Gender.

  • I think people outside Iran should speak out because the leader won’t let it’s own people speak out and only if people speak out the leader will have no choice but to change the law

    1. Excellent point understanding_ant! Why do you think it's more difficult to speak out against a leader than against someone else?

      1. If especially you are one of the Iranian women that are under the law, your leader won’t let you speak out because in that way it will ruin their reputation and it can reach people outside of Iran too. People will start complaining about the law for women and why aren’t they changing it.
        It can also be embarrassing for the leader too, for he has to face the complains from millions of people around the world. It would be more easier of course if you speak out against someone else for example: someone bullying you etc…They would not force you not to speak out unlike the leader of Iran who would actually arrest women that are standing up for themselves

    2. I agree because if the leader won't let others speak out then it could stay forever and that will cause more conflict and we won't have peace and there will be war which could destroy the world

  • Certainly, we must be the voice of the voiceless. We must support the weak wherever they are and defend their freedom. People outside Iran should speak out about human rights violations in Iran, especially since Iranian citizens do not have the capacity to defend themselves due to arbitrary and repressive government actions, such as restricting freedom of expression and use of the Internet. So we should help them to Hand over their complaints to international human rights organizations .

  • Well it is true that the death of Mahsa Amini was brutal. But that doesn't mean that all the Muslim girls are forced to wear a scarf. The protest for Iranians is necessary but scarf is a part of our religion and it should not be disrespected it shows one's honor and dignity saying that girls are forced to wear scarf because they are ashamed of themselves is completely wrong. As a Muslim and someone who wears a scarf I think we should fight for human rights but with out disrespecting a hijab and Islam. Wearing a scarf doesn't mean that women are not equal to men. Yes killing a woman if she doesn't wear a scarf is completely wrong but saying that every woman should take off her scarf is also wrong. It is one's commitment to Allah (God) it is a matter only between Allah and that person .

    1. Thanks for you comment breathtaking_meteor, Am I right in summarising your opinion as: It is the choice of every woman whether they wear a head covering and the decision should be respected either way.

  • I think that the rest of the world should also speak out because we also have the responsibility as global citizens to make sure that every one is treated the same whether they are men or women. I also think that the Government should let women have a choice about if they wear a hijab or not. A good start would be to have more women in parliament in Iran. Maybe if we protest in the streets too the Iranian Government will see what they are doing and see how many lives they are effecting. This is the responsibility of men as well as women!

    1. Excellent problem-solving skills shown in your suggestion for more women in positions of power.

  • In my opinion, people outside should speak for them because if the government is refusing its people to speak up, then it will be perturbed and intimidated if people outside are saying something and it will be forced to listen and improve

    1. Good comment, however, do you think speaking about something is enough to find a solution, or find a way forward?

  • I want just to say that It's not a protest , it's a revolution. We see you , and stand with you . We have to speak out .lt is our right to do this.we as womens should have sense of freedom and bravery .

  • The people outside Iran should be involved and speak out for the voiceless. It is very much our business as we all are members of the human race,speaking out for those who can not speak for themselves provides an opportunity for us to show love and to bring unity amongst people who share common views towards this issue. Masha Amini deserves justice and since the government of Iran is not willing to listen to the voices of its people, we have to take a stand and show their people that they are not alone. We can give support by sharing our thoughts on social media platforms or even by saying prayers or sending goodwill messages.

  • Anywhere , any day at any time people are always allowed to speak out about their rights and wrongs for example: it is not fair that women in Iran have to where their hijab every day and get killed and prosecuted if they don't where it!

  • Personally, i think the rule of wearing hijab is really beautiful. But imposing something right using wrong ways is definitely not the right thing to do. The condition of Iran is Infront of us.
    The main cause of these protests is torture of the morality police for forcing women to wear hijab.
    It is need of the hour that voices should be raised from outside Iran to stop this inhumane behavior
    A solution to this issue is that all the Muslim countries should use the platform of OIC to deliver the message to Iran. Secondly the countries must individually mount pressure over Iran and force her to remove the law that is out of the boundaries of humanity.

  • People outside the city of Iran should speak on behalf of Iranians who cannot talk about their suffering because of the Iranian government, because if we do not talk, the Iranian government will continue its actions. Therefore, we must talk about what is happening in Iran, because we must be united and cohesive with each other so that peace and security prevail in the world Injustice ends

  • The government should be spokesperson for layman .It is the legal right that people must speak for themselves.Yes....if their voices are not given due freedom,then they must have some other forum where they should be at liberty to voice their protest meaningfully...

  • people outside of Iran should stand for humanity as right of speech is a born right of human being on this earth.

  • The situation in Iran is insanely bad for the women there. We watched a video in class about that and it made us feel angry. So the immediate answer is that people outside Iran should speak out. But then we have to see what the effects would be. Would that really help? The Ukraine war has been in the news for a long time and we know that the effect of people speaking out was Russia calling foreign help "spies", which gave the Russian government more reason to be violent towards their citizens. So if we speak out would that cause more violence in Iran? Or could we put pressure on our own government to intervene? Also, I have a question: should western countries only use diplomacy to help people suffering from a violation of human rights, or should they choose military intervention?

    1. Fantastic link to other stories in the news remarkable_peach!

    2. I disagree because I think if people outside Iran speak for the women there then that will give them the courage to fight for their freedom and rights, to protest in large numbers and sooner or later they will win. People often forget about this issue because other things happening around the world take their attention.

      Also, we could compare the crisis in Iran with the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. At that time, countries didn't react at the beginning, and when they did it was too late. That is why now we should act as soon as possible to help women in Iran.

      1. Amazing comparison with the historical context illuminated_chameleon.

    3. I think this is a good question. I mean, we should definitely stand up for people in Iran. But how can smaller countries help with military intervention against bigger countries? How would that help right now or in the future? If we are being honest, Iran is a massive country, also a nuclear power, which cannot be taken down very easily. Governments want to protect their people so sending them to die when the chances of winning are very small would be insane. I think this is why not even greater powers like the US are intervening in countries like China or North Korea, or Russia, where the respect for human rights is questionable.

      1. Very good point bright_wallaby

    4. I agree because although it is extremely important for all of us to speak out for the silenced woman of Iran, there may be risks that can make the situation in Iran worse. We have to help them but without causing any more problems.

  • Yes the people outside Iran should speak up for Iranians because being a human, every human has a right on one another. It is our moral duty to support the people when they need us.
    The murder of "Mahsa Amini" can't be justified in any way.It is against humanity to kill someone just because they are doing something they want to. If she didn't want to wear hijab, its her matter but it doesn't mean whoever wear hijab is wrong. I think women should have the right to do anything they want to. In many parts of earth, women are forced to live a life according to their men. They aren't even free to choose their professions or life partners. There is gender inequality everywhere and it should be minimize either by doing protests or anything else. I think it is happening in the world because women are not aware of their rights. There should be proper seminars to aware girls about their rights all around the world.Women should speak up for themselves because if they can't, no one can do anything for them.

    1. What should men do to work toward equality?

      1. Men can play an important role towards equality in world wheather in a role of father, brother, husband or son. In our country it is believed that "Father's love is the biggest strength of daughter" so I truly believe that if a father treats his daughter exactly as his son, she will do great miracles.Women have played an important role in building a nation.The women like Malala,Arfa Karim and many more have done so much for their country. Men should encourage women instead of discouraging them because women are not only born to spend their whole life in kitchen. They can also do great jobs in any field.

      2. I think talking to the police and then call the police to tell the lawyer to make a new law about the men to work towards equality .

        1. Who has the power to make laws in a country, healthy_guineapig? Do you think one lawyer could make a difference or do you think they might need the support of other people? If so, who?

    2. I agree because this story needs to be heard,it really touched me.This story also brings to gender discrimination or inequality and violation of one's human right. This is a very serious matter which needs to be spread,we need to fight for one another.

  • I think people outside of Iran should spread the word that the Iranians are being oppressed because the Iranian government is violating human rights and has switched off the internet in Iran, stopping people in Iran telling others about what is going on. That is why the protesters need people outside of Iran to spread the word.

    1. Great problem solving, fiery_raisin!

    2. I agree because the Iranians should have the freedom to express themselves. The Iranian government are violating the human rights of this country and other neighboring countries should assist the Iranians by spreading the word instead of keeping quiet.

    3. I agree with you that people should try to speak out for people who are facing troubles and can't help themselves out of the situation. It is our responsibility as global citizens to help people whose human rights are being violated.

      However, there is another point of view that many people do not want to do this because they are scared for their safety. Many people are scared that once they come out to protest the eye of the Iranian government will be on them and then they would decide not to speak out. Moreover, people feel like since this is an issue within a country, it would not be right to interfere with the domestic issues in a country as every country has sovereignty over its issues and that should be respected. People don't want to get involved in issues like this because it can even cause a war between two countries-the countries with the problem and the country trying to help.

  • Ok so i have ancestry connection with Iran it's a very sensitive topic to talk on as we all are not aware of the complete picture yes it's true that forcing the public to do a thing is very cruel but in Islam there is no forcing necessary if a womam wears Hijab it's shows her commitment to the religion but if she's want do so we can't force her and she'll be responsible for it .
    The protest in Iran and especially Germany is showing that Islam is forcing this thing but this is not the case the is forcing allowed in Islam .
    And when it comes to the death of the reporter the complete story isn't known so shooting arrows in the dark is useless.

    1. Thank you for sharing, and for acknowledging this is a sensitive topic. Am I correct that you are saying that some people are blaming Islam for the 'forcing' of wearing a Hijab but Islam doesn't force this. It is up to the woman to make the decision.

      This is an important distinction to make and for people to separate.

      1. I agree because... You understood it perfectly in Pakistan no one i forced to wear Hijab but most of the women and girls choose to wear it .

  • People outside Iran should speak on their behalf as the Iranian Government are trying to spread lies on what is happening when we already know the full story. If on
    y the woman speak out then the lies would been sent to the whole world easily by now, probably half of the whole world would've forgotten the full story,have believed the Iranian Government and rebuked the woman of Iran so it is important to speak out,support Iran during their hard time and try to remember those woman and schoolchildren who lost their lives protesting for the rights of woman and girl and speaking out against the morality police.

  • I think people shouldn't just leave Iran the way it is and not help at all. We all have the right to be ourselves and that includes wearing what we want and we should certainly not be locked up or even killed because of the way we dress. People are being killed here and there while protesting and the police are supposed to stop things like this but instead of helping they are now the villains and can't be trusted to save the country. Sadly, now women and children are living in the threat of losing their life all because of the mortality police . And this thought has come to my head; Should all the nations travel to Iran and help?

    1. You can't travel to a country without permission. What might be challenging about this? How might the UK feel if other countries interfered in their policies, even if they were seen as wrong?

      1. I think your question is really hard to answer. I think that if someone in Europe decided to go out in their underwear or naked then they would be arrested for indecency. Ok, they wouldn't be beaten by the police, but the point remains: different countries have different moral standards. So what works for us maybe doesn't work for people from other cultures and we should respect that.

        The problem is when people want to change their moral standards and they are not allowed to do that, like what is happening in Iran. For example, at one point in Europe it was ok to show your cleavage but not your feet. So moral standards change.

        1. A really interesting point memorable_cookie, I think though what you sat about the difference between what is considered acceptable, and the consequences for breaking this is really important. Why do you think the Irani government has chosen to enforce their moral standards with violence?

          1. I think that traditions are important, as they give us a sense of identity, stability and unity. I think that some people in the Iranian government actually value their religious traditions. But this doesn't mean that they should be kept at all cost. In my view, when something is enforced with violence, it is because the people doing it know that they don't stand a chance in any other way. So the Iranian government know that this is the only way to keep their world the way it is now. Because the Iranian people would change things if Iran was a democracy. Also it is a way of manipulating people to serve some interests. We talked about gender inequality today. I think it serves a lot of men in Iran that there are laws which don't allow women to do certain things.

      2. Thank you for your comment. I did think about this however, Iran is part of the united nations which means they are part of the institution that make up the united nations, the purpose of the united nations amongst other things is to combat hate and this act is filled with unjustified hatred as Mahsa Amini was arrested for not wearing her hijab properly and devastatingly died which we believe was due to the mortality police. If the united nations come together and intervene, it will prevent other countries doing the same horrific incident to an innocent citizen.

  • In my opinion, I think that all people outside of Iran should speak out about what is going on because many people have been put in jail or have devastatingly passed away as that are protesting; I personally think that is very wrong of the Iranian government to be doing. I even saw a news article on BBC news saying that little children have been protesting with their parents and cares, as the council want to take the barriers off where school children play. If they did this, it would make it unsafe for young school children to play. So yes, I definitely think that people outside of Iran should be spreading awareness of what is currently happening in Iran as it was not right what has happened to many girl and women.

    1. Great example about the school children. This really shows you are considering the news in your own life. Well done!

  • The people outside Iran should speak for them cause the government has refused them to speak for themselves and i don't understand why it's doing that cause a person has a right to speak out what he\she feels like saying. I think the reason why the government is refusing the people to speak out cause they feel insecure cause if the continue protesting, other countries will get concerned about what's going on in the country. I think that's why they are refusing people from speaking out.

    1. I really like your point about the banning of protests making the government seem insecure clever_moon!

  • Let us go back and remember the right of the human being, the right of expression. Therefore, Iran must be condemned because it does not give the right of expression to the people. People must be informed of everything, otherwise, what is a state if there is no participation and cooperation, and also if someone speaks from within the people in Iran, they will be exiled and imprisoned, so the protesters outside Iran will speak on their behalf because they will not be held accountable but will spread to people the suffering of the people in Iran

    1. Why do you think it is a human right for people to express themselves digital_pigeon?

  • Yes I think Iran should speak out because if they don`t the goverment can do what he likes with the people, another reason why they should speak out is because some people can help them like stronger goverments and the Iran goverment should at least apoligise for this action he had done and will never do it again but what I think is that most people or everyone should help the ladys and men prostest so there can be peace again.

  • I think that people outside Iran should speak up because if they don't the morality police will continue to do evil. If anyone in Iran speaks up against them the mortality police will hunt them down like bloodhounds and do something dreadful to them as they did to Masha Amini.

  • I think people of all countries should speak out of this subject, as many will agree what happened to Mahsa Amini is not right and it is our responsibility to say something and make a change to this. It would also make the people of Iran to feel heard . As a world, we can make change!

  • The Iranian government has made social meadia banned in Iran so people can't cry out for help or even warn people before coming there. This will make it very hard for the uninvolved countries to help and support . In Iran, the mortality police are known for their voilence and cruelty towards the people of Iran. Personally, I think the protest is like a war now due to all of the killing and beating . The people out of Iran should help but it's not worth it as more people will be diying and the mortality police will think they have so much power that they will push the limits.

  • I personally think that other women and men should help the victims in Iran. Even as a small country you should protest for the rights of women to wear whatever they want. I think we should notice how all the attention went to the Ukraine and Russia as soon as the war started. We all forgot about the poor girls and women who are fighting on their own for their rights. Unfortunately a poor woman had to die for us to remember this problem.

    I think all people should protest as every little counts. If no one ever stands up for anything because they think their contribution is not important, then things would never change. We are all human beings and we should stand up for each other, no matter the gender, religion or looks. Humanity is already going down with all the bad things that are happening but that doesn't mean we can't make a difference. Why can't you be the beginning of a new era?

  • Well, it depends. If nobody speaks out for change, then the change won't happen. But, as the same time, people have to make sure the message gets to the right person. People in Iran and in other countries can protest, but if governments don't actually listen, then it is in vain.
    Also, as it is happening in Iran, the protesters are getting arrested, there can be some awful consequences. A balance should be found.

  • Yes, I think people outside of Iran should speak up because it is not fair for the people in Iran as the Iranian government are unfairly treating people and using violence to enforce the rules. The violence has caused people to die and is too severe. If we speak for the people in Iran the government might see that they need to change the rules or how they are enforced. It might allow the people in Iran to have freedom and peace.

  • Yes , as I believe equality should be a responsibility for everyone. For when I hear things like this, I think of myself in the situation , and how I would want other people to care about how I feel and speak up for me . If I was a protester in Iran , I would need people to have a say , because it would show how much love and importance there is in the world. Also people outside of Iran , who are speaking for the controlled Iranians , could be a role model for children that are trapped and are too scared to share their messages , as we all need someone to look up to and admire. To those children, it could be a courageous person looking out for Iranians.

    1. I really like how you think of yourself in others shoes, this shows great empathy.

  • A possible answer to this question should be yes, other outside of Iran should speak for them, the answer is exactly wrong but, what if our effort to speak out endanger the people in the country more, what if their government come up with new ways to keep them shut, yes, we should speak but we should be mindful of what we say what if instead of trying to let their leader see our views, we spite them. It would all be a lost cause because instead of us helping the people we claim to love we end up making their leaders to be more hostile to them.

  • Yes, we should speak out for them because yes, they want to speak up, but are they given the opportunity, we can be the light that shines so bright for them, we could be that little spark of hope, we have the opportunity to say things to their leaders that they have never dreamt of saying and no harm would come to us because we are just expressing our views. So, to answer the question yes, we should speak for them using any means we can, be it rallies, or forums we should do our best.

    1. How might Topical Talk help you to do this, accurate_wombat? I'm interested for others to answer that question too!

      1. The topical talk is already doing that, but we can do more, we could hold press conferences and get specific people to share the views of others.

  • From my point of view, people from other countries should not speak out for the people in Iran because it could harm people more than do good. The Iranian government could understand that they would be foreign agents/spies.
    So, in conclusion, the opinions are different and anybody could interpretate how they would want it to be. Because, we have an example of Russia, where they interpreted foreign help as "spies"

  • I think if people from other contries would protest about that women it will be a benefice for the Irans from Europe or other country cause they fell save and they can know that they do not need to wear hiajb.
    At the same time if we would protest for the war from Ukraine that Russia started it could get worst beacuse Russia would want to demonstrate that they are powerful. I learn in class that they can do sanction which means that our contries could be hurt by this. We have crises in the world just now where we don't has access to gas because Russia rules it. If we speak out then maybe they take this from us.
    So in order to get the ansewer corect you need to think at both ways.

  • Ofcourse, people outside the Iran should speak out for Iranians beacuse no one can force anybody to do something!!

    The death of Mahsa Amini was so dissapointing.....

    It's totally a woman's choice to wear hijab or not. Let them live as they want!!
    As a human it's our responsibility to raise our voice for something happening wrong or against the human rights.

    At least we should do our responsibility by raising our voices so that it might be a little help full for women rights......

  • The protests happening in Iran are about equality and freedom. In Iran a woman was killed just for not wearing a hijab properly . Do you think that's far ? I think that us as other countries should speak out since the government in Iran is making it difficult for Iranians to speak out

  • I think people in Iran should speak out for themselves because if they don't the Iranian government and police will take over them.The government should at least try to help and not be selfish. They should keep trying to protest for their country they should stay strong and bold. We pray for the beloved woman Masha Amini.

  • Yes i think people from the world should speak out for the people in Iran because of what they did to Masha Amini was wrong and not acceptable and fair. And possibly maybe the countries of the world should stick up for Iran. If it's possible maybe the Iranian government to say sorry about what they did and know that there wrong about the thing they did

  • In our nature, we are women who feel inequality between the sexes, although all religions have urged gender equality. There is no difference between men and women, but we live in societies that work largely to create this gender gap, either with the priority of work or public opinion, as society has become more likely to men in all Professions, whether it is medicine, engineering, law, and professional business, the right of women to education and access to jobs has become a very unacceptable matter. Education and employment are the cause of the major gender gap. Women are working at the lowest wages, unlike men. Men do not accept what women accept, but there are countries that have worked to bridge this The gap, which led to the progress of these countries. Women are a hero who is able to fully confront society until she obtains her right and freedom. We are all one woman. We must all work as women and men to spread gender equality. We will not live a decent life unless we make respect and equality between us.

  • We must all be one hand and we must give our voice to the weak. What is being done against the Iranians and what is happening with them of injustice and tyranny to the point that they can no longer protest for a dignified life. At this time, we must give them what we have, whether of a voice or opinion, and others. We must talk about them and their suffering. In this project, he helped greatly to reach the voice of the Iranians, as all the students speak with one voice that we must help them

  • I think that people outside of Iran should speak up about it.

  • Yes as if the people inside are muted then the people who are not should speak. It's like being a bystander in a bullying situation! It's not OK!

  • Yes, I think that people outside Iran should speak out for people in Iran because if the government won't let its people have freedom of speech, at least the rest of the world can show the Iranian government that what is happening is wrong.

  • If the Iranian government is making it difficult for Iranians to protest, should people outside Iran speak out for them? Why or why not? Yes. I think residents outside Iran should protest for Iranians because the government has blocked access to the internet to stop Iranians from expressing themselves and their feelings to the rest of the world for help. This means that people outside Iran should help the other part of the world that needs help to keep the Earth a big society.

  • In my opinion, I think that people outside of Iran should also speak out about the serious situation that is currently going on because the police and the Iranian government are killing and hurting the people that are protesting.

    Also the Iranian government is shutting down the internet in Iran so that people in Iran cannot speak out about what is happening ; which I think is very wrong.

  • Here is my question , did Masha Amini got arrested and went to the lawyer first ? The police shouldn't have told the people outside that they didn't kill her and then tell them that she had a heart attack . Lying to the people can make things worst ! I stand for her and people which cut their hair off to make her happy even when she is in heaven . It the lawyer fault for telling the police to kill her and said think that it was her fault for not following the law but this law is really strict and shouldn't exist .

  • In my opinion the people outside the Iran should be take stand for Iranians because government of Iran making it difficult for them to protest.The murder of Mahsa Amini was not right and justified because the responsibility of human is to advise another man if they are doing any bad work not to force him because every person has right to do what they want…By taking stand may be the Iran government will convinced or remember their people's right

  • Yes i don't think it has to be a responsibility but i still think that people from outside of iran should protest as it is difficult to share what is going on as the government are going to block all acess to social media but if we let the government know that we know and that we can stop it they will (hopfully) stop

  • I think that people should convey the voice of Iranians to the world and human rights organizations because of the government's and security's suppression of their demonstrations and protests through which they want to demand their most basic rights and to convey their voice to the world, unfortunately, to no avail.

  • I entirely agree that people outside of Iran should speak out, we cannot let the victims suffer in silence; as witnesses of vile actions, we have a duty to raise awareness. As a Muslim, I choose to cover my hair of my own will and no one should be forced to do so. These actions are not only immorally wrong they also give the wrong impressions of hijabis(a person that wears the hijab) all over the world. We should not turn blind to terrible deeds and must provide a voice to those who can't.

  • I believe people outside Iran shouldn't speak out for Iranians because the Iranian government would care even less if the protest was not inside of Iran. Even if we make online protests it will make no difference as we are not inside of Iran. Do you think someone outside of Iran could change the Iranian governments mind?

    1. I think someone can make a difference if enough people speak out about it. If the government doesn't care about the people in Iran they won't care about the people outside because it's not their problem. But they will start to care when other country leaders bring it up to him. If the leaders of other countries speak to the leader or chairmen of Iran then maybe just maybe he will have a slight change in heart or someone else on the head of board will have a change in their ways.

  • I heard about what happened a while ago and my opinion on this is that we should protest about what happened to Mahsa Amni because they do not even let anyone in Iran speak about the tragedy that happened to Mahsa Amni but in the UK we can so please protest about this and then hopefully a change will happen because this is not right!

    1. How can protests make change happen?

  • I think yes. people every where should speak, if one is compelled to go according to self interpreted regulations. Taliban has recently barred women entering in re-creational parks - a self interpretation - which looks an imposition against the true Islamic concepts. Islam is a religion of nature. It has encouraged women to stand with their men in all walks of life- though man and woman have their certain responsibilities - but has put no compulsion. Every culture has its traditions and dress fashions in vogue. Islam does not compel any one to follow a certain dress code but asks for sober and eminent dressing - a dress which gives you honor, prestige and respect. If Jina was dressing was meeting all these things then of course she has been victimized by the misinterprets of Islam. Even if - suppose - her dressing was against the Islamic concepts - even then there is no rule in Islam to kill someone.

  • If the Iranian government is making it difficult for Iranians to protest, should people outside Iran speak out for them? Why or why not?
    Yes people outside Iran should speak out for those people that have been mistreated or not given justice in there own country. what the Iranian government is doing as a form of punishment is not fair. How can somebody's life be lost to allegedly wearing her hijab too loosely. where by the Iranian government can come up with different ways to punish people, like arresting them for at least 24hrs or a house arrest but not blows to the head and limbs causing multiple organ failure caused by cerebral hypoxia.
    in conclusion Iranian government should fix it's punishments for citizens.

  • Nobody can speak for anyone else, but in this case, people outside Iran can speak for them. This will help the Iranians inside Iran get some of what they want, but not all of what they want because their protest inside Iran is too strong for people to protest outside because their protest will not harm the government in the way it will harm it inside Iran

  • Yes, I think people should speak out to inequality towards women in iran so people can hear about it. People all over the world should speak out on how all the women in iran go through. They get treated unequal and unfair and all they want is to equality and fairness to men. It's unfair to what these woman are going through. They want to be among the men wearing whatever they want without them worrying about being killed. The laws in iran are to strict towards woman than men. which is not fair . A lot of people are protesting all over the world to spread the world about how unequal it is to woman . "And we are worried that the world will forget that the world will forget about iran as soon as the regime shut down the internet which is already happening."/ from a female protestor in iran .

  • Yes they have the right to but it's not there responsibility. Its not their responsibility to do so because they are in like Mexico, America, China or everywhere but Iran so it's not really their responsibility. But they still have the right to do so.

    1. You make an interesting distinction between a responsibility and a right. But if people inside a country are not allowed to speak up about a problem, whose responsibility is it?

    2. I agree, there's quite literally nothing you can do about it.

      1. Do any of the other comments suggest things that can be done?

  • I think that the people inside and outside of Iran should speak up for their fellow quote on quote "comrades." I you don't speak up for your people, its just as bad as you doing the thing(s) that are hurting them. This quote is from is from the Anime Naruto, "everyone of us must do what's in their power! If we're going to die anyway, it's better to die fighting (protesting for rights) than to do nothing!"

  • Yes, I think people outside Iran should be able to speak for them because the government is trying to not let the people inside Iran protest about their rights, but if people outside Iran protest about the country then more people can know about Iran and try to help. Not protesting for Iran means that they are abandoning their fight for human rights and equality for the people of Iran. As humans, we should fight for others' causes because more people should know about the situation with Iran so that we can make a difference.

  • yes, i suggest that because people iran needs help i mean not their duty but if you were tight situation like that of its very needed to help iran women's to protest like my favorite character once said ''a man who can't save his friend is a man that can't save himself.

  • Yes, I think people outside Iran should speak out for them because the people can't talk with the restricted internet so they should by all means help their friends and family. They should be posting daily on social media and emailing new networks to make people more aware of this serious problem to protect the future generations. In conclusion they should be active to save their people.

  • People who are proud supporters of the feministic movement should speak out and lend their voices to the less privileged, it not only brings about world wide teamwork but also unmasks the disguised facade of abuse and oppression under the means of law.

    1. I agree because no woman nor man shouldn’t be aloud to protest for what they believe in

    2. I strongly agree with this comment because I feel like women should just get the privilege to not wear their hijabs because what if it's a hot day outside, women still have to wear their hijabs. And honestly I don't really see the need for women to wear their hijabs. But if it's their religion then I respect that but I don't think they should get beaten just for not wearing them.

  • The Iranian government are making it difficult to protest by using harsh ways to control them such as morality police and cutting off the usage of internet/ social media which makes it harder to let anyone know what is going on in your point of view and the general facts. By blocking off the internet which connects you to the rest of the world can cause many effect. Firstly, if governments in other countries knew about the situation, they would have the power to overrun the Iranian government which would mean the Iranian people would be free to wear what they want. Furthermore, I think people outside Iran should speak out for them as everyone has a right to have a say in what their individual country are doing and whether it should stop or not. In addition, it is unfair for anybody else but you to decide what you wear. If you don't want to wear a headscarf, nobody should force you.

    1. I agree, what's the purpose of hair when you can't show it of. Religion is there as a guide on how decency should be but I don't think an ultimate punishment of for not following these customs should be death, that is just cruelty.

      1. There are a few biological purposes of hair!

  • In fact, I think that people outside Iran speak on their behalf because the Iranian government is making it difficult for them to protest, our responsibility is to struggle and fight for gender equality and human rights because that is what brings us together and brings out the truth is (the concept of humanity). If people from outside Iran came and spoke, the Iranian government might reconsider the rights of its people as a result of pressure from the Iranian government on its people.
    But people outside Iran should not speak the wrong way like using abusive language that will only annoy their government and they will continue to mistreat Iranians.
    I think the reason why the government refuses people to speak out because they feel insecure because the protest continues, other countries will be concerned about what is happening in the country. I think this is The reason they refuse to speak publicly .

  • Yes, they must speak on their behalf because of the strict sanctions imposed by Iran. It is not permissible for any citizen inside the country to speak, and the uprising I say that it is the duty and duty of every Iranian outside Iran to speak on behalf of those inside Iran and they should feel them, for example, like Palestine. There are many Palestinians who are outside Palestine who talk about what is happening inside it, and this is called national cohesion that unites them and their love for the homeland and separates them only distances.

  • It’s just unbelievable that till date females have to fight for THEIR rights which THEY deserve! We have to FIGHT , PROTEST and even DIE at times just because we demand equality. How does ”SOMEONE ELSE” has the privilege to decide what a WOMAN should wear , how SHE should live , what all SHE should do. Isn’t it the woman’s very own choice of dressing up the way SHE wants? Isn’t it HER choice to choose a career SHE wants to persuade? Isn’t it HER choice to choose HER partner? And just for these basic things, till date, despite the fact it’s 21st century we’ve to protest! Isn’t it a HIGH TIME already? Shouldn’t we have these BIRTHRIGHTS already?

    In the case of Malala Yousafzai , why was she brutally murdered? For dressing up the way she wanted to? IS THAT WHAT WE HAVE TO FIGHT FOR TILL DATE?


    1. I agree , it is very sad that we have to fight for equality.

  • Regarding Mahsa Amini's situation, i think that people outside should Not speak out for women in Iran. First, because there was a shadowed news going out through social media and hitting viral such as that Mahsa died because of the brutal morality police, and this is a masked news since if we look to the other side, Iranian administrators and some of the iranian journalism posted the videos of Mahsa being kindly arrested by morality police and speaking to a woman in the office to suddenly hold her head with her hands, being dizzy and losing consciousness. this was diagnosed as a heart infraction or attack having the say that she died and not killed. So standing infront of such 2 strong perspectives people outside can not rely on one and protest aggressively affecting iranian people's prospects.

    1. Hi excited_raisin, You're correct that there is some disagreement around Mahsa Amini's death, although it is widely agreed she died after being detained. Many people in Iran are protesting and giving many other examples of women being treated very badly as well.

      Why might considering the motive behind different accounts be important to consider in a situation like this?

  • I think people should speak out because it is not right just because of a piece of clothing and also to kill and torture a person because of that this is not fair!

    1. I agree with you just because women don't wear scarves they can get arrested. And there is a high risk of dying, I feel like this is not fair and we should use the internet to spread word and help women protest.

  • I think that people outside of Iran should definitely help the Iranians as the right to speech is a human right which is being violated there and along with that, a woman is also killed. Women are being oppressed there and that's mainly because their voices are not being heard. And because they are not able to say anything it's our responsibility to help them to get out of this situation. History has repeatedly proven that the voice of a common man is really powerful and if a lot of such voices are combined they make a huge impact. And they surely will make a huge impact this time also if we help the Iranians.

    1. I agree because if they can't speak for themselves, who else would? So they should get outside help from countries who can provide help and over power their government to get more help.

  • Although I do think that the people of Iran should speak out, I do think they are acting irrationally. It is the law for Iranians to wear hijabs and the death of one person cannot be that serious for you to ruin your hair and burn your hijab, most likely causing you to get attacked by the police.

    1. Hi fairminded_wallaby, I think what you are saying here is that it would be more rational to protect yourself and not protest if you know how severe the consequences can be. Have I got that right? Can you consider why people are willing put themselves in danger to protest. Can you think of examples from the past where others have?

  • I feel like the internet should be a human right because we should have the right to speak what we speak and what needs to be heard.  Limiting the internet can affect the human right by taking one of the most important ways to spread your word around the world. For example, if russia posted on twitter that they were going to nuke cuba. And the government of cuba said no internet, this can put the whole country in harms way because of no internet. My expirence with the new could be affected if the government said no internet and shut it down by not knowing what coming or like weather or murder around my area.

  • Yes people outside of Iran should speak for them if the Iranian government is making it hard for them to protest because the government won't let it's own people protest. If the Iranian government would just listen to why the people are protesting then it wouldn't be any problems this serious. Mainly woman are protesting for their rights because woman are getting treated differently than the men. Woman have to wear a hijab because that's their law right? No woman can wear what they want to because it's their life and they should be able to choose what they wear and what they don't get to wear. So yes people around the world should be trying to speak out for Iranian people.

  • From cutting ties to banning Iran from the World Cup, protesters see a vital role for the world. The government won't let its own people protest and show them what they did wrong. The government should at least try to apologize and show that they were sorry for the mistake they made. beating them up and doing any kind of torture which this can make some of them get scared of protesting for their own rights.Not speaking for the Iranians will mean that we are abandoning the cause of human rights and equality and will show that over the years,human rights protecting organisations like Amnesty International have been working in vain.

    1. Why might a country care if they are banned from a global sport competition?

  • People should speak out. If they speak out it can help people in Iran to have rights. Speaking out will probably make Iran not so strict with their laws next time. People should not speak out. If they speak out after a while they will forget about what is happening in Iran and nobody after that will talk about Iran. Speaking out might make Iran more strict on their laws so they can keep popping on the news like everyday. This is why people should speak out about Iran and why people should not speak out about Iran.

  • I feel like people outside of Iran should speak up about what's happening in Iran because if you were in the same situation you would want people to speak up about what's happening and make it known so you and the people around you could get help

    1. Yes I feel the same way! How would you feel if you were in their shoes, you would want people to fight for what's right and do what's best.

  • Yes, I feel people outside Iran should speak for Iranians. Iran is a sister country to all countries and we are supposed to be our sisters keeper. The world has also been trying to solve the issues of gender equality and I feel this is a huge step to solving it. The world is also a human right agent and by supporting this case other unknown cases will be solved and it will create a hinderance for such cases to come up in future. according to Winston Churchill in June 16, 1941 used the phrase "United we stand. Divided we fall" and this is a time for the world should stand together to support her sister country.

    1. I agree with you because in this case the government was in the wrong and they need to learn that even restricting the internet won't hide when you are in the wrong.

      1. Sometimes government what to cover their wrong which is not right.

      2. Sometimes government want to cover their wrongs which is wrong.

        1. Hi emotional_meaning what do you mean by "cover their wrongs" ?

  • Yes, I think people out Iran should speak for them and when more people speak it can help them get the message through the government in iran to protest because when the government sees more people who think what there doing is wrong. They might change the things they are doing in iran.

  • Yes,I feel like people outside of iran should speak out for them because if their own government isn't letting them speak out it has to be let out somehow .I also feel like everyone opinion should be heard .what they did to Mahsa Amini was not right and fair .

  • Yes, I think people that live outside of Iran should speak for them because the government does'nt let the people who live in Iran protest to show how they really feel. It would be helpful that people outside of iran could help them and speak on their behalf. And i feel like more people need to see that its bad what they did to Masha Amini.And to educate more people so that when they grow up they would be aware on what happens when you dont wear a Hijab.

  • I do feel like people in Iran should speak out because if people never protest the won’t have laws that help them and their community. If they don’t they would suffer under the rule of a corrupt government.

  • In my opinion , I believe people should speak out about what's going on in Iran. It is very important for people to be speaking out about what the Iranian government is doing right now. It is very biased & unfair. People should keep having these protests until the government can understand what they're doing is wrong.

  • Yes, I think people outside of Iran should help speak for them especially since their government is making it hard for them to speak. The message needs to be heard & spread so that we can fight for what's right and bring her justice. So in my opinion people should think about how they would feel if that was them, If they had to cover up their hair, and if you didn't you could get arrested. It's the things that you do now that you don't even think about like it's just normal, but that's not the case for the people in Iran they have to think about those things. So I ask you to help fight for them!!!

  • If the Iranian government is making it difficult for Iranians to protest, should people outside Iran speak out for them?
    Yes, people outside of Iran should be their voice if their government isn't allowing them to speak out about what's going on. Especially if they're getting their Wi-Fi taken away, they can't even communicate with anybody outside of their home because they might be too scared to leave their homes because of protesting... The people or women of Iran are protesting about the simplest things, it isn't their fault though, they just want peace and equality. But I think that if the information gets spread around more often, not even just about police brutality.

    1. I totally agree, I feel like if we have the sources to speak out for the Iranians then we should speak out

  • I think people outside of Iran should speak up for them, because the Iranian government shut down their internet and people are dying everyday in protests.

    1. I agree because a lot of people in Iran are dying in protests so other people outside of Iran would help.

  • Yes, people outside of Iran should speak out for them because the people who are in Iran that are protesting would get beaten up because the government is using force. Plus what they did to Masha Amini is unacceptable They arrested her then beat her up just because she did not wear a hijab right..

  • Yes, because I feel like we should speak out for countries who can't speak out for themselves. So I think people outside should help Iran out.

  • People outside of Iran should definitely speak out for people in Iran who can't do it. They would help more Iran people and spread more awareness to Iran.

    1. I agree with u that if other people speak up for iran they'll spread the word, they will probably do something about it and take responsibility for what they did.

    2. I agree with what you are saying because if you don't speak out it can cause people to be scared to speak out

  • Yes,the iranian government will make it harder for their own people to tell what is happening in Iran.If the government makes it impossible,Iran would be forgotten because of the strict rules because of the Iranian government.But mainly,the people outside of Iran should speak up because the Iranian government could kill more protesters like Masha Amini.

  • From cutting ties to banning Iran from the World Cup, protesters see a vital role for the world.

  • 1
    Personally, i think the rule of wearing hijab is really beautiful. But imposing something right using wrong ways is definitely not the right thing to do. The condition of Iran is Infront of us.
    The main cause of these protests is torture of the morality police for forcing women to wear hijab.
    It is need of the hour that voices should be raised from outside Iran to stop this inhumane behavior
    A solution to this issue is that all the Muslim countries should use the platform of OIC to deliver the message to Iran. Secondly the countries must individually mount pressure over Iran and force her to remove the law that is out of the boundaries of humanity.

    1. Great points lively_memory. Why do you think Iran's law is out of the bounds of humanity? Can you give an example?

  • Yes, I think people outside Iran have a responsibility to speak about this unrighteous behavior. What the they did to Mahsa Amini was inhuman. The government should be confronted and make out a public apology to the nation. The molarity police should be denied some of its power such as beating up unarmed civilian. The government should be interrogated to see if there are such incidents that may have happened in the past. The world should stand together in dealing with such issues concerning human rights.

  • Yes people outside iran should speak out to them because no police should have the right to kill someone cause of a hijab. Another reason why i think people should protest for iran is because i feel like if a lot of people speak for iran they will probably change the rule , accept what they did wrong and take responsibility . Wearing a hijab should be optional. Women should have more freedom in iran and not only their other countries and states.

  • I feel like people should be able to speak loud and proud because police should be ashamed of all they have done. Police have killed and beaten many protesters.I also feel like if we don't speak up for them no one will be aware of what is going on in iran. The government should try to say sorry and to show that those cops do not do those kinds of things. The government should also show them they are sorry by not restricting the internet. Although people still found out about what was going on and do not live there,they are still protesting all around the world.

  • Of course it's their right to speak out and defend themselves because they deserve to have freedom if the government doesn't allow them to so I think people around the world should speak about it instead of them and it's their job to tell them that what's happening isn't okay and they should speak out and defend their rights

  • Yes, I think people outside Iran should speak out for them because if the government won't let it's own people protest and show them what they did wrong then I feel like the rest of the world should try and show them that what they did to Masha Amini was not right and fair. And the government should at least try to apologize and show that they were sorry for the mistake they made.

  • yes, l think that people should speak out for lran because if its own government wont let its own people to protest and fight for freedom so l feel like the rest of the world should fight for them and show that what they did was wrong to people like Masha Amini and other people that they should have freedom.

  • Yes, I think people have to speak up for Iran, and I don't think it's fair that other people hurt them just because of their culture, other people have to show the whole world that they don't have to hurt them.

  • I think people in iran should have the right hijabs because every humans beang should have equal rights

  • They should speak out for them because if enough people speak about it then something will most likely happen to let the iranians protest.If the government of iran won't let their people protest then how will anything change for the better.

  • I think it's unfair that women in Iran had to suffer that feeling that Maha Amini felt. The government of Iran should give women the rights they need and freedom rights. Their opinion on what they think women should or should not do is truly unfair and disrespectful to the women. They should have more feelings and regard for how women in their country feel when the government disrespects them.

  • Yes, I think people outside Iran should speak out for them because if the government won't let its own people protest and show them what they did wrong then i feel like the rest of the world should have freedom and rights to wear what they want and show their hair I feel like the government should at least try to apology to their people and show them that their sorry.

  • Ithink,We or anyone outside of Iran should speak on their behalf, because the government forbids them to speak or forcing them to speak is difficult for them.This is because of the fear that they will practice forms of torture on them, so it is easier for others outside Iran to protest for Iranians.

  • My answer to the question that If the Iranian Government is making it difficult for Iranians to protest,then people from outside Iran should speak out for them. While surfing through the sources provided, I have learned that people in Iran don't grow up with the same rights as people around the world are. These people are growing up with the acts of injustice.They don't have freedom of speech and freedom of act.If we speak out for people of Iran, may be the people of Iran get the rights from which they are deprived of.It's every human's right to do what he wants to do and speak what he wants to speak.

  • People should speak out because if all women work together and beat the police, dress codes won't matter for them

  • People should speak up for their freedom because if they don't they'll just have to stick with the rules and anyway they should be brave and stop these rules

  • yes i think people from Iran or not should protest about whats happening because its really unfair for all the women who were killed just because they protested or they didnt wear there hijab properly. What they did to Masha Amini was wrong and the world should know about it.

  • As citizens, we must speak up, because the government will accept it, and we are responsible for that, and treatment must be equal between us. There is no difference between us, we are one people, and campaigns against violence must be developed in all fields.

  • I think we should talk out and protest for Iran because they might be scared to say what is happening in their county also I don't think that they should wear what people tell them to wear It them and they are able to dress how they want to

  • Yes, people outside Iran should speak out of what is happening there. The protesters of Iran are having a difficult job trying to speak out because of how the Iranian government is blocking many accesses to social media, and are also getting repelled heavily. It's time the worlds speaks out about this now, especially countries with free speech.

  • Yes they should beacause some times they might can change the mind of the president so the president can realize the things or complicated stuff the president did to the iranians.

  • I think that the people inside and outside of Iran should speak up for their fellow quote on quote "comrades." I you don't speak up for your people, its just as bad as you doing the thing(s) that are hurting them. This quote is from is from the Anime Naruto, "everyone of us must do what's in their power! If we're going to die anyway, it's better to die fighting (protesting for rights) than to do nothing!"

  • Yes, because they have rights to speak out and they are getting hurt from all of the police too.

  • Indeed people outside Iran should speak for them since the government is making it difficult for the Iranians to protest and it is also our duty, responsibility to make sure that others are safe and the governments stops them from protesting in ways like arresting them, beating them up and doing any kind of torture which this can make some of them get scared of protesting for their own rights and most people outside Iran can freely protest without being harmed

  • Yes, I do think that Iran should speak because the government would probably be happy and it would probably have peace in thier country.

  • Yes,Iran people should speak out because they get criticized a lot.

  • The reason why people should speak out for the disability of iranians not being able to protest is simple, because it is conditionally a fact that a protest is when a lot of people form a group that doesn't agree about a certain and specific thing. Iranians have the right to protest as much as people protest in history. It is a way of representing based opinions on a specific post or news. That's why people in iran should be able to protest.

  • I say yes because sometimes people be shy because people try to talk out but never speak out
    even if they try to, so that's why they should talk out for them self.

  • If the Iranian government is making it difficult for Iranians to protest, should people outside Iran speak out for them? Why or why not? People outside of Iran should speak out for Iranian people because a female protester in Iran said "We are worried that the world will forget about Iran as soon as the regime shuts down the internet-which is already happening. This breaks my heart and other people's hearts. Although there's nothing we can do to help Iranian people we could keep trying until the Iran governor gets tired of all of these protests and gives them equal rights. We should speak out for them because not a lot of people care about Iranian people, but what they don't know is that people are dying in Iran and no one it doing anything to stop this.

    1. I agree because most people in the world might not know about this topic. They would just assume that the people of Iran are living in peace without knowing a single thing about what's going on. The government is killing women just because they're not wearing their hijab, and that is wrong. We should speak out so the people of Iran know that we're sorry for them, and we'll do anything to support them.

  • Actually not only the Iran girls who should speak about this issue but this is a discussion should all women around the world talk about

    The gender inequality is an issue that happens around the world but the most in the Arab homeland specially in the rural areas

    Some countries' rules aren't fair for women so as the women represent half of the world's population so the have the right to be treated well ,and the government instead of protecting the people they kill who don't follow the law

    I see if too much people start to speak about what the government did to Mahsa Amini they will feel more responsible

    1. Thank you for this response imaginative_region. Tell us more about why you think people will feel more responsible in your last point.

      1. In my opinion, if at least two people from each country succeeded in using their voice to speak about what the government did to Masha Amini , and were able to ask for her rights, the government will know that this was a real crime and that they must be punished for it.
        I also think that if it happen , it will raise the status of women in their society.

      2. Thanks for replying, In my opinion, if at least two people from each country succeeded in using their voice to speak about what the government did to Masha Amini , and were able to ask for her rights, the government will know that this was a real crime and that they must be punished for it.
        I also think that if it happen , it will raise the status of women in their society.

  • Yes, I believe that people outside of Iran should speak out for the people who can't.I think that for the iran government to not let their people speak for what they think is right is very concerning. So, i do believe that people outside of iran should protest for what happened to Masha Amini and many others were very wrong and should be talked about and protested about. The Iran government deserves to give an apology to their people.

  • If the government is making it difficult for the Iranians to protest, outside Iran should speak out for them because it's not fair for the government to do that. Iranians that are inside could be suffering horribly.

  • People outside Iran should speak out for them because the Iranian government does not let the people in Iran protest.The police beat Masha Amini to death and they think she died from a heart attack and that is not fair for the government to make it difficult for people to protest.

  • If the Iranian government is making it difficult for Iranians to protest, then people outside should be able to protest for Iranians. I think this is because people in Iran are protesting about what or what not people in Iran should be wearing. Many women are protesting to not wear their hijabs and clothing they don't want to wear. A lot of women are cutting and shaving their hair because they don't want to wear their hijabs. That is their way of protesting to not wear their hijab or a type of clothing. So, yes people outside of Iran should be able to protest just like people protested for BLM and people actually helped. Then, people outside of Iran should help too.

  • People in Iran should watch out and speak out for them because the government won't let their own people protest
    against the death of masha amini. Some people in iran think she died of a heart attack but she actually died because she got beaten to death by the police the government didn't even apologize. She didn't deserve this and then they lie and say she had a heart attack

    1. I agree because they had no right to not apologize and continue like it was only a bump in the road. she needs justice, people need to speak up for iran and the people in it.

  • Yes of course people outside Iran should protest because if the Iran government blocked their peoples right to protest people outside Iran should stand hand by hand to at least show them they are not alone and to support them because the don't have gender equaltity and because wearing hijab is not something that woman is forced to do it's personal opinion. Also I think that we should go down to our countries streets and protest to Iran's girls that are arrosted for just wearing hijab also it's not about religions its about all people having the same rights, the same treatment and the same way of living.

  • Yes, I think people should be able to speak to get their opinion across to the government and other people. The people has the right to protest

    1. I agree because they need to get their point across and with help of other people they can

  • yes i think cause some people want to speak out but they are scared because of the government and they wont let them protest

  • Yes,They should speak out because they have a voice and they need to use it to speak up.They can't be quiet for ever know they need to speak up for good.If the government won't let them speak and also protest and show them that they need help on other stuff.They also need justice for the people form Iranians.The government should at least try to apologize and show that they care about the people. Then also to show that they were sorry for the mistake they made or that people made.

    1. How might a government show that it is sorry, placid_reality?

  • Yes, I feel like it is important to them to speak out, Its not fair that they are being controlled by a 61+ year old man. Even women are being controlled, One issue for women in Iran is their hairstyle, I feel like if they speak up then they all have a chance for their rights backs.

  • I do think the people should go outside and make A giant protest to make themselves have their own rights. The most important part of the protest, Clothes the women don't get to actually wear their own clothes since they want every woman in the country to wear a mask on their face, but males don't even need anything on them, So it is just discriminating women and men. I am also saying this as a Male

  • people should speak out well because they have their rights to stand up to themselves and if something bad happens and if people don't say anything who's going to speak or say something nobody. That's why people should speak out.

  • Yes I think that people outside Iran should Speak for them because the government should let everyone to speak for themselves and that they did some stuff wrong and it is not fair for that to happen.

  • i Feel that the people should speak out

  • Yes of course, people in iran and outside iran should speak out because they violated her rights and the gaverment should say anything about MAHSA AMINI at least pray for her mercy and the gaverment also making it dificult they have no mercy no peace. Where is the humanity?

  • Yes, I think people outside Iran should speak out for them because if the government won't let it's own people protest and show them what they did wrong then I feel like the rest of the world should try and show them that what they did to Masha Amini was not right and fair. And the government should at least try to apologize and show that they were sorry for the mistake they made.

    1. What is the right way for a government to apologies, glorious_sea?

  • Yes, people must speak out about what happened, let's recap and ask what happened? There was a woman who was killed because of not wearing hijab under the rule that says that hijab is a must in Islam but this is wrong because Islam is the religion of peace it doesn't say say that you should kill any body for doing something wrong. What happened isn't Islam its terrorism they make Islam look bad but it isn't true.

  • Yes I do think people should speak out, even if their from Iran or not because what's happening in Iran is not right. How can the police in Iran kill innocent women just because their not wearing their hijab properly or not wearing suititable clothes or even standing up for what happening. Especially what happened to Masha Amini was not fair neither right. Who could be sick in their right mind to beat a women to death just because she didn't wear her hijab properly.

  • I agree because
    ... Yes, it is fair that the state should allow all individuals and citizens to enjoy all their rights in their state, and it is not logical to hold them accountable for this act, and every person has the right to speak about his country and be proud of it, and I did not see that this is contrary to the law

  • I think people outside should speak for the people suffering in Iran because why should other countries pretend that world issues like this are not occurring? the government in Iran are making it hard for people to have a voice so I believe that we (outside Iran) should be their voice. Ignoring and not speaking out will allow more incidents to happen - if everyone is aware of the incidents and realise what is wrong, more could be done to try help and support those suffering.

  • Yes, I believe it is not only Iran that should speak out but every other country should too. Basic human rights of each person should be protected. I think it is our responsibility as a society to stand up for people who aren't able to reach out by themselves and help them. When your own country isn't allowing freedom to their citizens then it's our duty as humans to make them realize and become a voice for the people of Iran.

  • Our responsibility as human beings is to use our voices to speak out for those who have been smothered.
    As women, we face enough misogyny together. Alone, we become weaker and more susceptible to the demeaning words of contempt and the phrase 'just a woman'.
    Already, thousands of people all over Europe and North America have gone to the streets in protest, demonstrating their solidarity with the women of Iran. These are people who understand that the females of Iran aren't risking their lives in hopes of wearing a miniskirt to school or work, rather they are fighting for their freedom as people. Now they have been forcefully silenced, and we must project their voices so the Iranian government knows just how much they messed up when they decided to control the freedom of their women
    The Iranian government might think that by cutting off the internet, they are silencing females, but they don't know that behind Mahsa stands a global army of women strong enough to bring grown men to their knees.
    Congreve got it right when he said "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
    By denying the Iranian women the freedom and justice they deserve, they are scorning me, the Iranian women, and women all over the globe and our fury is a tangible thing, hinting at change looming over the horizon.

  • it is unfair for women in Iran to go to prison if they don't wear a head scarf and if they don't wear one they get beat by the police.

  • I think that people should speak out in Iran and I think that the way the government are treating Iranians is not fair

  • It is a human right to express an opinion, and that is what is stipulated in international agreements. Therefore, women must work to communicate their opinion in any possible way, whether through protest, pressure and advocacy.

  • Yes I think that people of Iran should speak out because the rules of the government are too much strict. People should speak out for their better future. When a girl died due to not wearing hijab in Iran it should not be necessary to wear hijab all the time. It is a muslim country so many things are banned there like no public kisses, no alcohol, wearing fancy clothes by women,LGBTQ community etc. PEople need to speak for making some changes in the rules of Iran and for upcoming future.

  • I think people outside the Iran should speak for the Iranians when the government is making it difficult for Iranians to protest.If the Iran government is not allowing Iranians to speak other countries and people should fight for the justice in the case of Mahsa Amini . Iranian government has strict rules and regulations for Iran.Since the girl is born in their family they are forced to wear hijab and burkhas.But why there's not any strict rules for men like girls?Is this a kind of gender inequality?It's our duty as a human to help in need so we all country's people should be united and talk about the recent case and fight for the right and justice for Iranian women's. The Iranian government will realize if voice from the world for equal rights is raised . Following their religion is good but each and every one still doesn't like to wear hijab but they are forced too.There were many actions taken when people were raising voice for Mahsa .We all people can raise voice for her and behave equally.

  • I agree because... Iran does not respect the law of expressing one’s opinion, and in some areas it is similar to the population’s willingness to submit to it without any resistance. Therefore, large organizations such as the International Human Rights Organization should speak up to curb this rebellion.

  • From my point of view and the view of many people outside of Iran, they should speak on behalf of Iranians. Of course, it is our duty to fight for equality between men and women in this patriarchal society, and to defend human rights because it shows reality in a human sense.
    I believe that if people from outside the region of Iran speak on behalf of the Iranians, the Iranian government will reconsider the rights of its people that are deprived of them, and I really hope so!!
    Abandoning the defense of human rights is wrong. We have to be hand in hand and do everything we can to achieve this work.. We demand our right and equality, do you hear us?!

  • No matter if we are on the opposite ends of the world, we are still united as one and will work together to ensure there is everlasting faith in humanity. Therefore, I believe people outside Iran should protest. As Daring Cherry has commented, I completely agree with the fact that it is our responsibility and not just the citizen's in Iran to fight for gender inequality to restore peace in the world. Some may not have the voice to speak up when they want to but others stay silent when they have the voice, the power to influence others. We must take action.

  • If the people of Iran can't express their feelings by protesting for their right as a citizen of Iran and for the 22 years old Masha Amini ,then I think people outside the country should speak for them, because it is not right for one to take another person's life simply because of an is unfair and she might have her reason for not wearing it ,so therefore order country should fight for the lost life in Iran and the government should correct the mistake and curb the act.

  • In my opinion, everyone living on this Earth is like a brother or a sister. I would like to quote the poem "No Men Are Foreign", Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes like ours. We all should fight for others, no matter what country they live in. We must support people in need especially women like these whose basic rights are being taken away. Everyone deserves to live a free life without limitations. If the Iranian government is making it difficult for Iranians to protest, we should speak out for them. Our voice can make a huge difference in their lives. This can improve their living conditions. Our actions won't go in vain, they will help them as well as us in the future in some way or another. Do good, Have good, It makes you feel good!!

  • Surely ! People outside Iran must speak out for them. Rules of Iran is very strict. Government of iran is making it difficult for them (iranians) to protest. In My Opinion, Eveyone in a society or community has equal rights. As we all know, Mahasa Amini a Journalist was arrested for not wearing haijab and also she was died during this contingency and the irani women were protesting in favour of Mahasa. But the government banned the protest. So, Now people outside Iran are protesting on their behalf. From my perspective the rule of wearing haijab compulsory for all girls should be modified. Its unfair how the girls in iran are being treated and are having to hide there hair and cut it off. They shouldn't have to feel ashamed of who they are. Soo yeahh !! We should help them to get equal rights and that brings out the true meaning of humanity. In Conclusion, I want to say that, If the Iranian Government is making difficult for iranians to protest, Definitely People outside iran should speak out for Iranians as they are not getting the proper rights to spend their lives as they want...

    1. Thanks for your comment! I don't believe Mahasa Amini was a journalist, but journalists reported about her death.

      1. My research was internet based so must have been some misinformation. Thankyou for the info will consider not to make the same mistake again.

        1. Thanks openminded_ostrich! What could you do in future to make sure that any information you find online is reliable?

  • yes,I think people in Iran should speak up if the government is not allowing people to protest. Some laws are ridiculous and silly. People need chances to spread there words.

  • We should be helping them but peacefully

  • Yes we need to support them from the outside of Iran because we can’t just leave them to stand alone we have to help now

  • i think if people in Iran cant protest then people outside of Iran should protest because what happened Masha Amini was not right.

  • I think the rest of the world should also speak up because we also have a responsibility as global citizens to make sure that everyone is treated the same whether they are men or women. I also think that the government should allow women to choose whether or not to wear a headscarf. A good start would be to have more women in Parliament in Iran. Maybe if we protest in the streets as well, the Iranian government will see what they're doing and see how many lives they're affecting. This is the responsibility of men as well as women! The situation in Iran is very bad for women there. We watched a video in class about this and it made us angry. So the immediate answer is that people outside of Iran should speak up. But then we have to see what the effects will be. Will that really help? The Ukraine war has been in the news for a long time and we know the effect of people speaking out is Russia calling foreign aid “spies,” which has given the Russian government even more reason to be violent towards its own citizens. So, if we talk, will this lead to more violence in Iran? Or can we put pressure on our government to intervene? I also have a question: Should Western countries only use diplomacy to help people suffering from human rights abuse, or should they opt for military intervention?

  • i think that people should speak out in Iran as Mahsa Amini died due to the morality police so they must be angry. they should be able to be angry about Mahsa Amini dying police who are trying to keep people safe have killed someone

  • In India, we believe in, and propagate a concept known as "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam"- which loosely translates into, "All the world is one family." And in that case, is it not our responsibility to speak out against atrocities and crimes committed against our brothers and sisters, even if they belong to a country that has different beliefs and thoughts?

    The rest of the world has an opportunity to speak out for those whose voices are being forcefully silenced, and it would be a true indictment on all of humanity if we do not help them out in whatever way we can. All it takes, all it starts from may be something as simple as a single tweet in their support. If this gains traction on a global level, the Iranian government may succumb to the pressure, and it is only right that we do our part, given the security that our freedoms of speech afford us.

  • I agree that we should speak out because if we don't stop government might continue this ,Afghanistan woman are also suffering human rights so we should speak out.

  • I think that the people should speakout because there is freedom of speech and fair hearing ,cause the citizen of irain can be in need or they can be in danger so they need to stand up to their government because women need to have a say because it is there right. the world has now started changing where women were suppressed in the past but now women and all femals gender has theri right to speak and free away from their consistition if needed be.

  • People should speak out because, the people in Iran are getting fined and getting imprisoned just for how they dress and for how or what they believe and if they can't we should .If you where in Iran would you want some one to support your choice . Even if you have to go against the government it's for human rights .

  • I think that they should most definitely speak out, because I believe that the future is only dependent on actions of the past, and so while this issue is still prominent in the present, protests should most definitely go ahead. I also believe that society has more of an impact than the government does when it comes to laws, not only because society is of a bigger scale, but because people simply will not listen to the laws if they do not believe in them and so the government has no other choice but to change their decisions in order to create peace.

  • Yes, I think people out Iran should speak for them and when more people speak it can help them get the message through the government in iran to protest because when the government sees more people who think what there doing is wrong. They might change the things they are doing in iran.

  • Yes, i think the people inside and outside Iran should speak up because unlike any other country they have little to no rights and because of that they should speak up for themselves, not just sit around and do nothing as their rights are being taken away.

  • Should people speak out for Iran? Yes, I say that people should speak out because the way that Iran is treating their women is wrong. The women in Iran are taking off their hijabs in front of the police and are getting beaten up, even killed just for doing this. Imagine you are comfortable in your house and then you suddenly hear a gunshot. This must be very terrifying for the women, they could've been that person that got shot if they weren't wearing their hijab. The women are trying very hard to achieve their goal of not being forced to wear their hijab. The government is being very cruel to them, they should have their freedom to do whatever they want.

    1. I agree because lots of women are getting killed for not wearing their hijabs or taking off their hijabs. They should have the freedom that they want.

  • Yes, I think the people who are outside of Iran should speak up because forcing women to wear that they don't which is ruining women's freedom which Masha Amini did. She takes out her hijab and cuts her hair just to protest that we want our own freedom. After that Amini was arrested by the moral police for promoting a protest then she died of a harsh beat up of the moral police which other Iranish women started protest for Mahsa Amini for what did the government did. So I think that the outside people not in Iran should help to stop inequality for the women.

  • Yes, people outside Iran should protest for Iranians, because if the government won't let its own people protest to show them what they did wrong, then people outside of Iran should be able to protest against the government.

  • Yes, I think they deserved to speak out because there are taking off their scarves and waving it in front of the anti- riot police.Also school children in iran share ong and messages of protest but hide their faces. I don't know why they are doing this in Iran, but they need to stop this. This law isn't fair to woman's, They deserved more this.

  • The topic which interests me the most is the PROTEST IN IRAN.

    A young lady was killed simply because she was not on hijab which I'm sure would cause a lot of pain in the heart of the Iranian pool.

    They live in bondage and they are asked to obey whatever law that is given to them, still they are not given the freedom to speak out.

    Well, I think that if the Iranian government is making it difficult for Iranians to exercise their rights. I'm sure the government would not silence the non-Iranians. so, I think it is best to speak out for them because of young Mahsa Amini, who was pressurized to death because she was without hijab.This will come to a point when they will begin to kill them for no or silly reasons but before it gets to that point,let us speak out for them, via any platform possible.

  • the government is not being fair and I think Iran should speak up.

  • People outside of Iran should speak for them because the rest of the world should know what they have done to Mahsa Amini was not right and fair. They have killed Mahsa Amini for not wearing a hijab properly and people can't force others how they should wear. Everyone should make their own decisions. The governments should at least say sorry and apologise for the mistake they have made because it isn't fair that someone had to die for not wearing something properly.

  • i certanly think that they should speak out for themselves they cant be forced to wear something that is uncomfortable for them thats just peer pressure

  • Why not?, ok think the Iran people should speak up for them selves and I also think that other people should speak up too for them because if their government can not listen to them they might listen to other people like they say two heads are better than one. They need to speak against gender inequalities and discrimination,we are all human and it is our responsibility to speak for ourselves and also fight against violation of one's rights like they did to the Iranian girl. We are human we all have right to life and choice,it is not anybody to right to choice to or us
    So they need to speak up and we ad human need to add lso speak for them either you are a Christian or not we need to speak up for our fellow human because we are human.

  • yes they should because it is sad that they are force by the Iran government to wear something which do not want to wear which is wrong, Women should be able to wear what they want and what they feel happier in because the world would be an even sadder place if all women who live in Iran need to wear something which they do not want to wear, but it went too far and I am talking about what happened the Masha Amini, it was not right and it should never happen again the any other person

  • It is unfair to the girls because they shouldn’t have to feel ashamed of who they are. They shouldn’t have to be burning there headscarf’s or cutting off there hair.

  • People outside Iran should speak on their behalf as the Iranian Government are trying to spread lies on what is happening when we already know the full story. If only the woman speak out then the lies would been sent to the whole world easily by now, probably half of the whole world would've forgotten the full story,have believed the Iranian Government and rebuked the woman of Iran so it is important to speak out,support Iran during their hard time and try to remember those woman and schoolchildren who lost their lives protesting for the rights of woman and girl and speaking out against the morality police.

  • in April 1983 in IRAN it was announced to wear hijab and it was applied for both Muslim and NON Muslim and foreign people visiting Iran and now a days there is a problem of wearing hijab is raised in Iran MAHSA AMINI a journalist was arrested for not wearing hijab and she was died during these crisis and Irani women were protesting in favour of Mahsa and government banned the protest and now other countries are protesting on their behalf and in my opinion the rule of wearing hijab for everyone should b
    e modified and it should be valid only for Muslims because every one have the right to spend their lives according to their will we cannot force them to do what we want and we then this should not be compulsory for everyone because it is against humanity to force someone to do something and it will lead to very dangerous consequence and I think the protest for them in other countries is not right and it is not good to meddle in other people affairs let them solve their problems on their own and we should not bother them the government should be willing to make their laws and apply them

  • I think people outside Iran should speak because the government refused the people inside the country to speak for themselves so the different countries will start wondering which will lead countries to pop the nose in to Iran.

    1. Sometimes "pop your nose in" can be seen as a negative thing. Do you mean it in a positive way or a negative way? How might the Iranian government see it?

  • Yes, I believe that it is our responsibility to speak out. It's very difficult for people in Iran to protest as they are being brutally and unfairly punished. We shouldn't watch this happen and not do anything about it.

  • Should people outside Iran speak out?
    I have always been very sensitive when coming to people doing cruel things to other people, as it happened with Mahsa Amini. Her case made me instantly feel bad for her. It is very hard for me to imagine such things happening and how people are actually capeble of doing them. I guess just because they don't happen in my country or in front of my eyes, it doesn't mean they don't happen at all. In my view, people outside Iran should definitely speak out. Maybe if we would speak out more often about more things, then those things will stop happening so often. I think closing our eyes at such things hoping the problems will solve by their own, is just the easy and useless way. But this is not a solution. I think we should all start caring about others more, since we would wish others to care about us if something bad happens to us.

    1. This is very honest, thank you memorable_cookie. It also got me thinking. You said we should care about others more "since we would wish others to care about us if something happened to us". What do you think motivates people to help others? Is it just this? Or something else?

  • Yes, people should speak out because police brutality is hurting a lot of families. The people outside of Iran help fight police brutality so people wouldn't have to suffer as much, the police are making life harder for people in Iran.

  • Everyone should have the right to wear what they want.

  • People should have the right to wear what they want to

  • People should speak up for Iranians because if they can't be able to protest then people outside of Iran can help them spread the word for the Iranians' movement. They outsiders can't get banned by the Iranian government because that's not their government so they can be able to stand up for Iran without a problem and spread the world for Iran to get it's destiny.

  • In my opinion, I think people outside the Iranian country should have a right to help them protest. My reason is because everyone should have the right to say something whether they agree or disagree with the comment being made. But my issue is, why are the Iranian Government not allowing their own people to have a say? Wouldn't that make their country worse because they won't fully understand what is happening in the country. Also, this situation with Mahsa Amini is dreadful, so let the people speak, let them have their right.

  • I think people outside Iran should speak out for the Iranians since the government is making it difficult for them to protest because as humans, its our responsibility to protect and fight for gender equality and human rights because that's what brings us together and brings out the true meaning of humanity. If the people outside Iran come up and talk then maybe the government of Iran might reconsider and value its peoples rights as a result of pressure from the
    human rights fighters that have come up. Not speaking for the Iranians will mean that we are abandoning the cause of human rights and equality and will show that over the years,human rights protecting organisations like Armnesty International have been working in vain.Take an example of George Froyd,a black in america who was killed by policemen.After the public spoke and protested against this act,there were several police reforms enacted in relation to protection of human rights.

  • I think people outside Iran should speak out for the Iranians since the government is making it difficult for them to protest because as humans, its our responsibility to protect and fight for gender equality and human rights because that's what brings us together and brings out the true meaning of humanity. If the people outside Iran come up and talk then maybe the government of Iran might reconsider and value its peoples rights as a result of pressure from the
    human rights fighters that have come up. Not speaking for the Iranians will mean that we are abandoning the cause of human rights and equality and will show that over the years,human rights protecting organisations like Armnesty International have been working in vain.Take an example of George Froyd,a black in america who was killed by policemen.After the public spoke and protested against this act,there were several police reforms enacted in relation to protection of human rights.