A new realm to rule?

Experts from The Economist newspaper have predicted that 2023 will be “the year of the Metaverse”. But as more people establish themselves in the virtual world, big questions are beginning to arise. For example…

...should people in the metaverse be held to the same standards as in the real world? For example, if they behave badly or if they do something good? What examples can you think of?

...what rules should there be? For example, should people have more freedom online than they do in the real world?

...and most importantly, who should have the power to decide the answer to these questions? The creators of the metaverse? Governments? The general public? Or someone else?

Comments (152)

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  • Reality is one thing but virtual reality is another. Think about it this way, is not freedom to do whatever we wanted not something most of us would be welcome to the idea of? But why do we still have rules and laws? Because there needs to be a balance amongst liberties. If the same standards did not go for the metaverse, then why connect it to human beings who need guidiance and order to be recognised as a higher life form which differentiates us from the others. Many think they can do with out the bore of regulations, but the fact is none of us can, no matter how aversed we are to them. It is evident in the history lessons we learnt from the the slave trade where there were no laws to stop the exploitation of black people. Then again, There are several examples of when civi disobedience against abirtrary and despotic rule was necessary for social change, take for example the salt march led by Mahatma Gandhi to protest on British imposed high expense on it and Claudette Colvin, who became the first African American who refused to give up her seat on a bus to stand up for racial segregation. The picture I am trying paint is this, as much as laws are important, unprejudiced and equipoised laws are even more essential for the worldly society, whether real or virtual. If a woman was not allowed to join a company's communication platform for working purposes because it is what goes for that company in regards to its own rule, what kind of situation would that be?
    To answer the third question, I think everyone has the right to decide the answers because they are questions that affect all of society and not just a part of it. I believe the metaverse is designed for the people so let the people be able to experience it and have a voice on it. What should be done is the allowance to create a wide range communicative platform for all kinds of people to bring their own ideas and opinions with everone else's and let it be known to the people who are in a better position to bring about the change that is needed.

    1. Hello, talented sea,
      First off I would like to say I agree with your comment and I like how you gave solid and understandable answers to the questions or points listed above but I have some questions to pose based on your comment.
      Do you think the metaverse can overcome the real world positively? Do you think people who do not have freedom will be able to have freedom in the metaverse? Do you think the Metaverse can help reduce climate change or help spread the word across? Do you think the Metaverse can be a place where creatures or people of the real world can call their "home"? Do you think there will be bigger issues in the metaverse that the real world has not encountered? Do you think the Metaverse needs a ruler and who or which people do you think can rule the Metaverse and why?

      1. The metaverse can be a place where there would be no serious wars because instead of loosing real lives in cases of war, it can be fought or rather conflicts can be settled in the metaverse. With the use of the metaverse to countries that are not on good terms can assert dominance in a virtual world while protecting the lives of innocent people. Also, the metaverse can create job oppurtunities for software engineers that canhelp in detecting and correcting the flaws on the metaverse. After a lot of consideration i think that the down sides of the metaverse have been outweighed by the advantages. Also some major problems about the metaverse that were stated in the course of the discussion were tackled and solutions came up.

  • Well in all honesty I feel like the metaverse should be held in almost the same standard... Why did I say so well I honestly feel like the whole point of the metaverse is to make people matter. The metaverse could mean potential new minds interacting with each other. Why I don't support it fully is the mataverse if we believe it or not could be very risky it is easy to impersonate others and it may make it way easier to cyber bully people. I hope genuinely that my point is somewhat clear. According to techtarger.com the biggest fear which I mentioned -Bad behavior, in the real world, on the internet and across social media has likewise occurred in existing metaverse-like experiences. Some women, for example, reported that their avatars were groped. Organizations will have to think about the potential for such problems and what safeguards and policies they'll need to establish to address those issues. Unless problems like this can be solved then the meta verse might not be that safe.

    1. Who should be the ones setting the rules in the Metaverse?

      1. When it comes to ruling the meta verse it's quite a more sensitive matter than we think. Well I read this review by a student in Harvard University and I loved it he said and I quote "The internet platforms we have experienced thus far have been an observational experience that principally harnessed text and video. The metaverse is an experience of participatory immersion in which real world people, problems, and patterns come to life." I know that it sounds far-fetched but maybe we don't really need to worry about who exactly makes the rules just yet, I mean the metaverse is actually years away truth be told the metaverse does give me a little bit worry I mean the metaverse brings the promise of new tools for education, entertainment, medicine, and commerce. At the same time, it imports the problems associated with the current digital platforms while creating a host of new issues as well. We have yet to successfully deal with the problems created by the current digital platforms; the metaverse should be the impetus to rectify those abuses while getting in front of the challenges to come. According to the same article by Harvard University We are told the metaverse is years away, giving us time to figure out how to deal with its ill effects while encouraging its positive features. Failure to develop meaningful policies now - on an international basis - however, will mean we did not learn the lesson of the last multiple decades of internet exploitation by a handful of companies and how the companies write their own rules at the expense of the public interest.

        The online challenges with which we wrestle today, such as privacy, competition, and misinformation, will be supercharged by the intrusive, immersive, individually identifiable, and manipulative nature of the metaverse. On top of this, the metaverse expands the problems inherent in unsupervised online communities such as harassment, manipulation, personal safety and the safety of children.

        The problems created by the digital platforms of today were, for the most part, an unexpected surprise. We cannot claim such innocence about the metaverse. The experience with social media is a warning about what happens when public interest expectations are not part of digital innovation, when “build it and be damned” is the rule. Policy makers need to come to grips with – preferably get ahead of – the new technology with focus equal to those who are creating the new challenges. "We are told the metaverse is years away, giving us time to figure out how to deal with its ill effects while encouraging its positive features. Failure to develop meaningful policies now - on an international basis - however, will mean we did not learn the lesson of the last multiple decades of internet exploitation by a handful of companies and how the companies write their own rules at the expense of the public interest.

        The online challenges with which we wrestle today, such as privacy, competition, and misinformation, will be supercharged by the intrusive, immersive, individually identifiable, and manipulative nature of the metaverse. On top of this, the metaverse expands the problems inherent in unsupervised online communities such as harassment, manipulation, personal safety and the safety of children.

        I mean can we see all the potential problems honestly I'm more concerned about this than who makes the rules because clearly we know that rules are as easy to manipulate as they are to make.

        1. Thanks for sharing, here is the link for others to see this article.

          Can you pick out what you think is the most important point from the article and explain why it is an important point?

          1. Thanks for sharing the article, according to me the most important point of the article is that" metaverse may be virtual but the impact of it is real". They have explained the harsh truth about metaverse in a easy language.

        2. I agree because when we get the internet right, and deal with cybercrime and bullying that will reduce negative behaviours on the metaverse

      2. I think that policy makers should get ahead of what is going on before the metaverse gets too big. That is why I think some people are putting certain developments with the metaverse on hold.

        1. can you talk more about what some of the developments that are being put on hold are marvellous_fig?

          1. Well honestly I think the metaverse could be most easily improved in the next year by increasing accessibility to this technology. There are many current metaverse experiences that require immersive technologies to operate, such as the use of pre-existing virtual reality headsets and equipment.

        2. I concur with you, why? because we can't tell the reason behind this metaverse and on top of that they should have to be brought on board to clarify the public about it and give the appropriate merits and demerits of the metaverse .

        3. I strongly agree with the point that policymakers should get ahead of what is going on before the metaverse gets too big. As the metaverse continues to grow and evolve, it will become increasingly important to establish clear guidelines and regulations that can help ensure that the platform is safe and secure for all users. I think one of the most paramount challenges of the metaverse is that it is a new and rapidly developing space, with many unknowns and uncertainties. I feel that without proper oversight and regulation, there is a risk that the metaverse could be used to facilitate harmful or illegal activities, such as cyberbullying, harassment, or fraud. Moreover, the metaverse raises important questions about data privacy, ownership, and control, which will require careful consideration and policy development. By putting certain developments with the metaverse on hold, policymakers can take the time to study the potential risks and benefits of the platform and develop policies and regulations that can help mitigate the risks and maximize the benefits. This could include measures such as age-proof, content restraint, and user privacy protections, among others hence, I think policymakers should do these things and more in order to never fall behind on what's happening in the Metaverse.

      3. I do not think that the authority is the one that should rule the virtual world, but rather the creative and intelligent people, where the virtual reality must be dealt with with intelligence and creativity and not with authority, judgment and arrogance

      4. In my opinion, the governments of the country should monitor and set the rules of the metaverse because they are fully aware of the rules of the country and they should set the laws, comply with them and strictly adhere to them because of the dangers of the metaverse on the people and impose on them consequences similar to the consequences that are imposed on the people in the real world

        1. How would you see this working when there are two users on the metaverse who reside in different countries in the real world?

      5. The governments. It will still be the people talking, just with representatives. If the general public sets the rules, there may be a lot of contrasting opinions.

      6. I think the general public should be the ones setting the rules in the metaverse because they are the ones going to be governed by the laws and they should agree on what and what not to do while in the virtual world.

        1. Interesting point @exuberant_nature - do you think the general public is equipped with the right knowledge to make rules?

          1. I don't think so but because they are the ones going to use the metaverse, they should have a say in the matter.

          2. I don't think so, some people who will enter the metaverse will enter it as a game and not a complete virtual world, so the general public is not equipped with the correct knowledge, as they will only put the laws that suit them, and they think that they are good, they will not look at the other aspects of the laws that they will put!!
            I prefer that the inventor of the Metaverse himself is the person who is equipped with the correct knowledge to set the rules and laws in the Metaverse.

          3. The general public should have a say in the formation of laws because they are the ones who use the metaverse but people will definitely have contrasting opinions some people would prefer different things from others which is why there should be a main body or management in charge of the rules.

          4. I think that the general public isn't equipped with the right knowledge to make the rules because since they are the ones going to use the metaverse, they might want to make rules that might favour a specific race, country, or tribe. Moreover, some of the rules they might make may be absurd and it might negatively affect the growth or development of the metaverse.

      7. Great question!

        The rules in the Metaverse should be set by people who are experts in technology, virtual reality, and also laws and regulations. This could include tech companies that create the Metaverse, government officials who help regulate the technology industry, and even experts in fields like psychology or ethics.

        For example, let's say you're playing a game in the Metaverse that involves trading virtual items with other players. Companies that make these games might set rules to make sure everyone plays fairly and no one cheats. Government officials might also create laws to protect users' privacy and ensure that people aren't using the Metaverse for illegal activities.

        In short, it's important to have a variety of people with different skills and expertise come together to create rules that will keep the Metaverse safe, fun, and fair for everyone.

    2. I understand your concerns about the metaverse and its potential risks. However, I respectfully disagree with your statement. While it is true that the metaverse poses certain challenges, I believe that its immense potential for positive impact outweighs the risks involved. Firstly, the metaverse has the power to revolutionize the way we connect and collaborate. It offers an unprecedented opportunity for people from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations to come together, share knowledge, and foster meaningful relationships. By transcending physical limitations, the metaverse can bridge gaps and create a sense of global community like never before.

      Secondly, the metaverse has the potential to empower individuals and amplify their impact. It can serve as a platform for creative expression, entrepreneurship, and innovation. People can unleash their talents, showcase their ideas, and contribute to the collective progress of society. The metaverse can democratize access to resources and opportunities, leveling the playing field for individuals regardless of their socioeconomic status.

      While it is true that issues like impersonation and cyberbullying are concerns, it is crucial to recognize that these challenges are not unique to the metaverse. Similar issues already exist in the real world and on the internet. What's important is to address these problems through responsible design, robust security measures, and comprehensive policies. As technology evolves, so does our ability to mitigate risks and protect users within the metaverse.

      It's worth noting that advancements in artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and user authentication systems can enhance security and identity verification within the metaverse. By implementing strong safeguards, developing strict protocols, and fostering a culture of digital ethics, we can create a safer and more inclusive metaverse for all participants.
      In conclusion, while acknowledging the potential risks, I firmly believe that the metaverse has the capacity to positively transform society. By leveraging its power to connect, inspire, and empower individuals, we can shape a metaverse that truly embodies the values of collaboration, creativity, and mutual respect. With responsible development and collective efforts, we can build a metaverse that is both transformative and safe for all users.
      In light of the potential of the metaverse and the concerns surrounding its safety, In my opinion, a reasonable question to consider is: How can we strike a balance between harnessing the transformative power of the metaverse and ensuring the safety and well-being of its users?

  • In my own opinion, I think metaverse should not be held in almost same standard as the real world. Why I say so, well what are we enduring in the real world and when the metaverse is a new world to communicate with other people who we have not connected before, the new technolgyadvance

  • As we all know the meta verse is a virtual world made for the purpose of everything like, learning, playing, working and other real life activities. So the question is who should be in charge of the meta verse?, well in my opinion there should laws just like there is in real life because if there are no rules there will be a lot of crimes such as cyber bullying fraud etc… and besides the main purpose of the meta-verse is so people can have a real time experience across large distance, so if there aren’t any rules and people are allowed to do all they want, there will be lots of problems.

    That being said only a hand full of people can get access to the Meta verse because it would be very expensive. Also when it comes to who will be in charge I think every country should be represented in making laws giving all countries a fair representation of the people who made the technology and the people using it, should participate in making laws.

    1. Do you think poorer people and countries should be supported to join the metaverse? If no, why not? And if yes, how?

      1. Yes I think poorer people and countries should be supported to join the metaverse. They can be supported by being given access to rent VR devices, also the government should set up technology hubs in poor neighborhoods and corporations could also set up technology hubs as part of their corporate social responsibility, also the community could come together and provide a few VR devices for their collective use.

      2. I think we must strongly support the poor groups and communities in the world to enter the metaverse, and this is for several reasons: 1- Alleviating their suffering in terms of entertainment, games, conversations and events that are always spread on social networking sites. 2- To spread openness, knowledge and development in those societies, and to innovate to meet their needs. 3- Draw the attention of the world to these marginalized communities and groups to provide aid and donations to them. 4- Encouraging cultural exchange, so those who admire the culture of that country will appear and come to visit it, and thus promote tourism in the country, then provide job opportunities, then provide income for workers, and thus attract projects and investments in the poor country.

      3. Well, since the metaverse is supposed to be better and more furnished version of our real world achieving that will mean eliminating some errors that exists amongst us that are not meant to be, one such errors is discrimination and inequality. Whether we like it or not we are all humans and even though some us are more privileged than others it gives us no right to look down on them rather we should look at each other as one and if we are one then we should develop as one we shouldall enjoy the metaverse together. So i say there's no leaving anyone behind "WE MOVE AS ONE".

      4. I think poorer countries should be supported to join the metaverse by extending funds to them and educating them about the dangers and advantages of using metaverse.

      5. I think poorer people should be supported to join the metaverse. How? The government should improve on people's way of earning income by;
        Creating more employment opportunities.
        Increasing people's salary.
        Creating more districts.

      6. No, if poorer and countries are supported to join the metaverse they will think they are now rich enough to do everything and i also think when they go to the metaverse they will copy the immoral behavior in the metaverse since in the metaverse people have bad behavior and in addition to this the poorer and countries should not be supported to join the metaverse.

        1. What 'poor behaviour' in richer countries are you talking about?

      7. Yes, I think poorer people should be supported to join the metaverse, and I think the government should help with that, in Nigeria some poor people don't even have phones...the government should be able to provide for them and it could even aid in educating them.

    2. I liked your comment because indeed, when we stand at the concept of a good world, there must be justice. Setting laws by just people and the people's commitment to them will reduce the problems that the world will face

    3. I agree with your point that only a handful of people can get access to the Metaverse because of how expensive it is but I never really thought about how countries should be in charge of making laws. I believed that if there were to be laws in the Metaverse it would be from the creators of Metaverse but I like how you said that each country should be represented.

      1. I agree with your comment..... because I feel it is key that each country should be represented in making laws because traditions, cultures, religions, etc might differ. In my opinion, if each of these is held into consideration then will not be any conflicts between countries or people in the metaverse making it a safe environment.

      2. I agree because... because some countries are really in poor conditions but they also wish to join the meta verse Therefore some powerful and rich countries should come in to help the poor because some of the countries that can join the meta verse may really insult the ones that can't make it .Also some countries will use this as an opportune moment to destroy others. For example if Uganda can't make it to the meta verse and a country that is not in good relationship with it makes it ,don't you think that country can destroy Uganda since it can't afford joining the meta verse?

    4. I agree with you that there should be some rules in the Metaverse to restrict a few actions and control the amount of crimes or problems that may occur. I also agree that every country should be making the laws for that specific country. This can give Metaverse users a little bit more freedom since every country has different laws or rules, or it may restrict people a little more. With this being said, the Metaverse is a virtual world for people to enjoy themselves, and people shouldn't have any trouble related to these rules if they do the right thing.

    5. I agree with this comment because having laws keep society in balance. A lack a balance causes anarchy and chaos. This same concept should also apply to the metaverse. Even though it is digital, the CRIMES committed should still hold the same weight.

  • Yes people should be held to the same standards as in the real world, because the metaverse is not real and if someone try to do something and fails that person will learn from his/her mistake and will have the chance to repeat it till he/she get it right and when that person get it right it will help that person in the real world.
    When someone try to learn how to drive a car, bake a cake etc.
    There should be more rules like safety rules because some people will not schedule their time and spend their whole time in it.
    Safety rules
    Specific time to visit the metaverse
    The metaverse should be ruled by the creator of the metaverse, because only he may know the dangers of it and he deserves to rule it.

    1. That's an interesting point. So you think the metaverse gives people the chance to try new things so that they can then do them better in the real world? Almost like a test run?

      1. Exactly, yes we should use it for a good purpose like correcting ourselves, understand our, mistakes and even they can try many experiments in metaverse and if it was succeeded we can implement in our real world ... The government can test new rules in metaverse..

      2. This is such a cool idea, straightforward_moth. Do you have any ideas the sort of thing that could be tested? For example, the experiments or rules you mentioned?

        1. There are some major issues in the word that we're still battling with. Having them tested in the metaverse to see if it will work can give us a better way of solving them.
          The world is going through climate change crisis and sustainable solutions have been made to reduce the effects. Creating tougher climate laws is one of the solutions suggested for us but people are thinking it will not be attainable easily in their countries. Trying these laws in the metaverse will help create a better way of making people follow the rules without them feeling its tough.
          Also we've had different opinion of people in this topical talk on whether people should be allowed to strike or not considering the positive and negative effect it has.. The responses gotten are like 50-50% from peoples different perspectives. The meterverse can make us come up with sustainable and better ways of preventing strikes.
          Scientists have been conducting various researches and test to come up with an effective HIV vaccine. The metaverse will give them a faster way to conduct their tests and they can easily have access to other researches will will enable them run different hypothesis and come up with a permanent vaccine.

      3. Yes
        FACT: This would make our life simple and easy to those who see the positive side of the metaverse and take use of the metaverse advantage.

      4. Yes ,we will be able to do all the things easily in the virtual world that we can't be able to do in our real world. So,we can enjoy our life in the virtual world, but we must ensure that we use them for a limited time but not be addicted to it.

      5. I think that the metaverse actually does give people a chan e to try new things...the metaverse is more advanced and modified than the real world for example driving a car maybe...learning to drive using VR is safer than using and actual car.

  • Hi,
    Metaverse like a VR (virtual reality) where we can take a look of new world that the world which is created by the human being s artificially. We can spend time with enjoyment and others can also enter into the Metaverse . But for the question Metaverse can be entertainment but it can't be equal to the real world example:
    In the Metaverse we can't eat a food it can done in the virtual but it doesn't fill our hunger when we in the real world we can eat the in the reality it fill our hunger. If we do the bad things in the real world it affects our image and pride of our family. But in the Metaverse the wrong thing it's can be hided from the society and if it's revealed that can't be identified such easily . If the some hacker in people of the Metaverse hacked the credit money should be given to an account when the hacker takes it we can't do any thing in the Metaverse because the hacker is specialist
    in the technology so we can't do such actions which we perform in the real world. Metaverse should only for good technology development and only for proper things. It should be only parental guidance for the children . The children who are below 18 years should have a safety .To avoid the Metaverse used in the wrong ways . The rules of the Metaverse should be created by the government because the government have a certain restrictions to the general public to how to use it properly in the right way. The Metaverse can helpful in the new experience about the artificial world which is created by the human beings

    1. Interesting point about food! Do you think the government are knowledgeable enough to create rules for the metaverse?

      1. I'm not sure about this because but the government is also knowledge to create the rules for Metaverse

      2. Not really I think Governments ought to develop the network, financial and technical capabilities to make Metaverse for citizens, a reality. The Governments should be ready to address data protection, cyber security, digital identity, and other digital policy issues.In the near future, government services could become available in virtual worlds such as the Metaverse, making it possible to perform tasks such as paying taxes and voting from inside VR/AR experiences. 
        That opens up new opportunities for governments to offer their services in an entirely new way, potentially totally changing how governments interact with their citizens and provide public services, and increasing transparency and efficiency while decreasing costs and complexity.I see a future where all of us will be able to engage with governments in the Metaverse either directory or through our avatars to participate in a policymaking, obtaining information and services from AI-enabled government virtual representatives that will provide a human-like experience to citizens or users. Having said that, this requires governments to make several important decisions about integrating themselves into the Metaverse and what role they should play in this increasingly immersive online virtual world

        1. This is really interesting thinking! I like that you are thinking about how we might operate with people in governments or be mobilised to help with policy-making.

      3. Yes, I think the government are knowledgeable enough to make rules in the metaverse because the government is not only one person but a group of people and as the saying goes, two heads are better than one.

      4. I don't think the government are knowledgeable enough to create rules for the metaverse on their own but they could come together with the management or creators of the metaverse to create rules that would benefit and ensure satefy of both the government and citizens.

      5. Governments have experience creating rules and regulations for new technologies such as the internet, social media, and e-commerce. Therefore, it's possible that they could create rules for the metaverse as well. However, the nature of the metaverse is different from these previous technologies, and it may require a different approach.

        It's also important to note that the metaverse is likely to be a global phenomenon, and therefore, international cooperation will be needed to establish consistent and effective regulations. This will require collaboration between governments, industry stakeholders, and other relevant organizations to ensure that the metaverse is safe and secure for all users.

  • I don't think it's a good idea to let the general public decide the answers to the questions. As soon as I thought about it, it came to my mind that people would choose everything that was comfortable and suitable for them and they would disagree a lot with each other, and I don't think they would think about the consequences when choosing an answer.!

    So maybe someone more responsible decides the questions like (experts from the metaverse)

    1. Should the government be involved?

      1. The participation of the government in decision-is making a good idea. I thought that when a problem occurs, they should turn to responsible people, and the first responsibility is the government of the country.!,
        and they are also observers from the government (no interference in privacy) but monitoring in external matters such as: the wrong use of ' Meta' or the occurrence of problems when using it.., and I also like to say that it is necessary for the government to appoint specialized people with them to monitor and participate.!

      2. I think the government should be involved...because their citizens are the users of the metaverse and I also feel that the government should be responsible for financing the creation and improvement of the metaverse.

    2. yes i agree with you that it is not a good idea for the public to decide the answers to the questions because people have different ideas and i guess every one may want his or her ideas to be considered leading to disagreement. This may also lead to strikes and a lot of confusion will take place.

  • In my opinion,i think metaverse should not be held almost same as the real world.
    #Using this metaverse we can able to communicate with other person whom we doesn't seen in our life.(eg A boy 10years old, while he was a baby his father had passes away but now he can able to see his father using VR glass.)
    #Even though for children it is very useful, they can play games in VR instead of playing in mobile or computer.It gives a new experience for us.So metaverse is useful for us.

    1. You have made good points about how the metaverse can be beneficial for people and how it can help us connect.

      You said that people in the metaverse should not be held to account the same as they are in the real world. Why do you think this? What do you think makes it different from the real world?

      1. We know about metaverse, but we do not really understand how it works according to tech target
        "Two technologies considered important to the development and growth of the metaverse are virtual reality and augmented reality:

        Virtual reality is a simulated 3D environment that enables users to interact with a virtual surrounding in a way that approximates reality as perceived through our senses. This approximation of reality is now typically accessed through a VR headset that takes over a user's field of vision. Haptics, including gloves, vests and even full-body tracking suits, enable more lifelike interaction with the virtual environment.

        Augmented reality is less immersive than VR. It adds digital overlays on top of the real world via a lens of some type. Users can still interact with their real-world environment. The game Pokémon Go is an early example of AR. Google Glass and heads-up displays in car windshields are well-known consumer AR products.
        Whether VR and AR experiences turn out to be the primary interfaces of the metaverse remains to be seen.

        I People feel like maybe the metaverse was created to challenge the internet not really rather it builds on it, people browse on the internet, but to a degree people can live in it

  • For me I think the metaverse should be held with the same standard in the real world because as we know the metaverse encompasses the entire social and economic structures that exists in both the actual and virtual worlds. So, if we don't hold it with the same regard as we do in the real world it could become a place where people behave badly, and they would not be scared of the consequences because there is no one to stop them if the standards are not the same with the real world. Already the actual world is suffering from various social vices and problems, but we should not let it also happen in the metaverse. Let us make it a safe place where people don't have to worry about cyber bullying and identity impersonating and another concern people have about the metaverse is whether it is safe for children but if the same standards are held in the metaverse people won't need to worry too much about the safety of themselves and their kids.

    1. This is a great observation and safety should be important in the metaverse.

      Let's imagine you're in charge of the metaverse for a moment; what kind of safety measures would you implement, and why?

      1. Well, if I was in charge of the metaverse for a moment I will set up rules and regulations that are strict but also easy to comply with because as we all know the metaverse encompasses the social and economic structures that exist both in the actual and virtual world, so if the metaverse operates similarly with the actual world with users interacting with each other and taking parts in social activities, it is of utmost importance that certain restrictions or boundaries are set up in order to ensure the safety of the users . Other safety measures I would implement are appropriate punishment for those who fail to abide by the rules because if the users see that there are no consequences for bad behavior the metaverse becomes a place of lawlessness and anarchy and that will not be good, also user identification, this will help to prevent identity impersonating and also identifying deviants in the metaverse and also enforcing users restriction in order to promote users safety and privacy and I strongly believe that if this safety measures are put in place the metaverse will be safe for the users.

        1. There are some great observations here - and yu're right, it's important the safety measures are easy to comply with. Can you give any specific examples of safety measures you'd like to see?

      2. Content Moderation: In a metaverse, users will be able to create and share their own content, which can be both exciting and potentially dangerous. To prevent harmful or inappropriate content from spreading, a content moderation system should be put in place. This could include both automated filters and human moderators who review flagged content
        Age Verification: To ensure that younger users are not exposed to inappropriate content or interactions, age verification could be required to access certain areas of the metaverse or participate in certain activities.
        User Ratings and Feedback: A user rating system could be implemented to allow users to rate their interactions with other users, which would help to identify and discourage bad behavior. Similarly, feedback mechanisms could be provided to allow users to report bugs, suggest improvements, or provide other feedback.
        Transparent Governance: The metaverse should have transparent governance and clear policies that are enforced consistently. This would help to build trust among users and ensure that everyone is held to the same standards.
        Limits on Virtual Currency Transactions: To prevent fraud or money laundering, limits could be placed on the amount of virtual currency that can be exchanged between users or withdrawn from the metaverse. For example, users may be required to verify their identity or provide additional information before making large transactions.
        Accessibility Features: The metaverse should be designed to be accessible to users with disabilities. This could include features such as text-to-speech, color contrast options, and keyboard navigation.

        1. You've made some great points here @Flowing_Chocolate - I work closely with our fraud and money laundering teams, and it's great you've identified this as a risk and proposed a sensible way to curb the activity. Who would be responsible for enforcing these rules?

  • Topics or discussions like this tend to marvel me the thing is humans are so predictable, the fact that something evolutionary is coming to place and we humans are more concerned about who rules it is quite typical of humans I mean of course the only thing we think about is how to create the next big power grab. The metaverse is meant to be kinda a place where we can actually relax and escape

    1. @tenacious_drum so following on from your statement, do you think when people use the metaverse they should be help to the same standards in the real world and why? Do you think this will make the metaverse a kind place or do you think more rules are needed?

      1. I think the metaverse should be held at the same standard with the real world... because in the metaverse people from different parts of the world get to socialize and most of the time people who can't really express themselves well in real life are more open in the metaverse because they feel more protected,which is why I also feel there should be more rules because on the metaverse people feel like they are at liberty to do or say what they want and go scot free.

  • Yes, people in the metaverse should be held to the same standards as in the real world but with increase in freedom for best experience, since the main idea of the metaverse is to allow people to explore, create and do what you can't do in the real world and allow interaction between different mind. Right? So people in the metaverse should be held to the same standards as in the real world to avoid by confusion between the real world and the metaverse and to prevent the adoption of negative behavior to the real world. In any enviroment rules govern the activities of people so it should be no difference in the metaverse as to protect the people from frauds and other forms of cyber crimes. But who should make the rules? In my opinion, the creators of the metaverse should be in charge of making the rules. since they know what they have created more anyone. Also they are human, they know ups and downs people are facing in the real world.
    But is the metaverse really all good? Yes the metaverse will help a lot but it will also cause us alot. For example
    Higher equipment costs.,
    Potential for bullying, harassments and assaults,
    Additional privacy concerns and security issues,
    More reasons for addictive behavior. etc
    But with proper management and rules limiting the time spent in the metaverse, everything should be okay

  • When people use Metaverse in a bad way, I think that there must be sanctions like banning this user from logging in for a week or month. Likewise, when a user behaves well, then he/she must be awarded for example several virtual likes or stars that allow them to buy something for free from the supermarket.
    Normally, giving too much freedom to anyone will let him/her misbehave sometimes, so there must be some rules that for example ban bullying, saying swear words, and posting unethical videos or photos.
    Finally, I can tell that the creators of the Metaverse should them selves put the rules of reward and punsihment to induce and intimidate at the same time so that no one crosses the line.

    1. After listening to my colleagues and after thinking, I say that rules must be set in the Metaverse because setting rules helps to organize. Suppose these laws are put in place, it will be easier and better, and everyone will understand that it is something that should not be joked about, and the rules are implemented in terms of punishment or reward, as my colleague said honorable_city

      1. Thanks unique_power.
        You know what! There's a proverb that says: " For those who know no punishment, will misbehave." So, this reassures the importance of setting rules by metaverse system makers so that people don't misbehave and hurt others in any way.

    2. @honorable_city, great comment there you have thought well about both the rewards and sanctions. Can you think about what it would be like if we used a reward/sanction system like this outside of the metaverse in the real world... Do you still think these measures would be appropriate to use in the metaverse? Would be great if you could tell me why.

    3. Hi there,
      I agree with you here because if anyone does something bad they should be punished and if they do something good they should be rewarded. The metaverse is supposed to have rules like that for easy usage.

      1. Yes, my dear. This is the nature of human beings. For example, when parents want to reinforce a good conduct, they give their kids some toys or gifts as a reward and when they want to stop a bad conduct, e.g. they deprive the child from the daily outgoing.

  • I would like to support the fact that people in the metaverse should not be held to the same standard as people the real world this is because what we face in the real world is different from what is in the metaverse so therefore the rules guiding the real world and the metaverse would vary and the standards or quality in which they are required to meet would differ. And also for the record. the metaverse is a virtual world in which one can interact. explore and create content.
    In the metaverse there should be rules such as the ability to create, share, and develop content freely without any complications coupled with the fact that it is the main reason for the establishment.
    The metaverse should also have rules such as equal respect for everyone, technology standardization,
    honesty and openness and human-first and with the given rules I belief that the metaverse would be able to develop and progress productively.
    In my own view I think the metaverse should be controlled by the creators of the metaverse due to the fact that they know the metaverse better than any of us since they themselves created and established it. They know all the advantages and disadvantages and think they are capable of creating rules that are okay and acceptable for members of the metaverse to follow and abide by.

    1. I agree with your point because the real world is a place where things are more impactable than the metaverse. Within the real world, one action can have insane ramifications of unknown consequences. People can die, money can be lost, things can be stolen, all because of one action.

      1. Can things be stolen online?

  • Metaverse is earths twin. The same people that live in the Metaverse are the ones in the real world.
    People in Metaverse should be held responsible their actions the same way as in the real world. For example if a person commits a crime like stealing or raping in the Metaverse, the avatar represents him/her and it means that if that person gets the same opportunity to do so in the real world he/she will do it. It is best to use the same rule or even a more tougher ones in the Metaverse to bring people to justice.
    There should also be limitations to the freedom people have online in the Metaverse because one can do anything he/she wants. Without these limitations the Metaverse will be a lawless and unsafe environment.
    I feel the creators of metaverse and government officials Should be the only ones to have the power to decide and rule in the digital world. Leaving the room open for other people to be part of the decision making will only yield negative results.

    1. @harmonious_river you raise some good points there, well done. Do you think if a person creates a crime in the metaverse should the punishment/sanction be done to their avatar or to the person themselves in the real world?

      1. "let the punishment
        Fit the crime"

        If a person creates a crime should be punished because then only other person would be able to know this is wrong if we did that thing we will also be published.

    2. I agree because... sometimes people would think it is good to do anything in the metaverse and that can reflect actions unto the real world.

  • Hello, we shouldn't judge metaverse people directly. If they made a mistake that doesn't mean they're bad. Maybe they've done it unintentionally. And if they did a good thing this doesn't mean that they don't make mistakes as some people pretend to be angels behind the screen.
    As for people's freedom on the internet, I believe that people should have freedom on the internet with some regulatory laws to preserve the virtual and real society. And yes, I think that the laws will positively affect the virtual society, which will also affect the real society. I am waiting for the opinion of the metaverse makers and the government together..!!

    1. I agree because in the real world, people are always judging other people for things they didn't do internationally. I also agree that people should have freedom on the internet with some laws that keep the metaverse in place because laws will positively affect the virtual society as they do in the real world.

  • 1_ It is not possible to judge a person from one situation, but if bad or good situations are repeated, we can guess if we want to be certain that he is bad or good, then we have to sleep with him
    2_ The individual must take some freedom, but it is not absolute and it is based on laws so that we can amend The mistake if it happens

    3_ People because they are the actual field that experiences the metaverseuse...

  • Yes, I think people in the metaverse should be upheld to the same standards as in the real world because all the standards in the real world are upheld by every single human being. So just because a person decides to join the metaverse, that does not mean that the person is no longer a human, but it's just a human being represented by an avatar, so he is the one who will give the controls for the avatar to follow. So if a person does a bad thing, he is still supposed to receive the consequence of his action as if he had done it in real life.

    1. An interesting point! Would this still apply if something accidentally happened in the metaverse due to technical issues?

  • I believe that it's an amazing updated technology which will help us a lot in our lives, but I also think that it has become worse and more dangerous for our society since it has so many bad demerits, So we need to control it by making rules because it would be a disaster !

  • I think it is good that the Metaverse is different from the real world. In the Metaverse, we get to know others that we did not know in the real world, and in one of its features, it makes those who lost someone from their family or friend yearn to see them, but there must be penalties for those who use it for bullying or actions. The bad and there should be rewards for whoeverHe makes good use of it, when he gives the Metaverse a bonus it makes people love spending time on hiMetavirus gives children and adults pleasure and happiness, so we must use it well and not spend all our time on it, but allocate time for it, for example, an hour every day or two

  • Question 1/ It is not possible to judge a person via the metaverse or via the internet because many people are unable to express their opinions and feelings through the internet. Question 2/ Yes, this must be done, especially in my country, there is great persecution of freedom. Corruption and chaos spread. Question 3/ I think the best of them are the metaverse because they are expanding and spreading news every day

  • If the world were to live in a metaverse, it would have a significant impact in positive and negative side in our lives . We know the positive side of talking about it a lot, so I prefer to talk about the negative side that we don't know much. think that this will negatively affect the world, perhaps control the whole world, and destroy our real world in which we live interdependently. It is also possible for poverty to spread due to people remaining without work. and Unemployment will spread not only in Palestine but throughout the world ،
    Wasting children time playing video games and change them into passive isolated individuals
    It will destroy the normal social relations. . At last i hope that we use it positively and avoid its problems that could negatively affect our world.

  • Metavers are doing very well, so I have to use the Internet in a limited way, in a limited amount, and equality between all groups, and I honestly feel that they provide the widest possible way to make the person important, and if we say that they may have some risks, then it may be impersonation. Internet bullying methods and lack of respect for privacy, and this is actually bad behavior that we may face in fact. Organizations must think of solutions that are limited to us. All these problems that we face

  • yes, i feel metaverse should be held in the same standard ,why because the metaverse promised to mimic the real world social interactions .the metaverse is also known as digital twin ,it is a massively multi use environment that replicate our world ,so any behaviour which is done in the real world can be done in the metaverse. so it could be easy to impersonate others and make it way easier to cyber bullying.
    In my opinion i think that the laws should be the same as of the real world,because the crimes happening in the real world will be the same with the metaverse .and without the laws they would be a lot of problems.
    and about who will make law in the metaverse ,i think that it will be better if the countries of the world come together to make the laws governing the metaverse.

  • According to my understanding of the metaverse. I think that metaverse doesn't have laws that we can exceed. In other words people in mataverse have freedom more than they have in real world for example. I read a report about an Indian artist (Jocol Belay) who imagined the most fumous multimillionaires like Iylone Mask and Bill Gates imagined them the poorest people in the world and he designed pictures for them through the "mid journey" programme then he published these picture. This artist in mataverse has the right to do this and doesn't consider this a ction infringement of freedorn

  • For me, the metaverse world should not be subject to the same standards, but rather we must tighten these standards because the metaverse world is an open world for everyone, and not everyone is charitable. There are hackers who want to steal information and accounts, and there are those who blackmail people with pictures, audio clips, or many other things. I prefer  To deal with the Metaverse as a library from which we educate and learn about the cultures of the world and useful sciences, or as a laboratory in which we conduct new experiments to create creative innovations, or as a complex in which we improve social relations (we take the positives from it and leave the negatives).  In fact, it is sufficient, as any increase may lead to people continuing their actions under the name of personal freedom

  • I very sure that metaverse is much needed in our world to explore or experience what we can't in reality..
    Metaverse used in education is important to develop students
    Thinking skills, imagining skill.. students will show more attraction in studies...
    It will also be an entertainment...
    We should use metaverse for a good purpose and a limited time because we should not forget our reality....

  • In fact, the world of metaverses is a big world, and you will certainly find many opinions about it. He would gather a group of people in one room and ask them about their idea of ​​metaverses. .. ....... Of course everything has its pros and cons. Well, I'm saying that everyone will definitely have their opinion, but you know, come to think of it, everyone would be right. The Metaverse would be fun and interesting, but I don't think it's a good idea to be completely realistic in the real world. This can be dangerous for the human mind, as it may eventually not be able to differentiate between the real world and the virtual world. What is harmful and what is beneficial are “negatives and positives”, and we must be careful when using the command, as it is said: “Whatever exceeds its limit turns against you.”

  • People have different opinions about sensitive matters such as the standards governing these two identical worlds. When we look at the direction of control, that is a whole different cup of tea entirely. Are we safe to assume that Mark Zuckerberg or Neal Stephenson are the real rulers of the metaverse? The truth revolving around that this is a different realm doesn't necessarily have to mean that we are different people other than who we truly are. The same ethical principles should be maintained for a perfect equipoise however when were dealing with principles, we should also consider abysmal and unacceptable behavior.
    I think that the metaverse should have a democratic sense in it. Everyone can get to be a part of the government in order to develop constructive criticism in all angles. Freedom is good yes, but at what cause. I quote the words of Jaron Lanier when he said "The metaverse is not a place, its a way of looking at the world ". In a world where people are struggling to be free, we see how important it is for people to have the liberty to be what they picture of themselves.

  • Some rules that I think need to be in the metaverse are:
    1.Technology Standardization
    2.Humans first
    3.Diversity is essential
    4.Honesty and openness
    5.Equal respect for everyone
    6.Decentralization and global governance
    7.Transperncy and accountability
    8.Open, universal and interoperable

  • I think that we should not judge people by dealing with them only from Metaverse only because there are people who may fake on the site and because it is a virtual site we will not be able to determine the personality of the individual because we will not go through experiences with him and we will not spend our times of need with him

    I don't think we should give people more freedom in Metaverse than in reality because they might use it badly. I don't think I just believe they will use it wrongly and badly.

    Yes, there should be laws in the Metaverse to set limits for people to prevent their recklessness on the site

  • In Metaverse, we must distinguish between truth and illusion, so we should not rush to judge people. Every person has a profile within him. There is within him a great instinct, a small plant, either good or bad. If he behaves well, this does not mean that he is very good. To be impersonating another person is possible, and this is a big problem that the individual and society suffers from.

    They should not be given complete freedom of action. There are certain limits for each person that should not be violated.

    Each person is given his freedom according to his rights, which are based on his role and position in society. I strongly agree with the idea of ​​setting strict laws and adhering to them in a categorical manner, and this helps us to differentiate between the righteous person and the rejected and unfit person.

    Whoever responds to these laws and respects them is a good person, and whoever does not respond to them and helps spread corruption, this is an unfit person, and the authorities and the government must punish him. Their work must be punished, not insignificantly, in order to serve as an example to others and people like him, and to avoid all these problems.

  • 1- I think when people use the metaverse in a bad way, strict laws should be put in place, for example when there is electronic bullying on the metaverse, metaverse experts should put in place a law, which is as follows: decreasing the number of stars not communicating with others for two days, 2- As for giving people more than their freedom, it can be That affects us clearly because it will lead to the spread of chaos in society, 3- The questions can be answered by the general public, as they also have experience in life, as they lived through different experiences.

  • I think the laws in the metaverse have to be tougher than the truth because if we let people be free from them
    It can lead to serious things like stealing money through secret numbers or accessing private conversations and photos
    It is very easy for a skilled person to hack into the device, so strict laws must be established on the Internet, such as not to spy on other people's personal accounts, as well as enforce penalties with laws, and the penalties are imprisonment. We want the Metaverse to be close to reality where a person can freely do anything without hesitation or fear

  • I agree, people should be subjected to metaverses as they are in the real world while giving them more freedom than in the real world because the main idea in the virtual world is to allow people to do things they can't do in the real world and explore so they should be subjected to the same standards in The real world and giving them extra freedom, but with proper management. As for the laws, from my point of view, the inventor of the meta virus is the one who should set the laws because he knows the politics of the metaverse accurately, and he is also human, so he knows what is in the real world and the metaverse , so he puts the appropriate laws

  • I think it is possible to judge people from the Metaverse. The good person does not think that he will give up his principles and the rules of his life. As for the bad person, I do not think that he will become a good person on the Metaverse

  • I believe that people should hold themselves to the same standards that exist in the real world and the metaverse world so that it does not affect our behavior in the real world and the feeling that the real world is constraining and has laws and consequences for violators of laws that exist in the real world so that one does not feel that virtual programs allow you what is contrary to Law in the real world and so on. There must be control by governments in all applications of the virtual world and the enactment of laws and consequences for everyone who violates them so as not to become addicted to the virtual world and we know that there are many negatives for those who follow the virtual world for a long time or in general on the Internet

  • The rise of the metaverse has raised important questions about behavior, rules, and power in this virtual realm. As more people establish themselves in the metaverse, opinions may differ on how these aspects should be addressed. Here are some potential examples and perspectives:

    Behavior: In the metaverse, should people be held to the same standards as in the real world? Some may argue that yes, individuals should be held accountable for their actions, whether it's behaving badly through cyberbullying, harassment, or hate speech, or doing something good like acts of kindness or philanthropy. Others may argue that the virtual world is distinct from the real world and should have its own standards and norms for behavior.

    Rules: What rules should exist in the metaverse? This is a complex question with differing opinions. Some may argue for strict regulations and guidelines to govern virtual spaces, including content moderation, user safety, intellectual property rights, and ethical considerations. Others may argue for more freedom online, as the metaverse provides opportunities for creativity and expression without the constraints of the physical world. Striking a balance between freedom and regulation can be challenging.

    Power: Who should have the authority to decide on metaverse-related matters? This is a contentious issue with various perspectives. Some may argue that the creators of the metaverse should hold the power, as they have the expertise and vision to shape the virtual world. Others may argue for government involvement to ensure accountability and protect user rights. Some may argue for the input of the general public, as the metaverse impacts society as a whole. Finding a fair and inclusive governance structure for the metaverse can be a complex task.

    It's essential to engage in thoughtful discussions and consider diverse perspectives to address these questions and ensure that the metaverse is developed and managed in a way that promotes inclusivity, fairness, and accountability, while respecting individual rights and freedoms.

  • The metaverse is a virtual world where we can do things that we cannot do in the real world. It is a universe that allows people to interact with digital avatars. For now,we cannot actually tell if the metaverse can replace the real world.
    The only way people in the metaverse can be punished for behaving badly is to be banned from using it. Examples of crimes that can be committed include cyber bullying,data theft, money laundering,e.t.c. Nobody controls the metaverse,there is too much freedom unlike in the real world. This freedom has caused a lot of bad behaviors amongst the people in the metaverse. The metaverse should be ruled by an individual who can rule it with a nice character and make meaningful rules for the people.

  • okay For those who set the laws for the world of metaverses, I think that it is better for those who have sufficient experience on this subject to set the laws or the inventor of the metaverse himself. As for others enjoying freedom on the Internet, this is good, provided that it does not infringe on the freedom of others. "Others," that is, people do not have the right to attack others in any way, because this is a bad use of the Internet. What do you think?

  • I feel that the standards that we have in the real world should not apply to the metaverse although if you commit a crime through the metaverse that actually affect people then yes it should apply to other people. I feel that the rules that should keep the metaverse in place and safe should include the regular laws that we have in the real world than include crimes that could severely hurt something or someone. I think that the people that created the metaverse should make the rules but they shouldn't fully rule i think that instead of one person it should be a group of people that make the rules of the metaverse so they can converse and figure out what laws to make for the metaverse.

  • 1- No, because the metaverse deals with inputs and outputs and does not deal with real feelings so that I can judge people good or bad. 2- There should be laws in the use of metaverses that can give people more freedom in virtual reality to create and develop things more than the reality we live in, but they must abide by the laws so as not to misuse virtual reality. 3- People, because the makers of metaverses or advanced programs give great freedom, so they give the command to the user, as he is the one who controls the useful and unhelpful use of the program. There are those who use it for medical purposes and development, and there are those who use it for useful things and harmful things.

  • ●It is generally advisable to hold people in the metaverse to the same standards as in the real world.

    This is because the metaverse is a social space where people interact with each other, and just like in the real world, there should be certain expectations of respectful and ethical behavior. It is important to recognize that the actions and words of people in the metaverse can have real-world consequences, such as emotional harm or damage to reputation.

    Moreover, many aspects of the metaverse are not entirely divorced from the real world. For example, virtual currency used in the metaverse may have real-world value, and some metaverse platforms have terms of service that explicitly prohibit certain behaviors, such as harassment or hate speech.
    So it is reasonable to hold people in the metaverse to the standards.

    ●It is advisable to establish rules and guidelines that reflect basic principles of respect, safety, and ethics.
    Some possible rules for behavior in the metaverse could include:
    ~No harassment or hate speech
    ~No bullying or intimidation
    ~No spreading false information
    ~Respect for others' privacy
    ~No illegal activities

    ●Ultimately, the question of who should have the power to decide the rules and regulations governing the metaverse will depend on a range of factors and will likely be shaped by ongoing debates and discussions among various stakeholders. However, ensuring that the process is transparent, inclusive, and accountable will be key to ensuring that the metaverse reflects the values and interests of a broad range of individuals and communities.

  • Yes, People in the metaverse should be held to the same standards as in the real world. Since the metaverse is earth's virtual twin sister so people can do the bad things they do i n the real world and bring it to the metaverse which can influence younger players and ruin the reputation of the metaverse. The metaverse could have some rules like not telling your real name you can only use your avatar names and not telling your location for safety purposes. Another rule that could in the metaverse is that any bad things spotted should be reported immediately to the owner or staff crew of the metaverse so that the person should be kicked out, so that the person cannot influence younger players.
    Personally in my own opinion I believe that the creators of the metaverse should be incharge in answering these questions because since they are the ones who created the metaverse the so they will have the best answers for these questions

  • Seeing in the general point of view, metaverse is like an another dimension to live our life. If metaverse is blowing up among people to form a whole another society, not just an individual could frame rules for that dimension. If the autocracy rules the metaverse then it's full potential cannot be derived. A systematic and democratic approach without any real world politics is required to draw out its efficiency. I personally can relate the concept to an anime which I watched recently. There is a whole group of members, regardless of their origins,join together to modify and change the rules to fit the needs of the metacitizens. It is important to note the practical implementation of the above instance. The team of dedicated members who are well equipped with the method of implementation of equality and have extensive knowledge of the verse will form a right constitution which could let the users to be carefree of the dangers lurking behind.

  • The metaverse is an unreal world, and if we write the word metaverse on the translator to translate it, we see that it is not translated, which means that it is an unreal word. The standards in the metaverse are different from the real world, so everything you want is in the metaverse. Of course, those in the metaverse must abide by the following rules: 1- Do not deviate from the specified hours in the metaverse. 2- There must be oversight. 3- We do not say that the metaverse is a more beautiful world than the real one, because everything in the metaverse is unreal, unlike the real world.

  • Virtual reality definitely is a big place to explore. A virtual world that feels like it could be reality but isn't. A wide place like this with so much to look around at. Enjoyable, right? There should be some rules set first though, Because things like cyber bullying still exist or things like hackers and people doing things they shouldn't. There are boundaries that should be set with something that has so many possibilities such as this.

    First, when someone is bullying another person, they will get a warning. There should be three warnings and once they run out of warnings, they will be kicked off or banned for exactly one day.
    Second, Hackers give everyone online HUGE risks. For example, your personal information getting leaked, or something else relative to that. When a person online comes across a hacker who is bothering them or another player, they shall report them. It shouldn't take long for a response to hit. The longest time a person should have to wait for the hacker to be kicked out should be 72 hours at the most.
    Lastly, everyone should have the freedom of doing as they please as long as it is abiding by the rules and isn't interrupting anyone else.

    Virtual reality should be an enjoyable place. People should not feel uneasy or at risk when having a big opportunity such as this. Everyone should be able to explore freely without any interruptions, anything, or anyone bothering them. They should be allowed to express and be themselves in the Metaverse.

    1. An interesting point you have made here, can you give clear examples of how we could set rules for virtual reality - what do you think these rules should include and why?

    2. But when we say Virtual reality,what should come to our mind?... isn't a place where individuals should be/are free to do whatever they want and whenever they want....
      So could we say that setting rules for a VR is absurd or the right thing?🤔

  • In my opinion i do believe that year 2023 is an Metaverse, for those of you that don't know what Metaverse means let me tell you,the metaverse is a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal, and immersive virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual reality VR . Now you probably wondering what does this have to do with the question that being asked, well let me inform you a little bit the question that we are are probably asking who is setting the rules in the Metaverse? well the Metaverse is controlled by a large competing ecosystem,for example, Apple and Android meta worlds -- with limited interoperability. The metaverse is a dynamic, open and interoperable space, much like the internet but in 3D.

    1. Some interesting points you have made in your discussion - can you give examples of how you know the metaverse is controlled by an ecosystem? How does this differ to the internet?

  • No, we can't judge people through the metaverse because we can't break through the person until we deal with him/her personally so as not to be judgmental and be fair.
    For giving people more freedom, it's not about more or less but it's about being more respectful and knowing your limits with others because your freedom ends when people's freedom starts.
    For the last question, the metaverse creators are the ones who should set the rules for people to follow and not exceed the boundaries.

    1. I agree because... just imagine you are in parliament making laws for people who can make virtual realities for themselves .Do you think think those people will follow your laws? Take for instance you can't afford joining the metaverse and a person commits an offence and escapes to the metaverse , will you follow up that person? Therefore ,the metaverse creators should be the ones setting rules for people in the virtual world and not in the real world.

  • Welcome
    1. We don't have to pass judgment on people in the Metaverse. And as they say, don't judge a book by its cover, and neither do the people in the Metaverse. If a book's cover is good, it doesn't mean that what's inside is beautiful. And if the wrong action is repeated, then this person is definitely bad
    2. Yes, in my opinion, people should be given freedom, but within reasonable limits that guarantee their safety
    3. I think there should be laws that guarantee the protection of people in the Metaverse, such as not allowing children under 6 years of age to use the Metaverse and preventing bullying and publishing personal information
    4.... In my opinion, those who should answer these questions are the creators of the Metaverse, because they are the ones who have enough experience to give it to us
    Thanks .

  • I see that technology has brought us to the farthest place as it has created a new world for us in our world (metavers): it is a digital space that is represented by digital representations of people, places and things. In other words, it is a “digital world” where real people are represented by digital things, which allowed us to interact and share with others and friends around the world and many other features, but the disturbing thing about it is its disadvantages such as isolation from the outside world and lack of privacy ... so we should be wise in dealing with it

  • I'm not in support of this fully due to that fact that there's a saying which says everything that have an advantage will also have a disadvantage but I think that it would be a very good idea. It may not be stated who will be in charge of the metaverse or control it's usage but one thing for sure is that with the use of metaverse,a country can be developed and be progressive in the aspect of technology....since individuals will be able to communicate with other people both near and afar.

  • I suggest that the common people should have the power to decide the answer for the question in the metaverse. Because in the real world government and the heads of some companies are having the power. So atleast in the metaverse we can give the power to common people.

    1. Some people believe that because the metaverse is created by the companies who have the power, that their power extends to the metaverse also. What do you think about this?

      1. I'm not sure about this because I think that the powers will change in the real world and in the metaverse so I will clarify it with my teachers and let you know.
        THANK YOU

        1. It is good not to be sure about things! Especially when they are complex issues.

  • There should be laws and rules to be followed. And if someone breaks the laws according to the crime rate the level of punishment will also be given. And there should be police in the metaverse and they should chatch the criminal and hand him/her to the public. Because i think public should be the government in the metaverse. So they will choose what level of punishment can be given to the criminal by voting system.

    1. What do you think might be some potential problems with allowing the public to govern the metaverse? How would you overcome those problems?

      1. There are some potential problems by allowing the public to govern the meta verse. But these problem can not be discussed here. I am extremely sorry about not telling the answers but I will try to discuss it.
        THANK YOU.

      2. As much as a government governed by the majority
        of public which is know as democracy is said to be effective and tends to solve the problem of inequality, it may not be helpful in some cases. Seeing the way this generation's population is growing, the youth tend to have the majority of the population and following the rule of majority rule, they sometimes make decisions based on what they want and not necessarily what they need, some of them who know the right thing to do tend to follow the rest due to peer pressure, others don't even think about the possible future outcomes of their decisions they just want something that they will enjoy
        now but they fail to remember that it's enjoyment only lasts a while and they start facing it's consequences, that is why we need a legitimate government comprising individuals that are credited with high leadership quality and individuals that have been given plaudits for their effective decision making.

      3. i think some potential problems with allowing the public to govern the metaverse might be;
        Failing to decrease on illetracy in some countries.
        Refusing some people from learning about technology.
        I think we can reduce this problems by:
        Discussing this problems with the government.

  • I do not think that you, me, or the general public should set the rules in Metaverse, because if you and I set the rules, we will set them according to what makes us comfortable and according to the reality of our work, and if there are journalists, they will set rules according to their work environment and they will control the external form of it as they want. .

    I think that those who should set the rules in Metaverse are the experts who work on it because they are aware of what will be in Metaverse and what the user will be exposed to inside it and what problems it will face, such as the Facebook company (Meta) that sets the rules in its platform and everyone must follow them

  • As we know that the metaverse is just a reality that was created to facilitate people's lives and to serve them in many fields such as medicine, engineering, aviation, and education.
    Well when we ask ourselves who should make the metaverse rules ?
    First, I think that these laws should be similar to the laws that exist in our real reality.
    If they are not similar, then I think that it will affect users and real life in general.
    Also, I think that if there are no laws for the metaverse, this will lead to very big problems and to fraud and....

    In addition to who should set the laws of the metaverse, I think that it should be creative people from the metaverse, or it is also possible that every country sets an age Legal to use the metaverse.

  • Metaverse is virtually real and not really real.
    People in metaverse should not be held to the same standard as in real world.
    For example in real world , if a person causes physical injury to another person it is treated as a crime and that person will be punished as per the law of the country he belongs to, but in the case of metaverse if he is causing injury to a metaverse character it cannot be considered as a crime.
    Whereas in real world the possibility of using abusive language or behaving unethically will be less, since the persons real identity will be disclosed. But in metaverse the metaverse character can even use a fake identity, so abusive behaviour should be monitored in micro level.
    So people in metaverse cannot be held to same standard as in real world.

  • Nothing should be regulated. By asking for regulation we give power over ourselves to others. This power can be used against us.

    Besides, the regulators have already been bought by the corporations. They will only do that which benefits them. All regulations will favour the corporations and give them unfair advantages. Large corporations have the resources to pay for compliance costs. It’s the start ups and small businesses which will find it hard to survive. So basically regulations are a way of ensuring that the corporations have no competition.

    1. What do you think might be some problems with having no regulation?

      1. I think some of the problems might be uncontrolled movement which might result to un changeable consequences in the real world which may endanger our planet.

  • No, because there are people who misuse metaverses for bad purposes, such as bullying, blackmailing people, and accessing the privacy of others. Therefore, there must be special standards for people who use metaverses in order not to cause harm to anyone, so that we can use it properly so that everyone can benefit from it without any harm to anyone, and there must be special standards And special limits for everyone on the Internet so that other people are not snooped and interfered with

  • I think people in the metaverse should be held to the same standards as in the real world, because even in the metaverse a player will have his/her own personality, behaviour and the same attitude as in the real world and sometimes if their behavior is bad they would be in jail for at least 4 hours since it's a game, so the judging will be the same as in the real world. I think the rules in the metaverse should be: no harassment, no bullying and no stealing and i think people should have more freedom online than they do in the real world. And i think the people who should have the power to decide will be The creators and controllers of the metaverse.

  • A person shouldn't have more freedom on the internet than they do in the real world because the real world has laws about it and they shouldn't enjoy the internet because it doesn't fully and honestly convey normal life
    And as we know the negative aspects of the Internet that affect our lives in the real world, and I think the common thing between them is that the laws of both parties have consequences for their violators, and these consequences must be imposed by governments that must be in control of Internet applications, and there must be rules related to Internet by not using the Internet for a long time, and also according to the age group, the content displayed on the Internet appears to him

  • The metaverse is slowly becoming a reality. It has made its way into different aspects of our daily lives, from games and movies to real-world applications for navigation. While the metaverse itself can be hard to define and it’s still in the relatively early stages of development, what we can say for now is it is indeed full of potential. Now, the question is what else will the metaverse have in store for us in the future?

  • Well in my own view and opinion regarding the question "who should have the power to decide laws in the metaverse" I think the general public should have the power decide the answer to first, the question which says should people have more freedom online than they real world and secondly the question which says what "rule should be there" this is because as individuals in a the we can come together as a global village probably by means of representative or ambassadors in order to agree by formulating rules and regulations for the metaverse and consequences of law breakers. By this way there is legitimacy and agreement to the law by everyone.

  • In my perspective the metaverse is like a gun. The gun cannot function on its own, it needs someone to wield it. If the person wielding it has good intention in min, the gun will be used for good and vice versa

    1. I agree because,most people do misuse this product. So if it contributed positively or negatively to the society ,it will be our decision to make.

      It will be better to use it the right way ,so it will be of benefit to the world.

      Metaverse contributed to the society academically, health care, education, work and for recreational purpose. So with all these contribution I don't think it will be wise to Use these for a good purpose and not of bad. There should be online freedom basically internet freedom protect freedom of speech.

      I think it best we have freedom online, thanks to topical talk we were able to talk about things that has been happening in our society,and this is due to online freedom.

      All the things we talk about here,If not for the online freedom, we can not say these in the real world,our voices can't be heard.

      The power to decide should be in the hands of the creator. They are the manufacturer,they are meant to set the rules and regulations on how to use these products.

  • I think people in the metaverse should still be conformed to the same standards as in the real world because virtual reality IS reality, just on a different platform. People should still be bound by the same laws that keep the peace.
    People should observe good etiquette. I think a good example of a law that should be implemented there is; 'People should not discriminate against, cyberbully or take advantage of others using the metaverse as a shield.' Every person should be respectful on the metaverse.
    I also think the government should be the ones to make laws on the metaverse because the government is actually of the people and chosen by them. They are our representatives. It's still the people making decisions, just with those representatives. If making laws is left to the general public, there may be clashing or contrasting opinions, which could lead to a much unwanted war. Who wants a cyber war? Bad idea, don't you think?

  • From my point of view, when there is development in any field, crimes and loop holes will also increase in that field, so I think that there should be a separate trained cops department just like cyber crime security service like meta security verse....

  • I think that people should be restricted from entire freedom certain things like, usage duration which can be set according to age with parental lock(below 18 years), occupation (because some people might be working with metaverse ) i noticed that in exhibitions exhibits are using metaverse simulations to explain their concepts easily . Hence their should be a restricted freedom.

  • The creator of Metaverse has the power to decide, but since their decision is globally done, it may not meet with every countries culture, because every country has its own culture and traditions.
    The other option is each and every country can decide its power, but then it will not meet global standards.
    So to my knowledge, United Nations should frame rules and should have the power to decide on Metaverse.

    1. You make an excellent point that globalisation can be challenging when setting standards of behaviour, and offer a great suggestion of how the UN could help with this. Well done!

  • Few rules should be there to be followed like age limit. People above 16 years only should be allowed to handle the device.
    Taxation should be levied more as this is an entertainment device .
    Some disclaimer statements should be displayed saying as it is just virtual and not real.

  • This is a virtual world and cannot be held as in the real world, because everyone creates their own world and it does not meet everyone's standard.

    1. Is it possible to ever meet everyone's expectations?

  • Real world is complicated than the the parallel universe or world so if we have high standards in our reality it can increase our value of living but if we have high standards in online what it gonna give us it will not help us in our reality we work on online to develop our reality so we must have high standards in our real life not in online . People must have limited freedom because in online we can see or hear news about cyber crime and cyber bullying so people must have limited freedom so that it will not affect their own privacy . The Metaverse creators and public should have the power because only people can decide their lives and government should act as a backbone here to develop our country .

    1. I really liked your perspective careful_musician .You have stated in your comment that 'people must have limited freedom'. Can explain about this phrase? And as you said people and the Metaverse creaters should have power regarding the crimes and bully on Metaverse. What are the powers and laws that people and the Metaverse creaters should have? Does people and Metaverse creaters should have the same powers? Or different power?

      1. ''People must have limited freedom '' this pharse means if the creators give all the advantage to the people automatically the people will get affected by this cause , we our adopting ourself to the online world so there will be alot of cybercrime and cyber bullying so when we give more freedom to the people !! The people will get affected so the creators should have good rules which will not affect or hurt the people. The Privacy should be given to the users or people and also the decision making ,the creators ough to allow them to interact with everybody and post their personal information but there should be an option given to the people like they can make it private or public this is just an example ,now let me explain it brierly , Private means the people ough to accept their followers or subscribers and the other one should request to them like can I be your friend like that and only the selected people can view their posts ,personal information etc.and the other thing is Public when it comes to public the creators should give the user to post everything public where everybody can see their posts and personal information but this is all in the users hand but creators should give the rules . As I explained here people should be treated with limited freedom according to their comfortability but the creators ough to create or invent new rules and laws to ensure the safety of the people or users .My point of view is there must be privacy in the users hand and policy in the creators hand !! So by following some rules like what I said can safeguard or protect people from cyber crime and cyber bullying so the creators must ensure the people 's privacy .

  • I have just one question.... I'm not sure if anyone have actually sat down to think....like what exactly did the person who brought about the metaverse think about?
    Was the person's aim focused on an advantage or disadvantage?

  • Yes, people should enjoy freedom on the Internet, because this is a human right, so a person cannot be deprived of his right, such as his right to expression, for example, by putting a like on a post he likes.
    However, there must be standards and rules that must be adhered to by every human being to ensure the protection of people's rights!

    1. You say people should enjoy freedom on the internet, but that there also must be standards and rules. Where would you draw the line between what freedoms people have and what rules they should follow?

  • I think that moderators (bots) should control the rules and standards of the metaverse. The metaverse is always watching in the form of these bots, and any rules that you may break will be managed by bots who can have less bias than humans. They also can work 24/7, as human moderation needs to sleep and eat. The metaverse would be managed, but not owned by these bots, as the owners of the metaverse should have the right to control it.

    1. Some people think that, because the metaverse "bots" are still programmed by humans, that they still contain these humans' bias. What do you think the best way to mitigate this would be?

  • The metaverse is unlike anything we have seen before although it has many technological advanced features it is bound to have flaws. Yes social interaction with people globally is very exciting but we also have to consider the safety of the users. Unless there is a way to regulate the interaction between users, there is bound to be safety concerns. For lnstance a hacker might hack into another users profile and steal valuable information and due to the technological advancement of the metaverse, the users might end up in putting more personal information than they are supposed to.

  • I think the metaverse might be expensive for some people to join, but it will be a great idea to make/produce it. If the metaverse is a virtual world that can be accessed through the VR headset then, I think that the person who made it knows best, he should be the one who will decide the rules for the metaverse.

  • Reality is different but virtual reality is about new world in our life and it will be so beautiful and peace but in reality it will be so beautiful than virtual reality it will be so amazing when we are touch and feel but virtual reality we can only see in through googles only

  • Metaverse is a fake world which looks like a real world. The real world could not be replaced by any technologies. The living standards of people would entirely different from the livestyle in the real world. And this Metaverse can give a place for occurence of cybercrime. These crimes can affect the mental health of a person. Due to this he/she may not be able to concentrate on their works. The police or other cybercrime public authority cannot able to track the person who attempted the crimes in Metaverse because the fake identity of a person makes the tracking complicated. So to solve these, government should introduce some websites or app to track the criminals and control people from hurting or bullying others. And also some punishments should be given to the criminals who had done a big crimes in Metaverse.

    1. I really like your perspective ambitious_wildcat ,How does the standards differ from reality and metaverse ? What kind of websites should the government of the country ough to adopt to solve cybercrimes ?? What kind of punishments should be given to the people who are bullying the users in the metaverse or in virtual world can you explain them in brief ?

      1. Thank you careful_musician .... The living standards of people differs from real world like the happiness in the real world would not be the same in the Metaverse. And the emotional bonds in real also differs form the world.The government should adopt the websites which tracks the person who had done cybercrime and also it should give an alert that this person is bullying or doing crime . And it should be monitored by government. Government should give punishments as they are giving in the real world according to the laws of the country...

        1. You said that governments should set laws according to the laws of the country. However, the metaverse is an online and so people from many countries will be using it at the same time. Does this mean that people doing the same thing should follow different laws in the metaverse?

  • In my opinion, the metaverse ought to adhere to the same standards as the physical world since its purpose is to foster social connection and equity. Nevertheless, we must exercise caution given the potential hazards, including identity fraud and online harassment. These occurrences have already been reported in analogous environments, necessitating the implementation of policies and safeguards to combat them. Should we fail to redress these concerns, the metaverse's safety may be jeopardized.

    1. I agree because things like these happen in the real world over the internet.

      1. I'm glad that you agree with me glad that you agree with me, and I think to stop this this metaverse can have Metapolice.

  • Yes, it must be subject to the same standards that exist in the real world in order to put an end to it within specific laws and regulations so that we can live a safe life in the virtual world, and move away from fear of what will happen from it.

    One of the laws that should be in place is to punish every person who offends another person and to prevent abusive people from using the Internet

    In my opinion, there should not be complete freedom in using the Internet. There must be conscious and reasonable behaviour. If we apply this and make people take their freedom more than reality, it will lead to dire consequences. By establishing laws and penalties, we will reduce the risks that will occur.

    I say everyone is responsible for themselves and therefore on the internet we should all be responsible. Whether it is the government or the makers of the virtual world
    We must all bear the consequences of whatever happens

    1. Why do you think some people do not want the internet to be regulated?

      1. I think some people do not want the internet to be regulated because they do not have the money to afford the internet, and also that the internet gives them false information, pornographic videos that is not good for their school going children

      2. I think some people do not want the internet to be regulated because;
        Internet is a time wastage.
        It teaches immorality.
        It takes a lot of data.

        1. How does the internet teach immorality?

  • People should not be held to the same standards as in the real world ,They should decide how their life must be in the metaverse,if they misbehave they can be timedout for a period of time according to the crime.There should be a age limit in metaverse.If children use it for a long time their eyes and brain may get affected.People should be free enough to do anything without any conditions if misbehaved they can be punished.The general public should have the power to decide the answer to those questions.

  • I think people in the metaverse should be in the same standards as in the real world because people who use metaverse have more freedom than in the real world and they can enjoy there own world on the metaverse.
    The rules should be used in metaverse
    is to be honest , not to judge anyone and give equal respect for everyone.

    1. Why do you think that, often online, some people find it difficult to abide by these rules?

  • People in the metaverse should be held to the same standards as those in the actual world. The metaverse has many real-world ideas, such as real-world activities, educational opportunities, and social scenarios that occur in the metaverse. As a result, the metaverse experience might range from moderately to exceedingly accurate in comparison to reality. People will be more eager to conduct real-world crimes if they are not held accountable as they would be in real life. People being held accountable for their actions under the same standards as in the actual world would reduce the number of crimes. Rules are what control how individuals make decisions.

    These regulations should be made by the individuals who created the metaverse. They are the ones who know the most about the metaverse.

  • People in the metaverse, in my opinion, should be held to the same standards as people in the real world because they can make new friends, have pets, go to school, start new lives, change their appearance, and get jobs online. Because the metaverse can provide a shared environment and economy, increasing people's and businesses' sources of income, I believe it is appropriate for people in the metaverse to have the same standards as people in the real world. No stealing, no robbing, no murder, and no form of abuse etc should be strictly enforced in the metaverse.

    1. How do you think these rules should be enforced in the metaverse?

  • No, people in the metaverse should not be held to the same standards as in the real world.Firstly because as people are in the metaverse they give chances to the second thoughts they had in life about certain events to see whether a positive outcome would emerge if the outcome is negative then they would realise but then if the same standards in the real world are held those people would be offended yet they were giving their shots to the thoughts they had seconded in their real life.
    Secondly,when people behave badly in the metaverse like in movies those bad actions show others that what happens around them also happens in other places so that they shouldn't have fear but instead learn how to solve them like in the metaverse.
    Thirdly,the metaverse is a virtual and different world so I think the standards should be slightly different.

    1. I strongly agree with you terrific_keyboard, why? because the two aren't most likely to be at the same pace hence making variations in the virtual world and real world like when it comes to the rate at which crimes are made and solved are not easy to be handled. So difference in the two must be taken into consideration.

  • The metaverse must have laws and rules as it is in the real world, both are worlds and the world needs laws that control the actions of humans, for example, there must be a court that punishes offenders such as those who commit cybercrimes, so that the player feels safe while in the metaverse world

    1. Do you think there should be a separate court for crimes in the metaverse? Or should it be the same as for crimes in real life? What country's laws would the metaverse follow?

      1. Most likely there should be a separate metaverse court with its own constitution,
        But offenders should not be punished as they are punished in the real world, say, for example.
        If a person commits a crime online, he will be punished according to the magnitude of his crime, and the punishment may be to prevent him from entering the metaverse world for a limited period

      2. I support that the court of the virtual world be the same as the court of the real world, since if things happen outside the laws of the metaverse, he must be punished in the real world, such as preventing him from entering the metaverse for a year or with detention, or according to the crime he committed.
        If the virtual world has its own court separate from the real world court, I cannot imagine what the penalties will be like there, as it is just a fictional world!!

  • The way people behave in the metaverse should be judged by the same standards as those in real world because the crimes that people in the real world commit are the same as those that people in the metaverse for instance when a person who is able to go to the metaverse kills a person in real world and the person in the real world commits same crime, there is no difference between that person and the one in the real world. Therefore they should be judged equally.

  • Do you think by 2050 many people would have gone to the metaverse? and why do you say so?

  • Metaverse as anew realm[as an area of interest] to rule.
    1. Metaverse has enabled people to save time by doing many things within a short time like when people want to shop they can use the metaverse to shop online as they are baking and at the same time watching their favourite T.V shows. I mean how awesome technology is.
    2. Metaverse helps us to know what the climate is like in other places for example when we want to travel to places like deserts we can use the metaverse to help us know how to prepare.

  • I think it is not good to develop the metaverse because some show pornographic movies and pictures which increase teenage pregnancies in my locality hence leading to over population. Secondly, I say so because in case of misunderstanding between countries, the people who developed the metaverse might easily destroy the people living there and billions of people will die as well as destruction of property. In some countries like Uganda, Zimbabwe and others might not afford the money to be in the metaverse, so it may only benefit some few countries for example United states of America. Sitting on the computer for a long period of time may cause ill health to the user such as eye sight issues. More electricity will be used to develop the metaverse for this reason air pollution might increase. The development of the metaverse may need a lot of money hence reducing the provision of social services to the people.

  • In my opinion, there is no need for the Metaverse to exist!!
    As it only causes dangers to the world and to all people!!
    Yes, I said that metaverses don't need to exist, because the positives of metaverses are the same as the positives of phones, because phones replace metaverses. About it, and just as we can't go back to the past to see history in the Metaverse!!
    As for their negativity, they are the same as the negatives of phones, and they are many such as addiction, the disintegration of society, and internet crimes. This causes more and more negatives, and destroys the world, so why is the Metaverse being established and increasing unnecessary risks while here we find phones to do all this without more risks!!

  • No. Nothing ça replace the Earth and where we live. I think we need to consider t he metaverse more like a sort of virtual reality game. The metaverse will never replace our world totally. I think that people in the metaverse are allowed to do anything they want but they need to respect the others. If they start being mean to other people they should be excluded from the game for a few days but people need to remember that it is not the real life. I think everyone in the game should decide of the rules because if they don’t, some persons would be jealous. I think the metaverse shouldn’t go to far because if it does, that means we could have school in the metaverse. I personally think that it is good if it stays basic.

  • The virtual world takes on another aspect of the real world in the other things that you mentioned.
    The first question: I am of the opinion that the different laws of each of the two worlds. and laws and laws and laws and laws applicable in your future and laws and laws and laws and laws
    Question two: Laws and rules.
    In the virtual flag, if you send an account or an email, I will not be disappointed if someone hacks it. As for the real world, you must pay attention to sending it on the Internet so that you do not take any private information from us. Public forum.
    And finally, the most important questions? To be actors in the answer: The answer says: The answer to the following questions: For this, it is up to both of them until they reach an answer that is acceptable to both parties and distress to both worlds

  • To answer the first question:the following/In fact, some of the standards present in the real world can be applied to the metaverse, but there are some important differences that must be taken into account. For example, general behavioral standards for interacting with others in the metaverse can be applied, such as respect, non-harassment, and non-aggression towards others.

    However, users' rights in the metaverse must also be considered. For example, privacy rights, security, freedom of expression, and personal freedom must be taken into account. Metaverse platforms should allow users to contribute and create their own content freely, but this content should be in accordance with the laws and standards present in the real world.

    There may be examples of these standards being applied in the metaverse, such as standards of respect and good behavior towards others and freedom of expression. There can be a positive impact on behavior and participation in the metaverse if these standards are properly and appropriately applied

    while the second question is important because it can have dire consequnces/There are many laws that should be in place in the virtual world to protect users and ensure a safe and comfortable user experience. Among these laws are:

    Personal data protection: Strict policies and controls should be put in place to protect users' personal data.

    Copyrights: Intellectual property rights in the virtual world must be preserved, and policies and procedures must be put in place to protect the rights of authors and creators.

    Anti-harassment: Strict rules must be put in place to prevent verbal or physical harassment or assault on users.

    Digital security: Policies and procedures must be put in place to protect users from electronic fraud and security breaches.

    Fair dealing: Clear rules must be put in place to prevent manipulation and cheating in the virtual world, and ensure fair dealing.

    Regarding internet freedom, this is a sensitive issue that raises many questions and debates. Legislation and policies should provide complete freedom of expression and access to information, but these freedoms must be monitored and regulated so as not to cause harm to users or other groups. Therefore, internet freedom is dealt with similarly to the freedoms present in the real world, but with some appropriate differences for the virtual environment.

  • I think there should be some rules for using the metaverse
    1- It must be for the age of 18 or over, that is, the person must be an adult, sane and wise in its use
    2- The time of children who play electronic games should be regulated (playing electronic games for 2 hours a day).
    3- A law must be put in place around user data for the metaverse to limit information breach and preservation

  • We all say this well-known phrase, which is that * the meta virus is a double-edged sword * yes, it has benefits and harms as well, including that it affects a person’s behavior and causes great damage to the eye from frequent viewing, but among its benefits is that it helps learning, so when the Corona phenomenon appears, people are forced to learn from afar, Here we need it, but we must set times to sit on it so that it does not distract us, as it is a waste of time. and other things.

  • I think the metaverse is a huge world tgat should be ruled by many
    First of them is the inventors of it, tgere should be policies that confirm the true identity of the user.
    The governments shoud put rules to save people rights from misuse of others.
    The parents should raise their children on saving their rights and dong their responsibilities without hparming others. By building such chracters in their children there will be no victims to others. Parents should teach their children what is right and what is wrong.
    Schools should have a role in spreadinv awareness among generations.
    My strong belief is that nothing can be left without being ruled by a system of stable rules and policies.

  • I think it might be difficult to manage people's behavior in the metaverse because metaverse is not even real. People may do bad things in the metaverse and the government may not even think of the metaverse because is not even the real world so people will get the chance to do whatever they want to do.

  • Metaverse as a new realm .
    1.Metaverse has helped countries to know intruders, spies and non-citizens who have invaded in their country by using computers to identify them and know their personalities.
    2.Metaverse has helped children to discover their talents for example when they play different games they find out that they have developed interest in a specific game for example a doctery game, this makes them to love doctery so much that they become doctors in future and start saving people's lives ,which is a good thing.

  • In my opinion, Metaverse should not be fully adopted in our lives. It should be just a game that people play. It will not harm the world and society. If it is a game, adults will not play it. Many adults are not interested in playing games except for the developed. Children will have less negative impact on the world.
    Parents give their children phones 1-2 hours a day. If it's metaverse like phones, then it would be good to have them (with some guidance from parents).

    1. Are you sure that most adults are not interested in playing games?

      1. No, I don't think so.
        Many of the adults are developed, but not to the stage of staying on the metaverse all the time, among them (the developed adults) who exploit the existence of the metaverse for purposeful things, such as the development of their various languages ​​or their different information...
        For example, in China there are many developed adults who are interested in games, they take games as a means of learning, for sure there are many adults who are interested in playing games, and there are many who don't have the idea of ​​games in their minds

  • The meta verse was created for entertainment and it is made so that you can do almost anything. Besides that, a responsible leader should rule this incredible world otherwise the meta verse will become not enjoyable. For example cyber bullying and offensive language should be not allowed and if any does it they can get a ban from the meta verse for a while. A responsible ruler should be able to make many big decisions to improve and make the meta verse a safer place. They should also approve the games that people make. The person who should rule the meta verse must be sensible and will only do what is best for the people playing. In conclusion there should be a ruler of the meta verse to stop things going out of control.

  • For me I will say that people in the metaverse should not be judged by how they are in real world. Some people might behave rudely because they might have some issues, something would have happened which might have changed them, so if that kind of person comes their behaviour can change by looking at the virtual world they might get peace of mind. Any incident would have happened for the wrong behaviour of the person so we should not judge them. Rule is time limitation as well as proper behaviour. And lastly the government should ask the thoughts of general public and decide the answers for all these questions.

  • I think, the question of who should have the power to decide how the metaverse is governed is a complex and contentious one that does not have a straightforward answer. There are several stakeholders who have a vested interest in the development of the metaverse and requires careful consideration of the interests and perspectives of all stakeholders involved.
    • Creators and developers have a significant role to play in shaping the governance of the metaverse. They are responsible for designing the virtual environments and tools that users interact with, and they may have a particular vision for how the metaverse should be governed. However, it is important to ensure that their interests are balanced with those of other stakeholders, such as users and governments.
    • Governments have a responsibility to protect the human rights and freedoms of their citizens, both online and offline. They may seek to regulate the metaverse to ensure that it operates in accordance with national and international laws and standards, and to protect vulnerable individuals from harm. However, it is important to ensure that government regulation does not stifle innovation or restrict freedom of expression.
    • The users of the metaverse are the ones who will be most affected by its governance. They may have particular preferences or concerns about how the metaverse should be governed, and may seek to influence its development through their behavior and participation. It is important to ensure that their voices are heard and that their interests are taken into account.
    • International organizations such as the United Nations and the International Telecommunication Union may have a role to play in shaping the governance of the metaverse, particularly with regard to issues such as human rights, cybersecurity, and global governance. It is important to ensure that their efforts are aligned with the interests and needs of all stakeholders involved.

    There is no one-size-fits-all approach to metaverse governance, and it will require ongoing collaboration and dialogue among all stakeholders involved, to ensure that it is fair, inclusive, and beneficial for all. It is important to balance the interests of creators, governments, users, and international organizations, and to ensure that the metaverse operates in accordance with the principles of human rights, social justice, and global cooperation. Ultimately, the governance of the metaverse is likely to involve a range of stakeholders working together to develop rules and regulations that promote positive behavior and values while respecting human rights and freedoms.
    Metaverse is not just a virtual space, it’s a new dimension of human experience that would revolutionize the way we interact with each other and the world. So, let's keep the door open to the endless possibilities that await us in the future.

    1. I liked your point of view, but don't you think that if the laws were put in place by those you mentioned, maybe the founder of Metaverse "Mark Zuckerberg" does not like these laws, which leads to several problems between countries and Mark, perhaps Mark will not publish the virtual world "Metaverse" and this will be Inappropriate for the state and the company.
      In my opinion, the founder of Metaverse should set laws with some inquiries for the people you mentioned, so that Metaverse becomes safe for everyone.

  • Well personally I think that the meter verse should include most real laws but not all as this is not real and most people normally go and play games to escape reality this also sparks the question why make video games/VR so realistic when most people come to escape reality? Anyways back to the met averse I think that the laws that are not in place would be laws like no driving under the age of 18/16/17 (depending on where you live) as that would be annoying for the younger people to enjoy the thrill of driving. But as I said most rules should stay in place as it would be very weird seeing nude people whilst playing a racing game. The people that sets these rules should be the owner of the game so that would mean that the rules would be different depending on which game you play ,but to stop having games for example 'no rules racing' there would be a cap so you have to at least have 5 or more rules. This would make the 'online world' much safer and there would be less online bullying. Also the punishments would also be decided by the game developer for example online bullying would result in either a ban or temporary ban for the met-averse altogether.
    In conclusion the met averse is currently problematic and needs to be solved!

  • Hello,
    From my humble point of view, I don't think that the metaverse will dominate the world at least not entirely because I already know some people who dislike technology and are thinking of selling their smartphones and buying old ones. After all, they believe that although technology plays a significant role in the development and progress we are in now, it has also affected their relations with their dear ones or with their community. And I can tell that the presence of technology has created new physical and psychological diseases. Moreover, today what we call a family isn't a family anymore, everyone is isolated and sitting all the time on the phone. Furthermore, the most dangerous thing about technology is that it encourages wars between countries as if they're in a show-off competition (Who has more arms, weapons, and nuclear power or who can hack the systems of countries and steal confidential information and the like). So, I wish that the metaverse thing disappears and people understand that it doesn't exist for their interest but for the states'.

    1. Some interesting thoughts shared here- thank you. Do you think the metaverse may have any positives?

      1. Yes, there are certainly positives because it is a double-edged sword. The negative things are the repetition of the user and his addiction to it. As for the positive things, it is the good thinking of some people, and also the information that they teach is new, so they benefit greatly from it. And also depression

  • I think it's bad because it increases bullies and hackers online. You'll ask me how? But I will answer you with a lot of frequency on it, you will have electronic friends, and this is a certain thing that will happen after that, bullying and infiltration through the Internet, and also from a lot of frequency, hackers and bullies will increase, and this thing also works to create obstacles between the virtual and real worlds, so it is difficult to adapt with the two worlds together with each other, so I hope you To set an appropriate time for users to reduce intruders and bullies, and also to facilitate adaptation to real and virtual reality. Thank you.

    1. While there could be hackers and bullies on the Metaverse, it could be a lot easier to enforce the rules to stop hackers and bullies because bots could moderate bullies like blocking swear and curse words.

      1. Interesting perspective. But what if the bots are hacked?

        1. Yes, this question crosses my mind.
          Yes, the world will be developed, and robots will be hacked, but nevertheless, since the world will develop, and there will be metaverses, I think that advanced robots will be adopted in the metavers" very advanced robots".impenetrable, I'm sure this kind exists, and if not, the people who hacked the botnet will be caught and punished according to the laws that have been put in place.

  • The question of whether people in the metaverse should be held to the same standards as in the real world is an important one. The metaverse is a virtual environment that is separate from the physical world, and some argue that the rules and standards that apply in the physical world should not necessarily apply in the metaverse. However, the metaverse is also a social space where people interact with each other, and there is a need for rules and standards to ensure that the environment remains safe and respectful.
    In my view, people in the metaverse should generally be held to the same standards as in the real world, particularly when it comes to behavior that can cause harm to others.
    For example, if someone engages in harassment or hate speech in the metaverse, they should be held accountable for their actions just as they would be in the physical world. Similarly, if someone does something good in the metaverse, such as organizing a charity event or helping others, they should be recognized and appreciated just as they would be in the real world.
    One example of the importance of holding people in the metaverse to the same standards as in the real world is the issue of virtual theft. If someone steals virtual assets from another user, they are effectively stealing real-world property, and they should be held accountable for their actions.
    Another example is the issue of cyberbullying. It's important to have rules and standards in place to prevent and address cyberbullying in the metaverse, just as we do in the real world.
    The metaverse is a rapidly evolving space, and as such, there is still much debate about how best to regulate behavior within it. The key challenge in regulating behavior in the metaverse is the issue of jurisdiction. Since the metaverse is a global space, it can be difficult to determine which laws and regulations apply in any given situation. Another challenge is the issue of anonymity, which can make it difficult to hold individuals accountable for their actions.
    Efforts are underway to develop rules and standards for behavior in the metaverse. Many virtual worlds have their own terms of service agreements that dictate acceptable behavior for users. Additionally, some countries are beginning to develop laws and regulations specifically related to online behavior, which may have implications for the metaverse.
    In conclusion, the issue of regulating behavior in the metaverse is complex and evolving, and it will likely require ongoing discussion and collaboration between stakeholders to develop effective solutions.
    ‘Coming together is beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success’. Let's explore the diverse facets of humanity together

  • I think that metavirus is a good thing, so also because of violations of privacy and impersonation, all of this is one of the disadvantages of using metavirus, so governments must monitor these programs with high accuracy so that there is some safety A little bit, so we must deal with it with creativity and intelligence, and it must also keep abreast of developments

  • The metaverse is virtual reality, which means it is not real reality, but a fictional one. While the metaverse is fake, it can still affect people, so the standards people are held to should be the same, since it's humans affecting each other. The rules would have to be much different, as a lot of crimes that could happen in real life, couldn't happen in the metaverse. The creator should not create and enforce, as he will try to incorporate Facebook into the metaverse which would be biased. There should be a board of unbiased people, elected to create and enforce the rules of the metaverse.

  • i support the uk, #bbc (british broadcasting company(not the other thing))

  • For me, my answer to the question should people in Metaverse be held to the same standards as those in the real world? My answer is yes, because Metaverse cannot be free from crimes and bullying such as cyberbullying and harassment Therefore, the standards and laws of the real world are important, and if we do not actually apply them, then some people who are used to breaking the rules in metaverse and being a natural thing in virtual reality will begin to break them in the The real world as well, and because Metaverse is considered a window to the real world, That is, what happens in Metaverse will happen gradually in reality, whether habits or crimes, and people will begin to put arguments that these actions are legal in Metaverse, so why can they not be so in the real world?Therefore, in order to avoid all these matters, real world standards must be followed, because they were originally developed for the purpose of regulation and protection, and therefore it is not permissible for us to adhere to them in one place and reject them in another.
    As for the question of who should have the power to decide the rules in Metaverse, my response is a group of creators from governments and also artificial intelligence.
    Where I chose the initiators from the governments because some rules need common human sense, And I added artificial intelligence to avoid the preference and discrimination that government creators might give to some users in Metaverse, because artificial intelligence is programmed according to specific software codes,You will not be able to favor one user over another.

  • I think that a rule would be that they do not post the address or personal number or email or be nice with other person

  • My rule is that people can't say bad stuff to other people.

  • ✨MetaTrade said, noting that its vision for Metaverse includes safeguards for user safety and prevention of identity theft (Avatar), but we still know little about how Metaverse manages, regulates, or controls it to ensure user privacy and protect their data.

    With so many logical concerns about social media use, ranging from harming children’s mental health to the spread of misinformation about vaccines, it’s not hard to imagine how Metaverse might open up a new set of dangerous files.
    I think a law should be put in place that prevents children (0-10) from using metaverses because children face brainwashing and erasing culture and identity, as metaverses have integrated many cultures as one culture.

  • Welcome. Metaverse appeared because of advanced technology. Metaverse: a virtual platform and an infernal world for entertainment. I think that Metaverse is good as it is possible to learn about the customs, traditions and cultures of other countries. Laws in the virtual world / Question: How can we reduce problems during the development of metaverse

  • People should still be held to the same standard in the Metaverse like they are in the real world. If you commit a crime in the metaverse, you would go to metaverse jail. The metaverse usage depends on the people so it is not a bad or good thing all the way through. The Metaverse can benefit people who are not financially or physically able to do things, so the metaverse will help them experience things that they couldn't experience before.

  • I think people should not have more freedom online because if you're addicted to games you are going to think the real world is like the games and get too attached.

    No, because it's not real and some people just be online to get away from life.

  • I agree with people in the metaverse being held to the same standards as in the real world, both good and bad behavior because they could be capable as the same things that happens in reality, especially since they're real life human beings still. Examples of actions that should be held accountable are encouragement to doing illegal things, though they may not have control of what real people do but there's terrible people out there, adults even that often encourage minors to do things they shouldn't and they aren't always held accountable for their actions and I think this is something that people should put more attention and awareness of. Not only adults should be held accountable but also kids/adolescents that cyberbully or do inappropriate things people don't usually put enough caution on this and they really should. Apart from all this negativity, things such as helping people from others harming their emotions should be rewarded because people on the metaverse/ virtual reality don't always do things when these things are actually happening.

    People shouldn't necessarily have more freedom than reality, but I would say that but doing wrong is not something that can be actually done a lot less than in reality. I do agree that it shouldn't be too restricted because the metaverse should still hold it's fun and reality escaping place.

    The laws or restrictions should be created by governments and the general public, I feel as if game creators often allow things to happen and don't put enough caution to what may be going on in there games I see/hear that often times creators don't put enough care to what actually happens in their games.

  • If I understand it correctly, the metaverse is supposed to be a parallel, but virtual, world. If that's so, then why shouldn't the same laws of politics be the same. My proposition for who should rule the metaverse is simple - follow the same rules as the actual physical country. However, (and this is talking about UK law) I think that the candidates for election would not have to be the same, and neither would the results have to be mirrored. There would be different parties and thus different heads. The only rule would be for the UK, at any rate, that the PM cannot be the same man in both worlds. As for crime, there would be another branch of courts - which would be physical - in the UK, all dealing with virtual crime. The normal rules would apply, including rules about appeal. I think there would have to be some new rules about morality etc., but I think that with an up-and-running crime system that should get itself sorted pretty quickly. As for businesses, I think that it's only proper that exactly the same rules apply, and personally I think that there should be separate virtual markets.

  • The question of who calls the shot in the Metaverse is as important as the existence of the Metaverse. If it is left to the creator of the metaverse, it might be profit-driven to the detriment of the end user. If it is left to the Government, it might die on the slab of policies and bureaucracy. If left to the end users, it is going to be chaotic to arrive at a consensus. The tripartite interest groups therefore must be represented to fashion a way forward for new human phase.

    1. Exactly! I 'm afraid that everything in the metaverse is controlled by massive American or Chinese tech firms. If the metaverse is going to be just as important, which it will be, I think, then you don't want it to fall into control of the richer countries. However, I disagree with enlightened_attitude on the fact that it will die with bureaucracy and policies. If this a virtual world where travel and communication is a million times more effective, and calculations required for, say, bureaucracy, then surely the system would work even better? I would split the metaverse into countries, which would be centred into realms - an entertainment realm, for example, or more importantly for this topic, a realm for bureaucracy. Also, physically bigger countries or countries with better resources wouldn't be more powerful. Who knows, the most struggling economy or market might come out on top in the metaverse if they have better policies. However, I think that policies about business would be different, because trade would have to be of some kind of currency or bonus in the metaverse, if there was one. Or, business could leave the metaverse behind and stay on physical Earth. Either way, we should say goodbye to a world ruled by countries with a better physical advantage, and say hi to a new equal world.

  • I think the people of metaverse must be held in the same standards as the people of the real world for example they may also be governed by laws as the people in the real world are. Why? in terms of laws, laws will help them be safe in the virtual world. How? by reducing crimes like quarrels , killing, fights and many others. These laws have enabled people in the real world to live safely.

  • Phones were invented to connect people who are far away. First, they were only used for calling. But now, due to technological developments, the metaverse is created and we are all depending on it every second. Do we really need to depend on the metaverse?
    For example, if I want to clear a doubt in studies, i would use the metaverse. After a while i will find myself using the metaverse just for passing time and i would have forgotten for what I had opened the metaverse. I think we all do this.
    So, a law should be passed that a person should use the metaverse for only limited hours. If this rule is passed, then we will have all the time in the world which we don't have now. Also due to the metaverse, even the family members do not see or talk with each other. If this rule is passed, people will have time to interact with family members.
    Some might say that this law is bad because I can't use metaverse during an emergency to share with. The simple solution is we can call to convey the emergency.

  • Personally, I believe that people should not stick to the same standards as the real world if they were to live in the metaverse. Many women are treated badly, especially in Iran. I would like to elaborate on this topic.

    Although gender inequality has improved in career advancement, men are still paid higher salary than a women. The usual stereotype is that women need to tend to the children and men go to work. Women in Iran however have been discriminated for decades as according to the Amnesty International women in Iran face: ' discrimination in law and practice in relation to marriage and divorce, inheritance, child custody, nationality and international travel.' If we start a new life in the metaverse, a new life should start for women not only in Iran but around the world as well. We need equality.

  • I believe parents should institute laws in the metaverse if we were to live there forever. The reason for this is that guardians know what is best for their children such as avoiding aggressive, influential games. On top of this, many children play games that are not appropriate for over 16. Parents would know how to tackle these problems and usually when I want to try out a new game, I just ask my parents if I am allowed to play the game. Children especially should feel comfortable sharing what games they are allowed to play with their fellow guardians therefore I believe security and safety are the two vital components of maintaining healthy relationships.

  • I think metaverse will help to solve global problems most especially in terms of communication since the use of satellites will be improved because today they are over 1000 satellites around the earth.
    Satellites also help in weather forecasting, scientific experiments. It is believed that two hundred years ago it might have taken months for a message to travel from US to Europe. Today, a message bounced off a satellite can reach anywhere on earth in seconds. In Canada, satellites provide the only link to some remote areas of the Northwest Territory.

  • The metaverse is like an imaginary play ground where almost every thing is possible and it mostly benefit people who have a strong imagination although it benefits every one but I am thinking that only the ones with the strong imagination can survive the metaverse and be the hero/champion in there but do you think those without strong imagination can't survive the metaverse and be a hero? Do you think it is a good idea to test people's imagination to determine their ranking level in the metaverse? Do you think only those with the strong imagination should have access to the metaverse? Do you think the metaverse is not a safe place for those with the weak imagination?

  • The concept of the Metaverse refers to a virtual space where people can interact with each other in a three-dimensional environment, much like in video games or virtual reality. As the Metaverse grows and more people establish themselves within it, questions about governance and regulations are bound to arise.

    Regarding the question of whether people in the Metaverse should be held to the same standards as in the real world, it's important to consider the potential consequences of their actions. For example, if someone engages in illegal activities within the Metaverse, such as selling drugs or weapons, it could have real-world consequences. Similarly, if someone engages in cyberbullying or harassment in the Metaverse, it could still cause harm to the victim.

    As for rules within the Metaverse, it's important to strike a balance between allowing people the freedom to express themselves and interact with others, while also ensuring that they are not infringing on the rights of others or causing harm. Some potential rules might include restrictions on hate speech or harassment, regulations on economic activities within the Metaverse, and measures to prevent cyber attacks or other forms of criminal activity.

    When it comes to deciding who has the power to make these decisions, it's important to consider the interests of all stakeholders. The creators of the Metaverse will likely have a significant influence on its governance, but governments and the general public should also have a say. Ultimately, it will be up to all stakeholders to come together and work towards creating a framework that promotes safety, fairness, and freedom within the Metaverse.

  • I believe that the same standards in the metaverse should also be in reality as it has new technology and more adventurous places to visit but also at the same time it would a bad idea because prices could go up and behaviour would get worse. I think that the person that should have power to decide the answer to these questions are the government and the people the creators of the metaverse because the government can decide if they want those features in reality and the creators of metaverse can explain what cool things the world would have if the metaverse was like reality and try and persuade the government and also the general public because they can have a vote who wants reality to be like the metaverse and who doesn't for it to be fair and not cause any trouble .Finally I think a good rule would be for anyone in the metaverse who disobeys the rules will automatically get band for it not to be a bunch of people on their disobeying the rules and nothing happens to them.

  • Oh , I really liked these questions 🙃 .

    I think if the metaverse was a digital realm , but populated by real people with real emotions and intentions ! Therefore, it is essential that individuals in the metaverse are held to the same standards as they are in the real world .

    In my opinion, people should have more freedom online than in reality. The internet is a digital space that allows for individuals from all walks of life to communicate and express themselves freely. With the rise of social media, the internet has become an important platform for discussions on politics, activism, and human rights.
    So having more freedom online creates a space for creativity and individuality that embodies the very essence of progress .
    However, it's important to recognize that with great freedom comes great responsibility.

    Finally ,
    I think the creators of metaverse who possess a deep understanding of it should answer those questions .
    As this technology can dramatically change our daily lives, we need to look at how to put in place structures that balance innovation with the protection of human rights and privacy concerns.

  • I think the Metaverse is a dangerous place.The Metaverse has pros and cons...but more cons.The Metaverse can give people access to places ,ordinary people are not allowed to go,for example The White House or Area 51.If people could listen into secret conversations in the White House or any secret place than that is dangerous.
    Your actions should have consequences ...I believe that rule should apply to the Metaverse aswell.People should be watching the actions of others in the Metaverse.I suggest we start a new line of work and these people should be called "Listeners" ."The Listeners" would keep check of each player in the Metaverse and make sure everyone is following the rules.More cons of the Metaverse would be that people loose a sense of reality of what is real and not.Also people's health would decline if people are sitting at home instead of getting exercise and enjoying our planet .The REAL world ! I see the Metaverse as a game .Its the funny the Metaverse actually reminds me of "Free Guy " with Ryan Reynolds.

    1. Who would choose the listeners?

      1. The "Listeners" would be government workers checking peoples profiles and generally making sure the Metaverse was asafe a happy place for everyone.I don't think anyone should miss out on communicating with people all over the world just because of one nasty comment.Any comment that is deemed hurtful would be deleted and the player would get a yellow card.A player can get two yellow cards before they get a red card.justvincase there comment wasn't intentionally hurtful.Once a player gets a red card they are banned from the Metaverse.I think the designers of the Metaverse should make "Bicoins" to make the Metaverse as realistic as they can.People can buy houses,cars and much more.It would be so cool.I would play in the Metaverse everyday!I think it's a great facility,that allows people to travel the world without spending a penny,or even leaving your house!

        1. This sound like a great idea, but it is realistic?
          At Topical Talk every single comment is read by a trained adult before publishing, a little bit like your 'listeners'. This takes hundred of hours! If everyone all over the world was taking part, it might be difficult to manage.

  • I think that the metaverse would have to have some sort of stable currency - a global one, probably. The Euro has already worked quite well in Europe, and having an even bigger currency would open up the market. Also, digital currencies are already doing well - a Bitcoin was equivalent to 65,000 US dollars at one point! Combining both aspects would create a better currency, which would keep to the screen.

    This would also solve one of the problems I've alluded to in my other comments in this section - business. Having this kind of currency would solve the problem: business could say bye to the metaverse and yet still retain some power with this currency.

    But what to buy with this new "MetaCoin"? Well, stocks and shares! Entertainment would have massive value in the metaverse, and if you were charged even 0.01% of a MetaCoin to go to a concert, people could make big-time money in not that big a time. Also, this currency would boost physical trading - having a kind of virtual market which every country was part of would mean more equality and better trading. Things such as the Windsor Agreement ( a deal to enable better trading between Northern Ireland and Britain and the EU) would be pointless - people could resort to the MetaCoin.

    All in all, a kind of universal currency would definitely improve the metaverse.

  • I think that the biggest question for me is how to wrestle the metaverse out of its creators hands. Even if several companies create parts of the metaverse, their claim will be the only claim valid. The only way to overcome that would be for authorities to buy the companies who create it, which would drive them bankrupt in all likelihood. Really, I think the best solution would be to keep important stuff to the physical world. However, if we were going to get governments involved in this other world there would have to be a global ethical condition. Also, to get them a claim to the metaverse, the UN would have to pass a law which would remove the power from the companies who made the metaverse. However, that would be discouraging to businesses who want to make the metaverse, hence stopping a new world of innovation and discovery.

  • I believe that the meta verse should have the same laws as the rest of the world but his would be extremely hard to achieve because different countries have very different laws in fact some of these laws restrict peoples freedom but this would be a massive contrast to the meta verse which allows you to travel where you want when you want. Perhaps these laws could reflect the laws of the country in which your travelling say you are travelling to America in the metaverse you must abide to the laws of America but would that work? I'm not so sure because who would enforce the laws the police? Nope, surely that would be to much responsibility and pressure perhaps the metaverse could have its own division of cyber police would that work? Lets say they did have cyber police and people were caught how would they be punished banned from their accounts? I do not think that would work as people could have multiple accounts and multiple lives within each account. Perhaps they could be fined for bad behaviour in the meta verse but how would you link there account to a person people can hide behind false identities on social media so could they in the meta verse. Maybe there could be an in game currency that you could achieve by doing tasks in the real world to earn the curreny there is clearly nno clear sollution to the many propbelms we will face withthe metaverse

  • One law the metaverse should institute of the whole planet would live there is the increase in population of particualr areas. By this, I mean that if some sights are popular, there should not be a risk of overflooding the area. Additionally, I strongly believe that some particular games should be prohibited from certain ages. Children have a very capricious mind hence they a prone to do what others do and are easily manipulated. Therefore, they are likely to mimick these agressive actions and this will arouse uproars and even wars, destroying the metaverse completely. I would like to propose a question: ' Do you think people should pay to live in the metaverse and what boundaries should there be for who goes and who does not?"

  • I think that people in the metaverse people shouldent ben held with the same standerds because in the metaverse people should be allowed to do what ever they want to do because it is the'yre world and they should be allowed to do what ever they want in it. I think that the only rules in the metaverse should be the rules that you make for yourself. I think that the develapors of the metaverse should be the ones to answer the questions that the community wants to ask.

  • One rule that I would make in the metaverse is that there should not be a way people could get hurt. The reason I think they should not create ways to get hurt is because it could hurt them physically and mentally. And if this happens the metaverse could get shut down.

    1. Can you explain what you mean by "get hurt"? Is this possible in a virtual world?

  • I think that people should be treated fairly in the metaverse. The rules in the metaverse should be better than the ones in real life. Governments with many branches and have a fast way for votes to go in.

  • I think one of the rules should be no cursing because maybe 20-50% people curses.

  • I think having a kind of global meta-comittee could be interesting. If we had a council made of two people per country - not unlike the Senate in the USA - then they could vote on laws. This would solve the problem of different countries having different laws - the most common laws would be approved. The council would be made of elected representees, being separate from the physical governments.

    However, with laws come enforcement and with enforcement comes police. Having a MetaPolice force would mean employing at least thousands, probably millions, which could, in theory, drastically reduce unemployment levels. The meta-committee would act like a normal government and would serve a term of four years.

    This system should work and if it was carried out probably would mean getting out a lot of the metaverse.

  • I think that a law should be made which states that "The real identity of people should be made clear along with their user names" because many people are masking behind the walls of fake Id's if the above law is imposed many people will be exposed people will begin to think twice before they post any contravisal things as they will remain as a black mark behind their names throughout their life time and I think that few platform does not have strict age rules and timings of usage so if every platform a child below 18 years of age is using is linked with the parents id then psychological issues due to over screen times could be reduced as the parents will get notified on every actions of that child may be few children getting scared that the parents might scold could reduce even their screen times!!

  • Rules and laws must be there in order to control disorganization. Because if rules and laws were not there, people couldn't be living in peace. Everyone could what he/she wants but couldn't listen to another.

  • Rules and laws must be there in order to control disorganization. Because if rules and laws were not there, people couldn't be living in peace. Everyone could what he/she wants but couldn't listen to another.

  • I would say the metaverse can show bad behavoir but still it can teach you life lessons.If i could put a rule for the metaverse it would be you can play it for at least 3 hours and then put it up.i say that because you can get to used to the metaverse and might think you can do it in the real world .The goverment should control what is created because some of these games people be putting on the internet be wild.

  • From my point of view metaverse would be a technological advancement in the real world. As the metaverse continues to develop and become more integrated into our lives, it raises important questions about the standards of behavior and ethics that should apply within this digital space. On one hand, the metaverse can be seen as a separate realm from the physical world, and some may argue that different standards and norms should apply. However, it's also important to recognize that the metaverse is a product of our physical world and is shaped by the same societal values and norms. With that said, I believe that people in the metaverse should be held to similar ethical standards as they would be in the physical world. This includes standards of conduct, respect, and responsibility towards others in the community. Just as people are held accountable for their actions in the physical world, they should also be held accountable for their actions in the metaverse. For example, if someone engages in cyberbullying or harassment within the metaverse, they should be held accountable for their behavior and face consequences. Similarly, if someone engages in positive behavior, such as volunteering or helping others within the metaverse, they should be recognized and rewarded for their actions. Overall, the metaverse should be a space where people can interact, learn, and engage with each other in a positive and productive way. By upholding similar standards of behavior and ethics as in the physical world, we can help ensure that the metaverse is a safe and inclusive space for all. There should be certain laws to implemented on metaverse because it may create addictive behavior so the government of each country should create have some procedures and limitations to use this technology.

  • honestly..
    When I first learned about the Metaverse, I was afraid that everyone would live in the virtual world, that there would be no interest in reality, no scientific progress, no one would interact physically, and the world would be left like a dump, and no one would try to do anything. About it and people flee all to the virtual world.
    I wondered why people want to live in the virtual world?!! Could the Metaverse really be their second lives??
    I'm still emotionally afraid of Metaverse.
    Imagine a world in which no one is anymore because people want to escape from reality more than we really are, what about all the problems that we have to face such as poverty, hunger, health education, inequality in global warming, do we just ignore them?! But these problems will not go away on their own.
    Imagine a world where no one speaks in real life anymore and instead sees a world filled with people glued to their virtual reality goggles and barely spending time away from the Metaverse.
    Imagine a world where children are raised to play and chat in metaverses cut off from the real world and no longer need to use their imaginations or even think about things.
    Imagine a world full of corrupt statues, broken monuments, and demolished infrastructure.
    Imagine a world where criminals thrive without law or authority, a world full of poverty and people starving and crying of despair.

    Seriously, when I think about it, I get terrified!!

  • I think that the metaverse is a mix of reality and online platforms like Rolblox or youtube

  • If the metaverse is a massive world with blurry borders and undefined boundaries, who has a claim to what? If a McDonald's shop ends up in a privately owned estate, then who owns it: McDonald's or the estate owner? I think these are the kind of questions we need to be asking. And if we were to make an exact replica and you were walking in the metaverse down the same street you were walking down in real life then why would you bother wearing the headset in the first place?

    Also, if there aren't any borders there can't be real rules, because nobody can really agree on any one rule. Yes, maybe the UN can arbitrate some rules but what about Palestine and Vatican City? Even what people in the UK would consider to be basic human rights are disputed in other countries - e.g. LGBTQIA+ rights are disputed in some countries in the Middle East.

    And if everything is jumbled up then how would you know where to go? I'm assuming there isn't a kind of search icon in the headset and even if there was it would be a little impractical because it would have to a be a kind of voice-typing one. As I'm sure you know, voice-typing technology at the moment is far from perfect and you could end up in Memphis, Egypt instead of Memphis, Tennessee. In addition to this, many words are commonly mispronounced; what would happen if someone said Le-se-ster (Leicester) instead of Le-ster?

    All these geographic conundrums pose real problems in the metaverse. Geopolitical relations would be thrown in the bin, seeing as the River Thames might flow through Burkina Faso as well as the UK, and a High Street shop could be split across a non-existent border.

    And even if there were borders in the metaverse, then who would make them? The creators? If so, half of the metaverse could be a country which has rules that mean that the company would thrive even better, or it could mean that small countries end up massive just because the creators owe them something. I mentioned in one of my earlier comments that the metaverse would cancel out geographical advantages; in reflection I think that it will do more than just cancel out, it will flip them.

  • I think that the metaverse politically can only be a negative. If there were no rules, then obviously chaos will rule. But if there are, then it will be a corrupt and tumultuous. This is why:

    Already, the physical world with established laws and biases and moral codes is in political disarray. The UK had a prime minister who ruled for less than two months (44 days) and who resigned the day after she made a speech declaring she would not resign. Joe Biden, the leader of one of the strongest economies in the world has a job rating of 38%. The leader of the country with the most nuclear weapons (Russia) is currently invading another country (Ukraine).

    Imagine the turmoil of the metaverse if it was not kept under harsh, unforgiving hard authoritarian rules. If there were these kind of rules everybody would quit the metaverse. And if there weren't these rules then people would be able to bribe there way into the rocky business of politics.

    The way to combat this is to put in a bug. No, not an illness or an insect; a virtual bug. Having a "glitch" that would mean people couldn't do certain things could be great; after all, nobody can dispute it. The "glitch" would be moulded by UN, Palestine and Vatican City leaders, who would be decided in a sudden election. It would be as secretive as possible, but not too much.

    The code featuring the "glitch" would be kept on one hard drive, which would be kept in a vacuum in a secret and well guarded place (the Pentagon for example).

  • The term metaverse was coined in Neal Stephenson's 1992 science novel Snow Crash, where humans, as programmable avatars, interact with each other. What are the negative effects of metaverse?
    1.The metaverse, more so than video games, can potentially be addictive to some people who are looking for an escape.
    What rules should there be in the metaverse?
    1. There is only one Metaverse
    2.The metaverse is for everyone
    The general public should have the power to answer any question that occurs. Everyone has
    a opinion that may change the metaverse. It would be unfair if one person had power to decide the questions because some would say yes and some would say no. So the best way to decide the questions is general public so everything can be balanced

    1. What might be the challenges of having the public make decisions about everything?

  • I think people should hold most of the same standards in the meta verse because if we didn’t it would cause a lot more chaos around the world. For example, if you steal something from a shop you shouldn’t be able to get away with it or if you say mean things about people. Everyone should follow the same rules that we follow today in the real world without behaving badly in the meta verse. I think the government and the meta verse creators should have the power to answer these questions since the creators made it and the government make the laws.

  • Modern governments operate on one status: that they only govern an area within a clear, defined border which we've named a country. In fact, the Oxford English Dictionary defines a government as a "group of people who govern over a state or country". Note the use of country. With the undefined borders of the metaverse the whole world could descend into chaos.

    Governments would squabble about borders. If countries are already invading others illegally, think about what would happen if you could do it legally. Chaos would undoubtedly ensue. Governments would try and fail to establish clear human rights. The UN would intervene without merit. Businesses would be raging at Departments of Science, Art and culture plus others. They could also make the point that borders wouldn't matter, which is perfectly accurate. An area with no resources doesn't hold any resource advantages, only geopolitical ones. Also, how can you have a war virtually? It just doesn't work.

    One idea to combat this would be to create a "metaversial" ( or is it global?? ) committee that would decide human rights and other rules in the metaverse. However, this might take decades and decades of planning and debating which is a massive waste of potential. The committee would be formed of all UN leaders as well of Palestine and Vatican City's leaders. The system wouldn't work entirely for autocracies seeing as they don't believe in democracy in the same way that the UK does.

    Another suggestion would be to allow different governments different "planes" of the metaverse. As I understand it, the metaverse is not made by just one company. Its different bits and bobs are produced by different businesses with different pieces of code and intentions. Allowing each government a separate part of the metaverse with different code could establish a kind of virtual world that complied with basic regulations. However, if some areas were bigger than others it could result in disputes and that could waste decades.

    The third suggestion I'm going to suggest is quite controversial, but my personal favorite. Letting businesses claim parts of the metaverse that they make would leave in some profit for the companies. The companies would govern each bit of the metaverse that they created, but they would have to comply with certain rules and rights that the UN, Palestine and Vatican City would vote on. Putting a limit to their advertising could mean that it doesn't become corrupt in the same way the world is. Also, they would follow up human rights so as not to get in trouble with the UN.

    All in all, governments need to come together now if they want to have a chance at not bankrupting the metaverse.

  • I think that crime in the metaverse is going to take on a whole different shape. The fact that the metaverse will be virtual is at first obvious, but at second thought interesting. If it's virtual, then where do you store a handkerchief? Or, more importantly, money or valuable possessions? The latter would be kept in the real world, thus restricting crime to an area where not everybody is, which is like trapping fish in a leaky fishbowl. That can only be a positive. But as for the former, you can put money onto a virtual platform, for example a Bitcoin, or, more commonly, a bank account. This would transform most crime into hacking.

    The advantage of hacking is that it doesn't harm anybody. Until now. Without the metaverse, hacking can mean that people are left with no money, but they are left with their body pieces intact and their lives existing. However, now the metaverse is here, one aspect of you is downloaded onto a hard drive. What would happen if that drive was hacked? Would that mean you couldn't enter the metaverse again? Whatever the consequences, they would not be good ones.

    On the other hand, hacking is easier to counteract. According to the UK government, 1221 firms in the UK have cuber protection services. The fact that there aren't any shortages of hackers mean that it's easier to fight back against, using firewalls and such as defenses that can't be breached. Having a stabler and more effective police force can only be a plus and woud help exterminate serious crime.

    However, we shouldn't get carried away by crime in the metaverse. Although you may be able to erase some one from virtual existence, you can't actually kill someone. In the real world, you can. One danger of the metaverse is forgetting/not being able to keep the balance with the real world. If most defense money is going into hackers, what will happen to the people who save other's actual lives. Some criminals may be cunning enough to stay in the real world and not enter fray of the metaverse.

    One way to combat this would be to use the cunning of businessmen. Shareholders who want to protect their wealth will no doubt employ better and more efficient hackers, which would take immense problems off the shoulders of governments. Then they could focus on the problems of the real world.

    However, this is a difficult gamble to take. If those hackers weren't as good as they should've been, or if they never came, then the metaverse would sink into theft and crime in a few days.

    All in all, crime is about to change. The question is: how to deal with it?

  • I think that business in the metaverse will either bring a global recession or an economic boom. If we assume that there's a currency in the metaverse, then there's obviously a lot of profit available in an infinite parallel world.

    Business will thrive in the metaverse and should have the same rules as in the normal world. He who makes takes, as a time-honored expression goes. Buying shares and investing in failing businesses could bring massive wealth and bring better development. The metaverse is basically a massive bank; it creates money for everyone, notably itself.

    The problem is, all that money that fails in the metaverse, where will that go? Into a bank? Nope. The metaverse will probably bring economic and thus social and political disaster. And if someone uploads a video onto the metaverse which goes viral, where does the money go? To them? What if they're children and don't have bank accounts? All these considerations make it unsafe to have proper business in the metaverse.

    On the other hand, having the metaverse will make emerging markets and businesses grow more quickly. If a business exists on both the virtual and physical world, then it has a Plan B. If we have another pandemic, which may cause many local businesses to shut down, then they could just turn to business in the metaverse which will no doubt be thriving. As the two will constantly be wrestling with each other, as people can't buy from a real shop and buy from a virtual one, having a place in both will give greater wealth. With more money comes more investment and with more investment comes more money and so on and so forth.

    All in all, business in the metaverse is an interesting idea. However, I think that the pros outweigh the cons and having virtual businesses will allow developing companies to develop quicker. I do not think, though, that everything in the metaverse should be given a value and price tag; let the companies do that while the non-businessmen get to enjoy a parallel world. In addition to this, I think that entertainment and tourism should be free, as that's the main plus of the metaverse. If people have to pay for this, then there isn't the same appeal.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on business in the metaverse centered_moose. It's an interesting topic to consider. I agree that there could be both pros and cons to having a virtual economy.

      In response to your concerns about what happens to failed businesses or viral videos in the metaverse, I think it's important to remember that the metaverse is still a developing concept and the rules and regulations around virtual business may evolve over time. Just like in the physical world, there will likely be mechanisms in place to handle bankruptcy and copyright infringement in the metaverse.

      I also agree with your point about the potential benefits of having a presence in both the physical and virtual worlds. Diversification can be a smart business strategy, and having a Plan B in case of unexpected events like a pandemic could help companies stay afloat.

      Regarding your suggestion that entertainment and tourism should be free in the metaverse, I think that's a valid viewpoint, but ultimately it will be up to individual companies to decide how to monetize their virtual offerings. As with any industry, there will likely be a range of business models, from free-to-play games to subscription-based services.

      Overall, I think it's important to approach the metaverse with an open mind and be prepared to adapt to the changing landscape of virtual business. It's an exciting and rapidly evolving field, and I look forward to seeing how it develops in the coming years.

      1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts remarkable_wasp. I agree with your points and understand the fact that new rules and regulations will be made and imposed. However, about your point in paragraph four about tourism, I disagree. I think that tourism must be free because as I've said the main advantage of the metaverse is the fact you can travel places you wouldn't otherwise go. This is brilliant for entertainment ( being able to attend concerts ) and also for tourism. Having this freedom and leaving it to businesses, who, ultimately, put themselves first, could be dangerous and could destroy the original principle of the metaverse.

        About your conclusion I couldn't put it better. It's constantly changing and that means that we shouldn't make early assumptions. However, I do think that we should get together to try and shape how it evolves and see if we can put boundaries and regulatory requirements. For example, the climate. The metaverse could have carbon credits like in the real world or should there be something different. On an aside, with the metaverse we could impose laws 1 and 4 on the Earth day: the law in your hands discussion; being able to travel without driving or flying would support these regulations.

        Overall, I think that there is massive profit and potential in the metaverse but it must be regulated. One way to get some of the money out which would replace tourism would be having headsets that cost around £5. If half the people in the world have those then that's £20bn already. If you don't want those to be priced, which I would get because the whole point of the metaverse is to be open to everybody, then maybe you could have upgrades that improved pixels and stuff like that.

        These suggestions would get some profit out of the metaverse without actually imposing fees on the whole point, which I think would turn it into a corrupt place.

        In conclusion, I mostly agree with your comment remarkable_wasp. Thanks again for hearing your thoughts.

  • One thing I haven't really considered is war in the metaverse. Its virtual infinite lands could be home to virtual warfare, where both hackers and soldiers could engage in combat. But the thing is; could people be killed? If not, then could the metaverse have a positive impact on modern warfare?

    In the metaverse you don't really exist. True, you have an avatar and you can see amazing stuff, do incredible things and hang out with others, but you can't eat. If you're not eating and you're still alive, then the only way to die in the metaverse would be to get hacked by an incredibly good hacker. If the mega tech companies who have billions to spare are going to be employing defensive hackers, then it's quite likely that you won't die in the metaverse. And even if you did, it has no impact on you apart from the fact that you may not see the same things or have the same experiences.

    This oddity means that people could go to war in the metaverse without dying. it also means that costs would be cut down on. After over a year of war, Ukraine has cost NATO over $80 bn. However, hiring a top-earning hacker for a year costs £145,000. Having a team of hackers and coders and other digital team members would be enough to win a war; avatars and weaponry could be created by a good team.

    Unfortunately, this means that hacking in the metaverse would have to be legal. Even if somebody initiated the warfare illegally, people would have to hack in self defense. If this was true, then there could be a massive loophole in the laws of the metaverse. There would have to be specific exceptions and those specific exceptions tend to take a long time to be clarified.

    This metaverse warfare would completely turn the tables of modern warfare. Countries which have massive populations and are rich currently have the advantage, but in the metaverse it would be the countries who had invested more in digital science. This would encourage people to further that field; but whether that's a good thing or not is an interesting and complicated question.

    Normally it would be a good thing, but under the circumstances it might not be. If someone's investing in you because they want to win a war is that ethically correct? And what would happen to other sciences that don't get as much funding?