Why is it important to see diversity in films?

If you did this lesson in class, you would have discussed the BIG QUESTIONS for ‘Black Panther: representation and diversity’

This topic’s BIG QUESTIONS are:

Why is it important to see diversity in films? And how can films make sure they do representation right?

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  • A things that has become familiar for people of color is low representation in films and in older films people of color in the US were portrayed as criminals and thugs but what people of color need is representation, black panther in which the protagonist(Chadwick Bosman) was an African American and the movie featured many African actors it was the first of it's kind, it portrayed Africa in a positive way it was the first of it's kind to hit the mainstream.
    Yes minorities need equal and fair representation in films in media because films are a big cause of stigmatization of races.
    And fair representation in films can reduce the stigma caused by previous media.

    1. I completely agree as I believe representation is crucial for the reduction of stigmas and film is one of the best ways globally to promote this. Can you think of any other films where you think they had good representation and why?

    2. I agree because... it is important to see diversity in films, because in diversity, as in other areas, it is not necessary to specialize. The principle of diversity is not just about race. Sometimes it's better to focus on a small group of topics than to cover everything. Some things, such as race, are of objective importance. There are tastes that differ from person to person, and they must attract every diversity of opinions and tastes to succeed. They also contain messages that help people change their mind about something.
      Moreover, when there is only one type of actor, for example, a white male, not every role or idea can be realized. Allowing actors from all backgrounds to have the same opportunities as white movie stars can create diversity in their performances and in the film itself.
      Films ensure that they are represented correctly, when they are impartial, spread peace, and do not provoke outrage.

  • A diverse movie is a modern themed multi-cultural movie which celebrates the diversity of culture, sexuality and lifestyle.
    Diversity is about culture, ethnicity, political beliefs, age, and religion. Each of these groups contains people who look, act and think in different ways. In diversity, as in other fields, it isn't necessary to specialise.
    The world is extremely diverse which is why representation is so important. There are people of different colours, different cultures, and different backgrounds everywhere. Yet when we take a look at some of the highest-grossing movies of the last decade, or the most popular television series on streaming services such as Netflix, we can not always find this diversity translated back on the screen. This lack of representation has consequences on our society and the people that can not find themselves back on the screen. I do think it’s powerful for people of a minority race to be represented in pop culture to really show a message that everybody has a place in this world. Films and television can influence the views of the watcher on certain people or different cultures. In addition to this, people of colour or characters with different backgrounds can also shape how underrepresented people view themselves.
    Black Panther was the first time seeing a superhero of color on screen. Better yet, this groundbreaking film which has netted over $900 million dollars, could have been the first time seeing a predominantly black cast with a black director, black costume designers, black hairstylists, and more, actively producing representation in a positive light.

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films?!
    Because this diversity will work to communicate different ideas and carry different meanings. You may have seen films (action, horror, comedy or drama). All this diversity works on creativity in conveying a specific message, so we do not put our time on watching the same and repeating ideas, but with two other examples, but with a different and diverse idea We take many judgments after watching

    1. thank you for your comment
      In your opinion, when the films are diversified, they all contain lessons and wisdom? I do not deny your saying, but not all films contain lessons and wisdom, but when the films are diversified, characters are embodied that express our personalities in the present, but they introduce us to various cultures from the outside world.

  • I think diversity is important to see in things like tv shows, movies, cartoons, ETC because it can show and teach kids and 'people' how to not treat people that's not their skin color different like their an animal and a monster. Having multi colored people in things people watch can also help with the history back then. Segregation being one them, segregation put a big racial change on the world. So showing all people coming together as one will help alot with diversity.

    1. I believe it's important as well to see diversity in real life , shows etc. It shows people that we can come together as humans and not hate or fight each other.

    2. I agree with you on the subject of putting people of different colors in movies or cartoons to show children that we are all the same and we must all be treated the same way .

  • Seeing diversity in films is super important in my opinion because it makes everyone feel part of society . It makes us all feel different which for me is important we feel different . Why? Because strength lies in our differences not in our similarities.

    “I can tell you without diversity creativity remains stagnant”.-Edward Enninful

    1. Thank you, really enjoyed the idea of 'strength lies in our differences not in our similarities.' Diversity encourages creativity as everyone can contribute differently to boost innovation. Could you think of any other benefits of diversity ?

      1. Another one I could think of is ,
        Let’s share our similarities and celebrate our diffrences.

    2. I agree with this because we need to see all the different people and so that we can also feel different so we are not like each other and all of us are different.

    3. I'm not sure about this because it doesn't make a lot of sense, for me. But I understood that colour people feel left out and I never think about that way.

      1. Do you think that all people should be represented in films, and that is important to see diversity in cinema?

    4. Great point compelling_hurricane! Can you give an example of where you being different has been a strength?

      1. I am a Latina , and my mom does not speak English so well. Whenever she need a translator, here I am . Also me being able to speak Spanish and English will really help me with my GCSE . And it can give me more qualifications for jobs.

        I had a disease but now I am better I missed so many days of school before . Eventually I looked different to everyone else (I don’t really want to say how ) everyday everyone in my class would stare at me . I used to think me being different was bad. Until me dad gave me the quote that “strength lies in our differences not in our similarities .”

        1. Thank you for sharing your experience. Why do you think it is also important to see people's differences in film and TV as well?

        2. Thank you for sharing - your differences make you YOU

  • I think it is important to see diversity in films because people are influenced by what they see. So when they see diversity being represented, they will start to think more carefully about it.
    Also, it is good, because the world is dirverse. People need to see the truth about what has happened through history in diverity. Everybody is different and we should be respected for this. But the truth is-not everybody treates others fairly. We all have prejudices that can influence us.

    Films could make sure they get the representations by making a diversity charter that tells you what you are going to do. People also need to make sure they know what diversity they are trying to represent. We need to address the things we are blind to. Eg: Race; gender; age; even economic class.

    1. I agree that people need to know more about the diversity group they are representing. I think that we risk causing more harm if we do not represent people in a way which is true to them. That is why it is not just about the characters. We should also make sure that diverse people are writing the scripts and directing the films too because only they know how it feels to be this way.

    2. This is an interesting point of how movies should reflect what the world actually looks like! How does that help people in real life? Can you say a little bit more about how it would help people who have traditionally been represented in films change their behaviours by seeing a more diverse cast in movies? Great thought process!

      1. Thanks.
        I think it helps people in real life because it can give them an idea on what is actually happening in the world, some things that they may not have known about beforehand.
        It would help people who have been traditionally represented change their behaviours because when they see that there is a diverse cast and better representations, they could feel happier because that way more people will understand the truth.

    3. I agree because everyone should be threated equal and the people shouldn't be more racist anymore because it will hurt our mental health if someone insults you.I really like your opinion about diversity.

    4. I agree because... People are influenced by what they see, so it is critical that we portray the right things in movies, as this influences how society engages with the subject and interacts with the people in each locality. Having the right representation gives individuals a sense of belonging, which when translated properly helps reshape the minds and thinking of others. We must remember that if there is no diversity in movies, there will be both positive and negative consequences because what we see stays in our memories and becomes part of our lifelong experiences.

      1. Great response insightful_science

    5. I think you are 100% correct.It is important to see diversity in the film because they automatically adopt what is shown in the film .They feel that everyone owns the equality.I too taught of the same thing

    6. I agree with your point because diversity is very important in this globalized world. Most countries have representation from several other countries as well. Hence, focusing on one particular race for all good things or bad things happening around is not correct.

      Recently in our country, a movie made in one of the south indian language, Kannada, named 'Kantara' was celebrated big time by the entire country and beyond too. This movie was made in a language that not many people watch, beyond that particular Indian state Karnataka.

      Generally, when you say Indian movie, everyone thinks it's only bolly wood movies, which is all about good stories, filled with songs and dance mostly. However, India is a land with diverse culture, with several languages spoken.

      Hence, when this Kannada language movie 'Kantara' which celebrated the culture prevalent in the tribal people living forests of the Indian State Karnataka was released, a film about man vs. nature, it became one of the most refreshing and groundbreaking movies of all times!
      Such representation is good.

  • Diversity in films is important because societies are diverse. The more we see people who are different to us, the more we get used to the fact that they are part of society, just like us. Also, people need to see themselves reflected on the screen, so it's not just films, but also TV shows and adverts that should be diverse. People from all backgrounds and especially young people need to see people they can relate to. How are people from different backgrounds supposed to understand they are equal members of society if they don't see people like them on the screen?

    Films can make sure they do their representation right by giving both important and less important roles to different people. I mean, for example the heroes should be both Asian, European, African and American, in a balanced proportion. Also, people from different backgrounds should be given roles as lawyers, politicians, businessmen, scientists, so that young people understand they can become anything they want and that their background is not an obstacle.

    1. With some films based on history, casting has sometimes been "colourblind" (actors have been cast into roles that were historically different in ethnicity from their own). For example, in the musical Hamilton, the role of Hamilton himself (who was white) has often been acted by someone who is black. What are your views on this?

      Likewise with gender. Hamlet, was famously a prince of Denmark. Should a woman portray him? Any reasons for and against?

      1. In my view we should keep historical facts accurate precisely because we need to learn from history. I must admit I didn’t know who Hamilton was but now I read about him and I know. Given the situation in the US at the time, I think it is wrong to have a black Hamilton. I also think it would be wrong to have a woman Hamlet because this is not how Shakespeare created the character. I know this is fiction, but this too was created in a certain historical context.
        I think the solution to the diversity problem is to create diverse characters that portray the world we are currently living in.
        I know about a book that tells the story of a time when people tried to create this perfect world without anything ugly in it and there were no books to inform them about the past. But the truth is the world is not 100% good. Of course we are doing our best to make it good but we can’t do it by hiding things under the carpet.

    2. I agree because racial and gender balance is a major obstacle in film production and acting.

    3. I have joined the discussion of who can change the world. I answered: I think being a hero isn't about wearing a cape or having amazing superpowers because it's not what we have that saves people but what we can do. A hero, in my view, is someone who does nothing but good for people no matter what, sometimes even sacrificing something they really hold dear. I can't really name any superhero characters because I don't watch either Marvel or DC. However, what I can say is this, we shouldn't wish the heroes from comic books or movies, we can all be everyday heroes and not necessarily be someone everyone wants to be like because we're so good or strong. A superhero or just a hero, what makes them different from others is their desire and ability to do something for someone else...
      On the subject of the Black Panther: Representation and Diversity Student: Great From school: Remaville Christian Academy Country: Nigeria And I said: Your way of thinking is distinctive, and your comment inspires hope in the soul of the reader and makes him motivated to try hard to be a good person. It really made me think differently because it is not important to be the hero only in movies and novels, we should always be a hero to ourselves and those around us and do our best to do good

      1. Is there someone in real life you think is a superhero?

        1. Yes, there are many people who are called superheroes, for example my mother who carried me in her womb for nine months and endured the pain and hardships she and my father worked on raising me until I grew up and became self-reliant. Superheroes indeed

    4. I agree because diversity in films has widened the horoscope of many individuals by creating, empowering and inspire individuals of oppressed groups and culture. It has also expanded career opportunities for denigrated category in the entertainment industry and the society as a whole.

  • I personally think that we should have more people of different racial backgrounds on tv. Why? Well, if we only see white people as the main characters or superheroes, we will belive that they can't be like that just because of their skin color. Think about all the marvel heroes like Iron man, Spiderman , Wonder woman, the hulk, and more. They are all white. The films should have all kinds of movie characters because we need to get used to diversity. If we were all the same, life would be boring. I think that Disney making the new actor of Ariel a black woman is amazing.
    On the other hand, I'm not saying that we should have a black Snow White or a white Black Panther. We should keep to reality as much as we can, and the reality is that human beings are diverse. But also that most people in Europe used to be white and most people in Africa are still black. I think distorting reality for the sake of diversity is wrong. For example, a Korean Queen Victoria just wouldn't make sense.
    Another thing, I think it actually depends on the acting skill too. If a certain black man has better acting skill than a white man, then it's fair to hire him and vice versa. In conclusion I think it is important to show diversity as this is our reality but we should not discount people's ability.

    1. That's exactly right @bright_wallaby we should have diverse characters on screen because in reality human beings are diverse! And great point about not distorting reality and the representation of real people like Queen Victoria for the sake of diversity. How do you think films can make sure they represent people from different backgrounds well?

    2. Great comments! Do you think PoC/BME skills are assessed differently due to underlying racial tones in industry or do you think everyone is judged fairly?

  • In the beginning, films are very interesting, sometimes action, sometimes comedy, sometimes drama, etc. Diversity is a beautiful thing. Thinking we only watch a drama now we get bored. How do we know that the representation is correct?! The viewer should be in harmony with the movie, to feel fun and not be bored. The viewer should cry if it is a drama, and laugh if it is a comedy, and be encouraged and excited if it is action.

    1. I'm not sure about this because we're talking more about diversity and how to feel a personal connection with the character on the screen than talking about drama and fun. Even though it matters to keep your viewers entertained, it still matters to give them what they deserve to see. I see your point, but we still have to know if they're showing the representation wrong but still trying to worry about fun, it could lead to a negative and wasteful movie.

  • A movie with diversity and representation can show and celebrate people of different races, cultural backgrounds, sexualities, genders, religions and many more. In Black Panther, for the first time in Marvel history, we see a person of colour as the main protagonist and hero of the movie. As a person of colour myself, I feel that diversity is extremely important in mass media because POC are still subject to stereotypes and stigmatization for things that make no sense. While some stereotypes are not particularly 'harmful', they still make the progress we made in vain. Although non-POC believe that POC have great representation, we don't. If you look at the most popular movies, they all have mostly, if not an all-white cast and crew.
    Sometimes, people believe that representation is just including a character of colour which it isn't. Good representation depends on how you portray a character. A good representation isn't making a Black character a criminal or thug, good rep is making a movie starring a Black person as the protagonist and focusing on them as a character and not the colour of their skin. Black Panther was one of the films that were able to do this amazingly. Black Panther focused on the culture of the characters and not how they have some sort of internalized racism for themselves. This is unlike many films as most of them tend to follow the same narrative. Someone hates the colour of their skin and movie follows them around their journey. Although it's a good idea, it is usually poorly executed as most of the producers and directors and White. In Black Panther, African culture is shown amazingly and it helps that most of the cast and crew are POC. This helps in the reduction of the stigma around Black people.

    1. Thank you for your knowledgeable and informed comment @ingenious _library. I've awarded you two stars as you've used all of the Topical Talk skills of Listening, Speaking, Creativity and Problem Solving really well. You've offered great examples of good and bad representation in films, talked about how films add to the problem of stereotypes as well as how they can help to get rid of stereotypes. Well done!

    2. I agree because representation isn't only about adding a character of color and their culture isn't showcased enough. We need more good representations like those done in black panther.

  • It's important to see different people in movies because we will create a good image about them. We are scared about things that we don't know. My teacher at the start of the lesson told me think about how do you feel if you enter a dark room. At first you feel scared because you don't know what is inside but if you turn on the light you see that it is just a normal room. That is the same for diverse movies. The movies are a guiding light to the unknown of diversity. If the movies aren't diverse they won't teach you to love the people among you. That's why we should see diversity in movies.

    1. You have provided some great insights poetic_buffalo. I love the visual imagery of turning on the light. How do you think movies could be made more diverse? Or convey positive messages of diversity to enlighten others?

      1. I think that the starting point should be that we should see each other as human beings who can do the same things irrespective of race or gender. So if people from different backgrounds are given parts as important jobs but also unimportant jobs, heroes but also villains, we are all going to understand that in essence there are no differences between us.This will tell to the public that all humans are equals.

  • I believe it is important to see diversity in films because it gives people not familiar with diverse people the idea that they're not so different from other types of people and it encourages them to make friends from different places. Film can make sure they do representation right by having an equal amount of diverse actors. That way, people will see others can do interesting things. Do you think diverse people should be in films or only one type of people should be in a film? How can we see the real world if we only see it from one point of view?

    1. I agree it's important to get to know and understand other people both to learn about your similarities and differences fun_rainforest. Beyond actors, how else could films be made more diverse?

    2. What part does the purpose and the plot of the film have in this?

      Sometimes a film can have diverse characters and it makes no difference to the story being told.

      However, for example, there was a film a few years ago named Loving. It is about how a racially mixed married couple were not allowed to live in Virginia in the United States. What does representation mean in a film like this?

  • To see diversity in films is important because white people realise that they should treat different skin colour people the same. The films can make sure that they do representation right by putting different skin colour people as the main characters and role models in the films. In my country the Roma community are always put down in films which is wrong and it makes people treat them differently. Could Romanian films make the Roma community the main characters and the good guys for once?

    1. Hi @incomparable_armadillo, you're right that it's unfortunate that everyone has the ability to discriminate and treat other people badly. That's a great example about the Roma community. People who make films should make sure they don't just repeat stereotypes and that they represent people from different backgrounds accurately.

  • I think that it is important to see diversity in films, because of the mindset people get if they only see the world through movies one way. It doesn't matter if it is a fantasy or sci-fi film. People will always believe at least a few things from a film, so I think it should really exist more diversity in films. For example, to get used to seeing more different people in real life, without being that surprised and maybe even afraid of them. My teacher told me today in class that when he was younger he was afraid of diverse people because he is from a place where it is not common. He said that he changed his mind because of TV. Maybe we can entroduce different characters. People might actually change theyre mindset this way.

    1. Very true, TV can really affect your mindset! How do you think people who make TV programmes can make sure they represent different characters correctly?

    2. I agree because Our different opinions and perspectives on life led to diversity in films Movies should be done right by putting all the positives in the movie characters Since we are naturally affected by what we see, we will realize the importance of being positive in our society.

  • I think it is important to see diversity in films because not only that it tells people to respect other races but it also develops confidence in people of all the different races . I my self remember how happy I was this year when I saw the first Pakistani super hero( ms marvel ) it gives all the people the courage that they can be a part of something big and gives them a sense of belonging that they are not less than anyone. Black panther was the first black lead solo super hero movie so it was a big step against racism. And I think it is also important because all the children who see the movie develop a healthy mindset that all humans are equal and a black person can also lead us. Also seeing shuri becoming the new black panther shows that a woman can also be a leader defying the concept of that only men are strong enough to lead.
    So , I think that it's important to see diversity in films because it eliminates the complex about a race or religion and also creates an environment in which we are all equally human.

    1. You've used some great examples to showcase different types of diversity representation in film breathtaking_meteor. You have also broached the concept of intersectionality where an individual may belong to more than one diversity group e.g. black heritage and female. I really like your statement in which we are "all equally human", that's such a beautiful sentiment. Great job!

    2. Breaktaking_mentor, thank you for your comment. I like the character of Ms Marvel: not only does she bring more diversity to the world of superheroes, the comic strips show what life can be like to be a muslim in the US, and so provides the gentlest of educations for many in the West.
      You may have given a spoiler about Shuri becoming the new black panther!

    3. Hi breathtaking_meteor,

      I agree that diversity in films develops confidence in people of different races - I remember princess Jasmine being the first Disney princess that I could relate to!

      Do you have any ideas of a story-line for a new movie which celebrates diversity?

  • Diversity is the beauty of our world .When a film maker projects diversity with people of different cultures,religions,colours and background...it signifies that everyone is accepted and inclusive .Diversity makes us feel as citizen of the world.Recently,i watched an indian Movie' PK 'which was great in its impact .It reflected that our people minds are hijacked by zealots.We have forgotten the message by Allah .Our belief system is diametrically convulated...it left many logical questions on my mind.The movie impacted to billion of people.Thus diversity in movies impact our mental health.

    1. Great insight! What do you think about PK impacted you the most e.g. was there any particular scene or actor that you felt had an impact on you personally and why?

  • Why is it so diverse to see diversity in films? : This diversity communicates different ideas and different meanings from one person to another (some people think in terms of creativity and intelligence from those different films they have seen).
    Different people should be affected by what they see in the movies. For example, we made a movie and had black heroes and white heroes in secondary roles, white people the idea that they are no different from white than they are and that they are equal in every color
    And people will believe some things
    To show and celebrate people of different races, cultural backgrounds, nationalities, genders and religions Because of her opinion of the article the person holds (by what he does after watching the movie or for example in the movie so-and-so - the hero acted like a mover or what is sometimes said about him)
    Movies can make sure they get representation by putting in a diversity meth that tells you what they are going to do or do correctly by assigning important and less important roles to different people.

  • Diversity in acting is very important, with diversity, people do not get bored of watching movies, and when the movie has a new story with a new diversity, the curiosity of viewers increases to know the story and the axis around which the movie revolves, and everything is in a special way so that it convinces the viewer to complete watching to see what will happen
    People also benefit from this diversity in their lives. It is possible that the situations in this movie happen with someone and through the movie realize what they are going through, or raise the awareness of the ignorant, as we learn from diversity. And this is a different judgment and values ​​that we benefit from in our lives and learn and how to act in certain situations that happen to us, where there are people who do not like a certain type of film, with different films, everyone has the right to pursue the genre he likes.

  • diversity is important because it teaches us how to act, it influences our choices and gives us hope and it includes everyone and inclusion of everyone's viewpoints and perspectives is key to a better community. It also enhances our creativity, every culture and everyone views the world in different and useful perspectives.

    1. I agree because... all the people living in the world are different and have a unique perspective .
      Especially in my country there are people with unique culture . So here diversity plays a vital role. Here we can learn the culture of different people . Also we can have a connect with them .
      ( If anyone wants to add any point please share it )

      1. I agree because... exactly what i was trying to emphasize, if there is more diversity, we could really solve even the most basic of problems and people would feel more involved. Also a lot of issues would be solved.

  • Seeing the diversity in the films brings excitement and enthusiasm to the viewers, and it is also possible to take information from the films that we did not know before. The films are very beautiful and also beautiful according to the type of the film. The film has types, including action, thriller, drama, comedy and others, all of which are entertaining and interesting in the viewers' point of view.
    I think it can be ensured that it is represented correctly when the viewer enjoys watching and likes the story of the film.

    1. Hi Great_Mango - you say that seeing diversity in films brings excitement and enthusiasm to viewers. Can you say why this would be the case?

      1. I think that it is because of their love for the heroes of the film and the main axis (the story) of the film, or their admiration for the writer's writing of the film and the film's story for the director .

      2. When we bring enthusiasm and excitement, there may be some valuable information that must be communicated to the viewer, or we make him expect new things, and with this we can develop his mind and make him developed and mentally predictable.

  • There should be diversity in films. I feel that it would help to reduce gender inequality and also discrimination. When all the different genders and races are well represented in films, it introduces a feeling or sense of equality and belonging. It helps to portray to society that there can be unity in diversity, when everyone works together to achieve a goal.

    1. A good point of view, I liked it, because you looked at the issue from a sensitive side, which is discrimination and inequality, and also unity in order to achieve goals, this is wonderful, thank you

  • Not only does on-screen representation give us the chance to see outside of our bubble, but it also allows others to feel included and seen. Having a cast with a specific background can often break certain stereotypes that come with the culture through character and plot development. Diversity in films also makes an accurate portrayal of society that can affect both the over and the under represented groups of society. It helps raise awareness and empower individuals.

    Film companies can make research on a culture before representing it poorly or badly in movies which would offend a huge group of people. When looking for cast members they must get someone who really can represent the culture they are trying to portray in the movies.

    1. Hi Joyous-Guitar - I agree it's important for film companies to carry out research before they make a film. You say that cast members should represent the culture they are trying to portray in the movies. What do you mean by that? Can any one person truly reflect an entire culture?

      1. Yes, a person can try and portray the culture. The film companies can start by looking for people who belong to that culture or something similar to that culture to try and make a proper representation of it.

  • Diversity in films is important because it helps to portray an accurate show of society both the over and under-represented groups of society. Having diversity in the film industry is therefore a better representation of the different members of society. It is not only films that need to be diverse. Magazines and adverts too, need to be diverse. We as a global community are diverse hence all our affairs ought also to be diverse.

    Diversity in films is also important because it helps people to be open-minded it will open up people's minds to new ways of thinking. Films influence people a lot and having a good representation in films can help people to develop a good mindset toward other people.

    In order to ensure diversity in films and in the media, certain things can also be done. They include:
    1. People from different backgrounds(Asians, Africans, Europeans and Americans) should be employed to make adverts. This will also help to attract more people to the advert.

    2. Heroes in movies and even comic books should not only be from one place different people too can be used.

    The effects of lack of diversity in films and the media.
    1. People who are not adequately in films and media feel bad and inferior.

    2. Actors from other backgrounds that are not being picked to act in films, lose opportunities and money.

    3. Society will not have an open mindset about people from other walks of life because they are not represented in films and in the media.

    4. People will have inaccurate, little or no information about other people, and as a result, people become unaware of how diverse and beautiful our world is.

    5. Since people are influenced by the media a lot, they copy the attitude of a lack of diversity in things to that they do in their daily life. For example, someone can learn the habit of not having diversity from films and can bring it to his or her workplace, home, school, or society.

    1. Hi Amazing_Computer - you say that it is important for films to portray an accurate cross-section of society. If you're making a film about a historic person, how important is it that the actors reflect the gender, ethnicity etc. of historical figures or should they reflect modern society?

      1. It is important that when creating historical movies they are factual and should be acted and portrayed based on true facts not necessarily based on modern society this is because people learn a lot from movies and if a historical movie is portrayed inaccurately or leaves out some parts of what actually happened in history, it can cause people to go around believing the wrong thing in their head which can be dangerous as some inaccurate historical films can cause hatred between people from different walks of life. Generally, I feel historical movies irrespective of whether they are accurate or not are always viewed as accurate by the public because it is believed that since the movie is historical it should be factual. Although I no longer have that stereotype and I always try to check out the accuracy of historical films before believing them many people may still believe that all historical films are accurate innocently so it is important to make such sensitive films factual and even if it is to be modified to suit modern society for example, in terms of diversity, where there is none in the actual sense then it should be clearly stated for all and sundry to see and not to misinterpret.

    2. I agree with man because some people out there need money and a lot of people have dreams about being a actor and a lot of people do lose opportunities and everyone is a different person in life and they need what they want like a opportunities in life. Having a good representation in a person have a lot in them.

  • Diversity in films is important because societies are diverse. The more we see people who are different to us, the more we get used to the fact that they are part of society, just like us. Also, people need to see themselves reflected on the screen, so it's not just films, but also TV shows and adverts that should be diverse. People from all backgrounds and especially young people need to see people they can relate to. How are people from different backgrounds supposed to understand they are equal members of society if they don't see people like them on the screen?

    Films can make sure they do their representation right by giving both important and less important roles to different people. I mean, for example the heroes should be both Asian, European, African and American, in a balanced proportion. Also, people from different backgrounds should be given roles as lawyers, politicians, businessmen, scientists, so that young people understand they can become anything they want and that their background is not an obstacle.

  • What would you like to inspire someone else to do for me? I will inspire others to have a measure of hope, optimism and positive energy. Hope is the most important and influential emotional and human need in practical experience and the constant pursuit of achievement and progress.

    1. Yes I think hope is one of the most important and influential emotion for human. Can you think about another emotion that is equally important? Also, it would be great if you can share with us more how will you inspire others!

      1. I agree with you that hope is an important thing in life. For example, a person has a dream and wants to achieve it. He stopped realizing his dream because some obstacles occurred in its path. So he should not despair of that. There is an emotion that is no less important, such as self-confidence. If you want to reach your goal, that is, your dream, for example: You dream of having your own business, you must believe in yourself and your abilities!

  • Our world has always been a heterogeneous mixture of people from different races, religions, regions and genders coming together. This diversity is what makes our world so unique and valuable. Which also means that every single community deserves representation in films and the media. Due to initiatives by Marvel such as Black Panther, Miss Marvel, Shang Chi etc., these groups are being represented in the global world.

    The youth, especially, idolises its favourite actors and characters from the books, movies and shows it reads or watches. Having characters from different regions all across the world opens our minds and makes us welcome their cultures and the values they bring with them.

    It is very important to display such communities on the global screen because what we see is what we practice. We get greatly influenced by the characters we see in movies specially in this digital era, making it very necessary to give proper representation to all social and economic groups. Just like a bench never discriminates between the physical appearance, the economic status, the social background or anything like that when anyone sits on it, we should actually learn from that bench because then that will make us inclusive and will ultimately make the world a better place for every single person to live in.

  • In my opinion it is the most important to see diversity in films . A diverse movie is a modern themed multi-cultural movie which celebrates the diversity of culture, sexuality and lifestyle. People may know about other's culture , ethnicity and rituals . This makes people more united by their own means . Indian films known as Bollywood is the best example which shows the diversity in their movies . By showing diversities minority group never feels alienated . When we see something our mind also jot down good values and at time we implement them . Diversity hence plays an important role in our life for making us united and we can connect to each other through their culture , traditions and many more .

  • Movies play a crucial role in shaping the minds of their viewers and therefore it is important for the movie to have content that inspires and acts as a role model in society. Diversity is an important asset of a movie as it helps reach a more variety of viewers and helps every person irrespective of their race, color, gender, etc. to be united as one and relate to the characters and the content of the movie. For example in the movie, Black Panther the main protagonist is a black person who is shown as a kind, strong and powerful person and this character has inspired many black people in society who are generally discriminated against and seen as inferior because of prejudices. Such movies help a lot in overthrowing the prejudices in society and displaying a message of unity in diversity to the viewers.
    Films can make sure they get representation by making a diversity charter that tells you what you are going to do. People also need to make sure they know what diversity they are trying to represent. We need to address the things we are blind to by including inspiring characters of different races; gender; ages; colors etc. and giving out a positive message that eliminates the prejudices.

    1. What if the scenes wasn't really capturing lived experiences or was based on stereotypes or in some cases Blacks, Asians or Muslims .
      So Is there a way to estimate this cost of doing diversity wrong?

      1. I agree with your point, and it is totally true that the first challenge is to eliminate these stereotypes that are shown in movies as it's the most forthcoming way in which society discriminates against people like Blacks, Asians, or Muslims. To eliminate such scenes the best possible way is to censor them, for which a proper censor board must be developed for each country and finally, as a responsible citizen, such racist movies must be boycotted by the viewers.

  • If there was no diversity in films, I don't think anyone would be interested in watching any movies anymore. Movies are a way of social expression and society is not made up of only particular groups of people but different cultures collectively. Why should we let simple differences like race, skin color, sexuality, and age group stop us from bringing our cultures together for our benefit? Racism especially has been the major cause of segregation in humanity. But for the first time, we see a black hero everyone admires. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, " I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Our within should matter more than our without. If our society is diverse, why should the very expression of it not be? Why do we allow simple differences to separate us so much that we lose sight of how beautiful it is to be together?
    This brings me to speak up about something I think everyone should be more open-minded about. The way we stand up to racism.

  • Why is it important to see diverty in films ?
    Becouse viewers of the films come from diffrent countries and cultures , and also peaple are greatly affected what they watch .

    How can films make sure they do represention right ?
    When the number of followers and positive comments for the movie increses . When the number of followers of the movie increses the actors must make sure that they are also viewers who comment negative comments and in this case the actors try to fix the mistake and start acting better .

  • I believe it is important to see diversity because some people can have insecurities and by seeing others different yet in the end, being the protagonist in the film really brings the reminder that everyone is different yet special. Also, since children are quite easily manipulated into thinking various things, it is of paramount importance that they learn at a young age that no matter your gender, skin colour or culture, you can work together. By watching different films with different plots, I have learned to love my class in reality as all "corners" of the world meet. We are like jigsaw puzzle pieces, each one intricate yet different, but in the end, when we join, the picture is complete : peace, harmony, unity.

  • I thick watching diverse film help one understand more about how other people from different society conduct their daily activities and it is good to get the correct information so as to not annoy the people involved .

    1. I agree because if you watch a film with people that act the same, do you think they would pull viewers.

  • diversity is one of the best thing that brought marvel back to the scene, because it made people influenced to see people of their colour and behaviuor and way of leaving being the leading or the protoganist of the movies this really captured people's attention making black panther the best selling movie in its time.
    this action of diversity shows that the movie makers think about the others races and they follow there way of behaviour. This really excites people to see themselves reflected on screens. And since the world is diverse so the more people seeing there culture and people makes them like the movie and the movie makers so diversity is another thing that helps the movie makers gain more attention of the crowd because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society. Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people if diversity is used in a wrong way.

  • Black Panther is one movie everyone gives credit for its breakthrough in racial segregation in the film industry. But what do we all know about upcoming black actors who struggle in a bid to secure a large protagonist role for other movies? Black Panther is not just a movie, it is a success story. Many black actors and actresses dream of making it big in the film industry, but how many actually do? I see Black Panther more deeply because of this fact. Chadwick Boseman, the actor who plays the main role in the movie was able to secure such a big role for himself, but the movie is not as entertaining as it is insightful for me. I understand that most of the actors and actresses in the movie were black individuals, but what about the actors and actresses who play roles in movies influenced more by white people? Of course, not all of them may get to play big roles or get to act in movies with more black culture in them. So why isn't anyone remembering those struggling actors? It may even interest you to know that there is discrimination even among black people. Let me give an example, an actress named Amandla Stenberg of a light-skinned complexion, stepped away from acting "Shuri" in the 2018 Black Panther movie by her own violation. When asked why she replied that she didn't think it would visually make sense for her to go after a role and it wasn't appropriate for her to play in that role. And what about the darker-skinned actors or actresses, who get turned down or turn down roles just because they were made to think their color was not appropriate for a particular role? I do not discredit the movie, in fact, I really appreciate that it was able to come out and stand up for black people in the film industry but why should we forget that discrimination is finding other ways to still affect our lives?

    1. What fascinating insight terrific_acorn. You articulate very well that the debate for what is appropriate to encourage diverse representation remains nuanced and there is still a lot of progress to be made towards truly diverse representation in films. What do you think it will take for upcoming black actors to struggle less in securing leading roles in the film industry?

      1. I think the white folks play a bigger role in this. Let me get historical to give a clearer picture. According to the National Library Of Medicine on a comparison of skin tone discrimination, slavery consisted of a strict caste system that distinguished black slaves by their skin color. Although I cannot go into full detail about my findings, I realized that there is also discrimination amongst black people just because of darker and lighter skin colors. The lighter-skinned in past times use to be granted more privileges than the dark skins, they were made to believe that they were of a higher social status than the darker in complexion. Something that may be termed pigmentocracy. What can be done about this in the film industry, is by firstly, eliminating this mindset about the black community. Everyone should know that we all are equal no matter what race we come from or color we have. This would be a big step.

        1. Thank you for bringing this topic to the discussion. Some might know what you're talking about as colourism. Can you explain how this manifests in the film industry?

          1. As I said before, the favoring of a person just because they are light or dark enough to be what you are looking for. Many people can't help but conform to their insecurities and are desperate to change how they look. A dark actress may want to play a lead role but she is not granted that opportunity because it may be for a light-skinned individual. Why do you think bleaching and toning skin products are high on the market? People feel like having too much melanin isn't at all attractive. Nobody should be made to feel this way in any circumstance.

            1. Thanks terrific_acorn- this sounds like it links to colourism which you might be interested to look into.

    2. I agree because... With increasing racism and political instability, the Black panther film has changed the views of many people towards marginalized groups of society. And he fought the human oppression that some people were suffering from. In the words of Nelson Mandela, "No body hates another human because of his skin colour, origin or religion. People have learned to hate, and if they can be taught to hate, then we can teach them to love. Especially that love is closer to the human heart than hatred." The diversity of film has helped to address this problem.

  • It is very important to diversity in films, because the whole world does not have the same opinion or the same mentality.
    Films have a great impact on people, including negative and positive ones. Film directors must turn to the benefit, not the negativity, when preparing films, as they are the main influence on the people who are interested in that.

  • It's important for us to live in a discrimination free world. Noe one should be discriminated against based on their race, creed or religion,. Movies have a great influence on child and adults all around the world and it's very important to highlight diversity in movies so the minority communities can also participate and grow their influence. It's very important for the movie industry to show the world that diversity is important, normal and most importantly healthy.

    1. For big budget films such as Black Panther, they are made by profit oriented business such as Disney (which owns Marvel). What do you think that diversity means in terms of people watching films, and so profits for these businesses?

  • People love diversity in watching their movies because everyone has favorite ideas and things they are attracted to, whether they are young or old, so the word diversity has a beautiful meaning because it includes the meaning of difference, for example, boys are attracted to cars and racing movies and some of them are attracted to fighting movies just as girls are attracted to movies Brides, Disney movies, princesses, and others, and there are girls who love watching cars and racing movies, so diversity is a wonderful thing. Also, in choosing the specialties that people want to enter, they must be diverse. If they were similar, everyone would have lacked other specialties, and because diversity is a good thing for the individual and society, for example, doctors advise diversity. When marrying and not marrying those who have a kinship relationship, such as a cousin and a cousin, as I am, diversity is useful because if there was no difference in the films and in the details of these films, people would be bored of watching them.

    1. Thank you, allowing_flute, for your comment. maybe some people don't love diversity. What would you say to them?

      1. I think that everyone has the right to love what he loves, so we should not impose and design our opinions on people who do not like diversity to change their point of view, because every person has a point of view that they tend to in life, so they think that diversity is something that is not necessary to do because He has entrenched in their minds the idea of ​​not being diverse because everyone has a different way of thinking than others.

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films? And how do you make sure that the films are tamed correctly?
    The beginning of films is a type of very long videos in which the actors discuss an important matter or it may be that the aim of the films is to entertain and entertain the viewer. There are many types of films, the most famous of which are
    Disaster films, war films, sports films, musical films, superhero films, and other films, but the main question is what is the reason for the diversity in films and the answer is
    * Do not get bored of the viewer.
    * Excite the viewer about what will happen in the coming moments.
    * Good listening.
    * Communicate the idea of ​​the film in a fast way.
    Actors can ensure that their representation is correct by
    * There is a lot of movement for the actors in order to move people's minds.
    * Arrange the musical rhythms according to the situations.
    * Ensuring the presence of talents in each actor.

    1. This topic is diversity in films - meaning to include the contents, actors etc with a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations and its values. Could you please re-write your comments on this?

  • Diversity in the universe is the basis in every thing.In creatures and in all things in nature,too.Also tastes of people to the same dish is differ from one to another although the food is same.I think it is an important in any dramatical works and also films to be full of diversity, in fact this expresses the nature of human characteristics and his differences .At the end all these opinions about the certain work will collect on that these pieces of work are full of beauty and diversity and this is the verry essential thing which make it distinguished.

  • There should be diversity in films simply for the sake of intellectual diversity around the world, as we see that the percentage of viewers of films increases daily around the world, the idea of ​​diversity in films must be present in films for many and important reasons at the same time, such as:
    1- Movies are sometimes sympathizing with a certain group of society, such as those who are outcast from those around them or who suffer from a disease.
    2- The diversity of films expands perceptions and ways of thinking, for example, there are films that talk about surgeries that doctors benefit from, there are films that talk about technology and industry that engineers and those interested in electronics benefit from, so the films have become an arena for exchanging experiences indirectly around the world
    3- The diversity of films is a source of inspiration for many young people, helping them to exploit their buried talents and develop them with good and useful morals for the prosperity of society.
    4- The diversity of films increases the awareness of society and creates a conscious generation that is educated about many things. Therefore, these films are considered a means of delivering many messages to people around the world.
    Film owners can ensure that films are represented around the world by laying firm foundations for the success of the artwork, to be followed around the world, and to be reviewed periodically. Useful to be applied in the community directly, to benefit the community from all sides.

  • _ I very much agree that diversity in films is very useful, that Black Panther has become one of the most famous and best films, but let's ask ourselves questions:

    1. Why is it one of the best movies? Answer: Because it has presented a mixture of environments and cultures, and facts in the world that we close our eyes to, such as racial discrimination between white and black, and also made people aware of the feelings of others, whether white or black, and this film collected more than An idea that brought together more than one culture, gender or color, and thus this film showed that equality between race, gender and color stems from our hearts and is not imposed on us, as we must imagine everyone when discrimination is made.

    2. How did it become one of the best films?? This film brought together more than one gender and color, and this encouraged the people of black skin to participate and show themselves and give them self-confidence, and made them able to achieve what they wanted without fear or shame from others, and also made the people of white skin appreciate and respect others and respect them. Their ideas, and if the world becomes like this, everyone will have the opportunity to realize their dreams and elevate themselves.

    3. What should we do to achieve this justice among all?? Film and series directors must choose the competent in acting, not white or black, and blacks must be treated like whites, whether it is education, medical treatment or the economy, and give them opportunities to form and show themselves, and they must be valued and their ideas.

  • It is important to see diversity in films because, in time, I hope people would finally find it normal to see other races in these films. Nowadays, people kind of make it a big thing to see other people in films but, I think it should be as normal as white people actors. Film directors should stop representing characters by race, people should just go to auditions and see if they fit the character, not considering their race. This is true equality, nobody should be made to feel like they need to be given special treatment. It should be based on talent.

  • I feel like diversity is important in films because it can help people that have been marginalised to feel included in society. It also shows the majority that people from minorities are just normal people. This can be achieved by representing those minorities in a variety of roles. For example if a certain race or religion is only portrayed like criminals or terrorists, then the general public will keep in mind this idea. But if they are given all sorts of roles we will get used to them being part of society just like us.
    In my view this is not just about race, but about all minorities. Films can make us get used to the fact that for example people with disabilities can do the jobs we do and that women can be successful in any jobs and that they can be heroes too. These are all steps towards a more inclusive society.

  • I think it’s important to see diversity in films because everyone has the right to feel included and automatically their race or gender too. Or maybe the fact that some films make a gender look like they are better or have more chances to do anything and the people that see a film like that would think it’s real what they saw in the film and that might discourage them. I have friends who are discriminated against who I think could have better representation today in class I talked about my friends from the Roma community who my classmates are not very nice to and I think we should have more good characters for them in Romanian films to normalise them also.

  • Firstly, i’ll say it is significant to see diversity in films for the reason that no one should be excluded. Film producers ought to normalize the idea of diversity of all sorts and try to make films that include all types of people.

  • It's important to see diversity in films because films can influence other people's perspective on that certain community. Is important to try and include all the communities because they can feel left out if not.
    If Romanian people were only having the role of the thiefs and criminals that could influence other's point of view on the Romanian community and then people might be afraid of Romanians.
    Films can make sure that they make representation right by includeing all the communities so no one would feel discriminated.

    I think that Jack from the film Titanic could change the world because he sacrificed his life for his love Rose when everyone was focused on themselves. We need people like that who make sacrifices for the greater good.

  • I believe that diversity in films is a major factor that motivates audiences to watch films and thus increases their revenues. It increases audiences' confidence in dramatic work, raises their preconceptions about it, and increases the incentive to watch it.

  • I think it is important to see diversity in films because people are influenced by what they see. So when they see diversity being represented, they will start to think more carefully about it.
    Also, it is good, because the world is dirverse. People need to see the truth about what has happened through history in diverity. Everybody is different and we should be respected for this. But the truth is-not everybody treates others fairly. We all have prejudices that can influence us.

    1. In your opinion, what is the main reason for these prejudices, and the lack of fair treatment? And how can we solve these problems??

  • If there was no diversity in films, I don't think anyone would be interested in watching any movies anymore. Movies are a way of social expression and society is not made up of only particular groups of people but different cultures collectively. Why should we let simple differences like race, skin color, sexuality, and age group stop us from bringing our cultures together for our benefit? Racism especially has been the major cause of segregation in humanity. But for the first time, we see a black hero everyone admires. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, " I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Our within should matter more than our without. If our society is diverse, why should the very expression of it not be? Why do we allow simple differences to separate us so much that we lose sight of how beautiful it is to be together?

  • Who would love to watch a movie that has only one set of characters? Absolutely no one! The diversity in a movie makes the movie interesting and gives everyone the sense of togetherness and oneness, because the world is gradually healing the large vacuum that RACISM has left and it would be very nice to watch a movie that accommodates every individual qualified for that particular role irrespective of race.
    when every race is equally represented in a movie cast, the movie becomes a blockbuster because everyone across the globe will want to see the actors from their race on the global stage, and this brings about equal representation among races because everyone was granted the opportunity.

  • For me, films have a large and effective role in influencing people and achieving the desired goal because they touch their hearts and feelings and clarify the idea to be communicated to them. Diversity in films helps to think well that makes people see the real truth, and actors must represent reality in a way Correct by giving important roles

  • Diversity in films is very important. Films are shown to the public and that makes it a very sensitive area because people are easily influenced by the things they see in films. The diversity that I am talking about is not about just employing people from different backgrounds like Asians, Africans, Europeans, and Americans to make a movie. After all, people from different backgrounds can be employed to make a movie but still be poorly represented. We can see instances like this in movies where blacks are given bad roles to act. Roles to be thieves, kidnappers, or villains while the white people are given good roles to be seen as heroes. In a sense, this shows diversity in the movies as they are different people from different places in the movie but the blacks are poorly represented in this case and that is not the kind of diversity that will effectively bring about change in the world. We can see instances of this manifesting itself in our everyday life when crimes are committed and the first suspects are the blacks that happened to be at the scene of the crime at that time. This is not fair. People behave like this mostly because of things they have learned elsewhere like in films. The kind of diversity I am talking about that will bring about a positive change in the world is in cases where blacks too are given good roles to be heroes for a change because giving blacks bad roles presents them poorly to the world and this influences the way they are seen in the world. The film industry is a very sensitive area as it is an area that exposes things bad or good to people and these things can influence people either negatively or positively. It is important that filmmakers realize how delicate their work is and incorporate the diversity that will make a positive change in the world when making their films.

    1. You make a good point that if people from certain races, ethnicities, genders etc are only ever seem in certain roles, then this can entrench stereotypes. Can you give some great lead characters from film or TV who are played by black actors?

  • I feel its important to see diversity in movies because diversity brings about creativity and innovation. Every culture, every nationality, every single person sees the world in a different way. Similarly, every culture, nationality, and person has different knowledge, perspectives, and points of view. When all of these different views are seen in films, people get to see the fuller and better pictures of things. If everyone was exactly the same, no one would ever learn anything because there would be no knowledge I feel it is very vital and important diversity is shown in films so that peoples different experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds are known.

    1. Can you give an example of this from film?

      1. For example Coco the Mexican animation which was named after a celebration Of El Dia De Los Muertos(it means day of the dead), I have learnt that their loved ones who have passed away are remembered and honoured on a special day. If I had not watched the animation I would not have known about the Mexican celebration.

  • I have different point of view.There is so much forced diversity in movies these days.Because everyday people demand it. They think that if it isn't showned on tv, it doesn't exist.Instead of a producer making a story, it's the people demanding what should be showned.Instead of seeing a brilliant character in a story, people see a represent of a group on the screen.Instead of someone making their own movie about what they want, they complain to moviemakers and (again) demand them to include more diverse people.And I don't have anything against "black" people or homosexuals being in movies! What I am against however is when the "must" to have them becomes greater then the quality or the joy of the movie. (I mean, just look at Frozen 2 for example - I loved the general guy of the Prince, but come on, how many dark skinned people did he fantasy land of Norway have back in the 1800s?

    1. Thanks for your comment calm_deer and for bringing a different point of view. Am I correct in summarising your opinion as there is too much focus on diversity in film?

      I think it's interesting that you point out Frozen 2 is set in a fantasy, made up place and world (where magic happens!) but question if these place would have a diverse range of people. As it's fantasy, isn't that irrelevant?

      1. Frozen was criticized to be too white. So probably they decided to add lieutenant Mattias and Halima who might be the first POC citizens there. They must have thought of putting her now as she doesn't appear anywhere else. But now Disney's pushing diversity in all areas, so it's not much of a surprise. They're trying to play it safe because whatever they do, there'll be people supporting and opposing them like in Onward.

        1. Thanks for responding! Does it affect the story to have more POC represented?

          1. Maybe. But I think if there wasn't any complaints about it, characters like Halima and Mattias wouldn't have been a thought. Apparently, they got hit with a contact to properly represent the Sami since there was so much backlash with Kristoff. Wouldn't be surprised if that also meant adding people of African and Asian descent for this film.

  • Diversity is a very important key when it comes to many things, so when they ask if it important in movies I would say it is a very important factor. Diversity doesn’t only apply to skin color but also age, ethnicity, culture etc. It teaches both children and adults what it means to appreciate the differences in people and that everyone has a shot at both the high and low roles. The diversity portrayed in Black Panther shows all the specialties everyone has found in their diverse backgrounds. This concept of diversity creates unity and peace when living with others.

    The representation should be shown in films by equality of the different people around. All people should get a chance to experience the high and low positions and roles of the different characters in a film. Black Panther portrayed this very well it shows that everyone can play any role they desire. When representing this factor film makers should also put in the concept of balancing well to make sure no role is over shadowed by another role. The representation makes others feel wanted and helps people work with each other.

  • Diversity in films is important for both children and adult. Why i think so is because it teaches them that it is okay to see people of different races,culture, and sexuality. Diversity is all about the differences people have and what makes those differences special about them.

    So having people of different races,culture,age and sexuality in a film like black panther is a great idea because it teaches people that it doesn’t matter how different we are from each other,we’re all one.

    It teaches people to always appreciate who they are and that it’s their differences that make them who they are.

    The cultural diversity in is about bringing people from diverse backgrounds and creating an environment that not only recognizes their differences but also celebrate them and make them feel comfortable with who they are.
    After the premiere of black panther, many black people,both kids and adults, have felt more comfortable with who they are.

    Seeing a super hero of color was one of the most interesting and enlightening moment because it was the first time that a black cast has been dominated worldwide.

  • In my opinion,
    1.Diversity in movies is a very vital thing if we are to call a movie a world class level because it enables people of different cultures to showcase their cultures and features to the outside world and in this way through a movie's diversity, a country gets more tourists to it and more revenue is got thus supporting revenues.
    2. Diversity in a movie helps bring the idea of an oppression free world where all races are respected and cherished, diversity in race rises awareness among people that everyone should be treated equally no matter their race and colour for example the movie black panther where we had both blacks and whites representing their races and this actually made the people of either side to fill not left out and equally brought on board.
    3.Diversity also strengthens the foundation of movie industry in way that many young actors from different areas of the world might be brought and used to represent different lifestyles. Besides that, it also enables people watching movies across the globe to learn how things in other cultures are given meaning for example whites could learn about the African's culture disciplines and way of child nurturing through a movie with great diversity.
    4.Diversity in movies could also bring about inspirations for example many young black film actors, children and adults got inspired by the scene of a black superhero movie by marvel(black panther).
    In short, movie diversity is actually a key to a change in the world's general opinion of others.
    Right representation could be done by getting actors that belong a particular race, culture and lifestyle that is intended to be represented. Such actors could possess attributes like colour, accent, dressing code so as to make the right representation.

  • representation is
    needed because for some people the only
    way that they feel validated or safe is when they see a reflection of themselves in the shows or in the movies that they watch Oscar Wilde said that life imitates art far more than art imitates life for example why is it that black people in films are most commonly associated with drugs crimes and poverty and that they happen to be the number one victims of police brutality to me that doesn't seem like a coincidence

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films? And how can films make sure they do representation right?
    Seeing diversity in films matters because accurate portrayal of different societies, cultures and origins affects both the under-represented and the over-represented groups of different societies and cultures whereas inaccurate portrayal of societies usually offends societies and cultures that haven't been included in a movie. The movie Black Panther showed diversity where by Chadwick Boseman represented the black culture and there wasn't any offense to any race.

  • When interests vary in films, there are new doors of thinking, or philosophy, to reach new methods and developments in areas that have been neglected by the media, so people are ignorant of them.

  • I feel like Black Panther could be a big change in the world in many ways. He can change the world in many ways because he is a calm and good leader and I also think that the world needs a good leader just like him. there is many other people like him but he is the only one who is honorable enough to on his commitment and job so what do u guys think

  • Diversity-A topic which is nowadays, used left and right over the Internet without people knowing its actual meaning .So, what does the word 'Diversity' even mean: it means having the potential ability to embrace people from different social and ethnic groups, irrespective of their varying backgrounds or racial orientations. People tend to have a notion of acting superior than others and desperately try to demoralize the minority sections based on their colour, gender, sect in the process. This is where movies and other forms of visual entertainment come into play: they help shape public opinion and stimulate the minds of the youth towards representation and diversity. This rule applies even more categorically to Superhero franchises like Marvel or DC whose characters are well-versed within the audience and have become household names in the western culture. When people witness films in which the hero belongs to a different society and has contrasting colours, but still he/she manages to win their hearts and become their role models, they eventually begin to rethink about this crucial aspect of life: 'Unity in Diversity'. A fitting example of the above statement is Marvel Studios' Black Panther, which came out in 2018 and proved to be one of the most inspiring films ever. Prior to the release of the movie, people were skeptical about the movie's success as they thought a Black male lead in the film, that too of African descent would infuriate the American conservatives and people would boycott the film. Instead, the audience's response to the movie was very positive to the point that fans were even urging Marvel to make more films with heroes of varying backgrounds and cultures instead of the ordinary white dude wearing a cape. This proves the need of having increased representation in films which not only motivates the society to accommodate regional diversity but also encourages the old-school individuals to change their mindset towards inequalities and oppression.

  • It is diversity: change, creativity, innovation and other terms it contains.
    The most prominent factor in the success of films is diversity, because it works to attract all target groups, and brings the whole world to you within hours while you are sitting on your bed. Through diversity, you can learn about cultures, nationalities, customs and traditions and make you reconsider the world again. If there's variety, people will get tired of re-watching the same scenes over and over again on different sets of people, so their business won't work and they'll lend the movies then.

    1. You make an excellent point here @ethical_climate. Diversity in film is important from both directions: so the films themselves can speak to a wider audience and so that audiences can come to understand cultures and perspectives different from their own through the films. How do you think films can make sure they do this effectively?

  • Diversity is all about culture, ethnicity, age and religion an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society . Black panther portrays a unique background and culture for all its characters appreciating the wealth and depth of both black culture in the US and Africa .
    it brought a fictional African country Wakanda to the US portraying the African cultures and traditions followed bringing different race together to work as one this shows however different the skin color may be we all can come as one to create a beautiful piece of art .
    The movie landscape was action not only was it action but it portrays other an it embodies and conveys the values and beliefs of the culture within which and for which it is made allows them to know that people aren't their stereotypes and that they are diverse and have all sorts of traits not based solely on their identity.
    Movies portray different culture allowing many who know little or nothing about the continent or country know something about the country or develop an idea of what the country may be like .
    Hopefully this may reduce the racisms in the globe as all work together in harmony ,

    thank you

    1. This is a very thoughtful comment @affable_ukelele. How do you think the film industry more broadly can make sure it follows this example and becomes more truly representative?

  • Films and series give us the opportunity to learn about things that may not be in our life bubble . They also allow others to make them feel they are seen . I think films are one of the most appropriate ways to teens to let them adjust to their lives in a right way . On screen presentation can have a great impact on teenagers' thoughts and they should realize that people have different colors , different cultures and different backgrounds . Diversity in films is a great help to the mental health of teens who will grow up to be good citizens who know the importance of respect . black panther , encanto and coco and so many films are great films to show the importance of such an idea . Representation of diversity brings in more acceptance and teaches us that everyone has the right to tell their stories .
    Furthermore, the world is diverse and every inch in this world has plenty of people of different cultures and backgrounds ,so how can't we accept diversity? The most important part of filmmaking is choosing actors and actresses that look like you or at least you can relate to . So, the movie will succeed in being reflective of the diverse world we live in . If you and everyone else see themselves reflected in media in general, there will be no stereotype no judgement based on your religion, your background , your skin color or any other aspect and also students at schools will learn that it's normal that others are different and thus there will be no bullying anymore at schools.
    I think diversity acceptance is the key to respect and this will lead to avoiding stereotypes and everyone will try to address their biases .So everyone will focus on what they have ,the talents ,abilities and the skills they can gain.
    One more wish ,I hope there will be more movies about disabled people and the miracles they are doing and how they can be an inspiration for others.

  • We become what we see. We do what we see everybody around us doing. Hence, diversity is important to see in films. But what does Diversity actually mean? Diversity means embracing every culture's and every person's uniqueness. Diversity is what makes the human civilization complete. When we see diversity in our role models, we get inspired. For example Kobe Bryant is a basketball legend. I have heard many of his speeches and interviews in which he says only one thing- We must always do what we love and whatever we do we must give our best at it. Everyday, he woke up at 5 AM and practiced. He worked for minimum 10 hours a day. Even after he became the greatest, he never stopped working. He only pushed himself harder and harder and harder. Following his example, I try to do my best to study for I want to become the best lawyer the world has even seen.
    One more such example is the character of King T'challa or the Black Panther portrayed by Chadwick Boseman. When released in 2018, it came out as one of the best films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the Black Panther being the first black super hero of the MCU. Chadwick became one of the most inspiring characters in the MCU stealing the hearts of everybody- people of different races, castes and genders. Chadwick became an icon for everybody. Even after his death in 2020, the character of Black Panther in the next sequel was not changed because everybody became attached to him.
    So, yeah, I do believe that there should be a good diversity and representation in the film industry. They discourage discrimination among people and bring people closer to each other. In a diverse country like India, which has many different religions, castes and races, this would create a positive effect on our youth. Remember- it requires many different and unique flowers to make a wonderful bouquet.

    1. You write very thoughtfully about diversity in different contexts @mindful_orca. What kinds of representation do you think the film industry still needs to do better at?

      1. @Amica I personally believe that more of the black people and women should be included in the film industries especially in the super hero movies. The first MCU movie was released in 2008 yet the first MCU film featuring a black superhero was released in 2018. There is a huge gap of 10 years! Captain marvel was the first women led superhero film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that too was released in 2019. Eleven years later. And this is not seen only in the MCU but in all the superhero films like even in the DC universe. The DC films stars Superman as the first superhero even when Wonder Woman was equally famous. In the Justice League released in 2017, there were six superheroes with Wonder Woman as the only female superhero.

  • Seeing the diversity in films so that we can benefit from the story in general. For example, if all films talk about the same topic, people will get bored of watching them and will not get fame, which is the main reason for making films. To ensure that they are represented correctly, they must be shown to the most famous directors, as this is their specialty

    1. You write about diversity of topic and story which is one kind of representation, but what about diversity in terms of the people you see on screen – and the people behind the scenes making the films themselves?

      1. For people who make films themselves it's necessary to consult family relatives or even friends .
        As for the people we see on the screen , i don't think there should be one hero in the movie .
        It's possible that the secondary role will be more exciting and beautiful than the main one .

  • Diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society. Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people. Representation matters.

    1. How could the film industry do better in terms of diversity and representation?

  • In my opinion diversity is a thing that all tv, shows, films, ect should have because it makes everybody feel comfortable the way there are. It also brings people from different cultures and societies. If we go back into older films people of color are usually shown as the bad guys, criminals, ect it also influences kids of color to not like their own race do to how they are portrayed in older films. This is proven by a test somebody did on an african american kid years back. The kid had to answer the question if they liked the black race more than the white race more. The kid said he liked the white race more because in films he sees the bad guys are usually people of color and never white people. so that's why i think diversity is a good thing in my opinion.

    1. How do you think the film industry could still improve in terms of diversity and representation?

      1. What do you think about this, are there ways in your mind about this thing?

    2. I agree because Diversity is important to avoid red tape and boredom.... Let me give you a little example: When you eat the same food every day... Won't that bore you? And you feel like you don't want to eat . And you feels the routine . Exactly what happens when you watch one type of movie.

  • Media representation allows them to know that people aren't their stereotypes and that they are diverse and have all sorts of traits not based solely on their identity. It's incredibly important that people are aware of and understand other cultures.

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films? And how can films make sure they do representation right?
    To see all the ideas that discusses everything in suitable age and suitable time. And you make sure they do representation right when the movie begins to have a good effect on you.

  • Representation is one of the most important aspects of any piece of popular media. Us Humans want to fit into society and are very easily influenced by whatever is popular. Movies need to show healthy representation because in today's modern world, Media is the strongest social force that can create a huge influence on society. In the case of Black Panther, Marvel has done an amazing job by showcasing healthy representation of African people and culture to the world. This is a huge step for unity among everyone on this planet no matter our differences. Media holds immense power that can show us how we can spread love and support despite our differences. Marvel has also made steps to showcase more LGBTQ+ representation in their recent works.

    "We must learn to live together as brothers and sisters or perish together as fools." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    1. You make some great points here and I think the quote you chose is interesting too. Can you explain how it links to representation?

      1. Media has shown us that representation is the first and most important step to unity. If there is no healthy representation of different communities around us, we will never be able to understand different beliefs and cultural values and therefore, will not be able to live together in harmony as brothers and sisters.

  • It is very important to display such communities on the global screen because what we see is what we practice. We get greatly influenced by the characters we see in movies specially in this digital era, making it very necessary to give proper representation to all social and economic groups. Just like a bench never discriminates between the physical appearance, the economic status, the social background or anything like that when anyone sits on it, we should actually learn from that bench because then that will make us inclusive and will ultimately make the world a better place for every single person to live in.

    I think it is important to see diversity in films because people are influenced by what they see. So when they see diversity being represented, they will start to think more carefully about it.
    Also, it is good, because the world is dirverse. People need to see the truth about what has happened through history in diverity. Everybody is different and we should be respected for this. But the truth is-not everybody treates others fairly. We all have prejudices that can influence us

  • Diversity has shown everyone that they are included in anything that people are doing. it is shown very well in the movie black panther. That even after the death of the protagonist (Chadwick Bosman) may his soul rest in peace, that not only a woman can also rule and while at it make the world a better place ,and that no matter how you look your not alone in this huge world , even though your not seen now you time will came and when it dose everyone will see you for you you are and not for how you look.
    People may say thank god for the twenty first century and for how the world has evolved. And not just seeing people with color as workers or companions for the white man, but as people who can change the world in a very positive way.
    Diversity is also shown well in the movie(woman king )and how the women took up the role of defending the kingdom from her enemies. To sum it up, diversity is shown well in todays world not only in films, but in offices of power in schools and even in families. Diversity has also shown everyone that(EVERYONE MATTERS AND WE ARE ALL IMPORTANT).

  • Society is a house based on pillars that are incomplete without their presence, as well as films If diversity is devoid of them, it becomes undesirable and forms of diversity multiply. Diversity is not the diversity of gender and color in the films. It is also the diversity of language and culture. In this way, our knowledge and culture of peoples increase and our thinking expands to get out fashionable

  • Why is it important to see diversity in movies? The diversity of movies is really important. There are a lot of movies with the aim of that every film has a particular story and is keen to deliver a certain message. Also good films make you a good person. There are movies that speakAbout politics has the benefits of getting to know the world of politics, making you an expert at it, knowing about politics and so on, and there are movies about politics.It makes you learn about the culture of nations and their religion and so there are comedies that make you from someone sad to someone happy and movies that talk about not giving up on your dreams and watching movies a way to get rid of boredom and there are a lot of people that love watching horror movies and love these kind of movies so the diversity of movies is really important.

  • What is diversity first of all?
    Diversity is the involving of people from different backgrounds for example, different sexual orientations, culture, gender and religion.
    In BLACK PANTHER : Wakanda Forever, diversity is portrayed when people of different races, culture or kingdoms, beliefs and gender are shown in the movie.

    Why is it important to see diversity in films?
    It is important to see diversity in movies because it gives people courage and opportunities to work in different areas of achievement without worrying to much about racism or discrimination.

    Secondly diversity is important because it gives an accurate portray of both the under and over of representation. Diversity also increases productivity, it helps in gaining new experiences and builds peoples perspectives.

  • I think it is good to watch films, for example, I have done a lot about Western culture because I am from the Middle East and I do not travel much, so I need documentaries about cultures, but there are problems that hinder films such as quality The accuracy of films, and there are films that also spread a bad side about countries, and this is something that does not benefit the state or the development of films, but most of these films spread very widely, spreading a bad idea about the state and this idea spreads in all Viewers of these films, however, there are cartoon films, realistic stories, and films that have a wonderful positive role in learning about the cultures of the country. The difference in films is also useful because it gives a viewer's point of view that this country is good. It has a positive role in the development of the world, and I watched many films that gave me an incentive to learn about the cultures of other countries. I also liked many countries that I hope to visit at some time in my life.

    1. This got me thinking, what films would Topical Talkers recommend people to watch to learn about their culture? What about you, outgoing_perspective?

  • People around the world are connected and communicate through films and screenings. The message displayed by films impacts our mindset. It depends on the representation if the impact is negative or positive. The diversity in movies breaks stereotypes and prejudices and makes the lives of minorities easier in real life. We may think that everything presented on screen is just fiction and is meant for entertainment but with a broader perspective it can make changes in reality.

  • Diversity in a film doesn't actually mean that the actors in the films are "not-white". It means that the actors are a large variety of people, racial or otherwise, including white people. While black panther was a great and very interesting movie, it was not diverse. It was made up of a 95% black cast but it was still a great movie. I like diversity in films when it makes sense not just when the other diverse actors are just put in a movie just to be there or so that it will be on record that the actors of that film were diverse. There are many movies I have watched that had diverse characters and the movies just felt "formulaic" like they were just being put there just to appease a demographic. The characters were just used as posters to make the world see that there was diversity in the film but in the real sense, the movie had no heart. Don't you pity characters who were put in a movie just to be there as politically correct pawns? Wouldn't you rather have characters in a movie that make logical sense? Black panther's cast was not particularly diverse but the movie was still epic. A movie does need to be diverse in order to make sense. If the actors in a movie are just diverse just for diversity's sake then it is better than the movie is not diverse at all. Yes, diversity is good in movies when it comes from a sincere desire and motive for diversity but movies that are not diverse but are equally good should also be accepted because it is good for movie that is good and does not insult or offend a particular group of people to be rejected for not being diverse. Because diversity in films is important does not mean that there should be wars on "all-white" or "all-black" casts.

    1. You're right that Black Panther has a majority-black cast, however it has still been praised by many because of the way that it celebrates black culture in a way that very few superhero films have before. You're also right that in other films, diverse characters can be introduced in a way that feels "formulaic" -- however, again, Black Panther has been celebrated because of the way it does representation right. Many people believe that the Black Panther films are "groundbreaking" or "refreshing" because of the way they explore the richness of black culture and black success. For example, the film was put in the hands of black director, Ryan Coogler, and portrays Wakanda as a powerful and technologically-advanced place. Do you think that it's important for every single film to have a diverse cast? Or more important that the film industry on the whole aims to present a diverse range of films and casts?

  • This topic is a very interesting topic and so I brought it up in a discussion with some of my friends here are some of the things they said.
    Person 1: "Having diversity in movies is good but in some movies, I have watched that are diverse some of the characters are being wrongly represented like when black people are given dangerous roles to act it creates stereotypes about them and makes them seem bad."

    Person 2: "Diversity is good in movies but sometimes the movies are just diverse in the casts and not the plots or storylines of the movie. For example, a movie can have a diverse set of actors but still have the same old stories of white being the heroes and blacks being villains or playing bad roles."

    Person 3: "I think diversity in films is very important because we live in a diverse world and it is important that every part of the diversity of this world is represented for its diversity and it is also important so that people will not feel inferior or superior to the other. Everybody will be equally respected."

    Person 4: "Sometimes in films, diverse actors are used to acting films just so that they can please a group of people and as a result, the movies do not end up having an interesting or inspiring feel. This just promotes hypocrisy among people in the world."

    Person 5: "I like movies like "Black Panther" and "Do the right thing" although the actors were not diverse, they were made up of mostly black actors but they had inspiring storylines and were overall very epic. They were not diverse but at least they did not insult, try to offend, or disregard any other group of people so I think a film does not have to be diverse to be good."

    1. Thank you for taking your discussions offline and for sharing what your friends said. Who do you agree with most? Why? I'd love to hear more about conversations that other Topical Talkers have had offline!

  • Diversity in movies is important .It implies that society varied identities are being respected &appreciated.Movies like literature reflect the society in which we live in.Now a days movies are global in persective &universal in nature &impact.Movies are the best medium to project human rights and their violation.In our Culture' Munna Bhai MBBS 'was one of the good example to project human rights .It showed that patients who are affectionately treated are sooner recovered than those who are just treated by practitioners.

  • Diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society.
    Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people. Everyone deserves to have their story told.
    Media representation allows them to know that people aren't their stereotypes and that they are diverse and have all sorts of traits not based solely on their identity. It's incredibly important that people are aware of and understand other cultures.

    Why diversity is important?
    For this reason, diverse representation on television is critical, raising awareness, empowering individuals.

  • Diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society.
    Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people. Everyone deserves to have their story told.
    Media representation allows them to know that people aren't their stereotypes and that they are diverse and have all sorts of traits not based solely on their identity. It's incredibly important that people are aware of and understand other cultures.

    Why diversity is important?
    For this reason, diverse representation on television is critical, raising awareness, empowering individuals.

  • Diversity in films is required, for the difference of the audience, in order to cover larger categories of tastes. Diversity in films is a cultural diversity and an essential element in societies, and an effective influence. Films help us understand ourselves and our thoughts. It is not only a means of entertainment, but it is a means alongside religion, philosophy and thought in life. The value of films is that it makes the individual more wise, mature and knowledgeable. Let us make films and their diversity a new perspective to deal with our problems and ourselves, and also they can reveal the hidden side and the unknown consequences of a certain behavior or idea that I do. I did not realize its results, and the success of the films appears as a good and profound way to fully understand life....

  • We can easily relate with what we see in such cases diversity is important in films. We learn some diversities through the film's. Film industry has to make sure that their film shouldn't hurt particular community of people.In most of the film's we can see that the particular community people only shown as Mafia or as a negative person. Because of this some people came to conclusion that they only do such illegal works. First this opinion of people should change. Because of these, that particular community of people was getting hurt. I am not blaming on all film directors. When we see some movies we can get inspiration right? So we want that kind of movies to be produced more in film industry.

  • _Films play an important role in influencing the minds of viewers in communicating new facts, issues, and cultures So diversity: means the ability to employ people and ideas in various social, ethnic, and economic issues Diversity helps build opinions, stimulate minds, think deeply, and build perspectives. An example of this is the movie Black Panther, which was the most important movie in 2018 It was an example of diversity, because Marvel changed the choice of white heroes and chose a black one. Its choice was attractive and right because it urged viewers to be equal and non-discriminatory.

    _In conclusion, I advise everyone when watching movies that they are not only for entertainment, but we must think and focus on the idea that the movie conveys to us.

  • As far as I know, movies are stories based on fact or fiction. We believe that it is important to have diversity in films in terms of diversity in gender and the color of the skin of the actors so that it is not racist. And to be varied between the roughness and softness of the scenes. Films can ensure that they are represented correctly by: Focus on the age group to which the film is sent and suspense the followers. And not to deviate from the scope of the script, choosing the right place, lighting and the right camera.

  • We are living in a diverse society and the chances of getting to know everything are hard in real-time, and not for everybody. Movies and Drama play a vital role in giving a message to all age groups, few accept, and a few explore Seeing different diverse characters in a movie will create a good feel through movies and TV shows and understand how they live their lives on the other side of the world. Not all-time superheroes should be from western countries, there can be superheroes all around and Oscar-award-winning entertainers can be from different places who live elsewhere.
    Representation of such characters in movies and TV shows should be admitted. Producers look only for Profit, for example. In any personal care product advertisement, it is sure the producer prefers a white woman over anyone else highlighted as negative – but the reality is different and conveys the wrong message to the audience. Producers should think of diverse characters to understand the target audience from different cultures and localities. If a black woman is healthy, as a Doctor, a Scientist, or an Astronaut I’m sure they too can make a good profit, it's responsible for Producers to represent such unique character value to every audience they target. Black Panther is one such film made representing their society and the safety of his people, which is still the highest-grossing independent superhero film, the third highest-grossing film of the Marvel Studios

  • I think diversity in films is very important because people around the world are greatly affected by these films in terms of changing their lifestyles, food habits and culture
    The possibility of making sure that the films are represented correctly is up to the director and the choice of actors, places and scenario through which all categories or the desired goal can be reached and participation in roles and diversity also has an important role

  • I think it is good to watch films, for example, I have done a lot about Western culture because I am from the Middle East and I do not travel much, so I need documentaries about cultures, but there are problems that hinder films such as quality The accuracy of films, and there are films that also spread a bad side about countries, and this is something that does not benefit the state or the development of films, but most of these films spread very widely, spreading a bad idea about the state and this idea spreads in all Viewers of these films, however, there are cartoon films, realistic stories, and films that have a wonderful positive role in learning about the cultures of the country. The difference in films is also useful because it gives a viewer's point of view that this country is good. It has a positive role in the development of the world, and I watched many films that gave me an incentive to learn about the cultures of other countries. I also liked many countries that I hope to visit at some time in my life.

    1. What did you learn about other countries, outgoing_perspective? I'd like to hear more.

      1. I learned many cultures, such as the American, African and other cultures, the customs and traditions of society, the method of marriage, and many more. Really, getting to know new cultures is very wonderful.

  • Diversity must be present in films because in my view film conveys a message, even if it is not targeted, but all actions affect our lives without our desire or knowledge, and so with films there was a spectacle of scientists. You may notice that they are trying to save humanity or something, but otherwise, you notice that they are white, and this may suggest to you that blacks are stupid. You are not the one who said this, but your subconscious mind considered it the truth of everything that has a measure, and I say that the measure of the success of films is the audience's interaction with them and their reactions. For example, the movie "The Godfather" people interacted greatly with it, for example, according to a 2009 survey of Americans, the percentage of Italian Americans who are active in Mafia movements is 74%, although it does not exceed 0.00782% due to what was mentioned in the film.

  • It is important that there be diversity in the performance of films in order to send new ideas and directions , because diamonds are affected by what you see . Any film must be seen by the work team to ensure the validity of its publication and that the films communicate people's problems through non - discrimination of skin color and also through discrimination in gender or identity

  • Why it is important to see diversity in films?
    Its important because people's admire and get inspired by the characters and kind of story in the film. People's are fond of films, we can convey anything through films. film industry is for every one without difference in gender,colour etc..

    1. I agree because we need to see more people getting inspired by more characters and too see what they can do as well.

  • Works that represent minorities must be presented in the media and that express issues affecting modern societies such as racism extremism and gender bias and give opportunities to female characters
    I like the diversity in the Marvel universewhich gave opportunities to minorities and different societies. In 2022the first Muslim heroine appeared, and when I saw the announcement of her appearanceI told myself that I had been waiting for something like this to happen all my life I did not see anything similar when I was younger When I saw her I felt that she was similar to me and close to her I considered her a role model and expressed me as a MuslimI felt that this work was the window of Muslims to the world.

  • How boring we are all the same, wearing the same clothes, doing the same errands, celebrating the same way, holding the same beliefs. When we are different and diverse, life becomes more beautiful, becomes richer, full of surprises, it is impossible to achieve this unless we respect the difference in one, in beliefs and abilities, and in races, at the same time they are citizens with the same rights and the same duties.
    There are stars of African origin that cannot be imagined in American cinema without their contributions. Hollywood has always been one of the most entertainment industries in the world, but it was not without some racism, especially in the early days when actors of African origin were given roles that were fewer in number, size and importance than those assigned to them. To the white actors.
    But with time, the space given to stars of African origin has increased, and they have been given leading roles, which can be classified as one of the most important roles in the history of cinema and which should not be in vain without appreciation. Star example: Denzel Washington is the most award-winning black actor. During his career, Washington played many landmark roles that won critical acclaim, not just the audience's love. Among those roles was what was related to issues of racism and racial discrimination, such as his starring in the movie "Malcolm X", in which he played the role of a human rights activist.

  • I think that the idea of ​​diversity in films is a good idea because the importance of seeing diversity in films. Diversity may sometimes help us to see new people from different religions and we have to get to know them and their heritage, so we can learn how to deal with people of different religions, races and nationalities! It is important to see diversity in the movies, because sometimes you might like a movie that you don’t know about its characters, their religion, or their culture, and you may ask yourself that this is very amazing. It helps me to get to know and benefit and draw information from them. When you loved this work, this acting, this place, how they live, and they have beautiful similarities , Ensure that it is represented correctly. If there is no racism, discrimination, or bad words, for example that will be ammazing .It is also important for there to be partnerships, cooperation and love among them, and so the films can make sure that this work is correct and that it does not harm society in anything and is suitable for all ages.

  • films series and also media should be a mirror of reality..and in order for that to be achieved, the movie must based on the element of diversity.Diversity is not meant only by different skin colours..but rather diversity means different personalities, races, nationalities , cultures,
    and customs and traditions.
    Good acting is achieved when we choose the characters correctly and put them in the right place, taking into account diversity. I want to ask producers why most girls with white skin and blond hair appears as cute , beautiful and rich lady However POC appears as bad people Why ? Is that will raises the views ? I dont think so . Look at blank panther how used diversity truly and deleted something called racism .

  • We are continually exposed to various media,such as movies,TV series ,and books,from all over the world because we live in a modern, globalized, and digitalized society. It's becoming commonplace; a topic of conversation with aur friends on a regular basis, and ever a safe refuge for those looking to temporarily escape reality.
    But how frequently do you perceive an accurate representation of yourself in all the media you have consumed ?
    The range of human differences is referred to as diversity. Ethnicity,colour,gender identity,sexual orientation,age,socioeconomic class,and physical abilities are just a few of the many factors that it covers.
    Inclusion,the involvement of diversity where everyone is acknowledged,empowered,and celebrated,is the result of diversity and representation working together. Everyone is deserving of begin noticed,regardless of identity,according to inclusio.We ought to embrace the enormous diversity that exists within each human rather than merely tolerating our differences.

  • Thankes to show this supject
    An interesting topic is the quality of films that are shown on television screens. They either affect negatively and may positively affect the mentality of viewers.
    For example, children imitate some action and drama movements and are affected by them
    It is also important to diversify the culture of showing films, for example, according to the nature and quality of the countries in which they are shown. They may be socially, religiously and culturally stable countries. Films that contradict the nature of life in these countries are shown, and thus negatively affect the nature of customs and traditions in these countries. Therefore, the nature of policies and the diversification of films that support a symbol must be taken into account. Or national, religious or educational values ​​because the film community is affected by them, so attention must be paid to the presentation format

  • I want to point out that the thing I like to do in my free time the most is watching movies, I think this is because I feel that I am getting to know more societies and cultures abroad, I remember the movie I loved the most is Coco, OK, in fact, it makes me a little sensitive because it made me dream or actually it made it my goal in the future that I would like to travel and get to know each other cultures and share with them their customs and beautiful occasions. I also think one of the reasons for the success of these films and the attachment and influence of viewers on them is the diversity that makes us as viewers curious to get to know these people closely, and I believe that there is a lot to learn about and discover outside.

  • The world is not mono-ethnic; It's diversity, the diversity of cultures and nationalities. But most of our films focus on ethnic actors, mostly white, for profit. This has been a problem for Hollywood in the past, and I think it depends on the country in which the film is shown. For example, there was a black cheetah, and all its actors were black and it didn't affect its success.... Maybe if the white sex were necessary, the movie would have failed. However, the film was a huge success and a financial gain, pushing many non-white and Asian races to watch the film. The success of the Black Panther depends on Chadwick Bozeman's ability to act, even if he was black or white, male or female, would not affect his success. What matters is the plot of the film, the sequence of its events, and the influence of its subject matter. In my view, diversity is necessary because it is necessary to watch a film that shows all actors, children or women or men, and tha media technology has become in every country and in every home, so it is necessary to have diversity and not racism.

  • Thinking on diversity in terms of color,sex, and class is the traditional approach But variety also refers to things like culture , ethnicity, politics,age, and religion, These groupings each contain individuals with distinctive appearances,behaviors, and mindsets.
    Similar to other disciplines, variety does not require specialization. The diversity idea extends beyond issues of race. Focusing on a small number of topic occasionally works better than trying to cover everything . Additionally some issues _like race _ have a clear importance.
    Consideration of the various types of people in our world is an alternative way to think about diversity. According to the diversity principal , we need a variety of people ; some can come up with fresh ideas while other can put them into practice.

  • We have been created on this earth, different in shape, color and race, to share, not to set up disputes. Since ancient times, there have been disputes over the difference of color between peoples.
    We find it important now to use films to present diversity between different people and communicate with them.
    Life is a stage for a big movie. When the heroes of films are diverse, between Africans, Asians, whites and blacks, and with roles that are suitable for everyone, we do not focus the roles of evil for a particular group.
    At that time, we find that young people and children people see the world with a new perspective that we are all equal and there are no differences.

  • Diversity means: difference in thought, gender, colour, origin, and layout
    Diversity is very useful and beautiful, and it enables the delivery of the idea to the target person without paying him, and works to motivate society and people to understand the reality around them, and that there are other cultures and ideas outside the borders of his country, and also diversity works to direct the person to himself. Guiding him, knowing his rights and duties, and not transgressing them with others

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films?
    Diversity is very important because it can change a theme of thinking, for example few years ago,when i did not know about movies i was like short minded i didnt even know how the british people live or how there clothes are and how there cars look like. But when i started watching movies then i realize how deep there themes are and movies told me how british or american people lives what are there usuall needs. This is why diversity in films are important , they show us different colors of the world.

  • As we can see in our society,people
    are judged due to their skin,color,race and religion. Film have important role to remove this judgement. In order to remove Judgement from the society film industries should give chance to those people who are judged by their color,caste,gender,race and religion.If these people will be in film industry there will be easy to control the inequality and judgement from the society. So I think diversity in film is very important to remove the social problem.

  • We humans, are able to understand any concept better once it is shown as visuals to us. Same case is with diversity. In my perspective, showing healthy representation of diversity in the cinema especially through the much loved MCU is important. Almost all people around the world idolise characters from the MCU in some way or another. As quoted by Maya Angelou diversity is just like a rich tapestry with threads from different background, religions, sexualities and more. And to make this tapestry inclusive and beautiful we need to put diversity in forms of cinematic expression. Marvel has done a great job representing Asian, Black, LGBTQ+, Hispanic and women as protagonists and bringing them to the world stage. Through watching these movies it is so easy now to actually consider diversity and intermingling of all races as something to be though about. Diversity shouldn't be represented as just a topic for a great discussion, it should be something as normal as our daily lives.

    "We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided."
    - J.K. Rowling

    1. That's an interesting choice of quote! Can you explain how it links with the rest of your comment?

      1. Sure! Like I said earlier, diversity is like a tapestry, so as united as the threads of the tapestry are, the more beautiful and strong it becomes. On the other hand as divided as they get, the tapestry starts falling apart and becomes a mess. Same goes with diversity!

  • according to me, diversity is the ability for differences to coexist together, with some type of mutual understanding or acceptance present. Also, diversity means inclusion of everyone and inclusion of everyone's viewpoints and perspectives .For this reason, diverse representation on television is best in raising awareness, empowering individuals of historically oppressed groups, and expanding career opportunities for underrepresented groups in society .Diversity in popular movies and television series matters a lot because when we are describing an accurate portrayal of particular under-represented group in a society it makes them happy and also encourage them because the film industry makes them popular and well-known to the society which provide job opportunities and also reap more benefit to them. Diversity increase productivity to economic growth which tends to provide more creative and better at problem solving . Movies related to diversity help us to explore another culture , languages , literature and arts ,so on. Movies like BLACK PANTHER shows how the people in wakanda and how they followed there culture and activities when choosing their king and also show how they solve and manage when a problematic situation arise among them .

  • Diversity is important to separate you from the rest and not have the same thing as the others. Diversity helps to give a meaning to relate to real life or other issues. Black Panther shows diversity and relates to life to show anybody can be something good or like batman grew up with no parents and no powers but used his high IQ to fight crime and protect the city. Diversity helps to create meaning and helps people be unique. How do you feel diversity helps?

  • Diversity in films is not only a requirement of minority organizations, but also the advertising industry prefers to invest in a diverse environment, I believe that diversity in races can cause gaining self-confidence, especially for people with dark skin, always films aimed at success motivate the underachievers to reach goals and achieve successes.
    The directors must continue to produce diverse, purposeful and stimulating films.
    In 2004, Anthony Linsing Antonio, a professor at Stanford School of Education, teamed up with five colleagues at UCLA and other global institutions to test the effect of racial difference on difference of opinion in small group discussions. More than 350 students from three universities participated in this study. The researchers asked the students to discuss a popular social issue (either child labor or the death penalty) for no more than 15 minutes. The researchers made a note of bold and different points of view, and then asked black and white members to pass those ideas on to their groups. When black people put forward views contrary to that of a group of whites, their ideas were very well received, as members considered them to be creative and broadening the horizons of thinking.Predictably, the verse was reversed when a white person offered the same view, his views met with disapproval by group members. The lesson here is: when we hear a dissenting opinion from someone who is different from us, it causes us to think about it more carefully, which is not the case if the person is similar to us.

  • Diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society. We all know how films can have far reaching effect on one's mind. Hence, I believe they are an excellent medium to convey information on crucial issues of our society.

  • Seeing diversity in films is an important thing because diversity increases the beauty and quality of films when seeing diversity in cultures, religion and forms, and much of that increases people's demand for films and increases the number of views because people like to see diversity in films and also diversity in excitement and feelings, as well as so that people do not get bored of The film can be ensured that the film is depicted and represented correctly by including important characters in the film and also different races and genders are equal, there is no difference between them and also the representation is correct and wonderful

  • I watched the movie and liked it a lot, because it had a variety of main characters in the movie, which is unusual! , From my point of view, diversity is an important thing, especially in films, because some people are affected by it, and learn from it as well, and this also erases the theory of "discrimination" for any reason, whether it is race, culture or religion, this "discrimination" disappears in front of people The important person, in my opinion, the Black Panther has good acting skills, moreover, as a different person, he added a distinctive touch to the film. If I were a director, I would have diversified the choice of people.

    1. Morning @innovative_lime - how would you have diversified the choice of people? And what impact do you think it would have had on the film?

      1. People's choices varied because of the diversity of opinions, and diversity is a natural thing, because it leads to the continuation of life, for example: if we had the same opinions, we would feel bored with each other, in my opinion, the film that contains diversity has a special effect on beauty and creativity, and the diversity in the film gives The film has a special aura, and it also attracts viewers. About myself, I love diversity.

  • Chadwick Boseman and the movie Black Panther have helped many discover their inner superhero

    Chadwick Boseman's job as the Black Panther happiest children and adults around the world.

    Boseman performed T'Challa, the superhero and boss of Wakanda, in the movie Black Panther - praised as a cultural landmark for having a forged black foundation.

    The character was seen as an inspiration to younger black people in particular - the Black Panther was Marvel's preeminent black superhero, and Wakanda was a powerful nation with essentially the highest experience on earth.

    As tributes flow to Boseman, who died of most cancers at the age of 43, many remember the impact his character had on them and their families.
    How to act properly

    Many children and adults dream of becoming a brilliant actor, but becoming a successful actor requires a lot of time, patience, dedication, skill and talent. In order to succeed in all of this, you should learn the rules of acting and work on honing your skills and talent in the first place, and then join a theater team to get the necessary experience in the art of acting. Once you have the right amount of knowledge and experience, you can start looking for auditions for role plays
    Acting lessons, acting, sex, good, relationship building are also useful. In the classes, you will learn things like:
    Selling yourself and overcoming shyness and fear in front of the public
    Speak out loud and practice having a good stage presence
    Looking at things from different angles so you can become a good character

  • Anything that has diversity, no matter how interesting, surprising, and enjoyment to look at it several times
    Away from similar things that sometimes bring boredom and unhappiness
    Likewise, the diversity of films is beautiful and required so that everyone can watch it with different cultures, multiple dialects, and the strange customs and traditions of each region.
    People get to know each other through movies, despite the distance
    In terms of language, religion, clothing, food and other things.
    Most people began to learn new languages ​​and translation languages ​​in order to know the accents of actors they admired or to imitate a movie of interest to them.
    Diversity adds an imprint to the viewer
    No matter the diversity of dialects, religions or skin color.

  • Diversity is the existence of a wide range of various social groups in our society.Age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender,econmic status, etc. are all examples of diversity. In contemporary society, diversity representation in television and film is crucial. Even while represen has significantly improved over time, much work remains

    A large audience won't be able to relate if there is a lack of diversity in movies and television shows, which are not only intended to be entertaining but alse to contain characteristics that people can relate to Over the years,people with Disabilities have been underrepresnted. Ethnic minorities have consistently been stereotyped and overused in media over the years,much like women. However, like women,they have started to take on leading roles,like Chadwick Boseman in Black panther

    The LGBT Community has historically been associated with negative connotations in movies.

    The Oscars have taken action by establishing rules regarding how films are nominated that are centered on the diversity content of their films and how much it contains, as well as the requirement that at least one actor from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group must be cast in a significant role.

  • I think that it's important to see diversity in films because we can see other culture(s) and religion(s). I also think that it's important to see diversity in films so that we can see what people are representing and representing and who they are representing as.

  • I feel that it is important to see diversity in films because when people see the effects that diversity can make, they would not make the same mistake in their life. Seeing influences more than hearing.

    I would say that the best example for this question is "Raya and the Last dragon". In that movie they have beautifully represented how diversity leads to problems and the way to solve it is belief in others.

  • It is very important to see diversity in films , wheather it is in the diversity of nationalities , religions or colors , wheather people are brown or white , so that there is no discrimination between them and to raise awareness in the film and so that it does not become racist withe the actors .

  • Now the films are similar in acting, which reduces the viewership rate because of the repetition of the same events. We are tired of watching the same things, which calls us to go towards watching other things. Why might there be no diversity in the movies? If there is diversity in the films, this film can reach the highest views on the level The world in our personal lives always needs a diversity of people, food and clothes. So is the scenes represented to be the same? Man, by nature, loves change and does not like steadfastness on a certain thing when we find the diversity of scenes and that these scenes aim to
    To stimulate the mind and think about its content permanently, here the film has achieved the right success and the right representation

  • When I want to talk about diversity. The first thing will come to my mind A Disney / pixar clasic, "Finding Nemo"
    has a charming protagonist with a physical disability.a stuned fin that affects his mobility. Another good example to talk about diversity is Mona. She is a strong female protagonist from the pacific Islands _ with a for maro diverse set of people than anyone in "Cinderalla" or "Beauty and the Beast" . And she's not looking for a husband: She's looking for herself

  • It is important to see diversity in films so that all types and forms of people and life are recognized and dealt with. In films, it may contain how to deal with all kinds of people, and no one is mishandled and his feelings are hurt, and it is a good idea to diversify in films because some people may They are bullied because of their appearance or illness, so perhaps the movies may change the bullies’ thoughts on their lives. The content of the films, and in our time, we saw the number of bullied people, and their thoughts changed because of these films, and a transformation was made, and a large percentage of the bullies were eliminated, and society became good

  • Diversity in films increases inclusivity. People from different races, ethnicities, cultures, and religion get included in these films which gives the audience a bigger picture to look at. We are often quick to judge and find different cultures abnormal or weird. In this case, diverse movies might help normalise different cultures and promote diversity.
    I feel that for correct representation, film makers should focus more on highlighting the reality rather than adding a lot of spice to the movie. Often people dislike movies because they exaggerate a lot. Making the movie engaging is important, yet, the real meaning or purpose should not get hidden.

    1. I agree because diversity is important in films such as black panther as it shows different ethnicities and backgrounds. This will inspire younger generations to influence diversity into movies. This can also conclude to why various films can promote diversity.

  • I think it is important for the films to be diversified, because if the films remain in one genre only, we will get tired of watching films, and thus the number of views will decrease. It is possible by making the story of the movie or the series the real story so that people can take a lesson.

  • Diversification should be shown in films so for example if only white people are taking part mostly in the films then the black people are not given any chance. If each and every person gets to act then it promotes diversity.Allowing actors to act from all communities is important as it creates versatility in the actor's performance and the movie

  • I believe that seeing diversity in films is important, as people can see the customs and traditions of other societies, and get to know their culture in terms of dress, food, and the qualities that they are famous for. It is also possible to expand the knowledge of other societies in terms of learning their language through Movies, about myself, when I watch various films from different countries and cultures, I feel that the world is small, as I feel that I got to know them in my country, so a person’s culture increases and his thinking can be changed for the better and new things can be learned from other cultures.

  • Movies and series should represent people of different nationalities but without much mockery on their insecurities or in a degrading manner. Instead they could represent their uniqueness, what makes them different and to learn new things from them, their culture and history. Everyone has different thought processes, points of view and theories of life. We learn about the culture and characteristics of people of different countries mostly through movies and tv shows. If we are impressed by their slang or fashion or their habits, it's mainly because of these movies. Hollywood movies are famous around the world and today's youth watch more films than they read books or newspapers. That's our way of learning about others and Covid has brought us even closer to technology and films. We learn things, ideas, whether positive or negative, we are influenced by them from these movies. Movies like Black Panther make us show respect to everyone regardless of our differences. Diversity in representation won't make them a stranger to us and will help us to be familiar with them, their accent, language, culture, etc, and connect us with people of various nations with ease.Therefore it's necessary to represent diverse cultures and people in order to inspire everyone and change their perspective towards gender, race, culture, nationality, etc,. Film industries do face challenges in producing diverse movies like low funding, less support.. But business leaders can lend a hand with their funds and help them to successfully produce the films and we should also start watching them in order to encourage these films and learn about different people.

  • In the world we live in today the media has a really big role in influencing individuals especially young people and there is a belief that if we train the younger generation the future would be secure and one way to ensure this is by dealing with the issue of stereotype. If the movie is having a cast with a particular cultural background it can often break certain ideologies that come with the culture through plot development. Not only does on-screen representation give us the chance to see outside of our misconceptions , but it also allows others especially those who feel inferior and neglected to feel included and seen.
    Apart from the movie Black Panther other movies like Woman King express women in the light and promotes the issue of gender equality showing that the female gender can do anything.

  • Its important for there to be diversity in films because it represents all kind of people, it differs. It gives people who may not see people like them in movies and shows some representation.

  • i feel like we need more diversity in films because we need to see how cultures are in real life

    1. Can you give an example of a film that you think has done well with diversity?

    2. I agree because we do not really have all the cultures in movies we really need some diversity and more cultures.

  • Is diversity important in film?

    ~ Y es , diversity is quite important in films because it makes each of us unique and includes our backgrounds, personality, life experiences and beliefs, all of the things that make us who we are. Diversity In Hollywood Will Lead to Versatility in Actors
    When there is only one kind of actor, for example, a white male, not every role or idea can be fulfilled. Allowing actors of all backgrounds the same opportunities as these white movie stars can create versatility in their performance and in the film itself, which also influences people by what they see.

    How could flims represent things?

    ~ Flims could represent things by equally distributing the roles to all of the characters. A hero in the next side of the flim can’t be a villain.

  • Well I personally think that diversity in films is a very important because it helps bring people together both in mind and body and it also promotes global and world peace and is a very effective weapon against the global ravaging enemy, RACISM. For this cause, the representation of diverse races, and groups with tribal or religious groups in films and movies on the media like the television or internet is a very important and critical step because it helps us to raise awareness , enlightening and empowering people that have been discriminated against for a very long period of time. other examples are;
    Shang chi and the legend of the ten rings: Simu Liu in this films represents the race from the Asian part of the world.
    This helps to reduce the stereotypical mindset of people and possibly a whole generation

  • I think it is important to see diversity in films because sometimes there are people who take what movies have to say importantly and if there are a lot of movies which show diversity, those people can even decide to relate with people who are a different skin color and a different diversity.

  • Diversity in films is important because it portrays the day to day activities of the society. It is not only the representation on screen but also it makes us to think more and allows us to feel connected. A good diverse movie can bring more success, promote inclusion and acceptance, attracts a bigger audience and teaches us that everyone deserves to tell their story. It can also brake the stereotypes of minority groups. A film company has to produce a film in such a way that it was accepted by all the groups and it should not hurt the sentiments of minority groups. Representation should be given to all persons irrespective of race,gender, nationality,etc.

  • It is important to see diversity because, you could know what's going on in the movie so you'll know why this is happening and how it happened. If you know the background information on what you are representing, and you understand why you are doing it and how it's going to happen. You would be able to represent it right.

  • I think diversity is important because it can make all people feel like they are looked at in a important. For example shang chi came out and represented the asian community like black panther represents the african american community. Also there have been lots of more female superheros. I also think that marvel came out with a gay spiderman but i don't know if that is positive but that show can show representation to the lgbt community.

    1. Fantastic examples of other superhero films dynamic_king! Why do you think representation makes people feel important?

  • Diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society. Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people. Representation matters.

    1. How do you think this can be improved based on what you have seen to date?

  • What my post is trying to say is that their should always be diversity in films so then people can relate to.

    1. there shouldn't just be diversity in actors but in the directors etc

      1. Can you explain why?

        1. I think there should be cultural representation in directors as well because a person from a different culture won't be able represent a new culture like people from their background in the right way. It may be whitewashed.

  • It is important to see diversity in films because if just one race were allowed to be on the movie I am sure less people would watch it but if you see a person with your color or race then the movie might just feel better knowing that someone represents your race or color. I think that films can do representation right by just including multiple races in one movie or make like 1 movie with one race and then another race for a movie and so on and I think the people would be happy if they saw films like that.

  • It is important to see diversity in films since it make viewers feel connected to the people behind the films. This can include ethnicity,religion, culture, and age. This can anchor the viewer and keep them interested, but representing in the wrong way can lead to stereotypes. This can lead to hate to a certain religion,ethnicity, gender, or culture. Black Panther portrayed Africa as a rich continent, which is correct. If they portrayed Africans as poor from a big studio like Marvel, Africans would get hated. Black Panther captures power of the people in the movie.

    1. Great point forceful_dragonfly! I really liked that you made the point about the type of representation being important.

    2. I agree because diversity in films can according to what has been said it can make people feel connected,it can make people to have a clear perspective of people culture, religion.
      Diversity in films can also help clear the life on racism imposed in their thinking and potrays us as one not as a group of people.

  • When I watch shows, and movies I don't see much representation in films for people of color. I believe we need to see diversity because if we don't we won't be introduced to the cultures around us, the beauty of colored people. In many shows, and movies many colored people are stereotyped and people are influenced by what they see. I believe directors can do representation right by studying the cultures that way nothing can be offensive.

    1. Great point imaginative_anteater. What do you think directors can do to ensure that different cultures are represented without causing offense?

      1. I think directors not only could study cultures, but also visit the countries they want to represent in their movies so nothing comes out as offensive.

        1. Do you think directors themselves should be from the cultures and backgrounds they are representing on screen?

  • Why I think diversity is important in film because it represents their country culture, and other can know more about their culture and maybe they will have another look at them that they just human like everybody else.

    This is just my opinion.

    1. A simple but very powerful point grateful_gazelle. I agree with you that representation connects people to humanity. Why do you think seeing different cultures on screen helps people see that all people are human?

  • I think we expect to se find multi-cultural and disabled people as the cast and production team but we don't. Coloured and people with disabilities need to be seen more. Just adding three coloured people and one disabled person is not going to make a difference. Diversity is equality it means that we put our differences aside and it is a combination of our differences that shape our view of the world.

    1. How do you think movie makers can ensure diversity and the right representation?

  • Diversity in films is important because it will be boring to see the same white actors who are mostly powerful. On the other hand, if the movie is made after a book, the directors should get actors that are similar to the descriptions in the original novel. For example, they couldn't use actors that are white to a historical black person, and vice versa.

    1. Is there a film you have seen based on a book that you think accurately reflects the characters?

      1. No , because film directors often like to add their little spice, to make the movie mor interesting.

  • Diversity is important for me and also important in movies. A movie with all the characters having the same race, nationality and gender would just be boring. On the other hand, a movie with diversed characters wich have different origins and stereotypes can have more opportunities in expending the story, having a sequel and even making it popular because of the character's diversity!
    An example is the new Litlle Mermaid film coming out in 2023. Because Ariel (the main character) was a white character in the animated film and beacuse the main actress is black in the new movie, it caused a lot of controversy that made the movie popular! Now, most of the opinions on this movie were mixed and now, most of the people are exited for this movie to come out!

  • It's nice that there is a variety of films. I think that diversity is TV shows and movies (horror, comedy and animation), so that things can deliver a specific message, so diversity in films is important because it communicates different meanings and ideas.

  • Filims are not just for entertainment but also act as a mirror of society.Many movies have spoken a lot about social evils , racial discrimination cast and creed .This will definitely have an impact in people so that there is some change in society for good hence i feel that it is important to show diversity in filims .
    In filims diversity can be brought about with a good story line , casting by diverse people , screen play etc.
    Recently a historic movie released in my regional language ( Tamil ) brought ancient people , their life and culture right in front of my eyes which was very much different from what I studied in my history book .


  • We are living on the twentieth century.the age of globalization.we are on world,on city.and one people,the people of earth. Consequently, films should include every single person in the world.
    Every one in the universe should has an echo of himself or herself inside the film.
    As a result ,the film will be successful,moreover it will be a world film.

  • I like that in films they try to add different people in films so it's equal and nobody complains. But people still complain that there are too many black people in Black Panther so I liked how in the second movie they did a mix of people from different nations. I noticed in that in some movies black people and not just them have been abused by online people. I think there should be protest for human rights and to show that we are all equal.

    1. Hi lucky_starfruit-Am I right that you mean people might think Black Panther isn't diverse enough with a mostly black cast? As Black Panther is set in a fictional African nation, most people would see this as representation.

      1. I disagree because you have not understood what they have said as it is not all about black panther

    2. I agree because all people of different color should be equal

  • Diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society. Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people.

  • A things that has become familiar for people of color is low representation in films and in older films people of color in the US were portrayed as criminals and thugs but what people of color need is representation, black panther in which the protagonist(Chadwick Bosman) was an African American and the movie featured many African actors it was the first of it's kind, it portrayed Africa in a positive way it was the first of it's kind to hit the mainstream.
    Yes minorities need equal and fair representation in films in media because films are a big cause of stigmatization of races.

  • is it important to see diversity in films?Yes it is because Diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society. Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people. Representation matters.In conclusion that is why to have diversity in films.

  • Diversity matters because without it racial backgrounds and cultural backgrounds would be overshadowed by stereotypes.

    1. Yes this is very true, especially with stereotypes. Many people like Mexicans, Asian, Muslims, are all stereotyped for random things that others have heard about. It may not even be true at all but they have to go and deal with it. They may even be bullied because what they ate was different or what they believe in. This isn't right you shouldn't feel ashamed or discouraged because of your culture or religion. Being different is what makes you special.

  • Diversity is an important thing, especially in films. Why? Because in this generation our subconscious mind is affected by everything we see or hear, and we are used to the hero or heroine being beautiful with white skin and colored eyes, and this thing is bad because acting does not depend on appearances, but rather on the skill of the actor and his ability to communicate the purpose of the film, and in the movie Black Panther we saw Diversity and this was an amazing thing, and this thing will make people think more consciously, accept diversity and change their beliefs. I believe that more of these films should be made to spread awareness on this subject.

    1. Thanks for this detailed response ingenious_snow. Tell me how Black Panther managed to show diversity so well for you.

  • I think it good to see many cultures in movies such as black panther so people can learn about cultures of the world.

    Do you think its right to change the race of certain characters such as ariel?

    1. I think black people from all around the world were happy to see a princess become black. I do think it is right to change the race of ariel. But, i'm not saying that Ariel is superior to the other Ariel. I'm just saying that black people are happy to see another black princess.

      1. I saw videos on social media of young black girls seeing the new trailer and being really excited! Why do you think it's especially exciting for the black community to see a black actor as Ariel?

  • It is important to see diversity in films as younger children need to learn that in a world of colour that all people are respected and allowed to do what they want. Diversity is important in films as all people of colour need to feel like they belong in a world with people that are different skin colours. It is also important because people of the opposite colour need to see different perspectives in movies, even movies for younger children. Diversity is a big thing to do with listening to over colours thoughts and opinions as they may have some good ideas to do with the production.

  • Society, such as the criminal system, the media and the workplace are flawed in their views of race.

    I think different film characters should portray the backstories or history they are representing in a film. For instance, Nelson Mandela in a film should be black whilst Snow White should be played by a white actress due to the story being based around a pale white skin.

    On the other hand, some historical based fictional shows such as Bridgerton, ignore race in their tv show and just use diverse actors and actresses for roles that would have been historically a white person. This is good as it helps people to look past the idea of race and just appreciate the skill of the actor and actresses.

  • I believe that in modern society, we need to speak up and declare the need for more films featuring people of diverse races and ethnicities as well as the need for respect for those of these backgrounds because no two persons are alike, and each has unique characteristics. People must be free to be themselves without facing any prejudice. One of the topics that has received the most attention globally and for the longest period is racism. Racism unfortunately persists even in today's technologically advanced society; else, this post wouldn't be necessary. The American Heritage College Dictionary describes racism as simply "discrimination or prejudice based on race." We need more role models who represent different nations or different ethnicities, as well as more women, to represent us younger people in this culture. These ladies should be people we can look up to and say, "I want to be as successful as her."

  • First of all, I would really like to thank Tupikal Tok and Staffal for her idea, for bringing up her important topics and for allowing us to be creative and express our ideas, as they have allowed me to hear the views of students from all over the world and to have an informative background on many topics. I was very excited about the details of the subjects you presented..... All topics were distinctive.... I was touched by the comment for ...(ingenious_library | Start-Rite Schools | Nigeria)...on the diversity of films because we live in a diverse world of people of different civilizations, nationalities and religions, living in a technological and cultural age...... Most of us spend time in front of the television or the phone, and movies have a different role than entertainment. They really affect our minds and shape our cultures...... It is better to look at a rainbow than just black and white.... I strongly believe in our right to equality and representation. We are all the same - white, black, Asian or Latino: many people who are marginalized and banned from working are part of the community in which we live..... I have never forgotten the pictures of that child when the movie Incanto was released, and when the child saw the character Antonio Madrigel, he stood by the television, because the character looked a little bit like a child, and the child was proud.... It's wonderful that people see themselves in movies....... The more people in the world love each other and cooperate indiscriminately, the more the world evolves, the more problems we face.

  • It is important to have diversity in any movies or tv shows because people don't want to just see one specific race in what they're watching. People want to watch a show with their kind or other races other than white people. We wanna see indian people,black people, asian people, etc. The reason I think diversity is important is because who wants to see the same people on the screen every time. They people on the screen also show us how they have to live and it's nice and educational to know how other people live in other countries.

  • Black panther is a good movie because it’s very diverse and is a good movie but I would like to see more diversity in more movies as well as LGBTQ and disability.If they were to put it all in one movie were they fight side by side.

  • It is important to see diversity in films for viewers to be able to more clearly understand the actions and thoughts or feelings of a character which they can relate to.

  • It is important to have diversity so we can learn a lot about cultural, religion, and beliefs. We need to be diverse to so many people can learn with us. I know most people like others people style of life and you do what you want. Just remember it’s your life no one can hold you down.

  • Why is diversity so important? There are so many ways to name why diversity is so important. Diversity is not only respectful it is also a way to show the people of that age, culture, or ethnicity that you know/care about them. This will make people see that you care.

  • Is it important to see divers films.In my opinion it it is very important to see divers films to see fresh and refreshing for people.you do not want to watch the same thing over and over of white people saving the day and all that.
    Lets say a white movie producer wants to make a mexican culture movie and did not know anything about it he would stereotype the film.The film director could have a hispanic/mexican write the script and help produse it.

  • It is important to see diversity in films because you don't see it in a lot of media. Hardly ever depending on who made the movie/show. Even when people of color (not just black) are shown on screen, it can be done very wrong and make a person feel like "I don't even want it". When Television was created (1927) people, not of color were going to show either way it went because of the time. When they show people of color, it was shown in a negative way, everybody but white people were shown as rich and dramatic... Now (2022) people get a better representation of all races, and everybody gets better perspectives.

  • I think it is very important to see diversity in films because It helps people feel included and lets people know more about different cultures. It gives you a vision on people who did great things who are like you, no this doesn't mean you can't be great just because you don't see no one like you out there, but It would be helpful. We already know that in most movies there is no one really with color on their skin, but Black Panther does include color and many other movies. Movies with diversity show many things they show culture, religion, struggles, and different stories . They help people understand what other people go through, and help you be aware and knowledgeable about your surroundings. It also helps you learn more about your culture or religion. Overall Diversity is very important to help young people and older people all feel included.

  • Why is diversity so important? There are so many ways to name why diversity is so important. When there is diversity in a film it is showing that the age group, religion, race, ethnicity, or sex is being represented. When things like that are represented it leads more to a groundbreaking film. This is the reason why black panther: wakanda forever is here now. By all means I don't mean stereotyping them, I'm saying they should show their culture and how they do their traditions. Now to simply answer the question why diversity is so important in a short way, diversity will work to communicate different ideas and carry different meanings.

    1. I totally agree with you when you say diversity will work to communicate different ideas and carry different meanings which is true because diversity helps you shoq culture and many more

  • A things that has become familiar for people of color is low representation in films and in older films people of color in the US were portrayed as criminals and thugs but what people of color need is representation, black panther in which the protagonist(Chadwick Bosman) was an African American and the movie featured many African actors it was the first of it's kind, it portrayed Africa in a positive way it was the first of it's kind to hit the mainstream.
    Yes minorities need equal and fair representation in films in media because films are a big cause of stigmatization of races.

  • Well, seeing diversity and representation in films and movies is important because it's realistic.In the real world there is more than just one religion,there's more that just one disability and of course there's more than just one race.If we see a white person whose life is perfect,no disabilities,and religion everybody knows and respects, and no POC near them it wouldn't be realistic at all.But,if you see all different types of races,all sorts of religions and many disabilities it would seem more realistic.Representation is also very important because some of us aren't as recognized or cared about as others.for an example Im not like other black women,for privacy i wont say alot about myself but my gender identity,sexuality and race aren't seen or normalized in movies or tv shows.WE need more recognition and WE need diversity in movies.All of us want to be normalized and recognized.

    1. I agree with you that films and movies need to represent things just as they are seen in the real world. There are many religions, people, food, race and even disabiities present in the world today and all this needs to reflect in movies.

      On the other hand, is that really just about it? There are any movies now that are diverse in terms of casting representation, food, religion, disabilities and so on but they still feel kind of forced. Some filmakers just make their movies diverse just for the sake of it or just to please a particular group of people that are demographic. For me, filmakers like that achieve nothing in that movie because the audience will definitely feel the lack of emotion in the movie and they still won't be carried along. This is not to say that movies should not be diverse in this aspect. They should but there is more to making a good movie that just that, that is just the bare minimum. A good movie for me needs to make audiences fall in love with new characters and shape them in ways that were complex, dynamic, and unique. Rick Moore once said "A good movie makes the audience feel like they've journeyed with the characters. " There are movies that when you watch they keep you at the edge of your seat just waiting to see what comes next. An example of such a movie is Black Panther. Personally I enjoyed the movie and it carried me along all through to the end. If a movie is just about being diverse in things like the cast, food, religion and so on used in the movie, then for me watching movies will all just be about being hypocritical and trying to please a demographic. A good movie is relatable, mind intriguing, inspirational. Don't you think so?

  • I think it is important to see diversity because it helps see who we are and what actions change the world. Representation is how people act with one another.I think representation is important in movies because it shows us their actions and how they act with other people.

    1. the reason i agree with this is because it does helps see who we are and what actions change the world

  • Why it is important to see diversity in films is because we need to see a difference in movies like what they did on friday but in my opinion they represented african americans wrong as an example in this particular movie they showed people with my skin tone selling drugs shooting people and fighting and I don't think that represents what african americans do on the daily basis. And how can films make sure they represent us right by asking african americans what they would do on the daily basis instead of stereotyping african americans.

    1. Can you give some examples of better representation?

  • It is very important to see diversity films. I think people as myself would like to see more cultural movies and shows because there are too many whites in every movie even in diverse movies. I would like to see movies with more african americans in their own movies. I feel that non-cultural people get too many films with them in it. People of color can at least have a few movies of their people.

  • It is important to see diversity in films because diverse representation on television is critical, raising awareness, empowering individuals of historically oppressed groups, and expanding career opportunities for underrepresented groups in entertainment.

  • Every culture, every nationality, every single person sees the world in a different way. Similarly, every culture, nationality, and person has different knowledge, perspectives, and points of view. When all of these different views are shared together, miracles can happen.

    1. tough_history, could you give an example of a 'miracle'? How can we make the 'miracles', the norm?

  • A things that has become familiar for people of color is low representation in films and in older films people of color in the US were portrayed as criminals and thugs but what people of color need is representation, black panther in which the protagonist(Chadwick Bosman) was an African American and the movie featured many African actors it was the first of it's kind, it portrayed Africa in a positive way it was the first of it's kind to hit the mainstream.
    Yes minorities need equal and fair representation in films in media because films are a big cause of stigmatization of races.
    And fair representation in films can reduce the stigma caused by previous media.

  • it is important to see diversity in films because it could let you know how many people that are like you and it makes people feel more of society. It could probably make people feel more history by people seeing their diversity in shows/movies. Films could show it right by showing their history and other people could feel good about themselves because they have seen their history.

  • Because it will make more actors show versality.

  • I think diversity is important to see in things like tv shows, movies, cartoons, ETC because it can show and teach kids and 'people' how to not treat people that's not their skin color different like their an animal and a monster. Having multi colored people in things people watch can also help with the history back then. Segregation being one them, segregation put a big racial change on the world. So showing all people coming together as one will help alot with diversity.

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films?

    Well,It's important to see diversity in films because it can teach younger people that there are more than one specific group in this world,it can also teach younger people that it's okay to be yourself.growing up I had a friend who was worried about being bullied because of where she was born,for some reason at my old school, not a lot of people knew about Greece. My friend was from Greece and she never told anyone about it because not a lot of people knew about it.The next day she told me about a movie she watched,and how there were some people that were from Greece.She was happy about seeing people from Greece in a movie and decide to tell more people.Im glad she was happy about expressing where she was from because of a movie she saw.I want more diversity in films so people aren't ashamed about who they are,where they're from, or what they need.I thought i would get bullied for being gay but i've seen so many movies,cartoons,and tv shows that completely normalizes it and i felt less scared and ashamed.I've made friends we are similar to me and accept me because of it.

    I know these examples were from my experiences but these still are very important to me.I'm glad that my old friend saw some diversity in a movie and started expressing herself more because of it.

  • It is very important to have diversity in any film because It can be racist to mostly any race to not have any diversity at all which could make people mad and report the film.

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films?

    It is important to see diversity in films because it gives an accurate portrayal of under-and over represented groups of society.
    Women and POC don't get a lot of love and respect in the real world,so people started making movies,cartoons, and even videos on social media expressing more love and representation nowadays.
    If we keep showing representation in films maybe in the real world people will start normalizing POC,queers,Women,religions,and disabilities.
    I want to live in a world that will normalize me just existing.
    Showing diversity in shows will raise awareness, empowering individuals of historically oppressed groups, and expanding career opportunities for underrepresented groups in entertainment.

  • I think its important to see diversity in movies because people can see it a lot because it would be cool

  • The reason why diversity is important is that in movies there's bearly anyone but just one culture. Some movies don't really have culture and we need a lot of cultures in some movies like asian, hispanic, black, and etc. They are important because we support people like the culture we see on tv and movies.

  • It's important to see diversity in films because sometimes little kids that are color look at movies and see only white people and they think that only white people are able to be in the industry so when they see movies and tv shows with their colors they get hope that they can be something when they get older which is good to see little kids try their hardest and dream on.

  • Because diversity teaches us how to act, informs our choices, gives hope, is inclusive, and the inclusion of everyone's vision and vision is significant to a better community. It also encourages our imagination, every culture, and everyone to see the world from a different vision.

  • I personally think that we should have more people of different racial backgrounds on tv. Why? Well, if we only see white people as the main characters or superheroes, we will belive that they can't be like that just because of their skin color. Think about all the marvel heroes like Iron man, Spiderman , Wonder woman, the hulk, and more. They are all white. The films should have all kinds of movie characters because we need to get used to diversity. If we were all the same, life would be boring. I think that Disney making the new actor of Ariel a black woman is amazing.
    On the other hand, I'm not saying that we should have a black Snow White or a white Black Panther. We should keep to reality as much as we can, and the reality is that human beings are diverse. But also that most people in Europe used to be white and most people in Africa are still black. I think distorting reality for the sake of diversity is wrong. For example, a Korean Queen Victoria just wouldn't make sense.
    Another thing, I think it actually depends on the acting skill too. If a certain black man has better acting skill than a white man, then it's fair to hire him and vice versa. In conclusion I think it is important to show diversity as this is our reality but we should not discount people's ability.

  • I think diversity is important in film because it represents their country culture, and other can know more about their culture and maybe they will have another look at them that they just human like everybody else.

  • The reason why diversity in movies actually MATTERS is due to the fact that the discrimination of black people due to jim crow laws, etc. There are still a lot of "racist people", and basically, karens. A karen is what the internet calls someone who "thinks" they can control everything and they have a opinion on everything, meaning they HATE everything or anyone. This is also a big factor for racism. The point of diversity in movies is to see yourself and say something like; "Is that me?" because a lot of kids said they wanted to be many superheros when they grow up. Seeing themself in a movie, a TV show, or a cartoon makes them think that they aren't alone in this world.

  • I say yes because i see that it show how that our culture like as a example black,white,mexican, and any different people in the world. It also show how that it can be something showing be a true story.

  • I think it is important to see diversity in films because people are influenced by what they see. Diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society. Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people, Such movies help a lot in overthrowing the prejudices in society and displaying a message of unity in diversity to the viewers . I advise everyone when watching movies that they are not only fot environment, but we must think and focus on the idea that the movie conveys to us.

  • I think it is important to see diversity in films because people are influenced by what they see. So when they see diversity being represented, they will start to think more carefully about it.
    Also, it is good, because the world is dirverse. People need to see the truth about what has happened through history in diverity. Everybody is different and we should be respected for this. But the truth is-not everybody treates others fairly. We all have prejudices that can influence us.

    Films could make sure they get the representations by making a diversity charter that tells you what you are going to do. People also need to make sure they know what diversity they are trying to represent. We need to address the things we are blind to. Eg: Race; gender; age; even economic class.

  • Black Panther movie was refreshing because it celebrated the African countries culture in true sense! For instance, Raj of Big Bang Theory or Appu of Simsons represented Indians in a poor way and it does not represent what India or Indians truly are!

    India is not a country of cows or poor people or people with poor English slang! This is also a country which has produced some best scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs, economists, a country bubbling with young minds and energy willing to go anywhere to achieve big things.

    But such poor portrayal only makes people across the Globe to believe what they see! Enormous efforts are required to change that perspective! Hence diverse and correct representation is very important. For instance, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, a well-known Indian actor, now turned Hollywood actor, she cannot do a role written for a black woman character or a Chinese or Korean character in holly wood, but definitely can play a general American role right? Why aren't such roles offered to all? Beauty of America is multi culture. Why can't a good representation or diversity happen from everywhere that represents America in its full glory!

    Having said that, the right role should be given to the right people who represent the cause. In India a movie a biopic named "TAALI" is being played by former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen, also a well-known actor in India. While she may do justice to the role taken, the sad part is the biopic is about a transgender Gauri, who worked tirelessly for the rise of her community. It would only be fair to see the role of Gauri, being played by a transgender rather than Ms.Sen, isn't?

    The filmmakers should do their homework before the film making happens. Films are about entertainment. At the same time, it comes with responsibility too! Wrong representation should never be entertained even for entertainment!

    1. Thank you for joining the discussion @charming_weaver! These examples are very thought-provoking. Can you expand a bit on how it would help people who are used to seeing themselves represented on screen if they start to see more diverse and representative casting?
      Another interesting development is that in some productions of stories based on history we are also starting to see more "colourblind" casting, where actors are cast to play figures who historically were of a different ethnicity to them. A good example of this is the musical (and later film) "Hamilton". Why do you think producers or filmmakers might make this decision?

      1. Sorry for this late response. I don't know how I did not notice this question.
        The awareness among people, and the present generation's openness to accept the people how they are and not from where they come from or the ethnicity they represent, makes all the difference.
        Today people are ready to look at how powerful the performance was rather than who performs! I think that makes the difference and that is why the latest version of Hamilton had a very positive response from audience. A musical or a story that is not about a particular ethnicity, should have a colorblind cast.
        Having said that the casting about the story of Martin Luther King Jr cannot be colourblind.
        Even in my above comment, about the Hindi movie Taali, that would be released shortly, I felt a transgender could have been given the opportunity to present their Biopic would have been better because the life that a transgender lives here in India is pathetic. They are treated very badly. A transgender playing the biopic would have been much more powerful rather than a good actor. Because it is their story.

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films?
    Well,Diversity is important to see in films,because it shows every culture,nationality,and a different point of view.
    Diversity can also help us learn new things about different cultures,races,etc.Diversity can make a lot of people happy since it represents them,and it shows them that they are respected.
    Society is full of negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups and communities,which shows us that we do not have your respect and you don't recognize and see that we are people.You don't understand our cultures and having diversity can build bridges to trust,respect,and understand cultures all over the world.
    Having diversity can inspire people to be creative and to be themselves.

  • diversity is important in films because our world is diverse. and also people especially the young people are influenced by what the see. diversity in films shows appreciation to the various cultures and races in the world. it gives us the chance to know about different races and cultures. for a show like Spiderman whose hero is usually white in but because of Spiderman into the Spider verse , people can see that even someone who is black can be a hero to. diversity in films can change people's perception about a particular race and culture.

  • People from various cultures, cities, and stories can be seen in our mind's eye. Diversity in films is extremely important because it allows people to see other people in a different light, allowing them to be included in our circles and breaking down stereotypes. Diversity can help people learn the value of friendship and teamwork. When people collaborate, they can be influenced by team members from various backgrounds. Certain issues can be resolved by watching diverse films. Problems such as racism and ethnicity can also aid in the prevention of wars. Diversity in films can be extremely beneficial to people's mental health by helping them recognize where they belong.
    Representation is important in order to tell the entire story. Films must do representation well in order to challenge stereotypes about issues such as gender, racism, sexuality, and so on. Ways to do representation right could include infusing the content with the appropriate number of female characters in cases of gender issues, the appropriate number of race, the appropriate number of disability, and so on. It is important to determine who lives, who dies, and who tells the story in order to have a good representation in films; it must also be authentic, fair, and humane.

    1. Hey proactive_attitude, you have been awarded a star for this well-written comment as you have articulated well the importance of diversity in films. Well done!

  • I think that films and social media can really change our image about people of colour because the more we see them, the more normal they become and we get used to them. We usually do and think about stuff we have been showed. Now, people of colour are no longer discriminated and white skin tones are a bit. Think about this: The little mermaid was white and then they are making her with a darker skin tone and everybody is happy, but if she had a dark skin tone and they changed her in white, everybody would be so angry. Also, when are thinking about the word "black", we are thinking about darkness and night being bad, or dark holes or criminals but if we think about white, we are thinking about good, angels, heaven, day and other good stuff so that also kind of makes us think that white is good and black is bad. Maybe we should stop comparing colours and just focus about characters if we are in films and personality in real life.

    In the movie Black Panther , everybody has dark skin tones and that is good! It is an amazing film and the first marvel film that has the protagonist with dark skin tone.

    1. Hi Jubilant_seagull, thank you for your comment. Can you explain why you think if the Little Mermaid was a darker skin tone to start with and then changed to white, why people would be angry?

      1. There has definitely been a lot of racism against black people which the world is now recognising, for example through movements like BLM. Because this is the focus in the media, if what I said about the little mermaid was a reality then a lot of people would see this as a step backwards as it would be another black person being wronged, even if it's just a character it still has an impact because people would see it as whitewashing. I think the lines are blurry now when it comes to representation and what we can and can't say and who we can and can't see.

  • Our strength lies in our differences, not in our similarities
    People are affected by the diversity of films and they think, is there a real vision or is this representation? It is important to see a diverse, multi-cultural film that contains a presentation of culture, gender and lifestyle, because films have an important role in shaping the minds of their viewers, and the film contains a role model for everyone. There are some programs that are shown on television, in fact. It reveals the diversity of people, such as the movie Black Panther, a black person who appears as a strong and kind person, and shows people about the people who are subjected to bullying.
    1. Because it makes us united
    2. We can communicate with each other.
    3. Respect for different traditions, gender, culture and gender.
    4. Not bullying

  • In my opinion that it is important because the people are affected by the things they are watching,as they teach us many things.
    There are films talking about racism and bullying that let people to see the world in another way and let them know that they aren't alone in the world and also the world isn't devided into people that have black and white skin, women and men, rich and poor people as the community shows.
    Also films are sending messages but by another way they send us advice but instead of only listening we watch it.
    Also during watching the films we see how others are living.
    There are films talking about the space that let the people who are really interested in the space they see how astronauts are living there.

  • Diversity in movies is something necessary because it is commensurate with the difference of opinions and the diversity of societies, so the diversity in movies, whether it is (horror - comedy - drama) increases the accuracy of delivering information to the viewer, and also makes us feel as if we are in the same situation, so we live the same events, cry with sorrows, and laugh with joys..

  • When we come to talk about diversity it's including different experiences, cultural backgrounds and various lifestyles, and interests.
    Every single person has a different look at life and the world , different cultures do too,when all of those different views and looks get shared alot can happen and alot can change. Acceptance and awareness between others and cultures develop.
    Diversity in films and representations give us the chance to see outside of our bubble, but it also allows others to feel included and seen.
    It makes the film include better opportunities for creativity and problem-solving , smarter decisions making and the most important being fair .
    As a film and show lover I think that representing right is really important ,but to represent right I know that you have to know the audience , like why they watch the show ,what do they like in the show and trying to stay away from what they don't like .
    Another thing is being open minded , what is a show without a bunch of questions that u ask your self while watching it ? What is worse than not giving answers to them , so you would stay awake at night trying to figure out an answer to your question and convince your self with it, which is eventually hard.
    Representations can make someone achieve thing they have never thought of achieving before. Representations matter they can change life's incredibly.

  • Diversity is very important in films because diversity brings in new ideas and experiences, and people can learn from each other. Bringing in different ideas and perspectives leads to better problem-solving. Working in diverse teams opens dialogue and promotes creativity. The value of diversity is true for our culture, too. Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people. Accurate, authentic representation can break down barriers, open us to new ideas, create powerful role models, and even be a source of inspiration. Representation matters.

  • In my opinion, it is not so important to see diversity in films cause I do not think it is a difference between coloures skins.
    But in this days it is pretty important to see diversity in films beacuse If you do not put people that have others skin colors in your movies they will judge you.
    In every film it is minimum one colour person. I think this is a good thing and I think it is enough to put one color person in the movie.

  • I think that diversity is very important so that people do not get bored in terms of the diversity of personalities, cultures, religions, ancient and modern times. In my opinion, if the public does not agree, ancient modern films will give you the opportunity to learn about ancient cultures and ancient customs practiced by ancient people, such as the cradle in Turkey, which was a custom in the ancient era. If the film did not result from this habit, we would not have learned about it if we did not review some books that talk about ancient customs. I think that diversity in films makes viewers enjoy watching movies Also, the diversity in films has made the world change their lifestyles, costumes and eating habits The diversity of characters is also very important. I really want to say that the most beautiful series I've ever watched is Power Rangers Ninja Steel because I really saw the diversity of characters in this series in terms of color and all of them were equal in roles, i.e. starring roles. That diversity is important not only in movies but in everything because diversity enhances people's creativity and encourages them to seek new information and perspectives.

  • The world is extremly diverse which is why representation is so important. There are people of different colors, different cultures, and different backgrounds everywhere. Yet when we take a look at some of the highest-grossing movies of the last decade, or the most popular television series on streaming services such as Netflix, we can not always find this diversity translated back on the screen. This lack of representation has consequences on our society and the people that can not find themselves back on the screen. In an interview with PBS, a high school junior said, “I do think it’s powerful for people of a minority race to be represented in pop culture to really show a message that everybody has a place in this world .  We aim to analyze the representation of minority groups in popular media and the effects this has on our multicultural society.

    1. How do you think film and TV producers could do better on this?

  • Because it teaches us how to manage things and learn about other things that may not be in books

  • I think it's important to see diversity in movies because people are affected by what they see. So when they see diversity being represented, they will start to think about it more carefully. Also, that's fine, because the world is evil. People need to see the reality of what happened throughout history through contrast. Everyone is different and we must respect that. But the truth is, not everyone treats others fairly. We all have biases that can affect us. Movies can make sure they get representation by putting in place a diversity charter that tells you what you're going to do. People also need to make sure they know the diversity they are trying to represent. We need to address the things that we are blind to. For example: race, gender, age, even economic class. I will say and repeat that diversity is important as the more we see people who are different from us, the more we get used to the fact that they are part of society, and also people need to see the people they can communicate with, how people are supposed to understand People from different backgrounds are equal members of society if they do not see people like themselves on screen? A film that is characterized by diversity and representation can show people from different races, religions, cultural backgrounds and sexualities. For example in the movie Black Panther we see a person, for the first time in history, colored as a hero The protagonist and main protagonist of the film. As a person of color and diversity, I feel that diversity is very important. Sometimes, people think that representation is just about including a character of color who is not, but it is the opposite. Black Panther focused on the culture of the characters and not on the kind of internal racism of themselves, And this is unlike some movies where most of them tend to follow the same narrative, someone hates the color of their skin. In conclusion, we should really learn from this seat because it will make us inclusive and ultimately make the world a better place for everyone to live in.

  • I think it's important to show diversity in films because in most films they don't really show a lot of Asian, African or even black cultures in movies. Also, it is usually just that culture or race, it also links to this one race being a criminal or bad guy which is unfair and doesn't represent that race well so it makes people think that particular race is bad.

  • A diverse film can show people of different races, backgrounds, religions, and even cultures. The more we see people who are different from us, the more we know the fact that they are part of society just like us.
    In the movie "The Black Panther", the focus was on cultures (the culture of Africans) and not racism, as in many films, and this encouraged many black actors to struggle to obtain important roles in many films, and this may help reduce racism towards blacks

  • I think diversity in films is important because societies are diverse. The more we see people who are different to us, the more we get used to the fact that they are part of society, just like us. Also, people need to see themselves reflected on the screen, so it's not just films, but also tv shows.

  • I think that seeing diversity in movies is quite important because we as humans are quite different from other in the society we live in . I think that it is important to see diversity in culture in movies because people have their unique way of thinking and culture media representation allows them to know that people aren't their stereotypes and that they are diverse and have all sorts of traits not based solely on their identity or type of skin colour. It's incredibly important that people are aware of and understand other cultures. Diversity in popular movies and television series like black panther matters because an accurate portray of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society.

  • Why having diversity in films is one of the most important things for the entertainment industry to start developing because as young kids, people want to see representations of good father figures whatever their ethnic background, female workers, alternative music and good students of all different ages and backgrounds. A way for people to see themselves in society not as just a threatening human, but a person, and to build confidence from that representation that they could be anything they want to be. It is often said that if you can see it, you can achieve it, for a safer and more understanding, less-racially hostile environment.

  • seeing diversity in films is important because the world is diverse. diversity is beauty , imagine having a bouquet of flowers where all the flowers are the same color, it won't be as beautiful as seeing one with multiple colors. even as human being's our hair may be black and our skin is with . diversity must not be skin color it can also be gender and class. And that's the beauty of life knowing its not every shirt that is black ,or not every flower that is red.

  • Diversity in films is a very important thing needed for this present generation. There is need for diversity in films so that the children that we see now can see life from different perspectives. They say that children are the leaders of tomorrow, but the question is are they really gaining anything from what they watch today. A lot of children are inspired by what they watch, and it will be very horrible if they only watch a particular kind of film because if this happens, they will keep on seeing the world from a single perspective.

  • I sincerely think that there is a need for diversity in films, but we do not seem to be making efforts on achieving it. A major area where we are lacking it is in the acting sector. Most films that are released nowadays are usually acted by just a particular race or citizens of a particular country. I feel that there should be international cooperation between actors in movies. For instance, Africans could be allowed to act with Americans more often or Asians could be allowed to act with Europeans. I feel this is a major problem faced which is affecting diversity of films.

    1. I'm not sure about this because it is good to have diversity so people feel represented, but then again, if you have a movie where the setting is in Europe, shouldn't you have more Europeans?

      1. fiery_raisin interesting point. Is Europe now made up of people with various different backgrounds?

  • diversity is iimportant because we need to all share our ethnisities and we all need to normalise people coming from different countries

  • I think that everyone should be represented in films because people might feel left out and not feel like a part of the world. Films and TV shows should include people no matter their background or culture. Even people with disabilities should be included as well. It shows that everyone is different in every way possible.

    1. I totally agree because the Marvel's movies/ series are watched by whole world, it brings a new vision of the world for those who don't know the diversity ,an open mind. The white, heterosexual Americans all the time represented in the film can create complexes, in particular a feeling of inferiority and discrimination, that is why all the producers should start or continue to diversify the cinema.

  • In my opinion diversity is important in films because most people are influenced by seeing something happening many times in different films so people have to know that all people are the same in the society and sometimes some people do bad things but they are not all bad so we have to teach people that we can not say if someone is good or bad for only his appearance from outside.

  • A film with diversity and representation can feature and celebrate people from different races, cultural backgrounds, sexualities, genders, religions, and more. In Black Panther, for the first time in Marvel history, we see a person of color as the protagonist and main protagonist of the film. As a person of color, I feel that diversity is very important in the media because POC is still subject to stereotypes and stigmatization for things that don't make sense. While some stereotypes aren't particularly "harmful," they still make the progress we've made go to waste. Although non-POC people think POC has significant representation, we don't. If you look at the most popular movies, they all have mostly, if not all, white casts and crews. Sometimes, people think representation is just about including a color character which it isn't. Good acting depends on how the character is portrayed. Good acting does not make a black character a criminal or a thug, a good actor is making a movie that stars a black person as the protagonist and focuses on him as a character rather than the color of his skin. Black Panther was one movie that managed to do just that amazingly. Black Panther focused on the culture of the characters and not how they have some sort of internalized racism of themselves. This is unlike many movies where most of them tend to follow the same narrative. Someone hates the color of their skin and the movie follows them on their journey. While it's a good idea, it's usually poorly executed like most producers, directors, and White. In Black Panther, the African culture comes out amazingly and most of the cast and crew help out on POC. This helps reduce stigma around black people.

    1. You mentioned that "good acting" is important. Is there anything else that's important for representation in film? For example, something someone other than actors could do (producers, casting, writers etc)?

  • I somewhat agree with the remark since I believe yes, every one need to be represented in the world forum through big screens. The reason I have partial agreement is that when I started thinking about this topic, what kept brothering is that why there is diversity, like we don't have control over our place of birth, the cultural we are born in, or the society we grow up in, there are so many uncontrollable criteria that influence, at the end of the day, every human has the same mass that makes up the entire universe.
    Yes, everyone is unique, but not because of their skin colour, community, or religion.
    Another spark occurred to me when watching an interview of the legendary actor Morgan Freeman about Black History Month, in which the interviewer asked the actor how to get rid of racism, and his simple response was “STOP TALKING ABOUT IT”.
    Constant discussion of the notion of diversification tends to plant the seed for further diversification.
    I don't want a society in which diverse individuals are recognized and treated equally. But I want a world in which everyone honestly believes that they are all the same at heart.

  • It is important to see diversity in films because it makes a broader range of people want to watch the film, it also lets people see people who represent them and who they are in a movie. In our class discussion, our teacher told us that a person had complained to Disney that zero main characters had glasses, so then Disney made the movie Encanto.

    1. Yes, I agree with it because it’s true that it will make people want to go watch the movie and identify with the characters

  • I think it is important to see diversity in films as some people would feel down in the dumps if they don't have characters that they like in films, movies and shows that they can't relate to.

  • Diversity in a film is extremely important as when there are a range of people working on something, everyone gets to share their ideas. Some people say that similar people think similar things so if there is a very different and unique group of people, they can all share and mix there unique ideas producing a good film. A time where everyone was not allowed to share their perspectives, opinions and ideas was when women were not allowed to vote and share their opinion. Another time was when world leaders were telling children to stay away from climate change and just leave it to the adults. However, some people of courage, like Greta Thumberg, stood up and showed that we all care about climate change too and we can produce good ideas that no one else could possibly think of.

    In superhero movies, most superheros are white men and I don't think that this makes people happy. I don't feel represented in these marvel movies as they always show the same type of people; white men, not much women and not much people of colour. This is unfair.

    That is why I think diversity is important.

  • It is good to have diversity because people might want to see different people in films, and they might also want to see people representing them. Also, if you include lots of people from different back rounds, they will all have a different perspective and if you include all of these perspectives you might make a better film that everyone will want to watch.

  • I think it is great that there is diversity in films but I feel like there could be more by adding black mixed,white etc :) or disabled characters

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films?
    Well,Diversity is important to see in films,because it shows every culture,nationality,and a different point of view.
    Diversity can also help us learn new things about different cultures,races,etc.Diversity can make a lot of people happy since it represents them,and it shows them that they are respected.
    Society is full of negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups and communities,which shows us that we do not have your respect and you don't recognize and see that we are people.You don't understand our cultures and having diversity can build bridges to trust,respect,and understand cultures all over the world.
    Having diversity can inspire people to be creative and to be themselves..........❤️❤️❤️

  • I think it is important to see diversity in films , because it has been told and shown that people want more films to entertain themselves , but if we can't see diversity in them , all films can sound very similar to each other . This is because , when having a Topical Talk lesson, I wasn't seeing many women or black man , or young people seen as a main actor , however in one movie a black man was a main character , but he wasn't shown. We must see diversity in all films to make our self think we are represented and valued in this world. And a time I thought I was represented was when the new movie 'My Little Mermaid' was out. Instead of a white mermaid, it was a black mermaid , I was over the moon , and now can't stop watching it . Someone who looked like me was shown in a film as a main character was amazing . A way that people making films can show diversity , can make sure they include a few young people , people with disabilities, but you can't always see others' disabilities so including someone maybe in a wheelchair would show diversity. Also, people with different ethnicities . This is a way of diversity.

    1. You make a great point observant_peach, I like how you related this topic to yourself and your experience, and how you make a suggestion for that could be better.

    2. I agree because diversity is very important so I think people need to start being fair to human races and looks.

  • It is important because it depicts how real life is meant to be, the well known Barbie franchise is an example of the negative effects of this it gives children, girls especially unrealistic beauty standards of how they must be skim, curvy and white, so this gives girls a wrong message, I feel most people never look at this franchise from this angle, girls grow up and start to feel like they can be nothing but a pretty face and that can never be true.

    1. Great example, accurate_wombat. What toys would you create to help women and girls not to feel like this?

    2. This is a really good example!

      When I was a little girl, I had many barbie dolls. I adored them and always envied them. I once secretly used my mom's makeup because I thought I wasn't as pretty as barbie. I was just a little kid when I did this. Am I wearing makeup right now? Yes, I do it often. Frankly, it has become a burden for women to feel forced to wear makeup. Sometimes I don't feel free when I put on makeup.

      Considering all that I have said, how do you think a solution to this problem can be found? How can diversity be created in films to find a solution to this problem?

  • It is important to see diversity in movies so you could see the unique backgrounds of the movies. Films can make sure they could represent it right by making it really accurate.

    1. Why is accurate representation important?

  • It is important to see diversity in a film because, people of color are rarely represented in a good way in films. If people of color are always being represented in a bad way then it will give them less motivation to be better then what the films show, but if we see more films where black people are not being shown in a bad way then it can give them that motivation to be better. For example, Black panther is a film that aspects the African culture ; a culture that hasn't been considered that much in film got $180 million dollars in sales, showing how successful diversity in a film can be.

  • Diversity in films is important. I think it is important because people usually only make movies with white people, black people, or both. But even thought they have white and black people that usually the extent of it. They don't really have a lot of hispanic people and sometimes they have a asian person.

  • It is important to see diversity in a film because people of color are rarely represented in programs. If people of color are being represented inadequately then it will give them less motivation to be better than what the program shows. If we see more films where black people are never represented then it can show them the motivation to become better. For example, Black Panther is a film that aspects the African culture; a culture that hasn't had much accomplishment in programs got $180 million in sales, showing how successful diversity in programs can be.

  • It is important to see diversity in films because there is diversity is the real world. Therefore, it is only right to show diversity in what people in the world see on films. If you don't know you can just learn from films that you see on TV,adds ,shows and movies that is why it is important .

  • In my opinion, it is important to see diversity in films because it influences people's behavior and way of life for example, many films are made basing on different diversities that is inspirational, cultural, religious, dram, lifestyle etc and when people watch these film,they get and understanding which influences them to be righteous and change for the better eg religious films ,it also opens up our minds to accept each other though from different races which crashes down racism since films foster representation in relation to diversity.
    Films should observe involvement of people from different ethnics, socials and of different gender and ages for example black panther where the characters were both blacks and whites and different ethnicities which promotes diversity.

  • Diversity is important as we need everyone to feel represented

  • In our class, we had an interesting discussion about whether women are portrayed well in movies. We came up with the conclusion that women are not like how they are portrayed in movies.

    Whilst we were talking about this topic I said that no one is really portrayed well in movies, because everyone is their own different person. This means although people on the screen may be similar to someone, they are not the exact same. No one is the same. Everyone is their own different person.

    1. It is true that there may never be a truly accurate portrayal fiery_raisin, but do you think the stories and stereotypes of men and women are balanced?

  • Everyone should be respectful to each other.People need to try and bring diversity to movies so everything is fair.

  • It's important to see diversity films because it makes it more possible to know who has made the story. They can do that by making more diversity to black and white people in films who have made it and actors otherwise it will be very unfair and not respectable. It also depends on when it is fair or unfair. It's also important to see diversity in films because in the Avengers, there are only white people and it can make it right and fair by including other people for a fair actors of films and also it doesn't have any black actors that makes it unfair for black men making that not diversity enough for the black people. They can make it right by having to be responsible for not putting any black actors.

  • Diversity is important as we need everyone to feel represented and to your disabilities should be should and do nott my ashamed of who you are. Although some people think their disabilities are not good but they are not always visible

  • I think that diversity is very important in the cinema industry because if there is no diversity, people are going to feel unconcerned and they won't watch the films or they are not going to feel represented.In my opinion the movie directors should give betterr roles to black people like the main character(protagonist),the doctors, the cops…not secondary roles or bad guy roles like gangster, unfriendly people…so to sum up movie directors should give better roles to black people and not secondary ones or bad roles because in general, black people have roles that are not a faithful representation of reality and people from the black community don't like this.

  • To my mind, it's important to see diversity in the movies because all the kids should have the opportunity to see a character who to whom they can identify, who looks like them physicaly. When I was a kid I didn't a character who looked like me so I had insecurities regarding my skin color because I thought that is not normal to be black. That is why I believe that films should represent society and not show black people just as gangsters, drug dealers or ugly people. Besides, movies should represent real society. The society isn't only made of men who are white and awesome-looking! There are also women, non Europeans and "ugly" people. They should give characters to non white people without stereotypical roles.

  • In films, it is rare to find characters who are not white like for example Black people, Arabs, Turks, Chinese people... I belive that diversity in the movie industry is very important because it can make people feel like watching the film. People will be able to identify to the lead actors and that would be a real change from what we see now.

  • In my opinion, diversity in films is important because this is can bring a lot of person to watch the film. In genral the lead actors are white people, Americans...
    And the bad guys are often: Arabic-speaking people cast as terrorists or Black people with the cast of drug dealers. This is an unfair representation of reality, these are damaging and false stereotypes.

    Putting an Arabic-speaking person, a Black person, a Turkish person, a Chinese person, an Indian (a non-white, non-American) in the lead roles can change the mentality and show the reality with a faithful representation.

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films ?

    You may be wondering why". well diversity is a huge thing in a lot of places ' how may it help you ask?' Well for example.' {" Diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society. Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people". with not a lot of diversity in films people may think this is harmful and take it personally . and with no diversity their might be protests ' and the media representation helps because for example'."
    "Media representation allows them to know that people aren't their stereotypes and that they are diverse and have all sorts of traits not based solely on their identity. It's incredibly important that people are aware of and understand other cultures." ( is mentioned from harvard business review.) These rallying cries for more diversity in companies, from recent statements by CEOs, are representative of what we hear from business leaders around the world. They have three things in common: All articulate a business case for hiring more women or people of color; all demonstrate good intentions; and none of the claims is actually supported by robust research findings.".

    But the main problem is That this is still going on and this is nearly 25 years later, organizations have largely failed to adopt a learning orientation toward diversity and are no closer to reaping its benefits. Instead, business leaders and diversity advocates alike are advancing a simplistic and empirically unsubstantiated version of the business case. They misconstrue or ignore what abundant research has now made clear: Increasing the numbers of traditionally underrepresented people in your workforce does not automatically produce benefits. Taking an “add diversity and stir” approach, while business continues as usual, will not spur leaps in your firm’s effectiveness or financial performance.

    Increasing!. ( most information found by Harvard business review ) article by by Robin J. Ely and David A. Thomas.

    1. Well done for putting quotation marks around the information you took from other sources -- however, please also remember that we are most interested to hear what you think in your own words. Next time, try rephrasing what you found (you should still mention your source) and make sure you share what you think about it too!

  • diversity in films are important because maybe a roll fits a person but maybe the history diversity is different.

  • It is important to see diversity in movies because it can inspire young children all around the world when kids see characters that look like them it can inspire them like in black panther it can inspire kids to be strong just like them.

  • I believe it is important to see diversity in films because it's not fair for other people from different religions to not play in a film just because of their religion. Also you have to have representation in movies so other people from different countries don't have to be upset or say that it is not fair that other poeple can't play in a film. Your religion does not define you and your talent.

  • I believe it is important to see diversity in films for many reasons, Diversity can make people feel represented and appreciated. Diversity in films can also cause great feedback. Films can make sure they are doing representation right by getting perspectives from other communities.

    1. I agree because its not in a lot of movies that you see POC (people of color) in movies and when you do see them half of the time they arent the main character.

  • It is important to see diversity in films because people of color get used to not seeing people like them and when they do get representation it's usually all stereotypes. When they get used to not seeing people like them it gets an idea into people's heads and they start feeling insecure about themselves and hide instead of embracing their culture. Especially young children start doing things to hide themselves or hurt themselves because they think they are supposed to look a certain way. They should get a large amount of diverse people/actresses and script writers that are also people of color to get the right diversity.

  • I think diversity is very important in films and movies because we need to represent everyone and it would bring more life to the movies and films.

  • In Most films African American and be of color were mostly portrayed as trugs gang members and criminals , I feel like more diversity in films will break stereotypes, young kids like dream of being seen as more than thugs and criminals. If we think of the future what will they think if they see us being represented but as thugs and gang members. We deserve to be seen but as great people not some stereotype.

  • I think it's important to see diversity in films because Black people are being poorly represented as a whole by gangs/gang violence going on within black communities. usually the black man online is seen as a criminal, and the black woman could be seen as ratchet. Black people are also rarely seen in any big tv shows/movies young children will see this as I did and think they couldn't become an actor because they're not white.

  • Seeing diversity in films is important because minorities exist. We are all different, and that's something that should be acknowledged--although a lot of people don't know how to approach these differences (hence all the bad representation minorities receive, and them being forced to just accept it because at least their existence is being recognized). This should not be the case at all. People should be able to exist together peacefully and one way that will make this possible is if differences are being recognized and accepted. Television and films are very popular so it makes sense to have diversity shown in those media forms. Now, for how films can make sure that diversity is done properly. The answer is easy: get the underrepresented people (minorities) to share their experiences. A lot of people don't give this simple idea a chance because the things the underrepresented experienced aren't always positive, so they choose harmful ignorance. Even if you don't like it, it's true for a lot of people.

    1. You're right that it's important for people to be given a fair space to share their experiences, exuberant_bee. Can you think of any reasons why someone might not feel comfortable with doing this? For example, being the person to represent a specific group?

      1. Hello, this is a very good question. I think that the reason why somebody might not be comfortable with doing this is because of all the--possibly fatal-- backlash they would receive. Take what's going on in Iran right now as an example. People are speaking up about the awful things taking place and those people end up badly harmed, missing, jailed, or all of the above. The Iranian government even cut off electricity for a lot of people because of this, making it harder to spread the word. It might not be that extreme for other people but the internet is a dangerous place. People's addresses have been leaked as well as other personal info. That is enough to silence and put fear into anyone. There are so many different ways being used to stop people from speaking up, which isn't fair at all.

  • I think its important because we get to see cultures other than white but, not just black people.

    1. I am with with you when say that it is important to see actors and actresses from a lot of cultures (Arab,African, Indian, Chinese ...) in the movies. However , i could be wrong but the film directors should not edit the original story like the Little Mermaid. They are going to loose the authenticity of the original book. So to sum up , the film directors can diversify the leads roles but can’t take a black actress when in the original story the character is white. In my opinion, the film directors take black actors only to say « look we took black actors. we are for diversity in casts». I believe that they want to prove they are not communtarian but between you and me we all know they discriminate

      1. thank you for replying to my comment because what you just stated helped my comment with the changes my idea makes to the diversity in films.

  • It is important to see diversity in films because it humanizes other people. What i mean is that when you watch a movie about a person, you learn things about them,go through their conflicts and suffering, and get more in touch with how they are and others like them.It's not like even without movies and whatnot that people that aren't straight,white, and able bodied aren't human, it's that not many people care to learn and listen about others different than them. If we use black people as an example they have been pictured as criminals,animals, and still are to this day,but if black people where shown as white people are more would start to see them in a more human light. People are not always what they are on T.V. or in movies or on the news, and yes it is bad just to think "Oh well Iv'e never seen a person in a wheelchair in movies that isn't overly kind and weak so i'm just going to think that's how all people like that act". All of this is not to say that this is the only way to show other people about different people or that everybody thinks likes this, it's just that a lot of people watch movies and seeing difference in different.

  • I think that diversity is important in the cinema industry because when you watch a film you can identify to some characters that you see in the film. You can also discover other cultures. So it is important to be faithful to the reality of things and to avoid prejudices.

  • Why is it important to see diversity in films?

    Films is something just about everyone watches and in films seeing diversity will shows the world that there are different kinds of people in this world, being different colored, being blind, having disorders, etc. In black panther it shows diversity there isn't just one nationality but many and so many people have seen black panther and other movies with diversity.
    Diversity in films shows that everyone in this world matters, and that is why it is important to see diversity in films.

  • A movie with diversity and representation can show and celebrate people of different races, cultural backgrounds, sexualities, genders, religions and many more. In Black Panther, for the first time in Marvel history, we see a person of colour as the main protagonist and hero of the movie. As a person of colour myself, I feel that diversity is extremely important in mass media because POC are still subject to stereotypes and stigmatization for things that make no sense. While some stereotypes are not particularly 'harmful', they still make the progress we made in vain. Although non-POC believe that POC have great representation, we don't. If you look at the most popular movies, they all have mostly, if not an all-white cast and crew.
    Sometimes, people believe that representation is just including a character of colour which it isn't. Good representation depends on how you portray a character. A good representation isn't making a Black character a criminal or thug, good rep is making a movie starring a Black person as the protagonist and focusing on them as a character and not the colour of their skin. Black Panther was one of the films that were able to do this amazingly. Black Panther focused on the culture of the characters and not how they have some sort of internalized racism for themselves. This is unlike many films as most of them tend to follow the same narrative. Someone hates the colour of their skin and movie follows them around their journey. Although it's a good idea, it is usually poorly executed as most of the producers and directors and White. In Black Panther, African culture is shown amazingly and it helps that most of the cast and crew are POC. This helps in the reduction of the stigma around Black people.

  • I believe that diversity is respecting differences, respecting nationalities, equality and respecting skin colors. DIVERSITY EXISTS IN REAL LIFE AND SHOULD BE REPRESENTED IN MOVIES TOO because in films we do not see many black or Arab people who play the LEAD ROLES. ON THE CONTRARY, they are often PORTRAYED AS the wrong people WHICHI it is not at all faithful to reality.

  • It is important to see diversity in films for people to understand the different cultures, ethnicity, religion, and beliefs that others have. Most of the time, children from all around are so used to seeing blondes with straight hair and little to no signs of culture. At a young age, most tend to have found role models through television shows or movies--that they are influenced to be just like them, neglecting their own culture and themself; but being able to see diversity in films are contributing to helping minorities find their safe space. Seeing diversity allows people of all ages to recognize themselves in the media and spread awareness about the different cultures.
    To portray representation in the right way, films can hire scriptwriters and actors/actresses of the religion or belief to work with creating the film. If film companies hired people with hardly any knowledge of what they're working with, representation will be hardly seen nor shown and it may create a bad image towards the culture in the film.

  • It allows people to explore their identities freely without needing to conform to any stereotype depicted in a particular movie or show. Representation can help minorities realize that they are more than the stereotypes that surround them. Films can get the representation right by bringing in people who represent them very well. Bringing a asian person into a film and giving them a albino persons part doesn't seem right for them.

  • It is important because most African Americans that appear in movies are portrayed as gang members ,thugs,and dangerous. If a film has more diverse scenes it will break stereotypes which will make young kids inspired to do better .We deserve to be seen as regular people not as thugs, thieves,and dangerous. When films aren't diverse it leaves a bad representation on people of color. Minorities need equal and fair representation in films in the media especially because films have an impactlh7u on our generation.

  • It is important to see diversity in movie because diversity in popular movies and television series matters because an accurate portrayal of society affects both the over-and under-represented groups of society. Whereas an inaccurate, often offensive portrayal is harmful to both entire communities and also individual people. Representation matters. Representation impacts people. Everyone deserves to have their story told.
    Films can get their representation right by looking for representations that are authentic, fair, and have humanity. Where black people are not the side script to larger stories and are not just seen through white eyes. There is a way in which we get the same types of representation over and over again, which kind of decreases the sensitivity and humanity that people receive because the media images we see of people can be so skewed.

  • Diversity has become a very important issue today. The world has changed and movies need to reflect that. To create better movies, the industry needs a more diverse cast that reflects a diverse community. A small change that could give a good example would be , the representation of disabled people acting in movies. It would be very nice to see real disabled people in movies and to watch their real life stories. We would then be able to put ourselves in their shoes and view life from their point of view.

    The world population is much more diverse than it was a generation ago. These variations include sexuality, religion, and gender. The classic way to think about diversity is in terms of race, gender, and class. But diversity is also about culture, ethnicity, political beliefs, age and religion. I believe that we need different types of people in the film industry. One type can think of new ideas, another can implement them, and the third can test them. It also becomes much more difficult for society as a whole to appreciate and respect the various identities people may have. However, it would be better to respect this diversity.

    Overall, diversity brings more success, encourages participation and acceptance, attracts a larger audience, and teaches us that everyone deserves to tell their own story.

    This is why we need diversity and representation in the film industry.

    1. Hi articulate_bird, you have been given a star for this comment because you have given thought to the question and developed your answer by considering different perspectives, like using disabled actors and considering what else diversity should include. Well done!

  • I think it is important to see diversity in movies because a diverse movie influences people it also helps people to reflect on themselves relating it with what they have seen in the movie I could define a diverse movie and a multi themed, multi cultured and ethnicity or gender movie these diverse movieshelp to empower a segregated race or gender so I could say it's important to see diversity in movies because it removes segregation and racism from people's hearts for example if somebody who is segregative watches black panther he or she can change his view over that race he segregated that is how important diversity in movies is.

    Films can make sure they do their representation right by giving both important and less important roles to different people. I mean, for example the heroes should be both Asian, European, African and American, in a balanced proportion. Also, people from different backgrounds should be given roles as lawyers, politicians, businessmen, scientists, so that young people understand they can become anything they want and that their background is not an obstacle.

  • A movie with diversity and representation can show and celebrate people of different races, cultural backgrounds, sexualities, genders, religions and many more. In Black Panther, for the first time in Marvel history, we see a person of colour as the main protagonist and hero of the movie. As a person of colour myself, I feel that diversity is extremely important in mass media because POC are still subject to stereotypes and stigmatization for things that make no sense. While some stereotypes are not particularly 'harmful', they still make the progress we made in vain. Although non-POC believe that POC have great representation, we don't. If you look at the most popular movies, they all have mostly, if not an all-white cast and crew.
    Sometimes, people believe that representation is just including a character of colour which it isn't. Good representation depends on how you portray a character. A good representation isn't making a Black character a criminal or thug, good rep is making a movie starring a Black person as the protagonist and focusing on them as a character and not the colour of their skin. Black Panther was one of the films that were able to do this amazingly. Black Panther focused on the culture of the characters and not how they have some sort of internalized racism for themselves. This is unlike many films as most of them tend to follow the same narrative. Someone hates the colour of their skin and movie follows them around their journey. Although it's a good idea, it is usually poorly executed as most of the producers and directors and White. In Black Panther, African culture is shown amazingly and it helps that most of the cast and crew are POC. This helps in the reduction of the stigma around Black people

  • Our world has people with different races, sexualities, religions and cultural backgrounds. And this diversity is what makes our world so special and valuable. And this means every single one of them deserves representation and movies have played this role very well. To give an example the movie of Blanck Panther where the large protagonist role was given to a black(Chadwick Boseman) . And this representation inspired the blacks who were generally discriminated because of their color and seen inferior because of prejudices. And such movies help a lot in overthrowing the prejudices in the society and sending an important message of togetherness and unity to the viewers.And giving people of different races such main roles actually inspires the children and sends a message to them that they can become what they want in future. Diversity hence plays an important role in our life which is making us united and we can connect to each other through the different cultures and traditions these movies show us.

  • Diversity in films is all about displaying the various divesity of culture, political beliefs and lifestyle of innumerable people that exist. Black Panther is one of the first movies to do so and has made quite a strong impact on the superhero community on the whole by making bold and hard choices such as making the main character female and bringing Africa into the spotlight, a nation which has been often considered inferior due to the so called absolutely pointless racism beliefs. But this movie eliminated it all as not only was it one of the highest earning superhero movie of 2022 competing with even the classic characters like spiderman, but also it continued the legacy of the great black panther is a good and appropriate manner. This paved the way for various other films regarding other so called inferiors to be released. This is just a spark as there are yet to be hundreds of movies similar to this that will revolutionize the film industry

  • Every small thing has a large impact, just like the butterfly effect.
    I discovered that individuals unwittingly discriminate based on colour. For example, a person with a pending bill is black listed, a hub or location for illicit and prohibited commodities is referred to as a black market, and unlawfully earned money is called as black money.
    Even in funerals, we generally wear black to express our sorrow, yet on T'challa's death, people in Wakanda forever wore white dresses, shattering all stereotypes.

  • I think that it is important to see diversity in films, because of the mindset people get if they only see the world through movies one way. It doesn't matter if it is a fantasy or sci-fi film. People will always believe at least a few things from a film, so I think it should really exist more diversity in films. For example, to get used to seeing more different people in real life, without being that surprised and maybe even afraid of them. My teacher told me today in class that when he was younger he was afraid of diverse people because he is from a place where it is not common. He said that he changed his mind because of TV. Maybe we can entroduce different characters. People might actually change theyre mindset this way.

  • Black Panther is one movie everyone gives credit for its breakthrough in racial segregation in the film industry. But what do we all know about upcoming black actors who struggle in a bid to secure a large protagonist role for other movies? Black Panther is not just a movie, it is a success story. Many black actors and actresses dream of making it big in the film industry, but how many actually do? I see Black Panther more deeply because of this fact. Chadwick Boseman, the actor who plays the main role in the movie was able to secure such a big role for himself, but the movie is not as entertaining as it is insightful for me. I understand that most of the actors and actresses in the movie were black individuals, but what about the actors and actresses who play roles in movies influenced more by white people? Of course, not all of them may get to play big roles or get to act in movies with more black culture in them. So why isn't anyone remembering those struggling actors? It may even interest you to know that there is discrimination even among black people. Let me give an example, an actress named Amandla Stenberg of a light-skinned complexion, stepped away from acting "Shuri" in the 2018 Black Panther movie by her own violation. When asked why she replied that she didn't think it would visually make sense for her to go after a role and it wasn't appropriate for her to play in that role. And what about the darker-skinned actors or actresses, who get turned down or turn down roles just because they were made to think their color was not appropriate for a particular role? I do not discredit the movie, in fact, I really appreciate that it was able to come out and stand up for black people in the film industry but why should we forget that discrimination is finding other ways to still affect our lives?

  • I think it's important to watch the diversity in movies .Diversity is important in development and this is because culture, experience and competence do not have a specific gender, it is possible to put the right person in the right place whatever his gender. efficiency is the one who governs without racism, nepotism, ethnic or sexual discrimination. And diversity is a source of exchange, renewal and creativity. Just like how the Topical Talk Festivals did .
    Where this festival raised multiple topics and address important issues in our time, including the issue of multiplicity in films, and we exchanged views from all countries of different nationalities. This underscores the importance of diversity.

  • diversity is important so people don't see the same movies all the time with the same people all the time but with diversity we have different movie more excited because if lets say the main character is disabled then with diversity the main character would have the same disability as the person in the film which would mean the character would know what it is like.