Competition #3 Making connections

24 May 2023

Winners announced!

Well done for your entries to our competition and congratulations to
outgoing_world of Cheam Fields Primary Academy UK, jolly_context of High Lawn Primary School UK and charming_lime of Elite Scholars Academy USA
who are the winners this week!

Every week winners are awarded 3 stars for their winning entries!

  • charming_lime | Elite Scholars Academy | United States of America 25 Apr 2023

    I think "Metaverse: a new realm to rule?" topic and the "Earth day: tougher climate laws?" topics are linked because it illustrates a big thing that can help stop climate change is that people care about it, importantly people with money, but people with the money would rather spend money on the metaverse than they would to help stop the effects of climate change. If the people that donated the billions of the dollars into the metaverse put that money in climate change, climate change would be decreased or even stopped. People are more interested in making more money and tech that can help them make more money than caring for the environment and people's health and wellbeing.

  • jolly_context | High Lawn Primary School | United Kingdom 25 Apr 2023

    I think that the topics of earth day and teachers striking are closely related. My thoughts on Earth day and the laws in place is that something must change and that the laws must change because climate change is continuing and some of the laws we could put in place is funding for people whose lives have been turned upside down by the affects of climate change this money could allow them to move to a place with a more sustainable future but of course this funding would not be enough as it would not stop climate change only help people affected. Prices rise because food is harder to produce due to fields being demolished by floods and droughts maybe we could tone down one of the laws suggested by topical talk instead of forcing everyone to be vegan one day every week we cant eat meet this would not dramatically help but it is a small change towards a more sustainable future and would help to slow down the ever increasing price of food as we wouldn't be eating food that is hard to produce because of climate change less often. This is were it links with the strikes. Teachers are striking because there wages cant supply the necessities as prices go up. There are many factors to the rising costs such as wars in other countries and climate change. Climate change is causing prices of food to go up and if teachers cant afford enough food they will go on strike. This link has allowed me to realise that things that may not effect me severely in Britain may cause a chain reaction that will effect day to day life it has also helped me realise that everything is linked and problems are caused because of other problems so to solve one problem you may need to solve many more

  • outgoing_world | Cheam Fields Primary Academy | United Kingdom 25 Apr 2023

    I believe that the topic King Charles and the topic strikes links because strikes are when people refuse to work due to being underpaid or wanting safer working conditions. Whereas King Charles is about to have a coronation of him being crowned king and here are reasons why I think these two topics link. It is because when people have strikes they are not present at work which means they would of have earned no money on that day which would mean they would get less money on their next paycheck and with that money it will become even less money because everyone (mainly just the people 18 and above) have to pay taxes toward the king or queen and King Charles is basically our king so people have to pay taxes towards him which results in people having not that much money . But,the thing is if you don't pay taxes you could possibly end up in prison or if your lucky enough you might not end up in prison but you will not have access to the police to save you if something is happening and you won't have access to the hospital when you ill and neither GP's . Normally, In our country (England) if you go to a GP's tell them the symptoms you have they will probably give you medicine depending on what illness you have and you would get it for free and by paying tax it is basically paying them back.For example some of you might know Abby Lee (a dance instructor) some of might not but she is a lady that refused to pay her taxes and ended up in prison for eight months and was only let out of prison when she was diagnosed with spinal cancer and luckily she got treatment as soon as possible otherwise she could of have possibly passed away but she is still alive either way by currently bring 57 years old.

Welcome to this week’s competition! Every Monday we’ll open a new competition and the winners will be announced the following Friday. If you win, you’ll get three stars and your entries will be pinned to the top of the discussion!

The Festival has now been going for three weeks – and by now, you’ve had a chance to look at several Topical Talk topics.

Journalists at The Economist believe that, although it’s great to have expertise in one topic, people should try to say how each news story links to the bigger picture to get a better idea of what’s happening in the world.

For example, climate change (Earth Day) is a big news story – but how might it link to the metaverse? And King Charles III’s coronation might seem like a shorter news story, but how might it link to other issues because of its themes, such as "inequality", "power" or "democracy”?

Comments (107)

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  • well .. regarding the story of king Charles royalty, I think that Authority is the formal and often legal right that a person holds to make decisions and give commands to others. sometimes the royal system seems to be away from democracy since it's special for the royal family from father to son...etc.
    while elections are better somehow because it's left for the people to choose and elect their leader. ( sometimes bad things are done behind the scene so that we have false wrong person in the wrong place!) I mean each system has advantages and disadvantages.
    power shouldn't be restricted in the same family for hundreds of years. Change is the road to real democratic country.
    this is my point of view can reject or accept 🙂.All my respect.

    1. Regarding to the topic talking about king Charles III's royalty, I think kings should be given some powers. Why? Here in Uganda, people like the king of Buganda ''Kabaka'' is loved so much that in every they organise for him a ceremony called a'' Kabaka's run'' and it is attended by many people due my experience, it favours every one like the old people
      and other people. In this ceremony many things are tought to the youths eg, teaching them how to use different things to acquire money in order to keep our society from bad acts like ; theft leading them to death , imprisonment etc. kings also give important information that changes people had bad morals those how misuse their powers .Remember Abraham Lincoln's quote about democracy saying that ''Democracy is the government of the people by the people for the people'', meaning that we the people form up the government due to the way the leaders handle their powers in order to lead us in a way we need .Democracy is power to the people.

      1. However, if a king is given power, that power will be hereditary and lead to even more imbalance in a world full of injustice and inequality. Don't you think that that would be unfair, especially since there would doubtless be more skilled people who could govern the country better?

    2. Am of the opinion that we need both the monarchy and the elected officials. This will preserve history and as well give people power to elect who they want. Thanks

  • I think that the topic of Earth Day is related to the topic of metaverses, as we may contribute to reducing environmental pollution and climate change by publishing links, posts, and activities that encourage this through metaverse and social media. We can also reduce the hours of computer use as well and use it for useful things, thus reducing our carbon footprint. As for the topic of the coronation of King Charles and his wife by the British government, it may be related to the topic of strikes. This issue was rejected by 51%, accepted by 32%, and the rest had no opinion on that. This may constitute protests and strikes to achieve equality and democracy. Every citizen has the right to express his opinion. Also, this topic has spread in the virtual world on news sites and social networking sites, and this has been linked to the Metaverse.
    Therefore, I see that all the topics that were raised for discussion are related to each other at some point.

    1. I totally agree! A lot of the time people don't realize that things that are happening digitally affect humans which affect the environment.

    2. I also agree that the topic of Earth Day is related to the topic of the metaverse because as you said, it may contribute to reducing environmental pollution and climate change by publishing links, posts, and activities that encourage this through metaverse and social media. So this could be an environmental problem to us all.

    3. By the way, I also think your right about that.

  • I think that royalty makes people to start discrimination. I said this because for example a princess or a prince goes to a high class restaurant if there are other costumers the prince or princess can tell the customers to leave just because the have power to rule the city.

    1. I agree because... most people take the royals as the rulers of everything in the city because they have a lot of respect

    2. I disagree because...there is no way royalty causes discrimination.
      My reasons for disagreeing with you are:

      1. The example you stated is not possible because members of the Royal family are not allowed to be in public places

      2. Members of the Royal family don't have any political power, so they can't do that.

  • "I think that there is a link between Charles III and the strikes because this helps me get a bigger picture of what is happening in the world. King Charles pledged in his first speech that he would meet the needs of the people without discrimination and therefore he would not want the kingdom to be divided so he would propose solutions to the problem of strikes by not affecting the rights of every person, whether a citizen Or a worker. Thus the neighboring nations will learn, and the news will spread around the world, so the problem of the strike will be resolved and King Charles III will be revived.

  • okay
    In my opinion, the solution to all the problems of the strike is in the hands of the government, meaning that the government can stop this problem by listening to the demands of the employees, and since some kings have sufficient authority to issue decisions, they are able to solve the problem of the strike. Also, one of the reasons for the strike that you shared with us is that the worker went on strike because he felt that His work increases the problem of climate change so he went on strike. When thinking about it, it is like dominoes, if one stone falls, the rest of the stones fall. So we have to start solving the problem from the first stone so that we can build the rest of the stones again.

  • I think that climate change and metaverse link because the metaverse also cause climate change by making people busy because the metaverse is another dimension that you may not feel that time is going so people can't do what is necessary to avoid climate change and also the signal transmitting and radiation from the VR and this helps me to get a bigger picture of what is happening in the world because i now know how the metaverse affect peoples live and how it helps them

  • I think that the Metaverse and climate change are linked because the Metaverse is going to have to be run on servers that have the potential to hurt the climate. The Metaverse is a giant online project, so that means it will be run on a huge server. The electricity these servers are powered by are major polluters. If you were to make a chart on how different things have negative impacts on the environment electricity would be one of the most negative polluters on the chart. There is another side of this though, as the company Meta, the creator of the Metaverse, has made a lot of advancements to keep their company eco-friendly. They use solar panels and hydroelectric energy to power their facilities. The Metaverse can also encourage people to be more eco-friendly. The experiences made on the Metaverse can teach people about how important the climate of the earth is and how they can help to prevent it from deteriorating. The Metaverse and climate change are thoroughly interconnected and with the advancements made in recent years I think that they can really change the world.

  • I think the link between the climate change issue and the metaverse issue is the lack or abundance of carbon dioxide emissions and carbon footprints. This is because with a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions, the climate may change dramatically, and this is caused by humans who can reduce the emission of gases such as carbon dioxide by reducing the use of transportation, factories and restaurants that produce huge amounts of carbon dioxide, but this It raises the question, what does metaverse have to do with simply emitting carbon dioxide? This will reduce the production of carbon dioxide because people will spend their time at home so they will not have to use transportation, factories and restaurants, which will reduce carbon dioxide, and this made me think that the metaverse has a lot to do with climate change, because at this time the changes will not happen in a big way 😊🤗.

  • I think that 'Earth Day' is very important as in the bigger picture the world is dying. It is very good that we celebrate our earth and have one day where everyone is together and seeing how pollution, litter and other life changing things work. In my link to another topic I think that the royal family should say some things about saving our Earth.

    1. Some people thin that having one day every year isn't very helpful. Why might they think that?

      1. I feel this is because dedicating just one day to care for our planet isn't just enough, we need to make it a lifestyle to care for our planet. This planet is our home and just the way we care for our homes we should put in as much effort to care for our planet. This planet feeds, protects ,and shelters us and if we don't care for our planet in some years it wont be here again so in order to preserve our planet we need to try our possible best to make caring for our planet a daily routine.

      2. I think that why some people think one day is not enough is because they might have not done their best on the arranged day so they may need another day to air out their views and suggest their way forward .

      3. You have shared an intresting question.Most of people think that polluting the Earth whole year and than celebrating it one day makes no change.
        I want to say them that Earth day does not mean that only today we will clean our Earth.It is a reminder of cleaning our Earth.
        It is used to spread awareness among those people who spread pollution whithout knowing it's harmful effects.
        When you see litter in srreets
        Air smells of pollution
        When you feel it's pilling off
        Remember there is a solution

        The Earth day comes once a year
        For all of you to give a cheer


  • I believe that the problem of strikes is solved by the authorities of the state, such as the government, or if there is a king, because they have all the powers and solutions to set laws and decisions that settle matters, and the reasons for strikes must be for a loud cause, not for any easy matter, and thus we impose control over some problems, so we must unite for the best and for the sake of Obtaining a distinguished and developed country🤗

  • others. sometimes the royal system seems to be away from democracy since it's special for the royal family from father to son...etc.
    while elections are better somehow because it's left for the people to choose and elect their leader.

    1. some Climate change in your country is a united state of America because. they going to be a good idea. for example, for your country and leader system for a democracy of family take place in united states. a special royal family form

  • I think that the topic of Earth Day and the large amount of pollution that the world emits daily and the topic of strikes and protests that people do in groups are linked. Because Earth Day is intended to spread the initiative of a healthy, pollution-free environment.
    They are linked to each other, because if people go on strike to stop buying products that are made in huge factories that emit a lot of smoke, this reduces the risks facing the environment. This helps me get a bigger picture of what is happening in the world.
    Because pollution is on rise all over the world. Last year, there was a large factory in our neighborhood, and of course it emits a lot of smoke, and this is bad for the environment, so people protested against that. They sent complaints to the municipality demanding that they close the factory because this factory was producing harmful products that were similar to many other factories, but the municipality did not respond, and people all over country boycotted the products of that factory and then, it was suspended from work.

  • In my opinion, I think that the topic of climate laws(Earth Day) and the Metaverse link because virtual events and experiences that promote environmental awareness and sustainability can be or are involved. For example, virtual reality experiences can be created to simulate the effects of climate change or showcase the beauty of natural landscapes that are at risk of being destroyed. These experiences can help to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the environment and inspire people to take action in the real world, this helps me get a bigger picture of what's happening in the world because I realize now how technology and the environment are interconnected and I feel this link represents the growing influence of technology on our daily lives, including how we interact with each other and the world around us. In addition, with this link, I understand the ways in which technology can either help or harm the environment and how we can use it to create a more sustainable future it can encourage us to consider the impact of our actions, both in the virtual world and the physical world.

  • In my judgement I think that Earth day [tougher climate laws and Metaverse [a new realm to rule are linked because the metaverse could lead to influx of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the metaverse effect could lead to a drop in the real world's exploration making humans neglect the responsibility of taking care of the planet. But the metaverse has its advantages, by reducing energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions . It can reduce environmental pollution by showing us how beautiful its when our forests are fully green and many ecosystem saved. When we reduce the hours we use our devices it helps reduce carbon footprint.

  • I was sitting watching TV, and I found within the news bulletin that a group of fish and whales had died on the seashore, so I researched the issue and found that the real causes are unknown, but the pollution in the seas and oceans is caused by humans through ships, oils, gases, and plastic waste, and therefore we stress the need to preserveenvironment, on recycling plastic products, and changing the use of oils and diesel for ships with alternative products that are not harmful to livestock

  • I believe that the current issue of climate change affects the global economy in one way or another. For example, the lack of rain in a particular country affects it with desertification. It also affects the local agricultural product, which affects the wages of workers in this sector, which leads to repeated strikes to improve the percentage of wages, which exacerbates the problem. It is possibleIt affects the existence of this state in general, and thus all the issues that you raise to us are linked to each other like a chain.

  • I believe that the theme of Earth Day is very important, so we must, in one way or another, spread awareness of the importance of keeping our land clean, by means of metaverses to spread awareness in schools and universities and among the different groups of society.

    People can also go on strike to pressure plastic manufacturers to stop or find alternatives.

  • I think the issue of workers' strikes and the issue of climate change are related to each other There is a point that aroused my interest. when we mentioned the categories that are not allowed to strike, imentioned the cleaner let's assume that the sanitation workers have been on strike for a week imagine with me what will happen to the state of the streets of course, what will result is that there will be a huge amount of waste it will lead to environmental pollution, and this will increase the proportion of carbon, which will be a factor in increasing climate change we must not underestimate the profession of cleaners and make our thinking not limited to the present time, but rather looking at the long term, what will result from that.

  • Well in terms of the story of King Charles of Kings, I believe that power is the formal and often legal right that a person has to make decisions and give orders to others. Sometimes the monarchy seems far from democratic because it is for the royal family from father to son...etc.
    Whereas elections are better in some way because it is left to the people to choose and elect their own leader. (Sometimes bad things are done behind the scenes so that we have a pseudo-wrong person in the wrong place!) I mean every system has advantages and disadvantages.
    Power should not be restricted in the same family for hundreds of years. Change is the path to a true democracy.
    that is my point of view ..

  • There is a link between the topic earth day and the topic strike. The link is that when people go on strike the picket, make posters and get the media to pay attention to them and broadcast on TV . This is the same thing that people do for climate change, they protest, picket and get the public attention using the media. So their method of bringing attention to their problems are the same.

  • I think there is a relationship between the date of Earth Day and the Metaverse.. How??
    Through the virtual world, by perpetuating the idea of reviving Earth Day in societies and showing its importance among the world's population. The one who celebrates it and the other publishes it because in it the society looks at two images on its country (realistic and virtual).
    I look at my country, Palestine, realistically and hypothetically, because it is a paradise. If we look at it and publish landmarks in the virtual world, it will be like reality.

  • l think that, plastic and the planet and the circular economy link because we can exploit the waste and turn it into raw materials, that is, materials that can be used in valuable things, other than leaving them to pollute the environment.
    All of this helped me take a bigger picture of the simple things that help our environment and planet get better.

  • Interestingly, the three topics are overlapping and having their part in every person's life on the planet. I breathe out omitting carbon dioxide, eat food and leave wastes, use plastic and cartoons of milk and juice, go on strike demanding to build a bridge in my area, playing games with friends I don't know via social media. The topics are alive in our daily life.

  • I think that "strikes" and "climatic crisis" are linked because for the climate crisis many of the people are striking to seal some factories and industries which leak out many chemicals in the pure drinking river water and polluting the air very much. Mainly people are striking on the industries which are illegally producing more number of chemicals than the given limit by the government. This helped me to get a bigger picture of what’s happening in the world because I was a small kid who don't know about anything what is happening around me. But after joining in the topical talk, I got many more informations what are the main problems in the world and what are we going to face in the future. So these helped me to get a bigger picture what is happening in the world.

  • I think that " King Charles III's " and "Strikes" link because the next king will be trusted by all, and the workers and employees should not be compelled to go on strike and provide them with all their needs and provide them with benefits that will enable them to be satisfied with their work." and this helps me to get a bigger picture of what’s happening in the world because It will enable me to understand the royal laws in the West, and other than that so that we can eliminate the idea of ​​​​strike and that every worker takes his right to his work

  • I believe that climate change is the big news story related to strikes, because the strike of sanitation workers increases the pollution of the streets with plastic, and the strike of teachers and public servants reduces environmental awareness in society, which increases pollution and acts that harm the climate, increasing the spread of viruses, diseases and epidemics, and becomes the scope for the spread of cancer diseases Greater, and this is what increases the need for the role of the medical staff and the health system in the state, but if they strike, a catastrophe will occur, as there are many lives that will die, and these two problems are like a vicious circle, as any one of them leads to the other

  • In my opinion, I think that Climate change, Metaverse, Strike and king Charles coronation are linked because they are all talking about human being how we are exposed to social life through this activities. Climate change is talking about the negative effect on human being. Metaverse is talking about both the positive and the negative impact on human, Strike is talking about the right for people while protesting and king Charles coronation is talking about the new king which is going to rule the country and people, and I realize that they are all in the news, to tell others that this is a very big mater that we humans have to talk about.

  • I think the topic CLIMATE CHANGES , METAVERSE AND THE STRIKES are interlinking. Because, for climate change and for carbon footprint we have many reasons. Metaverse is also one of the reason for it .Because it releases greenhouse gases which affects the earth. Due this emission climate change takes place. And because of this the unpredictable rain in the harvest period spoil the crops so that the vegetables and paddy goes to the bin... For compensation the farmers would protest. And due to this the market price of vegetables increases, so the public will protest and the vegetable seller wouldn't get enough vegetables for sales..... Due to these issues the country's economy decreases with increase in protests...

  • t's great to hear about this competition! It sounds like a fun and interesting way to encourage people to think critically about the news and its broader implications.

    Regarding the examples you provided, there are several ways that the news stories could be linked to larger issues:

    For climate change and the metaverse, one possible link could be the impact of virtual reality on the environment. As the metaverse becomes more prevalent, people may spend more time in virtual spaces rather than in the physical world, which could reduce carbon emissions from transportation but increase energy consumption from computing. Another possible link could be the potential for the metaverse to provide new tools and platforms for climate activism and education.

    For King Charles III's coronation and themes of inequality, power, and democracy, one possible link could be the role of monarchies in contemporary societies. The coronation could be seen as a symbolic representation of power and privilege, and the monarchy's continued existence could be seen as perpetuating social and economic inequality. Alternatively, the coronation could be seen as a celebration of democracy and national identity, highlighting the ways in which a shared cultural heritage can unite a diverse population.

    Overall, it's important to remember that news stories are rarely isolated events and are often connected to broader trends and issues. By examining these connections, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and the forces that shape it.

  • I think that the first three issues, which are strikes, metaviruses, and climate, form a successive chain in terms of impact on the land, where metavirus affects the climate, the climate affects the land, and land problems such as desertification, drought, floods, etc. affect problems in the neighboring areas, which can cause unsafe working conditions, and this causes the strike, I think. The relationship between natural disasters and strikes is not logical, but it is not impossible either, as people go on strike in order to change their places of work, fearing for their lives.

  • "I believe that connecting the topic of the virtual world and the topic of kings in the modern world is important because there is a connection between them in concepts of power, control, technological advancement, society, and communication. On the other hand, there are many possible relationships between them. For example, technology in the virtual world can be used for control and manipulation, which is similar to the power and control exercised by kings in the modern world. Similarly, communication and social interaction can be facilitated in both the virtual and modern worlds through the use of technology. This connection helps me to get a bigger picture of what is happening in the world, where I can link different concepts together and gain a deeper understanding of the possible effects of technology and power in the modern world."

  • I think that the metaverse topic and the climate change topic link because climate change worsens when environmental pollution, and electricity increases. A lot of people use the metaverse as a daily part of their life because it's social media and this helps me to get a bigger picture of what's happening in the world because the more people choose to use electricity for an extremely long time the worse climate change gets.

  • I think that "Strikes: should they be allowed?" and "Earth Day: Tougher climate laws" link because they are both talking about the well being of the earth and people because if people go on strike it might affect the Earth and then the climate might get worse. Also the earth could get more pollution or less pollution if people go on strike or not. And this helps me to get a bigger picture of what's happening in the world because people are not getting treated fairly when they go on strike it is usually to get people to listen to their terms or their conditions. It also may make the world have less pollution if people go on strike.

  • I think "Metaverse: a new realm to rule?" topic and the "Earth day: tougher climate laws?" topics are linked because it illustrates a big thing that can help stop climate change is that people care about it, importantly people with money, but people with the money would rather spend money on the metaverse than they would to help stop the effects of climate change. If the people that donated the billions of the dollars into the metaverse put that money in climate change, climate change would be decreased or even stopped. People are more interested in making more money and tech that can help them make more money than caring for the environment and people's health and wellbeing.

  • I think the Metaverse lesson can link to the Earth day lesson because using tech like VR uses electricity, and electricity in the US was about 31% of last years carbon emissions, according to the EIA. So when you use things like the Metaverse and the Internet, you can be raising your carbon emissions without even knowing it. I also think the Metaverse relates to the Earth day lesson because it can also impact peoples carbon emissions by making them use cars less, and going out using carbon emissions. That is how I think the Earth day lesson was related to the Metaverse lesson.

  • I think that the metaverse and climate change topic link because, virtual reality will require a lot of electricity and servers that pollute the earth. Though the company Meta, the creator of the Metaverse, tries to limit this. They use solar panels, and other advancements that are eco-friendly. The metaverse and climate change are connected in many ways and will cause a big impact in the future.

  • Regarding the story of the Metaverse, I think that "The Metaverse: Marvellous or Madness?" link becuase what people do in the metaverse might affect the way some one act in the real world, and this helps me to get a bigger picture of what's happening in the world because it a simulation of the real world, and may act different in the meatverse then bring that action to the real world.

  • I think that the "Earth Day" topic and the "Metaverse" topic link because using a vr headset may cause more CO2 emissions and the "Earth Day" topic talks about what we can do to stop carbon emissions this helps me get a bigger picture of whats happening because we are starting to get used to the metaverse and we are causing carbon emmisions at the same time.

  • Hello!
    I feel that the metaverse and climate change are linked reason because I think the solution to climate change could be solved using the metaverse reason being that due to the technologies being discovered various ways could be used such as making a simulation of the little actions we do and how they can affect us and our kind in future to enlighten people or making a global discussion like this one so we could join hands to find suitable solutions. Which ever way we develop I think the metaverse holds a lot of potential not only to solve the problem of climate change but many future problems later.

    1. i think that you are right because technology is the key to solving the global warming and most of the problems but also have you seen how dangerous the technology started to be like nukes or that what the artificial technology thinks about dominating the world

  • Well, I think there is a link between climate change and the metaverse because as we know the earth is slowly but steadily facing problems due to climate change and ozone layer depletion and I honestly help us to find a solution to this problem in the virtual world because as we know it is advanced and innovative technology that is being used to build the metaverse and if we can apply this technology we actually have a chance to stop climate change, global warming and the rest and also we know that the metaverse is a digital planet that everyone wants to be in so we can use it as a platform to create awareness about climate change, things we do which promote climate change and steps or procedures we could take to stop or curb climate change.

  • I think that Strikes and The Coronation link because while teachers, doctors, nurses and many others are striking and taking breaks from their posts in rebellion to their meagre wages, the country is preparing a lavish event for the King. Moreover, he doesn't even have that much power in modern society. Sure, he could overthrow the Government if he wanted to, but would he? I don't think so.
    The money spent on this could be used to pay the people who actually make big differences fairly, but instead we are celebrating a man born into power that has no real effect, other than a title and a public image.

  • i think it is vital to think about the inviroment and we should help the earth more people say to recycle but really that is allmost nothing we need to connect with our earth more to make this a happy and inviromental place for everyone peace😉

  • About the royals and how some people think the royals should not stay raining the country about how we have to pay them i don't agree or disagree because some good things come with them ruling us and some bad things like as bad things we have to pay them but they talk about poverty but they are the main cause of it. As good things they keep everything in order but really even if they didn't rule over us they would still have personal money to keep their house guards and plenty more so i don't know if i would say agree they should not rule or disagree i would say it is a personal choice.

  • King Charles' coronation will probably leave quite a large Carbon Footprint because people will travel from all over the country to celebrate. Also, the production of special coronation items, like mugs, plates and coins, will increase the Carbon Emissions.

    I think the royal family should do more regarding the environment, like planting trees, litter picking and eating less meat. If they do this it will probably encourage more people to do the same. On the other hand people who don't like the royal family might not feel encouraged to do the things they are doing.

  • I think that the topics of earth day and teachers striking are closely related. My thoughts on Earth day and the laws in place is that something must change and that the laws must change because climate change is continuing and some of the laws we could put in place is funding for people whose lives have been turned upside down by the affects of climate change this money could allow them to move to a place with a more sustainable future but of course this funding would not be enough as it would not stop climate change only help people affected. Prices rise because food is harder to produce due to fields being demolished by floods and droughts maybe we could tone down one of the laws suggested by topical talk instead of forcing everyone to be vegan one day every week we cant eat meet this would not dramatically help but it is a small change towards a more sustainable future and would help to slow down the ever increasing price of food as we wouldn't be eating food that is hard to produce because of climate change less often. This is were it links with the strikes. Teachers are striking because there wages cant supply the necessities as prices go up. There are many factors to the rising costs such as wars in other countries and climate change. Climate change is causing prices of food to go up and if teachers cant afford enough food they will go on strike. This link has allowed me to realise that things that may not effect me severely in Britain may cause a chain reaction that will effect day to day life it has also helped me realise that everything is linked and problems are caused because of other problems so to solve one problem you may need to solve many more

  • I think that metaverse and carbon footprint are link because carbon footprint means the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere through human activities. Also experts believes that the metaverse will be the next stage of the internet and because of this, in future it will be used by billions of people. Now imagine the carbon footprint that will be released into the atmosphere. Imagine! Billions of people, then does it means billions of carbon footprint?. Since we use electricity and other activities, it will increases carbon footprint. And this helps me to get a bigger picture of what's happening in the world because I really don't know that we are the ones causing carbon footprint and also being in the metaverse will also be cool but I will not always spend my time in the metaverse because I don't want to have problems in the world and people should also reduce their carbon footprint and people will find it easier to communicate more with the metaverse without worrying about carbon footprint.

  • one could argue that the topics of climate change and the metaverse are linked because both relate to the concept of sustainability. As the world continues to grapple with the impacts of climate change, there is a growing recognition of the need for more sustainable practices and technologies, both in the physical world and in digital spaces like the metaverse. By exploring the intersection of these two topics, we can gain a better understanding of how technology and innovation can be used to address some of the most pressing global challenges.

    Similarly, the topic of King Charles III's coronation could be linked to issues of power and democracy. As a ceremonial event that symbolizes the transfer of power from one monarch to another, the coronation raises important questions about the role of monarchy in modern society, as well as the broader issues of power and governance. By examining these themes in the context of the coronation, we can gain insights into how societies navigate complex questions of leadership, authority, and accountabiliy

  • I believe that the topic King Charles and the topic strikes links because strikes are when people refuse to work due to being underpaid or wanting safer working conditions. Whereas King Charles is about to have a coronation of him being crowned king and here are reasons why I think these two topics link. It is because when people have strikes they are not present at work which means they would of have earned no money on that day which would mean they would get less money on their next paycheck and with that money it will become even less money because everyone (mainly just the people 18 and above) have to pay taxes toward the king or queen and King Charles is basically our king so people have to pay taxes towards him which results in people having not that much money . But,the thing is if you don't pay taxes you could possibly end up in prison or if your lucky enough you might not end up in prison but you will not have access to the police to save you if something is happening and you won't have access to the hospital when you ill and neither GP's . Normally, In our country (England) if you go to a GP's tell them the symptoms you have they will probably give you medicine depending on what illness you have and you would get it for free and by paying tax it is basically paying them back.For example some of you might know Abby Lee (a dance instructor) some of might not but she is a lady that refused to pay her taxes and ended up in prison for eight months and was only let out of prison when she was diagnosed with spinal cancer and luckily she got treatment as soon as possible otherwise she could of have possibly passed away but she is still alive either way by currently bring 57 years old.

  • Hello,
    from my point of view, I think that climate change (Earth Day) is strongly linked to the strike on the issue. The common denominator between them is that people are protesting, striking, raising banners and posting videos on social media so that people care about them as well. The same thing with climate change, they tend to draw attention to these two issues Two things are necessary and they also have a positive aspect, which is looking at the phenomenon of pollution in order to change our lives for the better.
    With my regards🤗

  • Hello my wonderful friends We have written about four topics so far, which are Earth Day, Metaverse, strikes, and King Louis. The question is what is the common link between all these topics? First, Earth Day. The Earth is the only place suitable for humans to live in, in which living organisms live, and we also wrote about the damages and risks of pollution and the increase in carbon dioxide gas, and the things that we do daily, despite their simplicity, extravagance of them leads to an increase in the proportion of carbon dioxide gas The second theme, Metaverse... Metaverse is a virtual world that shows characters in the form of an avatar, and users can change these characters as desired. The relationship between them and the earth in general is that Metaverse is a global project that a company has manufactured as a parallel world to reduce emptiness, boredom, and idleness. The third topic Strikes, which is the cessation of work, and it may be due to the lack of approval of the salary, and sometimes the strikes may be to take a vacation because of the climate fluctuations caused by the increase in the proportion of carbon dioxide gas The fourth topic is the monarchy... Royal rule, that is, rule by heredity, meaning that after the death of the king or queen, the throne is inherited, and it may be through elections, and the kings are the ones who have the responsibility to provide hopes, a good life, and work for the individual in society, meaning that sometimes strikes can be eliminated through good trade, so good amounts of money can be obtained For the individual to live a refined and decent life.

  • I think that the topic of Earth Day and the issue of the coronation of King Charles III are related to each other because we can preserve the environment and the climate through kings and presidents by enacting laws that urge the preservation of the environment and climate such as. 1. Use paper tools instead of plastic because it pollutes the environment 2. Use recyclables to benefit from it and not pollute the environment 3. Dumping waste in a place isolated from humans and living organisms 4. Putting pressure on factory owners to reduce the gases emitted from it and to build their factories away from citizens’ homes 5. Distribution of wastebaskets in the streets and public places. 6. Punishment of violators of these laws to serve as an example to others. And many other laws. Kings have a very important role in preserving the environment and the climate. We, as citizens, must follow the laws because we are not exposed to the possibility of facing the climate change crisis.

  • I think that the climate change and metaverse are related because The arrival of the metaverse has created a digital world with apparently endless possibilities.
    Analysts are worried the metaverse could lead to an influx of greenhouse gas emissions.
    Virtual reality technology and data centers use AI and cloud services, which require quite large amounts of energy.
    Recycling e-waste, purchasing second-hand electronics, and streaming in SD could be three valuable ways to reduce the greenhouse emissions of the metaverse.
    The metaverse may sound like a strange and distant concept, but the fact of the matter is that it already has a big presence in our society. And, like anything else, it's heavily impacting planet Earth. Despite the fact it's referring to a completely virtual part of our world, the metaverse — or the digital sect of our society — emits greenhouse gases just like anything else.

    So, what exactly is the environmental impact of the metaverse?

  • I think that the topic 'Earth Day' links with the topic 'Metaverse' because these two topics interact with the earth and create big changes on earth. For example the topic 'Earth Day' demonstrates support for environmental protection. This impacts the earth, this is known for being the cleanest day of the year, April 22. It decreases environmental issues. Meanwhile the topic 'Metaverse' changes the whole world, with social media. This online world definitely changes people, it can also get them addicted to it and destroy their mental health. These two ideas connect with the world, the environment around us.

  • From my point of view I think that climate change has something to do with king Charles III coronation, this is because I'm analyzing this topic from a point of the Sustainable Development Goals. King Charles III coronation is a "small but mighty" matter, I say this because moments like this don't just affect a particular place, the psychology of humans permit the change of opinion towards certain matters. If King Charles ceremony should be held or not, it will change the mindset of individuals in other countries under the colonization of Royalty and this little decision might lead to the removal of colonization from many more countries. If colonization is removed it will definitely affect SDGs 10 and 16 which is reduced inequalities and peace, justice and strong institutions because the inequalities present in those particular countries will be drastically reduced and they'll no longer be numerous "important people" over the "non-important" people and also justice will be more glaring to the citizens of the countries. If these two SDGs are affected, it will form a chain reaction thereby affecting SDG 8 which is decent work and economic growth which will also affect SDG 17 which is partnership for goals because when there is a decent economy, confidence for partnership will be increased. If SDG 17 is encouraged, the probability for a partnership to create stable clean energy for the world will be incredibly high, thereby affecting SDG 7 which is affordable and clean energy. When SDG 7 is circulated all over the world and is accessible to almost every individual on earth, the level of carbon emissions will be considerably reduced and the carbon footprints in the atmosphere will slowly be cleared which will eventually lead us to a stable climate.

    I believe I saw this in a very wide picture because the SDGs are unnoticeably webbed, therefore, accomplishing one of them draws us closer to accomplishing all of them. This is the secret ingredient to attaining a much more peaceful and healthy earth.

  • I think that the monarchy and inequality are linked because the monarchy is the most used racism in the government and this helped me to take a big picture of what happened in ancient times during the days of the monarchy because all the peoples of the countries revolted because of the discrimination and inequality that is happening with them and also struck many strikes because of wages The low hours and the many working hours, and after all that, they ended the monarchy, launched republican rule, and ended racism and discrimination Therefore, I believe that the monarchy is linked to inequality and strikes, and the biggest evidence is what happened between peoples and states in the past and the revolutions.

  • The relationship between metaverse and climate change is that Metaverse is a digital tool that we can use to socialize, play, learn and do so many other exciting things while climate change is a sudden change of weather.

    Having better climatic emergence will be of great help in introducing metaverse. A country with severe climate change related issues like floods, landslide, erosion will definitely not be ready to listen to the introduction of and use of metaverse.
    Let's not ignore the fact that not having proper information about it will make lots of people use it negatively.

    Climate change affects the establishment of large firms. These large firms can not be built in areas prone to flooding for instance.

    Better climate change will contribute effectively to the awareness of metaverse.

    Also, hospitals in a communities that can not provide good service will put so many life at risk. Therefore, better climate change will bring more firm to existence, that can provide 3D clinical applications.
    Because metaverse will contribute academically, medically,and for recreational purpose so it should be use positively.

  • I think that climate change ( Earth Day ) and strike link because people absent themselves from education or work in order to join demonstrations demanding action to counter climate change and this helps me to get a bigger picture of what's happening in the world because if people go on strike because of climate change we maybe facing a bigger problem with climate change than we thought.

  • I think that King Charles rule is yet to start {as he hasn't been coronated}.And now the teachers are going on strike cause of unfair payment{ due to inflation} and it is yet to be addressed. And the royal family {apart from the Queen} don't pay tax cause they don't need to {but the royal family can choose to pay taxes.} and from my opinion is not fair, cause even Queen payed taxes at "Capital Gains profits".

  • regarding to the topic of strikes i think workers are entitled to strike because lets say your a doctor then you'll need to strike because what if u need a higher pay rise to get new equipment ect , but not every doctor or worker has to strike. If many doctors are striking then who's is going to help the patients get better and if your a teacher and many teachers are striking then who's going to teach the children. Also the workers should strike to get a big pay rise they haven't had for so long like say your a teacher you'll strike for a bigger pay rise so you can get the right equipment you need to teach the children better and a pay rise for yourself.

  • I think workers should have the right to strike if their working conditions are dangerous or if they aren't getting paid enough.However other workers might want to strike to support other people. For example a shop keeper might want to strike so doctors can have better working conditions.I strongly disagree with the fact that workers should strike whenever they want because for example if police went on strike whenever they wanted to, someone's life is potentially put in danger or if a teacher went on a strike they would be bothering the learning of a child. Did you know the first strike was set by the match girls and it was done on 2 July of 1888. Around 1400 predominantly female workforce walked out of the Bryant and May match factory in Bow but on the 21 of July the demands of the match girls ended.

    1. Good research. You are right that strikes can also introduce risks, however do you think that consequences can ever be avoided if people are allowed to strike?

  • There's a positive link between the royalties, climate change and strike.
    After the discussion on climate change and strike, the major concern was how to get people to follow the climate laws and how people should use other alternatives instead of strike.
    The royalties around the world are known to be fair, just and have empathy towards their people. As such the people in their country/ community respect and listen to them.
    With the climate change being the world's greatest challenge, the royalties can use their power and wealth to enlighten the people about their personal carbon foot print that affect climate change and guide them on how to prevent it.
    Also one of the role of the royalties is to serve as an intermediary between the government and the people. The royalties can serve as part of the team members to have a dialogue among organizations that are planning to go on strike in order to resolve the the problem and provide a lasting solution.
    I feel if the climate laws are presented by the royalties and also the royalties become among the negotiating team of a union, we will have a lower statistics of strikes around the world and also majority of the people around the world will abide by the climate laws because of the honour and respect they have for them. The royalties can bring a positive impact on reducing our personal carbon footprint and strike actions.

  • I think the topics "Metaverse: a new realm to rule?" and "King Charles III coronation royalty in a modern world" link because there could be Royalties in the metaverse, the might approve of it which might cause others to join the metaverse, they can hold meetings without being physically there and and they might somehow contribute the development of this new world.

  • I think that topic striking is very helpful cause it is now helping those who had no knowlegde about striking , those who never knew the dofference between ; striking, protesting and rioting but this has helped me gain some knowlegde on what is happening to the country and some effects i have read from other people's comments.

  • According to me strikes should be allowed because they develop a spirit of nationalism and patriotism in people which helps to fight corruption

  • I think the issue of pollution and famine is related to the issue of wars; Because in wars, the state that is under attack is the one that is endangered by destroying the lands, thus polluting the soil and thus becoming unsuitable for agriculture, as agriculture is the main element of food in the world.

  • People used to be close to each other in the past, but these things don't last forever. People may change from people you know to people you don't know And what hurts the most is that the people you know will become the people you don't know
    Metaverse has greatly affected people these days. Perhaps you will say that not everyone has changed. I agree with you There are not many people who can use it, but let's shine a light on who uses it. I knew a funny person who was my friend, and he became an introverted person after using it.
    As you can see, the Metaverse negatively affects some people. For me, I am still a child and a young student. I do not know much like adults. They are wise in their decisions. Whatever suggestions and solutions are given, they will not be like the suggestions of some teachers. Metaverse is a complex technology that can only be mastered by some The question that baffles me is how can we stop the addiction to virtual games without any disruption to our routine

  • The national interest must be above private interests, and if there is no other option, the government must exhaust all legal avenues to avoid such strikes.

    That's why I think that the consequences of strikes can be avoided, for example, allowing them to strike without harming the public interest, and if it is not contrary to the provisions of decisions and laws, allowing strikes if governments will give any reactions, even if they are simple.

  • I believe the metaverse and strikes link. In modern day life in the real world, if age 18 or up, we need to work to earn money: it has been this successful system for decades. However, in my country, people are arousing uproars because they are not happy of the salary they a paid from a day to day basis. Hence, on strike days, certain teachers stay at home and school is not in session for the day. But if we lived in the metaverse, how would this change? Would we need to work? Would there be another form of currency? It would be an entirely different system and each system can vary depending on what game you are in. The more you move up ranks, the higher the money you are paid. In some games, you only have a limited amount of clothes, food and gadgets to sustain a person's way of living. Your life could depend entirely on whether you are in the real world or not so the world should consider this before they decide the metaverse is a better way of living.

  • I think "Strikes: should they be allowed or not" and "King Charles III Coronation: royalty in the modern world" link because with popularity and power comes the need for protection and security, and this is done by people with needs. When the coronation is happening, there has to be tons of security on patrol. Since the death of the queen, there have been gatherings where tons of armed officials were needed and there are still of those to come.
    In an instance where a police man feels pressured and unsatisfied and the coronation is taking place, should a strike be allowed or not? Because not too long ago they were on duty for long hours throughout the day!

    Here's 2 sides:
    1. The officer should go on strike for his demands to be met.
    2. This is a time where security is needed to ensure that no one is harmed.

  • I think that the link to the topic (the strike) and the link to the topic (the royal family and the royal rule) helps me to get a bigger picture of what is happening in the world because sometimes there are unjust kings who take taxes from the workers and employees, no matter how small or large their salaries are, so if the workers strike for several days or weeks Or even months, so they stopped their work, because this thing will anger the kings because they no longer take taxes from the poor workers and return to the workers and tell them that they will not take taxes from them (because in fact it is not in the interest of the state). Poor people who do not find weapons or supplies, so the kings fear and return them to their work, as it is possible that there are hypocritical kings who say we will not take taxes from you, and when the workers return, they take the money and taxes from them........ It is a bad thing, unfortunately...

  • I see that the issue of the coronation of King Charles and democracy are two related issues, as King Charles III affirmed his continued respect for democracy and following in the footsteps of the late Queen Elizabeth II, and the king pledged to adhere to parliamentary democracy and follow the altruistic duty.

    Well regarding to me King Chalse is story is that they don't have political leaders only kings rule the country.

    Importance of having political laeders.
    1-They are vital.
    2-They detrmine the allocation of power and money throug government policies.

    Second of all the metaverse is not reliable because it can potentialy be addictive to some people who are looking for an escape.

    Importance of metaverse.
    1-It helps to build 3D marketing expiriences that are immersive.

    Disadvantage of metaverse.
    1-limited participation for some.
    2-Higher equipment costs.

    Most countries expirience equatotorial climate, first of all I define equotoral climte: Is where it is hot and wet through out the year.
    Advantages of climate
    1-It has a huge effect on our livelihoods,our health and our future.

    Postive effect about climate
    1-Crops and plants grow better in the presence of higher carbondioxide levels and seem to be more drought tolerant.

    Disadvantages of climate.
    1-It causes soil erosion.
    2-It cause decline in organic matter.
    3-It cause land slides.
    4-It causes desertification.
    5-It causes flooding.

  • I think there is a connection between King Charles’ coronation and the concept of the metaverse because both are viewed as unnecessary by some. The metaverse is a conceptual version of the internet that is fully immersive, interactive, and integrated with the physical world, allowing users to effortlessly create and personalise their own virtual personas to their heart's content. Some people have the ideology that the rapid increase of technology(even though it is still in its infancy)is leading to laziness and potential enslavement to computers if developed any further. Instead of working hand in hand with technology, we are pushing it away, ignoring and condemning the very thing that can shape future generations for centuries to come. Similarly, the monarchy is a concept that could lead to enslavement, if it is developed further. I personally believe that giving one person or one family control over an entire region or province is ethically wrong, as seen in the case of King Charles II, the successor of the late Queen Elizabeth II, and his control over England. I believe this type of rule can lead to widespread discrimination, as has been seen in the UK’s history of class systems. By examining the privileges and the powers of the monarchy, we can gain a greater understanding of the world around us.

  • I think the link is * Earth Day * and * strike on the topic * because, as you know, in the last period, the number of people who strike has increased for many things, and most of them are personal matters, so that they publish many posters and banners everywhere and cause problems, and this It leads to the lack of discipline in this country and the population feels anxious and leads toThe most serious problem is the pollution of the land and the environment.All this so that they draw the attention of the media to problems that concern their interests, while they do not realize that they are making problems bigger than their own, and at the same time they do not find a solution to their problems.
    This helps me get a bigger picture of what is going on in the world

  • In this modern era, many contemporary people see royalty or the monarchy as an outdated thing, a relic of the past and believe it must be relegated to the back bench. On the contrary, I am personally writing to affirm that monarchies truly have a very vital role to play. Though the popularity of monarchy is decreasing at a rapid rate, it connects us to our past, traditions and history. Though they remind us of an era of colonialism, in fairness it offers continuity of power and stability. Another benefit of monarchy is the ability to offer leadership, stability and sanity when parties bicker and fight. I think that since the succession of a monarchy is through inheritance, it cannot be influenced by money, as it is in the case of political parties. In countries with many factions, sometimes the monarchy is the only thing that holds the soul of the country together. Governments may come and go, and parties may change, but the non-partisan nature of royalty makes it viable to offer competent options and advice to incoming governments. The monarchy, therefore, is a symbol of honour and pride wherever it exists in any nation. With the above points, I see King Charles III's work after his coronation is cut out for him to offer a vital role to a world in confusion

  • The mindset of having power due to inheritance is no longer needed in our modern times or 21st century…This is because kings/Queens do not play a major role In our modern times anymore …they really don’t do much just spend money
    I say this because what is the use of being a king or queen when there is political support and government support … but all the citizens still have to pay tax directed to him which I believe is not fair
    This is one of the reasons I stand against this
    This is my opinion under this topic

  • I think that the Metaverse and Climate change are linked together because since the metaverse is going to be done virtually it will need the internet to operate it, and the way to get access to the internet is by having access to electricity, therefore if millions of people are going to be using the metaverse a lot of electricity and WIFI is been used, and global internet usage makes up around 3.7% of global carbon dioxide emissions, moreover due to the number of electricity been used there's even going to be more carbon footprint emissions, which will then cause climate change. However, there's a good side of the metaverse that can help reduce climate change. A lot of schools and institutes try their best as possible to educate people or students about climate change, however, some students or people might find the explanation boring and might start to lose focus of what the teacher is saying. If teachers can teach the students or people about climate change virtually on the metaverse the students will be fully engaged not getting distracted by anything due to the VR set, therefore this helps me to get a better picture of what's happening in the world.

  • I think the coronation of King Charles III and inequality are linked since both perspectives create a bigger image that without having any relation to the birth line of royalty under no circumstance would u ever be a ruler of a nation

    The monarchy rules hold privileges that civilians of that place wouldnt and this would bring about the topic of inequality. I believe there shouldn't be any sort of coronation or monarchy rule if we have a prime minister and other cabinet members taking over the countries in a well-mannered way.

    It is of no use since the concept of monarchy is hereditary. And this is seen as unequal amongst civilians because it shows power and privilege based on birthright and bloodline rather than merit.
    The coronation of Charles III isn't of no use since this is promoting inequality in the country.
    I think it would be fairer if the way of rule was changed from monarchy to democracy since in that case, civilians would get the opportunity to elect who would rule the nation. By organising a referendum- a direct vote by the electorates on a specific proposal or law. England being a democratic country would change the views of a lot of people and liberties would be fair amongst everyone even the poor.

  • Hello, I think that the link between King Charles and strikes, this helps me to get a picture around the world, what are the reasons for the strike: bad working conditions such as working long hours and not bad salaries. If he does this, his country will become developed and successful in life without discrimination. As a result of all this, are the problems of society in all scientific, social and economic aspects? Do you think, like me, that the link between them is good? Thank you.

  • The issue of stricter climate laws is linked to the issue of the strike, because both are problems facing the whole world, and this helps me get a bigger picture of what is happening in the world because when the problem of strike gets worse the problem of climate change will increase, for example now if all the teachers go on strike it will lead to Increase rate of changeclimate because some teachers and staff are working on tools or are thinking of creating machines that will save them from the problem of climate change. When they strike, they forget their work and have no passion to complete it. This will add two problems together. Also, strike the cleaners, this makes the world unclean and increases air pollution. Also, when farmers strike, it will cause delays in plant product and land and soil health, and this will add to the problem of climate change

  • I think there are many relationships between the four topics so let's get started. Firstly :. With the coronation of King Charles, with Earth Day and strikes, what do you think? Didn't you think that there are specific groups that should be interested in enacting laws that concern the people and nature? I think it has become clear that the king may have a great influence on the enactment of these laws. Here, the power that the king possesses to solve the problems of his people appears. secondly :. The relationship between the coronation of King Charles and the Metaverse. As we said earlier in the discussions, there are lands in Metaverse that merchants buy for the future, but the question lies in whether kings buy lands in Metaverse to continue their rule? Or is the Metaverse the only controller and the kings rule remains in their lands and that the Metaverse has its own ways of ruling without its need? We will not know the answer because the metaverse technology has not been implemented, and it seems that the rulers will be among the opponents. Third:. Strikes and Metaverse What will happen? At a time when we see the real world teeming with wars, epidemics, recession, unemployment, social problems, the collapse of families, and reluctance to marry as a traditional way to establish the family that used to form the nucleus of society. .. A world characterized by fear, anxiety, and an unknown horizon... The Metaverse comes to open a new alternative world and an alternative life.. At that time, workers will not need to strike because the Metaverse will be like a dream come true, or let's say an investigation of justice after years of injustice. Fourthly:. Earth Day and Metaverse, will nature live in peace with human preoccupation? Of course not, nature needs humans as we need to preserve it. In the end, these problems and issues have a great impact, which may not be in the present, but what I know is that if they are not resolved in the present, they will be an obstacle and a problem in the future for all humanity......

  • The two topics I believe link up are climate change and the metaverse.
    I say this because more servers will be built as time passes, and more factories will be dedicated to making equipment used to log in to the metaverse. The Metaverse might also affect the climate in the ways that more people will log on to the Metaverse and fewer people will care about global problems which include climate change, as most people will start to live most of their lives in the Metaverse and with time something similar to the “Matrix”, might come up where everyone does everything in the Metaverse, in a kind of world we have damaged, and in a way, nobody is actually living in it to protect and preserve it. So all in all the Metaverse if not used efficiently and moderately could end the climate as we know it.

  • I think King Charles lll's coronation and the metaverse link because they show differences in the modern world. A new person over a monarchy after at least 70 years with Queen Elizabeth ll is something that seems a little weird in the modern world. When Queen Elizabeth ll had her coronation the internet did not exist and many other modern things we have were not created. The metaverse shows the future and how far we have come in technology. It is like comparing something old to something new but something old is changing and something new is developing.

  • I think that climate laws and Earth Day link because, they are both ways to take care of our environment. Earth Day involves planting trees and picking litter to reduce trash while climate laws tell us how to improve the climate by doing most of the things done during Earth Day and this gives us ways to improve the climate to make the climate better. This helps me get a bigger picture of what’s in the world because it tells us the world’s climate is bad and we need to fix it with good habits to give ourselves a better future.

  • I believe that the topic about strikes and climate change correlates. This is because when employees or citizens go on strike, it can affect the climate. For example, when factory workers go on strike, it can stop harmful emissions for awhile. Though both topics have its positives and negatives they go hand in hand.

  • I think the metaverse and Earth Day link because being inside the metaverse worsens climate change. People are using an electrical device, specifically a VR headset, the toxic chemicals that come from these electronic devices harm the environment and make climate change worse.

  • I think there is a link between climate change and strikes because when people do strikes they do many harmful things for example fire.Due to fire the smoke enter the environment and cause ozone depletion and global warming etc.
    This may cause change in climate.
    Due to change in climate living things have to face many problems.l think there is very strong relation between strikes and climate change.

  • Kingship must be hereditary, meaning that King Charles must be the king in the state of Britain, and he and his family members must abide by royal laws, i.e. the customs of dress and habits of life. Kingship is a somewhat difficult thing because they must be careful with their actions

  • I think that the topics "Earth Day-tougher climate laws?" and "Is One Day Enough?" link because both topics are related to our earth, the condition it's currently in and what we can do to help the situation, and this helps me to get a bigger picture of what's happening in the world because both topics got me thinking; " What can I do for my planet?" , "What can I do to create awareness about the Earth's deteriorating state" and " What are people in other countries doing about climate change and global warming?". This got me doing a lot of research about what people around the world are doing about our earth. A while ago I didn't really pay much attention to what was going on with the earth, but these topics made me widen my horizon and gave me a bigger picture.

  • As I sit, I think of two related expressions. I found that climate can be related to evolution. We all know that there are pros and cons to the climate, and that the climate may affect mental health positively or negatively, and this will lead to not thinking or doing anything else, so I ask everyone to preserve the environment.

  • Technology has played a major role on our lives since 1880 when coal was used for the first time to generate electricity for our homes and factories. Which was during the Industrial Revolution/Technological Revolution.

    In the 1880's, these early advancements were filled with so much hope and joy but now we are seeing the consequences through climate change. Even though technological advancements were lots of help in the 1880's now it is affecting our climate change.

    In the early 1880's, coal was used on a minor scale but now it is the primary fossil fuel used to generate electricity.

    As technology advances, the usage of electricity is leading to energy consumption which means more burning of fossil fuels hereby affecting our climate change.
    This is how I think Earth day tougher climate laws and the Metaverse are linked to each other.

  • I think that earth day: tougher climate laws? And metaverse link because as we can see that carbon emission is the basic element for climate change. Because of climate change many countries are facing problems like loss of food crops due to unpredictable weather, transportation is affected because of floods, storms. How is carbon produced? It is produced from various factors such as usage of fossil fuel and non-renewable resources and even electricity. Usage of electricity generated from non-renewable resources emits carbon at a higher rate which extremely contributes to climate change instead we can use electricity produced from renewable resources such as solar, wind and hydel power. Transportation plays a vital role in generating carbon emission. If we start to reduce usage of personal transportation and using public transport will be a great choice for reducing carbon emission. Metaverse is virtual reality in which people can use this technology to travel to many places in virtual world which would considerably reduce carbon emission as we are not using any kind of transportation to visit places, but usage of electrical appliances also emits carbon which emits carbon less than transportation. From my point of view these two topics have a relation in the environmental and natural aspect.

  • I think The Earth Day and tougher climate laws are related because Earth Day serves as a reminder of the urgent need to take action on climate change, and tougher climate laws provide a framework for implementing policies and regulations that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote a sustainable future. For instance, many countries around the world have enacted laws and regulations to limit carbon emissions from vehicles, factories, and power plants. The Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act in the United States are examples of laws that aim to protect the environment and promote sustainable practices. While these laws have been effective in reducing pollution and improving air and water quality, there is still much work to be done to address the ongoing challenges of climate change.

    The Metaverse and sustainability are related because the growth and development of this emerging technology could have a significant impact on the environment. The Metaverse relies on powerful servers and data centers that consume large amounts of energy, and as the technology becomes more widespread, it is likely that its carbon footprint will continue to grow. However, there are also opportunities to promote sustainability in the development of the Metaverse. Companies like Microsoft and Google are investing in renewable energy sources to power their data centers and reduce their environmental impact. Additionally, they are testing underwater data centers that could reduce the carbon footprint of data storage.Developers are also exploring ways to use blockchain technology to create more sustainable and transparent digital economies within the Metaverse.

    In summary, both Earth Day and tougher climate laws and the Metaverse and sustainability are related because they represent areas where society needs to take action to protect the environment and promote a sustainable future. By working together, we can ensure that technological advancements do not come at the cost of our planet's health and well-being, and that we create a better future for ourselves and future generations.

  • I think that the link between the installation of King Charles and democracy is because Charles has in his hands the opportunity to change the world's view of royal rule. In the last days, we find that society's view of the monarchy began to differ after the death of Queen Elizabeth and after the problems facing Britain and other countries, so I think that Charles Capable of creating a new generation of evolution, creativity and awareness

  • I think that strikes are formed to protest. In case of the workers, they protest injustices at their labours so I think that everyone have to have the opportunity for doing strikes, aiming their labour rights.

  • I think the relation between Earth Day, tougher climate laws, and strikes is that they are all interconnected in addressing the urgent need to address climate change. Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22, is a global platform to raise awareness about environmental issues and the impact of human activities on the planet. The day serves as a reminder of the need for immediate action to protect the environment and make sustainable choices.

    One of the most important actions needed is for governments to enact tougher climate laws that limit greenhouse gas emissions and promote renewable energy. This requires political will and citizen pressure to ensure that lawmakers prioritize climate action and make significant changes to reduce global warming.

    Strikes and protests are one tool that citizens can use to demand action on the climate crisis. Mass mobilization, especially led by youth and students, has been effective in putting pressure on governments and institutions to prioritize climate action.

    This helps me to get a bigger picture of what is happening in the world as Earth Day serves as a reminder of the urgent need for action on climate change. Tougher climate laws are necessary to address the crisis, and strikes and protests are a way for citizens to pressure their governments to take action.

  • There is no direct relation between King Charles III's coronation and strikes. The coronation is a ceremonial event signifying the ascent of a monarch to the throne, while strikes are a form of industrial action taken by workers to protest against working conditions, wages, or other grievances. However, I think the two tpics are relevanf as it is possible that strikes may occur during the period leading up to, or after the coronation, if workers feel that their concerns are not being addressed by the government or the monarchy.
    This help me to get abetter understanding in such cases, inwhich the strikes would be separate and independent events related to labor issues rather than the coronation ceremony itself.

  • sometimes the royal system seems to be away from democracy since it's special for the royal family from father to son

    I think that royalty makes people to start discrimination. I said this because for example a princess or a prince goes to a high class restaurant if there are other costumers the prince or princess can tell the customers to leave just because the have power to rule the city.

    and the reasons for strikes must be for a loud cause, not for any easy matter, and thus we impose control over some problems, so we must unite for the best and for the sake of Obtaining a distinguished and developed country🤗

    Power should not be restricted in the same family for hundreds of years. Change is the path to a true democracy.
    that is my point of view

  • I think that the link (the land) and the subject (the strike) are interrelated. You will ask me how is this? I will tell you that the strike is a double-edged sword. It is possible if factories strike from their work to reduce pollution (knowing that it is a bad thing) (but I mean the good thing for the earth) and it will not become changes or fluctuations in the climate. They walk in the streets of their country and they set fire to candles, papers, and even wheels that are used in cars, because this thing will cause a lot of smoke to come out, and this thing will cause changes and fluctuations in the climate, which leads to diseases for people, as this is a double-edged sword for the earth....

  • I think that there are several ways in which climate change and the metaverse may be linked. Because the metaverse is a virtual world and is created and maintained using networks of servers, data centers and other infrastructure and all of these consumes fossil fuels such things may harm the environment. But on the other hand , the metaverse may provide opportunities to address climate change such as virtual reality can be used to simulate the effects of climate change and raise awareness among people who may not experienced it. Also metaverse can be used to promote sustainable behaviours such as reducing energy consumption and promoting recycling. Also, if the metaverse become more popular, it may change the way we live and work, which may affect our carbon footprint, for example: remote work and virtual meetings may reduce the need for travel, resulting in lower emissions from transportation.
    At last, I can say that understanding the connection between climate change and the metaverse can indeed provide broader understanding of the world we live in. Now I can better appreciate the challanges and opportunities for both of them and how my use of metaverse can help or harm the planet. The cosequences are now clear and how to avoid the misuse of it and how to use it in an environment friendly way to work for more sustainable future.

  • I think that the issue of the coronation of King Charles III and the issue of the strike are related to each other. We can solve the problem of the strike through work by kings and princes because kings and princes can set laws, so they can set a law that clarifies the rights and requirements of employees, and this law must be applied and whoever violates it And this thing leads to a reduction in the strike, and if the strike decreases, this positively affects the environment, because in the strike, the employees carry banners, paintings, and more things that reflect negatively on the environment. The laws that the king will put in place will affect the Arabs and the environment.

  • I think that strikes of workers and monarch link because monarchy is is a political system based on the sovereignty of a single ruler where no one execpt the one in power have a say in any law this is based on the fact that no one can oppose or give suggestions on policies made by the monarch and this help me get a bigger picture of what's happening in the world because in some countries that monarchy are practiced it will cause unity both in business and government sectors because no confusion will be made [only the monarchy have the final say] strike can also help to make sure that the power is not being misused

  • I think the topic about King Charles, Strike and Earth Day links well together. The Royal Family should limit their expenses or we could abolish monarchy. As we know, Royal families spend roughly a hundred million and billion every year on ostentatious lifestyles. These huge amounts of expenditure are sufficient to meet the needs of the country’s economic development and solve many financial crisis like wage shortages, poverty, unemployment and others. These excess expenses can be used in the field of environmental protection for Earth Day. In conclusion, I believe we should stand up for equality and work together to take care our planet.

  • The topic of climate change is related to the topic of the metaverse. When we utilize technology or equipment, we leave a carbon footprint which contributes to climate change. Technology is becoming more common in our daily lives as the world advances. As a result, it mixes in with our regular routines. However, it is one of the causes leading to climate change, a severe issue with long-term consequences. The effects of climate change slowly become more severe with extreme weather such as storms. Nevertheless, these are long-term challenges, and quite a few people will continue to use technology in their daily routines. The metaverse sparks their interest by providing several educational and entertainment possibilities. The impacts of climate change are a fairly long-term issue and are not enough for some to care for compared to the metaverse. These two topics connect when it comes to the concern and care of people.

  • Let me talk as I am a student who used and reliant on items like textbooks, pencils and all the learning tools in class.
    And as all see what has pandemic changed the idea totally and takes us to the idea of online education and how digital tools can be used in such learning.
    I believe strongly that metaverse and virtual reality with their climate change are combined where students and teachers will be immersed in communication and sharing overcoming the space and the environmental changes come over as well as the time limitations.
    I think some Arabian countries I know well as Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia become awareness of such importance regardless of their difficult climate and starting finding their students the virtual environment more appealing while developing much stronger skillsets.

  • I think that the topic Strikes and A new realm to rule are related, because in strikes there is a rejection of something, so they demand by collecting votes and gathering a large crowd of people, as well as a new world of governance, as there are many who reject his idea and try their best to express that, as in strikes .
    I hope I have reached my idea to you, thank you.

  • I believe that there is a link between the issue of "strikes" and the topic of "the coronation of King Charles III", because of the issues of royal rule in our time, such as the absolute power that allows kings to tyrannize the people and oppress them, and that the monarchy is considered to be an unfair rule because it does not give the people Their right to run and be elected, in contrast to democratic rule, so a king from among the family members is placed without his competence to rule, and therefore this thing results in nepotism and inequality among the people in life matters such as work, study, etc., so the children of the royal family are respected and appreciated, and they are given their full rights،unlike the rest of the people, whose rights to lower wages, ill-treatment, and unsuitable working conditions are being violated, this is what drives the people to go on strike in order to regain their usurped rights.
    The connection of these two topics helps me to get a bigger picture about the causes of political conflicts between the people and the unjust kings.
    And the negative impact of the royal family on the people in looting their rights.