Who could change the world?

Which character from a book or film could change the world?
Over the last 20 years Marvel has released over 50 superhero films. This got us thinking about fictional superheroes. Why are they so popular? And does a character have to be an actual superhero to be someone’s hero?
We want you to tell us about your fictional heroes! Explain which characters from books or films you think are brilliant and why. They don’t have to be superheroes like Batman or Wonder Woman – they just need to be someone (or something!) who could have a positive impact on our world.
Over to you!
- Which character from a book or film do you think could change the world? Why?
- What do you find inspiring about them?
- Can you think of three words to sum them up?
Remember to comment on other people’s character suggestions below. For example, you could say why you relate to their character or why you find them inspiring too.
Comments (269)
I personally would go with iron man. he has technology to protect the earth from space invasions and coordinates all the other heroes in the avengers. I would describe him as Brave, Bold, Believer
I too like iron man, But in Age of ultran his robot has turned again him. So its not more adanced yet always technology can protect earth?
On my personal sympathy , iron is the character than could change the world because the structural body of iron man is about programmed stuff that shed light about the technology . Technology is the only thing that may change the world in the future its just want some mind . I can inspire them to It improves these characters and they are more realistic than fantasy . An evolving future is a thriving imagination
I disagree because tony is dead he can't really change the world i that's why i don't agree wit your opinion😃.
Although the Marvel universe in now exploring the multiverse so versions of Tony will exist in these different multiverses!
I disagree because he has inspired a lot of people in this world, even though he is dead their is still a lot of people that still look up to him and i am one of them.
Iron man is good
What inspires you about this character?!
What qualities do you like about this character?
What are the shortcomings of this character?
I disagree because the man with iron heart can't beat at the natural frequency.😊
The Iron is the element which is alien brought from outer space. We want a hero from our earth. I don't like the idea of the savior of this world being imported from outside.
I agree because not only is he brave but he is also very smart and a good leader. If i would want to be any hero it is going to be him and he does not give up on people just like he did not give up on spider man in one of his movies. And if their are more people like him the world will be a better place.
Mr. Beast is a character from a book and known worldwide for his generosity towards mankind like he donates money, assets, cars and more to the needy. What I find inspiring about him is that he donates to charity big amounts for money which are even more than enough for them and he puts a smile on a person's face.
He is Rich, Generous and kind
I agree that he is a very generous person. However, he is a YouTuber not a character from a film or book.
He is not a character from a book
I agree because he is a YouTuber not a person from a book or a film and he is the youtuber with the most subs.
I agree but i dont think Mr.Beast is a character from a film or book hes a youtuber with over 111m subs
I agree because...Mr beast is very kind person and very generous but he is a you tuber not a character from a book
I feel like Harry Potter in the book from the book of Harry Potter written by British author J.K. Rowling would change the world because however much he kept on loosing people who loved him the most protected him the most which are his mum, dad and Dumbledore he still didn't give up he kept on fighting till he finally won Lord Voldemort which inspires me to always not hide away from my problems or fears however much its too stressing and hard but just keep fighting them till I gain victory. My hero Harry Potter.
I like the story of Harry Potter and the character as well. However, please bear in mind that he did not win Lord Voldemort alone. Without the support from his teammates, such as his best friend Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, he might not be able to win the last fight. Therefore, I would say Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are the hero as well, do you agree?
Ya he I never said he won him alone but tho they helped it was his determination and him having a heart of not giving up that also gave his best friends the spirit to continue fighting
I'd say the character who could change the world would be Rick Sanchez from the show ( Rick and Morty). Why you ask, well Rick is a scientist who managed to create portal travel and other creative inventions that helped ease life for him if we had the Rick as a real scientist he would first make portal travel available to everyone so that would cut off on the use of vehicles like cars, planes and boats which cause greenhouse gases which cause issues like global warming. He would also create a new alternative source of energy to power things like planes and cars but without polluting the environment.
What inspires me about Rick the most is that even when in tough situations and where it looks like science isn't applicable he always finds a solution to the problem in one way or the other. Like when he turned himself into a pickle and he was thrown into the sewer he thought that he was going to die there but when he found a dead cockroach he used his tongue to touch the cockroaches brain and was able to make the cockroaches body parts to move.
To sum them up I would say;
1. Smart
2.Cool headed
3.Can work in under pressure
Hi @idealistic_song - I also agree that Rick is a brilliant character! Can you think of any real life scientists or innovators that are similar to Rick that you think could be a hero? And what one of Rick's inventions do you think would be most beneficial to the planet?
I see were you coming from but rick is a very horrible person and will do what ever he can to get his way and has only shown love to Morty and Beth so I don't agree that he would be a good hero but rick and morty is a great show
I think batman could change the world because batman is misunderstood and he's very powerful compared to other book characters. Also, batman is smart because he doesn't necessarily kill the bad characters in book stories but he just teaches them a lesson not to do something bad again. I find how batman is kinda similar to me in some ways like staying to himself and only having one partner to help. Three words that can sum them up is misunderstood, strong, and independent.
Well, I'm going to talk about Todoroki Shoto. He's a superhero in the anime "Bokuno Hero Academia."
A cold personality and stems from a harsh environment
He can be calm throughout the battle and despite the fact that he is tough in the battle, but he adheres to heroic morals. Shoto still has a distant attitude but has become sociable with those around him and sometimes smiles and has a sense of humor
Also, Shoto hates the power of fire because it indicates the power of evil and reminds him of the power of his father, which he used against Shoto's mother to make her a tool to win over the Might, but during his fight with Faragi, he told the Narrows that he used it against Shoto's mother.
In addition to possessing speed and agility, he has quick reactions and is able to create ice walls in a fraction of a second. He can change the world for me, he has two powers, fire and ice, and these two forces we need in life, fire we can cook on and warm in it and skin we can freeze food with and a lot of things we can do with it. I also find him inspiring, since he has these two powers, he is very intelligent and also has a very fast speed
I don't agree with you because all he does is freeze people or set them ablaze. Thats not gonna change the world in the slightest.
This thing depends on his personality, if his personality is good or evil, then if it is evil, his power can affect humanity in negative ways, as you mentioned, but if it is good, it will help humanity. Whatever it is, he is a good character in the anime, so he will affect humanity in positive ways.
'Romeo And Juliet'
We may not blame William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet for the way we think about ideal relationships, but we can also blame them for the high divorce rates!
Many young people seek to connect on the basis of love, passion, and romance according to the feelings they feel after watching or reading this unique artwork, so that these characters give many examples of love and adoration even though they never lived in this world, but She lived through books.
Everyone knows the story of Cinderella who suffers from a problem that suffers from her father, the tragedy she lives and the cruel treatment she receives, the good witch who appears to her and presents her with the dress and the magic carriage, the magic deadline that ends at midnight, the shoes she left during the period of judgment, the magic begins, the prince's search About her through the shoe and his marriage to her. A poignant story par excellence, but it bears a romantic character only, but also carries with it another human being.
That image also represents hope for the victory of the oppressed, and for saving her from the cruelty and suffering she went through!
That is a very interesting perspective calm_deer, what three words would you use to sum up Cinderella?
In my opinion, if it were me, I would choose to describe Cinderella in such lines as her
1_ Kindness: because she cared for others and forgave them, such as: despite her stepmother's cruel treatment of her and her sister, she forgave them and also loved and cared for them, and as a result of that, animals, and I hope that everyone will follow her example.
2_ Patience: Because despite what her stepmother and her two daughters suffered from injustice, suffering and cruelty, she remained patient and did not give in to despair. As a result, she got help from the kind fortune-tellers and animals, and she was able to meet the prince. And I hope everyone likes it.
3_ Honesty: Because she remained honest with the prince, and she was also honest with her stepmother, and thanks to her honesty, she was helped and overcame what faced her. And I hope everyone likes it.
How can Cinderella change the world?!
Cinderella's character was suffering, and thanks to the witch her life changed, so how does the character save this world?!
Each word you choose to describe Cinderella with, could change the world and make an impact. Also if her life changed, you could think of the ways she could make a change to the world based on her experiences and her new position?
Scheherazade is one of the most influential figures in the hearts of readers, writers and artists
The brave and savior Scheherazade, who told King "Shahriar" 1001 tales, to save herself and women from certain death, and he who marries a woman every day to kill her in the morning. She is a model of a well read woman, glorified in poetry, a student of philosophy, science, and the arts. Because of her culture and wisdom, she was able to protect all women, and attract the reader before Shahryar with her interconnected and
interesting stories.
This is a great choice glorious_lake, what three words would you use to sum up Scheherazade?
Beauty , intelligence , victory
Big Brother is the character I admired the most and had a strong influence on the world. The big brother is the mysterious ruler of the state of Oceana. Only his look with which he looks at you through his banners hanging on the walls and walls can penetrate the depths of your thinking with one terrifying look through which he knows everything and watches everything.
In the current era, the word "big brother" has become synonymous with dictatorial and arbitrary regimes that try to abuse power in proportion to the lack of respect for the rights of citizens.
The older brother was able to be a source of influence on many presidents and rulers who enjoy the instrument of dictatorship; Which makes his name worthy of being alive in our heart and mind.
This is very interesting shy_lake, especially with big brother having multiple meanings in the current era. Can you think of three words that would sum up the Big Brother character for you?
Stephen Hillenberg: The man who made the sponge of the most famous cartoon character in the world, the character of SpongeBob, the famous cartoon character that gained wide fame around the world, as the first episode of it was shown in 1999, and the series has not stopped since then, and Hillenburg is considered the creator and director of the series Which became one of the longest-running American television series, having been translated into more than 60 languages around the world, the series achieved high rates of viewership, and in 2015 the movie SpongeBob SquarePants, The Sponge Out of Water, was released, The release of the SpongeBob movie is one of the coolest things Hillenberg said: "I hope that after watching SpongeBob, you'll pay attention and conserve the ocean."
Stephen Hillenberg is actually a hero, his work has influenced the behaviours of so many children across the world and it has also taught children about the importance of being hardworking and friendly. The animated series also portrays the different personalities we have in the society. The relationship between Spongebob and Patrick teaches us how to relate with our friends. It also shows us that we can never be satisfied with money(Mr Crabs). One very important lesson I have learnt is that evil can never prevail; as I saw how Plankton tried to steal the "Krabby Patty" secret formula which always landed him in trouble.
SpongeBob Square Pant series this is the series I have been watching since I was a little kid and I have also learnt a lot of things from SpongeBob the character himself. In regards to what Hillenberg said I will do every thing in my power to pay attention and conserve the ocean and also talk my family members and people living in my community about it. Another thing I have learnt about conserving water is that when am brushing I should turn the tap off and if I do and I get my friends to do it and they get their friends to do it, it will make a lot of fishes happy and save a lot of water.
Can you explain the link between turning taps off and keeping fish happy?
Oprah Winfrey: A feminist who dazzled the world, for his perseverance and determination, one of the most famous announcers in the world, her story is one of the most famous stories ever, from a poor family, she took a radio and television test and it was rejected, and her talent was underestimated, and there are those who said that she is not fit to appear, but she Struggling to show her talent, slowly climbing the ladder, she became the number one broadcaster in the world, the first dark-skinned millionaire, making her story the most famous of all time.
Hi involved_mood - beautiful choice! Can you think of three words that would sum up Oprah Winfrey up?
I agree because...A person must persevere in order to obtain a better life, and I liked this story.
I agree because... She is the best model of success.She has made her name without any sport from the outsider. She was brave and determined to achieve hel targets though all the obstacles she faces.
Despite Hillenberg's death, his works still remind us of him and his love for the seas, and they have already succeeded in making future generations, young and old, love the ocean and its amazing creatures.
Hi beloved_panet, great choice, can you think of three words to sum Hillenberg up?
Indiana Jones: Considered one of the most important fictional characters in cinema, this character has influenced popular culture and has been adapted from many video games, leading to more archeology courses, and more students at universities teaching archeology.
Lovely reasoning here. Which three words would you use to sum up Indiana Jones, blissful_fruit?
Barbie is one of the most loved characters, but unfortunately in our world, girls'obsession with "Barbie" turns them into big dolls.
More than one girl around the world has resorted to plastic surgery to look like the famous doll.
The world of childhood may not be left by some girls easily and their clinging to the Barbie game sometimes becomes an obsession that turns them into a lively Barbie through makeup and fashion, and same of them spend thousands on plastic surgery to resemble the beautiful dol and impersonate Barbie.
Do you think people who create characters like Barbie have a responsibility to think about their impact on others, like the girls you mentioned? Why or why not?
Hi free_seal, great insight. In recent times Mattel have been making Barbie dolls based on influential female figures e.g. Dr Jane Goodall and Maya Angelou, as well as change the traditional doll to represent a more diverse group of women. Do you think this series of dolls is enough to change the negative perception of what Barbie represents, or do you think they have more work to do?
Forest Gump:. For me, the character of Forest Gump is an inspiring and motivating person for every person who wanted to reach his dream and could not because of obstacles and difficulties. Put your dream in front of your eyes Never give up on it, no matter the circumstances and obstacles that prevent you from achieving it. This is your dream, you struggled and struggled and moved forward and strived to achieve it Break down all those barriers you may encounter on your way Never despair of failure, there is no success without failure.✨
Gon from the sniper series
First ot all, he has a very strong and energetic personality
Honestly, many lessons I learned from this boy
The most important of rhem, and this is what distinguishes him, is his intelliigence and his ability to work his mind under
psychological and physical pressures
Also the kindness of the heart spontaneity and purity of the soul make his enemies his friends and lovers
His sincere love for his companions and always encouraging them to reach their goals
be positive
A hero that inspires me is The Karate Kid because he didn't give up. He is an example for all of us. If you can't do something from the first try you don't have to give up you you have to try again. He could change by his example of don't giving up in any situation. The Karate Kid is brave, ambitious and self-sufficient.
I think superman could change the world because he is very powerful and wants to raise good people, which means he would help Ukraine win the war. He will also make building buildings way easier because he could move bricks and after building materials very fast from one place another. I find Superman's kindness is inspiring because he helps people he doesn't even know. The three words I could think of are kindness, strength and potential.
One of my favourite film characters is Elona Holmes. Why? Well, first of all if she was an actual real life person we would have no cases unsolved. What I find inspiring about her is how she can balance her own life with her adventures. It's funny how her mother disappeared but she was so calm. She knows how to keep her cool. I think I'd describe her as a creative, inquisitive, smart person.
Black Panther could change the world because he has a different skin colour and he shows that diverse people can be good people and they be heroes too not just white people. He can save the world! 3 words that can describe him: different, inspiring, fantastic
I agree
The movie which fascinate me and change the world is coco it teaches that family is everything friends will come and go but a family will be there forever , so you should treat them with respect and most importantly , never forget them . Coco's entire demeanor tells us that we should treasure our family members not only when they are here with us , but when they pass as well .
Well, there are many inspiring characters like Harry Potter or Enola Holmes that could actually change the world if they exist. They all have different storys, but what brings them together is theyre bravery. By bravery, I dont mean that theyre not afraid. They are more than just not afraid. But they show how being brave isnt about not getting scared, but about being scared and still doing the right thing.
Great comment @memorable_cookie you've showed a deep understanding of what bravery really is. What other two words would you use to sum up Harry Potter and Enola Holmes?
Other two ideas to sum up Harry Potter and Enola Holmes would be their intelligence and their ability to think and care about others. They are both incredibly smart solving some problems not many people would be able to solve. But they are also very kind and caring with other people. This is what makes them heroes. No hero can be just smart. A hero is remembered for helping people and someone who is not caring can't actually be a hero. So in order to be like Enola Holmes or Harry Potter you need to be brave, intelligent and caring.
I agree with you memorable cookie because for a person to be found inspiring and captivating he or she must have good characters like bravery or courage, integrity, trustworthiness and loyalty. Getting inspired by someone with a character like bravery is good because a brave person when doing the right thing is willing to face all possible outcomes and be ready to lay down their life for his or her people and also bravery is a good inspiring character because bravery is not the absence of fear but being able to manage and overcome all fears so that it does not stop him or her from taking action.
Nawi from Woman king also exhibited bravery. She was a brave character she did not mind jumping from the high obstacle in order to win, she also was brave to stay back after the other girls left Nanisca to go to the river. She was a selfless character also, when they were capture she was willing to let her friend go not minding what will happen to her. If a character like Nawi, selfless and brave existed he or she can change the world.
Dr Stephen Strange is super cool , analytical,intelligent and a leader .In the movie he is also a surgeon so it clearly shows that he is critical thinker after his accident he didn't gave up and till the end he kept trying to learn the magic techniques.
I don't know whenever i see him i feel like could be a great leader. He is quiet but he also has a soft heart .all of these qualities fit perfectly in the criteria of a leader.So if he was a leader he would be world changing one .
My favourite book is "Crime and punishment " its a Russian novel written about a very introverted young lad"Raskolnikov" who is depressed by his economic instability and he also fears that he wouldn't be able to protect his mother and young sister from the ruthless world at last due mental instability he murdered an old pawnbroker. In this whole story he had a friend "Dimitri Razumikhin" he was also in poor state and rags but he was always so optimistic and he was also very charming person when raskolnikov was ill he even fed him with his hands .he said
●//lying can be forgiven as it leads to truth but the thing that risks me is that they lie and then worship there own lies///
The world needs people like Razumihkin who selfless and devoted friends.He wouldn't be able to change the world for no one can do so but he is the person who make your life a bit more bright.
Two of my favorite fictional characters who had a positive impact on me were black widow and Obi wan Kenobi.
Black widow was a great character, she did not have any superpower just a strong heart and will . She taught me that your past doesn't define you . She was someone who had made many mistakes in her life and had lost so much but she proved that you can change yourself and the first step of change is acceptance. You can't run from your past you need to face it , accept it and change your future . She showed me that women aren't less stronger then men and it's never to late to do the right thing.
Obi wan Kenobi taught me to never lose hope and always fight back and being angry doesn't mean that you are strong instead controlling your rage shows your true strength. He was someone who lost everyone he had ever loved ,his family his master and apprentice but accepted it didn't lose hope and carried on doing what was right.
Mickey mouse.
Many people wonder what makes this character so popular. Despite the popularity of more recent characters, it is Mickey, who is the most beloved. He is the official mascot of the Walt Disney Company because he represents everything that Walt Disney wants to portray. Things such as happiness, fun, dreams, and the ability to bring families together. He is the world's most recognizable character, Micky mouse features in 23 films and has been mentioned in over 10 million posts on Instagram. Can you imagine? Well, his popularity is largely due to the fact that he has a charming smile, a can-do attitude, and that special wide-eyed innocence he is so famous for. He's one of the biggest reasons the Disney name has the warm and friendly message it strives for, and people simply can't get enough of it.
I think the character mickey mouse can change the world because in a time where there is a lot of negativity we need positivity to rid ourselves of all the toxins that we have accumulated due to happening in the world. There was the case of the covid-19 pandemic, then came the war between Ukraine and Russia which is affecting a lot of people, there are also cases of hunger, internal insurrections and terrorism in different countries and incidents like this just make people want to turn back and think of the careefree and happy days.
This character brings a lot of positivity and there is a beautiful and eye-tearing message behind its existence. We are one big global family and when times tough we have to stand up together and face the storm because we are stronger together.
Pinocchio: He is a cartoon character who caused great controversy and influenced the minds of children, as he gained great fame. The date of the film's release was February 7, 1940 AD. It was produced by Walt Disney by writer Carlo Collodi. The summary of the story of this film involves a wooden doll brought to life by a mermaid. Zarqa, who tells him that he can become alive if he proves that he is brave, honest and unselfish, and thus begins the adventures of the doll to become a real boy, which involves many group of unpleasant characters and the most beautiful thing in the movie is that if he lies his nose lengthens. That's why I liked to write about Pinocchio because it teaches children to start adventures, stick to goals, and finally not lie.
I agree
To be honest i believe the character she hulk would change the world, yes it seems illogical but i find it inspiring because she is breaking boundaries and gives this sense of light and joy. To sum it up she hulk in three words is BREAKING THE BIAS.
The character that inspires me the most is Shuri from black panther, she has an innovative and creative mind. She really inspires and captivates me with all her inventions in Wakanda that has solved a lot of problems. In our world today creative and innovative minds are needed because creative minds can come up with a viable solution to solve problems. In our world creativity allows us to view and solve problems more openly and with innovation. Creativity opens the mind our minds to bright ideas. Innovation, creativity and bravery can make a positive impact that change our world.
Dr. Temperance Brennen is a character from the series Bones. she is someone who is always looking for ways to solve problems, even when she fails she is not discouraged . I wish we had more people like her in the world, that way a lot of problems in the world would be solved . the three characters I would give her would be she is brilliant, fearless and has integrity.
Barbie: Barbie has long gone beyond the boundaries of being just a doll. Over the years, the game has transformed from a shape that girls love to a symbol of a body image and imaginary facial features. Beautiful, slender and elegant girl who wears high heels and definitely has the most beautiful clothes and jewelry. The sad truth is that millions of women today are striving to be a version of the doll "Barbie", and there is even a special medical condition called "Barbie syndrome" which is specific to this doll obsessed and who try to imitate her.
I think the Samwise Gamgee like character the friend of Frodo in The Lord of the Rings could be the savior and have power to change the world by his loyalty, honesty and selfless support through challenges.
The characters inspired me that a companion value more then a friend. Friend is someone you like but a companion is someone you need. A companion establishes a sense of belonging in you and keep you mentally and emotionally active.
Three words to summarize are ;
I completely agree @attentive_phsyics. I think what is great about Samwise is that he is not the main character, however, represents many good qualities that make a hero. What other famous companions can you think of that represent the qualities of a hero?
There are many like Buzz in toy story, Hermione in Harry Potter, and Donkey (Eddie Murphy) in Shrek my favorite.
Throughout history, cinema has presented a legendary character that left a great impact on me and viewers , and what made this character more beautiful is the performance of the actors for it, as it remains after decades. For example: V: a disguised fictional character who appeared in the film against revenge, a riotous character, who seeks organized murder in a society controlled by corruption, in the future in Britain, where the events of the film take place in a fictional society or the so-called corrupt city literature, and the events of The film, in turn, is adapted from the graphic novel of the same name by writer Olin Moore, where she is a prominent figure in the world of cinema, which is considered a symbol of liberation and the elimination of authoritarianism and racism, V masks are often seen in many anti-regime revolutions around the world.
I personally think the character Phineas Taylor also known as P.T. Barnum could change the world. He always wanted to change the world for his love but ended up changing his community. He made an environment for people who were laughed at and scorned by the society because of their disability, race, color or other reasons he harnessed their talents and gifts turning them into famous people who people came to watch. He motivated them and gave them hope when it looked like all was lost and celebrated with them when they were recognized and they helped him get his family back after it almost fell apart, new friendships where formed and others found love.
If we had more people like Him the world would be a better place and the issue of diversity and discrimination would not be rampant.
I think that being a hero isn't about wearing a cape or having amazing super abilities because it is not what we have that saves people but what we can do. A hero, in my perspective, is someone that only does good for people no matter what, sometimes even sacrificing something really dear to them. I can't really name any superhero characters because I don't really watch any Marvel or DC. However, what I can say is this, we shouldn't wish for heroes out of comic books or movies, we all can be everyday heroes and not necessarily be somebody who everyone wishes to be like because we are so benevolent or powerful. Superhero or just a hero, what makes them different from other people is their willingness and ability to do something for someone else to help them cause they can or are trying to regardless of themselves, with or without supernatural abilities. we all can be heroes, we just have to take the extra mile for good. That's what makes us super. If there was a fictional character like that, he or she would be the one I'd pick, even without any powers. I'd say that a true hero is really just a person willing to make difference no matter how small it is. If we can be heroes like this, then let's be heroes. Powerful or not, we are super in our own way because we all can change the world, one way at a time.
Great comment thank you terrific_acorn
I agree because Your way of thinking is unique and your comment inspires hope in the reader and makes him motivated to try hard to be a good person.
I agree with you, for a person is not with his words, but with his actions. People often say and do little. Everyone can do things, even if they are small. It may affect the lives of many, even if it was initially for their personal needs. Thomas Edison, when he invented the lamp, he invented it for his mother, but it affected me. He planted a seed for all of humanity, and scientists made it a tree. Although he did not possess supernatural abilities, he affected the world.
I think Enola Holmes will be able to change the world because when she was left all alone, she didnt become depressed or worried of what her tomorrow will be. She decided to take action and she had critical thinking that led her to discover magnificent clues. She chose the path she wanted in her life because she is responsible for what happens in it. She took chances that most of our leaders and youths are afraid to take. You have to make some noise to be heard and that is what gave her boldness. Enola encourages women to speak up for what they want. "Sometimes you have to dangle your feet in water to attract the sharks". This is simply encouraging us to take risks no matter the challenges we face.
I would have to go with Iron man. Iron man is really smart and though he is a fictional character, he was able to invent a lot of gadgets and other forms of technology that in our present day (if they existed) ,would easily be used to stop criminals all over the world. I admire him because hem was a very brave character who though being tough on the outside, loved his team on the inside. He sacrificed his life to save the world and that character shows that he was bold, he was responsible but still knew how to have fun. He advised people to follow their instincts and to always keep going, no matter what. He was a philanthropist, he was valiant and he was committed.
Which character from a book or film do you think could change the world? Why?
What do you find inspiring about them?
Can you think of three words to sum them up?
I think Iron man would change the world, because of the technology Iron man has he is able to make amazing offensive weapons like one of his creations the Repulsors that are made of some sort of plasma heat blast. Since the repulsor rays can melt steel this can help with defence from any kind of unexpected danger or attacks. Iron man also has an invention called "Cosmic Iron Patriot armor" this armor can help him with stand and kind of radioactive blasts or if he comes in contact with radioactive substances, and with this technology still Iron man would make an armor big enough to cover the earth protecting us from asteroids that are likely to wipe out the human race meaning extinction.
So i conclude saying Iron man would make the world a better place to live in because of his technology.
Avengers is a group of superheroes who save the world from danger, crimes and make sure that they do the right thing and if we had them in this universe the world would be free from hunger, crime, theft since the police cannot do their job well in most countries and they take long to reach the crime scene. Brave, Kind and Heroes.
Frankly, the avengers are a team that the world needs these days, as it is composed of the greatest heroes, such as the Iron Man, and the most prominent and most in need in our time is captain America, the leader of this wonderful team with an influential leadership personality who seeks to achieve peace, since he lived in a period of war and has been frozen until he reached our time and this is more of an advantage than a negative one for him. He did not live the development of hatred and treachery and the change of people in wars. Rather, he preserved his purity and the integrity of his soul from all these diseases that destroy the world today.
in this world there are many inspiring character to me star from star vs the force's of evil ,Star is extremely active and friendly. She loves having fun, and she usually has an optimistic outlook on life. Star loves to help others and whenever she sees that someone is upset, she does her best to cheer them up. Star is a bit reckless, enjoying fighting monsters and doing other wild things. She is also stubborn at times, as she often does things her own way and not listening to other people's rules or even take advice. To Star, strangers are just friends she has not met yet, and she feels bad if she hurts someone's feelings, whether intentionally or not. However, Star can be egocentric, wanting attention, and getting frustrated with things that bother her. Thus, she gets jealous very easily. Star has a happy-go-lucky attitude and always puts a smile on everyone's faces. She also works very hard towards her goals, so much that she will sometimes go sleep-deprived.
loving, caring and friendly
I feel like The Flash would save the world.The Flash is really smart and is someone who would sacrifice a whole lot for the society he is responsible for.He is admired by his society and fights for thos ewho do not have a voice.In the movie he represents the paragon of love.I think that his most defining character is his positivity even at his lowest points.What gives him hope is his family,his family are his strength and the reason he faces every problem with a smile.When he was faced with a villain that defeated his future self,he still did not let that stop him,even when his source of power was almost gone he still went ahead to save people.He would do whatever it takes to save any life he can as long as he can because he believes that everyone deserves a life.
Luke Skywalker from StarWars
The amateur farm boy with a fate to become a legend, Luke Skywalker's path through the original Star Wars trilogy (Episodes 4-6) is the quintessential hero’s journey, speaking to generations of young people trying to find their way in the world. He is like anyone else who looks over the horizon and hopes that there is something better out there, making entire generations believe in the power of the Force, he shows us how one person can change history and that our family history does not define our future (even with one hand).
I love your comment and luke . And I agree luke was a different type of hero he believed that there was still good in his father and helped him turn to the light .( And yes he did all of that with one hand just like his father)
Which character from a book or film could change the world, well I would say Deadpool. Sure he may not be the smartest and or the strongest but the two things that he can do might just change the world. Deadpool is immortal so if we went around the world collecting information about illnesses like cancer and so on he would be able to eventually find the cure and help share it with the world and his sense of humor would help put the world at ease in case of a huge panic of crisis. To sum him up I'd say he's brave, free spirited and overall a good person.
I agree because he could find the cure for illnesses but I also disagree because I don't think that by someone saying a joke would make the world go to ease.
I agree on you about the joke part. I was a bit sceptical including it in the comment because it really wouldn't put the world at ease.
Well, there are many superhero characters in the world including: "Peter Parker" from Spiderman, Batman, Doctor Strange, Odin, Thanos, Superman, Henrietta Lacks, Maurice Hellman, Harry Potter, and others. They all have different stories that could really change the world if they existed, but what unites them is their courage.
Princess Leia Organa is a great character. She was an irreplaceable leader . She lost her biological mother when she was born . She become a senator at a very young age and fought the political battles with words. After losing her adopted parents and her whole planet she didn't lose hope she found her long lost brother and fought on the front line of the battle without fear and led a rebellion against a whole cruel empire. She was a princess that didn't need saving. Even when her son was seduced by the dark side and her husband was killed she had faith that things could be better for all the people.
She was:
▶️Hope full
She taught me that women aren't weak.
Amazing insight! I think Leia was an inspirational princess, and the woman who played her, Carrie Fisher, also a domineering force for the representation of strong women in the film industry. Can you think of any other female characters (or real life people) who inspire you?
yes I agree that Carrie Fisher was a strong woman she faced a lot of difficulties in her life she fought drug addiction and mental illness .
i belong to a society where women are considered less powerful and less resourceful seeing any woman who has broken this stereotype and has accomplished something in her field is inspiring to me .
some of the them are :
Benazir Bhutto was the first female prime minister in Islamic world.
Arfa Karim was extremely intelligent and was the youngest software engineer .
Angelina Juli is also a big inspiration for me she always take part in charities and her movies are also very influential for all the girls.
as for the fictional characters:
Elizabeth Bennet a feminist character written in the 1800's also inspires me .
being an artist i am influenced by Amy Jo she is someone who is maturing with time.
Amazing examples! I had never heard of Arfa Karim before so thank you so much for educating me! I agree that all these women are amazing examples of strong and inspiring women.
Amy March*
I would pick Iron man because if you pay attention to his film, he is a person who will never give up until he finishes what he has started just like when the ten rings captured him, he worked on an invention until he finished it and finally saved his life. Iron man is a person who teaches people never to give up, be brave and always be courageous.
So I think Iron man is a sedulous, brave and courageous man.
There are a lot of characters in Marvel movies that attract me like the green man, and hulk. But what fascinates me is Iron Man because he uses technology in his films. and solve its new problems.
In my opinion, the most important figure for me is Ibn Al-Nafis, who saved the whole world and benefited them with his knowledge. He was also a doctor and discoverer of the microcirculation (pulmonary circulation) and he also had a role in discovering the pulmonary capillaries.
His discoveries also helped make many contributions to medicine and its development, and his theories have been relied upon by scientists so far.
A character from a book or movie that you think could change the world?
I think it is the character of Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, which is a glaring example of the importance of self-confidence and perseverance
He failed thousands of times in inventing a light bulb, but the failure was another step on the road to success. I find her an inspiring person because they know that success does not come easily until after several attempts
I agree with you agreeable_dusk because having characters like self confidence and perseverance is really inspiring because perseverance helps people make progress even when things get tough which is important and key for future success. When working toward goals and dreams, there are obstacles and setbacks in the way. But a person who perseveres can make progress and learn a skill that will pay off in the end.
Self confidence is also a good inspiring character because it helps one to feel ready for life's experiences and it also helps people to move forward in life not backward. When things don't work out at first, self confidence helps the individual to try again. I agree with you when you made mention that Thomas Edison was self confident and perseverant because without this inspiring character he had, he would have not thought of an innovative idea like the bulb.
On my side Matt Groening the creator of The Simpsons. The Simpsons has heavily influenced popular culture and other television series. The characters’ voices are widely recognized, and many of the characters’ neologisms and catchphrases (such as Homer’s “D’oh!”) have entered common currency. Simpsons really predicted the future of america and so it made the cartoon producers really get a lesp of real life and things that capture people's attention because the Simpsons according to google "they broadly represent contemporary American culture, and has been described as "a fun- house mirror reflection of the 'average' American family, as it still persists in our national imagination" (MacGregor 1999:27). The show reflects current events and everyday social interactions in a comedic narrative".
Thanks for sharing! It's worth pointing out that The Simpsons has also been criticised for pushing stereotypes and having poor representation. For more information about representation, check out our Black Panther topic!
The Lorax is a tale about a person's responsibilities to the environment. This movie gives many lessons about life such as the responsibilities of a person towards the environment, cutting of trees and the habitat of animals because humans are the main reason for the destruction of environmental mechanisms. As the author of this tale, Dr Seuss said "it's not about what it is, it's about what it becomes " now it depends on us how we take care of our surroundings. Just like the environment is working for us providing us with breathtaking surroundings and a wonderful landscape. Now it's our responsibility to protect it this may improve many climatic conditions.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot
Nothing is going to get better, it's not". -Dr. Seuss
I would pick Iron Man as he has learned that with great power comes great responsibility multiple times and he could protect the world from all sorts of dangers including some things that are happening because of climate change.
King Jin of solo leveling fights the villains who are trying to take over the world by monsters from the world of hell fights them m the hero the king by his dark power and his loyal followers and his right armor was a swordsman with a sword from hell fire and his means of transportation was the dragon called blak The hero is the king of darkness, possessing A great army of his followers of darkness, coldness, strength, greatness, all fear him.
" If your life was a book, and you were the author, how would you want your story to happen? The answer to this question, through the story of the inspiring Amy Purdy "In 2005 she co-founded a non-profit organization for young people and young adults with physical disabilities so they could participate in sports, from there she had the opportunity to go to South Africa, where she helped put shoes on the feet of thousands of children so they could go to school, and in February of 2011 I won two awards: the World Cup and the Silver Medal. Amy Purdy is an inspiring, motivating, and poignant character, and she has touched me personally: because through her story, we learn that we must believe in possibilities, and that our imaginations can be used as tools with which to cross boundaries, because in our own minds, we can do anything, we can be anything, And facing our fears head on, that allows us to live our lives beyond our limits, and that limits are where the inevitable ends are.
When I heard Marvel, I immediately thought of Doctor Strange not just because he has the unique ability to travel between dimensions, but purely because of how he evolved throughout the movie. He starts off as a cocky neurosurgeon yet as he has a car-accident, he realises the peak of his career falls downhill. Although he is clever, he also believes he knows everything, until he learns how to move on from the past, and listen to what the future may bring him. Of coarse, at the end he saves the world and becomes even greater than he was before.
This superhero stands out to me because you really get to see his background and therefore you understand more of why he takes this decision instead of the other. Additionally, when he actually starts to become an elite multi-traveller between dimensions, he realises that the only way he will fulfill his purpose in life is to finally give in. Sometimes in life, you need to surrender in order to find your greatest strengths. Sometimes in life, doing mistakes and learning from them is the key to success. Sometimes in life, it is perfectly fine to lose the battle, but win the war ( your purpose in life ).
I personally would go with Peter Parker A.K.A Spiderman. He was just an ordinary boy who happened to be given the responsibility to protect his neighborhood and later on the whole world, universe etc. I adore Peter Parker, because even without his superpowers he still tries his best to help any way he can. He taught me that you don't need powers to be a hero but if you get powers along the way then that's a sweet bonus.
Why do you think it's important that Peter is 'an ordinary boy'?
It's important because it shows you don't need to be "gifted or super talented" as long as you put your heart and soul into what you're doing.
Cinderella: Is there a boy or girl who hasn't heard of Cinderella's story? She is one of the most famous and charming fantasy characters in the world of children and embodies hope and achievement after suffering and cruel treatment.
How would Cinderella change the world?
I feel as if Black Panther could change the world because of how he saved the people in the movie and also he maybe can help with black heritage, and the he would be a brave black man that saved the world and maybe more people can want to learn more about black heritage. I also say Black Panther should save the world because of how his character in the movie Waconda. In the movie he was calm he was consistent with his self and he always kept his head up and was not doubting himself he kept going and believes in himself even if he lost he got back up, he could teach the world to never give up even when challenges are to hard . Hope this was what you wanted to hear or read.
This is an excellent summary of why Black Panther can change the world. You used several different reasons including modelling good characteristics and encouraging others to understand more about black heritage. Good job!
Will you be seeing the new movie? We know that Chadwick Boseman sadly won't return to the role. Can others channel the spirit of such a big character do you think?
Sherlock Holmes: the man who changed the way many people think and judge things, a consulting investigator who led people intellectually and astonished them with every case he solves , the first time we know about him was in 1887 then many books wrote about him on Extensively and contributed to clearly influencing the entire humanity, and his books were translated into many languages to demand of people, as people began to follow the methods of Holmes analysis in forensic medicine, analytical chemistry and in literature as well, In a novel, Holmes said, "One unconsciously begins to burn facts to fit theories, rather than the theories to fit the facts."
This sentence changed the way many think and said this in their personal forums as well , In general, Holmes is a logical, ambitious and balanced personality.
I think that Chris Gardner's character from the movie The Pursuit of Happiness, which he represented by actor Will Smith, is one of the best characters, because despite the challenges and difficulties he faced, he remained determined and had the will to improve his world and his life, he and his son, who remained homeless, and urges us to Success in life does not come like this, but you must be tired and search and strive to find your life in what you love.
_ (The Match Girl): A cartoon story issued in 1845, and its story began on New Year's Eve, when it was freezing in snowy streets, barefoot and bare-headed. She roams the streets selling sulfur.
She drew the world's attention to child labor, the persecution that orphaned children are exposed to at work, and the impact of child labor on their future. Where new laws were enacted on child labor, and the preservation of their rights. The whole of this story is that it urges:
1. Humanity.
2. Equality.
3. Respect.
At the end of the story, it was not a sad ending, but
rather a happy ending because she went to heaven and got rid of poverty, hunger, cold and persecution.
As I was growing up, I used to love Wonder Woman, especially how Gal Gadot impersonated her. The power she holds and shows makes her be a powerful woman that can fight everything. Sincerely, she made me see women in another way than I used to and I’m sure she did this to a lot of other little girls. Women are strong.
Which character from a book or movie do you think could change the world? Why
I want to talk about the Powerpuff Girls from this movie. Why do I think they can change the world first, because they are three girls who make mistakes and correct them with the help of the supervising doctor, and they save the world from problems and they solve them in cooperation with each other as well. This is how we make the world see that girls or women in general have the ability to solve problems, not just men
What do you find inspiring about them?
Courage and boldness in solving these problems, and not giving up when falling into a problem
Can you think of three words to sum it up?
First / Courage
Second: cooperation and consultation
Third / good thinking to solve these problems
I think thor because he can fly all over the world and he is immortal and i can describe him as kind,pure of heart,and worthy and brave,he helps me believe in myself
The whole idea of having heroes who can change the world is a good one but I think at the end of the day it all boils down to the individual. There is a common saying, "change begins with me". I believe this is true. This is why we can continue to tell people one thing over and over again and nothing will change unless that person decides within himself to do that thing you are advising the person to do. We keep talking about climate change yet some people are still reluctant to act in order to solve the problem while others are doing everything to solve the problem. That is the reason for this proverb, "you can take the horse to the river but you cannot force it to drink". Truly one can only give someone the opportunity to do something, but you cannot force them to do it if they do not want to. Having a superhero that would change the world is a nice idea but in the end, we are still our own heroes and only we can bring ourselves out of our problems. In my opinion, one person cannot change the world alone no matter how extraordinary the person is. We will see a remarkable change in the world when we all decide within ourselves to do the right thing. Then, we will be our own heroes and change our world.
I like this idea that we can be our own heroes.
black widow for me in my opinion . she really shows how woman can be as strong as men can be . I would describe black widow in 3 words as strong , determined and brave.
And I think black panther is one of my favorite character out of all marvel films I like his suit and his powers.He is really stealthy and inspires me.
How could he change the world?
Great Detective Conan. It means important things in my life.For me,he is an example to follow in problem solving, deduction,analysis,using critical and creative thinking,establishing proofs,evidence and hypotheses to discover solutions.
All of these qualities are required of my school,especially in science and mathematics classes.I also learned how to get myself out of any predicament if I got involved in a problem.
As I said,it affected me positively.
It also made me learn about Japanese culture and know Japanese names such as shinichi,Heiji,Ayumi and other such beautiful names.
Why I find black widow inspiring is because she is different, special and unique in her own way. She is a human who does not possess any super powers but her fierce spirit and strength has grown under years of training. She is not as strong as Hulk or Thor, as durable as Captain America but she is quick thinking, she has the willingness to sacrifice her life, she is coordinated, she is brave, she always looks at the bigger picture, she is reliable and she has good leadership spirit. These are the good personalities and characters that she has that I love and inspires me.
It sounds like she shows that strength doesn't just come in physical form!
Dexter is a main character in Dexter's lanboratory cartoon, which ran from(1996 _ 2002) and released 221 episodes. He is an 8-year-old genius boy with a perfect and clean mind. He has a sophisticated secret laboratory under his rooms and without the knowledge of his parents, he tries to invent various things, but when he tries to invent something What his sister Didi fails because she stupidly sabotages his plans but also hides his love for her because she helps him more often when he falls into misfortunes as a result of his inventions and this character encourages me and encourages children to chase their curiosity and think outside the box
William Hanna and Joseph Barbera are two writers and directors, the world's greatest cartoon duo, Tom and Jerry. Tom and Jerry, the most famous cartoon duo loved by children, sets an example in competition, intrigue, conflict and fun. Here the duo is in a state of constant fighting and peace sometimes does not last long, and he teaches children the art of coexistence even when there is a conflict of interest
I think Naruto. He is an anime hero. He is an optimist and never gives up, he motivates people around him. When he was a kid, he was dreaming to be the hokage. The hokage is like the king, when he was saying that he will be the hokage, every body laughed at him, but this didn't stop him. He proved to everybody that he is strong and that he can be the hokage. This shows how determined he is and that he doesn't give up.
A character like Erwin Smith from Attack on Titan, can change the world, by putting the public interest above personal interest because he has the qualities of a leader and responsibility, And when he was in a battle with the giants and the quick solution he came up with was to be a bait so that his team could reach victory! Indeed, he did not wait for the situation to get worse and led himself to death,And he paved the way for his team until they reached a book that helped them get rid of the control of giants
Irwin taught me this attitude to go the way in spite of all the challenges we face, and also a leader is one who is led by rationality, not emotion
Mr. Bean: I think that he can save the world and solve environmental problems, although he is neither a scientist nor an inventor, but he has always thought outside the box and invented tools and solutions to problems from components that exist in the environment and are not expensive, and he has always taught me optimism when he was smiling and finding other solutions For his problems in a way that surprised everyone, and he also taught me sincerity and love, how he was faithful to his friend the bear, and he used to bring him a plate of food, that he was a character from a movie shown on TV, and then he made a cartoon from him for the success of his movie.
- All Might ( Boku no Hero Academia ) A hero who actually changed the world in the anime, as he controlled thieves and criminals, and was a role model for young people, and he was the reason for young people to enter the Heroes Academy to follow in his footsteps, and restore noble values in society,And he is the one who inspired and led a child without superhuman ability to the number one superhero
What inspires me: his wisdom
summarizing his character: role model, peace ,wisdom
Oikawa Toro, because he is determined to succeed despite his repeated failed attempts to win, but he made his failure a ladder to success, from a player in his school team to a player in the Argentine volleyball team, Although he did not have the talent, he refined his skills, and if 60% of the world's youth become like him, we can see a clear development in our selves and fields, and our dealings with global issues
What I found inspiring in him is his saying
Talent is something you make jiggle, instinct is something you polish
Three words to sum up this character:Instinct,continuity, Blue
1 Jesus from the passion of Christ. I say this on the basis that he is the son of the most high the most powerful begin in the word yet he came to die for us so we may not perish/be condemn in the after life this man just teaches us on the basic concept of selflessness and on how no body either big or small should be discriminated in his journey of the world the choose 12 disciples from different places not minding their color, location or background he showed that every body was equal. I think he can change the world because he gives people some
one to look up to to teach people about selflessness and how to be a better person.
2 What I find inspiring about this man was despite the fact that he was like God he did not compere himself as equal with God and he came down to earth to die for us.
3 Equality, Humility, Love.
Rosa parks(the mother of the freedom movement)
In the world 1955, Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat to a white person and move to the back. Rose was arrested according to the separation law on the basis of color and paid a fine of 10 dollars and fought for ten years for civil rights and became an inspiring person who changed the world in the field of defending human rights
Mr beast he could change the world because he helped out people. he given away ten of thousands . he could change the world because he help homeless people every day .
I feal like darr mann is veary isperashol and it is a good life lesson for people and for people who make bads choshis in life
Can you explain a bit more about him?
I think that cyborg could change the world. This because all of his gadgets and technology. This is because he can replace his own organs, limbs, and bodily senses. This can change the world because if anyone needs organ replacements or missing limbs.
I think I would sum him as
1: Cool
2: Brave
3: Humorous.
This is because when he first became a cyborg he did not enjoy it at first but overtime he learned to accept it and now he loves his new self and uses his robot half as his own.
In My Opinion, I feel Like Black Panther Could Change The World, Because
Throughout the movie, not only did the Black Panther endure great pain and challenging circumstances, but he was able to impact the people he was serving as a leader because of his ability to overcome unexpected trials. The Black Panther, Was fighting because he got challenged to a fight a during there fight the black panther got slashed in his leg and it was a deep wound and that was a disadvantage then the person he was challenging picked him up and threw him off the the high mountain and T’challa found him and put him in snow to keep him alive then they smashed the Heart-Shaped Herb it made the w drink the brought him back to life and he went Back to his kingdom and defeated the gold panther.
Dory would most likely be a pick for me. I love the 2016 Disney production movie "Finding Dory" which not only teaches us to never ever forget old friends, no matter how forgetful you are but to also respect diversity and still have compassion within you. Her motto: JUST KEEP SWIMMING, can be related to real life and can be the best mantra for every single person on earth. The film's vivid beautiful underwater setting brings the role of multiplicity to life and Dory shows that her optimistic, funny personality can be a match with the Dark Knight of Gotham City.
she's a fish
i would go with spider man.He is good with other people and when he falls he gets beck up. he mite not be rich but he is humble and he is really helpful in certenin sichwayshins. in the last spider man he finds out the multiverse,and he was talking to him self. and when there was they were there and he can keep his cool in fights. like in space when he was fighting thanos he keep his cool even he when thanos snap he was cool.
Batman is a great example of how one loss in a person's life can change the world entirely, he wanted to to avenge his parents and stop crime so much that he trained under some of the best people around the world and even when he met his parent's killer he did not kill him for revenge. He may have been one human being with no super power's but he did not care, he was able outsmart some of the strongest people in the world and he did nothing but use his mind he is a great example of how one man can change the world.
me personally i would go with cyborg he is good with people and he is
2:very smart
and when he falls he gets beck of and he is very inspiring
Martin Luther King.Jr is a great example of a person who can change the world.When he was a child he always experienced racism and segregation he always knew it was bad and unfair. When he grew up to be an adult he and other black african americans did many non violent protests and he went many times but still he kept on going and in the end he was able to end segregation but at the cost of his life.
Great commentary spectacular_raisin. What three words would you use to describe Martin Luther King Junior?
Three Words that I would use to describe Martin Luther King.Jr is
The character that I think will change the world is Naruto because he taught us persistence and resilience. Self determination and insistance will definitly make what is impossible possible. In fact, a person must not be a superhero to change the world. For example, in "a noble boy" film, the boy can change the world only with his morals, not with superabilities.
I think that Aquaman can change the world because.like Aquaman people would push bay sumthin to leave thailand and aquaman fat to get hey thailand back.aquaman can show people fat back that you hown.In three words Aquaman is brad,smot, and storm.That who i think that Aquaman can inspiring people to do goodbye and thank you for read my Comments
if spider-men could save everyonen, he could make a change to the world.Spider-man is great saving people diasiters like fires, villians.
I think Thor could save the world because he play's a big role in the avengers and in a comic book he trains his fists by punching his hammer (mjiolnir) to the point where it starts to fight back but in the main marvel movies thor dosn't do that. But if they added that version of thor he would easily be able to save the world. Even tho sometimes he has a big ego and can be very cocky at times he is still my favorite hero.
I think it's Spider-Man because he can change the world with his superpowers and has the ability to stick to most surfaces and move between buildings, and his power also gives him a sense that helps him sense danger, allowing him to fight and give his opponents the opportunity to save a large number of people in all difficult situations
1 hero
2 Strong and smart
3 The sixth sense has a sense of danger
I watched many children's programs and cartoon films, and the most of these films caught my attention was the series Detective Conan, and it had a great impact on the growth of thinking and analysis in children and adults, where a person can link between events and various facts and develop the ability to observe, which made it a matter that expands everyone's perceptions and has been translated into many of languages, and its impact on the tangible thing was the intelligence of children
Personally I think Wonder Woman could change the world because she's so brave and you don't need a man to save the world, she has taught us that you can be a woman and still can save the world, she has helped a lot of people. Wonder Woman has done things to help people and the world. She guide to change unjust laws, she also brought peace to the world, and also an example how she saved the world is when her sister was in danger by a monster she saved her. That's why I think she could save the world.
I would say Eleven from stranger things because for her cold like feelings in film can be a weakness but in later films she like a hero in the show like then eleven threw one(vecna) to the upside down void and she saved her friends from the upside down creatures and her 3 traits like:
I like this idea @best_fly. Why do you think it's so important for people changing the world to be kind (and not just brave and powerful)?
Batman should be someone that we should represent and be with us.Batman has no powers but he is still strong without powers,he owns a mansion,grapple gun,and a ninja bat stars and none of those need powers and I would go with Batman and those weapons he has are just normal day weapons.Batman is a inspiration for,"not all heros need powers to be important" and for all those grownups or kids that are sad because their not strong,they just need a insporation like Batman.
Great idea @digital_arctic_fox. Not all heroes need superpowers! We should get this on a poster.
To be honest, I believe that Iron Man could change the world because when Iron Man snapped his finger and wiped out half of all life in the universe, that set back the Celestials plans. All of a sudden, Celestials. Iron Man essentially saved the world from potential doom. Also He sacrificed himself to save the entire universe.
If I Had To Choses A Hero It Would Be Iron Man.His Gagets Helps The World But Their Can't Just Be On Iron And Little Kids Playing Pertend Being Like Him He Inspire Alot Of Kids.He's Brave,Powerful,Smart,Creative,Willing To Sacrvice For Loved Ones And Others.So My Hero Would Be Iron Man.
Avatar: The Last Air bender;
I think, the last air bender would change the world given his achievements in the movie, he fought to protect the land benders and water benders from the fire clan who wanted to rule over the whole world, here his fighting spirit to ensure peace among all the clans would enable him to stop wars our world for example the Russia and Ukraine war.
The aspect that he fought for to protect the nature of the land shows that he would fight to conserve the land by discouraging the disposal of plastics and wastes. He would also help conserve the waters since he fought to protect the water clan from the fire clan and in this case the wastes from industries that destroy the waters represent the fire clan. I am inspired by his spirit to conserve peace by stopping wars and protecting the land and sea.
Suming it up;
he is consistent,
Brave and passionate
I think the character of Detective Conan has affected large amount of people and I am one of them.Maybe because everyone of us has his own Conan who searches for truth .By discovering the crime or problem, setting theories .examining and analysing these these theories to reach the truth.Even in our life when a simple problem occurs.we will act like Conan.
He taught us to be practical ans logical when we deal with daily life issues .
1_Sherlock Holmes: One of the best personalities who dazzled the world with his creative abilities, he worked on creating his own cartoon, and his events indicated the spread of injustice in many societies with the emergence of this wonderful, brave character who was stopping injustice, eliminating criminals and thieves, spreading the principles of good morals and general justice in his society and bringing With him is his friend to show the world that cooperation is strength and weakness is divided
2_inspire me:Their courage, their wisdom in thinking and their cooperative friendship
3_Courageous: He has the feet to solve problems even though they are dangerous
Just: He does not oppress anyone in his judgment, and whoever errs is punished
Nabiha: He tries to solve problems wisely so as not to allow the wrongdoers to escape
I like the emphasis you put on cooperation @ethical_climate. Why do you think it's so important to work together with friends and allies?
I thing that we need smart super heroes in our world not super heroes with only destructive powers.
I like super heroes that gained their powers by their effort like Hank Pym from ant man movie, he was working for years to make a suit that makes you as tiny as an ant and with the same strength when you was a person. There is also Tony Stark who is also iron man and he also worked many years to make his suit and to make it better.
But I don't like super heroes who only took their powers by luck or were born with these powers like spiderman or hulk because I think it's unfair.
This is an interesting observation diplomatic_attitude. Do you think those that are born with superpowers might have a more difficult time than those that acquire them through hard work? They didn't actively seek out those superpowers and they don't have to use them for good, they could choose to be supervillains.
What do you think of the superheroes in x-men that chose to give up their superpowers e.g. Rogue?
In my opinion, each of us has a hero, but it is not required that this superhero or a character from a movie or book. There are real heroes on the ground and they are the ones who seek to spread goodness on the face of the earth and make people happy. Happy and works to protect us and provide our needs and he guides me to do the right thing and stay away from mistakes that may hurt me or may harm others. In my opinion, this character can change the world because he possesses extreme intelligence and seeks to detect criminals and throw them in prison, as he has self-confidence and very high skill in football, as well as he is good at using weapons. With this character, no criminal will remain free on the ground and his courage in challenging gangs And the criminals will develop courage, courage and despair in us, despite the difficulties he faced, such as shrinking his size. Make us a prosperous society with culture. Conan chose his first name, which was inspired by the writer of the character of Sherlock Holmes, which is Arthur Conan Doyle, and we also do not forget the wonderful character who was the role model for Detective Conan "Sinchi". And the achievements of the great character Conan Edogawa, despite his small size, preserve our children and youth and motivate them to do good. One of the most famous sayings of this brave hero is “When you cancel the impossible, what remains is the truth” - Conan Edogawa.
The reasons why I believe Batman could change the world is that he is not understanded and is a very powerful character compared to other characters in books. Aside from that, Batman teaches bad characters a lesson by not killing them but just teaching them not to do the same thing again in books. As far as staying to himself and having only one partner to help, Batman is kinda like me in some ways. Misunderstood, independent, and strong can be their three words.
I would go with Captain America because is willing to put his life on the line for others and that shows in Avengers Endgame when he was the only Avenger left to fight Thanos also in Avengers Endgame he was worthy to lift mjolnir.
i agree
I personally would go for superman. He's nearly unstoppable, he has the ability to fly, he has Xray vision, he's super strong,super hearing,and super breath. I think that's somebody that can help the world and i person that can change the world but thats in my opinion. I would describe superman has a brave,bold,and powerful person.
I would like to choose Batman from
The Dark Knight Trilogy
Batman is the most different superhero
I don't call him superhero but he is a real hero Firstly he was a billionaire. The normal billionaire doesn't care for anything considering the poor people but he was the biggest protector for his city and the most caring person of the poor people and to take care of the criminals.
Secondly his parents were killed when he was 8 years old and he turned it that he never wants this situation to be repeated with any child.
At last his life work as batman he was depending on his brain in side of his muscle training so he became very smart to solve any riddle some superhero all his depend on his powers but he didn’t. He saved his city millions of times from hundreds of threats all this by his brain his muscles and his hi tech gadgets.
He was member in the justice league and all the members of the justice league have superpowers except him. But he proved himself.
He always loves the others more than himself and in many of the times he sacrifices himself in order to save people life and because his kind heart he always find how to make an exit from the death luckily.
If batman was in the world the world might be better but without his biggest villain the joker.
Which character from a book or movie do you think could change the world? And why?
I think it is the personality of Abbas Ibn Firnas, who is considered the first to try to fly, and it is a glaring example of the importance of attempts because attempts generate success and develop many lessons and lessons for the attempt.
Abbas Ibn Firnas tried to fly a lot and then failed, but in the end he succeeded after many and repeated attempts.
I find this character inspiring because many people know that success only comes after many attempts.
Can you think of three words to sum them up?
I will sum up batman in three words
I consider Moana's character one of the characters that I like the most, as she is Moana who is on a very dangerous mission to save her people who have been suffering for many years and they don't know why. It was released in 2016, and it was directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, who worked on several major titles, so I describe it in three words: patient, strong, courage
I chose the Miracles series (Ladybug and Cat Noir).
Produced by several joint ventures in several countries, including France, South Korea, and Japan, and produced by Thomas Stroke, the series supported people to eradicate evil. They have a beautiful and interesting story and unite them with courage, intelligence and cooperation. We all hope that there will be an inspiration on the face of the earth to help people.
A character from a book or movie that you think could change the world?
(Alexander Graham Bell) is a famous scientist, engineer and inventor, he is credited with registering the first invention of an effective telephone and establishing the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, a photophone, an audiometric device to detect minor hearing problems, a number of air vehicles, a metal detector, and an iceberg location detection device . He participated in the work in the field of speech and eloquence and others.
I find her an inspiring personality!
I am not a viewer of superhero characters, although they achieve success at the box office, because they lack complexity and are far from development in the story, in addition to restricting freedom of thought, I do not find them to have a positive impact that pushes societies forward, and I am not tempted to look at a screen and green sprites, it is far About being a human cinema that does not attempt to convey and process human psychological, social and emotional experiences
From my point of view, it is possible that the black cat and the ladybird are the ones who will influence the world, because as we see them always triumph over the enemy, even if they are tormented, but the main reason for the victory of the black cat and the ladybird is unity and that they work together one hand
I think the ladybug and cat cartoons are the best movies. They are superheroes with their red and black clothes and claws. I chose them because they are able to change the world because they always save people from evil and destruction happening around them because of the evil character of the miracle and they use simple things to save the world and people from evil in the cartoons around them because of their intelligence. Superheroes and their collaboration with each other means I'm sure they could change the world if they actually existed as superheroes.
I personally think Alice from Alice and the wonderland could change the world because of her attitude is so positive and never giving up.I would sum up Alice as confident,brave and caring. I hope you like my opinion.
What changes do you think Alice would introduce adept_hyena?
A character who can give positive energy to many by creating change and determination to achieve goals. After steps of failure, Walt Disney came to my mind, expelled the beginning of his life from a newspaper due to his narrow imagination and his inability to invent new stories, and he was exposed to bankruptcy, but he did not give up and resisted challenges, except that His positivity in challenging himself, and he fought failure until he became one of the largest producers in the world...
(Unbroken) This movie is very wonderful and has a positive impact to change the world for the better. This movie talks about two brothers who were struggling to survive on a boat for 47 days in World War II and were captured by the Japanese Navy, but they defied the humiliation and torture they were subjected to and this A wonderful thing that shows us patience, determination and the strength of the human spirit, but the younger brother was a teenager who robbed stores and always quarreled because he acquired these bad qualities from the suffering he lived through, but his older sister was able to return him to the straight path and encouraged him to use his talent in fast running to become a world champion and then encouragement from His older brother became a younger brother a champion and set a record in his town
The usefulness of all this movie When we have friends or loved ones who seek our interest, we will become heroes and they will support us and encourage us to discover our talents and use them in the beneficial. With people who support us and encourage us to do what is right, we will eliminate the bad
Why are there problems all around the world?Why climate change,world hunger, global warming and so much is happening in this wonderful planet? It's because we have made mistakes.No one in this world can be perfect."To err is human."Life is not about being perfect.Its about trying hard to be close to perfection.If you make mistakes,you have to learn from them and ensure that you don't it again and that's the key.This quality can be seen in the character "Iron man" and for this reason I feel that this character can make a big difference.For instance,in one of the movies his friend James Rhodes fell off the sky during an intense fight between the Avengers.He realises this mistake and he adds a parachute to Peter Parker's suit.This is just one of those instances where he proves that it isn't always about being perfect but it's about learning and adapting.We need to do the same thing.We have done some mistakes that has led to the consequences that we are facing now.We now need to fix our mistakes and promise ourselves that we don't do it again.Another thing that I liked very much about him was his selflessness.Right from Avengers 1 to the Endgame he was ready to sacrifice his life for protecting the world.I don't mean to say that we should be sacrificing our lives to save our planet or create a change.Sacrifices can be very small.We need to remember that small changes can make a big difference.The three words which I would use to define this Gem of a character would be:1.Constant learner 2.Selfless person 3.Visionary
When it comes to the topic of super heroes then it might not always be just the heroes on books or comics. I personally do not watch marvel movies or any kind of super hero movies so I know less about it. But still what I think is that there are many super heroes all around us. All of them helps us in direct and indirect ways.
Having special ability or super power does not make us super. The thing that makes all of us super is our humanity towards all of others. Yes, I accept the fact that there are many super heroes in real life as well as in movies but that's not all of them. We all can be a hero for other and inspire them for betterment and success. If we do something that helps others little or more then we are hero; the only thing that must be in us is that we should not leave helping when we are tired but we should leave helping when it's done.
Heroes are the one who wills to make a betterment, no matter what, even if he have to sacrifice things that are dear to him/her. So, if we can be super heroes without any power then lets be heroes. Don't just imagine or want the heroes of book to come out, try to place real life heroes on books.
Let's not limit our challenges, but challenge our limits!!!
I really like your thoughts on this topic reserved_engine. I wonder how much change for good we can achieve with the 'everyday actions' of millions of people compared to the actions of one superhero!
There are many smart people around the world and they can change a part of the world , but they are very genius and intelligent people who can change the world , including the cartoon character ( Conan ) , changing the world due to his ability to analyze crime and descover the criminal , even if the cartoon character ( Conan ) is a real character on ground , then surely the world will change and become better , the number of criminals will decrease and the population of the earth will increas , and thun goodness prevails everywhere .
In fact, I would choose(Anne) from the novel Anne in green lands to the author Lucy Maud Montgomery ,why I choose her?
Because Anne has a special and marvelous personality , she of course will change the world by the peace that fills her heart, strength and patience,Anne is a person who won't give up ,she has special ideas outside the box to solve any problem in her way to her dream , She taught me that everything in this universe is exciting and worth exploring ,Anne always ready to lose everything she has to make for others to be happy ,she faced many tragic situations and a lot of people behaved with her too badly ,But the light and love weren't die in her little heart.
So if I want to discribe her in three words it could be: powerful, dreamy and genius
When I was young, I did not stop watching Mr. Ben's cartoon, although it was different and varied from the others. Because he is deaf and does not speak, he did not utter a single word, but he drew a smile on our faces, and he could solve any problem in a few seconds. He can change the world because he is tolerant and understanding of others, and he can make sad people happy. Despite his differences, he has something beyond his capabilities. others and he is his intelligence so I think he can be a very heroic person who can change the world.
For me, the Marvel Universe made a series of films that were all more beautiful than the others. Marvel's concept of cinema was based on diversity. The concept of ordinary cinema changed based on race, specific characters and limited roles. The beauty is that all Marvel films lead to doing good and fighting evil, starting with the first film, Captain America, where her job was to stop the wars, including Iron Man, Hook, Thor, Spiderman, and Helen Barr, who always tries to overcome difficulties and her distinctive role as a mother and wife. Let's not forget the role of Black Tiger, which was a great success and helped change people's perception of the few marginalized groups in the world who were performing a scene that was as small as a few minutes. All Marvel characters deserve praise because they are not just superheroes behind their names, they are always trying to fight evil, improve humanity, masters of justice, and we see many children and adults trying to imitate Marvel heroes and their characters to do good. They're not just imaginary heroes, they're real heroes.
Actually we dont need a super hero, we need a actuall existing man which can change our world. Spider man, Batman, Super man they are just chracters which are not present in real life and they cannot even exist. We have to change our minds. We have to tell upcomming childerns to die for there country, love the world, love your families and work hard to become a man which can actually change the world.
Just a man, humble_date? Could you try rephrasing your comment to be more inclusive?
I think the famous ditective and the inventor ,Mr.Sherlok Homes can change this world. Sherlock Holmes is a fictional private detective created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. "THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES" novels and short stories is spilt into 2 books . Because his way of thinking to find the case can help to solve the mystery cases.And he can solve any kind of cases with his tricky mind. He always think in other perspective which couldn't imagine. He made many criminals to go the prison. And solved many common people cases. So his tricky mind helps to solve the unsolved cases. With the help of his knowledge he can able to make many criminals to go the prison. So I think this character can this world..
The character that I will talk about, I do not think that she is very well known, but she appeared in the series “My Brothers”, which is a Turkish series. This is an example because her mother and father died on the same day, but she remained steadfast, and after less than a year her brother died, but she remained steadfast and took care of her brothers. She was for her brothers, not just a sister, but a sister, a mother and a friend to her brothers. And when you look at her, you feel crying and sorry for her, but she is strong and nothing can crush her.
I think the superhero who can save the world is the Ant-Man because he can read minds and change them. He can change human minds to change the world. This film was released in 2015. Miraculous is also one of the most famous cartoon films to save the world from evil and has achieved a very high viewership
My best character is Professor X, he is featured in X-men films. Out of all his super powers I love the Mind-reading and control. His ability to read the minds of individuals helps him to know what your thinking and plotting, the ability to control the minds of individuals helps him to counter any plan or action about to be executed. What inspires me the most is that he create the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngers. At first, Xavier was the lone teacher for his X-Men students, but over time, Xavier trained some of the best teachers for any young mutant to help the children sent to the school. By this action I learnt what ever you are or who ever you become ,you should be an inspiration and mentor to the younger ones to help them develop. One other inspiring fact is that Professor X created in the '60s, were modeled after Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X.
I chose Black panther cause his tribe has tech that can evolve the world and can inspire the black heritage and diversity and him and the tribe has gadgets and build gadgets that can change big problems in the world.Black panther can change the world by not his strength or powers its because he can inspire others.
i agree
My person is Dorothy Vaughan
She is really inspiring to me as she was a woman of determination and courage and wanted to send the message that boys and girls are equal. At the time when she worked at NASA, people didn’t like and respect woman, especially black woman, but she spoke up for herself and all the other suffering woman and fought for justice. She can really help the world as she can give the silenced woman of Iran hope and courage to prove that women are equal to boys.
My three words to sum her up are:
Brave, determined, resilient.
I have always been a massive fan of the Marvel series, especially spiderman. It is fascinating how a teen like me can make spider webs in his school's chemistry lab and shortly after he is fighting evil with superpowers!
After iron man's death, all the tech belongs to spider-man, so in my opinion, he is the only one capable to change the world. He has got the tech and the intellect needed to change the world. With his help, the science and IT sectors of our world can go up the graph.
I am personally so much into today's tech and all the cool stuff that could happen with this amazing technology we are provided with. Peter Parker is undoubtedly inspiring to me, no matter which universe he is from, he helps people with his great powers.
I would like to sum this up now by describing him in the three most appropriate words.
1. Friendly
2. Daring
3. Science Nerd / Intellectual
I think it would be the last Ronin/ Michelangelo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.) My reason: He went all out with what he had left after the fact that he lost all 3 of his brothers, he saved the world from the foot clan and Master Shredder multiple times without being seen by most of the population in New York, and even then, he went from being the goofiest member in the gang, to the coldest hero in all of New York.
That was only to sum it up.
He used his father's teachings to progress this far, and without his brothers, he no longer has that combination of bonding and teamwork Master Splinter told him and his brothers to use. He also had April O'neil as a teammate. If you think about it, him and his brothers have saved the world many times, Who's to say he can't do it alone?
Superheroes form a powerful alliance to fight crime wherever it is found on Earth, and confront the forces of evil that plan to destroy the world. I think that the character of Superman is the Krypton man who landed on Earth as an infant. He is nicknamed "The Iron Man" and his general character is "Clark" and he is the most powerful person in the world who uses his strength to fight evils coming from all worlds. Full of healthy, morally independent geniuses.
Sui Wen Ti
This emperor was born in 541 AD and died in 603 AD. He commanded the armies of the Northern Zhou Dynasty when he was fourteen years old, and quickly rose to military ranks…
Chinese Emperor Sui Wen Ti succeeded in unifying China after being dispersed for a long time. And soon the emperor established the capital of a unified China and built a great canal connecting the rivers of China. As a result, China has remained unified up to now days and has become the most powerful country in Asia because it has not been exposed to wars and China has become the most developed country in the world.
This great emperor conducted a personnel selection test, which resulted in the selection of the best elements in all of China, conducive to the development of China and the preservation of its unity.
This emperor was so careful and considerate of his people that he lowered taxes on them. His wife had great support for him. She was a strong woman who helped him during his rule.
So I believe that he is able to change the world because what the world is suffering from at the present time is division. The world needs a strong ruler who is able to unite it and make it one hand, and the person capable of this, in my opinion, is Emperor Sui Wen Ti because he unified the largest countries world, which is China
I agree because... the world suffers from conflicts and disunity between countries and it needs a ruler like Sui Wen Te to unite it and make sure to select good competencies for the benefit of the country
There are many great films that have perfect characters, and one of them is Gogo Satoru from the movie Jujitsu Kaisen, which is a fictional world that talks about curses and their levels, but this character was not the hero of the movie, but it really impressed me. She is a character who was not created with such strength, but what she went through when she was young taught her a lesson in her life. You can't do anything..." It is not a requirement that every superhero is born with superpowers and also will not be happy in the end compared to a character I realized as a result of the effort I put in, and I can express it in three words: coldness, wisdom and strength
Personally I would say that films can do more than what a book can do. Even if a book is interesting, I would check how many pages is there in that book. But, when it comes to a film, and I come to know that it has a good story, i won't bother about the length of that movie. I would watch it anyways. I feel that watching a film than reading a book saves time for me. So I feel that films which has an important message can change the world.
I think superman can change the world. What I feel intersting
From a scientific point of view, I think that Thomas Edison is the one who changed the world by inventing the lamp, either in terms of entertainment with Iron Man or Batman, because I think that they made a gap in the world of entertainment, and that all their films are wonderful and interesting
My favorite character in the movie Ladybug and Cat Noir is Miraculous, the world film for Miraculous and New York. She helps people, she changes the world, because she loves all people, and when they get something bad, she helps them, and she does not make anyone in trouble, and there is no hatred and anger in his heart for others. This movie speaks as someone who wants to harm Others, and he has many butterflies, black in color, and touches someone, and he becomes angry and hateful to everyone, and this heroine comes and takes out this black butterfly with her miraculous powers and makes it as usual and good with people.
The character that I think could change the world is Tom the Cat. I find her an inspiring character because this character managed to make everyone happy as a result of the chases. Despite all these arguments, Tom never hesitated to save Jerry, as he gave his message to spread love and peace to the world despite Anger that can control a human being I have learned to spread love and peace to all as it builds and develops societies!
What I find inspiring about the black cat and the ladybug is that they help each other in it and never leave each other even in the most difficult matters and sacrifice themselves for the sake of the other and I know that alone we win and win over some over the enemy always, no one resists us when we are united together
Three words to sum it up and they are (Unity we always win)
Sherlock Holmes is one of the best characters in the world and his stories are among the best stories I have read. He is a sharp-witted investigator who works to solve difficult cases, and has had a positive impact on the world, as he worked to reduce injustice and corruption. And follow many methods such as forensic medicine and chemistry. There are many Sherlock Holmes quotes that changed the thinking of mankind, including: 1️⃣"Nothing small to a great mind"
2️⃣ "Never trust general impressions, son, but focus on the details"
3️⃣"It is better to learn wisdom late than never You ever learn it.”
4️⃣“I am not the law, but I represent justice in my feeble powers.”
5️⃣“You see, but you don't notice.”
Sherlock Holmes is an example to follow. .
i would go with rick Sanchez from the cartoon Rick and Morty. In the cartoon rick is the smartest man in the universe. He can uses his knowledge and brilliance to make all sorts of machines.my personal favorite is the portal gun which can take a person wherever he wants to be. Rick has also protected his family a lot of times for aliens and even his decoy clones that wanted to kill them.
What makes me adore Rick Sanchez is how he finds his way around every problem, especially if its him from another universe.
The character I personally love and I know that she can change the world due to her natural abilities and her superhero self is the one and only Marinette Dupain Cheng ( a.k.a Ladybug ) from an Animated superhero series. She as always been my personal hero in both her normal self and her hero self, she created a whole new creative aspect of me and a brave and courageous side too, what she does to the people around her is very loving and gracious, her attitude and self motivating spirit is one that no one can challenge because it is in her nature. She is one hero that doesn’t give up easily always finding different ways to solve a problem at anytime in other to save her people. The most important thing I actually like from her is that she understands the importance and value of her family and friends which keeps her motivated always, she gives her friends the opportunity to help her out in times of trouble which makes her stronger and better, with her partner Cat noir and her other friends she entrust to fight by her side. Her courageous and risk bearing attitude speaks a lot about her and makes her who she is today. If she is given an opportunity to be a real hero, she would change the world in unexcepted ways that you and I can’t both imagine. Three words to sum it up:
She is brave, kind and Generous.
There are many heroes who were able to change the world, including the cartoon characters, Detective Conan, who possesses intelligence, self-confidence, and very high skill in playing football, and is also good at using weapons. I think I took inspiration from him, and it was my favorite program since childhood, because it was not just a program that we wasted time on, but rather a program that expands our mind when we watch it, and it was like a real character showing us what is going on in our lives and at the same time a cartoon program as if it were a human being and events hidden in cartoon programs
Hi! I am going to talk about wonder woman...
She has godlike strength and also invulnerability due to her shield magic bracelets. With her superhuman strength and superior fighting abilities, she has proven to be able to take on any other member of the Justice League in combat.She proved that womens can face every difficulty in her live..
A character from a book or movie who you think can change the world? I believe that the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, has been able to fight corruption in his country. And the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has made efforts to combat violence against women, and has stood against corruption.
Power and strength are the basis for influencing others, and at the same time they are important tools that help a person in his life. His transformation from an ordinary human being to a human being with a global impact.
This ambition may not be possessed by everyone, but certainly everyone likes to hear that he is strong, has will, and has an influence on others.
I like Tsubasa who is a cartoon character and he is a soccer player. From my point of view, he was an ideal player who, when he lost, did not despair and repeated the game until he won, and other than that, he had an impact on his team
The most beautiful characters that I have seen in the movies, Tom and Jerry, and which I find inspiring about him is that he is entertaining, funny, and represents the conditions of the house. I am a fan of these films, and he is characterized by good morals.
On days off, my family and I used to consult about which movie to watch, and we suggested this, many movies, except for someone to get to, and everyone agrees, and we keep watching it until midnight until we fall asleep, and this is one of the famous funny movies, young and old, watching it even in times of boredom
I love heroes even though I know that they are fictional stories and not real. The films they show are interesting and full of events and action. Even now I'm watching Miraculous Ladybug even though I'm too old for that but I enjoy watching her. I think that Spiderman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles change the nature of a category of the world, not all of it. The effect is through the viewer following the advice in the film, for example, not to rush to make decisions. I think that the stories and what happens with them is inspiring in this matter.
I agree because... I think what you have said is right . Could you give an example which act inspired you a lot ?
Social media nowadays plays an important role in everyone's life ; young, old, girls, boys,educated or simple people.
One of the most famous tick tock influencer khapy lame who is just 22 years old but he has 150 million followers.
Khapy comments in a comic way on other tick tock influencers by opening his hands and making some movement with his face.without saying a word,he affected millions of people
Ithink this person could change the world because of two reasons:
First he is a hard working young man who works hard and makes a fortune during the crisis of Corona,while people around the world were complaining of unemployment. So he could be a very good model for young people. He encourages them to work hard and do their best to achieve their goal
The second reason that ,as he a tick tock influencer,if he speak about good manners needed in the societies like mercy, forgiveness, cooperation,etc... I believe everyone will imitate him unconscnessly.
I agree because... We want to have an inspiring person from whom young people can learn
Stephen hawKing
This scientist was born in 1942 and died in 1918. Stephen hawking is the most prominent theory and cosmologist in the world. He studied at the University of Oxford and obtained a first honors degree in physics. He completed his studies at the University of Cambridge to obtain a doctorate in cosmology and research in the relationship between black holes. This is Stephen hawking. But what can we learn from Stephen hawking that we can change the world? Stephen hawking was suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (motor neuron), despite this disease, he was able to be one of the most prominent physicists, and I consider this scientist a role model for me and other people because he did not allow his disease to overcome his abilities that made him the most prominent physicist..In our current society, there are many people who are considered a collapse of society because they are sick, regardless of the type of disease they suffer from, but this thinking is wrong, and perhaps this person is able to change the entire world Cosmologist Stephen Hawking changed our view of the universe with his remarkable theories and outreach. He also inspired generations around the world, making some of the most complicated physics of our time accessible to the masses
The person who thinks they can change the world
BTS band
It was despised by the public and the music industry
And they started from a very small and newly established agency
But because of persistence and determination
They are now the best and most famous band in the world
And they helped many people to gain confidence and self-love and get rid of depression
I find them inspiring because I learned from them to believe in our dreams
And it will come true someday
I think that Jackie Chan could change the world because as he is being world famous and he is also popular around the kids .Jackie Chan is loved and inspired by kids. As the kids are the future citizen, they will be adopting the characteristics of Jackie Chan shown in the film ,cartoon and book so that the kids will the changing the country .
The thing I find inspiring about him was :
He never gives up
A strong decision maker
Handles everything with cool
A great fighter
The three word to sum him:
Hello . I think that you can be a hero yourself . To be a hero , whether in front of people or in front of yourself . Being kind , fair , and wonderful is only required to be a hero. About myself personally , when I help someone , I feel that I am the best . I am a hero in my eyes and in the eyes of people . His heart and love for people and helping them would be equal to any hero who had an inspiring story
I agree anyone could be a hero. You can as well ! and,
You Being your own hero means showing yourself real love by developing your own values and staying true to any commitments you've made to yourself. Do what you say you're going to do and feel proud of yourself, confident in your character. In the end, heroes are all about intention, consistency and compassion.
I feel like Harry Potter in the book from the book of Harry Potter written by British author J.K. Rowling would change the world because however much he kept on loosing people who loved him the most protected him the most which are his mum, dad and Dumbledore he still didn't give up he kept on fighting till he finally won Lord Voldemort which inspires me to always not hide away from my problems or fears however much its too stressing and hard but just keep fighting them till I gain victory. My hero Harry Potter.
Stephen Strange in Dr. Strange's movie “Multiverse of Madness”, he founds out an alien demon that was sent by Wanda to get the power of the kid (America Chavez) as Dr. Strange has the abilities, Battle IQ, and Skills to handle things on his own with or without anyone's help to save the world.
For me I would go with black panther, because he is the king of Wakanda and he has much technology and he is rich so he can buy many things to protect and improve the country.
I agree to your' comment but rich " is not really A good word in my opinion. I would have used Loyal". Because he was loyal to his country. " He was also responsible because he protected wakanda and cared for their needs and there feelings,( No offense this is just my opinion)
In my opinion, Goku from the dragon ball series could change the world because a lot of people would look up to him and the world would be a lot better place. People are inspired by goku mainly because he (without a debate) is the strongest fictional character ever, with goku on this earth, we could last longer as a civilization. This could also be bad, because super powers such as, the USA or Russia could want to use him, it goes 2 ways, goku doesn't join either country or goku doesn't join either country but a war breaks out.
3 words i'd describe goku as is, KIND, COURAGEOUS, and COOL
I feel like Asta from the anime story called " black clover" because he is a spinning image of never giving up. I find asta so inspiring to me because in the black clover story asta is an outcast and gets bullied for it, and gets judged for going a low level. But he works his way up to gain respect from the higher ups. This shows me how to not listen to anyone else and never give. I feel like asta would be a good help to the world because he could show us how to never give up.
To sum up asta in three word
Black panther could be able to change the world. Black panther could change the world because it could be more diverse in the superhero films. Black panther could also make the superhero in other movies more diverse. Shang-chi could also change the world. The same reasons as black panther but also Shang-chi is like a normal superhero he doesn't have a crazy superpower like every other superhero. Shang-chi shows that superheroes can have a normal superpower and not a big superpower just to make the character likeable. This is how black panther and Shang-chi could change the world.
see in my opinion i think that the blue people could change the world because of how they can mind control other people from the outer world. Something i find inspiring about them is that they made there own under water home/ place to live. Three words i can use to sum them up is blue,unerwater,mindcontroling.
Personally i think chadwick boseman will change the world bc his movie present black heritage month for people that looks up to him for being one of the best superheros of all time,some people call him a legend for having one of the best movies because the plot is good and his tec in black panther is one of the best
l choose iron man because he try to make his tec to protect the earth from space and invasions, and coordinates than all the other superheroes and l also choose him because he is one of the people that sacrifice his life to save his earth to make every thing peaceful for the people,and one more thing love you 3000
In my opinion is believe the franchises Marvel and Dc can change the world in a very important way because when DC first came out it during the Great Depression DC was able to have a form of comfort in the form of their comics, because the Great Depression was a hard and tough time. Marvel is also a great form of entertainment because they have been able to create some of the best action movies and T.V show's and with the Succsessful MCU movies and their actors such as Tom Holland and other Marvel and DC have been able to change the world in the form of entertainment.
I choose iron man, because he protects the world and also has super powers to protect the world, he is very powerful and has many muscles to protect us and l someone wanted to hurt him it would not hurt him
Walt DIsney is one of the best forms of entertainment because with just three circles they were able to create Mickey Mouse one of the if not the most iconic fictional characters of all time. Walt Disney has been able to create classic such as Fantasia which Is one of my favorites and others and they created great games such as kingdom Hearts,and they have created one of the best amusement park DIsney land,and world.
No one can change the world. All marvel heroes were becoming cause of destruction of world.
Interesting point! Can you give an example?
Formerly a mortal man, Galactus is a cosmic entity who consumes planets to sustain his life force.
Another example is team of avengers. It was seeming that they saved world but they became cause of world destruction
No one of them can change the world because they all just fought and lost then again fought and won then they are going to fight then again lose this was becoming the cause of world destruction. We are the heroes. Who can save this world ?You and me can save this world.
I think black panther will change the world because he has a suit made up of vibranium which does not let him take any physical damage the only thing that could hurt him is old age and when hes not in his suit
I would go with people that are scientists.Their experiments could help us find the secrets of the world and also make it a better place.
I think that iron man can change the world
How could we change the world? If we can get batman or spider man they could always stop crime and stop all this madness and we could use iron man to that's what I think
The character i would choose is black panther. Because he has to deal with finding different people to put in his films.
On my personal sympathy , iron is the character than could change the world because the structural body of iron man is about programmed stuff that shed light about the technology . Technology is the only thing that may change the world in the future its just want some mind . I can inspire them to It improves these characters and they are more realistic than fantasy . An evolving future is a thriving imagination
Anyone can change when i say anyone I mean everyone! .
It's always been! possible for any person to change-if they truly work. There are a few things that impact a person's ability and desire to make changes in life. They include genetics, motivation, and personality. "This may not happen in a instant. but a lot of people such as We.
We often think change only happens over a long period of time. And yes, when it comes to changing physically, that's often true. However, leveling up mentally or making life changes can in fact, happen in an instant. And dont doubt yourself its always possible to create change. It is and never will be too late to change your life and go after your dreams. You are never stuck. It is never impossible or out of reach. All you have to do is make a start to your new story . :)
Who could change the world?
The answer is simple,Anybody can!!!Even small things can make big differences,you probably just don't know it yet.
For an example, social media,social media is something most people use nowadays and according to an article,about 4,71 billion people use social media,so that's about 59.3% of people across the global population.So if everybody,or at least some people, spread the word about hatred,or callout on racism, sexism,or homophobia more people will know.
And sure not a lot of people care about the hatred in this world but if you do,even if you're just the one who calls it out,that small thing can build up to make a big difference.
I know a lot about myself that will make my life harder when i grow up,but i want to make it less harder for myself,and for everybody similar to me.I want to change the world and i know that i'm just a kid, but me being on social media showing the important things i think people should see or telling people important things i think they should hear,will make a big difference,maybe not to you but for me.
You may be wondering who I might be admiring from a show, Or a Movie. But, Its none of the above in my eyes we are the hero . We are the true ones who can create change and hope for the world . You may be wondering how to change the world even yourself Step 1: Find your purpose. ...
Step 2: Set long term goals to live a successful life. ...
Step 3: Learn the habits of successful people. ...
Step 4: Stay focused on what you want in life. ...
Step 5: Stay motivated on the way. ...
Step 6: Refocus when change happens.
Even if you may be at your worst point you can change yourself, and the world :) ! " You can admire your parents or a superhero !. And when you change your life you can change the world with your happiness and kindness around you. With your brand new YOU.!
I'd say the character who could change the world would be Rick Sanchez from the show ( Rick and Morty). Why you ask, well Rick is a scientist who managed to create portal travel and other creative inventions that helped ease life for him if we had the Rick as a real scientist he would first make portal travel available to everyone so that would cut off on the use of vehicles like cars, planes and boats which cause greenhouse gases which cause issues like global warming. He would also create a new alternative source of energy to power things like planes and cars but without polluting the environment.
What inspires me about Rick the most is that even when in tough situations and where it looks like science isn't applicable he always finds a solution to the problem in one way or the other. Like when he turned himself into a pickle and he was thrown into the sewer he thought that he was going to die there but when he found a dead cockroach he used his tongue to touch the cockroaches brain and was able to make the cockroaches body parts to move.
To sum them up I would say;
1. Smart
2.Cool headed
3.Can work in under pressure
Iron Man can beacause he has technology and can help people understand whats happening in the world. He uses his powers well and has controll so he could change the world.
This is another here i think that can change the world is iran and he has technology and he can also help people understand what happening in the world.
What film could change the world?" and why?"
Films can have an impact far greater than first imagined. They can influence culture, politics, laws, and more importantly, they can change the course of history (apologies for being melodramatic). As Haifaa Al Mansour, Saudi Arabia's first female director, perfectly put it; 'Art can touch people and make them open up. Films may seem old or strange but they can be greater than we ever imagined,"
i Personally would go with batman because he is rich he has cool cars and gadgets the could hurt bad guys and save the world
spider man because he would save the world from villans.
Personally I would think Doctor Strange because he can go into different universes and he can change things back in time with the time stone and help other people and change things. Also he can make people think things didn't even exist.Doctor strange can also tell us what will happen in the future so we can change what were doing wrong right now.
You may be wondering who is my hero and it is god.
He is my hero because he is sacrificial, inspiring, and courageous. I think Jesus is sacrificial because he sacrificed his life for you and me and our sins. He is also sacrificial because he sacrificed his time of day to help others in need of help . He reminds me ,
"We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. This verse describes the different characteristics of heroism: Helping those in need"
A hero is selfless, a genuinely good person, and someone gets the undivided attention of all of us and causes change. Someone willing to risk their own life to save another.
Originally I would pick Mr. Beast, A Youtuber who creates videos on youtube which helps many people by donating to others with money to live and even make up a good laugh in the videos. At the moment he is alive, still donating and helping others with charity and making much more videos to make money and laughs to help more people as we speak. So in my conclusion, Mr. Beast Is the person to change the world.
someone who can change the world is luffy, i say this character because Luffy his a person who ate a fruit that can't make him swim.but with his friends he would have died ever since he ate that fruit he couldn't stop falling in water but his friends was there for him that ,
can relate to us humans for a great example like i said the fruit Luffy ate made him not able to swim for instance but us we have technology that made us more indoor. our generation is gonna become chao's so the only way we can stop that is with friends The word friend is a word that can never be broken Friends encourage you to make you laugh and play with you.
that is my character and I hope you can watch the anime.
Personally, I think superman would change the world. Superman is a Superhero and he knows how to do a lot of things.One of the things that i like about Superman is that he has superspeed. I like this because if u do something u can run away from it or if there's an emergency u can get to it fast.
The person I feel like the person that could change the world is ironman the reason I think this is because he has super technology and can get a warning before something happens. That is why I feel like ironman would be able to change the world.
The person that I think could change the world is superman. I feel like superman can change the world because he is so inspirational. The way he is inspirational is because he can fly, when someone is in danger he can fly to them. That will inspire people to not kill/rob people because they will know that superman is coming to save the person that is being robbed/killed.
Anyone can change the world but have to have the mentality and your brain has to be mentally prepared for the challenge.For example someone sits on the couch and doesn't do anything but go to work and back they does not have the mindset to change the world.Take martin luther king Jr and Rosa parks they teamed together for generally segregation.Them two of many have changed the world.
I feel like Harry Potter in the book from the book of Harry Potter written by British author J.K. Rowling would change the world because however much he kept on loosing people who loved him the most protected him the most which are his mum, dad and Dumbledore he still didn't give up he kept on fighting till he finally won Lord Voldemort which inspires me to always not hide away from my problems or fears however much its too stressing and hard but just keep fighting them till I gain victory. My hero Harry Potter.
Mr. Beast is a character from a book and known worldwide for his generosity towards mankind like he donates money, assets, cars and more to the needy. What I find inspiring about him is that he donates to charity big amounts for money which are even more than enough for them and he puts a smile on a person's face.
He is Rich, Generous and kind
I would go with wonder woman because wonder woman is a good character. she inspires me to be loving & brave. She's a one of a kind person with lots of talent & diversity in her films. she's cute, creative, & the strongest in the marvel superhero history of all time.
I would go Black Panther because he gave me the best childhood I can ask for so that is why I go with black panther
wakanda forever RIP Black Panther.
it sonds good
I'd say the character who could change the world would be Rick Sanchez from the show ( Rick and Morty). Why you ask, well Rick is a scientist who managed to create portal travel and other creative inventions that helped ease life for him if we had the Rick as a real scientist he would first make portal travel available to everyone so that would cut off on the use of vehicles like cars, planes and boats which cause greenhouse gases which cause issues like global warming. He would also create a new alternative source of energy to power things like planes and cars but without polluting the environment.
The character that inspires me the most is Shuri from black panther, she has an innovative and creative mind. She really inspires and captivates me with all her inventions in Wakanda that has solved a lot of problems. In our world today creative and innovative minds are needed because creative minds can come up with a viable solution to solve problems. In our world creativity allows us to view and solve problems more openly and with innovation. Creativity opens the mind our minds to bright ideas. Innovation, creativity and bravery can make a positive impact that change our world.
I think spider man could change the world because he can use his sticky web to stop robbers or other villains and he can climb walls. I found spider man inspiring because he is very brave and can fight off big villains. I think spider man is Trustworthy, Brave, and Gentle.
I would say that the boy in the book The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy
could change the world as he is very positive and motivational. I look up the the boy in the book because he encouraged his friends when they were feeling upset. To sum him up, I would say
I don't think so that any superhero can save this world. They only cause destruction. You might have seen marvel movies in which the cause of a villan is a hero that's how they cause destruction. I think we are the superheroes that can save the world.
A character from a book or movie that you think could change the world?
"Papa Smurf", first the Smurfs, are fictional characters of small size, blue in color, and live in the forest. They were created by the Belgian painter Pierre Colliford. Papa Smurf is the elder and leader of the village. They trust him and feel safe in his presence among them.
Why he is an inspiration?
Because When they encounter a problem that they are unable to solve, he meets with them and gives them the motivation that will help them solve their problems, and he does not discourage any Smurf, because his happiness lies in seeing their creativity and passion in what they do on a daily basis. And if any Smurf makes a mistake, he does not punish him harshly, frustrate him, or even banish him from his village, but rather talks to him and gives him an opportunity to fix the mistake he made, even if he repeats this mistake more than once, because his goal is to learn his Smurfs from their mistakes and convince them that no one is perfect and mistakes incoming.
According to me black panther is the character which could change the world in an efficient way and protect all natural resources with the help of technology. After his father death he becomes the king of wakanda and makes all the tribes to live in a friendly and peaceful relationship with available resources. But when he became the king of wakanda he faced many challenges among the tribes he managed and solved all the problems what we faced and became best leader also . When he exist in real he makes all of the country to share the surplus resources available from which we can avoid wars .He makes the world to live in a technology which doe not cause any damages to the world . He also create a technological equipment which makes the physically challenged people to live in a better way .
in my honest opinion i think Lucy from the movie Lucy could change the world . in the movie Lucy is injested with a blue drug that increases her brain percentage. at some point in the movie she could literally do anything and everything. someone will know how to tackle every problem thrown at her. at the end of the movie she became a computer, a supercomputer. and from the movie she knew every thing that happened , is happening and will happen. so i feel she will know how togo about with all the problems she is faced with
What inspires me about the movie the woman King is how a woman was able to take a leadership position and protect her people from danger, her people were her major priority and she was willing to lay down her life for her people at any cost. The movie inspired me to embrace my instincts, stand up against things that contradict my morals. What also captivated me was the fact that leaders build communities where the people live in unity and people should always be visionaries and embrace differences when you are in a team. These are the things that really inspired me.
Charles-Emily Collod: Helping many, many children to develop their abilities, he is the inventor of the first machine on which cartoon films appeared, on which the idea was later taken to be exploited by making modern large screens
Rudolph Ising: Author of the best cartoon in childhood, Tom and Jerry. This famous comic cartoon won an Oscar, as it was launched from the United States in 1940 and won the admiration of everyone from all over the world. It was translated into some languages and shows a struggle between a mouse and a cat. The idea is that Tom is trying to catch Jerry . He prepares it as food for him to eat, but Jerry runs away and pulls funny pranks on him
I think Nightwing from Titans could change the world.
I say him because this guy was literally raised by Batman we all know what Batman can do this guy has technology, skills, connections and all that. But the special things about nightwing are that he has lived all the Batman life and more because this guy has literally got all the training and all the skills from all these different people Batman knows he has also been Robin Batman's assistant. Leaving all that sweet life this guy decided to start his own team knows as Titans, this guy had to bear the loss of teammates, but still remained saving because that's what a nice guy does, this guy saves people who don't even know their powers and he trains them and they use their powers to save the world for example Raven, Beast boy and Superboy. This guy understands people I mean look at Red hood.I personally I fell inspired by this dude mostly when he does everything possible to save and he does like how he did it it in Gotham city that alone made me feel that this guy is so much and the fact that he used teamwork that just changes everything. I generally say him because he sets an aim saving and combines it with all the skills, love, teamwork and all that is needed.
I find teamwork inspiring about them.
Teamwork because we have all watched these movies and we all know that there is always a team behind the main hero and we all know that at times it's impossible without a team because even the villains always have a team that involve the army at least. So I find teamwork inspiring because with teamwork the dream is attained and many people get to share that success and many smiles are seen as well and me I like seeing people happy and smiling.
Harry Potter series has always fascinated everyone young and old across the Globe. There are two important incidents that has always impressed me in this series. One is the Prisoner of Askaban and the next being the last Deathly Hallows.
In the final scenes of Prisoner of Askaban, when the dementors suck the energy out of Harry and Sirius, Harry at first thinks that it is his father James who is saving him. However, through the time travel, he realizes, that he was the one who cast the Patronus charm. HE SAVED HIMSELF.
Likewise, in the final scenes of second part of Deathly Hallows, Harry is under the impression that his headmaster Dumbledor would help him to vanquish Voldemort. However, sometime later, he realizes, he is the solution for the riddle, and he alone can solve the problem.
From this Harry potter series, I understood, we may have so many people around to help us, support us, voice for us, however when it comes to the situation, we alone can be the change maker.
We and we alone should take responsibility and take action. This is what inspired me. Don't look for heroes around you. You are the hero. You are the change maker; you be part of the solution rather than seeking somebody to solve it. If I have to sum it up in three words, it would be:
I loved this comment partly because I am a Potterhead and also because you expressed "belief in oneself" so beautifully.
Self-belief is a superpower if harnessed properly. If we are brave, bold and confident, we can be such great leaders.
Thank you for your comment. Like Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Nation said, Be the Change that You want to see !!
The character I find inspiring is Nanisca from the movie The Woman king and the reason is because of her leadership skills. She was courageous, brave and she was able to lead her people to victory and protect her people even though her life was at risk. Its really inspiring and captivating seeing a woman taking a leadership position and carrying out her duties efficiently and with courage.
Terry Deary, the man who created the Horrible History novel in 1993. He started with the "Terrible Tudors" and The "Awful Egyptians". Terry Deary has made a combination of leisure and education. He has made history interesting and also deepens the study of history. In 2009 due to the great success of the novel, a tv series was created, this has created the opportunity for children to learn their history also outside the classroom. His franchise also comprises of magazines, stage shows and audio books. It is written in 45 languages which enables non-english speaking countries read and learn about international history. Groovy Greeks is my favourite, it portrays Greek history and mythology .
I believe that if there any movie that would change the world it would be "THE BEAUTIFUL MIND" a brilliant movie from Ron Howard. It is based on the story of John Nash despite having a long term disorder called schizophrenia. He made significant contributions to the field of mathematics, including the math of decision-making and the extension of game theory which powerfully conveys the message that recovery is possible and that “extraordinary things can happen.”
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.
I believe that book changed my life, it really made me become passionate on the idea of charity as a way of life. That book convinced me that a single kind action can alter a person’s life forever. One single act of kindness can make a whole world.
I still try to live by it.
I think I will go with Thor, Because Thor is close to being a god compared that he is a human and he defeated Zeus and Gorr so in my point of view Thor was one of the most movies i got entertained by, And the way he transferred
from his fat state to being a muscular man was amazing.
I find the character Sarafina inspiring from the movie Sarafina dated back to 1992. She is a South African teenager that fought against the apartheid Government. I was inspired by her courage and vision to put an end to the apartheid Government not minding if she went to prison or was tortured. She represented the battle of the children of Soweto against the brutal apartheid government. She also changed the world because in 1994, two years after the release of the movie the apartheid Government was stopped in South Africa.
Of course, there are some people whose names are immortalized in history, to live long after they are gone. Then there are those unsung pioneers whose accomplishments - good and bad - changed the course of history, but whose names remain - for the most part - unknown to us.
Nils Bohlin)
Swedish engineer Nils Bullen was working for Volvo in 1958 when he came up with a revolutionary design that saved millions of lives. The seat belt in the car in its current form. A simple waist belt (like the ones we see on an airplane) has been around for a long time in cars, but the three-point seatbelt came as a great technological advance with a minimalist design. Bohlin received a patent for the design
I want to be Charlie Bucket in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Although he’s not as wealthy as the other characters in the book, Charlie has an impressive personality that makes him outstanding.
Even though he comes from a poor family, he is always looking for opportunities, and eventually he finds the Golden Ticket to enter Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. Gradually, he passes a series of challenges and becomes the owner of the factory, and I feel like it was his good behaviour and not luck that he became the owner of the factory.
I would like to be Juli from the book, Flipped. I like her a lot because of her boldness and perseverance.
There are good messages in the story and Juli has always been my role model. She never gives up. She has done a lot to show her love for Bryce, like asking him to hang out near her favourite sycamore tree, and sending his family eggs hatched from her own chickens.
Although Bryce is not responsive at first, Juli sticks to her beliefs and is totally comfortable in her own skin. I wish I had that courage.
I'll be talking about a superhero from the marvel comics who goes by the name "Shuri". What I find captivating about "Shuri" is the fact that she is a brave and ambitious woman who strived and proved that she was capable of holding a leadership position. She didn't give up on the fact that she was rejected by the god's. I'm also inspired by the fact that she is a multitasker, she is a teacher, a scientist and a tech genius who uses uses her innovative and creative skills to protect her country from harm.
Yes, Superman, strange visitor from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mere mortals. The Kryptonian hero, appearing in Action Comics #1, didn’t start his career battling Lex Luthor or the evil General Zod. He started out racing against the clock to exonerate Evelyn Curry, an innocent woman scheduled for execution by the state, rescuing another woman from an abusive spouse and nabbing a corrupt lobbyist trying to deceive the American public.
The Man of Steel’s young creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, were the children of Jewish immigrants in the 1930s. They saw the rise of fascism and Nazism in Europe and understood that the rising mindset of supremacy, exploitation and demagoguery was among the greatest threats to our own nation. In Superman’s debut, they portrayed his smashing of oppression and challenging government misconduct as the epitome of heroism.
three words to sum him perfect efficient, admirable and impossible.
I would like to talk about The Batman. I'm inspired by the fact that he is very rich but he doesn't show pride. He behaves like a normal civilian and also goes as an undercover superhero to protect the lives of citizens . I also admire the fact that he uses his wealth for technological advancements in his hideout called "The bat cave". He doesn't have any superpowers but he uses technology to fight crime and protect the people of his city. He was not stopped from becoming a great person by the death of his parents instead he used it as a motivation to help people and prevent them from experiencing his predicament. He shows passion and self motivation because he never gives up no matter how many times he fails.
My hero is elastgirl also known as Helen parr, she is my hero because she is the definition on someone who can do it all, she gets to live a somewhat fairytale life, she gets to be superhero and a mom, even though her life at home isn't always great, she gives me hope that women can do it all despite what people say. In three words elastgirl is just ''her own inspiration''.
My personally hero is MYSELF because with determination, commitment and strong faith, i can change the world with my desired career, one of my very good plan on making a change that will affect the world is to improve in the theater art sector by bringing up new talented dreamers in my country who can easily express themselves freely with others and globally, and together we will make a positive great change and be on the history book someday.
I think the character May parker, Spider-man's aunt could change the world. She might not be a superhero, but she’s a more than an iconic comic book character than most superheroes. In my opinion she does have a superpower the ability to guide peter when he needs the most, even when peter thought he was smart sneaking out every night, thinking aunt May had no idea, she did, and she told him to tell her what was wrong and how she could help, a little care and honesty could go a long way. She is REAL, CARING, STRONG.
One of the heroes I know that can change the world is Disney. I honestly like and support disney in any movie they create because ALL the movies they ever created always comes with a strong motivational moral lesson, and it is this moral lesson that opens the positive side of everyone and makes them realize many positive aspects of life. Disney rises people of great talent and repute to become influential role models to others and gives one an chance to become his or her own hero due to the positive accomplishment he or her has set aside to influence and help in the upbringing of the economy. Disney does all things for the people and that is what makes them heroes to all the people of the world. Creativity, Self determination and Endless opportunities is what makes disney.......DISNEY
i would honestly go with todoroki from the anime boku no hero academia because he can use ice and fire to his will he can even make from thin air it would help with climate change it would even help endangered animals that live on ice he would really change the future on earth. My second choice would be ironman his view on technology would really change the world because he uses energy to fuel his suits not fossil fuels if we apply jarvis to cars and other objects it would really help so we dont have to do somethings when we could be more productive at the time.
Spoiler warning for Venom 2. Venom he is a hero as of those comics were he teamed up with Spider-Man and in his film he stops carnage from turning the whole world red
Venom is an interesting character, do they always do good?
Fela Anikulapo Kuti a Nigerian artiste featured in a movie documentary "Finding Fela " What I find so inspiring about Fela is how he manipulated music and used it as a weapon to fight against brutality, corruption and the legacy of colonialism. Fela was against the Nigerian government copying exactly what the colonial masters did he also helped Nigerians gain confidence to challenge bad governance. The most inspiring part is despite the torture, beating and even throwing Fela mother from a window, he never gave up giving Nigerians confidence to speak out. Due to what Fela did Nigerians have gotten the courage to speak out on governmental issues, fight for their right and gain independence of their mind.
I think Cindrella could change the world because she managed to do things on her own.She was also a motivation for me as she helped me to do my chores on time.The three words i could sum up about her is that she was shown as:
3. Responsible
I'm not sure about this because in present days I think everybody is a cinderella because society demands responsibility from everyone including children, the assignment we are given in school and at home is a test on our responsibility, Global Conversation is also training us on being responsible for our actions and things that happen around us. Strength is not only physical, someone may not be physically strong but they are emotionally and mentally strong. At the age of 17 or 18, society has made it that individuals at that age are independent because government provides funds and structures that will enable an individual of that age to be independent, our younger ones(ages 5 to 13 ) are also independent to some level because they do not always call for help they sometimes take responsibility into their hands and do things for themselves. If these are the qualities of cinderella then everyone is a cinderella, directly or indirectly.
I personally think that Mulan could change the world because she proved that girls can do anything that boys can do.Mulan is one of the best disney characters in my opinion.
The three words about her are that she was/could:
3.Do anything for her family
If all the girls in the world followed Mulan then are world would be like a part of heaven.
Jean Grey from X-men is a character that inspires me because she is an intelligent woman and an amazing woman who is a source of power and inspiration to any female out there because she demonstrated how remaining true to yourself under all circumstances is the key to achieving your goals.
The character that inspires me is Miss Marvel and that is because many women struggle with the idea of following their own dreams, and live their lives hiding in the shadow of others but Ms. Marvel, the counterpart of Captain Marvel represents almost every woman out there. She really inspires me because she struggled to come out of the main character’s shadow and fight the expectations of others by becoming who she really wants to be.
I feel as if Black Panther can change the world because of the way he saves people in the movie and maybe he can also help the black heritage, he would be a brave black man who saved the world and maybe more people would like that. Learn more about black heritage. I'm also saying that Black Panther should save the world because of his character in the movie Waconda. In the movie he was calm, he was consistent with himself and always held his head up and never doubted himself, he kept working and believed in himself even if he lost, he got back, he can teach the world to never give up. When the challenges are tough. I hope this is what you wanted to hear or read.
It is known as wild cat
They can be found in forest
It has a dark coat of shiny far
From my opinion, changing the world doesn't need a superhero , it needs a wise person to lead the world into the right and bright side. For example, the character of Papa Smurf is one of the protagonists from the comic strip the Smurfs. "Papa is the oldest Smurf and the leader of all Smurfs. Despite his age, he is still quite energetic." Easily distinguishable from all the other Smurfs, Papa Smurf is the only Smurf who does not wear white cap. His cap is red which represents leadership and wisdom. In all the episodes of this fantastic carton, he plays a major role in rescuing the little smurfs from the wicked Gargamel traps. Besides, this cartoon is one of the best series which represents diversity and representation because of the diverse characters of the smurfs. Each one has something different and unique in his character which encouraging people to accept each other whatever they are.
Harry potter not only gave us entertainment but there are many takeaways,
Professor McGonagall:
Being a teacher at Hogwarts, McGonagall has excellent leadership skills. She puts on others first, then she wants everyone around to grow with her. She is very brave and leads her people to victory. If she was not there in the battle of Hogwarts, the battle would have been lost because in the battle, when the death eaters were attacking her, even when her life was at risk, she saved her students from danger.
When the system of education in Hogwarts was bad; the ministry put so much pressure on students, and became money minded, she took a lot of actions against them not thinking about her prestige or a cell in Azkaban!
I admired when McGonagall fought for justice courageously for her people.
Being a woman, she has a lot of courage; love for her people, and patriotism for her country. I understood that she always wanted people to be happy.
I Want her to become a world leader in creating Unity in diversity because I hope that if she becomes the leader, hunger, water scarcity, global warming, cruelty towards animals, deforestation education corruption and all pollution would come to an end!
I have chosen not one character but three to be precise I have chosen the three bears from the cartoon ''we bare bears'' Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear they would change the world because to me they go through a lot but always manage to bounce back I feel like the series is a little bit based on present times and how people try to adapt to different things, those three bears to me face the trials of the modern world and try not to be affected too much by the change while also trying to adapt.
I find the character Matilada from the 1996 fantasy comedy" Matilda" inspiring. she represents the power of knowledge. Her passion for eductation inspired me the most, despite the fact her foster parents did not want her to go to school at a young age her courage to stand up to her dad and tell him she wanted to go to school was inspiring. It shows education is a major key in life. She has given courage to younger children to follow their passion.
I think Lyra Silvertounge from his dark materials would be able to change the world because when she sets her mind on something she does it, just like when she travelled to the land of the dead to say sorry to her friend.
Matilda,because she had telekinesis powers and she stood up to the bad, she cared about her friends and also looked out for them which makes her a hero to look up to.
Change can be good or bad, the character Joker. He is not a bad character, but rather a bad product of his circumstances. He does not have any superpower but instead he uses his knowledge in chemical engineering to make weapons. What is inspiring about him is his ability to influence good or bad, his application of knowledge( chemical engineering) and his quotes will make you see why some people go down a dark path in life or see a deeper understanding of life.
Can a bad character change the world, most it always be a good character?
Sherlock Holmes: the man who changed the way many people think and judge things, a consulting investigator who led people intellectually and astonished them with every case he solves , the first time we know about him was in 1887 then many books wrote about him on Extensively and contributed to clearly influencing the entire humanity, and his books were translated into many languages to demand of people, as people began to follow the methods of Holmes analysis in forensic medicine, analytical chemistry and in literature as well, In a novel, Holmes said, "One unconsciously begins to burn facts to fit theories, rather than the theories to fit the facts."
This sentence changed the way many think and said this in their personal forums as well , In general, Holmes is a logical, ambitious and balanced personality.........
I would say the purple ninja from ninjago,he would really change the world because he is a person and he can represent the world because he was in a wheel chair at a young age and he help the ninja some times.The purple ninja grew up a few years and he became a paper-boy at maybe 12 years old and he helped and helped the ninja.
In my opinion, I think it would be iron man.He carried a whole nuke then went into a black hole. He offed thanos and other villains and he has multiple suits that can also help him with different things.
I think lebron james could change the world because i looked up his net worth and it said that he had one billion dollars as his net worth. He also can send to charity.
I feel Naruto from the anime film “Naruto” because he never gave up on his dream. He went from a demon boy that the villagers did not like. They bullied him like they beat him up and talked behind his back. But now he is the Hokage of his village.He had one dream to become the Hokage the ruler of his village but everyone around his surrounding would say stuff like u cant do it etc. Even after all that he never gave up. So in general Naruto is the one who could change the world.
I feel that human beings are the ones who have been assigned this responsibility of changing the myths and superstitions of society. And this doesn't need the involvement of any superpower. It just needs the correct mindset and nothing else. It's not practical to say that the correct attitude will do but it requires a lot more. It needs the grit, the fire to hold on to the journey of struggle. That's what God has intended us to do.
I feel the most inspired by Mother Teressa. For me, she's a real superhero. I watched a documentary on her and it had this instance:- Mother Teressa was in India and communal riots were on a rise those days. So she had some chapattis with her and despite being hungry, she gave the chapatis to the Hindu family next door which comprised of 3-4 children and their mother. The children's maturity was way higher than their age. They gave half of the chapatis to a Muslim family living next door. This instance not only brought a gradual smile to my face but also highlighted the level of generosity of human kind.
I agree because... we change everyday we don't stay the same we grow up and change we also don't ack the same
I would choose Mathew from the book The Goldfish Boy as he is very observant and is good at solving things but he would need a lab suit to feel more comfortable. He would make a great scientist or someone who uses microscopes to find sickness or virises in plants ect. If he was provided with the right gear (latex gloves, a lab suit and a diary ) he could make a huge differance in the world. My three words to sum him up are observant, tidy and imaginative.
Well, I'm going to talk about Todoroki Shoto. He's a superhero in the anime "Bokuno Hero Academia."
A cold personality and stems from a harsh environment
He can be calm throughout the battle and despite the fact that he is tough in the battle, but he adheres to heroic morals. Shoto still has a distant attitude but has become sociable with those around him and sometimes smiles and has a sense of humor
Also, Shoto hates the power of fire because it indicates the power of evil and reminds him of the power of his father, which he used against Shoto's mother to make her a tool to win over the Might, but during his fight with Faragi, he told the Narrows that he used it against Shoto's mother.
In addition to possessing speed and agility, he has quick reactions and is able to create ice walls in a fraction of a second. He can change the world for me, he has two powers, fire and ice, and these two forces we need in life, fire we can cook on and warm in it and skin we can freeze food with and a lot of things we can do with it. I also find him inspiring, since he has these two powers, he is very intelligent and also has a very fast speed
I think Captain America could make a difference in the world because he is different from the other Avengers because he does not like killing.
Anyone can change the world just like you and me even doctors, scientist and movie directors movie directors can show topic that are not talked about or ingnored
I think a character from a tv show named rick sanchez could save the world. Rick has the technology to teleport across univere's at any time and is smart enough to solve multiple world problems. The only problem is that he doesn't care enough to save the world but, it has been shown that he will help people when he feels like it. The three words i would use to describe him is smart,strong, and cool.
in my perspective, i believe that Mulan changed the world for the women because she snuck into the army because no woman was allowed in the army just because she was a female. She might not have been just as strong as the men but she was smart that she still succeeded. She wanted to show that females can be as strong and as intelligent as males, and not to stereotype women. I feel inspired by Mulan because she made me feel that we can do the same things that man can but better.
Sum Words-
I would go with Black Panther, I think he could change the world because of how generous he is, I feel like he would be the person ending world poverty.The thing i found inspiring about him is that he saved so many people in the film. Black Panther is personally the best person ever. Smart, courageous, and generous. I also love how the movie is so diverse, so other people from different religions won't have to feel so ashamed of their religion.
In my opinion I am going for Wonder Woman. I find her strong and independent nature the most inspiring. She is one of the many wonderful women that shows that females are more than just a " Cook " or a " Clean ". They show that women can be stronger than people may think of us as. Three words that I would sum her up as are: Strong, Independent, and Very Clever.
I believe Spiderman could change the world because he is very powerful and inspiring, I believe spiderman is inspiring because he took responsibility for his powers knowing it could risk his life. I think three words to sum up Spiderman is Strong, Powerful, and Encouraging.
Medusa is a villain. She is, without doubt, or question, an evil, bloodthirsty monster. She turns men to stone with a glance and rips families apart without hesitation. That she is a villain has never been up for debate.
This makes plain just how narrow-minded and clingy we humans can be to our notions of black and white.
Medusa is also a victim.
After finding the Gorgon sister in her temple with Poseidon, Athena turned all her rage and fury on Medusa, taking her beautiful features and contorting them till she was a hideous monster with snakes for hair and cursed her so anyone who looked upon Medusa's once-beautiful face would turn to stone. However, Poseidon was left freely after having demolished Medusa's entire life.
Medusa grew to hate men. She learned to wield Athena's curse so the majority of the people she turned to stone were male.
Medusa is not a monster; the product of Posidon's ignorance and Athena's thirst for vengeance is, though. Medusa did what she did because she had to and because it was the only thing that made her feel strong after she was humiliated.
Medusa isn't a villain; nor is she a hero with a heart of gold. She is a person who was broken by those of higher authority than her and emerged fiercely because she refused to be weak.
If Medusa did exist, she would impact the world in a way that would change society as we know it forever. I'm not saying she would actively work to help people. I'm saying that knowing her side of the story would send an indirect message to the world that not everyone is either good or bad and that there is an in-between stage that resides in all of us. It would also show that not everyone is what they're made out to be in this world so we should all be given a chance to tell our side of the story, whether it is believed or not.
We humans are flawed-it is in our nature. Sometimes all it takes is to use our minds to think about the stories of those around us, and occasionally, about fictional characters.
I think it's Harry Potter, because it teaches us not to give up, to overcome anything sad in our lives, to face the difficulties of life with strength and will, and when we lose someone dear to us, we are patient, and he continued to fight until he won. He can change the world by changing people's mood and depression because of some things that happen to them and continuing their path with courage
I agree because... I think Cinderela from a movie and who is in a book could change the world by her dancing and her fairy godmother helping her because both of them work together as a team so does Cinderela friend she has some animals who help her to they do everything for her and with her even her fairy godmother would do something that Cinderella can't do she would use magic to help her with her problam.
I personally believe that Moana is one of the greatest characters that can bring a very positive change to the world just like she did for her people whereby she bravely defeated an evil demi god so as to bring back peace and joy to her people . I describe her as a powerful, courageous , heroic young lady.
I think Gautam Buddha could change the world.
Gautam Buddha was so discplined and well organized. He could change the world without any wars as other superheroes can't do. His each and every word were very powerful and impacting on people. He could diverse the badest mind into peaceful and positive mind. Today worldwide many people are followers of him. If every people started to follows his word, Knowledge, that he had left for us our world will surely change into peaceful planet.
Technically anyone change the world if they keep on trying and trying without giving up and put in loads of hard work.
I like this comment because I like when you say 'keep on trying and tying without giving up'.
personally I would chose Iron man because he is strong and he can fly
I want to talk about the mothers who changed the world . Mother is the maker of generations . Thomas Edison's story with his mother is one of the best stories that tell us about how important and vital the role of the mother is in the life of any human being and how is the encouraging of mother can change the course of the world... A lie told by Thomas Edison's mother changed the course of his life, and the course of the world . One day , when Addison was eight years old , he came home from school regretfully that his teacher had commissioned him to hand over a note to his parents . His mother ( Nancy Elliott ), read it in front of her son's waitting at the content of the note. He asked her, "What's in it?" With tears in her eyes, Nancy read that letter to her son: "Your son is a genius, this school is very humble for him, and we don't have good teachers to teach him. Please, teach it at home." After that Nancy died ، and Addison had become a world-renowned inventor, he found the note that teacher had sent her that day. It wasn't what surprised him to find the diary, it was what he read inside: "Your son is mentally ill and we can't let him go to school anymore." Addison wept bitterly, after reading the real words in the note.and Later, he wrote in his memoirs: "Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally ill child, but thanks to a heroic mother he became the genius of the century." humanity and the whole world owe it , even today thanks to this lie.
I feel that human beings are the ones who have been assigned this responsibility of changing the myths and superstitions of society. And this doesn't need the involvement of any superpower. It just needs the correct mindset and nothing else. It's not practical to say that the correct attitude will do but it requires a lot more. It needs the grit, the fire to hold on to the journey of struggle. That's what God has intended us to do.
I feel the most inspired by Mother Teressa. For me, she's a real superhero. I watched a documentary on her and it had this instance:- Mother Teressa was in India and communal riots were on a rise those days. So she had some chapattis with her and despite being hungry, she gave the chapatis to the Hindu family next door which comprised of 3-4 children and their mother. The children's maturity was way higher than their age. They gave half of the chapatis to a Muslim family living next door. This instance not only brought a gradual smile to my face but also highlighted the level of generosity of human kind.
A character I would think that would changed the world is black panther known as Chad Wick the reason why is because he wouldn't care if u was in a different cultrue and he would always sacrifice himself to see what would happen next in his future life but instead he killed his brother and he didnt want to but he had no choice and killed him but showed respect and now that he is dead he will always be rembember by doing his famous by saying this You are a good man with a good heart. ...
"Your father taught you all that warrior nonsense—but he also taught you how to think and always will be doing his x across his chest that everyone will do R.I.P Chad Wick/ black panther