How should prisons be run?

Richard Hughes is an expert on prisons and justice. He works with public organisations and providers of public services to help them make improvements. The majority of his career has been spent in the justice system working with police, prosecutors, courts, prisons, probation and youth offending teams.
Listen to why Richard thinks it’s a difficult (but important) job to run a prison.
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Look at the following icons. Which do you think best represents how YOU prisons should be run? Why? How does this compare to what Richard thinks?
Share your ideas and reasons. Richard will read your responses.
Then read through other students’ comments and choose one or two to respond to. What do you think of their ideas?
Comments (135)
I would say that I cannot really read his mind based on that but I believe that prison is a place that people are being kept for the purpose of correcting the the errors which they have made. So because of that, prisoners are not supposed to be made more comfortable than how they are supposed to be secured. Not like they will not be made comfortable, but it is good to keep them more secured than comfort. For the fact that they are in prison is because they committed a crime directly or not on purpose so there are not ro be made so comfortable. Imagine smuggling cell phone into the prison, even though you were not with the intention of doing anything wrong, you will definitely be pushed to do something wrong for the fact that you are with cell phone. That is also one of the reason why Fito escape.
Hi, and I also did not really understand the diagrams but let me start by defining prisons,a prison is a place/building where criminals or law breakers are kept for the purpose of rehabilitation and correction. From my perspective, prisons should made to punish law breakers but at the same time,prisoners should not be treated like slaves because they are equally humans like us,prisons should be a safe and secure environment for offenders but at the same time prisons should be a correctional center.
I agree with you, prisons are also meant to build the prisoners both mentally and intellectually. They are still human beings but the only difference is that they commit crimes that landed them in cells, therefore we should still treat them human beings and correct accordingly to the laws. In the aspect of fito's case, I feel that he did not feel secure nor comfortable so that prompted his reason to escape. I'm just stating my opinion, feel free to tell me about yours if you agree.
What I believe is that a prison, is a confinement of persons, who have committed crimes. When we talk about how prisons should be run, I don't think the news about Ecuador was good. According to my delving, Fito had more sockets than a hotel, Fitos had access to the internet. and he posted a pictures. Fitos bathroom was decorated in ceramic and etc. I dont think rhats how a prison should be. A prison should have certain limits when it comes to enjoyment of some certain factors. According to other news, Fito threw parties, was even a lawyer in prison amd etc. Im not saying that prisoners should not enjoy some rights. No what im saying is that there should be restrictions because they are being punished. " Give what is due to Caeser unto Caeser" Prisoners should not be treated like rats but like humans. Life is a gift. But it should not be exceeded.
According to Wikipedia "A prison, also known as a jail, gaol, penitentiary, detention center, correction center, correctional facility, or remand center, is a facility where people are confined against their will and denied a variety of freedoms under the authority of the state, generally as punishment for various crimes."
According to this definition, it means a prison is not a punishment place for offenders it can also be referred to as a correctional facility or a reformative place. Based on this, this is how I think a prison should be run:
1. A prison should be a place where the offender or criminal is taught or told that his or his actions are not right.
2. Aprison should not be a place where the offenders are treated inhumanely.
3. A prison should be a place where an offender should learn from his mistakes and build on himself.
4. A prison should also give the offender a connection to the outside world by allowing for various meetings with friends, family and other people who can affect the lives of the prisoners
5. A prison should not be seen as a violence center if not it could lead to prisoners trying to or breaking out as in the case of "FITO".
This illustrates the way I think a prison should be run and if a prison gives a sense of inhumaneness or it feels too free there will be a problem in the way a prison should be run so I think a balance should be properly struck and as such I agree with most of the opinions above.
Thank You!!!
I solidly agree with what gregarious bee said about prison and in my own understanding, prison is an institution where offenders ones are been punished, or corrected from their negative behaviours.
An effective prison should be regulated and also be monitored to enable prisoners not smuggling with gadget into the prison.
The prisoners should not be given more of comfort but rather be given more of Reformative because Fito was been given more of comfort that was the reason why he had access to gadgets even though as a prisoner. Prisoner are not allowed to bring in phone into the prison because they will contact their gang or friend to help them to get out from prison, or any electronic gadgets into the prison, if you are caught your punishment will be double or sentence you to death. Prison should be given 20 percent and comfort and 80 percent of Reformation. As for I will say that these prisoners should be taught a trade to do on their own when they are released because no one might be willing to accept him or her again after the incident.
In conclusion, I think prisoners should be secured, be given ,ore of Reformative than comfort becasue, prisoners are not meant only for punishment but rather, they are meant for training, advising and educating prisoners on how to be a better person in life.
Thank you.
I am also understand that a jail is a place where offenders are punished because it is supposed to be a place where they can modify their bad behavior. It shouldn't be comfortable as a result.The same way your mother corrects you, she must be firm in order to assist you in changing your behavior, and jails function in a similar manner. As you said, a decent jail should be controlled and closely observed, which implies it will require a lot of work to monitor inmates and prevent them from sneaking any gadgets to prevent their escape.This can be really challenging work, and since people will eventually become tired and need to rest, I am concerned about the possibility that Fito's escape was caused by exhaustion. This is an issue that requires careful consideration.
You nailed this @nice_eagle... I will keep emphasizing just like I mentioned in my previous comments, a prision shouldn't be more comfortable (except for some in deplorable conditions), because people should pay for their sins and learn, so that when they come out they will be reformed, if it is too comfortable then a lot of people will keep committing crimes so that they could go in there to receive soft treatments. A prison is a CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, which means when a wrong act is committed, then there should be several measures to correct the wrongs so that there would be a reformative mindset.
I will further say I prefer the prision to be secured so that some inmates won't get victimized and even killed by the stronger ones who have their gangs.
I disagree with this comment, although it has very good reasons. It's very important that prisoners function as correctional facilities, but prisons often struggle to fulfill their role as correctional facilities due to various challenges.
Firstly, while prisons are to focus on correction and rehabilitation, the practicalities of managing different inmate populations from different countries present great problems. These problems are caused by very small resources, necessities, and overcrowding, leading to high rates of repeat offenses.
Secondly, despite the importance of treating prisoners humanely, this is not consistent at all. Most prisoners don't get access to such resources, and in such cases, their behaviors are racist, which results in most prisoners being mistreated. For example, all black prisoners from Africa are not granted access to kettles, so they are supposed to bathe with cold water, even when efforts are made to prioritize humane treatment. Moreover, while facilitating connections with the outside world is crucial for rehabilitation, ensuring security remains paramount. Supervised visits and communication channels must be carefully managed to prevent issues like contraband smuggling or escape attempts. Lastly, violence in prisons must be addressed either by authorities or between prisoners and dealt with by higher authorities. This is how we can ensure safety and peace in prisons.
I would want to ask you gregarious bee should prisons give prisoners connection with family friends or with people who are outside the prison.
Won't this also be a factor that led to the escape of Fito by seeing or having a connection with people outside the prison.
I do honestly agree with you and think you make a good case regarding the escape of Fito and if his escape could have been aided by his family members but here is what I think.
I think that like I said in some of my previous comments I think that prisoners are being treated inhumanely and like I also said humans are social beings and as such need to communicate with one another and this could be very essential when one is going through trying times and periods. Imagine facing various personal challenges and not having someone you can relate to on a personal level. this makes it even harder to go through the challenging face.
I think that prisoners should still be allowed to still talk to friends and relatives after all the way they are treated in prisons is already alarming.
Thank You!!!
I agree prisons are for rehabilitation so people in prison can grow and improve. W/o any family and/or friends they won't grow. They will grow lonely and depressed and when that happens. They need people to show them they can grow and have support to do so.
I agree because if a prison is comfortable people will commit more crimes so they can enjoy the luxury of it. But I also do not think it should be too uncomfortable and will take away a prisoner's human right. Prison is to make criminals learn their lesson, so they are not to be made so comfortable it will make people commit more crimes just to stay there. If prisons, were too comfortable a homeless man can just commit a crime just so he can enjoy the luxury of prison.
Like I mentioned in my previous comments, prisons are symbols of justice to victims of crime. So as jazzez_ocean has said, prisons is to teach prisoners a lesson- not only by punishing them but changing their mindset about success in life.
Therefore, prisons should focus sixty percent on reformation of prisoners' minds. Educational and employment programs should be organised for them once in a while.
The remaining forty percent should be focused on punishing them for their crimes. This way, the rate of crime will reduce.
I also strongly disagree with you because the prisoner should get some human rights . I do not mean that prisoners should live a luxury life but they should be provided some basic needs like food in proper amount and etc . The prisoners should get some change to meet their family. They also should get some motivation from a good person that help them to stop being criminals and they should not be treated like animals.
I agree with you. If prisoners are not given basic human rights and are treated in humanely, they will lose all hope and believe that they will never change. However, if they are given if they are given minimum human rights, they will start to regain hope and realize that they can turn their lives around. If their sentence is long, they will have plenty of time to reflect on their past mistakes and find new ways to correct them.
Thank you🙂.
I appreciate your perspective. It is a difficult question to balance penal institutions as instruments of deterrence and ensure that human rights are protected in them. Rehabilitation has to take place in a certain environment, which will prevent the repetition of this crime. It is necessary to find out how punishment can be made without leading to more crimes while at the same time maintain humane ways of reforming criminal justice so as the individuals who commit these offenses and society could benefit from it.
I exceedingly agree with you jazzed_ocean, the reason being is that I also agree that if a prison is comfortable more crimes would be committed. If prisons are made comfortable, when a person is out of there, the person won't have a reformative character and might go back to committing more crimes not conscious of the impact of activities, because the person is well aware that he or she is not going to go under any harsh punishments but rather a comfortable one if they go back to prison.
I agree with the example you stated using a homeless man. When people are going through hardships in their life, they can do anything in order to get food on the table even if they have to involve in illegal activities such as stealing, drug delaing, etc, so why won't a homelessman commit a crime if he knows life in prison is better than the one he is in currently?
Moreover, you are right to state that prisons should not be too uncomfortable, because at the end of the day, the prisoners are humans and they have their rights.
Thus, I agree with you about prisons not being too comfortable.
I strongly agree with you because prison is a place of correction not comfort because when prisoners are too comfortable they can easily escape from prison. Imagine a prisoner smuggling cell phone in the prison this is due to too much comfort that was made available for the prisoner. Also you can imagine a prisoner's room being decorated so well that he feels so comfortable as if he committed no crime at all.
I can see why you say that prisoners should not be comfortable, but be secured. But I think that prisoners should be comfortable and have the ability to rehabilitate. I say this because if people get arrested and have the ability to rehabilitate, they would come out of the prison a better person then they were before they thought of commiting crimes. But ofcourse, if they are a repeat offender, they shouln't have as much comfortability. So in my opinion, if the defendant is a first time offender, they should have more comfortable places. If they are a repeating offender, then they should not have as much freedom.
Security over comfort does indeed seem a logical conclusion given the function of a prison. Should this depend on the type of crime committed or security should simply be a prevailing standard?
To me I believe that security should be the prevailing standard in any prison. As the name sounds, it is a place used in caging the law brekers for the purpose of correcting the error that they have made in life. When someone is being captured, it is done because of the fact that the person got involved in an unlawful act or has gone contrary to the rule of law guiding the country and therefore gets the punishment for breaking the law. When an offence is been committed, it is therefore judged in the court of law and when it has been proven to be true without any doubt, the culprit will be sentenced according to the crime he or she committed. Then when the culprit is imprisoned, he or she is to be guarded so well that they may not escape because no one will be happy to be chained for years and so if the person finds any opportunity to escape form the prison, there is no way the person will not grab it immediately and so when they escape it will turn into a threat to the whole country at large just as Fito's case is going viral now, so I believe that prison should be made a prevailing standard no matter the condition of the crime.
Security should be a prevailing standard in a prison, yet, depending on the crime committed. You can't give the same punishment to every crime because those that commit minor crimes such as theft will feel cheated and rejected, triggering them to commit more crime. Major crimes on the other hand will not be touched or affected by the minor punishments and will continue committing crime. The diverse punishments of diverse crimes are a prevailing standard of security.
For example, a criminal who committed murder will be put to death or life imprisonment. Since he or she denied someone their right to life, their right to life, freedom or total comfort should totally be denied because he or she can't compensate the dead. Someone who commits theft shouldn't be punished like this; instead, he or she should be given hard labor or compensate their victim.
To me, security should be a prevailing standard because if the government is meant to at least give them the assurance that they are secured for the mean time while they await their punishments. Another thing is that even though they are guilty of crimes, I feel they still have the right to enjoy this little privileges.
I think it should depend on what crime the person commited. If someone commited petty theft and got sentenced to jail, then they should be in rehad for 2 weeks, then put into the prison apartment. But if someone comited 16 counts of 1st degree murder and commited arson twice, then they should just be put into solitary confinement. Or death of course.
It seems like you are expressing the perspective that prison should primarily serve as a corrective and secure environment rather than prioritizing the comfort of inmates. You believe that prisoners, being individuals who have committed crimes, should not be provided excessive comfort, as the main focus should be on correcting their behavior. Additionally, you mention the potential risks associated with items like cell phones being smuggled into prisons, highlighting how even unintentional actions can lead to undesirable consequences, as seen in the case of Fito's escape.
It's important to note that opinions on the purpose of prisons and the treatment of inmates can vary widely. Some argue for a more rehabilitative approach, emphasizing education and support to reduce recidivism, while others focus on the punitive aspect of incarceration. The balance between security, correction, and the humane treatment of prisoners is an ongoing debate in criminal justice systems worldwide. Thank you
Prisons are a place where criminals or lawbreakers are kept for rehabilitation and correction. They should be a safe and secure environment for offenders, treating them as equal humans. Prisons should be designed to punish lawbreakers but not treat them like slaves. Prisoners should be mentally and intellectually built, and they should be treated according to the laws. In the case of Fito, he escaped due to not feeling secure or comfortable. Prisons should have certain limits on the enjoyment of certain factors, such as access to the internet and ceramic decorations. Prisoners should not be treated like rats but like humans, and life should not be exceeded. Prisoners should be treated as human beings and not treated like rats.
I strongly agree with you because if a prisoner is in their comfort zone, it is unlikely they won't change. Also, if they are in their comfort zone in prison, then why are they still in prison and not at home? Prison is served as a punishment for injustice and crime and not a place for enjoyment. The prisoners can never change because they think they have everything to their advantage in prison. I also support you when you say that this is the reason why Fito was able to escape prison in his comfort. I also like the scenario of the phone because obviously when you have no intention of doing something, you might be pushed to do so. And of course, people's children are in prison so prison's management has to secure them and not let them get injured or murdered by any person. I also feel that as long as Fito had left prison, the prisons management has nothing to do with him so if anything happens to Fito, they can't be held responsible, however, they will be held responsible for not being vigilant enough and causing him to escape
but the armed forces must find him before he causes havoc in the country.
Is punishment the only way to make people change?
Thank you so much for the question. In these times, yes. This is because nowadays If we are a bit nice to people, they will take advantage of it and continue with crime even in prison. The prisoners will take your leniency to be your weakness using it for illegal purposes. However, if they are being punished for their crime, there will be no space for misbehaving and will help them to change. If punishment is used, they will finally reason through before they take an action or else, they know that if they do not do this, there is a punishment awaiting them which is going to be wonderfully tough.
Personally, I think that punishing people for doing something wrong isn’t a great idea because it can make them feel angry and frustrated and they will maybe take revenge on someone else. Something that may change people is talking with a therapist about their emotions and make them understand that what they did was wrong. Another way to change human behaviour is discusing, cooperating, working or brainstorming with other people that are in a similar situation and that may help them develop friendships or other strong connections and make them feel better, that leading to the changing of their behaviour.
I agree because if you enjoy being at prison you won't hesitate to stay there. In prison you have to learn your lesson it should not be too comfortable you would want to commit crime to stay there. But I also think the punishment should not be violating their human rights.
I agree because if we do not make the prisoners feel comfortable and ready to learn from their mistakes and go back into society they may feel unwanted from other civilians in the society which may push them to feel insecure and make bad choices again and may lead them back to prison.
You made a very good point in that say but how do you think the prisoners can be made comfortable. What makes u comfortable as a normal human being?
I agree with you unbaised_planet because prison is supposed to be secure not for the prisoners comfort. Prisoners go to prison cause the prisoners committed a crime and prison is supposed to teach prisoners that they shouldn't commit that crime and the prisoners should be taught in a hard way not a good and comforting way
I agree because...if prisons are made comfortable, the prisoners will not realize that they have committed a crime so they will feel free in prison if they are realized, they will commit more crimes and they will want to be back in prison for a longer time. If a prison is medium-sized, it will make the prisoners not very comfortable and not uncomfortable.
I agree with you unbiased_planet that prisons aren't meant to be comfort zones for prisoners unlike Fito's prison was.
My question for you here is doing you think that prisoners can only be reformed in physical ways such as: hard labour or any other aspect that could make them to turn into responsible citizens rather than to restrict them from doing things?
Hi intelligent nectarine
Under normal circumstances prisons have the law of restricting prisoners from lots of things that interests them especially as a punishment. But as a matter of fact, when the person gets used being restricted from things, They will begin to feel comfortable with that. But on the other hand, they must not be forced into cheap or hard labour for commiting crime but just that they will be denied of some foods that they eat at home and fun they have at home.
I agree with you unbiased_planet to an extent that the law has every power restricting prisoners.
Here's a question for you do you think a prison can both be a comfort zone and a reformative zone as well?
Yes a prison can be a comfort zone and as well a reformative zone as well. Prisoners can be made comfortable by providing them with television in the prison room and can also be made to understand the fact that they are prisoners by denying them of some freedoms they are supposed to have like normal human being like freedom to move around like they do before. Prison can be made comfortable for prisoners and at the same time a reformative zone but just that the comfort will be less than the reformation.
I solidly agree with you but here's a question for you can prisoners be very comfortable in prison and as well reform to become a responsible citizens?
I completely agree with you, ubaiseld_planet. prisoners are not supposed to be comfortable rather secure, and given time alone to reflect on their mistakes and ways to correct them. If they are comfortable, then they may continue to commit crimes once they are released, especially if they do not have enough money to pay for rent. They may use that comfort as a second home regardless of their sentence.As you mentioned, the security is not that tight, making it easy for prisoners to smuggle things, essentially with help of inmates who have been there for a long time and know more than the guards.
Thank you😃.
I think that they should be run a bit better because they should feel safe and not cramped in to tiny sells which may have diseases because of rates that may live in them. They should feel at home and safe not thinking they might be hurt by another prisoner or a mean guard who works ther . They should feel like they should always feel SAFE !
you make some very good points champion tangerine. How do you think prisons could make sure the prisoners feel safe? What makes you feel safe?
Being with people i have known a long time . I also think that prisoners should have a phone so they can call people they know like there family because it is un fair they have to wate so long to talk to there loved ones!
I see what you're trying to get at, but i respectfully disagree. Yes, it may be unfair that some prisoners have to wait a long time to speak to loved ones but not everyone wants to do that. if what you say were to actually happen and prisoners were given phones then don't you think some would use it for the wrong purpose. I mean most of the time people that are sent to prison are genuinely bad people so it's logical that if they had a phone they would try and call people to see if they could escape.
You have a good point but you do not want it to be comfortable because prison has a purpose and people are going to commit more crimes. Officers can improve on the rates and the tight cells but they are there for a reason.
Hello and I have chosen E.
I made this choice because it best portrays how a prison should be run. Richard Hughes has done justice to the way prisons should be run but I would like to add unto what he has said. He said that a prison needs to have all the right things ranging from facilities down to staff which is very correct but, prisons also need a working educational facility. Prisons need a functional way of correcting criminals whether verbally, mentally (through VR) or visually, this is the main purpose of a prison. Prisons presently are made to look like places where people are tortured but reverse should be the case. Prison should be run with care and kindness but also with discipline to help people not to deviate the leniency given to them.
In conclusion I think that prisons are to be run as proper rehabilitation centers and they should have good facilities as Richard Hughes has said.
I agree because... I chose F because it best portrays what a prisoner should do when he or she gets out of prison. When a prisoner is ready to be released he or she should go through the steps of trying to become a good neighbor. They need to connect to their family, to their religious affiliation, and to their job and parole officer. Many people before they commit a crime are in difficult time in their life feeling useless but hopefully, they come out of prison with self confidence knowing that they know a skill and they have a opportunity to be hired.
I would go with figure F, it looks like a conversation, I think that conversations are therapeutic to the mind and prisons should have more conversations to better change and understand the prisoners, my reason for saying this is because of the fact that prisoners are humans just like us, they have emotions and feelings just like us,but they do things that are considered heartless, having conversations will make them improve their social skills and make them to open up.
Thank you for reading.
these are great ideas charming artist. How do you think these conversations would work? Should prisoners be talking with each other, or with a trained therapist?
Both, prisoners might need to talk to therapists, but talking to each other might be a great way for the therapist to understand their patients better.
Humans are naturally social and have that innate nature of relating with one another meaning that they have and need to relate with one another so they can exchange ideas and learn from one another. Bringing this to the context of a prison, prisoners as I have reemphasized are human beings so they should not be deprived of their innate natural instinct. I feel prisoners should still be allowed to communicate with one another in a safe, conducive and controlled environment as they could learn from one another's mistakes which could cause them to have a change of heart and see things from someone similar to them ( as criminal offenders ) do. This kind of personal engagement with one another should be in a safe, controlled and conducive environments otherwise it could lead to prison riots, breakouts, violence among a host of other things. I think if this is achieved if there is need for a therapist it would make their job so much easier.
I also feel that prisoners should be able to talk to family members. This is because if they talk to people from the outside world with whom they have a personal relationship with they could have a change of heart and it will also give them a reassured sense of humanity.
Thank You!!!!
I agree with this because even though they have committed a crime / crimes, they deserve a place away from the public to be rehabilitated and to learn what they have done done wrong, why it was wrong and how they can be better.
They deserve places to learn new skills like; writing, which can boost creativity; arts, which can fuel imagination; and cooking, which can help build team work, trust and friendship.
I choose I because, prisoners should be enlightened and corrected on the mistakes they made by giving them a second chance and also we should try to look on the bright side of situations when correcting them and not always on the negative aspects because we can eventually change them little by little.
From my personal point of view I believe that prison is an area where people are kept as a form of punishment for the crimes that they have committed in the society. So they should not be allowed to converse as freely as they want to.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, @stellar_reflection. Did you read the comment above from charming_artist that conversations can improve social skills and make prisoners change for the better? Do you think that that is ever the case?
A prison is a place where people who have committed a crime that can do more or less harm in the society.In my own view Prisons should adopt the reformative theory of punishment in which the prisoners rather than being subjected to physical punishment would rather be subjected to chances to change their behavior for the better.This punishment is aimed at changing the attitudes or concept of the prisoner so that him or her becomes a law abiding citizen.This mostly deals with counselling and psychological tricks.I feel my opinion is best described by option G
I agree with you a prison is a place where by criminals should be given a second chance to mend their ways, a prison should make them no that the path they once took was not the right path which is why they ended up being in the prison. In my opinion, the workers or employees of the prison should let them know that being a criminal is not a good way of living, and guide them to the right path, so that even if there were two be released, they would be better versions of themselves and not go back to being thugs. I think option G describes my opinion the best.
how do you think a prisoner's attitudes could be changed when he or she is in prison? Do you think it would be helpful for a prisoner to have the opportunity to speak with the person against whom they committed their crime?
I think a prisoner's attitudes can change when in prison if enough counselling has been given. If the prison was not only a place of torture but a place where people could safely learn from their mistakes, then a lot of changed attitudes could be found within a prison yard. A prison, in my opinion, should be a place where people are taught that while every action has its consequences, which usually result in punishment, prison is not the end of the world. After serving jail time, they could do something meaningful with their life. And for those serving life imprisonment, prisons shouldn't cause them to give up on life. Instead, it should inspire them to make something meaningful out of their lives while punishing them.
I do think it would be good to allow prisoners speak with their victims, (under armed supervision, of course) if both the prisoner and victim were in a good frame of mind. Sometimes some prisoners have no peace of mind until they know that the person against whom they committed their crime has forgiven them. And it would just be good to have a talk and work out their differences. But in a case where the victim refuses to forgive the offender or the criminal refuses to accept fault. This meeting wouldn't be such a good idea. It might end up in conflict, which may end up becoming physical. And tense, confrontational atmospheres aren't exactly ideal in prisons.
I absolutely agree because prison is a place where criminals are held so they can understand the mistake they did and i think that everyone in prison should tell each other that being a criminal isn’t the way they should be living and that they can become a better person.
That's an amazing comment there, because prisons should avoid the use of physical punishments to reform people. the reformative theory of punishment which has to do with changing the thought or their thinking prospect by means of psychology making them understand the benefits of being good citizens , or engaging them in craft work so that after getting out they can start a new life
I agree with you inventive signature a prison is a place where prisoners are kept for the safety of others.
I would say that I cannot really read his mind based on that but I believe that prison is a building in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they have committed or while awaiting trial . When an individual is sentence to prison it's not supposed to be very to comfortable for the person, while they were kept there is to teach a lesson for their crime but it should be a little comfortable unlike the one the put Fito in. Prisoner are not allowed to bring in phone into the prison because they will contact their gang or friend to help them to get out from prison, or any electronic gadgets into the prison, if you are caught your punishment will be double or sentence you to death.even though you were not with the intention of doing anything wrong, you will definitely be pushed to do something wrong for the fact that you are with cell phone. That is also one of the reason why Fito escape.
I agree with you bright_philosophy that prisons aren't meant to be comfort zones.
My question for you here is do you think that prisoners can only escape with the help of gadgets easily or with the help of an inner?
Thank you so much Richard Hughes for the information. I agree with you about how prisons should be run and how things should be put in place before the prisoner is released. However, I feel that the authorities of these prisons should not make them so comfortable or else they will feel that if they commit another crime, there is no big deal and it will lead to their comfort. But rather, I feel that there should be a tough and good side for them so that when they ponder about the crime they want to commit next, they will consider the demerits and forget about it. Also, I feel that they should be taught how to maintain good relations with people because most prisoners may not have the skill of tolerance to tolerate other people so that they do not end up in prison again by failing to tolerate others and ending up making a sinful and unlawful action.
To conclude, I feel that these prisoners should be taught a trade to do on their own when they are released because no one might be willing to accept him or her again after the incident.They should also be properly integrated into the community. About the icons, I also feel that icon A can match what Richard Hughes think because he spoke about having a neighbour when they are released so I feel that they should have these interacting skills so that they can have a good relationship with their neighbour and their interaction will be smooth without violence.
I am dearly sorry, I meant to totally agree agree with you I believe that your points are well thought out and to the point. However i my friend pressed the enter button on my keyboard
As we all know that, Prison is a building or a place in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime. Although running a prison is a difficult task by following some general guidelines the authority can run a prison smoothly:
1)Healthcare: Provide access to adequate healthcare services for prisoners. Address medical needs promptly and ensure a hygienic environment to prevent the spread of diseases.
2)Rehabilitation Programs: Offer educational, vocational, and rehabilitation programs to help prisoners acquire skills for reintegration into society.
3)Fair discipline: Enforce fair and consistent disciplinary measures. Respect prisoners right and treat them with dignity, even when implementing disciplinary actions.
4)Basic needs: Ensure that prisoners have access to basic necessities, such as food, clothing, and shelter. Provide a humane living environment that meets minimum standards.
5)Visitor Programs: Facilitate visitation programs to maintain connections between prisoners and their families, recognizing the importance of maintaining family ties.
6)Staff Training: Train prison staff on proper conduct, dealing with conflict, and respecting the rights of prisoners. Continuous training helps maintain a professional and humane environment.
Criminals are sent to prison so that they can regret there wrongdoings and become a better person. For this to happen perfectly the perfect balance is required, the person shouldn't be too comfortable but shouldn't be too cut off from the outside World.
If say the person is totaly cut off he would probably develop severe mental conditions and that would not lead to improvement.
I feel that the perfect prison should not be very comfortable like the ones in Norway, but not too cruel.
Criminals should be having lessons that teach them well and go through psychiatric appointments that help them go through the mental phase that they are facing, because most of them have to do wrong only because their condition and mental state forces them to. With a little training and education we can ensure that the crime isn't repeated and the person changes himself for good.
I think diagram E, reflect the collaboration of some people.
Richard Hughes said in prison they provide a lot of resources and they also have the chance to skill acquisition and education. talking about skill acquisition,not so many of these prisoners were employed while they were on the society which lead them to committing one crime or the other. But with skill acquisition so many of them will become entrepreneur and will contribute to community development.
I watched a movie recently and in the movie the women in prison were taught how to sew and robotics . This women use this skilled acquired in prison to provide school uniform for students who can't afford uniform and they made donations to orphanage home while in prison,with the aid of teamwork and positive mindset .
Their good deed were recommended by the government and society. It will change their perspective about how they have been living their life.
So therefore I think prison should be runned with the care; because they are not just making the society to be a crime free society,but also raising people who will uplift the economy.
Rightly said admirable_butterfly,
That's a really interesting perspective! It sounds like the movie you watched showcased the positive impact that skill acquisition can have on individuals in prison. It's amazing how they were able to use their newfound skills to give back to the community and make a difference. I agree that prison should be run with care and provide opportunities for rehabilitation and personal growth. It's not just about making society crime-free, but also about helping individuals become productive members of society.Absolutely! It's important to recognize the potential for growth and transformation in individuals who are in prison. By providing resources, education, and skill acquisition opportunities, we can help them develop new talents and abilities. This not only benefits them personally but also has a positive impact on the community. When individuals in prison are given the chance to learn valuable skills, such as sewing and robotics, they can use those skills to contribute to society in meaningful ways. It's inspiring to hear about the women in the movie you watched who used their sewing skills to provide school uniforms for students in need and make donations to orphanages. Their actions not only showcase the power of teamwork and a positive mindset, but also demonstrate the potential for personal growth and societal contribution. By supporting and encouraging rehabilitation programs in prisons, we can help individuals change their perspectives and lead more fulfilling lives.
I think option G best describes how I feel a prison should be run in society. The reason some people commit crimes is because of their mindset which I feel can be best reformed in the prison. Some people feel that crime is the only way to have a good life while some people feel it is the best way to get revenge on someone or some people just have the urge to commit crime, that is why instead of physically punishing criminals all the time attention should be paid to their mental health. I have seen cases whereby even after criminals are arrested and released they don't feel remorse for their actions and I think it's because prisons are not working towards changing criminals but they are just focused on repeatedly punishing them. Prisons should inculcate therapy or counselling sessions for criminals to understand the reason why they commit crimes and work towards changing their lives for the better. The fact is that humans have different ways they accept correction, some people might see physical punishment as a form of abuse and not change but they prefer counselling sessions as they aren't treated like the worst of people but given the chance to open up their mind, spill what is going on in their lives and accept better views.
In my opinion, option J is the best fit for what Robert has explained. The icon in option depicts a man helping another man who appears to have been a prisoner. Recently released prisoners often find it difficult to settle into the society, as many people keep a certain distance from them. Additionally, it can be challenging for them to find employment, so they often require both emotional and financial support. Therefore, I believe that those around them should always be willing to lend a helping hand.
I would pick icon D because I believe that it represents prisoners trying to brainstorm and be productive prison should not be a place to chain people's thoughts and mentality. Rather it is meant to allow them to fix their mentality and resolve the issue that got them there in the first place. so, I feel that a prison is meant to be more of a rehabilitation center rather than a place of shame.
Good Day everyone,
I will be talking about some of the icons which I took note of and explain what I understood from them. This included;
1. Icon J which shows two people in a classroom setting learning. What I understood from there is that in prisons, prisoners are to be taught different skills such as barbing, sewing, shoe making and many other skills which can serve as help to them when they leave prison so that they can find a job or become self employed and begin to make an honest living.
2. From icon b you will see two people with arrows connecting them from within. What I understood from the icon is that prison should serve as a place where people learn better about their fellow people and learn to interact with them. When prisoners learn how to interact with each other, they will easily be able to adapt and interact with others in the outside world when freed from prison.
3. From icon a you see two people who have a sign on their head that depicts messages. What I understood from the icon is that prison is also a place where people who did not know how to communicate well with others learn to communicate with others better.
4. In icon g you see a brain with a lightening bold sign which I think shows that in prisons the inmates also learn to reason better than before, help them think about the consequences of an action before doing it and helps them make right decisions.
Thank You.
H, I think. In my opinion, inmates who receive instruction, education, and freedom will become better citizens and might avoid returning to back to prison. These folks will develop into decent citizens, and if they continue to work together positively, they might even get a little smarter and more educated. In addition, if they have hope when they are released, they might be able to find well-paying jobs and start over, inspire, illuminate and impact other people's lives.
hello trusting_interaction
In my opinion prison should not be too comfortable or flexible for inmates, which makes them feel like the prison is a conducive environment for them to live, and you will then realize that when they get out of prison they are okay with committing the same crime because they are okay with going back because they will be treated nicely and in some cases even better than they are outside prison. they might even end up telling friends and as a result of peer pressure they will also end up committing crimes. And this can also lead to overcrowding in prisons as the case may be
In my own view I want to express my feelings deep down in my heart on the purposes of prison.A prison is a place where punishments are given to people who have committed a particular crime which is harmful to the environment or neighborhood or to the society and citizens.For prisons to run well for prisoners the following which includes this listed below must be done:
Therapy sessions
Skill acquisition relevant in the society
Welfare packages for prisoners who exhibit change in character
I have come to the opinion to decide option G as my answer.Prisons can also be runned by government providing warders to guard the prisons well to ensure that prisoners don't escape from the prison.In Conclusion the best option is option G
Thank you for sharing this @inventive_signature. Can you say why else you think that welfare packages would benefit prisoners? Also, why do you think therapy sessions would benefit prisoners?
Greetings Eva
I think therapy sessions will benefit prisoners because it is sessions that teaches prisoners how to get help with a mental health problem or get extra support if they are going through hard situations .In a Therapy you have someone called a Therapist to speak to.
In a therapy session you will speak openly, take notes. Then the therapists takes notes as you speak, and everything you talk or discuss with a therapist is kept confidentiality.
Welfare packages will also benefit prisoners because it will help them to continue in their new way of life and become better.
I suppose L will work for me. The symbol, in my opinion, stands for organisation, with a decent prison having staff that can safeguard the facility so that inmates cannot escape, allowing inmates to interact with friends and relatives. When a prison is well-run, with a strong administrative lead, high walls, an electric fence, and other features, along with appropriate training and skill development programmes, the inmates may properly reintegrate into society after their release.
I choose C, which i think stands for sufficient staff personnel in the prisons.
With sufficient and adequate staff in the prison, all needs and issues necessary to operate the prison will be attended to promptly and effectively.
Richard Hughes also talked about having enough staff in the prison for effective communication, attend to all physical and mental health issues alongside learning from one another to add to their wealth of knowledge.
Fundamentally, i think the prisons should be operated as a skilled acquisition center for the prisoners.
I selected H because, in my opinion, it demonstrates the need for inmates to cooperate to get the skills necessary to contribute to society after they are released from jail. It will take specific training and education for prisoners to learn and re-learn things that are already engrained in their thoughts for them to be good citizens. Everybody's growth depends on education, thus if leaders everywhere make sure that everyone is appropriately trained and educated wherever they are, society would improve greatly.
I'm feeling I. From the image, i was able to decipher that the prison authorities have seen that those inmates have lives to live after prison and so, they make attempts to imbibe vocational skills in their inmates. They may also go through self development sessions were inmates are given the oppurtunity to work on and reform theirselves. Those skills learnt while in the prison will help them to get jobs or better still start up their own businesses after serving their sentence and the self development programs will aid them to view life with a different and better perspective hence reforming their mindset and style of reasoning.
I don't know what to choose. I think a prison should be a place where criminals reflect on their crimes and see the way they can change their way of seeing the world. There should be conventions on making prisoners reflect on their crimes and they help themselves by socializing with other criminals in a positive way.
I believe diagram L shows prisoners relating with with the staff of the prison and with one another. Interacting with one another, staff of the prison, relatives and friends is very important because when prisoners are released they will be some one's neighbour and if the jailers don’t reform the prisoners' attitude and then when they are released with no change in behaviour, they might continue the bad acts that initially got them in prison life for their neighbours might be terrible as they might be in danger. So I think that prisons should be run with reforming prisoners attitude in mind.
I pick J. The two people in the icon look like they are helping each other. Prisons are correctional centres and prisoners eventually leave prison after their sentence. Prisons should be able to teach people skills that they will use once they are released and get back into civilization. One of these important skills is teamwork. Teamwork is a very essential skill. As a correctional centre, prisons should be able to teach inmates that individuals have their own set of skills and strengths. When inmates learn to work together, everyone will have an opportunity to learn from each other. This process leads to resource building and enables the inmates to become better equipped to deal with new challenges. Prisoners would have to learn this in prison.
Mr. Richard said something about helping inmates learn new skills. I think teamwork is an important skill which not just prisoners, but everyone needs to have in order to achieve success in life. He also talked about prisoners getting a job once they are released. I think this can only be achieved if prisons teach inmates to work together because teamwork improves efficiency and productivity.
I believe that diagram L shows that learning is still ongoing even I prison. Teaching prisoners helps in many ways. First, it stops them from going back to crime by giving them skills for jobs when they leave. It also makes them feel stronger and better about themselves, helping them fit back into society. When prisoners learn, they can get good jobs, which helps the economy and lessens the money burden on everyone. Learning in prison makes them think better, and it keeps everyone safer. It also helps them understand why they turned to crime in the first place and stops them from doing it again. Teaching prisoners is fair and treats them with respect, giving them a chance to change and grow. When educated prisoners leave, they are more likely to help their communities and be responsible members of society.
I think logo B is showing that there is a relationship between the inmates. The friendships between people in prison can have good and bad effects, depending on how they are. Some good things are having friends for emotional support and reducing loneliness. These friendships can also help solve problems, create chances to learn, help deal with stress, and maybe even make violence less likely. On the other hand, it's important to know that bad things can happen too, like making criminal behavior worse or getting involved in illegal activities. It's like finding a balance between the good and bad to understand how these friendships affect life in prison. The people in charge of the prison try to watch and control these friendships to keep everyone safe and well.
To be honest, I really don't understand what the icons are saying, but I'm going to state my opinion on what I feel a proper prison should be. I feel prison should be a place that will give prisoners a chance to reflect on their actions and let them know that their actions were really hurting the people around them also a prison should discipline prisoners and teach them how to become better people, also I feel an important thing prison should be able to do is to teach prisoners skills (vocational skills) that could help and develop them. So when they are done serving their time in jail they can begin to startup businesses with the skills they have learnt while serving their time in jail. Most importantly prisons should help criminals evolve into better people and become reformed. Prisons should help criminals let go of their old life of crime and embrace new beginnings as better people.
my friends and I had some discussions on how a prison should be run. From the discussion we concluded that a prisoner is not supposed to take in electronics, even if it is the highest prison in the country. Electronics in prison is a aid for a prisoner's escape. The prison officers should ensure they thoroughly search prisoners before keeping them in prison and also do time to time search on them while in the prison. Fito's escape would have been slimmer if the officers didn't allow him take his cell phone or if they checked him thoroughly while in prison.
I believe that prisons are a place to correct your errors and learn where you went wrong. I think that many people that end up in prisons may have had something bad happen in their upbringing / personal life. I think that there should be cooperative activities such as cooking and recreational activities to introduce and strengthen peoples empathy and team-working skills.
To me, the idea of these ultra maximum security prisons seems obsolete as all they do is dehumanise its inmates. Having more secure facilities for more dangerous criminals is a good idea however, I still believe that they should contain the basic needs, learning facilities and team building activities for its inmates.
In my opinion I believe that Prison should be run differently depending on the prisoners in there. For example, people who have stolen in petty crimes are not mainly locked in to protect citizens: but to stop from re offending. Therefore, prisons such as these should be more enjoyable and learning focused to reduce the amount of criminals re offending. This is shown from Spanish prisons having an "enjoyable" prison with some of the lowest re offending rates. These prisons include activities such as gardening or team building. It would also help young teenage criminals then contribute to society afterwards boosting the economy.
On the other hand, prisons that contain highly dangerous criminal such as gang leaders and terrorists should be more high security so that people cannot escape sparking riots/rebellions. This is due to the fact that these criminals are probably past the point of repair and will only do harm to the economy.
To conclude I believe that that prisons should be more engaging for different civilians trying to dehumanise less people and rehabilitating them ready for society.
Well, so first of all, I think that prison is not a place for punishment. It is a place for prisoners to understand what they have done. It is a platform for prisoners to reform, to be better than before, to change themselves into a better person. The prison should focus more on reformation of prisoners. Prison should give punishment to prisoners but they also need to help the prisoners to be better, prison should use the support of A.I. Well, A.I might help prison in better solutions and new treatment systems for prisoners to change and adopt the habits more of a citizen. Prison should help the prisoners learn Human aspects and get socialize with people with the help of A.I. Prison could help prisoners to interact in the society by interacting with different people. Prisoners must get the conception of having prison as a platform of reformation. They should not get misconception about prison and prison should help the prisoners to be mentally healthy.
At last, I think the above ideas are the way I think a prison should run like. But, it isn't just that prison must run like this but I think moreover changing the treating system to prisoners might work effectively because to reform, there must be a change of thoughts in one's mind
You have mentioned AI in your comment. Could you give specific examples of how AI can help within prison systems?
I would say that prisons should be run smoothly but before i continue, i would like to say that a prison is a place meant for criminals, that is, people that does harm to the society. In a prison prisoners should be given comfort but not to much comfort, they should be given good food, water and every other thing they need to be comfortable enough in the prison but not too much of it. For the fact they are in prison means they must have committed a crime. They should be enough and well trained security guards there so the prisoners would not run away, but here in Nigeria soldiers who are not well trained are put in charge of the prisons that we have. In conclusion i would say that prisoners should be made more secured than they should be comforted.
I personally think 'I' best represents how prisons should be run, as to me it symbolises teaching. In prison I believe that teaching prisoners what they have done wrong and why it was wrong is extremely important. This is because once they are integrated back into society you don't want them to end up back in prison for the same or worse crimes. Teaching them why what they did was a mistake and shouldn't be repeated will also help them come to terms with why they are in prison for a given amount of time.
Continuing with the idea of teaching, I think prisons should not only focus on reformation, but on educating their prisoners about the world. For instance, it would be important for them to be taught about what is going on in the outside world and the globe's latest affairs.
So in conclusion, I believe prisons fundamental value should be changing prisoners lives around and helping them have a better life when they are released due to the lessons they have learnt in prison.
Hi, you've made some good points here. In what way do you think the knowledge of the outside world and current affairs can help prisoners improve their lives when they are released?
I think knowledge of the outside world would be crucial for a prisoners integration back into society. This is because without this knowledge of current affairs then they would be stuck in the society then left. For instance there may be things like Artificial Intelligence that may have no idea of its existence or current impact on society.
Without knowledge of the outside world they will step into a society that they don't recognise. The transition between in and out of prison will be difficult enough without the added pressure of trying to figure out what has happened in the world since they entered prison.
However long they would have been in prison, whether it be a year or maybe even twenty there would have been some big world news that they wouldn't have known about. Take inflation for example, if prisoners leave prison and enter a culture shock where prices are higher than they would have ever imagined. Countries will be trying to recover from their economic problems which will have an impact on society and the way they are living.
The idea of the outside world may scare some prisoners, so keeping them updated with what is going on may help lessen this fear and make them feel as if they are still a small part of the society they left.
So in conclusion this knowledge of the outside world and current affairs will be crucial to helping them re-enter society in the most easy and non-disturbing way, for both them and the community they are entering.
I agree with accurate_outcome about educating prisoners, yes educating them is truly part of getting prisoners ready for life after release. One thought that goes through every prisoner's head is, "What will life be like when I am released?" Will I ever be accepted by society? I selected "I" because, with what Richard stated, I believe he was attempting to convey that prison administrators ought to do everything within their power to prepare inmates for life after release to help them become decent neighbours. Furthermore, I believe that everyone deserves a fair shot, thus prison officials should push other officials to do everything in their power to prepare inmates for release.
According to my observations, I choose option "G". This is because a prison is a place where law breakers are kept with the purpose of correcting them from their previous mistakes. In the case of the notorious criminal "Fito", he was able to break out of prison because there was no tight security to the extend of being allowed to decorate his prison cell and accessing cell phones and that made he so comfortable that he was able to contact his gang members. Finally, I choose "G" because when there is a tight security and punishment prisoners would be able to repent from their previous mistakes. Thanks.
I went with the option I. If prisoners are given education which I believe is fantastic because, upon their release, they will be better citizens and will have the ability to communicate with people both locally and globally, giving them a new lease on life. Prisons should set up programmes that educate all prisoners about changes occurring outside of their walls and how to take advantage of these changes. More severe measures ought to be implemented for dangerous criminals such as Fito.
I believe that Icon I better represents my view on how prisons should operate. In my opinion, Icon I indicates that prison facilitators aim to teach criminals why committing crimes is wrong and how to strive for a better and brighter future. This approach focuses on education and rehabilitation, helping individuals understand the consequences of their actions and guiding them towards positive change. It emphasizes giving people a chance to learn from their mistakes and work towards a more positive and productive future. Icon I reflects a perspective that values redemption and personal growth within the prison system.
PRISONS are places we're corrections are made. It is a correctional ground for does who default in the laws of the land.
Prisoners should be made partially and a bit comfortable in the PRISONS so that they won't have the mindset to escape because of a lot of maltreatments they face, however defaulters should be treated like humans and not animals.
On the side when I said that jailers should be made partially comfortable , I don't mean too comfortable because fito had a lot of comfort that was why he was able to escape from the prison. As a matter of fact they should have more watch over prisoners.
I strongly agree with "G" which in my interpretation has to do with the mind or psychology of prisoners. A prison is a place where people change from their crimes. Therefore prison officers should adopt the Reformative theory. The prison officers should concentrate more on reformation of prisoners. They should introduce therapy sessions for psychological talk with prisoners in order to hear their perspectives about crimes. I reflected on the possible reasons why people are imprisoned and I came to a conclusion that to Some it is due to ignorance. Some it was because of their upbringing, environment, or influence from friends. Teaching them to know better through education is also an important tool for the mind.
I chose F because it enables convicts to assist and educate one another, cooperation can be a potent instrument for inmate change. Together, they can grow in their sense of identity, learn new skills, and see the world from various angles. It presents a chance for personal development and can support the creation of an atmosphere that is supportive of recovery.
When prisoners work together to develop workshops or educational projects, that is an example of collaboration in the prison system. They can create study groups to assist one another in their academic classes or plan skill-building seminars where they impart knowledge of various hobbies or trades to one another. People can share knowledge, encourage one another's academic pursuits, and advance both personally and professionally by cooperating.
Inmates can work together to bring about change in several ways. They can organise support groups where participants talk about their objectives, difficulties, and experiences in life. They can find the courage and inspiration to make positive changes in their lives by confiding in and supporting one another. Both inside and outside of the jail, they can collaborate on community service projects like helping at a nearby charity or promoting environmental causes. Both the general public and each participant gain from these cooperative efforts.
As mentioned in the video, an effective prison is what we need the most today. An effective prison should have right and necessary stuff and resources, which contribute much for the reformation and look after the prisoners well. An effective prison also considers about the personal development of the offender along with their punishment. According to me, in an effective prison there should be arrangement for skill development.
It is scientifically proved that a criminal has a very sharp brain and more IQ than normal people. But they don't know how to utilize that talent. So, it should be the duty of prison officers to find out the hidden talent of the offender and show them the path of prosperity. We have to teach them that they can utilize their potentials to earn money.
Suppose one of the offenders has an amazing talent of drawing pictures. So, we should provide them with drawing materials so that they can utilize their free time painting wonderful pictures. And if the drawing materials are worth of selling, we can sell those drawing and save the money which we will get them back on their release day. In this way, the offender doesn't have to commit any more crimes because he has already got a path of prosperity and earning livelihood. It goes same for the people who have amazing writing ability. We have seen that many writers have written many good books while staying in prisons. So, we should also provide writings material. In contrast, we can say that the prison officers have to do the most crucial role in this case. He has to find out the hidden and creative talent of the offenders, help them to utilize their potentials, and also help them to find an ethical earning source. So, in every jail there should be arrangement for acquiring skills which will help them to earn their livelihood later.
Most of the prisons ignored it and that's why we are seeing the number of reoffenders is increasing. So, I think that every prison should make such type of arrangement and help the offenders to get back to normal life, to be a good Neighbour and a good citizen. We also have to ensure that the prison officers are doing their jobs properly.
Thank you for sharing your opinion in a clear and well-reasoned way. You say, "It is scientifically proved that a criminal has a very sharp brain and more IQ than normal people." Is this true? Do you have evidence for this? And is this true of all criminals?
I didn't try to mean it in an overall case. It's not true that all criminals have a very sharp IQ. But in some cases, we see exceptions. The criminals actually think differently than normal people. A criminal plan to conduct the operation in different ways every time so that the police are unable to catch them. It's shows that if they can use the brain in good works then they can surely do wonder. They have never used their brain in good works. But if they use the brain in productive work, surely, they can do a lot more work. I believe that many of the criminals possess the ability, but they didn't get the proper environment to show their talent.
Let's take example of a hacker. A hacker basically hacks other's personal information and threat them so that they are bound to give them money. They can hack any device with high security easily. What if we convert those hackers into white hat hackers. Then they can use their ability for the betterment and security of different official website. In this way, they don't need to use their ability illegally to earn money. They can earn money at the same time also help the government to tackle any other cyber threats. In this way, many big criminals possess some good qualities which we cannot generally found in normal people.
I shouldn't say that it is scientifically proved, and I believe that some of the criminals do possess especial talent which we can use in good works.
I believe that a prison should be run like the letter I because yes a prison is a place for people who need to be in there for the mistakes they made but I feel like they should be shown their wrongdoings and learn how to be better. A prison shouldn't be hanging out with friends or comfortable because it's a secure place for people who messed up and they will need to learn their lesson because they're there for a reason.This is why I believe image I is how prisons should be ran. (Unfortunately I was unable to watch the video due to being blocked and I am unable to contrast my idea to Richards idea.)
I believe that prisons should be at least run a bit differently than now, I like the idea of the prison's purpose being primarily for prisoners to correct their behaviors. With this being said people who have corrected themselves probably have a certain mindset than others, sentence lengths, and also maturity, What about those who haven't? Those who haven't corrected their mistakes exist, there's a vast majority who don't learn from what they've done. Reasons why people haven't is because of their mindsets, environment, but ALSO the way they're treated in prison, they get mistreated for what they're sentenced for, in the end only taught violence rather than anyone advocated to help slightly. Prisons should fix this many people don't correct themselves from violence, no one is being taught how or in what ways to avoid doing crime once more.
Another problem that should be changed is supervision, there are many incidents where people have deceased in prison, even in jail due to there being few supervisors or generally anyone willing to do anything. I believe that prison shouldn't feel like home, though people doing time shouldn't fear for their own lives while being in prison.
A final thing I believe that should be changed is simply the environment itself, with the lacking of fresh air, need to be crowded with others, lack of healthy foods, overall inhumane place to stay in, over worn clothes etc. There should at least be more privacy, this could also reduce the over dramatic violence. Or better food that's genuinely healthy for people.
As to Richard's diagrams, I didn't quite understand and it could interpreted differently for everyone, though that's my personal take overall.
I choose k, I think prisons should be more like a rehabilitation center, not a punishment. I say this because giving people a chance to rehabilitate will make them an even better person when they get out then they were before. Swedish prisons have this system, and the crime rate in Sweden is lower than the United States. Heres how i think it should work in the United States:
Someone commits a crime.
They get put in the prison rehabilitation center.
They stay in a cell for 2 weeks to debrief.
After the 2 weeks, they get put in a room with a TV, a bed, an electric stove, a gaming console of choice (Ps4 or Xbox One S), a fridge, and utensils.
They stay in this room for the rest of their term.
(They do get food every 2 weeks. It is enough to last until they get more food.)
In my opinion, I think the system the United States has is irrelavant.
I agree with this to an extent. With less serious crimes this may work but with higher crimes they deserve punishment.
I choose option I. it represents the way he talked about how the prisoners will acquire skills and stay occupied, and if they did not have a proper education before coming to prison they will have the opportunity to get one and could have a better job when they leave prison and be good members of the society. The prison should have reformative plans included in its system, so when prisoners get out they will have an education to get a better life and be able to stay out of trouble. If they do not have skills, they will have the opportunity get them.
In conclusion they have reformative plans in their system they also need to keep prisoners occupied and give them challenges to solve and skills to gain and also give them learning resources like books
We all know that prisons are for criminals and keeping them from society. I feel like prisons should be a place where they can give some type of services where they can talk to the prisoners about what is going on in their minds, but I also think that if the prisoner don't want to contribute I feel like they should give them some space. Prisons were made for those who committed crimes but they are humans too I'm not saying to give them that type of freedom but they should let prisoners to have a safe space where they can talk about their problems and why they did.
I actually think Icon I should be the best definition of a prison because inmates are there to learn or be corrected of their wrong doings, and if they happen not to learn, there is definitely no use of going to prisons for anything.
It quite shocks me that Feto was able to shoot a music video in his cell; that shows the amount of enjoyment instead of the training he was to get and readjusting his ways, instead he was warming up and then disappeared!
I go with option H because according to icon in my own opinion it's like two or more people ganging up or talking together on how to rather escape or talking about another thing because if you should ask me it is not good for prisoner's to gang up to talk about something because you will not know whether they are planning something either good or bad.
In a prison, they should be very advanced security at every corner and the security officers should be paid well so no break out would occur and in a prison they should be more of security than comfort and prisoners who in the society are known as outlaws or criminals but in the prison they should not be over punished because they are also humans and should be granted some rights of a human being which he or she is.
I agree to your point because if a prison does not have advanced security the prisoners can escape and also if the securities are not paid well, the prisoners might bribe them and they will escape from prison.
I agree because... I strongly believe in your opinion about paying the warden well, this is because not all people in the prison are poor, which a can use Fito as an example, so in the case where these rich men are been imprisoned due to one offense or the other, if they eventually found out that some of this warden which are been meant to guard are not been paid well, they use it as their point of weakness, and probably they get to bribe them which is not hard and found their way out of the prison unexpectedly.
And finally, the warden are suppose to be trustworthy people who have been examined and are considered qualified to possess the right attributes to work, this will also help them not to fall into such fraud-lent crime. But at the same time when they work they should be appreciated with what they are been paid.
I have taken notice of icon I, And to me it means trying to bring light into the life of the prisoners instead on focusing on punishing them for their crimes and inflicting pain on them. What I was able to depict from the image was the prison trying to make an effort to bring light into the lives and minds of the prisoners, it meant educating them and providing for them opportunities to acquire new skills and talents they never knew they had. Prisons should not be created or used solely for the punishment and pain infliction of offenders, a prison is meant to serve as a school or educational institution that will instill the characters that these criminals were unfortunately not able to get access to, prisons are meant to bring enlightenment into the inmates lives and not suffering. Educating prisoners and a have a positive impact on their lives and even on the society, during my research I found out that according to a study by the Department of Policy Studies at the University of California at Los Angeles, " for every $1 invested in prison education, tax payers save $4-$5 in incarceration costs during the first three years post-release." They also stated that there has been a 43% reduction in relapse rates for those inmates who participate in educational problems. Educating inmates reduces the tendency of them reoffending upon their release.
That light bulb to on the board holds a lot of meaning to me , in my opinion it means the bringing of a new meaning, new beginning and a new purpose into the lives of the prisoners and to those who need them, it means the generation of new ideas or like I said the bringing of a new light into the lives of those who dwelled in darkness, prisons becoming rehabilitation centers will help the prisoners to have an easy reentry into the society once again, It will decrease the rate of violence and disciplinary infractions among those who participated in prison education, prison can do a lot more than this, it can do things like breaking down ethnic barriers that are usually a cause of tension and violence in prisons.
In my opinion prisons should be run that way, prisons are for also giving a better life to those who go through them, and giving these people knowledge to help them in the future to better the society and also make a decent and productive living for themselves is a great way of running prison if I do say so myself.
Thank you!
I think logo A is showing two people that are working together to get something right. We can see that in the intersect of the two ideas, there is a tick. In a much as they are prisoners, guard should never underestimate their intellectual capabilities. They can bring up smart ideas on how they can escape like in the movie, "Escape from Pretoria".
I could not find an icon to explain this but I believe prison is a more harsh rehab. The government purposely makes everything inside prisons miserable so you would not make a revisit. You get put into an overcrowded room with little to no sunlight which deprives prisoners of Vitamin D. Although prisoners get sunlight when they go into the yard, most of these prisons don't allow them to stay outside enough to absorb the uv rays. I do think this is bad, but it makes released prisoners not want to go back all the more.
The strive to develop and establish prisons that function properly, rightly serving the purpose of which they were made for has been a serious problem especially in my dear country Nigeria. However here are some solutions I feel will help solve the problem.
First of all, effective prisons should prioritize rehabilitation over punishment. Investing in education, vocational training, and mental health programs within prisons can significantly reduce recidivism rates. Evidence shows that inmates who participate in education and skill development programs are less likely to return to criminal activities upon release. Also, I feel implementing modern technology for inmate monitoring and education can enhance prison management. Electronic monitoring systems can aid in tracking progress, while educational technology can provide inmates with valuable skills for their future. Prisons should also address the mental health needs of inmates. Providing access to counseling, therapy, and psychiatric services can contribute to the well-being of prisoners and reduce the likelihood of reoffending.
Futhermore, successful prisons should prepare inmates for reintegration into society due to the fact that one day, they will eventually get out of prison. This involves job training, assistance with securing employment upon release, and social support networks to help them reintegrate successfully. Last but certainly not the least, encouraging restorative justice practices, such as mediation and conflict resolution, can help offenders understand the impact of their actions on victims and communities. Restorative justice approaches promote accountability and empathy, fostering personal growth and reducing the likelihood of reoffending.
I think that logo J is showing compassion for each other in prison. In prison, inmates often feel a connection because they share the experience of being confined and dealing with the tough parts of being in jail. They support each other emotionally, forming friendships to help cope with prison life. Some inmates are compassionate as a way to survive, making the prison a safer place. Things like dealing with being alone, programs for making up for what they did wrong, and the culture in the prison affect how much compassion there is. Even though inmates can be friends, there can also be conflicts, and the rules of the prison affect how much inmates can help each other. People are working to make prisons more humane and help inmates change by understanding and supporting positive connections between them.
"L" is my choice. One approach to managing prisons is to concentrate on rehabilitation programs that highlight different aspects of personal growth and development. A few of these initiatives are career training programs that teach inmates new skills, education initiatives that provide detainees with access to academic courses, and counseling and therapy programs that treat mental health issues and help prisoners develop coping methods.
Although some prisons prioritize restorative justice, in which criminals acknowledge their wrongdoings and work toward reconciliation and healing for all parties, others provide drug abuse treatment programs to help prisoners overcome their addiction. A few examples are as follows:
1. Victim-offender interaction Mediation offers a safe space where the victim and the offender can talk, share their feelings, and work toward a settlement that is agreeable to both parties. The mediator leads the discussion.
2. Community Service: Offenders may be required to perform community service in place of more traditional forms of instruction. In doing so, they might make amends for their transgressions and give back to the community.
These programs aim to foster empathy, accountability, and healing in addition to ensuring that offenders are held responsible for their actions. This alternate approach places a strong emphasis on fostering positive transformation and healing bridges. Additionally, the goal of these programs is to give inmates the tools necessary to successfully reintegrate into society after they are released from custody. Some models give greater weight to an inmate's network of support after release and their reintegration into society. By promoting successful reintegration into society, these tactics aim to reduce recidivism rates. The ultimate goal is to create a system that balances opportunities for positive change with sanctions and personal growth.
I would want to start with the meaning of prison which means a place that you punish criminals for their wrong doing,or i can define it as a correctional institution. I would run my prison in a little comfortable manner depending on their crime because,you have to remember that the are still human beings. When I mean comfortable I don't mean for you to allow electronic gadget because it might lead jail break out like how fito did. I mean not to make them to be in so much pain to an extent it will make them feel like dying.
This is how i think a prison should be run. The prisoners should be given punishments. they should not have link to any friend or family.
I agree with you because. The prison should give punishment so that they will repent from their crime but it is good to give punishment and also give them some comfort
First, I would like to start off with a definition. Many see prison as a punishment- which in a number of ways, is. I'm not going to directly object what prison is and what it looks like. Many prisons and the way that they treat their prisoners is awful. They are either treated like they are lesser than the average person or absolute gods, both are terrible. One turns what could have been guilt into a bigger ego, and the other is just flat out wrong. Prisons should be a place of rehabilitation, where people know that they were wrong, accept it, and better themselves as a person. Some people do achieve this, yes, but other people's lives spiral downhill during or after prison. Not everyone's experience is the same and it will never be the same, which is why prisons should offer different things for different people. It shouldn't be 100% comfortable but the prisoners should be given an opportunity no less. I don't excuse their actions- and frankly, I never will. But people can move on because the world will forever be spinning.
I agree with you, prisoners should be able to rehabilitate. This will make them fully independent. I feel like prisoners should be given things to help them go through this rehabilitation process. For example, giving them a room for theirselves, giving them a kitchen so they can cook, and giving them a device to contact people. (This could be optional for each prison.) I can see how it should differ from person to person. I don't think someone who commited a bank heist should be fully comfortable.
I would say that picture I describes how prisons should be run, because although prison is made to be a punishment, it should let prisoners learn from their actions. Mostly, when I look at prisons, there is little effort made to actually correct what they did wrong. It's just prisoners thrown together in a group. They are also treated inhumanely. In some cases, prison can lead to mental health problems, making prisoners worse in the future. Damaging the prisoners' mental health can also lead to them being repeat offenders.
That's an interesting point about prisons worsening outcomes for inmates. How do you think prisons could improve outcomes and reduce rates of reoffending?
One possible way to improve outcomes and reduce rates of reoffending is to provide more opportunities for education, training and rehabilitation in prisons. Studies have shown that inmates who participate in educational programs, vocational training or drug treatment are less likely to return to crime after their release than those who do not. Education and training can help inmates acquire new skills, knowledge and qualifications that can increase their chances of finding employment and reintegrating into society. Rehabilitation can help inmates address the underlying causes of their criminal behavior, such as substance abuse, mental health issues or trauma, and develop coping strategies and pro-social attitudes. By offering these programs, prisons can help inmates prepare for a productive and law-abiding life after imprisonment.
I have chosen image H because it could have many meanings.
• It could mean that prisoners must be allowed to stay in contact with their families in order to feel more comfortable.
• Another idea could be that prisoners should talk to each other about their lives before they were put in prison in order to get to know one another.
• Also it could be suggesting that they let the prisoners partly run the prison and listen to their ideas.
Using the knowledge from me knowing what prison is. I think certain parts of prison is unfair. Like certain outdoor time and maybe phone calls. But I also think that prison should be the way it is. I think that because it shows you better respect and what you earned for the crime or anything you commited. It also gives lessons to at least not do the crime again. Prisons should have higher security and just a little bit more ease with the prisoners. It should be certain levels for the type of crime you commitied and broke off into sections.
I believe that F J and H best represent how I think prisons should be run. I am a firm believer in the fact that I think prisons should be more understanding and focus on rehabilitation than punishment. Now I get that in many cases the people that get sent to prison are horrible people who are there for a very good reason but there are some cases where people wouldn't be there if they had better role models/ mentors in their life to guide them. These same people would also benefit from a sense of community and understanding in these prisons to help them get on the right track and to help them become better people. I think if there is a sense of balance, these programs and practices could help these prisoners get a second chance at life.
I think you are right about your comment, because many people who go to prison lack good guidance and this can affect their development. Sometimes, innocent people are wrongly imprisoned to hide the crimes of others. So, when a prison is run like in F, J and H, that is with empathy and communication and focuses more on how they can help and change the prisoners' thinking rather than punishing and judging them, there are chances that prisoners can hope for a better future and give up their harmful, criminal behaviors. In short, the way prisons are run can matter a lot for the prisoners and the society as a whole, so making sure that it is run in a way that protects and cares for both prisoners and staff, and also not depriving inmates of the basic things that a person needs such as food, shelter, health care and so on can be very important.
In my own view I choose G ,reformative the less priority should be comfort,A prison should be a correctional center where people who goes against the rules and regulations governing the society should be kept not just as punishment for their offence but also be taught how to become a better person.In the prison people should be taught how to be law abiding.
i think prison is a bit strict and bad because you have to spend 23 hours in a cell and have 1 hour out which is a bit bad in my opinion and especially if you got framed for something you didn't do and you only get a tiny mattress a small toilet and the prison cells are a bit small witch in my opinion isn't fair
I prefer H and J in this cases.
Now I get that in many cases the people that get sent to prison are horrible people who are there for a very good reason but there are some cases where people wouldn't be there if they had better role models/ mentors in their life to guide them. These same people would also benefit from a sense of community and understanding in these prisons to help them get on the right track and to help them become better people. I think if there is a sense of balance, these programs and practices could help these prisoners get a second chance at life.
In my own point of view, A prison should be a correctional center where people who goes against the rules and regulations governing the society should be kept not just as punishment for their offence but also be taught how to become a better person. In the prison people should be taught how to be law abiding. In prison people should be taught how to be a good citizen and a better person with fantastic mindset. Prisons must be a secure place with safe environment. Prison should not be seen as a violence center if not it could lead to prisoners trying to or breaking out as in the case of "FITO". Offenders are also treated inhumanely. In some cases, prison can lead to mental health problems, making prisoners worse in the future. Damaging the prisoners' mental health can also lead to them being repeat offenders. So, prison must have safe and comfortable zone to develop the mindset and to be a better person of criminals.
Thank you.
How I think that prisons should be ran is through a awards system. Good actions will be rewarded and bad actions will be punished.
You are absolutely right quickwitted penguin because prison should ran like a award system . If a person always do good works , always motivates other to be good and follow all the rules and regulation , he /she should be appreciated. And if any person will do crimes and break the rules and regulation , that person shold be given punishment.
Very true @quickwitted_penguin, prisons should reform prisoners and reward good acts and also encourage them for more good deeds, bad actions should be reformed, now this is what most prison guards mistake for an excuse to abuse the prisoners, most prison guards lash out at the prisoners and treat them in unhuman ways, they seem to forget that prisoners are still humans, instead of violent acts, they should rather give them psychiatric sessions and talks, remember a prison is also a reformative centre.
Thank you.
Hello Richad Hughes!
I think that the prisoners should get basic needs like foods , water and clothes too. The criminal should not given any luxury life, they should get a normal in jail or prison. To run the prison smoothly the authority should give oppurtinuty to do good works according to their talents in jail and motivate to stop doing crime and involving in good works and be polite with them. Criminals should get chance to meet their family but not more than a day in one week. Like this the prison should run.
A prison is described by Wikipedia as a place where people are kept against their will for breaking the law. In my opinion, a prison is not only a punitive measure but also a reformative center or rather a rehabilitation facility. This is how I believe a prison should be:
1. Teach offenders that what they did was wrong.
2. Avoid cruelty to criminals.
3. Assist convicts to learn from their past mistakes and develop.
4. For example, allow inmates to meet with their relatives and friends outside the prison walls
5. To prevent breakout related problems such as “FITO” violence in prisons
I think that a prison needs to balance between being too lenient and strict at the same time because it should be the place of fairness and positive aspects as believed above.
Richard Hughes, thank you very much for reading my thoughts!
Hello if I am to run a prison I would use these icons:
A to me A means coming to an agreement because you see from the icons two people agreeing on something
E. To me E means finding your missing peace. My prison will help find the good qualities you are lacking.
H. To me it means brainstorming ideas that is to be working together to generate ideas.
I. I'm not sure but I think it represents sharing your ideas in a professional way.
J. To me this means helping each other like it shows in the icon.
Having all these in a prison will make your prison really good as it teaches them lessons and skills in order for the prisoners to become better people when they leave the prison just like Richard thinks a prison should prepare one for life outside the prison.
Prison is a place where people are legally kept as a punishment for the crime they committed.
In my opinion prisons should be run by following ways:
•Prisioners shouldn't be tortured and should get the basic human rights.
•Prisons should use AI(Artificial Intelligence) to record the data related to prisoners. As my school is also using AI, 3 people are easily handling my whole school.
•Prisoners should be given basic skills that they are interested in for example handcrafts, painting, tailoring etc.
•Health check up of prisoners should be done at a certain period of time.
•Prisoners should be given psychological motivation about the things that they should/can do and can't do. Especially by making them do yoga and meditation so that they regret for doing bad things and do good things in the future.
•For the prisoners refreshments sport house and library should be opened inside.
Thank you!
I would say that prison should be run when you do something on purpose and do something REALLY BAD not an accident. I think it should be ran like this so hear me out. If you do something bad, you have to wait until they come, then they will arrest you and you have to stay quiet. When you get to the prison, you have to do a scan where they will check if you have weapons or bad things and if you have those bad things, you will get an extra month in prison. After that, you have to shower then you have to wear prison clothes. Then you have to go to questioning where you FINALY explain what you do then go to your cell. TRIAL: You will go to court and lawyers will explain and you will have to talk if guilty: you go to jail but if not guilty: they will send you home. ESCAPE: bascully, there will be tasers guarding outside and if they see you escaping, you will be tased and they will send you to an extra time for jail.
As Richard mentioned in the above video prison is not only a place where people go for punishment but it is also a place which provides them with the knowledge that is important for them to acquire in order to go back and live a normal life. I completely agree with him, as I have mentioned in my earlier comments in of the basic function of prison is to make sure that prisoners change through the rehabilitation provided by the prison and therefore the icons that I feel represents how a prison should work are "I" and "J" as 'I' shows that the prisoners are getting educated and taught new skills while 'J' shows that prisoners are learning from each other and supporting one another to grow ,these according to me are the ideal conditions for a good prison.
The exact way that a prison should be run can vary depending on the specific needs and circumstances of the individuals in that prison, as well as the laws and regulations of the governing jurisdiction. However, in general, a prison should be run in a way that prioritizes the safety, health, and well-being of all individuals within its walls, while also working towards the rehabilitation and ultimate release of those who have been incarcerated.
Here are some important considerations for how prisons should be run:
1. Adequate Resources: A well-functioning prison system must have enough resources to provide for the basic needs of all individuals within its walls, including food, shelter, healthcare, and mental health services. Additionally, adequate staffing levels are important to ensure the safety of both inmates and staff.
2. Focus on Rehabilitation: Prisons should be focused on rehabilitation rather than punishment. Programs that educate, train, and provide job skills to inmates can help them build better lives and avoid future criminal activity.
3. Fair and Just Treatment: All individuals within a prison system must be treated fairly and equitably, regardless of their race, gender, or socioeconomic status.
4. Policies and Oversight: Oversight and monitoring are important for making sure that abuses of power are prevented and that all individuals within the prison system are treated appropriately. Policies and procedures should be in place to prevent mistreatment and address complaints.
5. Community Engagement: Prisons should engage with families, friends, and community organizations to facilitate reintegration into society. This reduces recidivism and promotes healing and reconciliation between all parties.
Ultimately, the goal of a well-run prison system should be to create an environment that promotes positive change and growth, rather than one that simply punishes individuals for their past mistakes. THANK YOU
From my perspective,prisons should be a correctional center.The prisoners should be punished for their wrong doings but at the same time should be treated with respect because they are all human beings.There should be no discrimination in prisons as every prisoner both rich and poor,black and white should be treated equally and be given equal rights as human beings.
A prison is a facility where people are confined against their will and denied freedoms as punishment for various crimes. It is commonly used within a criminal-justice system, where people charged with crimes may be imprisoned until their trial. Prisons can also be used as a tool of political repression by authoritarian regimes, often without a fair trial or due process. In times of war, belligerents or neutral countries may detain prisoners of war or detainees in military prisons or prisoner-of-war camps. In New Zealand, the terms "jail" and "prison" are commonly used, while in Papua New Guinea, "prison" is officially used. In Australia, the terms "gaol", "jail" and "prison" are commonly used.
Hi, I think that prisons should not be run by captivating the criminals and punishing them in harsh conditions like most of the prisons do. Prisons should be run for a purpose to rehabilitate the criminals rather than punishing them for what they have done. Like the finnish prisons, it emphasizes rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners into society, with a focus on education and therapy. Not only that but it is also the most progressive in the world. Prisons should focus on helping inmates address the root causes of their behavior, providing education and vocational training to increase their chances of successful reintegration into society. It's about creating an environment that encourages personal growth and change rather than just punishment.
Thank you!
How do you think prisons could focus on helping inmates address the root causes of their behaviour?
Prisons can help inmates address the root cause of their behavior by having experts talk to them individually. These experts would ask questions about the inmates' past, like if they've been through tough times or struggled with things like drugs or feeling down. By understanding each person's unique challenges, the prison can then create special programs to help them with those specific issues, making it easier for inmates to make positive changes.
Another way for prisons to help inmates understand why they behaved a certain way is by offering counseling or therapy sessions. Trained professionals can talk to inmates about their thoughts, feelings, and past experiences to uncover any underlying issues contributing to their behavior. Through open and supportive conversations, inmates can gain insights into the root causes of their actions. These sessions provide a safe space for inmates to reflect on their choices and work towards positive change with the guidance of mental health professionals.
Instead of just punishing people for doing bad stuff, they could, like, teach them why it's not cool to do those things. They could have classes to help them understand their feelings and stuff, and maybe even have counselors to talk to. That way, they could figure out why they did the bad stuff in the first place and learn how to make better choices. And, like, maybe they could learn some new skills or get help finding a job for when they get out, so they don't go back to doing bad stuff again. That would be way better than just locking them up and forgetting about them, right?
This was my opinion!
Thank you!
I don't know if being a student affects my reasoning, but it seems like a pretty good option. Education is instrumental in life, I learned this from my culture and from a kid perspective. Back to my analysis a studied one stated that "68% of State prison inmates did not receive a high school diploma. About 26% of State prison inmates said they had completed the GED while serving time in a correctional facility". This goes to my point because I feel like even though people know they're doing a crime, they never know the extent of their actions. I feel if people went to Jail, being taught other crimes would be beneficial to them. Now of course there could be some disadvantages to this, but I still believe people will benefit from this. Also having prison like a classroom where people can discuss why they were sent to prison for, and reflect on their actions. Would be good as well. I think with these steps prison could possibly become less violent, and more beneficial for those who want to change their lives. It could further bring empathy towards any of those who were falsely accused, or forced to due certain actions.
I must confess that I can't actually read his mind but I strongly believe that the best way that a prison should be run is when we remove the mindset that a prison is a place where we punish the offender but rather we should see prison as a place where people that have broken the law are to be reformed.
Firstly, the prison management should be able to identify the crimes that a person have committed before jailing him or her and not only that they should be able to identify the main cause of the persons action, what might have lead the person into such act and probably find a way of solving such problems.
For example, a person that is been caught as an armed robbery should not just be imprisoned just like that, he or she should be question to know what might have been the cause of him or her engagement into such act, when the person is get to be questioned, we might discover that it might be due to lack of education which is illiteracy, now when the prison management get to find out this problem, that would not only stop there, they are been meant to go deeper to engaging them into skill acquisition or enrolling them into school, so that when they eventually come out, they will find something to hold into and I promise you that if they have something doing they will not go back to such crimes again.
So prison should concentrate more on reformation for them to be able to change the prisoners mind towards the rightful way, and they can achieve this by having cancelling in the prison or by allowing the evangelist and reverend to visit the prisoners often and pray for them and.
I would like to shine more light on icon I. As you can see in the icon, the prisoners are being taught about something, which is most likely the wrongs that they have committed and its effects. They are teaching them to change . A prison is supposed to be a correctional center where prisoners are confined and prosecuted for their mistakes. While justice is one of the main ideas of a prison, reformation is also an important function. Criminals were once normal citizens like us, but certain circumstances changed their view. Even if we can't completely eradicate life changing situations, we can at least try to influence them and show them that committing crimes is bad to them and everyone around them. A prison should show love and justice, teach the prisoners the right thing to do the right way. Give them good ideas to be productive members of the society. A prisons guiding principle should be tough love.
I think prisons should be of their best standards ,and must be well secured and packed with security so as for prisoners not to escape, or gain access to any technology or access to any gadgets, so as for them not to escape and cause harm to the society or become a threat to society.
Hi 👋 everyone,
In my own point of view, a prison is a place where offenders are kept with the purpose of correcting them from their previous mistakes and transforming them into better citizens in the society. So, prisons should be secured by not allowing people to go in and out and also should be given punishment according to their crimes so that anytime they remember the punishment they will be able to stop commiting crimes and so that justice would be achieved. And also I suggest that prisoners should not be shown mercy so that they won't become comfortable just like the case of Fito the criminal who smuggled cellphones which would have been the reason behind his escape. I also suggest that prisoners should not be given comfort at all. Thanks.
I agree that the punishment should be relative to the crime. Could you expand on the idea that prisoners should not be given any comfort?
People who believe that prisoners shouldn't have any comfort think this way because they see putting someone in prison as a way to punish them for the bad things they did. Those in favor of this idea say that making prison really tough will stop others from doing crimes and make sure that those who did bad things suffer a lot. They focus on punishment and making up for the harm caused by crimes. On the other hand, some people argue that prisons should focus more on helping prisoners change and become a part of society again. They think it's important to create a positive environment in prisons that helps individuals learn and grow, reducing the chances of them doing more crimes. This debate also involves discussions about human rights, with some saying that not giving prisoners basic comforts goes against their fundamental rights. Overall, the conversation about how comfortable prisons should be connects to bigger questions about why we have prisons, whether tough punishments work, and how we should treat people in the justice system.
Although we can use the resources we put into making prisons comfortable for prisoners in other things, we should not in any way undermine the justice systems of countries by making prisons a place of comfort rather than a place of correction and sometimes retribution.
According to the case of Fito, he was able to break out of prison because he was allowed to be very comfortable to the extend of smuggling cell phones which is not meant to be so and decorating his prison cell. My idea of not giving prisoners any comfort is based restrictions to any form of enjoyment and hard labor. I observed that when people are given comfort they have the urge and the tendency to commit more crimes but I believe that when prisoners are given hard labor and are restricted to all forms of enjoyment, they would strife to repent. Thanks 👍
I agree with option H, it shows that you must have to think on how your own prison should be run before setting up one. you should not just come and say this is what a prison should be before you conclude, you should first of all know the qualities of what a prison is like.
Personally, I believe that pictures H, I, J and L best represent how I think that prisons should be run.
First of all, for me H shows active discussions with multiple other people. I believe that it is vital that multiple discussions about the prisoners futures once they have returned to society. This is because these sorts of discussions will allow many ideas to be shared of what to do once they have left prison and how to cope with this major change. I feel that many beneficial ideas would spark out of conversations like this because, in reality, they will most likely have a life outside of prison. In addition to this, being able to participate in conversations with other people in a positive way is a very important life skill that many prisoners might struggle with as they are likely to need this skill in their future job.
Next, diagram I shows people being taught. I also believe that it is vital that prisons are run in a reformative matter as this will also help the prisoners in the long run. This is because being taught about what you may have done wrong will help you to understand what you shouldn’t do next time, which would really benefit the prisoners as most of them won’t want to end up in this sort of situation again. Personally, I believe that if prisons don’t use these sorts of reformative ways, they are likely to be setting up their prisoners to return back to prison as they aren’t being supported in the way that they should be.
In addition to this, diagram J shows someone giving support to someone. This slightly links to my views on diagram I. I believe that if prisoners are given the support that they are needed and any extra help, if required, they are less likely to return to prison. This is because they would have gained more understanding in a way that works for them. As well as this, it’s also very important that other prisoners support each other as it’s a way of them bonding so they could also form life long connections among each other, which is also a very good skill to use when they are merged back into society.
Finally, I also believe that diagram L is vital when it comes to running a prison as to me it shows connections. Connecting and staying in contact with people in the real society is a great life skill for when prisoners return to the real world. This means that prisons should support the prisoners in doing so by allowing them to have phone calls, visits and more discussion opportunities. I believe that this would highly benefit the prisoners for when they return to society because they would still have an idea about what is going on around them and the world, rather than everything having to be a shock.
In conclusion, I believe that my views are quite similar to Richard’s as he also mentions things like preparation for reentering the real world, staying connected with others outside of prison as well as using their time productively on an educational perspective.
I solidly agree with what gragrerious bee said. In my own understanding, a prison also known as jail, correctional centers or zone is a place where offensive individuals are been sentencrd to for reformation in other to be a better citizen. According to my own opnion, i will say that prisoners should not be given more of comfort than security because, if prisoners are been given more of comfort, they won't mearn and they will be bahaving anyhow they want.
If i should be asked, i will say that Fito was been given more of xomfort because they allowed him to make use of a mobile phone even though as a prisoner.
I think if there is a tight security in the prison prisoners won't escape because if someone escape from prison, to me i think the person is going to do the worse in the society, Tight security will not allow and also detect wether a prisoner has a phone to smughke into the prison.but the general imppression there is that prisoners should be given more od reformation than comfort because, it us from reformation that peisoners learn how to be a better citizen and also acquire some skils that will be beneficial to him or her and to the nation.
In.conclusion, i think the prisons should be runed with a proper rehanitation measures in other to ensure that the prisons schedules are moving without any fault or mistake.
Thank you.
I will go with L because looking at it , it looks as if three different people not in the same prison cell coming together or had already planned on how to escape ,HOW? because for example there are some prison cell which are normally opposite to each other so it might be due to that they might have the opportunity to plan or to talk about how to escape or another thing which may be important or not.
I solidly agree with what unbaised palnet said. According to my own opnion, i will say that a prison is an authorised institution that is been set out for rehalbitation or correctional purposes. It can also be seen as a place where criminals are been treated justicely in other to learn their lessons.
I think prisons are not supposed made more comfortable than reformation because, if prison is made more comfortable to the prisoners, they will start messing up in the sense that they will feel above the law which might lead lead to exhibiting some illegal actions like smuggling mobile phones into the prison. If i should be asked accirding to what i have gathered, i will say that Fito's escape from prison is mostly the government's fault because they made the prison more comfortable for him by allowing him to operate a phone even though as a prisoner. Fito might likely going to call his gang to rescue him at any moment in time.
In conclusion, i will say that prisons should focus more of their resources or thoughts in reformation than comfortable to enable the prisoners learn and repent from thier evil ways.
Thank you.
I wasnt entirely sure what the diagrams were truly trying to inference so in my opinions I think prisons should be a strict yet non - toxic environment. The reasons I feel this is because well they need to be strict in order for the prisoners to change their behaviours and it shouldn't be toxic because then the prisoners will start to build a sort of rage against authorities and because of the toxic environment end up commiting a crime again but one of the diagrams caught my eye alittle which was I it showed a person teaching others the right thing and this is a very good example on how a prison should be run
Thank you
My personal opinion is that prisons should treat their prisoners depending on their crime and if a prisoner has something like a mental illness that causes them to do things without really like knowing what their doing they should be put in a wing of the prison where them and people who are similar are able to get rehab and therapy since you can't completely fix an mental illness but you can help it. Prisons should reduce privileges for prisoners that commit inhumane crime like sexual assault and stuff like murder, and should get less quality food and less time outside of their cells because prison is for punishment and rehab for prisoners.
I believe that there should be a balance. Prisons shouldn't be too comfortable, like how Fito saw it as. Fito was able to decorate his cell, host parties, etc. However, prisons are meant to punish someone for their crime. Although that's why prison was invented, prisoners should still have certain rights and not complete prevention. For example:
1. Prisons should allow rehabilitation classes to prevent the prisoner from committing the same crime again, or in general, a crime.
I think that prisons should be run strong but I also think that they should be comfortable for the prisoners. I think they should be run like this because some prisons aren't clean enough for the prisoners. In my public jail I've heard of stories on the news where the cells aren't clean enough because they have mold in them. Some of the prisoners are dying because of the health conditions in their and some are just really sick. I think it should be a healthy environment for the prisoners even if they did the worst things imaginable.
In my opinion prison should change but not for the reason you think. "Why do we need prisons?" To keep people from another's harm, and also because of the law. We need to give justice to the people who needs it. Prisoner go to prison by doing something very harmful or taking something that's not theirs, or in other word stealing. "Why do prison guards go too hard on the prisoners?" Prison guards do this so the prisoners don't think they're soft but.. they also do this so the prisoners don't think they're in control of that prison. "Well the food they give them is nasty! " It is nasty, like not good at all but.. that's good if you want to be fit of course the food is bad so you don't eat it however if you eat it its extremely bad for you apparently my research says that prison food is unhealthy, and occasionally dangerous. "Hmm thanks for telling me but why do prison need to be changed?" Prisons can have better floors because prisoner can spoon their way out of the prison. Speaking of spoons they need to give plastic spoons instead of metal since prisoners can dig their way out. "Ok last question why do guards make prisoner work out?" They have to workout so they dont be weak they give them a choice to do something in the outside world because they stay in there cells for almost 23 hours a day. The world can make a better place if they just change the prisons but not to much since they can take it for granted.
A very creative comment, imaginative_shark!
thank you i tired really hard and did lots of research!
I would say that prisons should run in order and the correct way. Prison is a place where criminals should be punished or taught a lesson for committing a crime/felony. Yet, Fito was comfortable and happy. He decorated his cell with all different kinds of murals and artwork. However, I think prisons should not run that way. Instead, prisoners should see prison as a punishment instead of a comfort zone. Prisons should be ran as follows:
1. Prisoners should be punished for their actions and told that their crimes have consequences.
2. Prisoners should have access to a rehab class to make sure they don't commit another crime.
3. Guards should watch over the prisoners more thoroughly to make sure they don't escape.
I think prison should be run in way that it focuses on education and skills like leather making, sewing etc. so that when the prisoner is finally released, he/she will have a meaningful job to do instead having the urge of committing a crime. I also think prison should also include have some hard physical labor like mining for the state, so that it would benefit the state and make sure that prisoners wouldn't want to return back to prison
I think options I and J best represent how prisons should be run. Option I represents teaching new skills and ideas. As mentioned by Richard, prisoners would do a job once they are released. Prisoners need to be treated like normal people and not seen as a "monster". For this to happen, prisoners would have to adapt to the normal world that they would be living in. The skills or the education provided in the prison would help them to get adjusted. After serving their sentence when they would do a job these skills would help them become more included in society.
Option J shows people helping each other. As Richard said, the prisoners when released would be someone's neighbour. Prisoners are people who have committed crimes and hurt someone. So if they are to be good neighbours then they will have to learn how to help each other in times of need. I think if prisoners were taught to be sympathetic and kind they would eventually learn it. I remember reading a line by Nelson Mandela, who said that the natural nature of humans is to love each other. Hatred is something that we learn as we grow up but love is what we are born with, what runs in our blood. So I think, even if the prisoners have hurt someone in the past they can still learn to be kind, after all, it is human nature. So I think options I and J best represent how prisons should be run.
I think prisons should be run by re-teaching morals to the inmates but if that doesn't work than something more stricter will make them try to stick in place
I think prisons should be ran to teach the prisoners and not embarrass them. To make them learn and pay for their consequences and not to be their for nothing. Prisoner have to maintain the rules in this world. My opinion if I ran a prisoners it would not be filthy and I would run it differently.
Prisons should work to reform people, especially those with mental conditions. If rehabilitation doesn't work, then they must make sure the prison is safe and secure for both its staff and prisoners. Next, they should have varying degrees for everything in a prison. Some like the solitary confinement cells will have extra security, and be uncomfortable. Normal cells should retain a mix between being comfortable to being uncomfortable, want prisoners to feel docile.
I think (I),(J). (K), and (H) is how prisons should be run. I believe that prisons should be run in a way that focuses on educating the prisoners on better behaviors and teaching them to become better people. In my opinion prisoners should be placed in different places based on their crimes where they can receive specific types of education. Moreover, I think that prisoners who show improvement should be rewarded with better food or bathing facilities. This is how I imagine a prison system that stresses rehabilitation and positive change.
I strongly think that Icon "I" will be the best way a prison should be run, because it teaches people the bright side of thing and not the dark side. It helps them become better citizens when they are out of prison. I think this will really help them to communicate with people better or to be able to collaborate with others, I am sure of this because they are learning all these skills so they might be offered a good, job even though they have been in prison before.
I chose “F” because it emphasises creating a rehabilitative environment within prisons through initiatives such as occupational-based rehabilitation programmes, therapeutic communities, and effective community re-entry programmes. These efforts aim to equip prisoners with the necessary skills for successful reintegration into society, reducing recidvism, and improve overall public safety. Richard's perspective aligns closely with the idea of creating a rehabilitative environment within prisons. Both Richard's thoughts and option "F" prioritise equippng prisoners with skills and resources for successful reintegration into society. Richard emphasises the need for the right staff, resources, and activities to occupy and prepare individuals for release, ultimately aiming for them to be good neighbors upon reentry into society.
i think prisons should be better quality and maybe better food so the prisoners can feel better and not try to escape
The people in prisons should be taught good and acceptable behavior to make them productive members of society. If the prisons only bully, hurt, and even kill the people in it, there should be a change in the prison system and its running. A place reflects what kind of people are going to emerge from it. The problem is not only with the people. it is also with the place
Prisons should be run with maximum security and prison guards should be more forceful when a prisoner doesn't follow the rules or tries to escape, if a prisoner is in a prison that doesn't have good security then the best thing to do is to move the inmates to another prison that is actually secure.
In my opinion, prisoners should be punished for their wrong doings but not in a way that will infringe upon their fundamental human rights. Prisons should be very secure. I think making prisons comfortable is not appropriate.
Just imagine, if prisons are made comfortable would prisoners actually reform? Prisoners could say, even if they break the law, they are going to be treated well and lay in cozy beds all day. This could further increase the crime rate in society. For example, if the prison in Ecuador is made comfortable, Fito wouldn't think twice before committing another crime after all he is going to be in a comfortable place were he will be treated well.
Prisons should be made secure and little harsh
I believe that prisons should be run to where people are separated by charges. For example, people with charges that involves murder would have high security and cell checks 3 times a day and no cellmates. People with charges that involve stealing money would have cell mates less cell checks because all priority will be mainly for more dangerous criminals. If any one of these prisoners decide to do anything that harms themselves or others they will be transferred to the high watched cells with the murderers. If anything such as a riot were to break out officers will be on stand-by with non-lethal weapons. If there ever is a problem in behavior with the high watched individuals then officers will have all right to uncuff their lethal weapons but aren't allowed to fire or engage until aggravated by the prisoner.
Prisons also known as jail, detention center and so on is basically known as a building in which people are legally held as a punishment they have committed. Although I couldn't understand the given diagrams ,I would like to give my own thoughts and ideas. Prisons are mainly held to make positive changes and skills in a person that has done crimes in the past. It is also for the peoples safety. I think that prisons should be run in a way that the past criminal is now motivated to make good and positive contribution and thinking . It should be run in a manner that ensures safety as well. It is really necessary for the prison to be run by the employees or people that are well trained and know how to handle prisoners. I think that it is also important for the prison to provide proper basic needs to them like health care,food etc.
Thank you
I really can't decide which icon represents best how a prison should be run. I think it's just a combination of all of them as it shows a connectivity to different types of communication , activity, mind thinking. I agree with Richard that first we need to ensure that staff and buildings are appropriate for a prison. Secondly prisoners should be occupied with different activities during their imprisonment and they should keepe the connection with their family as most of them will get out.
That's a nice point. Yes, it's difficult to choose which icon best represents how a prison should be run. Each icon has a meaning and a purpose but all of them a common goal. Communication, interaction, reformation. Prisoners can be considered successful not only because they punish the criminals but also they made a total turnout of their mindset. They should lead criminals to self-study and self correction.
Of course I need to take out when crimes are committed because of serious,mental disorders. Then we are talking about medical therapies.
Prisons should have a clear purpose on what they want to do. I think that prisons should be divided according to the seriousness of each crime. So the role of a prison towards minor crimes should be different to the ones that committed murders and so on. However the main priority should be to reform every prisoner and make them reconsider their actions.
I disagree with Richard, beacuse those people who go to prison committed a crime ,so they must be punished, as well they may like the prison, so when they are released, they may commit another crime so they could go back there. An example would be vulnerable people , cause they could steal something to go to prison, that would make their life better. In prison they would have food, a place to sleep and heat, so they would go to a free hotel, not to a place they would be punished.
That's an interesting point you made about the reasons why people might commit crimes. What do you think would be one of the main struggles for a prisoner spending time in prison?
Although Richard may have reasonable reasons, I don't agree at all with his concepts about prisons. First of all, I think prisons are equal to jail and also , in their definition, a place with no freedom. By giving the criminals a place with a lot of nature, things to do, privacy, and over all a pleasent enviorment, they might not perceive it as a punishment. Actually, their life might be better and a lot of another innocent citizen's living. On the other hand, privacy and hygiene are such important things for everyday life. I just don't think that it's appropriate to give people that have probably have done horribly bad things, what we could call a nice home.
That's an interesting point you made about punishment. Why might it be important to ensure all people, including prisoners, have access to human rights such as sanitation?
I disagree with the way Richard Hughes believes prisons should be run. First of all, this type of prisons makes criminals perceive "going to jail" as a holiday since the facilities and architecture are better than most homes. At least the norweigan prison we learned about in class called Halden. Second of all, this so called "prison" cost more than all of the other ones. The money could have been used to build homeless shelters or other forms of rehabilitation.
On the other hand, I agree with the concept of helping people that have committed a crime. I believe that the intentions are right but too much money is spent.
I think Richard has thought out the process of running a prison very well, but, even if I mostly agree with him, some things should be done differently. I do agree that the prisoners should learn how to be better there, but they should also be scared of going to prison, so they should be put in smaller cells that aren't greatly managed and the view outside shouldn't be good. Making prisons the same or better than a normal home can encourage people to commit crimes to go there, which isn't what a prison should do.
In my opinion, I think that prisons should be run a bit more roughly, because prisoners got to prisons for crimes that crossed the line.
For example, a guy had done a severe crime and he gets sent to prison. He arrives at the prison and it looks like a hotel, plus some staff are •nice. being nice to a prisoner is good, but in my opinion, the staff should treat the prisoners much more roughly, to teach them a lesson.
•Some staff are nice because they feel bad for the prisoners or they think that with happiness and them being nice will help the prisoners become better people, but I think it won't help at all because of a saying:
"Once a ..., always a..."
I'm not sure what you mean by roughly. How do you think prisons could help prisoners to change their outlook or prospects whilst in prison?
I see Mr. Richard's point, but I slightly disagree with that prison model of Halden prison, a Norwegian prison our teacher showed us in class. The idea of Halden prison is to give the prisoners a kind of liberty inside the prison's walls. There are trees planted all around, open spaces for prisoners to walk, big windows in cells so that inmates can see the seasons and weather, gyms, spaces for people to read and other facilities like theese. I disagree with this idea because the huge cost, and the fact that people will not be afraid of prisons anymore. In certain less developed countries, very poor people or people who do not want to work commit crimes for the sole purpose of going to prison and having better conditions. Of course I do not wish prisoners to spend their lives in cells without ever seeing sunlight, but this conditions are also way too exaggerated.
In my opinion, the way most prisons are run is quite convenient. However, prisons should have educational or recreational facilities, so prisoners don’t feel too miserable during their sentence.
The Halden Prison in Norway is one of the prisons famous for their luxurious buildings, where surroundings consist of tall trees and beautiful natural landscapes. It was interesting to find out more about it, but I think they focused too much on the prisoners’ comfort. I believe that the main reason of prisons is that prisoners become better people, and realise that crimes have consequences. This goal might be reached through educational programs.
In conclusion, I think the ideal prison would be a mix of scandinavian prisons and the average prison. For example, there should be strict rules or prison guards, but giving inmates bigger cells with more privacy, which also have desks where they can draw or write to express their feelings or thoughts. Small trips can also be a great idea, as long as they’re not too far away from the prison and the prisoners are supervised at all times.
actually, in my own understanding i think there are different perspectives on how prisons should be runed, some people believe in focusing rehabilitation and providing education and skills training to help inmates reintegate int society.
other, think that punishment should be the primary goal.
I believe that prisons should be run strictly if they are easy on their prisoners they might do crimes again but if they're strict on them they will learn their lesson like for example you stole something and got caught if they go easy on you or treat you easily this should be illegal because they might to the same crime with the excuse "well they're going to be easy on me" but when they're strict when the prisoners get out they might not do it again because it was really hard when they did it first time so I think prisoners should be run strictly and carefully
Thank you.
Prisons should be ran with more security, punishment, and reformative, and they aren't right now which is a big problem. Prisons do not do their job at all. Prisons are not secure and not safe people could escape with ease that is a bad thing. Prisons should make people feel like they can be a better person not worse. I think that sometimes prisons don"t give the right punishment that they don"t desever. Prisons should really step up and be better.
Why do you think they are badly run at present? Is there a particular State that you have in mind or just more generally?
Well on the subject of how prisons should be run; I would say that the way prisons should be run is having the prison secure,safe,reformative,and punishment.The reason I say that prisons should be secure is if a prison is not secure anyone and everyone will just escape like what happened in Ecuador.I say reformative because if a prison does not teach the prisoners how to be good people they will just do the same thing.
The letter I would choose above is (H). I said this because (H) seems like it has three people working together and in my opinion a prison needs to have cooperation and being active to show the prisoners how to work with each other so when they get out they will be a better public citizen.
I also would like to say that I agree very much with Mr. Richard Hughes.I agree because he talks about prisons needing activity or being someones neighbor when they get out and about being the best neighbor they can be.That is why I would say I agree with Mr. Richard Hughes. Helping prisoners learn how to be better when they get out is a great idea.
Interesting point about prison reform. Why do you think this would be effective?
The reason I think this would be effective is because if a prison is secure,safe, and reformative and also has some punishment the prisoners will not be the exactly as bad of a person that they was when they went in.A prisons top priority is to help the prisoners become a better person in my opinion.
Thanks for asking Ms.Molly O.
I think that letter E describes how the prison system should work that way and here is why. a prison needs a lot to be a successful one like right staff, right facility, and right rules. those are all just examples of what you need. its like one giant puzzle. You need all the pieces for it to be complete. Richard somewhat thinks the same thing as i do, as you cant just have one good function while the rest are mediocre at best. It needs to be all thought out and done efficiently.
I think that I is something that prisons should really put more attention to. From my perspective, I'd say that I is representing how inmates can be educated and have something to do in prison instead of sitting there and waiting to be released. It's very important because like Richard said, a prison isn't affective if it doesn't prepare its inmates to be brought back into civilization when they are released. In many places around the world, prison is just like a timeout for prisoners and most of the time they go back to doing the things they did to end up in prison anyways. Having inmates being educated in prison is a very good thing that should be done more often, as it can result to inmates being actual better people when they are released. As Richard stated, prisons need to have some sort of activities for the prisoners to do instead of just sitting there, which would be a really great example of I as from my perspective, it represents how inmates are being educated so they will have a better future.
I know that the question asks for one icon but I could not decide on just one, so the icon's that represents how I would run a prison is J and C.I say J and C Because I would like my prison to be organized,And c shows three people organized in a very neat way.But also I would like the inmates to work together and become good people toward each other.Lastly, the way that mine compares to Richard hughes is by when he said that the inmates would get out and become good neighbors and he would like the prisons to also be organized,and my icons show the inmates being organized and helping out each other.
Even though I can't decide which one is the icon I think that best represents how I think prisons should be run. I think both I and J. I think I, because by helping the people by teaching them how to be better citizens they can help them be a better person after they get out of prison. I also choose J because the people are helping each other to become better which also connects to I. This compares to what Richard thinks because in the short video he mentioned about how he thinks that they should help people to become a good neighbor for other people. He also mentioned how the prisons should help get them settled, for example, to help them to get a job.
This made me think about how the unique prisons around the world are managed, and that they they are not doing very well. I would like to give my personal opinion on what I understand;I think that if I were a prison guard for example I would place a decoy to let them know(fool them) that I am still there and are watching at all times. To make a good prison I would have to make it fool proof and find even the slightest detail letting them get away I would be smart with this take a goood time to think about what I am doing with the prison systems in my mind but the way they operate is not the right thing for them and they should not have been allowed in my mind and the prison guards should be aware of their surroundings and so should the prisoners. Prison is a place that should teach all who go there a special lesson:to think about why they are are there and what different choices could they make after they are released from the cellforget about what you did wrong and do the right thing!
I choose B or K because B shows that people sharing experiences and their lives. I think that knowing and understanding others helps me calm down.K is people learning what is right and understanding what they did was wrong
Hello everyone!
I think that prisoners should be given basic facilities like food in proper amount, dress to wear etc. The prisoners should get some chance to meet their family members. They should be provided traning related
to their skills or talents. The prison can run smoothly if prison staff will behave normally with prisoners and do not behave like some animals and prison staff should tell them to not to be criminals and tell that doing crime is against the law of country and motivate to do positive works. Like this a prison should be run.
Thank you!
Prisons should be a place where they get punished but still treated fairly. It is a place where prisoners should be correcting their mistakes and building bridges from their past. Prisoners
should still be treated like a human being as everyone makes mistakes but should learn a
lesson. They should have the right to feel safe and comfortable but being with others could lead a plan to escape. Prisoners should take a step back and look at the mistake they had made. It should be more protected though as Fito, the prisoner had escaped the third time.
Prison staff should be offered extra training to be prepared if a prisoner tries to escape, this would make the prisoners feel more safe and they won’t escape!
I don’t really understand the symbols but picture I should be how prisons should be run.
Thank You ❤️
I believe that icon L represents everything a prison should be. People who are helping each other with the reformation of ideas and beliefs. It is truly incredible how a good prison can have such a high effect on a prisoner's manners, beliefs, systems of moral equality, and even how they view the law itself, but a bad prison can do as much good as bad and much worse. A bad prison can educate prisoners on how to be abusive and non-compliant, and it can even further their criminal activity instead of suppressing it.
Bad prisons are usually made up of incompetent prison officers or police officers who don't understand the art of criminology. Prison officers who don't understand how you can discipline and reform prisoners. Some prison officers are even abused by the prisoners; the causes vary, but the most common cause is that the warden and the other higher-ups don't know or care about their very own officers.
So, I believe that prisons can change prisoners' lives, for better or for worse. That is why we must invest to help prisons come up with new protocols and reform strategies to deal with criminals.
I think prisons should be ran fairly because the prison guard wouldn't like being a prison cell even though they've done bad treat them how you would like to be treated.
i agree with you because they should be treated how you want to be treated
1. should have company so they can see their family because they miss their kids because they need to have company. and the prison need to add electric bars if they try to escape and the prison should have games incase they get bored and a basketball court and they make them dig for oreos
2. they should give the prisoner back their money and car when they get out of jail and they should get police dogs for prisoner try to escape jail and prisoner should have a little dog to play with.
What i think a prison should be like is where they are treated based on what they did or how bad their crime is. Although some prisoners are innocent but they were in the crime when it happend so with the offficers not knowing that they should still get treated as if they were in the crime because there should be no reason for you to get that courious and be inside the crime. So in my opion the prisoners should be treated based on what they did so if they murder.
I believe prisons should be run with equality. Every guard and prisoner should be treated equally amongst each
other. They shouldn't be treated differently because of their skin colour or religion. Prison is a punishment but they shouldn't be treated differently nor the guards. prison is supposed to make them change and make them sorry for what they have done not to grow hate for the authorities.
I think that prisons should be safely run so that inmates don’t get injured or that other workers injured. Prisons should be secure so that nobody can get out and run away. The goal of prisons should be to make prisoners better people when they get out.
I think that prisoners should escape.
Can you explain why, allowing_wolverine?