You make the rules!

A key part of organising a new sporting event or games is coming up with rules that keep things safe, inclusive (everyone can join in) and fair.

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  • If I were to create an inclusive sporting competition, I would not include the use of performance enhancers, due to the inherent health risk associated. This can also make the competition unfair, as access to the aforementioned drugs is financially dependent, and those who don't have the means to access them are at an unfair disadvantage. It also increases reliance of sports on companies, such as pharmaceutical firms, making the games unfairly biased within the economic world, something which many sports people strive to avoid.
    However I would prioritise the inclusivity of national and cultural identity; this is in light of the recent banning of hijabs and other religious symbols by the French Minister of Sport (2023). I believe that this alienates those who wear visible religious items and for many would prevent them from being able to compete in the Olympics. This actively opposes the intention of neutrality, and thus I consider this rule to be unfair.
    However overall, I believe that safety should be the utmost important thing for sporting associations that host such events, involving access to medics on the field and dieticians and physicians in training. This is because if the safety of athletes is overlooked, then the physical and mental health effects can be detrimental long term

    1. Hi modest harp!!!!
      I strongly agree with you and I will make the same rule that performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed and not only about the fact that it can be detrimental to health but also the fact that it will not be fair to those who do not use these drugs because they might go through blood and sweat to produce their best work whiles someone can just decide to immediately take a medication that will enhance their performance without even training. I also feel that the most important thing needed for sports is fairness and safety because in sports, people will have to take certain risks like running so fast that you can slip easily so I feel that safety precautions must be taken for example: providing shoe grips for athletes so that it can try and prevent them from slipping. Another thing is fairness because if this skill is absent, an athlete might feel underestimated in a certain way when a decision is made to their disadvantage and can let them loose their self confidence for example, the time for women's training might be smaller than that of the time of male's training and it might make them feel bad because it might imply to them that they are not best at the particular sport they do so attention is not payed to them because everyone knows that they will not do well at the end but attention is payed to men because they will make everyone proud when they are being cheered on.
      Thank you for reading my opinion!!!
      Please do me a favour by leaving a reply!!!!

    2. Hello modest harp,

      I strongly agree with your point saying that using performance enhancing drugs is an unfair advantage to athletes. It is unfair because some athletes may not be so privileged to have the drug to boost their performance during sports. Also, some athletes take performance enhancing drugs to win a competition with ease or not to sustain an injury easily. However, taking performance enhancing drugs can also have negative and probably life risking effects on an athlete's body like;

      1. Health hazards like dehydration, cramps, weakness, fainting and many more.
      2. Lack of active participation in sport activities.
      3. The athlete may get addicted to taking it and that can lead to a bad reputation and identity in the society.

      In summary, I would like to say that athletes using performance enhancing drugs may cause life threatening health issues to the athlete, which may lead to early retirement of the athlete.

    3. I agree with you that implementing a role that prohibits the use of enhanced drugs in sports is the best approach. It would provide a fair playing field for everyone and also protect the athletes' health by preventing any potential health risk associated with taking the drugs.
      Furthermore, I also believe that everyone should be allowed to participate in sporting events regardless of their religion or attire. Preventing people from wearing what they feel comfortable in can hinder participation in the Olympics or other sporting activities. Therefore, creating rules that include everyone is essential to take the sporting games to a higher level. Thanks for your insights 😄

      1. I agree with this however in the olympics they can not keep their standers up with every new drug that gets passed into the system

    4. I agree because the uses of drugs can affect the contestant and can led to different effcets on others because the use of drugs doesn't only make one hyper but can also affect ones physical and mental health and cause a lot of damages in a humans immusystem and if one encourages the use of drugs in sports it would not be fair to the others who don't use drugs for example if an athlete uses drugs and the other athlete doesn't the one that doesn't use drugs might lose and that can make the one who lost feel like a failure and might give up on sports

    5. I strongly agree with everything you said. I feel that it is important for people to represent their culture and who they are. By banning hijabs and other religious symbols, people would not be able to express themselves. I also think that safety should be the #1 most important rule for sporting competitions. Athletes could potentially overwork themselves and may end up injuring themselves in the process.

    6. I totally agree with the part of not using drugs in your own games, Modest Harp. This does give a disadvantage for some people, as the drugs can work better for some people than others. Culture is important, and I agree when you say that visual religious items should not be banned. It makes it seem that us people do not have freedom of speech. The rules that you have in your "competition" should be implied in the Olympics. French ladies cannot wear their hijabs in Olympics 2024, which I find to be downright wrong. People need to express themselves, especially if it were their religion.

  • Well, if I am to create my own games, one rule that will keep my event fair is that I will not allow anyone that has taken drugs to be part of the sport or competion because, taking for instance that all the players are all druged, it will make the game so boring that their is neighter a winner nor a looser.which means that all the players pertaking in that competition will all be free from drugs in order to make the competition very lively and interesting.
    Secondly, it will be unfair if I should allow a particular team or group to be full of peopel that are druged while the opposite team is not and this can be done by taking medical cherck up right in front of the audience before going into the peach or field in accordance with the type of sport that is being played.

    1. Would it be fair if all athletes had the same access to performance enhancers?

      1. It would be fair would it be fair if all athletes had the same access to performance enhancers. But this would discourage people from actually put in their all drive/zeal since they know they could use enhancers to become better. It would also make sports somehow boring since everyone would good at the beginning, since the journey of improving as time goes on make sports more interesting.

      2. I think that it still won't be fair as first of all it raises a major safety concern.
        Secondly, even the same performance enhancing drug may work differently on all athletes depending on body. For fair results people should contest as themselves. It could also cause injuries and build a thought in people that taking drugs is alright, for we all know that many people copy celebrities and sports starts. It could lead to injuries and addiction which would be very harmful for players and people in the long run.

      3. I believe that if every athlete performance was enhanced it would be good but the only thing is that people think it wouldn't fit everybody but every body have a fixed mindset on drugs but they don't usually talk about technology and other alternatives.

      4. Hello Tiff,
        I think that it would be fair that all athletes had the same access to performance enhancers. Everyone would have the same rights to play in the sport. This would encourage people to see a fair and square game. If they had all the same access there wouldn't be people cheating and lying about things. I think that if everything was fair people would like it better because it's telling the truth.

      5. Yes it will be very fair because, they all have the access to performance enhancers so it's now left for them to decide whether to use them or not.

      6. The equal to events over whether or athlete should have equal access to performance enhancers is tricky. Some believe this enhancers simply reveal an athlete hidden potential, leveling the plane field.
        But I disagree.
        While equal access sound fair, it's could create new inequalities and under mind the Spirit of sports. Performance enhances can upset the bodies balance and may give an advantage to athlete from wealthier backgrounds.

        Instead of relying on enhancers, we should focus on fair rules and test to keep competitions balance and athlete safe. That way, we can enjoy sport without warding about who's using what.
        Thank you for listening 😃!

      7. Yes, it would be fair because all the competitivos would have the same chance to win according to the drugs they are takinng would depend in their natural physical conditions, the real talent they have for each sport and the física training they got before the competition. However, the eradication of some drugs would make enhanced games loose thir essence and just be the traditional Olympics.

    2. Well your comment was a nice one talented_cicada but what if all the players all took performance enhancers and by the end of the game or competition, One of the teams ermarged to be the winner. Is that still a fair one?

  • Hi, If I were to create my own sports game the rule that would keep everyone safe is that everyone should play safely which means that there should be no rough plays because one of the main causes of injuries in sports is people not playing safely and carefully and physicians said that more than 35% of injuries in sports are caused by rough or careless play. The rule that would keep my event inclusive is that anyone who is 8 or above can join because at the age of 8 children would start to follow rules and they would be strong enough to play even if it is children with disabilities they can play if they are 8 or above because it is a game were everyone can play. Lastly, the rule that would make the event fair is that whoever is seen cheating, bullying, discriminating, or using an enhancer is banned from playing for 3 months and they would be put on strict training to teach them the thing they did is bad. The most important rule in sports events is the safety rules because if the participants are injured mentally or physically they would be unable to participate in the game and they will feel left out because the game is an inclusive event.

  • Well, if I had the opportunity to create my own game, I would want for several rules to be followed for people's own safety. Initially, I would forbid for participant's fans to enter the stage as due to their preference to one participant, they could be prone to causing uprisings and fights which can even lead to detrimental consequences although it is a seldom phenomenon. Moreover, a rule that I think it would be essential for participants to follow for inclusiveness is making rules for the ability of disabled people to participate in the game. I think I would create sports which would suit people with disabilities and it will make it fair for them. Lastly, to keep my event fair I would categorise the games that each candidate can join in order to make it easier for disabled people and generally for people with other special needs. This would be fair as candidates will participate in the kinds of game they are suited. In my perspective, the most pivotal for the proper continueness of a game is safety. To illustrate my point, keeping unharmed during the competition is the most important thing and it outweighs the victory. Besides, we can't buy our health.

  • For an international sports competition- safety, inclusivity and fairness are all very important factors. Choosing between these options would be extremely unfair and disregard the entire concept of an international competition. All three factors ensure that one doesn't feel left out, yet showcase his/her traits in a sport.

    One rule to keep the competetion safe would be to ensure a compulsory background check on everybody present in the competition. Monitoring participant behaviour will also make others feel safe and prevent people from taking steps that might harm others. Many get violent during such tough competitions, therefore with enough security, safety can be ensured.

    One rule to keep the competition inclusive is to provide this platform to all. Everyone should be eligible to audition or participate in the competition regardless of their status. Events which not only support a few members of the community should be replaced with either an introduction of new events that welcome all or an addition of division in events where a particular group particpates.

    One rule to keep the event fair is equal treatment and judging criteria for all. Every participant should only be chosen on the basis of talent and skill. They should be given a fair chance but should be judged fairly too.

  • If i would of create my Sporting Competition i would not inlcude any political talk in my competition as it is may be offensive for the other people but i would stick to the rules as they are right now because they did not get any hate so far. Maybe the rules before 2022 were the best so i would choose them as my rules.

    1. Interesting ideas. Why do you think athletes use sporting events to express political opinions?

      1. Hi, I think athletes can use sporting events to express political opinions because sporting events generate a lot of fans and prospectors and these could help the athletes by sharing their opinions to millions of viewers and prospectors they would spread awareness of what the political opinions they are sharing their opinion on the political opinions and why they don't like it ,because of that plenty people and business would help support them and make sure the politics who made the political opinions meet justice.

  • Hi there!
    If I were creating my own games, one rule to keep the event safe would be to mandate the use of appropriate safety equipment and procedures at all times during competition. This would include regulations on protective gear, venue safety inspections, and emergency response protocols to minimize the risk of injuries.
    To ensure inclusivity, one rule would be to mandate equal opportunities for participation regardless of gender, age, ability, or background. This would involve providing accessible facilities, accommodating diverse needs, and promoting a culture of respect and acceptance among participants.
    To maintain fairness, one rule would be to enforce strict regulations against cheating, doping, or unfair advantages. This would include measures to prevent performance-enhancing substances, regulate equipment standards, and ensure impartial judging and officiating throughout the competition. In an international sports competition, while all three aspects – safety, inclusivity, and fairness – are crucial, safety would likely be the most important consideration from my perspective. Ensuring the safety of athletes, officials, and spectators is paramount to the success and integrity of the event. Without adequate safety measures in place, the risk of injuries or accidents could jeopardize the well-being of participants and undermine the credibility of the competition. Therefore, prioritizing safety would not only protect individuals but also uphold the reputation and legitimacy of the international sports competition.

    1. I agree because, firstly using safety equipment and procedures as well as implementing rules that guide the actions of participants can reduce the risk of getting injuries by more than 25% after doing my research. Also can help promote inclusive play by making several categories for the game for example we can make a game for people who have disabilities or we can make a category for ages such as under 5 and 12-15 age categories. Lastly to make the game more fair, thoroughly inspect participants to ensure that now one are using equipment that enhances their performance and make sure they don't take or eat anything that enhances their abilities to make it an even playing field for people to see who is the best without cheating. I also agree that safety is a game's number one priority because if there is no safety people's lives are at risk for example in Malaysia they renovated a stadium for a match to qualify for the World Cup but they didn't ensure the safety of the prospectors by not making sure the stadium was stable enough to support as many people as possible and during half time the stadium collapsed and up to 2 thousand lives were taken that day. So we need to ensure the safety of not only the players but the prospectors as well so that everyone would be safe.

  • In order to ensure the safety of all participants in my event, I would require that everyone has a complete understanding of the game, its rules and regulations. This is a top priority for me. To make the event enjoyable for everyone, I would enforce the rule of peaceful and progressive conduct during gameplay. Additionally, to ensure fairness, I would guarantee equal right in participation of games and access to sports facilities for both genders. Lastly, the most important aspect of any worldwide sports competition should always be the safety of the athletes. When athletes are safe, the event can be inclusive and fair for all.

  • Hello, everyone.
    I will create a social, nondiscriminatory and disciplined competition. To keep this competition safe, I will establish rules for the health and safety of each athlete and prohibiting entry of bad people. This will make competition much safer and more competitive.
    Also,to make the game inclusive, I will formulate rules so that both men and women can participate in this game. As a result this game will become much more popular and interesting. There will be no discrimination in the game.
    In order to keep the game fair, I will make a policy that people who take drugs cannot participate. Because the person taking drugs will destroy the playing environment and make other athletes addicted to drugs. Fairness and safety are paramount in an international sporting competition because if there is no fairness and safety in the competition then all athlete will not participate in that sport. As a result, the game will not be participatory and popular.

  • If I made my own game, to keep my event safe, I would make sure that all of the people that are participating take a drug test to make sure that they are not cheating in some way. I would also make sure that all of the players know the rules. To keep the event fair, I would make sure that the players are around the same size and that they are not cheating in any way. But when it comes to an event like this, I would always keep safety as my top priority because I wouldn't any players getting hurt and getting me in trouble.

  • Hello Topical Talkers, my event is Track. I picked track because I do track and I would just like to my input this this dicussion. One rule to keep track safe is to run, you NEED to have at least some running shoes or your spikes. As a first year track athlete, I used my cheer shoes for practice and for the first track meet. Bad idea, I could slip and fall at any second because they are flat shoes and I needed Spikes because they literally have spikes in them. They kinda sink into the ground, and that is a good thing.
    My second rule would be in the beginning of the outdoor season, I would like everybody to pay a specific amount if they made the team so that the coaches can just buy all the supplies and stuff that we need for the season. Warm ups, spikes, head bands, water bottles etc. My third rule to keep track fair is, if somebody falls in your lanes for hurdles they should let you redo but without the person who fell in your lane. Also in track if you start early before the horn, gun, whistle etc, your team is disqualified and that is fair to me because that's like cheating. Even if it was on accident, the coaches don't know that. That's already a rule, but I would just like to KEEP the rule if anybody would like to say otherwise.

  • Hi topical talkers if I have the opportunity to create my own game the number one rule that will govern the game is that through out the practice no junk food allowed, we have a specific time for training let's say two hours take a break for thirty minutes and continue for the finals no drugs allowed in order not to let someone feel down or think you are pampering that person, no cheating if any one is caught cheating that person will automatically be eliminated from the game and that person is going to be suspended for two weeks and the most important part of it is that I won't let any one feel down,feel cheated or think he is not important thanks.

  • One rule that I would use to keep my event safe is that you only get to use a certain amount of the drug so nobody would overdose and die.One rule I would use to keep my event inclusive is that they would have to fail a drug test so that nobody that is not on the drug can participate.One rule that I would use to keep my event fair is for how ever long you have been taking the drugs for you would be competing against the people who has been taking the drugs for the same amount of time.To me the most important thing at an international sports competition is the inclusivity and fairness.

  • If I were to make one rule in sports it would be each athlete has to be checked by the doctor before and after sports.
    That would ensure that no enhancement drug is taking before, after or even during the sport. It would also improve the health of the athlete, even if it is not enhancement drugs it would help the doctors know if the athlete is sick and needs to be treated or rest. If their health and safety is overlooked it might prove harmful to them, and it will affect their performance and the club they belong to. This is why I would make such a rule.

  • If I were to create my own game, I would establish clear rules before the games begin because stating rules promotes safety. During sports, tensions can rise between winning and losing teams. Without established rules, players might exploit loopholes, potentially leading to violence. Therefore, to ensure safety, it's essential to have well-defined rules.

    To make a sport inclusive, all participants should be valued regardless of their tribe, religion, or nationality. This way, everyone can showcase their talents.

    Fairness is crucial in our actions. Treating everyone fairly in a game fosters long-term progress, while unfair treatment can hinder a player's career or cause emotional distress.

  • Ensuring safety is crucial at any event. Implementing a rule such as "look out for one another" can help keep everyone safe. Inclusivity is another key aspect for a successful event. Having a rule like "include everyone and celebrate diversity" promotes inclusivity. Fairness is also essential for a positive experience. A rule like "play by the same rules and respect each other" can foster fairness. In an international sports competition, all three elements are important, but safety stands out as the top priority to ensure a successful and enjoyable event for everyone involved.

    No player is allowed to either touch or hit any opponent you matter the situation because it might attractive a foul card. You are to report to the referee if any fault is been found from any player.

    No player is allowed to take any atom of drug either to boost their systems or make them run without getting tired.


    All players must be at thesame age grade or classmate to avoid an unfair play when players from the other court begins to win the opponent.

    According to my own opinion, i will chose fairness and inclusive because games are always friendly so when you play a fair game without any atombof cheating, it becomes more interesting for althelets and the audience because they won't have anybody to blame when all players share equal rights.
    Thank you.

  • In my sporting event, a few regulations would be a limit on dosage, diversity, drug restrictions with the intentions of protection, inclusivity, and fairness.

    A limitation on dosage for approved drugs may decrease the risks for side effects. In class, we said that participants may mindlessly consume a hazardous amount of medicines in hopes of winning. Large amounts of certain drugs can cause an overdose, which puts the participant in danger. In addition, it may reduce the chances for lawsuits regarding health or death.

    To keep my event inclusive, I would embrace all races, genders, sports, and disabilities. Gender preferred and unisex games would be made throughout events. People with disabilities would play in the same games as other participants instead of a separate game to promote diversity in events. There would also be a wide-range of sports for everyone to participate in.

    Drug restrictions will be placed to keep the game fair. Limiting the variety of drugs and dosage diminishes advantages for players. Players are eligible of the same variety of drugs so they are unable to assert about the doping advantage.

    Safety should be the most important factor in international sports competitions to promote safe gameplay and lifestyle.

  • If I were able to create an inclusive sporting event, I'd have many safety gears/gadgets and also countless bottles/cups of water to keep everything safe.
    To keep everything inclusive I will allow any people of ethnicity backgrounds compete.Let people with disabilities compete if they would like.
    I will also allow different ages compete at separate times (e.g. 13-15 at 5:20pm then 20-25 at 8:30pm) to keep everything fair. Later, if it isn't too late or the next day I will let the other ages compete against each other and see who'd win. Or if I want to switch things up. First, each age group will compete until theres only 2 or 3 groups then, I'll let those people from the winning age group compete against each other, and let the last (1-3?) people compete with the other age group.
    In international sports competition the most important thing to me is fairness. Not everyone is cut out for every sport or, will people always NOT get hurt doing competitive things.
    Sadly, you can't always save people from safety because everything isn't predictable someone get hurt doing anything. On the other hand, back to when I said everyone can't do everything. It would be nice to see people try to be more inclusive, but all the time it can't be done. It is a thing that people should do but it shouldn't be the most prioritized. BUT fairness should definitely be took into accountability, people cheat all the time while others try their very best to do something. Sports have been multiple peoples dreams, and someone can do the very best they could to do something but then it gets taken away because someone was cheated or got a pass.

  • If I were to create inclusive Olympic games then my one rule for keeping the event safe is for the event to be in a safe stadium with security along with participants not being allowed to take any drugs and have to be tested this is because if athletes were to take to much of an enhancer and having an angry outburst it could result in death, especially in more intense sports like boxing and wrestling.

    My one rule to keep my event inclusive would be to have separate times for different types of people like having a women-only game for female athletes who don't feel comfortable being around men, and an option to be in the regular games with both men and women, lastly I would have a separate game for disabled people so that they can have their own fair advantage but still not being allowed to take any drugs and have to be physically able to participate in the disabled games.

    Lastly, my one rule to keep my event fair is no enhancement drugs every participant would have to take a drug test on the day of the event. Women, men, and disabled athletes would all have to take a test so that everyone would have a fair advantage to win their category of games.

    Therefore I believe the most important thing at an international sports competition is fairness, everybody worked equally as hard to get into these games and it could be extremely important for them to at least have a shot at winning so people who use enhancement drugs in games that do not allow them I believe that its so unfair to the people that actually have talent for sports and actually put hard work and effort into trying to win.

  • To keep my event safe I would always make sure that if everyone is to use drugs that they should be used in a legal amount, as many athletes over time have been victims of overdose, and I don't want any of my competitors to be permanently scarred because of my lack of caution.
    To keep it inclusive when I organize the event I will not base it on country, rather I would base it on those who didn't qualify for the Olympics I feel in such a situation, the event cannot be rigged.
    To me the most important thing is safety, because if someone ends up in a wheel chair because of the drugs, it doesn't matter if they are black or white , male or female, they have still been injured and if we don't focus on safety international sport competitions would be very much a blood bath.

    1. I agree because even if there is unfiarness, saefty is always more important, because there have been many victims overdose over time.

      1. Do you have evidence for your point about overdoses?

        1. What i mean by overdose is that when a sportsperson takes too much of performance enhancing drugs, it could lead to damage in old age, and according to the U.S doping agency it could even cause liver damage, Acne and even stunted growth.

    2. I disagree because... as you said you would only allow the athletes to take drugs if they would take a legal amount, why I disagree because if the athletes continue to take even legal amounts of drugs, it will still keep increasing, and it may be affecting their organs little by little. and also it can be lead to the athletes getting addicted to the drugs and they will start taking illegal amounts.

      1. I completely agree with you and I feel that's the reason why the Olympics would never encourage the use of drugs and that's why I think this event is wrong generally.

      2. In addition to what you said when this athletes retire they might continue to use this drugs unknown to the fact that they are getting addicted to these drugs.There should be a doctor to monitor the effects of these drugs on people ,when this effects are negative there should be a law that says that they should stop the use of these drugs.

      3. I agree because... In addition to what you said the athletes should be restricted on when to take these drugs how to these drugs and the amount of time needed to make the drug settle, this way there would be proper safety in the enhanced games.

      4. I completely understand your point. Of course even if these athletes were to be checked on the usage, those dangerous side effects will still come because their body system is as well getting use to these drugs thereby leading them to start the intake of over dose just like they can't live without it. It could also bring about some health disorders and making some people not be able to carry or lift their own body parts which could also lead to using wheel chair and making our athletes fewer.

      5. I strongly agree with you trusting_interaction. Because every little thing can get to a large amount. It will just keep adding on till it gets to a limit. When it comes to drugs, you will not notice it until it has destroyed almost everything. Organs are very delicate and when a drug is overdosed it destroys mainly the organs. What am trying to say is that athletes can overdose it or it will keep growing and later destroy their body.

    3. I feel you added very important details that should be added to many other sports competitions, and that you include everybody in your rule selection of rules, it's important to make sure your rules are equal and fair and safety is even more important than that.

  • If I were to create rules for an inclusive, safe and fair competition then , instead of having separate leagues for women and specially abled I would instead include them in the competition and encourage them to participate with the feeling of sportsmanship, rather than making them feel like an outsider for having a total different league . No discrimination would be allowed and the team would be consisting of different people , the team members should not tease , bully or body shame each other . If this is found then the team will be disqualified and dissolved. For having a fair play , no match fixing would be allowed if a player is found doing so then he/she will be disqualified and will be banned from playing further . I will allow enhancement drugs, if they are distributed evenly to all the players and will disqualify a player or coach for consuming or giving excess drug to themselves or a player . As for being safe , I will provide equipment to the players according to their body type and ensure that they are getting proper training and a balanced diet . I will disqualify any player who tries to hurt a player emotionally and physically . Sports are not just meant to play but to participate .

  • If I were to organize a sports competition, I would establish the following rules for a safe, inclusive, and fair event:

    1. Safety: There will be security personnel stationed throughout the event to ensure the safety of all participants and attendees.

    2. Inclusivity: There will be no discrimination based on religious beliefs. Everyone will be welcome to participate, regardless of their faith.

    3. Fairness: Doping is strictly prohibited. However, to prevent any potential cheating, all athletes will undergo a thorough medical examination before participating in any sport.
    However, safety is the most important factor because inclusivity and fairness cannot be considered without ensuring safety first.

  • Rules can make sports the same for everyone.
    So for the safety I would keep my event safe by installing CV cameras and security guards in case of any illegal action such as a violent act as these events tend to be family friendly.
    Secondly I would include different people of alla ages, from teenagers until an age that could support the sport they arr taking part and thirdly in order to keep it fair they would compete according to their age group.

  • I believe that to create a sports event that can rival the Olympics, you first need an expert team that will help you decide on rules, regulations, and stipulations.

    Once you have an expert team ready to give you advice, you can begin. The first rule that any sports event needs to be a safe event is the rule that athletes have athletic spirits and that they don't express political or sociopolitical ideas. If players express either of these things, it means that they might not be chosen simply for how they act. This shouldn't be how an event is managed. This means that objectively worse athletes get accepted simply because they have more agreed-upon beliefs.

    Another rule that makes sure everyone can participate is that you separate every sport into different categories. For weightlifting, you could say there will be two sections: one is the "Enhanced" section, where people who take anabolic steroids participate. The other one is the "natural" section, where people who don't take anabolic steroids participate. This was just an example; if you make different sports have different sections, it will make it so that everyone can participate.

    Last but certainly not least, all athletes will be required to have the same gear. This includes people in the LGBTQ+ community, but they will have their very own sectors that can accommodate them; this is extended to all other communities. Making everyone have the same gear makes sure that only skill judges an athlete, not gear. (This will extend to steroids.)

    And most importantly, safety is maintained through the games. This makes sure that all parties that participate are happy. Fairness is only as good as how you enforce it, and without safety, it is useless. Then, after making sure you have the basics, you can begin extending the games to other communities.

  • Well, if i was given the opportunity to create my own game I would ensuring the safety, inclusivity, and fairness of the competition is very important for the enjoyment of the game. Safety for me should have the most concern, so therefore, the main rule for safety would be the proper use of appropriate protective gear for all contestants, keeping them safe against possible injuries during the physical activity as normal in sports. Meanwhile, inclusivity surrounds providing a welcoming and varied environment, so therefore, a rule ensuring that athletes of all abilities and talents are openly welcome to compete without any discrimination like racism would be important, promoting a feeling unity. Establishing this rule increases participation and also acknowledging the special talents and skills each participant contributes to the event. Lastly, to balance fairness and integrity in the competition, a strict policy against doping would be creates, highlighting the benefit of fairness and making sure that all athletes compete on the same level, without any man-made enhancements like steroids. So in my game by using these regulations through the above rules, my game would not only produce a stage for athletic success but as a standard for sportsmanship, unity, safety and indiscrimination.

  • It is rather difficult to choose which own is more important at an international sport competition. When you are organizing such a big event you have to carefully take into consideration every aspect , safety inclusivety and fairness. All of them are of equal important when the contestants are so many from different cultures.
    First of all every piece of equipment and material for the sport event should be double checked fit the safety of the athletes.
    Different groups of people should be put in the right event according to their age, strength, training. We should not forget that disabled people are part of our world ,so and for this event according to the right rules for them.

  • If I had to create my own game, a rule which I would imply to all the people taking part is respect. In my opinion respect and a healthy relationship is fundamental for any kind of sport and for teaching people which is going to see my game.
    Also a rule I would keep for giving all people opportunities and not leaving anyone out is to give recognization to all participants in the game so nobody is going to feel apart from the game. In my opinion not only the winner or the best ones need to be recognized but also all the players in this case in my game.
    For an international sports competition the fairness I think that is the most important because the people from all the world may be different in many aspects but they should not be different in what they deserve and justice in an equal way.

  • If I create my own game I would help ensures a safe and inclusive environment for every one practicing in the event .one rule would keep my event fair ensuring that all participants follow the same set of standards and have equal succeed . Balancing safety , inclusivity , and fairness is important ,but safety takes priority in order to protect participants and attendent .without a safe environment , neither inclusivity nor fairness can be effectively maintained .

    1. I strongly agree with your point of view balanced elephant I believe a good environment matters a lot. Most fields consist of rough grounds which mostly costs servicer injuries that can leave very bad scares and some could even be paralyzed and would not be able to participate in any sports at all. This is caused mostly when the drug can't handle the current situation, this also cause dehydration, diarrhea and cramps.

      1. I agree with you because athletes also need good environment to play. If the fields are rough it wouldn't be good for playing and if any thing occurs, thereby leaving a lot of scars on the body and in this situation, the enhanced drugs can't be of any help which could cause sicknesses like dehydration. I believe that even if these athletes were running and they fall and hit their heads, it can cause mental disorder leading to serious issues as the enhanced drugs can't be of help making the players feel worse and making athletes fewer.

      2. I agree with you because, a sporting environment that has uneven surfaces, slippery conditions, and unsafe equipment is not good for a player to play on a field that does not have a good field.
        Not just that, but if the environment is unhealthy, then the athletes can get sick. This can make the team lose more because there is a capability that the athletes relation can sue the team and then the team will lose.
        So, athletes need to have preventive measures to keep safe, especially the athletes.
        THANK YOU.

  • I believe we need to have more rules over different competitions with Trans people. I have nothing against them as I feel they are amazing people but in compettions it is very bad for many. For example women are doing a swimming competition and a trans woman came into compete, the women would be demolashed by the trans woman as she has the biology of a male and much more power. So I would say we should have-
    Trans people are to compete against eachover in their own competitions
    As a rule to make it fair and inclusive to all preventing online arguements over the competitions with trans people as they have put in effert too.

  • If I was to create an /a sporting event the key rule that would make my sport safe is that appropriate gear and uniform must be worn to ensure safety preventing serious injury and wounds.
    Oviously the one rule that would make my game inclusive is that all participants must be treated fairly and respected regardless of their background, abbilites, and beliefs no discrimination is or would be allowed.
    One rule that would make my game fair is that no one would be able to disobey the rules and cheating or doping would not be allowed.
    All are Important but what needs to be their upmost priority is safety to help ensure the well being of all participants.

    1. I agree with educated_fox because in my opinion I think safety is the most important to focus on and this is beneficial for every game. This is important because the Olympians and the spectators need to be protected and also to feel safe. Safety is very key in ensuring that all participants perform well and also enjoy the best of the game.

  • When designing your own games, one vital rule to ensure safety is to always provide proper equipment and enforce the use of safety gear to keep people safe when they are doing there sport. To maintain inclusivity, it is crucial to promote teamwork and encourage everyone to participate regardless of skill level. To ensure fairness, establish clear rules that apply to all participants equally and have unbiased referees or judges overseeing the event. At an international sports competition, prioritizing safety is the most important, as it ensures the well-being of all athletes and spectators, allowing everyone to enjoy the event without any concerns.

  • I believe that SAFETY should take a precedence over rewards that athletes may get, so they have to take care of themselves and understand that its not mainly a competition but a demonstration of sport integrity.
    I doubt that it not fair to use drugs, they have to keep their health, body power and remember the hard effort they have made to reach this olympics NOT BY USING DRUGS.
    In my point of view the rules have to be strict .
    Here are my rules:
    1- We have to give every athlete something like a smart band to monitor his heart rate and in case it reaches dangerous level that may even endanger their health the band will emet a sound to alert the athlete and the event referee
    2- if the event is a little bit dangerous on your body you should wear helmets, paddings and even footwear
    3- in random times in the event we should implement random drug tests through the event to make sure the athletes aren't using any performance enhancements at any time at the event
    4- allow all segments of society even people with special needs to participate in our event.

  • I think that the rule which will help in making the event safe is that if anyone felt that he could't complete and he is so tired he can just leave the match. Because if anyone completes a match with tiredness they might get injured so for the safety of the players they should just leave. For instance: there is a player in Egypt national football team called Mustafa. this player was so tired but he couldn't leave the match so after a while he fell down and he fainted.

    I believe that the rule which will help in making the event inclusive is to enforce a policy against that everybody should treated the same and there is no discrimination. So if we make this policy and everyone
    follow it, then the event will be inclusive.

    in my view point i think that the rule that will make the event fair is that no one can't take doping. Since doping is something unfair and also it will harm there health so it's for both fairness and safeness. An example: is Lance Armstrong the american cyclist was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles and other awards after admitting to using performance-enhancing drugs throughout his career.

    At the end, i want to say that all of these thing is sooo important and everyone should follow it but i think that safeness is the most important thing as if there is no safeness so the event will be a disaster.

  • If I were to create a sport competition, one of the rules I would make is ''No use of drugs''. I say this because If people take to many drugs, and since drugs can effect our body system, if the people using them are participating in the game, a strange effect due to health risk may strike them and they would not be able to play any sport game again. Another reason I say this rule is an unfair advantage. The use of drugs in sports gives an unfair advantage to those who use them over those who do not. This undermines the principles of fair competition and can lead to a lack of integrity within sports.
    Another rule might be, people should go for a checkup with the doctor before participating in the game. why I say this because, in some sports games I have seen, when the athletes are competing some of them have some health issues and may not have learned about it, in the middle of the game the athlete may just collapse or even faint and by the end of the day, people be blaming the people that hosted the game. Some of them may say thing like '' They must have ate or drank something from the stadium that had expired and that is why they clasped'', or maybe they may say that that the opposing team are the cause of it, they may say that they did not want the other team to win so they must have applied a substance that caused it. And it may cause tensions between the two teams.
    So in conclusion, those are the main rules I would apply for my own games.

  • ** One rule that would keep my event safe is that all participants have to go through a medical examination and obtain clarence from a health care professional before participating. This would help identify any injuries that may pose a risk during the games. For this, I can give them equipments and medical staffs when they need.

    ** One rule that would keep my event inclusive is that all individuals can participate in the game. It doesn’t matter from which religion, race or nationalities they are, the only thing that will matter is that all of them are human beings. This event wil provide equal opportunities to everyone. Efforts would be made to create an accessible environment offering reasonable accommodations.

    ** One rule that would keep my event fair is that all participants must adhere to a strict code of conduct and fair play. They can't do any cheating or doping. For making the event fair, we will use video reviews, referees, judges etc. I will give equal facilities including training, latest equipments to all participants.

    *** All three aspects - Safety, inclusivity and fairness is important at an international sports. Among these three, fairness is most important at an international sports. At an international sports competition different nations people participate. Fairness ensures that all participants have an equal chance to succeed based on their skills and training. It maintains the integrity of the competition.

  • We feel that a rule that would keep us safe would be all the present rules. We think they've pretty much got it right at the moment.
    No drugs would keep the event inclusive LHH

  • I will invent a game where players excel in challenges within a maze filled with terrifying effects as they pass through these challenges of climbing, jumping, and running, etc.

    First the role will keep my event safe: It's not allowed for people under18 years old, as well as for older non-athletic adults and individuals with heart conditions.

    Second role would keep my event inclusive : Subscription to the game is open to all nationalities and individuals with disabilities.

    Third : The rule would keep your event fair It is prohibited to use energy drinks or drugs that enhance physical activity or reduce external fatigue.

    Finally I believe that the three elements are very important in creating the rules of any sports game, as individuals' safety is a humanitarian and legal responsibility. Additionally, inclusivity is crucial to avoid discouraging others and making them feel inferior. Lastly, fair is important for similar reasons to inclusivity, as unfair evaluation can lead to frustration for individuals.

  • The most important thing in any competition is safety because if the player those not come out alive it can cause severe damages like;closing of that organisation and the death will be on they owners of that organisation.If we can keep people safe we can continue playing sports without any problem.If I were to make a sport club my one rule will be not to use enhancing drugs. Enhancing drugs can make a player more athletic but can cause severe damages to the body.

    1. Absolutly, because priotitizing safety in any competion is essential. Neglecting safety protocol not only jeopardizes lives but also carries legal abd ethnical ramifications for organizers. Additionally, banning performance enhances drugs is crucial for preservin the integrity of sports and protecting atheletes from the harmful effects of such substances.
      Thabk you 😆.

  • I think that if I hosted my own sports tournament, I would allow drugs and other performance-enhancing pills because it could help people who are disabled or who has a really bad injury so it could be numbed or heal quicker.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. How could this approach still be problematic?

    2. Hi engaging_chicken I disagree with you. If disabled people take drugs or pills that enhance their performance can do more harm to them than good because some people have disabilities that can not be cured by taking enhanced drugs for example autism and maybe if they take the drugs it can make them faint or have some brain malfunctions because most enhancing drugs or pills have warning labels that people who have disabilities related to their brain or heart functions should not consume them. Also, enhancement drugs have side effects after consumption for example you could get insomnia or diarrhea or get fatigued easily if a person overtakes or misuses the drug and this can be dangerous to a person's health physically or mentally. Sorry if I sound a bit judgemental I am trying to explain how dangerous enchantment drugs are if not consumed properly.

  • Many things came to my mind concerning the rules but to keep my event safe I would only let people who are responsible and ready to participate in this event.
    I would include happiness and joy to the game , exclude negativeness so as the athletes won't feel nervous.
    To keep my event safe I would make rules that would be followed by everyone but people with disabilities or special characteristics will also have the chance to participate.

  • One rule that would keep my event safe would be no aggressive collisions against one another because constantly being hit or collided against can cause a lot of trauma across your whole body, one rule that would keep my event inclusie is, you have to be 20 year old to play, and you can retire when you turn 60, one rule that would keep the event fair would be giving everyone a chance to show who they are. Fairness is most important at an international sports competition because, everyone deserves to have the same opportunities as others.

  • I think having my own game would be really cool.
    To keep all the contestants safe I would have a medical team nearby in order to protect the athletes.
    To continue with, I would have a lot of "parts" in this competition. One for the young ages one for the middle ages and one for the grown up people .
    To keep my event fair I would have a tem that could regularly tests athletes for dropping or a any illegal drugs to make sure that nobody cheats.

    1. That is a very good idea shining_aspect that way everything is fair and safe but would also ban legal drug enhancers such as caffeine. Having a medical team on stand by shows how much of a concern for the safety players of your sport. What would you do with the people who cheat? Would you ban them form your sport or not let them play for the round and give them a second chance? I would love to see your answers to the questions I have asked to see how you carry safety into that aspect to.

  • Good Day Everyone
    If I would create a game a rule that would keep the event safe would be that no rough playing would be allowed. Anybody causing great harm to any participants physically or playing very roughly would be disqualified.
    To make my event a little different I would organize a special game for children to play and get a chance to win. I would also not have any age limits to the game as to allow anybody who thinks they are capable to participate. I would also keep a different game for the disables people to show their skills too.
    With regards to fairness, No performing-enhancing drugs, equipments etc will be allowed. I would try my best to keep up fairness and that no player is cheated.
    I would also not allow bullying or any such emotional, physical or mental tortures to another participant and anyone doing so would be disqualified immediately.

    I believe That most important in an international sports would be safety and fairness because for a game, no one should be harmed in any way and a game is not really a game if there is no fairness among participants and the deserving participants don't win.
    Thank You.

  • If I was the one to make this rules, I would not include the use of drugs, because the drug are harmful to the body. This rule can't be fair because it will not be on the advantage to those who do not use these drugs. However, it will definitely be a on the interest of those who use them. And so, The importance of the international sports competition is fairness and safety.

    1. I agree you because drugs are harmful to the body that is why athletes can't use enhanced drugs. This rule you stated is not fair to people because those people who use this drugs will not be able to use it in sports that why is illegal to use . Also, there are other importance of the international sports competition which are fairness, safety, inclusivity, promotion of unity and friendship.

    2. I entirely agree with you because the competition will not be fair when an athlete, who has trained his or her whole life, be beaten by someone who took drugs to be able to compete in the Olympics events.

  • If I were making a sport then I would use performing enhancers drugs but I would test before and give everyone the same amount, this way everything is fair. I want to use enhancer drugs so people could see how drugs can change the human body.

    1. I'm not sure about this because I think the use of drugs is different in different bodies. The drugs maybe more helpful to one person and problematic to another. People have different tolerances for different things. So, if one person performs better but the other doesn't perform to that level, then that would not be fair. There is a reason why drugs are banned. Such enhancers may cause side effects during the performance. Long-term health issues can also be caused, so I don't think drugs should be used.

  • Hii ,
    If I were creating a game, the rule that would keep my event safe would be not taking drugs.
    The rule to keep my event inclusive would be ensuring affordability and accessibility for participants from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. This involves offering scholarships, financial assistance programs, and affordable registration fees to make it possible for athletes from less privileged backgrounds to participate and compete on equal footing with their peers.
    The one rule to keep my event fair would be to follow the rules and regulations with complete fairness.
    From my point of view, at an international sports competition, all three aspects - safety, inclusivity, and fairness - are crucial. Safety is very important because without it, no one would want to play the game, and inclusivity and fairness are also essential because they ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and compete on equal terms, regardless of their background or circumstances.

    Thank you .

  • If I were to make a rule, I would prohibit players from using drugs. This is because the first-class countries may have access to various types of performance enhancers that may not be available to players from other countries. This could give an unfair advantage to players from those countries. To keep the event fair, I would impose an age limit. Some may find this unfair, but I believe it's essential because older players may have more experience than younger ones. I'm not saying that younger players are not well-experienced and cannot compete, but that's simply my perspective. Lastly, I believe that safety is the most crucial aspect of international sports.

  • In my ooinion if i organize any competition i will never put political changes on it i will make the preparation of the health and i always try to reduce the risk . I will make the rule veey safe . The physician said that 35%percent of injuries are cause by games so i will try to reduce the injuries which cause physically and mentally in my gane or the organization

  • I'm order games to progress well rules need to be established.
    Fist of all, concerning safety I would have established guidelines for safe play in order to reduce the risk of any injuries. For instance how to interact with each other and which protective equipment to use.
    As for fair play team spirit and integrity would be implemented by respecting the referee's decision, shake hands and do not distract an opponent.
    Lastly I would organise sport activities so that everyone could participate in order to feel welcome.
    All backgrounds pages and abilities would be respected under the umbrella of one rule.

  • If i was making the rules than
    One rule for safety : Mandatory medical checkups for participants.
    One rule for inclusivity: providing all necessary equipment to participant .
    One rule for fairness: conducting random drug testing .
    Most important at an international sports competition : safety .
    In my view i will make these rules .

  • If i would create a game the one rule which i would have kept would be that there will be no discrimination on the bases of caste, religion, gender, etc. And there would be a rule that if any player teases other player on these things then that player would be removed from game.
    The one rule which can keep my sports inclusive can be that the things should suit to the individuals. If the person is disabled then also he/she can come on the basis of sports skills. This can also make the game fair. The rule which can keep the game fair would be that the players will not be allowed to take performance - enhancing drugs. This is the main rule. Because in my game I want all the players to be strong from inside. There is no need of players to be strong for only that period of time. Just to win the game.
    I think safety and fairness is very important in an international sports. Because so many players take doping but are not caught amd other players are not taking so it is not fair for them. And safety of every player is must.It's the duty of the manager of the game to keep the player safe.

  • What one rule would keep your event safe?
    The fact that there would be no doping and medical assistance would always be ready.

    What one rule would keep your event inclusive?
    The use of the best equipment and usage of robotic parts.

    What one rule would keep your event fair?
    the rule that allows every country not to bring a rigged robot part.

    And what's most important at an international sports competition: safety, inclusivity or fairness?
    All, we need all of them to have the best international competitions.

  • For my hypothetical sporting event, let's call it the Unity Games. Here are the rules that would ensure safety, inclusivity, and fairness: For the safety of the event, before getting into the action, everyone needs to have a thorough medical check to make sure they're fit to compete. And when it's time to go, safety gear is a must for everyone, and there have got to be experts around to help out if anyone gets hurt.

    To make my event inclusive, I will warmly invite people, so there's no room for discrimination here, whether it's about race, ethnicity, religion, who you love, or how much money you have.

    In making my event fair, every person involved will play by the exact rules and conditions, ensuring nobody has an unfair edge. Strict consequences await anyone caught cheating, doping, or acting unsportsmanlike. Plus, unbiased judges or referees will supervise to guarantee everyone plays fair and square.

    In my opinion, at an international sports competition, ensuring safety takes precedence. Without proper safety measures in place, the competition's integrity suffers, and the well-being of the athletes is put at risk. Plus, if you think about it, who will like to compete in an event that can get you injured? So, without a secure environment, the competition can't proceed properly or morally.

  • One rule that would keep my event safe would be no sabotaging. I say that because some people are very selfish and like to push,tackle and harm other people just to be the spotlight. One rule how I would keep my event inclusive is that you can be any skin color, speak any language and wear any thing of your culture. I say that because some people that are different skin colors, speak different languages get judged and gets pushed aside or people just say no to them. I would keep my event fair by giving everyone the same amount of respect,the same training on their level and make sure that all of the participants are ready for the competition. The most important thing at the international sports competition is all of the above. I say that because all human beings that would like to be included they should and they can be included. Lastly everyone should be aware of what they are doing so nobody gets hurt.

  • The one rule that would keep my game safe is no drugs. Because some people that run track take drugs, and that is a bad thing. Drugs can sometimes kill you or can even give you a heart attack and die. To keep my game inclusive I will make sure that I don't leave any contestant out of the game on accident. If i do it will not be fair for that person. To make my game safe I will have 3 main rules: 1. Do not push one another. Because if you push somebody they can get hurt very badly while running at full speed. 2. Do not threaten anybody.Because if you threaten somebody they will tell the judge and you can get banned.3. Don't try to fight anybody if you try to fight somebody you will get imediantly banned for a few years.In my opinion I think that for an international competition safety is most important because if there aren't any safety rules people can get injured or wounded they can even die.In conclusion you always have to be fair,kind, and safe to people.

  • If I were to create a sporting competition game, I would obviously not allow performance enhancers due to the amount of unfairness that it provides athletes and health risk. Drugs can harm you making you get a crucial disease for example, any form of cancer, COVID, and all other types of harmful diseases. Performance enhancers such as drugs, enhance your physical abilities by making you able to run faster, stronger and more which is a really huge cheat code or advantage. Athletes who actually work and train hard for their goals might seem useless due to athletes who use performance enhancers. This rule should answer the question if it would be fair or not (the answer is yes).
    Another rule is that there would be no violence allowed. That would answer the question if it will be safe. Lastly I would make a rule where all appropriate ages and all races would be able to compete. That should answer the question if it would be inclusive. In my opinion, fairness is the most important.
    I think this because all the hard workers would look useless. If it is safe and inclusive then it won't matter if there is an athlete who is better than everyone due to performance enhancers.

  • If I were to create my own international sports games, one rule that I would put in place to ensure safety of the athletes as well as the spectators, is ensure that I have multiple water stations around the stadiums. I believe that this is vital for any kind of sporting tournament as athletes are quite consistently working their bodies and naturally they will need more water than they usually do. Therefore, if I provide many free water stations around the stadiums, they will always have access to this. As well as this, it's important that spectators have access to free water stations for me as they too will become thirsty or hot so it's crucial that they have access to a basic human need as well as having access to anything that may aid them whilst watching the games.

    One rule that I would put in place to ensure that it is inclusive is that there will be multiple sports for those physically able as well as those who aren't so physically capable. This is vital to ensure that everybody feels included and it also brings together a sense of community, which could really benefit the sporting world.

    One rule that I would put in place to ensure that the games are fair is that there will be one referee on a pitch/multiple judges (depending on the sport) but there will also be one or two referees/judges somewhere else who are watching the game and are kept in sync with the referee/judges who are at the event. This is quite similar to the VAR system which is quite commonly used in football now. This will benefit the referee's decisions as they will be coming from more than one person, allowing the game to be viewed as more fair.

    Finally, I believe that the safety of the spectators and athletes is the most vital part of these rules. This is because if athletes aren't safe enough to compete then they shouldn't be allowed to compete, leading to not even mentioning inclusiveness or fairness. Therefore, it is the primary factor and should always be the primary factor of any sporting event.

  • To ensure inclusivity at your event, a vital rule would be to treat everyone with respect regardless of their differences. To maintain fairness, a crucial rule would be to apply the same standards and rules to all participants. At an international sports competition, safety should be the top priority as it ensures the well-being of all individuals involved. However, without inclusivity and fairness, the competition may not truly represent the spirit of sportsmanship.

  • I believe that fairness is most important at an international competition. It guarantees that nobody faces any discrimination, so it kind of covers inclusivity too, since there would be no discrimination against race, religion or gender. Also, if something happens to someone, being fair means that they get justice in the end. It may not make it completely safe, but I think that people would be more afraid to put others in danger, as long as they know that they won't get away with it. From my experience, people tend to go as far as they are permitted and cross the line even if just a little bit. When they know that they shall be punished for any misbehaving, they are more likely to be more careful with their actions. At that point, they would probably try to stay within the lines. After all, the point of participating in the contest, or watching it is to have fun.
    I think that justice plays a vital role in this, because I don't think that people would still come if the game lacked fairness. As the years passed by, there have been quite some unfortunate events, caused by injustice. For example, what does skin color have anything to do with people's intellect? We are currently living in modern times and I think that being open minded matters a lot. We definitely don't want to repeat the same mistakes that others had already made before us.

  • For my games I would have the following rules:

    Rule one-
    No additional drugs or medications will be allowed to be used. Even if you have a medical condition then you should not be running my games due to the fact that people might overdose or overexert themselves from their medication.
    Rule two-
    Anyone of every race, gender, religion will be allowed to compete in my games, but they will be in different categories based on gender, skill level, and other requirements. This way everyone can still be included, but still comfortable and fair.
    Rule three-
    Different genders whether they are trans or have any of the opposite genders hormones they will be in different categories. I am making this rule because of the transgender Olympian swimmer, Lia Thomas, who went to the Olympics and competed in the women's section even though she/he still have male genitalia as well as a male's testosterone level.
    Finally, I find that most important in the order of safety, fairness, then inclusivity. Many people would disagree with my order, but I am saying fairness over inclusivity because of how popular transgender people are getting as well as how much they should be respectfully included in their sports. Such as Lia Thomas being inclusive LGBTQIAS2+ within the Olympics made several biological women lose their world records within the books.

  • My one rule will be that the athletes should not complain when being played according to their skills. This means that they will not have equal pay, there will be an unbalanced paying rate because they will be paid according to their talents and skills that they have. For example, The footballer Kylian Mbappé( a French footballer) is paid more than Haaland because he is a better footballer than Erling Haaland( Norwegian footballer)
    So, I think that the players should be judged based on their skills not based on the game or club that they are in because this can be an encouragement to players that want to have as much pay as of those that deserve it.

  • Hello everyone,
    if I conduct a sporting event or game I will try to conduct the event as smoothly as possible. I will try to make sure that no one can do any cheating there. Everyone can participate there but following some rules. I will try my best to identify the cheater. One should not use any drugs that help an athlete win a competition. For that I will set up various clinics and laboratories if necessary and I will monitor the entire competition through CCTV cameras. Also I will appoint some people in the game who will work to protect the rules of the game. I will also arrange various gymnasiums for the players so that they can benefit. At the end of the competition, the winner of the competition will be awarded with full merit and skill. Also everyone will be given equal right to observe silence and peacefulness in games and celebrate joy. I hope that I have been able to understand everyone. I have only presented my own personal opinion.

  • If i can create an game I will make these rules;
    Safety: Make sure everyone is safe by following rules and wearing necessary gear.
    Inclusivity:Let everyone join, no matter their background or abilities.
    Fairness: Treat everyone equally and penalize cheating.
    priority : Safety is most important at international sports events.
    Thanks !

  • If I were to create my Olympics, I would make sure to have police supervision and make sure no drugs are involved in fear of them causing fixes of rage and also to have a fair game. Also, I would have no discrimination allowed against any country or person's race, religion, or political opinion. To keep the games fair I would not accept the use of drugs or shoes with bouncy power. Finally, I believe the most important thing at an international sports competition is "fairness" and the hard work of the athletes.

  • In order to create a sporting competition that fairly includes everyone, I would make a rule against performance-enhancing drugs. That would make sure everyone goes through the same hard-work and training as everyone else. Keeping performance-enhancing drugs away from the games could also keep the people participating safe, since we don't know what kind of affects the drugs could have on the participating athletes. To keep everything inclusive I would allow religious items, such as hijabs, to make sure everyone can participate comfortably. I believe the most important thing at an international sports competition is safety. While it is important to keep the games fair and inclusive, none of that will matter if the athletes are getting hurt or worse while participating in the games, so safety should be most focused on.

    1. Well said inspiring_juniper.
      To ensure fairness and inclusivity at a sporting competition, I propose implementing a strict ban on performance-enhancing drugs. This policy would mandate that all athletes undergo the same rigorous training and uphold a level playing field for everyone involved. Not only does this rule promote fairness, but it also prioritizes the safety of participants by eliminating unknown risks associated with such substances. Additionally, to encourage participation from diverse backgrounds, I advocate for accommodating religious items, like hijabs, to ensure a comfortable and welcoming environment for all athletes. Ultimately, the paramount consideration at an international sporting event should be the safety and well-being of all individuals involved, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a secure and protected environment throughout the games.

  • There will be no wearing or bullying to keep my event safe, to keep it inclusive I would have different sections for different people, you will have to be drug tested before you go to the event because no performance enhancing drugs are aloud. The most important thing is that everyone is safe.

  • From my point of view, this, and all types of games must be fair. In the games rules, I would include someones, like having test drugs before starting the game, for making them fair. Another one could be that all people could participate, so veryone can do something and having a good time. The next one would be to have respect with others and do not allow any violent comment, both, in the stage, or at the participation. I think that with all this rules, we can make sports fair for everyone and that everybody can spend a good time, and, finally, I think that the most important thing in this games is safety, because I think that health and being good with our body is more important than winning or lossing or things like that.

    1. Rightly said amazing_outcome.
      From my perspective, all types of games must be fair. In the rules of the game, I would suggest implementing measures such as drug testing to ensure fairness. Additionally, I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in the game to ensure inclusivity. It is important to show respect towards others and refrain from making any violent comments during the game. By implementing these rules, we can create a fair and enjoyable environment for everyone involved. Ultimately, I believe that the most important aspect of these games is safety, as prioritizing our health and well-being is key.

  • HELLO!

    If I had my game there will be rules which participants and spectators need to follow

    1. Athletes will be tested to know if they consume performance enhancing drugs.

    2. Spectators need to stay away from the pitch, track to prevent accidents.

    3. Every participant will be honored by me and my team.

    4. They had to be sportsmanship.


  • HELLO!

    If I had my game there will be rules which participants and spectators need to follow

    1. Athletes will be tested to know if they consume performance enhancing drugs.

    2. Spectators need to stay away from the pitch, track to prevent accidents.

    3. Every participant will be honored by me and my team.

    4. They had to be sportsmanship.


  • If I were to create my own game I would make the following rules -
    To create a safe environment I would ensure all participants are wearing appropriate safety gear and undergo a basic health check before competition so that the risk of an injury is minimized.

    To keep the games inclusive I would make sure that all events offer categories or divisions for athletes of different ages, genders, and abilities, fostering broad participation and leveling the playing field for all.

    To keep the events fair, I would ensure that all participants and teams adhere to standardized rules and conditions monitored by an independent body, ensuring equal opportunities and preventing unfair advantages.

    While all three aspects—safety, inclusivity, and fairness—are vital, I believe safety holds particular significance in international sports competitions. Without safety measures in place, the integrity of the competition and the well-being of the participants will be compromised, thereby undermining the spirit of inclusivity and fairness. This is why I believe prioritizing safety is paramount to upholding the values and enjoyment of the sporting event.

  • 👋 Hello everyone!

    I believe that for an event to be successful, safety and fairness must be the top priorities. To ensure safety, I propose a rule that prohibits throwing any objects at people during games. 🚫🎾 This will prevent any accidents or injuries that could potentially occur due to such activities.

    Furthermore, to ensure that the event is inclusive and fair for all participants, we should discourage the use of performance enhancers. 🙅‍♀️🚫 This way, everyone will have an equal opportunity to participate and compete on a level playing field, without any unfair advantages.

    Overall, while prioritizing safety is essential, we must also ensure that the event is fair and inclusive for everyone involved. Thank you for considering my suggestions. 😊

  • In my own opinion I believe that when we organize a new sports event, it's super important to think about three big things: safety, inclusivity, and fairness. Let's break it down in simpler words!
    First, let's talk about safety. Just like when we ride a bike and wear a helmet to protect our head, in our games, we'll make sure everyone wears the right gear like helmets or pads. This helps to keep everyone safe and reduces the chance of getting hurt.
    Now, let's chat about inclusivity. This means making sure EVERYONE can join in and have fun, no matter who they are. So, in our games, we'll invite people of all ages, genders, abilities, and backgrounds to play. We'll also make sure to help anyone who needs extra support so they can play too. Everyone deserves a chance to have fun and feel included!
    Lastly, let's talk about fairness. Fairness is about playing by the same rules and giving everyone a fair chance to win. To make sure our games are fair, we'll have strict rules about not using any special stuff (like drugs) to make you better at the game. This way, everyone competes on an equal playing field, and it's all about skill and hard work.
    Now, if we think about what's most important at an international sports competition, it's like picking the best of three awesome things: safety, inclusivity, and fairness. But if we had to pick just one, it would be safety. Why? Because if people aren't safe, they can't have fun and play the game. But remember, inclusivity and fairness are also super duper important! So, we need to make sure we balance all three to make our games the best they can be for everyone to enjoy.

    1. I agree because... As you said safety, inclusive and fairness should be considered when organizing a sports game because safety will ensure everyone is safe and still be able to have fun. Inclusive everyone no matter their gender or where they came from they can still participate and not be discriminated. Finally, fairness everyone needs to have a chance to win and participate with everyone not using enhanced drugs. Thanks for sharing your insights. 😄

  • The first rule id make is to stop the use of drugs to ones advantage. The use of steroids does a lot to the human body. For males, steroids increase their chest and reduces the size of their pubic areas. For women, It reduces the size of their chest and makes their voice become deeper. Then the rule that would keep my event fair is that there is no form of advantage for anyone, no matter who you are or who you will be. Lastly, I feel two things should be the most important which are safety and fairness. Safety has to be ensured in everything in order to keep you safe and also fairness has to be ensured because, it would not be fair to those who work with all their heart and mind.

  • Actually, I can't really say which one is most important at a because all three of them work hand in hand during a sports competition.
    But if I must, I would say that safety is most important before inclusiveness and fairness reasons because safety keeps everyone away from danger, at least prevents the exposure of danger to us. In a sport competition, safety precautions and guidelines should be made and strictly abided to in order to prevent severe injuries , but of course if safety rules are not followed by the people, it would be impossible for an injured person to continue playing in a game if he/ she is injured or badly hurt. My main point here is; Safety first, fairness second and inclusivity third.
    Thanks and have a lovely day!

  • In an international competirion safety is of course top priority as it includes people and athletes from all around the world.
    It need to ensure that everyone will feel secure because is anything happens the sport spirit will be damaged irreversible.
    However having a fair play is equally important as the games should respect the hardwork and dedication of athletes.
    Inclusiveness is another factor to be taken under consideration as human right in every aspect should be promoted.

    1. How do you think international competitions can ensure safety for athletes?

      1. I think that international competitions can ensure safety in the following ways which include:
        1.Education and Awareness:
        Athletes, coaches, and support staff should receive training on recognizing and reporting unsafe situations.
        Awareness campaigns can help promote a culture of safety and encourage reporting of any incidents.
        2.Collaboration and Coordination:
        International competitions involve multiple stakeholders. Collaboration between sports organizations, governments, and health authorities is vital.
        3.Adaptability and Resilience:
        Flexibility, adaptability, and adherence to health protocols are essential.

      2. International competitions can ensure safety with many ways.
        In order to promote safety to all athletes , organizations can provide a clear structure of rules beforehand so all of them to know what to follow.
        Additionally the event should check if the equipment is suitable and safe to use before the games.
        Sport culture should be instilled to all athletes and the importance of respecting each others culture.

  • If I was to have my own event or game, a rule to keep my event/game safe would be "no stealing, nor hacking", because some people attend events and they just take whatever they want, and sometimes some people can steel codes from games.
    My inclusive rule would be "it's free to join or enter", because sometimes some people don't want to pay to play games or to attend an event, so I think my rule would be great news for some people.
    A fair rule for my game or event would be, "people only have 3 tries", because some people intend to play a game without letting others have a go.
    I think most important at an international sport competition is "fairness", because some people don't want to watch games that would be favored by others. This will make the competition harder, and it's not going to be fair for others.

  • Multi-step sporting events, especially the Olympics, would be hard to select athletes for in the first place. There has to be people of reasonable age, not too far apart though because then some have the advantage of "youthness". I'd say 24-35 is reasonable. This allows for inclusion without a large age gap. Since there are many sports, safety rules can vary a lot. The Gymnastics (Rhythmic, Aerial, Artistic) may have similar rule sets, but Martial Arts (Taekwondo, Judo, Karate) could be different. A ban of caffeine, performance enhancing drugs (not honey for sticky bars in gymnastics), and outside assistance should suffice for fairness. Safety is a priority for me. I don't want to see 50 year old playing soccer with an 12-year old and kicking the ball square in the stomach of the child and just having to take the hit.

    What I mean is that if I am going to allow my athletes to use the enhanced drugs, I will say that they should all take the same number of doses so that there will be fairness and equality. I said this because I think that even though they are given the same number of doses, their abilities will still not be even. For example, if player A is stronger than player B without having to take enhancement drugs, I say that even with the drugs player A will still be stronger even when they both take equal doses. This is because player A’s abilities will be mixed with the drugs making him way better than before, the same process goes with player B. So even with equal doses, I say the best will remain the best because the enhancement drugs mix with the player's actual abilities.

    1. I think that this is a really good idea. If people are going to use these performance enhancing drugs then the co-ordinators of the sporting event should try and keep it as fair and equal as possible and one way of doing this is restricting the dosage that an athlete can take.

      However, there may be some setbacks with this rule as it would be incredibly difficult to monitor these dosages. You could try and figure out how much an athlete has used by testing their blood pressure, but some people's blood pressure may naturally be higher or lower than others.

      So I believe that this is a good idea, but before putting this rule in place we would have to try and figure out how to manage the amount of drugs a single athlete is taking.

  • If I were to create my game, there are couple of rules I will put in place to make it inclusive;
    1. Religious belief: The game will be open for people irrespective of their religious affiliation.
    2. Political affiliation: Athletes will not be allowed to express their political views as will be a neutral zone.
    3. Race: It will be open to people of all race making room for inclusiveness.
    4. There will be a level playing ground such meaning that all athletes will compete based on the same parameter such no enhancement drugs. Apart from the athletes cheating, it is more their health because these drugs have aide effects. They must not win at all cost.
    5. I will borrow a leaf from Financial Fair Play from football such that there will be a cap to sponsorship deals for athletes especially from Pharmaceutical giants. Athletes will be fined if this is violated. This rule will help ensure that there are no 'Super athletes'.

    The idea of inclusive rules is the create room for people from all works life to participate in the game.

    1. I totally agree with your second and third rules that will help make games inclusive because rules on
      1. Race: this will help to reduce racial harassment and discrimination in sports which affects enjoyment, motivation and levels of of participation in sports if unchecked.
      2. Political Afflation: in our world, politics directs a nation. Politics can be used in influencing and affecting sports(including the Olympics.) Olympics is next year and if politics continues it can encourage hatred between countries it might cause war.
      I will also include rules to make the game inclusive, rules such as:
      1. People with disabilities: it will eliminate discrimination against these category of people.
      2. Gender equality: it will also ensure gender balance and inclusiveness, ensuring there is no bias especially against women.
      3. Age: it will be open to all age categories; Old, Young and even children... the rules will be all inclusive for all category.
      4. Categorization in participation; there will be rules to ensure this for the purpose of equity, fairness and equality.

      1. Interesting ideas. I'm not sure about your comment about politics in sport causing war, can you explain this further?

        1. I disagree because politics in sports can influence or encourage hatred between countries and that can lead to war is highly possible and valid. It is well-known that international sporting competitions often increase a feelings of national unity and antipathy/hostility towards other countries when not properly managed.
          The 2009 Egyptian - Algerian World Cup dispute is an example of political affiliations affecting sports with tendency to degenerate into war between two countries.
          Also when victory and loss in sports are not properly managed nationalism from sports can spark conflict between countries. An example is the 1969 football war between El Salvador and Honduras.

      2. I disagree just with the point that you said '' That there would be no age restriction in your game''. Why I disagree with you is because there is always an age limit for athletes. These age limits are only 18-39, s0 if any athlete is not up to the age of 18 he/she will not be allowed to play and if a player has ascended the age of 39 he/she will not be allowed to compete also. In fact, there was a day that I heard in the news that a team coach was holding a player of the age of 17 and the coach was arrested and was banned of ever coaching a team ever again. And if you as a coach wants to insert a rule of no age restriction if the sport officials find out, they may arrest you or you may be banned of ever coaching a team again. And another reason I say this is because if you bring in players that are too young or too old, some of the negative effects may be confusion. Why I say this is because, if you bring in young players, they may not have enough experience and they may also impact confusion in your team. So I am here to convince you and not to confuse you that there is always a particular age restriction in any type of game.

        THANK YOU.

  • One rule I would put in place to make my sport organized is no use of drugs I say this because if players take drugs they may be under the influence and they might harm other participants during the sport another reason is that it wouldn't be fair to other players or participants and that might feel down and maybe stop .

  • Hiiiiiii, Hello, Namesthe and Vanakkam to everyone.........

    Rule to keep the event safe:
    Participants must accept to all safety guidelines and instructions provided by event organizers at all times. Any abnormal behavior that poses a threat to the safety of oneself or others will not be accepted.

    Rule to keep the event inclusive:
    All participants must treat each other with respect regardless of , gender, religion or their ability. Discrimination, harassment or unusual behavior of any kind will not be accepted."

    Rule to keep the event fair:
    All participants must play a fair game and obey the rules and regulations given by the organizers. Cheating, injecting or any form of unfair activities will result in immediate disqualification.

    In an international sports competition all the three factors are for the safety and a fair game for the participants. Without ensuring the safety of participants, spectators and success of the event, it will not begin. However, inclusivity and fairness are also the very important factors that contribute to the overall quality of the competition. Therefore, all three factors should be carefully balanced and should ensure the event's success.
    Thank you......

  • I think a rule I will make is that if I find out you are using enhance drugs I will make sure you get arrested and won't participate in any order sport I will make sure the height of all the people playing are the same, I will get safety clothes and helmet for everybody that will participate in the game or sports.

  • If I were to make a game it will have rules like firstly
    1. Use of drugs will be limited to those who want to use drugs and I'll make it cheap, so everyone can participate.
    2. There would be categories of the differences like in gender there would be for both mal and female, for only female and for only male ( why I put a category for both male anr female is because there are some women who are capable of winning a competition with men).

  • To me, the one rule that will keep my event safe if it should be sport will be rough play prohibition. I will make this rule the top priority because it is something that often lead to disagreement during sports and when a particular team has played rough the other team, the team will definitely want to revenge and this will bring about riot during the sports.
    One important rule that will keep my event fair if it is sport is enhancing drugs prohibition. This rule is also the top priority because it will be very unfair if one team takes the enhanced drug and the other did not take. Not only different teams but it will also be stopped between people in the same team.

  • Hello everyone,
    To ensure the safety of my own games, the one rule that I would organize is ‘the rule of respect’. This rule would require all members to treat each other with kindness, and respect throughout the event. By promoting an environment of respect, it would help prevent any form of harassment, bullying, or discrimination. This rule would expand to the physical safety of the members, encouraging them to always promote the wellbeing of themselves and others.Moreover, By highlighting respect as the guiding principle, it would create a positive and supportive atmosphere where everyone feels safe to engage in the games and enjoy the experience.
    Thank you!!☺️

    I say this because I do not want to be the kind of person that forces things down people's throats. I want to be someone that gives people a free will. They will be the ones to choose for themselves.
    I would advice those kind of people to stay away from my team because if they get hurt or easily influenced by the other athletes due to the enhancement drugs, I will not be the person to blame because I gave them a choice and they chose for themselves.
    If I was running a team, these are the rules I would apply and if you do not want to listen, you do not have to be on my team.

  • I would like to make a rule that every participant must not make another participant inferior when the game has not started.
    The 2nd rule states that every one must work together in every part of the game . The 3rd rule states that there should be no form of cheating in any form, there should be no form of distraction from any participant. There should be no form of sharp objects. Any body caught with the use of any drug in any form must be disqualified.

  • The only way I see using enhancement drugs is for paralympics. They have a disadvantage already compared to the average althelte. Using enhancement is something I wouldn't want but if it does happen this is the only reason I see fit. A person who doesn't have any disabilty should not need it as much as a paralympics.

  • If I ever came into a situation where I had to create a fair and inclusive sport competition, my first rule would be to split up the competing groups not into genders but into groups with similar capabilities.
    Also, there wouldn’t be any performance enhancers allowed in order to keep the competition fair and safe, and so that no one takes any extra risks to their health. Additionally, everyone should compete against a person that has put a specific amount of effort, discipline and time into their training to be able to participate in this event.
    My last rule would require that the organization equips each participant with the same equipment, so that there are no disadvantages due to the equipment.
    This rule would support the people with financial issues, that have worked hard but can’t invest as much as others can.

  • If I made a sport event, three rules I would implicate inside it would be banning doping In the sport, have no other interferences like better shoes and things of those sorts, and only put a sign up sheet at former places where the sports would be. I would make these rules, because if people are using steroids to increase their performances it would be unsafe for them afterwards. Next I wouldn't allow outside interference like buying shoes with bouncier shoes because that would be unfair for people who cannot buy them. Than finally I would put posters at former sports places so people ready to go are their instead of just random people.

  • If I was to make the rules to a sports event, I think I would separate the people who had performance-enhancing drugs from the ones who do not want to compete without performance-enhancing drugs so everyone would be included in the game.
    The one rule to keep everyone safe is that the athlete should have a medical person near them so there will be a smaller chance of accidents happening and nobody can notice the accident.
    The rule to keep the game inclusive is that nobody should wear religious symbols. I think this might not be fair for some people but I think people might tease each other because they believe in different religions.
    The rule to keep the event fair is that the athlete should be honest about whether they had took the drug because I think it is really unfair on those who wanted to compete without them.
    I think there should be a separate game that is like the same event but performance-enhancement drugs friendly so it will be the people who had took the drugs against other people who also has took the drugs. By that, everyone would be included in the game.

  • The most important at an international competition is to keep the people safe by making a proper ensurance that there is no one who came in with a hard drugs, and also make a proper ensurance that he or she did a proper warm up.

  • If i were to create a sport my rules would be:

    1: No taunting
    2: No type of drugs (for spectators, participants, and workers )
    3: No special equipment

    The reason I chose "no taunting" is because sometimes taunting could cause people to doubt themselves and that is not really fair.

    The reason I chose "no type of drugs" is because when people are on drugs their minds might not process correctly and cause them to do things that they should not do.

    The reason I chose "no special equipment" is because if people use special equipment it is not fair and it is not really safe.

    Thank you for reading this and have a good day !!

  • It is rather difficult to make the rules but I will give it a try.
    For safety I would recommend fans to enter by having enrolled all their personal details as a ticket recognition .
    Equipment should be checked by specialists.
    Inclusiveness is a big issue but I think paralympicsis a good example.
    Of course when we mean included it means that you have to be trained enough to compete safely and nor just be a regular person.
    Fair can be achieved by rules that are announced to everyone. No drugs, suggested nutrition for all, shame equipment and of course all equal behaved regardless of Culture and background.

  • Hello, if I were to make my own game the 3 main rules would be these:

    1. No enhanced drugs. This is because it may be a medical issue or even an unfair advantage to other players who don't use the drugs while others can so my first rule would be making sure you cant have enhanced drugs following with a bag search and drug test so it could be fair for all.
    2. For my second main rule I would make it disability safe so it could be safe for all people and all participants so it could be safe and fair for all players in my game and make it inclusive for them.
    3. And for my last rule I would allow all religions since I believe everything should be inclusive for all religions no matter the beliefs and give fairness in my rules so that it's welcoming for all.

    For the last question in a international sports competition I believe that safety is most important than inclusivity and fairness because no matter how including and fair if someone gets hurt or has a safety issue it may cause problems in the competition and worry the participants and staff because if in a sports competition if they don't have safety many things could happen depending on what sport competition it is and cause many injuries and problems even causing the program to most likely shutdown. In summary I think safety is most important at an international sports competition than inclusivity and fairness.

  • If I need to create my own games , the rules would be the follow ones:
    First the the players or competitors have to get along, they cannot be enemies because otherwise there would be a bad environment to compete or play. Then they could not take any type of drug to be stronger, etc. because they are competing for their physical or personal characteristics and they take something to make them better, they would not be playing fair. Next ,the players could not manipulate or rig the game to win because they would not be fair winners and of course if I were the player who had rigged the game I would not have a clear conscience since I would not deserve the first place. Both women and men and competitors from any type of culture and country could participate.
    I believe that the most important thing about a competition is justice since there is no justice. People who have truly won without taking drugs or cheating the game would not be mentally well from that since there are other competitors who can be worse than other people and Because there is no justice, he has won but I also believe that there must be security above all because if there is no security, you need to know if the terrain on which you are going to compete is in good condition, there must also be drug detectors so that there is justice, etc.

  • The rules I would keep to make my event safe would be having risk management plan in order to prevent accident and make it safe, no matter how someone is perfect at a particular sports, he or she must make one or two mistakes, so having a plane for the future would be the way I want to keep my event safe, and to ensure safety for athletes in games I would like to reduce the crowed density, in order to have lower security risk for athletes, like having a rule which says to qualify for my event you should have particular age, characters, must take trials to be in, telling them the nessesery amount of people should be in the game.

  • If i created my own games, I’d make sure that there isn’t any negativity or anything that’s not child appropriate. Another rule i’d have is if there’s any fouls or anything that isn’t allowed i’ll make sure to not leave it unnoticed. What’s most important to me is safety because if you’re not safe then how will the player continue in the games? So safety is very important to me.

  • If I could create my own games, I would not allow the use of performance enhancers, because people who use them would have a greater advantage in the games than people who do not use performance enhancers. Apart from that, I would not allow it because it could be dangerous for players' health.
    Another rule that would keep the event safe is the ban of weapons.
    I would allow people from all over the world to take part in the games, regardless their origin or natal country.
    I would also remove the rule that states that hijabs are prohibited, because I think everyone can dress however they want.
    I would also create a rule which states the creation of new games that can be performed by people with disabilities, so that they can participate in the competitions too if they want so.
    From my point of view the most important thing at an international sports competition is safety, because the most important thing is having health, and if someone attacks physically or mentally someone, he or she would be disqualified.

  • Rule for Safety:

    All participants must adhere to proper safety protocols, including the use of appropriate protective gear and adherence to established safety guidelines, to ensure the well-being of everyone involved.
    Rule for Inclusivity:

    The event should actively promote and embrace diversity. All participants, regardless of background, skill level, or identity, should be treated with respect, and the rules should be designed to encourage equal participation.
    Rule for Fairness:

    The rules of the game must be consistently applied, and any form of cheating or unfair advantage is strictly prohibited. Officials will ensure fair play and address any disputes impartially.
    Importance at an International Sports Competition:

    Balancing safety, inclusivity, and fairness is crucial, but safety holds the utmost importance at an international sports competition. Ensuring the well-being of athletes, officials, and spectators is fundamental to the success and integrity of the event. While fairness and inclusivity contribute to the spirit of sports, safety is a non-negotiable priority for the welfare of everyone involved.

  • Hi, in my games, the first rule would be that the competitors take an anti-doping test daily, so these substances would be completely illegal, this would make my competition a fair competition, second I would let the competitors use all types of technologies, this makes the game less fair but whoever works the most on their technological help will obviously have a better chance of winning, this would give inclusivity to the competition and finally the venue where it is competed will have all types of protection from security guards to drones to make it as safe as possible.

  • Hi,I believe that the rules are really unfair because one of the rule's is that your not allowed to drink coffee which is unfair in my opinion because coffee is not a drug, it just gives you enery. Me and my class were thinking of some rules and we came to a disison that footwear has to be the same on none at all because of the grip and the possibilates that you may be good without shoes or not.

  • . do not push other people out of the way in the race .
    . do different groups with the same amount of people and different races at different times .
    . do a timer for the race and you could wait for somebody if they are not ready to begin the race .
    . be safe because if someone hurt them self they could be very injured and they could get very sad because they cant go back to the race because they need to wait for the bad injury to heal .

  • If I am creating my own game for athletes to play, like running track, one rule to keep my event safe is no enhanced drugs. I would make this rule because, enhanced drugs could cause health problems and maybe even death, but it depends on the side effects of the enhanced drug. Another rule to keep my event inclusive is, to allow paralympic athletes to compete against other athletes that aren't disabled. I would add this rule because, all athletes should be able to compete against each other if they all agree to compete. One rule to keep my event fair would be, don't use any type of violence, curse words, trash talk, ect, because if an athlete was fight another athlete it wouldn't be fair for the rest of the athletes because everyone would have to stop while someone takes care of the situation. The most important rule at an international sports competition would be safety. I think safety is the most important rule in international sports because, if the athletes are not safe they cannot work together, the game would not be fair, and the athletes could get hurt.

  • In class today we talked about Drug Enhancement Games and had to make our own rules. In my opinion I think one rule that will keep my event safe is to not abuse the enhancement drugs you're taking. I say this because, if you are abusing the drugs you're taking you might get stronger side effects and those side effects could start doing damage to the body.

    One rule that I say would be inclusive would be letting my games be open to all religions. I feel this way because having a different belief, speaking a certain way, or having different spiritual meanings does not mean that you can't participate in something that is fun. It is not fair to exclude someone because they are different from someone else.

    One rule that I feel will keep my event fair is that people that have certain abilities should be able to use the medicine prescribed to them. I feel this way because if people are participating in the games they will need to keep their medicine to keep their bodies going. For example, asthma. Asthma is something that you need to breathe. If you are running track you need to be able to keep on going in the field and without being able to breathe you could pass out.
    I feel one thing that is important at an international sports competition would be safety. I say safety because if certain things are happening and it is unsafe, it would cause more athletes to drop out because something could be wrong. I feel the games should test you to see if the drugs you are using to enhance your skills are being abused and affecting your body in a harmful way.

  • Here are my rules that I think are fair and would be good rules for my event-

    1. I think that my safe rule would be that there will be different breaks in between each round because if people are taking the enhancement drugs or if they have something with health like asthma, then they need breaks to take their inhaler. I want them to be safe while doing the game and I want them to be able to continue having their fun.

    2. I think that my inclusive rule would be that any race and religion is allowed in my event because I wouldn't leave anyone out just because of the color of their skin or if they wear a hijab or anything. They should be able to participate even if they are different because my event will be fun for everyone.

    3. My fair rule would have to be that the Enhanced Drugs are allowed in my event but the participants must be sure to read about the drug that they are using to make sure they can handle that drug. There will be medics there to help if something goes wrong during the event , just to be sure everyone is safe.

    To add on, I think that in an international sports competition that fairness is most important because back in the 1800s and 1900s there was many different groups of religions,races, and a gender that couldn't compete in the games. Those rules or laws were set for more than a year and I feel like that is wrong and shouldn't be a rule or law. That's why I feel like everyone should be able to be a part of the games and have fun in the games.

  • If I could make the rules for the enhanced games I would say the first rule is no violence. I would make this a rule because if there is violence in the enhanced games then it wouldn't be safe and many people could get hurt. if a lot of people get hurt in the enhanced games then the games might get shut down. My next rule would be no cheating. I would make this a rule because the enhanced games wouldn't be fair if people are cheating. If people are cheating that would take away all the fun in playing. My last rule would be that girls and boys can play. I would make this a rule because you should be able to play the enhanced games no matter what your gender is. If only gender can participate in the enhanced games then it would not be fair that the other gender would not be able to play the enhanced games. These are the rules I would make if I could make the rules for the enhanced games.
    I think fairness would be the most Important in a international sports competition. I think so because if an international sports competition is not fair then some people might not want to play because people are cheating and it's not fair. If an international sports competition is not fair then the people who play fair would not be able to win because people are cheating in the game. That is why I think fairness would be the most important in an international sports competition.

  • hello friends!
    if i were to make my own sport it would have fun but fair rules because a game needs to be fun but also fair for its players. one rule to keep my event safe would be that everyone is allowed to share what they have to say aslong as it doesnt hurt anyone else-if it does you are simply out of the game and not allowed to compete until the next round. One rule to keep my event inclusive would be to not judge anyone who is competing except for age so people dont have an unfair advantage. everything is importamt goodbye froends

  • If I were to make rules on a particular game firstly to keep things safe there would be on how the drug is been used and in using these drug there should no be drugs that affect other athletes like using witchcraft or using the thing that the other athlete is allergic to or using weapons.

  • If I created something like the Olympics it would be a knock of Olympics. Because the Olympics are safe and fair so I would copy. Like I don’t want the athletes to get hurt because of drugs so I it would be banned except medical drugs.

  • If I could create a sporting competition ,the rules will be:
    •To not allow drugs in games but only certain medicines you could use for health
    •To allow all genders compete in games
    •To not allow athletes to brag or argue about their own skill
    •To not allow athletes to knock down or tackle any other competitors
    •To not allow athletes bring any weapons or inappropriate objects

  • A rule to keep my event safe would be that all participants must wear appropriate safety gear at all times during the game to prevent injuries. I would enforce a rule that prohibits any form of discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, ethnicity, or any other characteristic. For fairness, I would implement a rule stating that all players must abide by the same set of rules and regulations, with no exceptions or special privileges granted to anyone. At an international sports competition, safety is the most important aspect because it ensures that all participants can compete without risking their well-being. Without safety measures in place, the event could result in serious injuries or accidents, jeopardizing the health of athletes and spectators alike. Therefore, prioritizing safety ensures that everyone can enjoy the competition while minimizing potential risks :)