Teenagers and social media

In your suggestions for new discussions for our metaverse topic, many of you mentioned the impact of social media on young people. But it was a comment from eloquent_studio at Rex Mill Stem Middle School O in the United States of America that really got us inspired.

They said that social media might affect teenagers' physical and mental health. And this made us wonder… do teenagers spend too much time on social media?

Here are some statistics that might help you make a decision:

  • 57%

    of all teens agree that using social media often distracts them when they should be doing homework.

  • 54%

    of teen social media users agree that it often distracts them when they should be paying attention to the people they're with.

  • 29%

    of teen smartphone owners say they've been woken up by their phones during the night by a call, text or notification.

  • 42%

    of teens agree that social media has taken away from the time they could spend with friends in person.

Comments (91)

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  • After a long session with the teacher, we went with our vision to solve the problems facing adolescents, especially on social networking sites, and the most prominent of these problems is the phenomenon that spreads hatred and insults to others, which is racial discrimination. I believe that artificial intelligence is capable, and I'm afraid to say for sure that this phenomenon will be eradicated
    I hope my suggestion will be the way to get back at it one day

    One of the prevalent human phenomena around the world is racial discrimination, which has led to a significant gap between white and black people. This gap results in hatred, differences in opinion, mistreatment, and sometimes physical assault or even murder. Some forget that we are essentially of the same species, which is human.

    Therefore, an idea came to my mind to create a social networking program called "One Color", where people can get to know each other and the program works to unify the color of the sender and the receiver. Once the relationship between the two parties is strengthened, either party can show their true color to the other side, and thus the person realizes that color has nothing to do with morals or behavior and that humans remain humans regardless of their race or color.

    I believe that artificial intelligence can solve this problem by providing it with electronic components and software that work on visual deception, so that each user sees the other party in the same color.

    1. It's great to see that you are passionate about addressing the issue of racial discrimination and exploring the potential of technology to make a positive impact. While the idea of creating a social networking program like "One Color" is intriguing, it is essential to consider the practicality and potential limitations of such an approach.

      One challenge with this idea is that color is just one aspect of a person's identity, and racial discrimination goes beyond just physical appearance. Discrimination can also be based on cultural, social, economic, and historical factors, which may not necessarily be apparent through an online interaction. Additionally, it may be challenging to convince people to join and use the "One Color" platform if they feel uncomfortable or skeptical about the technology's effectiveness.

      It's also worth noting that AI technology is not a silver bullet solution to solve social issues like racism. While AI has the potential to help identify patterns and trends in data related to discrimination, it ultimately depends on how people use and interpret that data to create meaningful change.

      Instead of relying solely on technology, addressing racial discrimination requires a multi-faceted approach that involves education, policy changes, and community engagement. It's essential to continue to have conversations, create awareness, and actively work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

  • And a 2016 study of more than 450 teens found that more social media use or use during the night and emotional investment in social media, such as feeling upset when logged in, were both associated with worse sleep quality and higher levels of anxiety and depression.

  • Welcome...
    Teens our age of course, spend hours and hours on phones. As for me, I don't have a phone assigned to me, and I only use it when I need an explanation of my studies and this competition, or sometimes I talk to my friends to take homework or ask about something....
    I was really surprised that there were students who came to the school for all 6 sessions with their heads on the bank, why?!
    Because they stay awake for 5 or 6 hours and we sleep at night on the mobile, this device is a disaster in our hands...
    Our morals have diminished, our relationships have affected, we have become insecure, and most cell phones are a distraction from our studies. But when we are on vacation it doesn't matter because there is nothing behind them, but what about their relationship with their family, what about his body and his eyes, and how it will be affected...
    Really, these phones are in our hands and they will definitely destroy us. This is my opinion. I'd love to hear your opinions too.

    1. I don't agree with you
      However there is many negative effects of mobile phone there's many positive effects too
      Of course it can waste time it's also can save it since they can do many things without leaving your home
      At the end everything has positive and negative effects so we should know how to use it in the good side

  • I'm not sure about this because... I see that social media has affected young people negatively and positively. 1/ Wasting time due to excessive use 2/ Isolation from family and society 3/ Poor academic achievement As for the positives: 1/ Enables people to cooperate and establish new relationships 2/ Helps exchange ideas and information 3/ Facilitates acquaintance with the cultures of other peoples

    1. It is indeed a mixed topic with plenty of benefits and negatives alike.

      What do you think young people could do to see more of the positive side than the negative?

      1. I am one of the people who look at life in a positive way and see things from a positive point of view. For example, social media affects young people positively, as social media allows young people to create online identities, communicate with others, and create social networks. These networks can provide young people with valuable support, especially helping those who feel excluded or have a disability or chronic illness.

      2. People just talk about the negative effects of social media and not the positivity of it.

        According to CNN, 80% of teens said social media gives them some level of connection to what is going on in their friends' lives, 71% said that it is a place where they can show creativity, 67% said social media reassures them that they have people to support them through tough time and 58% said it makes them feel more accepted.

        Not everything on social media is bad. For example: Take our topical talk programme, what are we using to run it, it is social media. Social media:
        Improves your communication skills.
        Increases creativity.
        Improves mutualism.
        Provides valuable support.
        Create better identities.
        Increases experience.
        Improves connection with people of the same interests and desires.

        The basic thing to just do is to create awareness and enlightenment on the positivity of social media.

      3. Social media is a huge part of many teens' lives. A 2018 Pew Research Center survey of nearly 750 13- to 17-year-olds found that 45% are online almost constantly, and 97% use social media platforms; Like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat.Advantages of social media

        Social media allows young people to create online identities, connect with others, and create social networks. These networks can provide young people with valuable support, especially helping those who feel excluded or have a disability or chronic illness.

        Teens also use social media for entertainment and self-expression. Platforms can expose teens to current events, allow them to interact across geographic barriers, and teach them about a variety of topics, including health behaviours. Social media that is humorous, distracting, or provides a meaningful connection with peers as well as an extensive social network may help teens avoid depression.

        The harms of social media

        However, social media use can negatively affect teens by distracting them, disrupting their sleep, exposing them to bullying, spreading rumors, unrealistic views on other people's lives, and peer pressure.

        The risks may be related to how much social media teens use. A 2019 study of more than 6,500 12- to 15-year-olds in the United States found that those who spend more than three hours a day using social media may be at increased risk for mental health issues. Another 2019 study of more than 12,000 13-16-year-olds in England found that using social media more than three times per day predicted poorer mental health and well-being in adolescents.

        Other studies have also noted links between high levels of social media use and symptoms of depression or anxiety. A 2016 study of more than 450 teens found that greater social media use or use during the night and emotional investment in social media — such as feeling upset when logged in — is both associated with worse sleep quality and higher levels of anxiety and depression.

        How teens use social media may also determine its impact. A 2015 study found that the social comparison and feedback sought by teens using social media and cell phones was associated with depressive symptoms. Additionally, a small 2013 study found that older teens who used social media passively, such as simply viewing photos of others, reported lower life satisfaction. Those who used social media to interact with others or post their own content did not experience these declines.

        An older study of the impact of social media on college students showed that the more Facebook they used, the more they thought others were happier than they were. But the more time students spend going out with their friends, the less they feel like that.Because of the vibrant nature of youth, experts suggest that teens who post content on social media are at risk of sharing intimate images or highly personal stories. This may lead to teens being bullied, harassed or even blackmailed. Teens often create posts without considering these consequences or privacy concerns.

        1. Definitely an interesting debate.

          You mention the correlation of increased/excessive use of social media leading to poorer mental health outcomes, do you think social media companies should do anything in this space to promote better outcomes for young people? If so what do you think are the things they could do to support young people more?

          1. Research has shown that extensive use of social media affects mental health, reduces attention span and promotes suggestion of bad attributes. But these things can be controlled or at least reduced in many ways. One of the most effective ways is to reduce screen time for minors. Recently the owner of TikTok placed a 60 minute time limit on screen time for users under 18. This could be very helpful because minors are affected the most by social media because they are so impressionable. For the matter of teens waking up in the middle of the night to check their notifications, push notifications should be disabled so that no new notifications can come in when the minor is doing anything important or sleeping. Social media companies could also ban people who try to post adult content and classify the content that everyone sees based on their age. This could go a long way in assuring safety online for younger people. There is also Google play restrictions to set the maturity level of apps and set a pin code for purchases. This are some of the ways that social media companies can support younger people better.

      4. You see people talking about the Internet and social media with all negativity and brutality that they do not look at the second limit of it, as it is a double-edged sword that possesses some negative things such as addiction that leads to diseases in the eyes with a lot of viewing, but have you ever asked yourselves that does it possess positive things that are beneficial and useful in use? Of course not, because you only see the negatives from it. One of the positives for it is knowing information about any topic you want or even developing yourself. Sometimes social communication goes away fear and loneliness, but the uses are for a specific time or a short time so that it does not become negative for us.

      5. I think that social media is a great thing and has helped us in many ways for example businesses can create a social media account to cut back on advertising fees, people can meet talk and share things with others from other parts of the world , like if you have an opportunity to work abroad you are less likely to take it if you have no way to contact friends and family back home. By saying this I am in no way denying the cons of social media, myself and most of my generation understand the risks of technology and the importance of safety online, but as long as we are safe and don’t spend to long on technology it can be a really useful and helpful. People have to stop pointing out the flaws in social media but instead learn how to be safe on it and enjoy the benefits of technology and social media

        1. I totally agree with you. I once heard a saying that stated that everything that is of great advantage has a disadvantage. This also applies to the social media, as much as the social media may have advantages, it also has disadvantages and one thing I have noticed is that no one is ready to tackle the problem they just prefer identifying it's disadvantages, it is not bad to do that but we as teenagers should know that when he identify a problem we should simultaneously try to find a solution else we would live in a world of shambles where everyone knows the problem but no one is willing to solve it. But, we can change that, this platform aims to aid our ability to both identify and solve the various problems we encounter. so, I say enough slacking around, lets start tackling the problems caused by social media.

        2. I strongly agree with this comment.Although I will not deny the fact that social media has greatly affected the many teens and can cause a form of addiction which is also harmful to the mental health. There are many ways through which the problems encountered using social media can be solved.
          People need to start focusing on how to counter these problems rather than completely eliminating social media.In addition,social media has countless advantages such as:creating awareness among youths on the occurrences in the world,it serves as another platform for learning or education,it helps with connectivity, etc.

          1. In return I also strongly agree with you here, I truly believe that social that has many pros but I in no way deny the cons . I believe that all teens should be offered the opportunity of the use of socially media but if they are granted that privilege they should be equally educated of the risks of social media platforms and the addiction and harm it can cause, but once we are educated of these problems we are not told how to solve them for example we are told we’re “addicted” to technology but people who say this are simply pointing out flaws instead of offering solutions to help without eliminating social media entirely because as you said before it has many benefits for learning an communication.

    2. I agree because... Everything in life has it own advantage and disadvantage same thing applies to the social media as well,it had positively and negatively influenced Teens in so many ways.my opinion is that;as the saying goes"charity begins from home". Our parents also have a major role in this,we should monitor our children on how the use the social media,is it negative or positive,for assignments or Tik Tok,for competition or visiting porn sites.
      I think recommending this opinion of mine does a great help.

      1. Listening to all what you said clever heart,you made a great point but guess what - A teenager will always be a teenager! In these present days, everyone seem to be addicted - our parents too.
        So you saying that the parent should have a major role in this is not wrong. However, there could be homes with more children than the average and the parents do not have the time to take care and be more attentive to them.
        Therefore, I believe that it's not only the parents who have a major role to play but the teachers, society, their relatives even their friends.

        My culture believes that it's take a village to raise a child.

    3. I agree with this because there may be benefits with social media but there are also disadvantages to social media.

  • I say yes, most teenagers spend a lot of their time on social media. The fact that 29% of those with smartphones have been woken up by a notification, text or call at night shows that they do not switch off their phones as they maybe fall asleep and forget to switch their phones off due to spending long hours while using them till late.
    The information that would change my mind is making research outside the area in which I dwell. It would help me spend less time on smartphones due to curiosity and being busy.

    1. I agree because i myself had friends which spend longer hours on social media platforms and whatsapp which is why i called them and we went to my home and i told them the dangers of using smartphones for longer hours which were ; Using of smartphones for longer hours can lead to eye problems, they can lead to anxiety, they can lead to loss of sleep , they lead to distruction in studies. And their are other activities they can do like helping out in house chores , talking and playing with friends physically without using gadgets , taking walks, revising books, reading story books , novels, magazines, and newspapers . These activities help out in spending less time on smartphones. Then switching off the phone before sleeping to prevent loss of sleep due to notification bells, calls, and messages.
      Thank you.

  • I agree with the 57% category, and I suffer from this matter. At the moment I go to do my school and homework, I get a text message or a post notification on Facebook. As for the 54% category, I agree with them, but we can turn off the phone when we do not want to use it so as not to be distracted and saddened by us The others, as for the category of 29%, I do not agree with them who uses the phone in the middle of the night. Have we become zombies in order to wake up at night and use the phone to send and receive messages? The category of 42%, I agree with you, but let us look positively towards this issue. Haven’t social media brought us closer and closer? ???, We can solve this problem by arranging a schedule to use the phone, see friends and talk to family .. Don't you agree with me ???

  • It is very bad for teenagers to spend long hours on social media because it affects mental health. After research I have conducted, I discovered that many individuals, especially teenagers, between 13 and 18 years old spend about 9 hours a day using social media. And that's more than hours of sleep, food, drink and other activities! Some even report that they cannot spend an entire hour without browsing social media platforms. This greatly and negatively affects other aspects of life, as time is spent using the Internet at the expense of family, work and study times without feeling. Addiction to using these platforms also affects our focus in general and causes distraction and social isolation.

    1. Does this information impact how you interact on social media?

    2. Firstly, I do understand the aspect where your coming from alright but you also realize that there are many sensible teenagers that actually use their phones/internet for making researches on different things and also for online businesses. And I also understand that it has its disadvantages like them being stuck to their phones all day long and actually forgetting what they had all planned out for that day. But my main point here is to prove/say that not all teenagers easily get distracted by their phones or social medias. Although it could be addictive but not all easily get attached.

      1. I disagree because of a reason, and the reason is that Social media lacks Emotional and Physical connection : This simply means that when using social media it becomes unpleasant because you cannot sense the emotion or interest from the other person. It makes someone wonder if they mean what they say.

        1. You can't say social media lack emotions like the topic been brought up last week AI art,it was also created by we human who feel that they could improve,help,assist artist in making art. Just take a glimpse at what AI art can do, emotions can be felt so you saying that the social media lack emotions I think you are not completely correct. I mean I don't agree with your comment. We hear of tragic stories on the social media which make our heart feel emotionally down, we also hear of stories which also make us feel happy. Some of these stories are actual human experiences. So, Social media don't lack emotions like you said.

    3. I strongly agree with your excellent points. In addition to what you have said according to my research social media has both negative and positive effects on teens well-being and mental health. While social media networks can help teens feel linked and keep in touch with friends and family, it can also contribute to mental issues such as anxiety and depression. The social media is addicting, reduces face-to-face communication skills, causes lack of self-esteem and also causes poorer intellective performance and dwindle parts of the brain connected with maintaining concentration.

    4. The Internet is an open world, so the user must search in any field in the fields of life, and since the Internet is an open world, the content that is included on social networking sites is not monitored, which causes danger to adolescents and children, but there must be positives for the Internet, and not all the Internet is bad, but rather by monitoring Before the parents it becomes good, and since I am a teenager, I see a lot of positives from the Internet: 1- The Internet helps teenagers follow up on their lessons and green them through the Internet. 2- It is also a way to discover the outside world and the cultures of other countries. Facilitates contact with colleagues and teachers. Therefore, we cannot say that the Internet is harmful, as all things on earth are a double-edged sword with what is beneficial and what is harmful

    5. Yes, it is extremely bad to spend too much time in front of a screen. What makes it worse is when it does not benefit you in any way. This is one of the biggest misunderstandings today. Should people be allowed to spend all day with their phone because they are making money or learning something new even when it is unhealthy? Sometimes people actually benefit from their screen time but spending too much time in front of a screen is still unhealthy. Does this mean it is okay to spend all day in front of a screen as long as it has a benefit? I think that it is perfectly okay to make money online or learn new things online but it should be regulated at least. It is just like gaining something small but losing something important as well. for example, making a new friend online or making money online but losing your attention span or your mental health on the process. My point is people actually use social media for good things but they should still be able to limit how long they spend doing it.

    6. The Internet and social media platforms are not as bad as some think, distracting from studies, or harmful to health. This is due to the person who uses the Internet a lot and sits on it for a long time

      Of course, teens are the people who use the internet the most, and most companies and social media platforms take advantage of this. It inspires teenagers and attracts them to sit more, and achieves successes and gains for this company, for example now, when teenagers see platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and the rest of the programs that offer entertaining, attractive, and expressive things that make the human spirit addictive. Now in adolescence, a person's self-confidence is not always high. He thinks he's not pretty and compares himself to people his age. When he finds filters in some programs that he puts on himself to become more beautiful, it is natural for him to become addicted to them, and his self-confidence will decrease, and he will always use these filters and share them with his friends to show them. It's nicer, and of course the software has taken advantage of that and updates their software every now and then, which makes teens love them more and therefore use the software more. The program's founders succeed in attracting a number of teenagers to use the program

  • But , we can also gain knowledge using social media.we should not use it for a bad purpose.we can use for education. See now also I am using phone for a education purpose. So this shows that social media also used to express their feelings...

  • Communication sites with teenagers We all know that teenagers need something to isolate them from their external surroundings, and they only see the phone and social media, and they spend a lot of time, and this affects negatively, which may create content for them and download their pictures and videos, and it may cause them anxiety, tension, distraction, and bullying, and this leads to depression or it is possible that They are exposed to threats via the Internet, and it may negatively affect their health, which makes them restless at times, distracted, and not sleep enough, and it may affect their mental and theoretical health. As a teenager, I do not spend a lot of time on social media because I know how dangerous and harmful it is, and I have a solution for teenagers who spend a lot of time on social media. Social media can reduce every day at least an hour of the time they spend on the phone, and so within a week they will spend an appropriate and short time. A short day to practice the rest of our daily lives and set a schedule for our lives to be tidy and organized.

  • Social media a new world online
    It is surprising that people live or portray a different life or culture on social media contrasting to their way of life in reality. Its like most teenagers try their best to socialize online and meet up with the standards, expectations of people, cliques or groups they admire either negatively or positively . Some even go as far as having double personalities and fake lives. This reduces ones self esteem if they cant meet up with the standards of other people which they hold in high administration . Which can lead to discriminations and young teenagers to depression. With this example that is stated this proves that soil media controls the lives of some youths and teenagers by influencing the way they think, speak and even act negatively or positively. As technology improves social media broadens, captivating young and old. Sort of like a trans they are led to world aside reality where they choose who they want to be, how they want to be, and probably without restriction, this sounds amazing and also devastating because young teenagers are now being brainwashed by the internet/social media therefore being distracted from activities in the real world like family time, work or school and so on.

  • Yes, all of these statistics are true. Social media actually reduces the attention span of young people. Recently the owner of TikTok decided to limit the amount of time children and teenagers spend in the app and some parents have decided to control the screen time of their children. A friend of mine has a timer on her phone, she can only use it after eight hours. This is a good way to limit screen time. Gadgets of all types can distract young ones when then are supposed to be concentrating on other things. Some of them even wake up in the middle of the night to reply text messages or to be the first to see the trending news. No wonder their attention span is reduced in the classroom and they have more fatigue than usual. Spending too much time with technology can affect someone physically as well as physiologically.

  • Even though social media promotes interaction and socialization but it also poses danger to those who become addicted and engrossed in it especially teenagers and as this statistics shows that a large number of people have been affected because of the love of social media and this is bad. We all know that social media has a lot of privacy issues and now that most young persons are involved in the whole social media thing we hear cases of some people private information being leaked and this affects their status and life actually the truth is that social media helps us communicate with those who are far from us but we should not let it distract us from things that are urgent and vital such as doing assignments, relating and interacting with friends and families physically, seeing the outside world and sometimes sleep. It will be a good to society if people reduce their usage of social media and they focus on promoting development in the society.

  • I do think that teenagers spend too much time on social media. Too much time on social media can lead to several problems, as shown with the statistics. These things can lead to a less responsible generation of children. It can also lessen the amount of real world interactions with their friends and family. This can have a major impact on the economy and change our future for the worse.

  • The statistic that 57% teens say that social media distracts them from homework helps the argument that teens spend too much time on social media. Personally being on my phone has distracted me from homework a lot of times and it does affect my grade sometimes. I do believe other teens may struggle with this issue because it contributes a lot to procrastination. When I feel like an assignment is too hard or I don't want to start it right away my first choice is to always get on my phone and I stay on there until I finally tell myself that I have spent too much time on my phone. I try to monitor my screen time but sometimes I go over the limit I set for myself. So yes I do believe teens spend too much time on social media because I do so myself and I know other people who do the same.

  • Most teens in this generation use their phones a lot (I'm not an exception), most of us can't even go a day without using our phones. Phones have become our addiction, we have formed a habit of using our phones everywhere but while doing my research I realized the amount of harm that phones are having on our generation both physically and mentally. For one, staring at the phone for prolonged periods of time could cause cybersickness which comes with bouts of headache, nausea and dizziness. Also phone screens and tablet screens emit blue light which could cause permanent damage to the eyes and also spending too many hours gawking at the screen could cause eye strain.

    1. Are you going to change your habits now you know more about negative effects?

      1. After all I've learnt about the dangers of staying on phone screens for long periods of time I will try my best to reduce the amount of time I spend on my phone and also as of late I began using glasses and my ophthalmologist advised me to reduce the amount of time I spend staring at phone screens or I could be at the risk of permanently wearing glasses so as of present I am trying my best to reduce the amount of time I spend on my phone and also watching television because it could have a lot of disadvantages.

        1. I agree because of the effect it has had on me, because of staying on screens for long periods of time I have myopia for the rest of life having to use glasses unless I find an alternative and this has also affected many teenagers permanently not only screens but social media too because at a particular stage in a teenager's life they get easily influenced especially by their peers and most people on social media are the youths , this is what makes some teenagers start drug abuse because despite the many warnings they still engage in it because most people are doing it and they end up getting addicted which holds many dire consequences making many die young . so in my opinion before engaging in some things do not just think about now but also how some things we learn from social media will affect us later.

    2. I agree with you because using phones and social media can affect one SOCIALLY [he or she can lose friends due to the fact they don't talk again], PHYSICALLY [ some teens when using their phones tend to have a bad posture], ACADEMIC WORK PERFORMANCE [ because they can skip doing their assignments just to use their phones] and also MENTALLY [ using phones too much can lead toanxiety, depression, body pain, neck pain and brain tumor. According to my research it was proven that people who talk on the phone for several hours a day are 50% more likely to develop brain cancer. we as teenagers to reduce the way we use our phone

      1. Thanks for sharing your opinion, candid_keyboard. I'm not sure about your fact about phone usage related to brain cancer. Could you share the source you got this from?

    3. I agree because... using phone for a long time has affected my sisters eyes. She is currently using glasses. I have been staying away from family and friends because of phones. Using them has made me prefer chatting over visitation. And sometimes most of these chats are not healthy. We tend to create unnecessary groups that leads to gossips and fights. After analyzing comments on the negative effect of social media, i'll definitely work on the time i spend on social media to enable me have time for my family and friends and be less distractive. I will also try to join the No Tv/gadget group in my school to enable me improve in my academics.

  • hiya.
    yes i agree that social media can be a huge distraction in ones life especially in that of teenagers. Teenagers can easily get addicted to devices like phones, games and social media.
    A child can be prone to depression, cyber bullying and it can expose one to content that it is not right for their mind. it can cause negative impact on one's health. an example is a child that always wakes up to check maybe their messages or someones status or twitter waking up at this one can affect your brain because you need to rest and screen when it is late can affect your eyes
    my point is social media when not used right is bad

  • Social media has spread a lot at the present time and has become an integral part of the lives of all teenagers around the world, and as it has benefits, there are harms First, the benefits People have fun when they are bored Helps students and researchers to search for information People were able to contact each other, which made the world a small village through which you can call or see the person you want to talk to Secondly, the damage Communication has a very significant impact on depression due to cyberbullying Because of the lack of sense of the passage of time, which causes most of the time to be wasted on it It isolates the person from the real world in all its details due to the very large and massive integration on these platforms

  • To be honest, I agree with all the stats!
    Social media has had a lot of our good days.
    The phone is a human being, the meaning of sitting with family and friends
    Go on trips with the family
    the study
    The worship of God
    From my point of view, the phone spoiled society.
    There are many things on the Internet that no one can really see
    I think life was more beautiful in the old days
    I'll also be honest that the phone has made it easier for us to do a lot of research and other things, but I think when it's used properly it will get more out of it.

  • Whilst all of these statistics are a worrying sign that many teenagers spend too much time on social media, all of these statistics can easily be resolved by having the help of parents. Parents can install an app where one's phone automatically shuts down after a limited amount of time. Additionally, it accesses the parent with regular updates on how much the child has spent time on their phone on a day to day basis. Now, this is not stalking or invading a child's privacy but simply gives the parent the relief that their child is not spending too much time on social media. If children are woken up in the night by their phone, they should put their phone on silent. Furthermore, it is proven that if children sleep with electronic devices near them- "Unfortunately, using electronic devices at night can interfere with both the quantity and quality of sleep. " Overall, children should keep their phones in a safe, yet isolated place to not affect the quality of sleep and homework.

  • It is true that some teens these days are addicted to social media and their phones, and that social media has some negative effects, such as low self esteem due to cyberbullying and reduced sleep, but social media has its positive effects such as;
    1. Communication has been made easier and faster, saving a lot of of people time, energy and money.
    2.There is enlightening information on social media. For example, last year I saw a lot of posts about doctors and their contributions to society on society, and this influenced my decision to become a doctor and also make positive contributions to society.
    The power to be either positively or negatively influenced by social media lies in the hands of the teens themselves. When teens decide to regulate the amount of time they spend on social media, and censor the kind of things they watch, the social media space would have a lot more advantages.

  • THE SOCIAL MEDIA if not used well can be more of a disadvantage if not used well.
    an example it can be a huge distraction in many ways like one can stop going to school because of pressure from social media and the friends they have..
    but with all this pressure on ground, we shouldn't neglect or hate something because it has negative side there is always a positive side
    an example of the positive side is that true social media one can market their products on sites like Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media app, you can communicate with your loved one or build a skill.
    so, for the fact that it has negative side we should acknowledge its positive impact.

  • I know that there are negative aspects of social networking sites that affect adolescents, such as isolation, but from my point of view, adolescents should have phones and have communication sites, and that communication sites can be for studies or for work, and I support communication sites for teenagers.

    1. I agree because some parents deny their teenagers communication sites due to over being protective which can lead escaping of children from homes , theft, they miss out on some research work from school which leads to failure in exams . that is why support teenagers having gadgets.
      Thank you

    2. You thought on the one hand, and on the other hand, no....Maybe some teenagers may deviate into a bad path, such as (blackmail and threats, boys talking to girls, and this is a very dangerous matter, stepping down from good morals. And a lot of this) I support that the teenager should have a phone, but he must be under the supervision of himself and under the supervision of his family. When sitting on the mobile phone, the number of hours to sit on it is determined, but I think it is better to impose a law not to take the mobile phone until after the age of 18 in all countries ...
      Perhaps most of you will not agree with me because the mobile phone is like a friend, family, parents, school and everything for you...
      But I would love to hear your opinion, thank you

  • I can relate with all of them and here are the reasons why:

    1. I agree with the 57% one because I can relate to it as when I get to use my phone and I am about to do my homework with it there is always someone that texts me, calls me or any kind of things you could receive on a phone.

    2. For the 54% one I can agree and relate to it as when one of my friends were over at my house and I was looking at my phone not contracting on them.

    3. For the 29% one I can also relate to it as one night I was woken up by two text message by my friend.

    4. Finally, for 42% I can relate as I have been spending so much time on my phone as I don't have much time to spend with my friends. The only time I can really see my friends a lot is at school.

    1. I agree with you
      1. The 57% one because for me when I on my phone then trun on my data to research on my assignment people begin to send me whats'app messages and start video calling me then I get distracted from my assignment research then I begin to attend to them.
      2.For the 54% one I get easily distracted with socail media to the point that when I was sent to a shop I was busy on social media so I forgot what I was sent to buy and I passed the shop. Also I don't really associate my self with my friends that come to my house and also my younger siblings.
      3. For the 29% I can relate to that, that I don't sleep most of the nights cause I'm busy messaging my friends.
      4. For the 42% one I hardly have much friends in my neighbourhood cause I'm busy spending time with my phone and not making new friends around that will impact my lives.

  • I myself spend much time on social media but my mother always advise me to organize my time effeciently and I do my best since it has negative cosequences on my mental and physical health as well as academic and social life.
    Lack of sleep and obesity can be a result of using social media. I agree on that but still I use social media for communication, networking, and being informed about current events. These things are useful and valuable.

    what new information would change your mind?
    All what I said above I noticed from my experience and my sisters also my friends . And your statisics are new for me, so it is not my problem, it is world wide. What changed in my thinking is that moderation is key, and teenagers and me should encouraged to balance our social media use with other activities such as exercis, reading, and spending time with friends and family.

  • There appears to be a thin line between teenagers using social media and teenagers glued to their phones, and one that most parents seem to ignore. I am privileged to have parents who recognize social media as a valid form of social interaction. If you think about it, it is no different than, say, having a get-together at a coffee shop. The "problem" is not social media per se, but the speed at which technological advancements are shaping our lives.

    Today's teenagers' social lives are unrecognizable from those of their parents. But the worst part is, the parents who criticize their children for being addicted to social media are, like as not, addicted to it themselves. So the solution lies not in shaming teens and snatching their phones away, but in changing how social media works in general. Today, every social media app's algorithm has one purpose: to maximize usage time. Therein lies the problem: whether it is an adult or a child, these apps have an uncanny ability to match a person to the content they enjoy. Simply put, the algorithm is too good at its job. And the solution, therefore, is to cripple this. I believe that every social media app should allow users to set a time limit for themselves, and one that cannot just be dismissed.

    However, this would lead to a monetary loss on the part of these multi-billion dollar companies, which is why they put their selfish interests in front of their consumers. As users, we should call for an app with such time controls, as popular demand will either lead to existing applications implementing this feature or cause new apps to be developed with this feature.

  • Almost all adolescents own smart phones and have the Internet, and all those who have accounts on communication sites, some of them use it usefully, and some of them use it unhelpfully, for example, there are those who use the Internet or their own online By the details of their lives, I mean there are people who pick up a lot of things about their private life that they shouldn't pick up, and so on.
    ... And some teenagers use the Internet and websites with useful things, such as photographing information or heritage places, and taking information and entertainment in a way that is useful, such as games that help intelligence for teenagers, as they are entertaining And it helps with intelligence at the same time.
    Communication sites affected negatively and positively on some adolescents and young adults as well.

  • Social media has affected the whole world 🌏 negatively. It has caused us addiction. We have become unable to dispense with phones and the Internet. We walk to the market with phones in our hands We go to work with phones in our hands We go to school with phones in our hands What do we do after that affected us and ended? We cannot go back to the past in order to fix what was corrupted. When burning paper, we cannot return it to its origin, as this is it.
    It distracted us while we were going to do homework, so we kept thinking about the events of what we were watching. What happened... What will happen.. People wake up from their sleep in terror....
    The effects of social media are mostly negative and a small percentage of their effects are positive and beneficial...
    We must try to fix what social media has ruined. Otherwise... we find what we cannot bear.
    Every problem has a solution........ Let's try to solve what we used wrongly.

  • The statistics above, especially the first one ( 57% of all teens agree that using social media often distracts them when they should be doing homework) proves eloquent_studio's point of social media exposure can effect mental and physical health. The reason I think this is because, homework has a knock on effect with other areas of our life. For example, if social media distracts you from doing your homework, you might decide to do it later, and when you get distracted again; you'll keep pushing it back until suddenly you are trying to do all 8 assignments at two in the morning! Just this example would have a huge amount of impact on your mental and physical health: you will lose out on sleep, cutting the time that our body needs to repair itself, you will be tired, stress will build up and if this is long term you might be prone to illness more easily and stress levels will increase. Also, the fact that fifty-seven percent of teenagers say this is unbelievable! That is over half. Half of all teenagers are being impacted by social media that much that it distracts them from doing their homework. Not doing your homework has lot's of consequences, teachers tend to lose trust in you, you might get in more trouble, and more. Just think of the impact that will have on your mental health, thinking that everyones disappointed in you and that you're always getting in trouble. However, the only way to escape all these negative feelings, the only way to ignore how you are physically is to hide on social media again- it's an infinite loop.

    Generally, I do think that young people are spending more time on their phones than ever before. In fact, they use social media that much that it distracts them from doing their homework, distracts them from the people they are with, disrupting their sleep, taking away precious time with friends and family and is having an exteme impact on their mental and physical health.

  • I believe that the impact of social networking sites varies according to the side that the teenager follows. And that this issue was presented a lot in the past and a lot of opinions spread around it and the different points of view that can be benefited from.
    I want to talk about the category of %42 ,There are many people who do not have friends or are unsociable people, and we find this among many teenagers in particular, so some of them may find friends on social media with whom they can talk comfortably.
    As for category %29, teens who complain that their phones wake them up at night can turn off the phone or change the phone settings to silent mode, or they can turn off notifications of applications that do not interest them ,Unless the calls they receive or the notifications are important.

    But in my opinion, the most important thing in this is for the person to make sure that his phone follows and interacts with websites, accounts, and platforms that are interested in publishing important information and addressing various awareness issues in order to avoid the negative effects of social networking sites. In addition to that the person, especially adolescents, tries to stay away from phones and use them Moderately.
    Because I see that the negative aspects of this problem are more than the positive ones, because most teenagers do not have enough awareness about using the phone properly.
    Evidence for this is that today we see many teenage friends who cannot leave their phones, even for a minute.
    This is a big problem!!

  • I think I would agree with the 57% category.  Teenagers in our time are all they care about is social networking sites and imitating anything they see. Social media keeps us busy for many things, such as ,  studying.  And I frankly admit that I am addicted to social networking sites, and this affects my studies.  I close my phone and go to study as soon as I start studying.  I open the phone and browse Instagram, and then I realize that it is late.  I tried a lot to get rid of this addiction.  Now I can't say that I got rid of this addiction, but I sit on the phone 7 hours out of 24 hours.  I felt my life had changed a little.  I'm starting to see my grades in school go up.  I watch daily videos on how to reduce sitting on the phone and I hope to get rid of this habit.  How often have we heard that someone has failed because of the phone.  I am not saying that we should never sit on the phone, but rather reduce the hours of sitting on the phone or replace these hours with reading useful books or helping the family and so on.  And the family must pay attention to its children by following up on what they see.  I wish all the beautiful teenagers to reduce their hours on the phone and studying because nothing will benefit us except studying.

  • I do not agree with the statistic above where it states that " 29 percent of teen smartphone owners say they've been woken up by their phones during the night by a call,text or notification. This is because this problem can easily be combated . One way is sleeping with earplugs in it blocks all other sounds so you won't have to fear your phone waking you from a notification. Another way is to sleep with do not disturb on, it will let you still hear your alarm but also not hear any notifications. Being woken up in your sleep by your smartphone is very unlikely if you do something about it.

  • Social media has both positive and negative impact not only on teenagers but kids above the age of six as well but the negative impact is more on us. I agree that the social media distracts us from doing our homework on time. I personally have been affected by the social media from not doing my homework on time. Presently my school is running a NO TV /Gadget rule for the teenagers .Students are not suppose to watch TV or used gadgets during the weekdays till weekends and during holidays or except there's a program that requires them to use it. The rule is not compulsory but whoever follows it will be celebrated at the end of the term. The proprietress brought this rule because she noticed how social media, tv and gadgets affects the students performance. The students who choose to follow this rule are always excelling academically.

  • I agree that social media distract us when we should be paying attention to the people around us. I am a teenager but I easily get distracted when I'm on YouTube. there was a day when my mother was giving me instructions on what to prepare for her visitor because she'll not be around when the visitor arrives. I was suppose to serve the visitor before she came back. I was distracted by you tube and didn't pay attention to her instructions. When the visitor arrived I served her with orange juice and grilled chicken unfortunately the visitor was allergic to orange and is a vegetarian. It turned out that the instruction my mother gave me was to not serve anything with meat or orange in it. my was not happy with what i did and i felt bad because I was distracted by social media .

  • For a teenager to use social media should be weekends not weekdays for them to concentrate and attempt their school activities or homework. It should not be used always for a teenager, it should be used often to make a teenager concentrate more on his or her homeworks or school activities . A teenagers brain needs rest for better understanding and application of their knowledge when necessary.

    1. I agree because on weekdays there may be tests and teen may not study if their distracted because of their phones.

  • For a teenager that is using social media is better for that particular individual to set time limits for using social media especially at night, it is very dangerous for a teenager to be online in the midnight you can meet up the wrong person at that moments. And if the notification or texts or calls will wake you up immediately you reach your time limit switch off the phone for you to sleep peacefully. I think it's better this way .

  • I would like to start by saying that I agree with the 42% that say that social media takes away from their time with friends. For starters this has happened to me. If we get distracted by our phone from people and friends we might become introverted, antisocial, and maybe even depressed. On the other hand a little break from school, work, and other activities is nice. Plus sometimes social media can inspire sometimes. Then again it distracts us from what's important.

  • I do in fact believe that teens spend way too much time on social media, and this time can seriously negatively affect them. From my personal experience, one of my dear friends used social media so much that they began to compare themself to the models she saw and became very depressed and began to harm herself. I think if social media had stricter guidelines for younger users, then I doubt teens would spend so much time on it.

  • Yes, I think that social media has robbed us of our beautiful time that we spend with our friends, family, and loved ones. ,, After we used to spend our most beautiful time with our family, we have come to believe thatMost of our beautiful times we will spend on the phone surfing the Internet or chatting with a friend or relativAs for those who say that their phones woke them up from sleep, yes, this is a fact that most people suffer from, especially teenagers. Although the development of technology and its contribution to changing a lot for the better, it also has a lot of positives, I think it also has a lot of negatives that changed the world

  • I agree that there are many teenagers who are distracted by the mobile phone. When you own a mobile phone, you have accounts on social networking sites, and through these sites you will get to know new people who relate to them and become all day long talking with them, content presenters, watching their videos, and much more
    These things that exist in communication sites make us far from reality and unable to accept it. When we want justice between reality and the virtual world, we cannot do that because we are stuck in this world and we have become unable to communicate with people in the real world, so we want to escape from the people who talk to us. Watching the phone so I give advice to all teenagers that they should be moderate in using the mobile phone from the time you bought it not to regret it like many teenagers who couldn't

  • Teens who post their pictures on social media, especially if they are perfect pictures, usually expect to receive a lot of positive comments and likes, but sometimes they may be subjected to bullying, negative comments, or immoral online behavior by some, and there is a risk of hacking, from By entering strange sites and unreliable links, stealing their information and pictures, and threatening them sometimes, and thus the possibility of teenagers being exposed to anxiety, fear and stress due to social networking sites increases, and I feel that this is something that causes a lack of self-confidence and that I do not like

  • It is also possible that the Internet and social media, if overused, can affect teens who lose sleep and increase distraction, negatively impacting a teen's mental health in the long run
    And since social media has many negatives, it must also have positives, such as communicating with friends and relatives from whom we are separated by great distances, and we will look at all the positives and negatives in this article of ours.

  • And a 2016 study of more than 450 teens found that more social media use or use during the night and emotional investment in social media, such as feeling upset when logged in, were both associated with worse sleep quality and higher levels of anxiety and depression.It is very bad for teenagers to spend long hours on social media because it affects mental health. After research I have conducted, I discovered that many individuals, especially teenagers, between 13 and 18 years old spend about 9 hours a day using social media. And that's more than hours of sleep, food, drink and other activities! Some even report that they cannot spend an entire hour without browsing social media platforms. This greatly and negatively affects other aspects of life, as time is spent using the Internet at the expense of family, work and study times without feeling. Addiction to using these platforms also affects our focus in general and causes distraction and social isolation.Even though social media promotes interaction and socialization but it also poses danger to those who become addicted and engrossed in it especially teenagers and as this statistics shows that a large number of people have been affected because of the love of social media and this is bad. We all know that social media has a lot of privacy issues and now that most young persons are involved in the whole social media thing we hear cases of some people private information being leaked and this affects their status and life actually the truth is that social media helps us communicate with those who are far from us but we should not let it distract us from things that are urgent and vital such as doing assignments, relating and interacting with friends and families physically, seeing the outside world and sometimes sleep. It will be a good to society if people reduce their usage of social media and they focus on promoting development in the society.

  • In my opinion, yes, social media has made a great impact on adolescents in many aspects, such as emotional applications, and also has a significant impact that negatively affects them, such as depression and loneliness. We often see adolescents immersed in their phones without caring about the people around them, so we must reduce use it.

    1. And I agree with you ....I believe that adolescents should not be supervised by their parents, in an attempt to integrate them into the world and keep them away from phones a little, which avoids them feeling lonely and keeps them away from depression, but there are many teenagers whose phones wake them up from their deep sleep and they feel anxious, and they also start to see the world From inside the phone and never look at reality,,, There must be an awareness of adolescents about the use of the Internet and the means of communication and its impact on them, and their awareness of the danger of talking to strangers, no matter how old the teenager is, but he still does not know his own interest, and is hasty in making his decisions, which can negatively affect him... ....

  • Of course, the means of communication have a great impact, whether on children or adolescents. For children, when they watch inappropriate videos, for example, this will remain in his mind forever, which may cause him fear or bad habits. They are in the age of knowledge and do not understand right from wrong and are affected by anything. As for teenagers, the most important thing is that social media takes away their time and affects their morals, and they fall behind in their studies. I agree with all the points, but the one I struggle with is the one that 57% agree with, because I went through it, and my academic level fell because of it. I also agree with the 42% who agree that social media has stolen time. What we spend with our friends, I become reclusive, I don't talk to my friends, and I feel shy when I talk to anyone. Another point that I suffered from that was not mentioned is the violation of privacy. As you can see, the negatives of social networking are many. There are positives to the means of communication, including helping to find job opportunities, helping students, and a fast means of communication, but its negatives, in my personal opinion, outweigh its positives,

    I believe that the solution to this problem lies in educating the parents. If they raise them well, they will not have a negative impact. They should set laws and monitor their children.

  • Social media is a huge part of many teens' lives. They are almost constantly online and use social media platforms; Like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. I agree and suffer from 54%, for example: when I am sitting with my family members, they are not paying attention to what I am talking to them because they are paying attention to using their phones, or when I go to visit my friend, she does not talk to me because she is integrated with her phone. Some even report that they cannot go an entire hour without browsing social media platforms.
    Adolescents' use of social media has advantages and disadvantages.
    One of its harms is that it causes symptoms of depression or anxiety and a feeling of distress when logging in to websites is prevented, so both of them are linked
    With worse sleep quality and higher levels of anxiety and depression, they reported a decrease in life satisfaction, disruption of their sleep, exposure to bullying, spreading rumors and unrealistic views on the lives of others, which negatively affects their lives.
    Among its advantages: for entertainment and self-expression, and helps teenagers avoid depression, as I myself help me avoid depression, and meet friends through the Internet.
    In my opinion, we can solve this problem by arranging a schedule to use smartphones, spend more time with friends, and talk to family, don't you agree with me?

  • My opinion for the statistics which states that "42% of teens agree that social media as taken away the time they could spent with friends in person" is that after the pandemic we have all turned back to normal we are attending classes physically instead of the online mood of classes so we are spending our entire day in school mostly from 9.00 in the morning to 5.00 in the evening we are staying in school and spending time with our friends in person the only times when we interact with them through online is during Sunday's or holidays so I think that this statistics might vary depending on the school working days during the students vaccations,holidays and Sundays it might increase and during working days it might decrease.

  • I very much agree with 57%, and I and many other students have suffered from this, and I have seen the extent of the impact of sitting on social media. If we look more inside our school, we see many students with low grades saying that the reason for this is that they cannot leave their phones because they contain A very entertaining site, let's not forget that we are teenagers and we cannot distinguish between right and wrong actions. I think that the most appropriate solution is to have an adult who guides us to what is right, such as our parents and teachers. The first order in the class After the end of the school year and the onset of the summer vacation, her family decided to reward her and bring a mobile phone for entertainment. She loved it very much and became attached to its applications such as: Facebook, Tik took. Me and my other friend, so she started taking care of her and advising her, dedicating a specific time to sit on the phone until Layla came back excelling. What do you think of her mother's behavior??

  • I agree that social media does distract teenagers and it’s good now that iPhone has released a setting that turns off your notifications for a certain amount of time when your doing your homework.

    1. It's true that phones have a setting to limit screen time, but would teenagers actually do this? They would probably need their parents to set their screen time.

  • I think that the first statistic argues for yes because I strongly agree with that statement because phones are made to be addictive and i think that most teenagers today are strongly addicted to there phones and I don’t think this is good for the future generations.

  • I agree with the third statistic as I have been woken up many times during the night by mobile phone notifications and it often can make me tired and less alert throughout the day. It can make it harder to focus during school days after been woken up multiple times during the night. To help solve this problem I put my phone of do not disturb so i can have a peaceful uninterrupted sleep.

  • I agree with the 57% as I feel it really does affect me. When I’m trying doing homework I feel like my phone is a constant distraction. Notifications constantly buzzing from numerous different apps always tempting you to pick it up. Even if I have it on silent, it’s still a constant temptation and I always have the urge to just pick it up. I also agree with the 54% because sometimes when I am with family and friends I do find myself constantly picking my phone up and down whether I’m checking the time, texting friends, looking at school emails, or other notifications. And sometimes you don’t even notice yourself doing it.

    1. Yes, even if I have my phone on silent, it is difficult to resist the urge to just pick it up again to continue scrolling through social media. Social media is programmed in such a way that it repeatedly causes us to perceive the content as something that is worth checking back on again. It leads to endless scrolling and looking back on my phone, wasting valuable time without completing my homework.

  • I agree with the 57% of teenagers because its happened me too. Sometimes i could be having a conversation with a family memember or a friend and i'll zone out as i get more focused on my phone and i completely ignore my friends or family and i dont do it on purpose. To fix this problem i could put my phone on don't distrub or put my phone away so i wont think about it.

  • I agree with the 57% Of students being on their phones instead of doing homework because i am one of those students.I believe this statistic is true because i know many other students who are the same.

  • I agree that social media can get teenagers very distracted from doing their homework, It happens to me all the time but to be fair it’s are own responsibility. All teenagers are different some try their best to get all the homework done and some just don’t wanna bother that much. I think we’re the problem more than social media although it’s really addicting we need to find the time for the other activities in are life. We could make schedules or make sure not to have any devices on while trying to sleep or doing homework. Even tho teenagers might not able to handle it it’s always worth a try and we need to remember not all teenagers are addicted to social media some hate it and it’s not just teenagers who use it or are obsessed.

  • I think that the 54% statistic proves that yes, teenagers spend too much time on social media. The fact that more than half of teenagers are distracted by the internet and social media instead of focusing on making connections with people in their life is seriously scary.
    Teenager are always preoccupied with people in the metaverse that they aren't likely to make real meaningful connections with. I think we have to make an effort to be present in our daily lives before they fly past us without us even realising.
    Using social media can cause people to struggle more with communicating in real life. This means using social media instead of "paying attention to the people you're with" can cause you to avoid even more conversations with friends and acquaintances. Maybe this could get serious and deeply impact your mental health.

  • I agree with the 54% and the29% categories. Social media often distracts people, I for one get very distracted by social media that most times I don’t even know when someone is talking to me or when someone comes in to the room am in. A person will be talking and talking to me and I won’t even know till they tap me or nudge me till then I would know someone even Is in the room with me and it’s not like I am wearing earphones or something, i am just distracted.
    Sometimes I would go to bed and forget to turn off my data so a person would think I am still online and message me or text me and since I sleep with my phone close to me the notifications sound will wake me up. At times a person would call me wanting to discuss something that’s not even that important and can’t wait till tomorrow so calls me up and end up spending hours talking nonstop.

    Social media has caused a lot of distraction for teens causing them to not be able to do assignments or not being able to revise for an upcoming test or exam resulting in them having to switch of their phones for no further distractions. People can limit their social media distractions by putting on screen time or any app that can help limit the time you spend on social media.

  • I am agreeing to all of the stats because even though mobile phones and social media has lot of positive impacts, the teenagers are not benefited by them rather they are only facing negative impacts. This is mainly because of notifications, endless scrolling, FOMO (fear of missing out), multitasking. As social media's are designed to send us notifications when someone interacts with our profile or posts and that one notification from them can distract us for like 1 hour or more than that. And coming to endless scrolling, when we are continuously studying we give excuse to ourselves by taking breaks in between like 10 or 15 minutes, during that time we don't relax ourselves rather we immediately take our mobile phones, we see a video the next minute the videos related to the previous will pop up for us,so we again and again give lame excuses and keep on scrolling endlessly at the end when we look at the clock and realize we have spent more than 2 hrs. They are designed in such a way that they are infinetly scrollable which means we can keep on scrolling and consume feeds without relaizing how much time has passed,many friends of mine told about this, even I had such an experience a lot of times. And about FOMO that is fear of missing out on something important or exciting , this fear can cause people to keep on checking their feeds even if they have something else to do. They couldn't control their minds and hands. This is a severe problem on today's world. Many people do multi task that is scrolling while doing home work or work related stuffs but these often leads to less productivity and mistakes.
    And what's the extreme impact of this is that nowadays phone locking gadgets are developing to avoid distraction. Like we can keep our mobile phones locked by setting a timer on,even if we want to open we can't use it,only after a limited time we can use the mobile phones. Actually people are buying those gadgets as they couldn't control their own minds and hands. However these technologies can be useful to limit our time we spend with social medias but the root of the problem is not social media or mobile phones but rather our behavior and relationships with technology. In India we used to play many outdoor games but after this invasion of technology all those beautiful memories can't be recreated because even if we are ready to do such things the lifestyle has changed.

  • I agree because... social media has affected the mental health of teens negatively by limiting direct contact with age mates which can lead low self-esteem, depression
    house chores are done anytime or done when one is forced and the work is not done well
    less home work is done and time spend on reading books is less leading to failure.
    Emotional investment in social media such as feeling upset when prevented from logging on
    Social media may expose teens to peer pressure ,cyber bullying and increased mental risk
    less sleep is taken which makes one tired and distracted

  • HI , EVERYONE so this metaverse topic talking about teenagers so to me i think it is good and bad . in which ways so i will start with the positive ones ; It helps teens communicate with friends in a far, teens can do their research work, it helps teens join productive teams e .g topical talk festival , youth innovation club e.t.c, negative ones ; it does not limit what teens watch, it is secretive so it is an indanger to teens in a way.


  • Like, yeah, it's totally true that using social media can be a major distraction for us teens. I mean, think about it - scrolling through Insta or TikTok or whatever takes up so much time and attention. Plus, all those notifications popping up can be super tempting to check out right away instead of focusing on whatever we're supposed to be doing. And don't even get me started on how easy it is to get sucked into drama . It's not like we don't enjoy using social media - obviously we do, or else we wouldn't spend so much time on it! But sometimes it feels like it's taking over our lives and keeping us from real-life stuff that matters.

  • Hello!
    Well just like any other thing to much of everything is bad, and in this context, we are focusing on teenagers and social media. Social media has many advantages such as meeting new people online and ability to buy and sell and for teenagers it allows them to access various online educational platforms, but as we see based on the statistics provided above teenagers spend too much time on social media, rather than engaging in productive activities they spend their time on chatting and watching unbeneficial videos. Also, it is scientifically proven that our electronic devices when used for too long emit harmful rays that can affect humans.
    How then can teenagers and the younger generation reduce the time they spend on the internet and engage in physical real-world activities. And if they can't be stopped, how can they turn their unprofitablr time on the media andv make it beneficial for everyone.

  • I have an idea here, It is seen that some social media platforms may not necessarily reveal an individuals personal identity or information and I have met a lot of teenagers who prefer speaking or commenting where their identity is not known and I am very sure there is more and a lot of them so my point here is that individuals may be able to boost their self esteem through different conversations and points that they might have to say and see others opinions on the comments too.

  • After thinking for a long time, I realized that social media is a double edged sword and it has some negative and positive points
    Negative points: There is a large percentage of teens who sit on mobile phones a lot which leads to eye diseases and may lead to a drop in academic rate. It's also bad for teens to spend many hours on social media.
    Positive points: In the year 2020, the Corona disease spread, so we became unable to leave the house, so schools began to teach us through social networking sites, and we started studying over the phone, and this is a good thing, which leads to not losing studies and information about students

  • I agree with the 57% statistic. Social media can be a major distraction for teenagers when trying to complete homework because it provides a constant stream of notifications, messages, and updates that can steal our attention away from our studies. The temptation to check social media frequently is high, leading to difficulty in concentration and procrastination. For example, social media might drive you to check your phone constantly until you take an inordinate amount of time to do your homework. It may even cause you to pile up work until the very last day before it is due, resulting in a distressing mountain of homework due in one day. This leads to additional issues such as sleep deprivation and a great deal of stress. Social media is designed to be addictive, making it even more challenging for teenagers to stay focused on their responsibilities.

  • As for the impact of social media on the physical health of adolescents, this is something I cannot deny, but it is a negative effect, and among the most important of these negatives: obesity, poor eyesight, and other damages, and it must have more positives, which is providing more information. One of the harms to adolescents in particular is to distract them from their homework, and this is among the first statistic of 57%. And thank you ❤️

  • Indeed, as we all know, social networking sites have a great impact today in our society, as they have negatively affected us, especially in the lives of teenagers, as they spend all their time on phones, and they waste it in what they have no benefit, (this is lazy about studying and its educational level is diminishing / and this neglects its friends and family / and this does not sleep throughout the night and spends its time on social networking sites) ... and as you mentioned Above above, social networking sites have negatively affected the lives of adolescents and others, ... As we mentioned the negative aspects of social communication, it has positives., “It made it easier for communication between relatives and loved ones, and through it we know the news of the world, and search for information we want to know, and we should use it only when necessary and in a positive way only” .... and we have to preserve our time, as Fasih said: Time is like a sword if you do not cut it. This urges us to invest time and seize opportunities before they miss them .. ♡ Advice from me for my sister, social networking sites have many reasons. If you use them positively, you have good and benefit, but if the opposite is true, this will affect your life and you will have a bad consequence

  • 42% of teens agreeing that social media has taken time away they could spend with friends and family is a very large percentage, as life is not very long and wasting on social media, which is a very toxic platform is not healthy for you. You should spend time and interact with family and friends because you never know how long you have left with them and what people are going through, so you should always talk to everybody, instead of waste time on social media. People get addicted to social media, which can be extremely bad for their health and could lead to depression, boy dysmorphia etc this is a horrible thing and nobody should experience it. Friends are very important and help build life skills and social skills and help make your life complete, so I think that this percentage should be worked on to be lowered as you have so many for advantages spending time with your friends than going on social media.

    It is also an amazing thing to own social media platforms and apps because you can talk to friends if they live to far as you might not be able to see them in person, so this is when social media comes in handy but it can lead to you talking to strangers and getting in dangerous situations that could traumatise and ruin your life. It is a very positive and negative place full of very kind people and trolls. Do you think social media is a good place? Should you see your friends more?

  • I agree with those that say that social media distracts them from their homework every thing that has a disadvantage has an advantage. Social media is good it updates people on the things that have been happening lately,it helps them to learn new things e.t.c. Social media has disadvantages because it is a source of distraction for students,people can learn bad things the same way the can learn good things, it exposes people(especially teenagers)to content that is not age appropriate. Social Media is addicting.

    1. I agree because... social media has taken peoples time and due to all this they loose their confidence to socialize, they get distracted when doing assignments because of incoming calls or messages, some spend time on their devices and sleep late at night when they have school or work place to get to the next day, and people use social media foe illegal businesses. So social media has become an addiction to people.

  • When it comes to teens and social media we tend to forget some basic stuff, when elders or seniors talk about social media they always associate it with bad views. I mean when have you ever seen a senior mention social media and also associate it with good. I mean we forget that social media helps us to have a voice , we forget that social media allows teens to matter in a world where they seem like no one cares about them, I mean look at present days part of the reasons why some teens are still sane is solely because of social media, we feel like we do not matter to the extent that we want to find that hope, that peace someplace else. I mean could we teens really picture a world where social media does not exist no we cannot. I mean there are sometimes where we feel like social media is really my home. I mean through social media and other vices we teens still have hope. I mean look at therapy no teens are able to speak to people online without the fear of being judged, honestly I could go on there are so many other things that social media could be associated with apart from negative things, so honestly I feel like not only should we associate social media with bad we should also focus on the good aspects.

    1. Can you give an example of how young people find a community on social media?

      1. As we all know, a community is a group of people having a particular characteristic in common and due to most young people on social media, it is relatively quite easy to find people who have the same interests as you. Most young people, such as myself, find communities on social media through spend some time working out my hobbies and interests and also reach out to my current friends who have similar interests and hobbies and are in communities. Others might have different ideas, so I am willing to hear to hear suggestions.

      2. On social media, young people find communities by searching for subjects and posts that interest them. If you were interested in planting and gardening, for example, you would find that there are many people who post about such topics. These folks establish a community on social media that share a common interest.

      3. Absolutely! Social media provides a platform for young people to connect with others who share similar interests, experiences, and backgrounds. For instance, teens may join groups or follow pages related to their favorite hobbies, sports, music, or fandoms. They can then interact with other members, share content, and discuss topics that they are passionate about. These communities can provide a sense of belonging, validation, and support for young people who may feel isolated or misunderstood in their offline lives. In some cases, these online connections can even lead to real-life friendships or collaborations.

        But it has both positive and negative impact:

        Positive example: A teen who is interested in learning new facts may find a community of other new facts learners on social media. They can follow accounts dedicated to new facts, join new fact-themed groups, and engage with other fans through comments and direct messages. This can provide a sense of belonging and connection with others who share similar interests.

        Negative example: On the other hand, social media can also facilitate the formation of negative communities. For instance, teens who are vulnerable to extremist ideologies can be lured into joining groups that promote hate speech or violent behavior. These groups can offer a sense of camaraderie and belong to those who feel alienated or marginalized, but ultimately lead to harmful actions and beliefs

  • I am a teenager and to some extent i have noticed that when Ever i spend so much time on my phone i begins to have headache, I also discovered that the reason why I wear glasses today is because of the amount of time i spend on screens, the fact is that if we continue to rely so much on these screens as our only sources of entertainment it will have a big impact on our optical nerves, it will not be nice if before we get to the age of fifty we are already unable to see clearly without the use of glasses. The rules that guide use or the amount of time we spend we spend on the metaverse should be established fast before it gets to bad and the effects become irreversible. It is shutting young people out of true world activities; we need to give more time to natural things because they might just help us to lower the chances of spoiling our eyes than spending time on the phones and gadgets which increase the chances of us spoiling them.

  • The use of social media can be a significant source of distraction for teens, particularly when they should be focusing on academic tasks such as homework. Social media platforms are designed to be addictive, with notifications, alerts, and messages that can interrupt concentration and shift attention away from important tasks.
    Secondly, social media often provides a constant source of entertainment and social interaction that can be hard to resist, especially when teens are seeking a break from more demanding tasks such as homework. The ease of access to social media through smartphones and other mobile devices also means that teens can quickly and easily check their accounts, leading to more frequent interruptions and reduced focus on their studies.
    It is not surprising that a high percentage of teens agree that social media often distracts them when they should be doing homework. To challenge this, parents, educators, and teens themselves can take steps to limit social media use during homework and study time, such as turning off notifications, putting phones on silent, and setting specific times for social media use.

  • I think people are starting to spend too much time on their devices and their devices are taking their quality time away, time in which they are suppose to use to socialize with people, spend time with their family members they spend it on their device and due to all this fraudsters are taking advantages of this opportunity they scam disguising their self as someone else and dupe people but i am not saying social media is a bad thing but all i am saying is that people should reduce the time they spend on social media.

  • Most of us are born in the years of technology, Literally when l say that most people may think its only about social media which actually isnt. Technology is used by everyone in the world like vehicles and other means of transport they are made through the knowledge of technology which is really important to everyone.

  • 57% of all teens agree that using social media often distracts them when they should be doing there homework . I agree with this statistic because it happens to me. I go to do my homework then I get a notification on my phone or I go to check something on it and I’m on my phone for hours and my homework isn’t done. It’s our own responsibility and it’s so annoying because you are motivated to do something and then it just doesn’t happen. I think everyone needs a bit more motivation to do their homework or study. I think teenagers need to turn of their phones for a certain period of time to get the work done or out and timer on and turn their notifications off and put their phone on silent.

  • 54%of teen social media users agree that it often distracts them when they should be paying attention to the people they're with. I agree with this statement because it happens with me when I go out with my friends we are always on our phones , it’s our own responsibility and I don’t know why we do it if you want to go out and meet up with your friends and socialise then whats the point of being on your phone the whole time. I don’t really know how to solve this problem to be honest just when your out with your friends try not to go on your phones as much as you would

  • The statistic that interested me the most was the third one -29% of teen smartphone owners say they've been woken up by their phones during the night by a call, text or notification, and to be honest I can’t pick if it argues for yes or no . I think the statistic was put here to shock us about teens and their phones and being waken up by them , so I guess initially it’s for no . After thinking about it for a while I realised this isn’t necessarily a bad thing ,the statistic doesn't specify what these texts/calls where about , some can of course just have been a silly text from a friend or a meaningless call ,but others could be a parent or guardian calling with important news, a red alert from their area, a reminder to do some they forgot or even news of the death of a loved one . So yes phones in your room at night can be bad but it can also be very important .

  • I also agree with those that say social media often distracts them when they are with people. I know of someone that whenever I talk to that person and the person is with her phone she wouldn't answer me on time until when I have repeated the same statement about three times then the person would finally answer me and this makes me seriously annoyed.This happens because the person is distracted by what she is doing.Distractions can be external (such as noise) or internal (such as fatigue, rumination, or stress). Distractions may be caused by a lot of things. Social media serves as an agent of distraction therefore it can cause addiction.

  • I agree with the first statistic because social media has taken over teenagers' lives. They're too distracted and not aware of the world around them. Because of that, many teenagers have become lazy and relying on social media.
    Across the world, teenagers are doing inappropriate things because of social media. It has an impact on their social life as they don't go outside often. And it has an impact that they have to go on it 24/7. Some teenagers don't use social media responsibly and they end up getting murdered and committing suicide. Essentially, teenagers are being lured to their death, if they don't use it responsibly and wisely. So I think teenagers spend too much of their time on social media instead of focusing on other things.

  • Teens agree that social media has taken away from the time they could spend with friends in person because the phones have made them to be shy which makes them fearing to talk to them because they think that they might tease them when they are with the other friends. to add on that. students think that phones have more interesting staff than their friends conversation of which some times its not true.

  • The world of digital diversions brought forth by social media and technology for teens has made homework time a nightmare for cautious parents. Social media offers limitless entertainment, which makes it incredibly addicting and difficult to quit once you've gotten engaged. Teenagers make use of computers to access social media easily while using online textbooks and conducting homework-related Internet research. You instantly have access to social media if you have internet connection. It ought to come as no surprise that while using the internet, you may receive notifications from apps like Instagram, Twitter, or Tiktok. When you open those apps, your attention is already diverted, and as you check out the one notification you received, you may move on to other things on that app and forget the main task you were assigned to accomplish. Teenagers must cease utilizing the internet for schoolwork in order to resolve this issue. Yes, they could require it to obtain some crucial knowledge, but a textbook can also provide that information. Nowadays, textbooks are perceived as being outdated and uninteresting, but if they were made more appealing with bright illustrations and writing that was enjoyable to read, I believe that more students would choose textbooks over the internet.

  • Social media technology is a whole world in your hands. I would like to rewind where this technology started, its way back from 3000 BCE (Stone Age Technology) used stones for fire and for weapons. we moved on many revolutions, and now in the latest revolution of mankind “Social media” refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. We understand, social media is part of technological revolution connecting the 21st century and beyond, where IoT’s and Cloud technologies we are currently experiencing. Research says the largest social media platform Facebook, globally at 2.89 billion monthly active users worldwide, followed by YouTube 2.1 billion, and WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, and Instagram, all bringing in over a billion users. In my perspective there in no other platform can connect such a massive population.
    I see this platform as just born kid; it is exploring the possibilities. I hear it’s distracting from the basics, with certain guidelines, (parenting) it can be tailored to an individual need. It has all the potentials to explore it, in the way it can be consumed. We comment social media distracts our studies and education, but the modern kids need to study and educated how to use this social media platform more effectively rather projecting it as negative tool/platform.

    Let's emphasis certain restrictions through government and social media platform companies to restrict the contents, based on the age group and through governance/authentication process to support the future generation more productive and knowledgeable.

  • Many parents worry about how exposure to technology might affect toddlers developmentally. We know our preschoolers are picking up new social and cognitive skills at a stunning pace ,and we don't want hours spend glued to an iPad to impede that but adolescence is an equally important period or rapid development, and too few of us are paying attention to how our teens use technology much more intense and intimate than a 3 years old playing with dad's phone is affecting them in fact, expert worry that the social media and text messages that have become so integral to teens life are promoting anxiety and lowering self esteem. Teens are Master at keeping themselves occupied in the hours after school until way pass bed time. When they're not doing their homework (and when they are)they're online and on their phone, texting,sharing, trolling, scrolling, you name it,of course before every one had an Instagram account teens kept themselves busy too, but they were more likely to do their chatting on the phone, or in person when hanging out at a mall. In a way,texting and online communicating .its not like it creates a non verbal disability but it puts everybody in a non verbal disabled context, where body language, facial expression and even the smallest kinds of vocal reaction are rendered invisible.

  • The life of adolescents is unstable, as they are between relying on themselves and relying on their parentWhen teenagers find something like the Internet, they quickly get attracted to it, and I see that the first possibility is correct, because I have tried this thing. When I decide to do my homework and the phone is next to me, it distracts me at a high rate, so I am confused about whether to choose the study or the phone, and every time the choice is phone sit on itAnd I say only 5 minutes, and then I complete my studies, and when the time that I set ends, I add another time, and I do the same until I see that I sat on the phone for hours and forgot about my studies, and this is something that is not beautiful at all, and I noticed that my academic level is low
    I made a solution to this problem. And I made a schedule to adjust the time and to achieve my goals that I plan because when there are distractions like the Internet, I will never achieve them

  • When the life of adolescence begins for any person, it completely changes his life, so that he becomes willing to show himself by any means, and does not know his own interest, so he goes for whatever he likes. When he finds something like the Internet, he will naturally like it.
    And when the parents forbid him not to use the Internet, he thinks that they are not giving him his rights, on the contrary, they want his interest, because he wants to impose his control and have the decision, but the parents’ opinion is always the correct one
    The Internet in general wastes time and weakens a person's abilities. A person in adolescence does not need to use the Internet because he is in a transitional stage, and if he is connected to the Internet, he will destroy his future because what is associated with him in adolescence is associated with him after adolescence, and I hope that parents pay attention to that

  • Surveys suggest that 90% of teenagers use social media. Research has shown that young adults who use social media are three times as likely to suffer from depression, putting a large portion of the population at risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. However, social media use can also negatively affect teens, distracting them, disrupting their sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people's lives and peer pressure. The risks might be related to how much social media teens use.

  • I agree on 42% because teens do spend a lot of time on their phone. Teens don't have time to go out and spend time with their friends or have time to do other stuff because of their phones. Parents will also agree that teens and kids do spend too much time on their phones and maybe need a time limit of screen time. Teens will maybe get mad and upset because they love their phones so much. They also might get bored but gives them time to spend time to be with their friends, family, and do other stuff.

  • I also agree with those that say they have been woken up in the night by a phone call, Phone can be good but can also be bad, Although phones are very useful, they can be used for educational purpose they can also be a distraction. Some students use these phones throughout class or study hours, so there is no time to read. Among the distractions are music, internet, movies, Instagram. When your phone rings in the night it interrupts your sleep and sometimes it is hard to go back to sleep lack of sleep causes a lot of things such as:decreased brain development, learning problems and more frequent negative emotion e.t.c.

  • No, even though some lose sleep and time with loved ones the thing is the internet will always make you lose your time no matter what. The only reason we differentiate it is because it's not school or some other things. You can make friends on social media as if it was in school or work. No fact or data could change my mind about this.

  • Although social media is very easy to be distracted by, especially by teens, it also can be very educational. According to statistics, 54% of teen social media users agree that when they are with their friends they often get distracted by social media when they should be paying attention to the people that they're with. 31% of parents don’t want their children to be on social media until they are older or sometimes even never at all. Social media can be distracting but a lot of the time it’s very educational. More than half of students on social media(59%) use social media to talk about educational issues. In my opinion social media has more upsides for students than downsides for students.

  • I think that we have a problem with social media but it is worse with teenagers. Some teenagers cannot do it with social media because of the hate, threat, and more other things. Some of them would be lacking sleep and would lose focus. Also when they open their phones the amount of hate that they get is sad that some of them take it that they start to be depressed and lose hope in their life.

  • It's no secret that teenagers and social media go hand in hand these days. With apps like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, it's easy for teens to connect with each other, share their experiences, and show off their creativity. But while social media has its perks, there are also some potential downsides to keep in mind.

    One thing to watch out for is how social media can affect your homework game. Studies have shown that spending too much time scrolling through your feeds can mess with your brainpower, making it harder to focus and perform well in school. So if you want to stay on top of your game, it's important to limit your social media use while you're studying and doing homework.

    That means creating a quiet, distraction-free environment where you can really focus on your work. Parents and teachers can help by encouraging you to put away your phone and other devices while you're hitting the books. it'll pay off in the long run when you're acing those tests and crushing your assignments.