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Comments (178)

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  • Do you think that going on strike has more advantage than disadvantage vice versa or they have equal advantages and disadvantages?

    1. Good!
      I believe that the strike has more disadvantages than advantages. For example, when workers go on strike, the employee is likely to lose his job, and therefore will not have income, and it is likely that he will not be given his salary; Because he did not do any work, which in turn leads to delays in customer service, loss of production time, and in the end the business owner starts losing money.

      1. Do you think the worker will still loose his job considering the fact that he went on strike due to unfavourable working conditions?

        1. Yes, I think the worker will still loose his job considering the above mentioned facts because, the employer may have lost hope in the workers and might have hired other workers to compasate for the losses made during the demonstrations made during the strike.

      2. Those are interesting points. I notice you said that the employee is likely to lose their job, do you think that more people going on strike would reduce these disadvantages?

      3. I believe that the strike has many advantages, if achieved, that can hide the defects, as the most likely advantage of the strike is stopping demand, raising the level of income, and achieving most of the requirements, as is happening now in the teachers’ strike in the West Bank
        Also, the worst possibility of the defects of the strike is not obtaining the requests only, and it will not affect the job, as it is not possible to replace all workers with others when they strike.

      4. I do not agree with you. Most of the strikes are made to improve working conditions. Without the threat of a strike, companies will be able to increase their profits while allowing working conditions to worsen. I give the example of doctors, in many countries doctors go out to the streets to protest and go on strike, and they do not lose their job, another example could be the companies, which are there to generate money, if their employees go out to protest the company don't generate a good reputation, therefore they will try to change it so as not to have a bad reputation. Unfortunately, company directors do their work for money and need a good reputation, therefore creating a strike is the only way for employees to be heard.

    2. I think going on strikes has more disadvantages than advantage because strikes lead to under development in a way that people can easily lose their jobs and they do not get paid and have families to take care of and provide basic needs .

      1. I don't agree with you, because going to an strike have more advantages than disanvantages. And I am going yo explain to you why: first that the young people in a future will be an adult and I think is good to start to talk about certain topics with the young people.

    3. I'm not sure about this because... When some strikes are held, people affected are deprived of the universal rights while the people on strike's cause may not be met. Yes, sometimes when people like government teachers go on strike for an increase in salary their need is met by the giving them a raise. But in other cases like university teachers strike, the government gives a nonchalant attitude. These people will now be left on strike for months or even years, while students are left idol at home. Their learning and success is delayed and the financial profit of the business is delayed.

      There are students currently who have waited years to write exams because of strikes, which is why I think strikes have more disadvantages compared to advantages.

      1. I agree with you, but I 'll ask you a question, how can those university employees get their rights such as an over salary to improve their conditions???

        1. At this point in time, patience is key. In Nigeria now, the economy is not at its peak. As mucb as we am desire funds, there's none available so we just have to wait it out, hope and pray about it and go on with our daily lives.

        2. University employees do a lot to achieve their demands..such as demonstrations..strikes..most of all are strikes..universities are closed at the time, and the future of students is destroyed because of this phenomenon...we will not know how long this strike will last in order for university employees to obtain their rights and demands They do not think about the future of their students only in their own interests...
          If the government they say (the water will return to its source)
          If you do not respond, the students will remain the same and will deteriorate

      2. I deeply agree with your comment shining _introduction. I believe that when the people's needs(teachers, staff members, policemen, etc.) are not met by the government/authorities, strikes seem to be the only way the people can get their government's attention. I suggest the authorities/government should avail themselves people hence reducing or even putting an end to the disadvantages of strikes or strikes in general.

        1. I agree with you spirited_ gazelle and it is true when you say that people's needs are not met by the government but I don't think going on strikes is the best opinion because this will affect other businesses and it will lead to finical loss and strained employment relationships .but the must be other ways for staff members ,teachers, etc. to get the government attention rather then going on strikes.

          1. I disagree with your comment affectionate assumption, In my opinion, Before humans react to a problem they will sit down to discuss the matter just like these social workers have. I feel Strikes are the only way social workers can relate to the government. I honestly think it is not fair, Social workers work long shifts and go through stressful hours whether rain or shine just to be able to provide for their families. And I think when they back from work to see mountains of unpaid bills or their children saying "I'm hungry" it shatters their hearts. They are humans as well, and they will feel their restless effort has all been in vain. So I agree or stand with the fact that Social workers should go on strikes though there are disadvantages to this cause such as the lives of innocent civilians lost, delay in education for children and so on but Every human will put his/ her priorities first to survive before putting anyone else's. I feel that every social worker would want to work comfortably with good working conditions as well as be appreciated for the hard work they put in every day. In my opinion, I feel it's only fair if we give these social workers the freedom/chance to express their emotions. It hurts, and humans ,especially ;parents will do anything in their power to be able to provide for their families. I mean let's take a nurse of 30 years treating patients from dawn to dusk, saving lives and watching others fade away due to bad working conditions. Such as not having enough funds to provide for maternity care, extremely ill patients and more. After all these years of attending to sick patients only to be paid in peanuts is painful! Imagine this social worker has a family and can't feed them or treat them out on special occasions only because she has to use her entire pay to pay the bills and make sure they have a roof over their roof. In my judgement, Strikes are the only ways that people particularly, social workers can make their demands met!

    4. Any oppressed group has the right to go on a peaceful strike to obtain their rights... If the demands are met, it will reflect positively on the work environment.
      One of the disadvantages is stopping the work environment during the strike period
      As for the positives, the standard of living rises, the situation improves, and everyone gets the right to a decent life.

    5. I think it has more disadvantages than advantages
      Because if the strike was prolonged, the employees would lose their jobs, and he might not have other job opportunities

    6. I think that the strike is one of the shortcomings, and it is a big term because it is unfair to the workers, and it robs the workers of the rights of the workers and failure to install a number of daily employees.

      1. Yes you can say that but the employers aren't getting paid enough, well that's the most obvious case so I think why would they care like they are working for the money and the passion, but if they are not getting paid enough so that they can't pay their taxes and so on. Yes they most likely could be able to pay for their taxes but the money that would be left over wouldn't be that much.

    7. Interesting question 👍, but I think it has many disadvantages, so I expect that its disadvantages are more than its advantages. Let's give examples of disadvantages and advantages to decide the answer to this question.
      👍 Features of the strike:
      ➡️ Workers reach their goals and objectives (reducing working hours, increasing salaries).
      ➡️ Hiring many unemployed graduates.
      👎Strike Disadvantages:
      ➡️ Sometimes he resorts to strikes to pressure governments to change their policies.
      ➡️ The strike negatively affects society (teachers' strike causes misunderstanding of students, doctors' strike causes many deaths due to patients leaving the trainees, postman's strike causes delay in the arrival of mail to the person at the right time)
      The Council of Ministers or any party affected by the strike may resort to the Supreme Court of Justice to stop the strike in the event that the strike violates the provisions of a law decision, or causes serious harm to the public interest.
      In the end, I think the strike's disadvantages outweigh its advantages.
      I'm so glad I knew the answer. Thank you for your question☺️💚

    8. I agree because... In my opinion, the strike is a double-edged sword that has advantages and disadvantages Disadvantages of the strike: When employees strike, they may lose their jobs, and if they do not lose their salaries, their salaries will be reduced. The strike affects not only the employees, but also the society as a whole (sick, injured, students). Advantages of the strike: It is a tool used by the workers against their employers in the context of a dispute between the worker and the employer. It is also possible to improve the situation, but sometimes the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

    9. Yes strike are useful,as you know everything has advantages as well as disadvantages, in my country strikes have some advantages as it pressurises government to fulfill the needs of public due to this government gives relief to public , in our country there is long loadshedding hours but when people strike these hours of loadshedding reduce. Now a days due to inflation people are becoming very worried govt is nottaking any serious notice then strike isthe only solution of this problem disadvantage of strike is that it causes economic loss mismanagement our country Pakistan is suffering from these crises due to these condition Pakistan is suffering from catastrophic loss and it's condition is becoming day by day

    10. The decision to go on strike can have both advantages and disadvantages, and it largely depends on the specific circumstances and context of the situation. Some potential advantages of going on strike include:

      Drawing attention to an issue: Strikes can be an effective way of raising awareness about an issue and drawing attention to it in the media and public discourse.

      Building solidarity: By coming together and taking collective action, workers can build solidarity and support for their cause.

      Pressuring employers and policymakers: Strikes can put pressure on employers and policymakers to address the demands of workers and make changes that benefit them.

      However, there are also potential disadvantages to going on strike, such as:

      Financial consequences: Workers who go on strike may lose out on wages or face financial hardship as a result of not working.

      Damage to relationships: Strikes can sometimes strain relationships between workers and employers, or between different groups of workers.

      Risk of backlash: In some cases, going on strike can lead to negative backlash from the public or policymakers, which can make it harder to achieve the desired outcomes.

      Ultimately, the decision to go on strike should be carefully considered, weighing the potential benefits and risks of taking action. It's important to ensure that any action taken is done in a safe and responsible manner, with clear goals and strategies for achieving them.

    11. Strikes can be useful in some way but what the permanent solution of the problems face by lay man I have some solution in this regard
      1.every individual perform their duties with full devotion and every department appreciate the work of employee govt give incentive to good workers.there is need of keen concern of every department they sort out the problems of their employees but in our country there is hardly any institution that appreciate the abilities of their workers and facilitate them .when such a situation arise people have no option except strike .to avoid strike head of institution must be loyal and concerned about the problems of his workers and try to give them as much ease as he can

    12. In life, everything has its pros and cons. But from my point of view, I think that the strike has more disadvantages than its advantages, such as: 1. The teacher's strike affects the proper functioning of educational life.
      2. The doctor's strike leads to many people losing their lives and increasing deaths
      3. The strike of workers in public services leads to the inability of people to meet their needs by themselves
      However, there may be some advantages such as: 1. The government shall reconsider any decision it has made
      2. Employees can receive their demands
      3. Increasing the salary and obtaining their rights.
      And this is my point.

    13. I think that going on strike has more advantages than disadvantages. This is because most people who strike are already in unfair or unsafe conditions. This means that even if their strikes are ignored or shut down, they wouldn't be losing anything. If their strikes were heard and the problems are dealt with, they would only be gaining things. This shows that going on strike has more advantages than disadvantages.

      1. Thanks for your comment, succinct_peach. Do you think there are any situations where strikes are not worth it?

        1. I think there are situations in which strikes are necessary
          1. Non-realization of employee gains
          2. The employer's failure to pay wages to the worker during the strike period
          3. Not giving the full salary to the employees

        2. I do think that there are some situations where strikes are not worth it. A strike may not be worth it when the group of people who are striking are arrested or injured. It depends on the place in which you are striking. Some countries may be stricter than others when it comes to strikes. This is why I think there are some situations where strikes are not worth it.

        3. Yes, I think that there are situations when strikes are not worth it. Am going to use my country as an example in this case. In my country strikes are really not worth it for example strikes that include fighting for fair rule by leaders. This is because you will participate in a strike and when the police comes to the scene they just fire guns and tear gas and an top of that the gun shots can be administered on flesh because the president approved it so you end up losing your life or getting a disorder on any of your organs and the painful part is that the government or the leaders still continue with that very act. So I really feel like there are situations when strikes are not worth it.

          1. An interesting point you have made - are you able to consider any of the positives from striking. Strikes are at the forefront of the news in the UK at present with many strikes taking place across many different sectors. Can you consider why these people / sectors might be striking and the impact this might have for both the individual and the company. Do any of the positives out way the negatives for striking?

            1. Since we are talking about a country like UK there I 100% believe that the positive effects may out way the negative effects. This is because in this country first of all people are given freedom of speech and expression and this freedom can be exercised by striking. Some of the causes of the strikes can be low wages and poor working conditions and when the people strike it is not considered bad it's just called demand for what they must truly have. And the good thing is that when the police comes it has no right or authority to hit anyone but rather find peaceful means of stopping the strike. And you know what makes it even better is that in this case the government can even come in to see that people get the right wages and good working conditions as well. Whereby this is beneficial to the individual in a way that they finally get their demands and their struggle is worth it and the company in a way that when it resolves the issue it's progress continues with Labour and everything though not everyone will like it but since they pay well people will just work.

      2. I agree because, the amount of factors that support the ideas of strikes outweigh the amount of factors that don't. If everybody goes on strike, the government is forced to change the working conditions and will have to increase payment for workers. A lot of teachers are going on strike at my school we have had 4 days of strikes and possibly another 2 days in the next two weeks. This is why I think that striking has more advantages although people are losing days of education but if the strikes work then this won't have to happen again.

      3. I agree with what you said that strikes have more advantages than disadvantages. Just to add to some of the advantages of strikes
        Strikes help employees to discuss with their staffs on things they can do to improve the business during strikes. They have a chat with their staffs and listen to their own side or their own point of view. It's also a time for lectures to plan their lessons so that after the strike they are ready for a full session without any interuption.

      4. I agree because striking is very safe and it is the right to everyone citizens. So strikes will gain things not lose things. As per law the strikers should be very calm and they don't have right to break things like bus,auto, etc in the name of strike. So strike gain things than losing things.
        THANK YOU.

      5. I totally agree with you .
        Going to worker strikes are a chance to he listen! Even though you may don't get what you want or the things you have propose , it's a very effective way to be listened and to let the people know about something you don't like when your working.
        Strikes are so necessary in society. Thanks to them , workers could get many rights like the 8 hour journal . Strikes helped constructing our society .

    14. I agree because... we should have the advantege to beacause it is our rigth to srike

    15. Yes, strikes have many disadvantages that outweigh the advantages, for example when doctors strike for months because of their long hours of work and low wages that do not suffice him and do not meet the needs of his family, and also do not provide safety for patients and the medical team, so the doctor resorts to a strike to solve his problem, as this strike negatively affects patients. They need to see doctors daily, and if they do not see them, their health condition will deteriorate, and some of them need urgent surgeries. If they do not perform this operation, it could lead to their death, and thus this doctor will lose his profession and lose health insurance for him and his family.

    16. I think going on strike has more disadvantages because there are more problems that can be made like, missing out on school, children lose out on education, which is very important for their futures this has affected me because I have missed out on lessons that will have a big impact on my future life. Furthermore, critical care is very vital to help the people in bad conditions and in need of help, if strikes are in place the vulnerable people will have less care leading to further illness or possibly death, this would be horrific and would make paramedic staff look like they can not do their jobs. Lack of transport is another possible issue as train strikes will interfere with peoples daily life of getting to work, school etc. Making them look unprofessional and making them look untrustworthy if they turn up late because of strike issues. All of these points way down and make the advantages look less important.
      Thankyou for reading my comment.

    17. I think that going on strike has equal disadvantages, depending on the topic. Topics like going on strike for equal rights is understandable to get your point across, however the topics against hunger and not eating can affect your health majorly.

    18. I think that going on a strike has equal advantages and disadvantages because a lot of the time when people do strikes they are actually very effective and they work. But sometimes people get killed and beaten to death because of police brutality,they get tear gas thrown at them, etc.

    19. Hello, Well, I think that the strike has more disadvantages, and risks than its advantages.
      Well, if the strike takes place and the workers go on strike, then surely this will harm society and the people, and it will also harm the worker himself.
      For example, the disadvantages of a strike, if workers such as doctors, civil defense, police and others are not present at their work, then this will certainly cause danger to people's lives, and people will feel sad and insecure.
      Therefore, I do not support the idea of ​​striking, and if the workers strike, it would be preferable for it to be for a short period to preserve the safety of their people and their society, and their sense of comfort and safety in their country.

    20. I think going on strike has more diadvantage than advantage.because going on strike can lead to delay in student's education,it can also lead to death and idleness which can in turn cause students to partake in armed robbery,theft and kidnapping.

    21. This is an interesting question...
      The following are the advantages of going on strikes:
      1. It enables workers to press further their demands.
      2. The needs/demands of the workers are attended to.
      3. Perceived imbalances in the working conditions are addressed.
      4. Unfavorable policies that affect workers are addressed.
      5. Good working environments are attained.
      6. Management excesses against workers are addressed.
      7. Issues of poor remuneration are addressed.
      8. Issues relating to advancement of workers/career progression are addressed.
      9. Labor dispute between management and union is addressed.
      10. It addresses issues relating to workers welfare.
      11. It creates a balanced working environment for both management and workers.
      12. It leads to harmonious working relationship between management and workers.
      Disadvantages of going on strikes include:
      1. It paralyses economic activities of the organization.
      2. It reduces income accruing to the organization.
      3. The organization is unable to meet up with its financial obligation since income is not generated.
      4. It leads to malfunctioning of the organization.
      5. It leads to lack of payment of staff salary.
      6. It creates enmity between management and union.
      7. It leads to witch-hunting of members of the union.
      8. Shutting down of organization as a result of strike may lead to damages.
      Deducing from the above, the advantages of going on strike are more than the disadvantages of going on strike.

    22. I believe that strikes bring more disadvantages than advantages. Although strikes have chances of bringing workers more pay and fairer working conditions, there is no guarantee that this will always be the case. Workers may miss a multitude of work days which lowers their pay even further and even risks them losing their jobs as a whole. This may even effect others that are dependant on those workers. A good example would be teachers and students, teacher strikes can cause students to fall behind on their studies, and ultimately affect the the school's reputation and performance.

    23. I agree because... For example,an employee is most expected to face problems like harsh weather conditions,poor transport and more effects that may delay him/her to arrive to the job in time which may lead to salary deduction(loosing/reducing of money) yet a person who is on strike doesn't have to be worried anything

    24. I agree because... We should have the edge/advantage to strike because, most strikes are about pay and better working conditions .

    25. I think going on a strike has more disadvantage because sometimes they lose their jobs.

    26. I feel as though there can both be advantages and disadvantages, however I think the medical and teaching professionals (among others) have thought this through and are making the right choice. Also, close to half of strikes are deemed successful and can often lead to better working conditions, higher pay, and shorter hours. On the other hand, people striking can be fired and their asks can be refused. In conclusion, I think that there are equal disadvantages and advantages.

    27. It will have more negatives than harms. The example of a school strike has its drawbacks
      Learning is interrupted: Schools provide basic education, but when closed, children and youth are deprived of opportunities for growth and development. The disadvantages of closure are more severe for learners from disadvantaged groups, who have fewer educational opportunities outside of school.
      Nutrition: Many children and young people depend on free or low-cost meals provided by schools for proper food and nutrition, but when schools are closed, their nutrition is negatively affected.
      Parents’ unwillingness to educate their children remotely or at home: When schools are closed, parents are often asked to facilitate children’s education at home, and they may struggle to do so, especially for parents with limited education and resources.
      Inequality in access to digital learning platforms: Lack of access to technology or poor internet connectivity is a barrier to continued learning, especially for students from disadvantaged families.
      Disparity in childcare: Working parents often leave children alone when schools are closed when no alternative options are available, which can lead to
      To these children to engage in dangerous behavior.

    28. In my opinion strikes have more dissadvantages than advantages because if the transportist dont work Who is going to brink milk to supermarkets ? or if teachers dont work who is going to give clases?.

      1. Can you suggest a more effective way for workers to fight for a cause, selfassured_grapefruit?

  • My father has been a teacher for 36 years . The teacher shortage has made her job even more stressful so she is planning to retire 4 years earlier . she finds it hard to work for a school that has dysfunctional

    staffing , despite the students being fantastic .

    1. I don't agree with your father dear...
      Because it could destroy her future and her dreams.

      - If he suffers from fatigue from his work, he can change the classroom stage to a stage that may lead to his attachment to his work and not exhausting him.

      - But if he suffers from not achieving the demands, he should seek the help of other teachers, and participate in the strike for a limited period of time until their demands and required goals are achieved.

  • Over the years, strikes and street protests have been the most potent weapon used by workers to get good working conditions when employers are not interested in dialogue. When your working condition treats you like trash, making your voice heard will be the next line of action. Some employers are very greedy and exploit their workers. Workers have genuine reasons for going on strike because they stand the risk of losing their jobs or going unpaid if their reasons are not genuine. They take the bull by the horn to make their voices heard. It is high time employers started treating their workers like people, not money-making machines.

    1. I agree with you.. we We faced these problems and the employees went on a partial strike as a start until their demands are met. The strike is a solution to these problems, but we must not start with a complete strike that threatens education and health. Rather, successive measures are gradually taken. If the matter is necessary for a total strike, I think that an exception should be made with regard to education and health by making the strike partial

    2. Yes i agreed that strikes are most potent weapons for getting rights but some times this weapon is wrongly handled in order to exploit working environment leading to heavy losses in future for masses sometimes just few leaders of unions of different departments misguide other workers when they provoke them to b voilent or not ready to negotiate at any cost i think there should b flexibility from both side instead of leaving innocent people on risk there should b some ways that strikes may go on but it may not effect routine emergencies for example when young doctors go on strikes many patient may b on the risk of mortality or death . What u say about it??

      1. I appreciate your point and feel your empathy. The empathy which employers should have for not giving room for the strike in the first place. Remember workers revert to strike when the employers are not interested in dialogue. Furthermore, no workers go on strike without life threatened reasons. I believe if employers have very good human relations with their workers the issue of strikes will be a thing of the past.

    3. I agree with what you say, but what about the students? I mean, what about us? I will speak on the behalf of students so that we can be a voice together. What you say is reasonable, but does that affect us?!! It affects our educational level. Patients will not find doctors to treat them. Business will not be achieved if the engineer is not present. And the company will not remain the same if its director and businessman are not present, right?!.... This means that the strike is not a good thing. In my opinion, let's remove the impact of strikes, but on the condition that all workers take their money. The danger falls on both parties; on us, we are the first party, and on the worker, who is the second party, but someone must make a sacrifice, otherwise both parties will increase the risk on them.

      1. I would like to comment on the phrase “patients will not find doctors to treat them.” In the event of a strike in the Ministry of Health, there is a special medical staff present in the emergency department to treat patients.

        1. This is interesting. Are these doctors on stand-by for when strikes happen?

          1. I think they are ready when the strike happens
            1. Because they want to achieve their gains
            2. Not giving them their full salary

        2. From my point of view, I do not think that this solution is appropriate, because when all doctors go on strike, can the Ministry of Health provide this large number of doctors? In my opinion, no, or, for example, when all teachers go on strike, in my opinion, the Ministry of Education cannot provide this large number of teachers. The appropriate solution is to find another way for workers to obtain their rights.

        3. I agree because... For example, in Britain's strike on nursing staff, they put certain numbers to communicate with those who need urgent care, and they also put partial employees for those who need limb replacements.

      2. I want to comment in the question what about the students?
        I can say we can have electronic education in this case.

    4. I agree with you..because we lived through this suffering in our country..the strikes that most affected us as students were the teachers’ strike, and it had an impact on our education. Sometimes it was a partial strike and sometimes it was a complete strike (a whole day).

    5. Beginning... Welcome 🖐
      ➡️I see that your opinion is correct, but there are some workers who exceed the limit allowed for them to strike....

      ➡️And your reasons are expected to be correct, but I see that if the worker exceeds the limit allowed for him...then he should not Meeting his requests because it negatively affected his society...
      💫 It is assumed that the strike is to serve the communities in terms of ending unemployment.... and reducing poverty..

      ➡️But as we see sometimes, if someone strikes, all places are struck, and this is wrong.. .
      It will wrongly affect this society..especially our Arab society..

      This is my opinion and nothing more😁

    6. I agree with you, because the workers should be treated as nice people not machines. We should have our respect and humanity

    7. I agree. People should be able to say something when their job isnt treating then person correctly.

    8. I agree because the bad or unfair working conditions can dramatically affect a person's life. People could lose money and it could cause them to be stressed for their future. It could also cause their work skills to become worse. This would reduce the amount of money made at work, which could cause major problems for the employer. If an employer wants their business to become successful, it is important that they provide fair working conditions for their workers.

  • Hello, this week's competition topic is good. My question is, can we restore workers' rights through a strike???  And if the issues of strikes increase, can it affect the world economy????

    1. An interesting question ☺️, the strike in general is a method used by teachers, engineers, doctors, etc. to obtain appropriate working conditions, such as reducing working hours, hiring unemployed graduates, increasing the salary, etc.
      Let's answer your question:
      1 ️⃣ Definitely yes, but not at all times. Sometimes the government does not cooperate with the employee, such as a teacher who works hard tirelessly throughout his working years and when he wants to retire, they do not give him the appropriate salary.
      2 ️⃣ If strikes increase, working hours will decrease, which will reduce pain, which will lead to economic crises, and the answer is definitely yes.
      I am so glad I know the answer and more people will know it too. Thank you for this great question☺️☺️

      1. You have mentioned hiring unemployed graduates as one of the appropriate working conditions what if the unemployed graduates have a low standard level of education that is not needed in some companies where they had applied to get jobs. So you urge them to strike what if their strikes are successful,they will cause low development. Instead of them going for further studies so that they can be accepted some where.

    2. This question comes to mind...
      I found his answer and want to share it with the fans too.

      A strike is the suspension of workers from work for a period of time until their demands are met.
      Many workers may strike for a period of time.

      - In the event of a teachers' strike, this may negatively affect the future of students, the low level of students, and the inability to produce an educated generation.

      - But if there is a strike by doctors; It will lead to many risks to the lives of patients, which will increase the spread of diseases in societies.

      - As for the lawyers' strike, there is no justice or equality between people.

      Here it became clear to us that the strike poses a threat and a negative impact on the scientific economy.

      In order to solve these problems, governments must fulfill the demands of these workers.
      Because they are the ones who work tirelessly and tirelessly, for the sake of human comfort..
      And we have to appreciate their work and fulfill all their demands in several ways other than the strike 🛑 which poses a threat to the scientific economy..

  • During my studies on the subject of strikes, I asked two questions: How can we reduce the harm resulting from strikes, and how can we control strikes?

    1. Putting proper laws to protect the employees' rights and dignity, sure, will lead to have satisfied workers and employees . By this way you can reduce strikes or completely avoid them.

    2. Nice question, to reduce strikes, workers must be given their rights at work, how will we provide that, by providing a good salary in reasonable working hours and providing an appropriate work environment, #Together_to_reduce_strikes

      1. I agree because... Yes, I really agree with you. It is a very important issue. Indeed, workers can regain their rights through strikes, whether partially or completely, despite their defects, and also affect the global economy, because strikes stop all concerned sectors. So it affects the economy...

  • In fact, yes, we had a discussion on this subject, and our teacher asked to study this subject, and he decided, after we researched and read about the subject of strikes, he decided to ask us some questions about our reading, and the first question was what is a strike? The house and another question was: What are the other types of taxes? And each of us answered by saying, such as the strike of merchants, the strike of members of the free professions, the students’ strike, the citizens’ strike for paying taxes, and many other types. good or even bad.

  • When there is a strike , workers stop doing their work for a period of time, usually in order to try to get better pay or conditions for themselves

    1. But it might never go the way hoped or planned.The stoppage of jobs can bring serious consequences that could harm the citizens of the country.

  • What are the things that we must do while we are on strike so that he responds with us and fulfills our demands?

    1. Good question 👍, by the way, striking is not enough only to take away the rights of employees, rather we must continue to strike and demand our rights and not just strike, so we are inside the house striking and we also demand our rights or revolutions against the government if it oppresses them and does not give them their right.
      I hope that I have helped you in answering your question, I am very happy that I helped someone answer the question of what is going on in his head ☺️☺️

  • It must be noted that the strikes are not just for pay ... It is also for how funding is made , terms and conditions , management , recruitment and

    safety ( whether it is teachers , nurses , railway workers , civil servants ) .

  • Employees may strike due to low pay , they want to be paid fair and equitable remuneration . If they believe that they need to be paid more but the employer does not agree , it may results to strikes Example : striking due to issues of overtime payments , difference in salary pay sometimes for people with the same knowledge .

    Also in times of inflation , wages a likely to seek increase in salary to maintain their standard of living .

    1. I am with you on this point, but the strike is not limited to the salaries of the employees. And there are those who strike for reasons including lack of respect between the two parties, the intensity of work, and the shortage of workers, so the shortage is filled through it, and also because of discrimination in treatment. A strike is a strike because of the lack of pay but also because of the hard work and long hours

      1. Your comment brings deeper meaning to the reasons to strike but I don,t agree with you saying that most people go on strikes because of reasons ,like if you research deeper there those who just go with the crowd and end up bringing more violence than intended.

        1. This is interesting, can you tell us more about the research?

          1. Well, I found that some if not most people are influenced by their fellow mates so they just go with them thinking that it's all games and laughs and don't take it as serious as they are.

  • Other questions
    Is the strike permissible?
    There is no objection to the workers or employees striking in order to
    improve their situation, and the strike is a means, so it takes the rule of the
    purpose for which it was acted. It is Fatwa No. .

  • REASONS FOR strikes

    1.Dispute between workers and management . It may arise due to unsatisfied working conditions such as lower bargaining power 2.Failure in maintaining proper industrial relations . ( industrial peace and harmony )

    3.Continuous or accumulated financial losses of industry can lead to opt for lockout by the management

    4.If there is illegal strikes , continuous strikes by workers , it may lead to lockout of an industry

    5.If there is unrest , dispute between workers and workers . For example workers in the same department having same

    experience and education being paid differently a dispute may arise among them due to payment differences . This can result to poor work performance leading to inability to achieve organizational objectives .

  • After the discussion we had in class. We all understand why strikes are happening and most of the time positive results are gotten . One of the questions we had in class which turned into a 50-50% votes and i decided to bring it here to hear your own opinion. DO YOU THINK THERE SHOULD ALSO BE A RULE TO BAN SCHOOLS FROM PARTICIPATING IN STRIKE?

    1. What were some of the reasons in your class debate as to why they should or should not be allowed?

      1. Some of the reasons given for why they should be allowed to strike are
        a. teachers will get salary raise
        b. they'll also get better working hours
        c. the teachers will be more committed to their jobs etc
        Other reasons given to why they should not be allowed to strike because
        a. students will miss out on classes
        b. teachers might not get salary raises
        c. the teachers might not be more committed to their jobs as such they'll be looking for part -time jobs else where.

        1. I agree with you ..
          If the strike continues, especially in schools, the level of students will drop a lot. Students will not be able to go to other schools because everyone will be on strike.
          We hope that the teachers will ease the strike in order to preserve the education of the students

    2. I agree because...
      If people see that the level of students will decrease in schools, and this thing was clear and was published in all means of communication and communication, then the strikers will know how much this thing will affect their future.

    3. To me, there should not be rules or laws to ban school from participating in strike,why?In my country Nigeria, the public universities are under a trade union called ASUU, I remember last year, public universities were over strike for almost a month just because the FG were not paying the ASUU staff and this strike brought about different challenge, for example, the undergraduates who were supposed to be having lectures weren't because of the stike. So as for me i don't think school should be involved in stike because
      1 It leads to programme disruption in terms of disruptive academic calendar.
      2.Also leads to loss of productive time.
      3. And mainly, over-extension of study programmes.

    4. I think the opponents of a ban may violates students' and teachers' rights to freedom of speech, association, and assembly. That strikes can be an effective way to bring attention to critical issues that affect students and teachers, such as underfunding, inadequate facilities, and low pay.

    5. Education is a very important matter, and the continuity of schools in education is more important, but if this is without the consent of the teachers, then this will be the worst plan, because if the teachers are exposed to bad working conditions and delayed and low wages, they have the right to protest and negotiate, and if the matter does not succeed, then they must strike. Because even if the teacher attends, he will not be happy, and he will not teach the students to the fullest, and he will produce a failed generation that will lead the society to destruction. Taking a few days off

    6. I agree because... schools are the most sensitive part of any country , future builders of nation are there .they can't neglect the maincause of there working as strikes may exploit learning environment. Schools curriculum is predecided in the form of academic calender prolong strikes or shutting down of school activities will definetly lead to academic gaps which can never b fulfilled. The example of pendemic is there due to shutting of schools in corona pendemic have even left a huge gap and students find it difficult to fillup that gaps simillarly strikes also can add to such loses also.

    7. First, hello..... 🖐

      ➡️I see that preventing schools from participating in the strike is an idea that could be useful in terms of wasting students’ wasted time during the strike
      ➡️And from other aspects, students will see that there is a strike for teachers, so what The benefit of their presence will increase absenteeism
      Just a simple answer.... 😁

    8. Yes, I think there should be a rule banning schools from participating in strikes because;
      1. students need to learn in order to brighten there future.
      2. strikes lead to idleness among the students which may cause a lot of problems like;
      Teenage pregnancy
      School dropouts due to loss of hope of going out to school.

      1. Can you develop your ideas further and think about the positive effects of strikes - can we support students education fully if adults are not giving the best working conditions or the best pay offer they could receive?

  • Dear Kim,
    There's a proverb that says," The squeaky wheel gets the grease.". So, in relation to our topic, to what extent do you think this is right??

  • If strike would be banded forever do you think people will go to work, do you think employers will employ, do you think there will be job opportunities anymore?

    1. I don't think that they will return to their work.. As long as the government doesn't respond to their requests, they will definitely not return... They must reduce the pressure on the government in order not to lose their jobs

    2. First, hello 👋👋, I think you set a very good example, if the strike continues forever, this means that there is no work forever, that is, there is no employment of employers, in other words, there are no job opportunities, which will lead to economic crises and then collapse in the country.
      We all saw the impact of strikes on the world in particular (the economy).
      I hope that the employees will be given their demands and rights so that we can return to normal life.
      Thank you for your beautiful questions ☺️
      I'm glad I found the solution ☺️
      I hope you benefited from the solution☺️

  • I do not advise a lot of strikes by teachers, doctors, and others, because many students from Doros and doctors are late as well, because there are many patients who go to the hospital, but I am with those who achieve a decent life for teachers, doctors, and others, because teachers, doctors, and others are the most important category in society, and if they get A decent life, the whole society raises its status and scientific level

    1. I agree because...
      I think teachers should not strike because this will leave the students idle and also lead to under payment of their salary .

    2. I agree because... The more the world becomes in danger in the education that the student lacks because of the education that the student lacks. And please stop the strike and solve the problems in another way like I hope and treat and treat every person that was not fair.

    3. me too I agree with you not to frequent strikes by teachers, doctors and others, because that hinders their work and achievement, and we are all with the provision of a decent life, because by obtaining this, you achieve the desired goal and progress in society takes place. scientific and cultural level

    4. I agree because... With the trend of events from some governments, strikes seem to be the only language the people can communicate with the government to get their needs met. In my opinion, I do not think doctors should go on strikes when the lives of people are at stake although they are humans, and their needs need to be met I don't think they should risk it. In addition, I also don't think teachers should go on strikes because the future of children rests on their shoulders.

  • From the discussions we had in class, strike is a temporary protest against an act or conditions. Going on strike has both advantages and disadvantages to us. Without going on strike our voices will not be heard and we cannot get our desired goal though sometimes dialogue works for us as well. Do you think we can get a more positive result if everyone decides not to go on strike and only use dialogue as a means of making peoples voices count?

  • Must we reject strikes as totally violent and not helpful ways of demanding for payments?

  • Yes, we discussed the strike in class, and as we understood that the strike leads to a lack of job opportunities.
    If doctors and teachers go on strike, their work will stop and they will be delayed, patients will not be treated properly, and citizens will not be given their right to treatment.

  • Strikes are for the purpose of protesting, so a group of workers form a group called a union. The question is why are they doing those strikes?!..and what is their effect on us?!..and is it good or bad?!... Should the government intervene?... I will answer these questions for you: Why do they go on strike?! The workers live in difficult working conditions, and otherwise they work intensively, but all they receive is a small amount of money, so they carry out these strikes to provide an amount for which the worker spends his life. What is the impact of these strikes on us?! .. It negatively affects students if he is a teacher, on business if he is an engineer, and on patients if he is a doctor. Are these strikes good or bad?! Frankly, it is a double-edged sword. It has advantages and disadvantages, as we said. Its advantages are meeting the needs of workers, and its disadvantages are the negative impact.We even have to be students. Should the government intervene?... I cannot interfere in something like this, it is private, it is a situation between the workers and the government, but the government is doing everything it can do, but only it can give them an amount of money that meets their needs.

  • I think that the strikes over time were not only for the sake of increasing wages, but were sometimes taking place for the ill-treatment of workers, as happened in Las Vegas in the US state of Nevada, where the strike was not only because of low wages, but also because of unfair treatment decent

    1. I agree because... the similar situation is happening in my country today and i think this is the reason why they there are so many strikes in the country today.The government should strive hard on improving the working conditions of their workers.

    2. In my opinion, they had every right to strike because of ill-treatment, as they are also people who have dignity, humanity, and feelings. Does any manager think like this? I am sure that very few do this. I hope that those who mistreat workers and employees are punished, or defended 🙏🙏

  • Will the ban of strike welcome a better world or make things worse. Will the minority be pushed aside due to the ban of strike while the majority gets favored?

  • I think discussions should be made on "Should strikes be allowed in every country based on the authority or not"

  • Hi dear kim.
    I believe that the strike is a dangerous weapon used by employees to increase their wages. But what would happen if strikes were allowed all over the world without any laws? What if governments and unions do not respond to them?

    1. I have clarified a very important question, what would happen if the world was full of strikes, and at the same time the governments did not respond to them??!
      The world will be in chaos, and there will be no workers to fix this land, and also the social classes will spread in society (rich and poor) and there will be no working hands, and even the houses may not be designed because of the engineers’ strike .
      Otherwise, we may not be able to experience the virtual world Metaverse in the future because of the strike of the experts who work on it or on its development, and because of poverty that will not enable people to use it. Also, the problem of climate change will not be solved because of the strike of scientists about discovering solutions and the poverty of people that will push them to buy global warming causes such as plastic bags and fuel.
      And if the fashion designers strike, we won't be able to wear suitable clothes .
      And if teachers strike, the future generation will not be created, and if doctors strike, you will not find anyone alive .
      All this if everyone is on strike without the government responding .

      1. Wow he is awesome. You have mentioned all aspects of life in the event of a strike. Thank you for the lovely gesture and keep up the great thinking.

  • Strike is a very bad thing that's why it's the last option for the employees to do. But it's still a human right to protest against injustice.
    It's noticed that most of the strikes obtained what the employees demanded. So, why should the employers and the government wait until the employees strike? Why don't they take care of the employees' rights and conditions? Do you agree with me?

    1. OK, but have you seen the positive side of the strike? For me it's good and bad, It can be positive for many people and satisfy some of them, so I suggest that we look at the negatives and positives of things before judging them. What is your opinion?!

      1. I completely agree that striking has both positive and negative effects.
        When I said, " Strike is a very bad thing that's why it's the last option for the employees to do" , I meant only the negative side . I meant that the employees choose it although it has a bad effect. I can't deny the positive side . The employees do it because it is the right 👍 way to demand their rights. I believe,at the same time, that striking will take the employees to the positive side to achieve their rights.

    2. No. I do not agree with you. Strikes are not meant to cause suffering to the minority. They are, instead, a way for trade unions and other organizations to pass a message to the government for their demands to be met. For example, in my country(though one of my classmates has mentioned this), the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) regularly goes on strike. A lot of students suffer from this but this is not the fault of the union. Usually, before a strike commences, the union will send out an ultimatum to the government. If their demands are not met after the ultimatum is sent and there's no response from the government, then the strike comes in. What I'm saying in essence is that strikes are held due to the stubbornness of the government.

  • Is strike the new weapon of time to obtain good working conditions?

  • After surfing the net about strikes and learning so many things I'd never known before. There's a question still in mind which is "why soldiers, police officers, and doctors can't go on a strike?? Aren't they humans and have their legal rights??
    Why not to establish a plan through which this group is able to demand its right like the other occupations, this is not fair!
    Should they be oppressed and stay silent because they can't strike??!!
    There must be a way for those people to do so, for example making a timetable that contains the days, hours, and names of employees and each employee is planned to strike on this day taking into consideration that another employee with the same position remains at work in order not to cause a disorder.
    What do you think?

    1. Can you discuss some potential challenges with the timetable approach you have mentioned?

    2. I totally agree with you about the status about the allowance of strike to these people, but we must also realize the thing that differentiate these set of people from other workers and that is they are emergency service providers and that means they are essential to everyone I understand the concern of the government when they question whether these set if people are allowed to strike but they are not meant to be treated like slaves because they serve the society in fact they are meant to held in high regard because of their great importance but rather they are neglected because of their denial of their right to strike and so the government knows that they can't protest and refuse to work so they wave away their complaints about their working conditions and salary but I feel that if these set of people are not allowed to strike they should be alternatives set in place for their complaints to be heard and worked on and if this is done they won't be any reason for them strike.

    3. I agree because... I think you are right because it is one of their rights, but why do doctors strike?
      The members of the medical team resort to striking in the event that there is something that prevents them from carrying out their work to the fullest extent. This barrier may be related to salaries, material compensation, or other work advantages, or it may be a shortage of available human resources, allocations, medical equipment, or supplies, or poverty in buildings or places for providing treatment, or the barrier is sometimes a sense of injustice, or Unfairness or the application of administrative or technical policies that affect their work, or any other circumstances that may hinder members of the medical team from performing their work.
      The public may agree or disagree on the legitimacy of some of these demands, and decision makers may justify the inability to achieve some of these demands for economic, technical or political reasons.
      Or others may be considered, but there are obstacles to providing the service. It is difficult to disagree on their importance and centrality to providing health services, especially the safety of patients and the medical team.
      So why don't we give them their right to not ask to strike

    4. Actually armed forces and police are not allowed to go on strike because we need them to defend the country. In Nigeria they provide the armed forces and police shelter(barracks), schools (like command children's school) and hospitals (like the army reference hospital). So this means if they have any issue they report to the government issues like need for good equipment.

    5. Explain the reasons for its disturbances, to explain what it clarifies in 2017 of the Palestinian security laws, whoever violates this is considered a rebel and sign a comment on it legally.
      This is my attention because I thought that all people have the right to strike, but why are you not allowed to give them banners, is it because they are the protectors of this people, or because people will take them as an example?? what do you think I also want to ask, do the Qartans have the right to strike, and why??

  • _Do you think that the strike is the best way to get the dues? Are there better ways to strike?Do you think human rights are similar to strikes?

  • What normally cause strikes in my country are as follows;
    1.Low payment.
    2.Lack of co-operation among people.
    3.Rejection of ones idea.
    challenges faced by strikers;
    1. Loss of jobs.
    2.Denial of payment
    4.Death among the strikers
    What strikers cause;
    1.Disorganization of places.
    2Destruction of property
    3.Pollution of the environment by the fire set by strikers.
    Ways we can stop strikes;
    a.Paying workers agreeable amount needed by the workers
    b.Co-operating with workers
    c.Providing necessary needs like in homes, schools etc
    d.Providing necessary condition to workers like not being too tough towards the workers.

    1. I agree with you Strong introduction, strikes are usually caused due to low payment because always when government workers are given low payment, they strike in opposition for example last year [2022],In our country,
      teachers striked. And as you said we can stop strikes, the government really paid them an agreeable amount.

    2. I in reply to strong_introduction, I really concur with him most especially in destruction of property, how? Because in my country Uganda when the strikes start, a lot of people's property is damaged hence leading to un called suffering to the nearby communities who are innocent of the ongoing strikes. On the same note, a school can also lose its property once the striking team like the students burn the school assets for example dormitories, books and vandalisation of buildings at large.

      1. What you are describing here sounds a bit different to a strike, poetic_hurricane. A strike is when someone refuses to work in order to protest against something. Strikes are a form of peaceful protest. What you are describing sounds more like a riot or civil disobedience. Does this change your opinion about strikes?

    3. I also have more examples of causes of strikes in Nigeria are:
      1.Unfair treatment or discrimination
      2. Demands of higher wages and benefits
      3.Political issues
      4.Over work
      5.Unfair Labour Practices
      6.Benefit Reduction
      7.Contact Negotiations
      8.Lack of Job Security
      9.Outscoring and Job Loss
      10.Change in Company Policies
      I think this causes of strikes in Nigeria can be resolved by:
      1.Making education a fundamental human right
      2.Stop proliferation of universities
      3.Bridge the worker management divide
      4.Practice empathy
      5.Maintain a positive attitude
      6.Consider employee safety
      7.Provide employees with information they need
      8.Allow for worker autonomy
      9.Raise budgetary allocation to education

  • This topic caught my attention, so I started researching it to benefit from it and benefit the rest of my classmates. So I got to know its types and its definition and tried to find many solutions for it, but until now I did not find a logical solution that might stop this problem. There are many types of strike such as: (sit-down strike), (work-to-rule), (sympathy strike). And its definition: It is to stop working intentionally and collectively, and its aim is to put pressure on the master of work by the wage earners.

  • My question is, is it possible to restore workers’ rights through a strike, or is there another way? I previously studied with my teachers about the workers’ union, which helps workers to import their rights. The question here is, how will workers’ lives be without the workers’ union organization?

  • What are the long-term effects of strikes on workers, employers, and the economy as a whole? Is there a way to balance the rights of workers to strike with the needs of businesses to operate effectively and the impact on the broader economy?

  • "Strikes" in Nigeria can be unproductive. It is held by a collection of individuals, an institution or even the government.
    it affects people in many ways for example for my dad in the university studied pharmacy a 5years course but because of strikes he did the course in 7 years
    Also my mom had a 4years course and completed it in 5years all because of strikes
    It can also affect the economy example if the crude oil refineries go on strike there won't the gas, fuel, kerosene and other essential gas or oil in the country.

  • I have a question, does the employer have the right to dismiss employees who strike because of the harsh conditions at work and exploit the poverty of societies and employ those who are satisfied with very low wages and the number of long hours to provide for their livelihood, or are there laws that prevent this and that trade unions prevent this?

  • Well, certainly, every worker has a right that must be adhered to, and every worker has a duty that must be adhered to.
    For example, if the worker does not abide by his duties, this will lead the administration to not abide by his rights, so the commitment must be from both parties.
    Well, I have a question:
    What are the duties that the worker must adhere to in order to preserve his rights? What are the rights of the worker that the management must abide by in order for the worker to maintain his duties?

    1. I completely agree with you, in order for the employee to obtain his rights, he must perform his duties fully, as agreed by both parties (the worker _ the employer).
      1- Not to be late in handing over the required tasks.  2- Not cheating in dealing with people.
      3- Dealing with people and other employees with a smiling face, gentle manner and respect.
      4- Not to leak business secrets to any hostile party
      5- Not to deal with bribes and money in return for providing services to any category
      6- To stay away from nepotism for relatives or family
      7- Not to do any act that defames the reputation of the business or the employer .
      . And among the duties that fall  The employer must and must give it to the worker:
       1- Give him his wages as agreed upon between them
      2- The worker should return to his home at the specified time and any additional working hours must be paid for
      3- Delivery of wages at the agreed time without delay or procrastination
      4- Dealing well with employees without swearing or abusive words
      5- No employee is subjected to violence in any form, and the employee has the right to file a report with the police
      6- The worker must receive promotions from time to time
      7- The obligation of bonuses for distinguished and dedicated workers&nbsp

    2. I agree with you. An employee in this country must carry out his duties to the fullest. Among his duties are:
      Credibility in dealing with people
      Avoiding favoritism and nepotism (relatives and family)
      -dealing with people. Treated well and with respect
      These are the duties of the worker.
      The employer's duty to the worker is:
      Do not procrastinate on the scheduled time to return home
      Giving the worker his full wages
      And a lot of duties on both sides❤️

  • Some discussions can be made are:
    ●The ethics of striking: Is it ethical for workers to strike, especially if it causes significant harm to others, such as in the case of essential workers? What are the moral and political justifications for the right to strike?
    ●The gendered dimensions of strikes: How do gender and intersectionality affect the right to strike and labor-related issues? What are the challenges and opportunities for promoting gender equality and addressing gender-based discrimination in the context of strikes?

  • Discussions can be made about:
    ●The impact of globalization on strikes: How has globalization affected the right to strike and labor-related issues? What are the challenges and opportunities for international cooperation and solidarity among workers and labor unions?

    ●The role of government in regulating strikes: What is the appropriate role of government in regulating strikes? Should governments be more proactive in preventing strikes, or should they be more permissive and allow workers greater freedom to strike?

    ●The future of strikes in the gig economy: How do technological advancements and the growth of the gig economy affect the right to strike? What are the challenges and opportunities for organizing and mobilizing workers in the gig economy?

  • The purpose of a strike is to compel an employer to agree to terms and conditions of employment, whereas a lockout is intended to exert similar pressure on the employees and the union. The practical result of each, in terms of the impact on the employer's business, is virtually identical. So now,I guess the question is..... individuals going on it to the advantage or disadvantage of a country?🤔

    1. I agree because... I believe that the strike is a double-edged sword, and it will definitely not be in the interest of anyone.

    2. Strikes are both an advantage and disadvantage to the country. They are somewhat helpful if the government decides to pay attention and implement the suggested change. Strikes, on the other hand, have additional consequences before there is a benefit. Students and medical patients, for example, will be unable to obtain the services they require from employees. During strikes, workplaces will also be scarce of workers.

    3. We cannot say whether it was good or bad for the country, according to the outcome of this strike, whether they agreed to it or not, whether the demands were carried out, and so on. The returns of this hit determine whether it is good or bad.

    4. Personally, I think, the impact of individuals going on strike on a country can be both advantageous and disadvantageous, depending on the specific circumstances surrounding the strike.
      On one side, strikes can bring attention to important issues and grievances, and can serve as a powerful tool for workers to negotiate better working conditions, wages, and benefits. By standing together and refusing to work, employees can exert pressure on employers and governments to address their concerns and make necessary changes. In some cases, strikes have led to significant improvements in workers' rights and working conditions.
      On the other side, strikes can also have negative consequences for both the individuals involved and the broader economy. Extended strikes can lead to lost wages, financial hardship, and negative impacts on businesses that rely on the striking workers. They can also disrupt essential services such as transportation, healthcare, and education, which can have serious consequences for the public.
      Furthermore, strikes can damage the reputation of a country in the eyes of investors and international organizations, which can have long-term economic consequences. If strikes are perceived as a sign of instability or a lack of labor market flexibility, it may discourage foreign investment and make it more difficult for the country to compete in the global marketplace.
      With everything said, the impact of individuals going on strike on a country is complex and depends on a variety of factors. While strikes can be an effective way to bring about change and improve working conditions, they can also have negative consequences for both the individuals involved and the broader economy. It is important for workers, employers, and governments to work together to find solutions that address the concerns of all parties involved, while also ensuring the stability and prosperity of the country as a whole.

  • We all know what a strike is, what are its causes, and what are its disadvantages and advantages.
    Well, I think that its defects may lead to harm and danger to society, so I would like to ask:
    What are the conditions that must be adhered to in order to reduce the harm of strikes?
    And how to work to reduce it?

    1. This discussion already exists I think, quirky_redcurrant! Take a look at the discussion about fair working conditions within the strikes topic.

    2. Giving employees their full rights (increasing their salaries)
      *Provide jobs
      * Non-discrimination between groups of people
      * Respect for everyone who has a profession according to his mission in society, such as: respect for the teacher.. and respect for the cleaner

  • Strike is a right, but the government must adhere to its duties towards its citizens so that they do not use this right, because the consequences are not beneficial and affect all areas of life and affect the renaissance of society and its progress and affect the services provided to
    individuals Complai or objection Let's
    discuss in this regard.

  • When we say strikes in general, we quickly remember the strikes of trade unions (workers), such as: the teachers' union, the doctors' union, the journalists' union, the engineers' union, and other unions.
    When we were asked: Is everyone allowed to strike?
    We answered: Yes, based on the labor strikes that are widespread at the present time, but in reality there are many types of strikes. Strikes are not limited to work only, but rather it is a human right for all members of society. Other types of strikes include:
    1. Hunger strike: It often takes place in prisons, so prisoners abstain from solid food, and its purpose is to protest against their imprisonment.
    2. Student strike: It is represented in the students’ strike as a result of their protest against some school laws, the cancellation of some official holidays, or an objection to some school curricula.
    3. Sympathy strike: As we saw after the catastrophe of the earthquake that destroyed Syria and Turkey, some countries appeared in a strike of sympathy with Syria and Turkey after this catastrophic disaster.
    4. General strike: It is the general strike of the citizens, not just the workers; Objecting to some state laws or the high cost of living in it.

  • I say that the strike occurs because of long-term work or wages. Rather, it occurs because of ill-treatment, for example, in India, they treat the workers who work for them at home with mistreatment and lack of respect.
    There is another example, which is the cleaning workers who are treated badly, but if they were not there, the side would not be clean
    We must respect the workers because each worker is important to us, for example the teachers, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't get education and doctors, if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't get treatment

  • I think that strikes have advantages and disadvantages, as one of their advantages is that the strikers may obtain their demands, but among the disadvantages is that some groups of society may be affected, for example
    If the teachers strike, this will affect the education process and this will negatively affect the students

  • Strikes have their negatives and positives. In my class, we had a conversation about the teachers' strike, and we found that it had a negative impact on us. We lost some important teaching classes, and this affected the teaching level. This is one of the negative effects of strikes that concern teachers. I think that people like doctors, engineers, and others, their strikes have many negative effects. Above the general public, but the positive effects are attributed to the workers. For example, they demand their rights by increasing the salary so that they can live, or reduce the working hours, or gain good treatment. There are managers who treat their workers as slaves and do not value them. They demand their rights by raising their voices by making protests and strikes, but in the end my question is whether The negatives outweigh the positives, or vice versa?

  • In our city, many strikes took place, such as the engineers' strike, the drivers' strike, the teachers' strike, all of these are happening to put pressure on the government.
    Engineers' strike occurs by stopping design and construction for citizens to raise fares
    Drivers strike by stopping work on the road so that the fare is higher than the normal fare
    Teachers' strike.. By stopping teaching for a short period to get their natural rights.
    These strikes occur to raise wages and put pressure on the government to respond to their requests.

  • Well, our teacher took a vote, do we support the strike or not? I was sad because I could not vote, but I gave the teacher an opinion and it was as follows: I do not support the strike because it will negatively affect our daily life
    Doctor's strike will affect the lives of patients
    The teacher's strike, which will negatively affect children and the loss of their right to education, and generations will become indifferent to education, which will also affect the future.
    The sanitation workers' strike will lead to spreading garbage, polluting the environment, harming the environment and many important people in society. If they hit, life will be completely destroyed
    I also support it because they are human beings like us who demand their most basic rights, and if this continues, this is humiliation and insult, and they will migrate to another country that provides them with a decent life as you see the strike has its pros and cons, we cannot choose to strike or not to strike, but what if the government provides for their demands? I think there is no need to strike then

  • Is there a method of strikes that workers use for their work?

  • Is it possible for the strike to have negatives?

  • Hello..... 👋🏻👋🏻
    ➡️First, we're going to know about strikes: to stop doing something until rights are respected.
    ➡️ my view is that what teachers, doctors and others are doing is good and bad at the same time. How is that? Do not worry, I will explain this to you, for example :(If the doctor strikes)
    ➡️ first we will start with the positives:
    1-Realizing Physician Claims of Salary Increase.
    2-To achieve their goals.
    1 - Increased incidence of disease by spreading epidemics and increasing deaths. 2-It will become a society that is collapsed in terms of health and will be a polluted society.
    ➡️Strike is a right for everyone, and everyone must take full rights not to strike.
    ➡️ If I were his manager, I would let my workers go on strike; but before I let them go, I would meet their demands and be tolerant of them, so they would not go on strike.
    ➡️Everyone has to respect others and meet their demands; this reduces or ends the strike altogether.

  • I believe that the strike has two aspects, one negative and the other positive... As there is no objection to workers, doctors and teachers striking until they improve their situation and take their wages from the employer, but they must be aware that no harm will occur to any party, then it is permissible for them to stop the strike if There was any physical harm to the public interest, but on the other hand, this may affect the education of students in schools, disrupt the construction of a building, or even the death of a patient. It is bad

  • If strikes aren't the solution, especially for those in crucial work area like the Health Care, teaching etc., then what are the other ways through which we hear the woes of the workers?

  • Well, according to my knowledge and studies, I think there are doctors in other countries who are on strike.
    I do not see this idea as appropriate at all, because a strike by doctors may endanger the patient's life.
    So I would like to ask:
    What are the limits of doctors' strikes?
    Is it legal all over the world?

  • A lot of times people come out, scream and cry out for a change, they desire to carry out a protest march forgetting that sometimes the protest might take a long time to get resolve and activities in the country might come to a halt. My questions are: Is there every a right to go on a strike? What are the agreeable signs that indicate now is the right time? What are the implications of a strike in a growing economy?

  • I have a suggestion on how bosses can handle strikes
    1.Plan your counter action
    2.Identity ringleaders and ensure they can be got hold of
    3. A boss when faced with strike should get seasoned legal advice
    4.Public interest for strike can call for careful media handling.
    5.Instructions to cross picket lines need careful thought

  • It cannot be said generally whether strikes are good or bad, as it depends on the nature of the strike and the goals that the strikers are seeking. However, strikes can have a negative impact on people's daily lives and cause disruption to the economy and society.

    Some of the potential damages of strikes include:

    Disruption of vital services: Strikes can lead to the disruption of vital services such as public transportation, healthcare, firefighting, and policing, which can affect the safety and health of citizens.

    Economic losses: Strikes can result in the loss of millions of dollars in productivity and local revenue, which can affect economic growth and lead to higher prices and unemployment.

    Disturbance of security and order: Strikes can cause a disturbance of security and order in the striking area, which can affect the daily lives of citizens and lead to a state of instability.

    Social upheaval: Strikes can lead to the division of society and the destabilization of social order, due to differences in opinions and political and social divisions.

    Loss of wages and jobs: Strikes can result in the loss of wages and jobs, due to the disruption of productivity and the suspension of work in companies and factories.

    For example, in 2019, a group of auto workers in the United States went on strike against General Motors (GM) for 40 days, due to a dispute over wages, benefits, and bonuses. Many factories, suppliers, and workers were affected by the strike, which led to a disruption of productivity and significant losses for GM and local suppliers and the economy in many areas. The strike also resulted in the loss of wages for workers and the disruption of vital services in some cities.

  • As you know, honorable gentlemen, that strike is a legitimate right that is necessary to achieve our demands, but there are many questions that I want to discuss with you, which is the “teachers’ strike in the West Bank.” From your point of view, was it their right to stop teaching our students, especially high school students, and you know that high school is in Palestine It is the fate of every student. Allow me to shed light on a point, which is: "The teacher has the right to strike, but will this right really affect high school students who have a specific time to finish the curriculum so that they can sit for exams on time?? What is your point of view?" Is striking a right here? Or loss for high school students? “??” Did the strike come at the specified time and time?? Are there proposed solutions, which is that they strike specific hours and not whole days and months without affecting the educational process??? There are many, many questions, but this is what came to my mind now, thank you

  • In the social studies course, we learned that among the most important demands of workers that workers call for are:

    1. Determine working hours.
    2. Determine the worker's wage.
    3. Social and health security.
    4. Work in a healthy environment.

    But the workers must claim their rights through peaceful and harmless means until their demands are met.

    Last month, our school went on strike under the pretext that there are risks to the safety of the students because the government is building a bridge, and this bridge extends a little inside the school, but the agency did not benefit, except that we were late in the curriculum.

  • Well, my parents taught me from a young age that before I take any step forward and before I take any action, I have to think carefully about whether that step is going to take me backwards or lead me forward. So I measured what my parents had taught me on the issue of striking, so I thought that before a worker strikes, he should give priority to the public interest over his own interest, and this is a kind of patriotism. This is the conclusion I have come to so far by considering the advantages and disadvantages of multiplication.

  • Hello..
    I will talk today about the most harmful workers during the strike. I will express just an opinion and I have more than one in my mind. I will start with /
    1- Doctors: If the doctors decide to go on strike, who will treat the patients? When they are not treated, diseases will spread, and when they do, society will collapse due to poor health.
    But I looked from the other side, as it is possible for some doctors to open their own clinics, but what about the serious diseases that must be treated with operations and modern equipment that is only available in the hospital!! I will hear your opinion dear experts as well as speakers....
    Thank you all

  • If people went on strike and did not receive a response, what should they do in this case?What are the most important challenges that workers face in the work of the strike?

  • Yea, we had a lesson about strikes in our classroom.

    Through the discussion there were many different ideas and many also different attitudes towards strikes. Some students supported the idea of strike in order to achieve rights. and other refused it because it harms public interest especially when strike is related to medical or educational fields.

  • The worker has rights, and he also has duties. What I mean by this is that the worker has the right to know his wages before starting work, to treat him well and to give him sufficient wages so that he does not have to strike and lose his source of income, and to allow him to express his opinion and many other things. He also has duties to keep appointments at work. And to be truthful, trustworthy, promise to be absent or late for work, and to receive customers with a cheerful face so as not to have harmful side effects on society.

  • Two reasons for employees to have a strike when the productivity, profitability and turnover is to be increases bur their wages and salaries are not increases. Second situation is that their salary agreement is expired and a new agreement is not signed or which it is signed and not implemented

  • In most cases strikes leads to a resolution between employees and employers but what happens when the employee does not give in. What exactly goes through the employer's head when their employees go on strike what makes them give in to the employees commands and what makes them not give the employees their request?

  • Who can decide the strike and do it
    and how can we make it more successful?
    And if it is not successful and fair how can government avoid it or stop it?

  • I think laws against strikes should be amended and strictly enforced. if we want to develop our world more and more, personalities who stage strikes should be arrested and seriously punished by the authorities.

    1. Can you explain why blessed_plantain? I'd also be very interested in other ways that you think workers could share their views instead?

      1. Workers can share their views instead of strike through collective bargaining.
        Collective bargaining is a voluntary process used to determine terms and conditions of work and regulate relations between employers, workers and their organizations, leading to the conclusion of a collective agreement.
        During these negotiations the negotiating parties should avoid extreme demands and consider each others perspectives.

        1. Isn't striking a form of collective bargaining?

          1. Yes it is but in a different way. Collective bargaining is a negotiating process between the organization and the union of the strike members. It can happen after a strike has taken place or before. Most industrial actions happen if the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations (collective bargaining). There are instances where collective bargaining is done before the strike as such preventing strike from happening. There is a private school here in Nigeria were the workers used its union through negotiations and had a salary raise without going on strike.

    2. I disagree because why would a person be punished for asking about his rights that were taken away from him? I do not think that the solution you presented is sound.
      I will explain to you my point of view, if the one who strikes is punished because of the deprivation of one of his rights, then this is injustice. Instead, the main reason for the strike, which is the greedy or disrespectful employer, should be punished. Why does he make others work for him, but without giving them their rights, isn’t that unfairness ?? Therefore, I believe that the one who should be punished is the employer who forced others to strike against him, and not punish those who strike.
      I hope you have understood my point

  • Do you think striking in schools can lead to failure? How?

  • Which job requires the highest salary and why?
    (Doctors/ teachers/ judges/ police officers/ lawyers )

    What are the factors that determine the amount of their salaries?

    1. I think police officers require the highest salary because the work they do puts their lives in grave danger and the risk they take to protect their country is really admirable. When we take a look at the war taking effect on Russia and Ukraine, it is the police and army taken to defend the country and if they fail there is no one else to do their work.

  • Strikes? the refusal of work in order to coarse or manipulate the person in charge to give better working conditions or fair wages but they are many key questions meant to be answered about strikes such as:
    1. Are strikes actually good to the workers or do they pose danger to society that no one notices?
    2. Do strikes actually get the workers their requests fulfilled?
    3. Are emergency service providers such as health care, law enforcement and somewhat education allowed to strike or not?
    4. Why do bosses employ workers when they know that they cannot pay salaries and give better working conditions?
    5. What are the roles the government are playing in order to curb strikes?
    6. What are the little but significant things we could do to help prevent strikes?
    All these questions are very important and vital and if they are answered I believe that strikes would drastically reduce.

  • I suggest that we should discuss about how to educate people about the importance of climate when it is conserved so that people may be able to know the good things and they'll be able to help in conserving climate willingly but not with doubts.

  • I suggest that we should discuss about how to educate people about the importance of climate when it is conserved so that people may be able to know the good things and they'll be able to help in conserving climate willingly but not with doubts.

  • From our previous discussion we know that Metaverse is earths digital twin were people can be whoever they want to be and can work in different places.
    Also people go on strike to attain better working conditions.
    My question here is should people in the metaverse also go on strike ?

  • We had a classroom discussion about strikes. We spent a full hour negotiation. Everything in our life has two sides or faces, exactly, like the moon. So many things are controversial also. The class was split into halves, one supports strikes as they're the only way people can get their legal rights and no one can stop them and the second party is against strikes as this reflects negatively on other groups of the society. For me, I was stuck in the middle, once with and once against. When I remember that our government takes extra taxes from dealers and hence the latter asks the citizen to pay double the price they used to pay for a blouse, for example, due to the high taxes the government imposes, I encourage going on strikes. However, when I think of what might happen to patients when doctors strike or when policemen do, I come to realize that the only victim here is the citizen himself first and foremost. So I could think of another solution which suggests the employees working at the government itself stand with their people and go on strike.
    Here, the government will surrender and yield to the demands or claims of employees from different sectors.
    What do you think?

  • What is the reason for the strike of institutions and employees and does it have a positive or negative impact?

    1. The reason for the strikes is the lack of balance between work and wages, or the payment of labor wages is late or incomplete, as is the case in Palestine, and it is also possible that the imbalance is due to unemployment........ In my opinion, it has a negative impact because if the teacher stops teaching, then a problem will occur because Students will not be educated, and this will result in a failed generation, and it will lead to the destruction of society. If doctors stop working, this will be more dangerous than any profession, because this disease may spread among members of society, and this disease may lead to death. My question is directed to the experts and to you. Speakers 👇🏻👇🏻 Are there positive effects of the strike and what are they??

  • Strikes are very important for a country's development. Because if we strike against a deadly will save our country from deadly law or useless law . Strikes are very important they also can create useful laws .during strike many of them get wounded,fired or hanged! so let's gather together and save our country from these useless laws .why can't we strike against climatic laws??

    1. Good question! I wonder what others think?

  • Do you know? One thing,
    Strikes are also used to create awareness to general public .we can create awareness like,
    *Global warming*
    *Carbon footprint*
    *Climatic laws*
    *Climate change*
    *Child labour*
    We can together strike for a useful things not for a political issue ..even we can create awareness about birds, endangered animals etc ...
    We can strike together for inadequate of water, electricity, sustainability of doctors,cost of living crisis etc .

  • I think it's good to strike together for a free and good education, availablity of medical seets ,free service in hospital, giving equal opportunity for every all place .we can also create awareness of transgenders issue..

  • There should be a hub discussion on human migration. The movement of people from one country to another country at a specific time each year. Because many people became migrants as they do not have employment in their native country, due to unpredictable natural disaster, lack of education and hospitality facility in that country. Migration helps in improving the quality of life of people. Migration of skilled workers leads to a best economic growth of region. But it really affects the native country when people start to migrate. It affects in many ways especially economic growth, extinction of country's culture, language, skills etc. Country like India remains the top origin for the world's migrants. The United States has more international migrants than any other country. When we discuss this topic on this platform, which will give more ideas to overcome this problem which also give more information from many participants so it will give ideas to many countries to reduce migration.

  • I think strikes are not just for work!! Rather, there are strikes to obtain freedom and strikes to achieve national independence, strikes to fulfill requests by the ruling government, strikes to commemorate important events in solidarity with someone, and so on. Therefore, I do not think strikes are only for work and only for earning money, perhaps they are for safety as well.

  • I think that strikes are a means that helped workers recover their rights and get rid of the injustice inflicted on them by the employer, but this does not mean that they do not have negative aspects. Doctors will lead to the deterioration of the health of many innocent people or even lead to their death, so what do you think, are strikes a good thing or not?!

    1. Well, when we look at the positive side of strikes, they help to preserve workers' rights and work to respect and abide by them.
      On the other hand, it has many disadvantages.
      For example, it may cause risks and may harm people, and it may keep the worker without work and thus he will not be able to provide the necessary services for him and his family.
      So I think it has advantages and disadvantages, but its disadvantages are more and it can lead to danger.

  • All of you my dear friends talked about workers, such as doctors and teachers, and forgot about an important category of workers, which is marginalized in any case, even in this discussion.
    They are the cleaners, the makers of beauty.
    Don't they have the right to strike like other workers?
    They work all the time tirelessly and without boredom or complaint. While all people are on vacations such as Eid, they are at the top of their work, and yet they receive only low wages, in addition to the look of inferiority and lack of appreciation for their great efforts.
    Suppose they strike for a day, two, or a week, what will happen?? Certainly, piles of waste, insects, bad smells and rampant diseases.
    They have every right to strike, but let this not happen and do justice to them and give them their full rights. Otherwise, the consequences will be dire if it happens and they carry out a strike.
    Am l right ? I'd like to hear your opinion.

  • strikes? You know what they say: sometimes you have to take some action if you want to make your point. In essence, a strike is when employees decide not to go to work or show up for their shift in protest of a cause they passionately believe in. Pay and benefits, working conditions, or even political issues, could be the subject. Workers can use strikes as a potent instrument to express their grievances and attempt to compel change from their employers or public officials. However, they can also have actual repercussions, such as missed income for the striking employees, a disruption in corporate operations, and sometimes even detrimental effects on clients or the overall economy. Probably depends on where you stand whether or not you favor strikes.

  • Even though we have not discussed this topic in class, the question I would like to ask is that what should the government be doing? What I mean by this is that workers take strikes due to low payment, denial of payment, etc. Due to the strike of workers, it might cause the people in need of them to suffer, for examples if teachers decide to go on strike, there would be nobody who is going to teach the students, and if doctors and nurses decide to go on strike, a patient in need of help will not get his or her treatment to stay well, therefore my question to ask is what can the government be doing to prevent workers from going on strike?

    1. The government can use the money they get from people[tax] to increase on the salaries that would be too low for the workers who provide services that help the country men and they should consider all workers equal by providing necessary conditions like the ones given to officials and government workers.

      1. I agree because... if the government takes a portion of the tax to increase the salary of the workers, there might be a reduction in workers who go on strike. I also think the government should also use a small portion of the tax to provide safe working conditions for these workers.

  • Yes, we had a good discussion.
    In Nigeria today, we concluded that strikes in Nigeria can't come to an end because of the way the government is presently constituted. For instance, all the public officeholders' children go to private schools, and when they are sick they go abroad for good medical support as long as this remains, strikes in Nigeria can't stop because those who manage the institutions are not directly affected by them.

  • First, the strike is the intentional and collective cessation of work, and its aim is to put pressure on the work manager to achieve the goal of his workers. The strike has two sides, a bright side, which is enabling the workers to achieve their demands and improve the negative aspects of the work, and the other is dark, as it negatively affects both the employer and his workers, as the employer begins to lose money and fail to meet the needs of his clients, and negatively affects the workers, as it is possible for him to strike. The employer fired them because of their strike.

  • Strikes are done forthe bettermentof the workers needs. According to me holding a strike is fine till it dose not affect others. For Example: when shops are opened in strike area, the people those who are go on strike they should not damage the shops, as the shopkeeper dose not do anything against the people. At last the strikers should think for what, where, when and how the strike is to be take .

  • Hello,
    I have a question and I want to know the answer: When did the strikes begin to take on greater importance and spread? And what's the most striking country?

  • I think that a strike is a good thing to express the demands of employees and ensure their future, but we cannot build our happiness on the misery of others. What I mean is that when doctors decide to strike, they leave the lives of many patients. As for the teacher, he leaves students who came from long distances to seek knowledge, and in addition to the policemen, this contributes. In the spread of chaos in the city and the inability to control matters in it, and many others, the government must meet their requests so that society does not become corrupt. In the end, this is my point

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about whether all strikes are reasonable or not. Because sometimes the reason why governments do not approve what workers want is that maybe what they want may be outside the country's budget, so they will have no choice but to disagree. And sometimes the requests made by the workers may be just unreasonable because they could ask for a salary increase which is large and if it is given to them it may reduce the salaries earned by other workers.

  • We live as individuals within this great society, so we struggle to live and beat it, we try and test and fall until we get back up and sometimes make mistakes, sometimes get right. He who does not make mistakes will not be correct, and he who does not fall will not rise. There is nothing wrong with what we live and face as long as we are united against the government to restore our rights. In Palestine, the percentage of the unemployed is greater than the workers, and we must not forget that it is not an economic country. Governments will not be able to provide jobs for these large numbers or part of them due to lack of funds. If the workers strike, this will not change anything, and perhaps the governments may fire the workers who have gone on strike. Is the government's policy correct to preserve the country's economy, or is it an unfair policy?

  • Does the government meet the demands of employees in a short or long time, and why might it take a short or a long time?

  • Well, strikes are a good thing and bad at the same time, and strikes usually result from lack of salary, bad treatment, discrimination, etc. Therefore, people are forced to stop their work temporarily until they get what they want, and for this I think that it is necessary to examine how to work in hospitals, centers, schools, etc. in order to avoid causing chaos in Country

  • In fact, I think that if it is possible to focus on the "positive and negative" sides of the strike and the way to do it, because I am really sure that I will benefit a lot, and I also want to see the opinions of my colleagues in the competition and the opinions of some experts.

  • There is something I want to discuss. If there is no strike, do you think the state will be okay?
    Will you produce doctors and teachers?
    Will the world in general become easy and comfortable? All people will learn and seek. Of course there will be great results.

    1. What do you think? If employers have felt the need to strike perhaps the state needs to re-evaluate how people are treated. How would you suggest that people could make their voice heard without striking?

  • I think a strike is legal if it doesn't violate any provision of the statute.It cant be said to be unjustified unless the reasons for it are entirely unreasonable.

  • Yes, there was a discussion about the strike in the classroom, where a question was repeated about us, which is the oldest strike in the world? And we found the answer that the first strike in history was during the reign of the Pharaohs in 1152 BC against Ramesses III, the most famous ruler of the Twentieth Dynasty. After this question, the separation became between those who support the strike and those who oppose it Supporters of the strike said that the strike was a long time ago, since all countries and Mamluks used strikes, and this indicates that the strike is not objected to being used by teachers, doctors, workers, engineers, cleaners, and all state employees to regain their rights, but the opponents of the strike said that the disadvantages of the strike are more than its advantages, as it He is working on a shortage in the state's economy, a decline in student standards, delay in his studies, many deaths, poor patients' conditions, and the spread of waste in the streets.It may cause the destruction of the state if the duration of the strike is prolonged So the question to all the speakers is, are you opponents or supporters of the strike and why?

  • I am suggesting this question- " Is strikes the only best way to solve a problem?"

  • I would like to ask a question for discussion and I will express an opinion. My question is what are the alternatives that can be resorted to in the event of a strike so that the student is not affected The strike is the last stage in labor disputes that the employee resorts to because the institution in which he works does not respond to any solutions, but the strike reflects badly on the student, such as delay in the educational curriculum, and there are government schools that have not attended for three months or more. There are ways that the teacher can resort to in order not to have an educational loss due to the strike, such as resorting to social networking sites such as WhatsApp, The Times, and Telegram. Thanks

  • n fact, after one of the experts asked me a question, I was perplexed, and that question was in response to a comment in which I wrote that one of the common reasons for the strike is that the worker works in unfair conditions, and that these circumstances may be due to the manager, etc.... Her question was, do you think That this is the only reason for the strike, and are there really other reasons for the strike? I hope that there will be a detailed discussion on the reasons for the strike, because I really want to see if the views of my colleagues are similar to mine or not, and I would like to learn more from them because I really learned a lot from them in previous discussions.

  • What advantages do strikes have and disadvantages do they have. Would you rather have them banned or let people have the right to go on strike?

    1. i think the advantages are that we get time of school because we should get more time off of school but disadvantages are we dont get alot of learning

  • Sometimes, employers take advantage of a strike and hire employees who need to work for a lower salary. On this topic, I have many questions about the strike.
    1- Does repeated employee strike lead to losing his job?
    2- Is the strike the only solution to get what the employee wants?
    3- Are there other solutions for the employee to obtain his rights?

  • We had never taken a lesson on the topic of strike in our class, but we used to go to the teachers' room and talk to them about various topics during the break time, A discussion of the strike issue was mentioned, and the focus of this discussion was a question;Who is to blame for the strikes?
    Actually, I don't blame people who go on strike because they don't do it for nothing Rather, there are many reasons that prompted them to strike, which is the only way to draw attention to their problem In society, in order to notice them and solve their problems, my area the teachers went on strike and did not go to school because of the very low wages, but in this case what is the fault of the students? Their education has stopped for a long time And they spend their time at home doing nothing... We cannot determine who is the culprit in this situation, are they the teachers? No, they are also considered a victim of the wrong policy in my region, so are the authorities to blame? No, because they are victims of The low economic and financial level for years, and they have been enduring this for a long time, but they have reached a difficult situation that forced them to reduce wages at the present time, so in this case who is the real culprit and who is the victim ?

  • people should go on strike beacause its not ritgh to not say anything so you have to say somthing so thats why you have to go on srtike for ur own rigths its ur rigth to speak up for ur own rigths

  • The protesters' knowledge and awareness of the issues and awareness they have are among the most important factors for the success of the , it has certain times so that it does not harm or affect the interests of the country, citizens and residents in obstructing communication, going and return, for example, by trains, buses and even planes. Traffic does not stop for example, long hours and days, but limited times. There are red lines that demonstrators and strikers adhere to and form special committees

    As for the negatives of demonstrations and strikes, talk about them goes on, especially in non-civilized countries in our Arab countries, and sometimes we see the demonstrators or strikers, you do not know the intention of their demonstrations and their strike.appropriate timing

  • We disscussed in our class about violence against woman workers. Today and everyday woman workers in every occupation deserve safty, respect, employment standards, and self determination. Violence is never part of the job.
    We discussed this question...
    How can we support and reinforce gender equality at work?
    How could we create a more inclusive and equitable environment for all workers?

    1. I agree gender inequality is something found even in work. And lots of female workers go on strike because of it.
      First of all we have to start with the employers. To avoid gender inequality, employers have to employ both females and males to do the same job. Most male employers refuse to employ females to do specific jobs which I think is wrong. There should be gender neutral recruitment processes.
      There should also be strict laws and policies against inequality. The employers aren't always the ones promoting gender inequality, workers are also responsible. Strict laws and policies should be made in work places to prevent gender inequality

      To create a more inclusive and equitable environment I think employers should provide safe spaces for employees to do their work. With safe places to work employees would feel comfortable working which is one way to curb the strike.
      Another way is for employers to connect with employees (but be sensitive). Employers should learn that their workers are just as human as they are and like all humans they need to communicate and connect with the person they are working for. Connecting with employees fosters understanding. This understanding will allow them talk to each other and prevent strikes.

  • Yes strikes are solid ways to voice out on issues concerning work. It is said to have more disadvantages than advantages for example when people strike their services which they rendered will no longer be served this is dangerous especially for the essential workers this disrupts the normal running of the society and can lead to loss of lives, property and investment and after all this the workers may not be listened to so the strike will continue for a long time.
    So aren't there ways of preventing strikes? Yes there are , by; setting up staff well fare department in every organisation institution, firm to keep up with ensuring staff comfortability while working and e. t. c. Secondly there should be meetings on specific days where workers should be allowed to speak on issues concerning their pay, working conditions and so on. Thirldly, Staffs should be respected in the workplace and everyone should have a say and should be heard no one should be downgraded because every staff has a role to play in every organisation, firm, institution and so on.

  • In your opinion, can dissatisfaction with work be expressed in a better way than strikes? Without causing any harm, because, for example, when doctors stop working at all and there is an emergency in the hospital, this situation can be damaged because of the non-attendance of the doctors. Individually

  • I was previously ignorant of the concept of strikes. I was ashamed to ask questions. But today the English language project taught me a lot. My mental information has expanded.
    I have always wanted to express my thanks to you, but this is not enough for you.
    Today I learned what strikes are and learned that they are refraining from work with the aim of achieving important goals because these workers feel injustice.
    I also learned that it has many forms, including work strikes, hunger strikes, and others.
    And I learned that teachers, students, doctors, engineers, and others can strike, but that is until they achieve their interests and requirements.
    And I also learned that strike action, which is sometimes harmful to communities, can be dispensed by posting online and all their demands to avoid what is not beneficial to the world. The media is also a powerful tool to tell the world their situation and needs.

  • do you think strikes should happen?

  • hi, I think that strikes are helpful to students and teachers. i think it helps students with their mental health. some students get stressed because of school or the other students around them. it could also help teachers by giving them more time to plan lessons and have a break from their students. it is also nice for other workers as they can have a break and give them time to get ready to cope with their jobs, like if other staff members are rude or hand out jobs unequally so that one member has more priorities than everyone else. strikes can be very helpful to most. It helps with peoples mental health. this is why we should still have strikes.

  • I believe strikes help people own their rights, i think it helps people know that they actually DO have a right and that if they went on strike then they would earn it because they fought for it. Such as people who have mental health, people who have mental health issues are sometimes seen as 'special' which they aren't, because they cannot help it, so they might be exhausted of telling people that they aren't 'special' it's just that they can't help it. So people who have mental health issues might go on strike, like kids in schools who have mental health issues, and are made fun of and the teachers aren't helping it. So kids who have mental health might go on strike because they aren't helped by teachers so they might stop doing their work so that they earn their right. This is why i believe we should still have strikes.

  • Strikes have really affected the people of the world like when teachers of public schools go on strike mostly because of constant delay of paying their salaries and the innocent students have to suffer because their academic life is out on hold and personally it has affected some of my family members, my older cousin hasn't graduated yet even though he was supposed to graduate last year in my opinion the government should try and see it from the perspective of those that are being affected by all strikes maybe that will push them to their duties.

    1. Do you think the reasons workers strike are justified?

      1. To be honest I know the workers have endured a lot and they sometimes feel like they have had enough and that is why they go on strikes but sometimes they should try and not let that feeling her the better of them, they should sit down and think of the people that will be affected , like to teachers their students, to doctors their patients because you see most of these people that come to government facilitated institutions might not have the money for private ones and this is my opinion.

      2. Yes, I think the reasons workers strike are justifiable because what affects them will greatly in turn affect the public negatively as opposed to positive effect which brings in sanity in the locality or area at large, so they are right to do it because they are human too.

    2. I agree with your comment, reliable orchard. Strikes have really affected people's lives. The lives of innocent people have been lost. The production of so many bright ideas from students that can help our earth has been paused or neglected. I think it's not fair, the government can do something about it but I think they choose not to because they don't see how strikes affect people's lives be they current or future. In your case, your cousin's graduation has been delayed a whole year all in the name of strikes. Seriously sick people have been kicked out of hospitals or have been left unattended because doctors refuse to take care of them because their salaries have been drastically reduced or they demand an increment in payment to be able to take care of their families. That of teachers too, The future of students has been paused till the teacher's needs are attended to, meaning those student's dreams, ambitions, and goals all have to be put on hold, which is not supposed to be so! In my opinion, you can't really blame them although we need doctors to take care of us when we are unwell, and we need teachers to mold us into the people we want to become, we should forget that these people are humans as well. They need to eat, put a roof over their head, pay for the expense of their living, and ensure that their families are taken care of. So I really call on the government to do something profitable to appease or satisfy the doctors, teachers, policemen, etc. needs, so Strikes don't tend to affect or destroy people's lives than they already have.

  • We see that the whole strike problem is due to the fact that the government does not want to meet the needs of the employees. The question here is why the government is doing this. The government wants peace and prosperity for its country. Why is it doing this in your opinion

  • Evironment is that worker who work day and night to help us to survive. Such unknown fighter deserves our commitment to help him. The planet is always has a right to be treated more sympathetically and healthily. I suggest a discussion based on this questions:

    If this unknown fighter want to strike against us, what could be his demands? What is his rights?

    If this unkown fighter goes to a legal action and you are his lawyer, how will you defend him?

    Note/ the unknown fighter is the planet.

  • I think strikes should be allowed because if teachers for example, aren’t getting paid enough or not being treated fairly in the work place they should be allowed to strike until their district starts treating them fairly or whatever the reason for the strike was. They’re people and need to be treated with respect and and to be treated fairly from their employers or colleagues.

  • I suggest that the participants of global conversation discus about the causes of strikes to the glob.

  • How should human rights be reacted to in the way that they face harder condition when doing work? apart from refusing them to strike. why?/why not?

  • strikes started way back in the the apetheid where by the workers in the gold mine only received responses to their challenges or griviances when they used strikes to communicate to their employers and a such they got their responses ,i there fore think that striking is also important when i refer it to the apetheid though it may also have some negative impacts on the environment e.g community assets may be destroyed.i think people do not really want it to be that waybut since they think their challenges may be discussed they have to do so and when i also refer it to my country most times i have heard of strikes the people might have come out to react and thats when the government comes out to suggest solutions to their problems

  • I think going on strike is bad, Of course there are advantages but there are also disadvantages.
    Some advantages are strikes can bring awareness to a problem and get it solved, also strikes can bring people together. Some disadvantages are strike can interrupt the flow of a work day, people who aren't on strike could lose days of work, also people who work in the medical workforce could have people dying because there is no one available,and Businesses could decrease in production, which would reduce the country's gross domestic product.(GPD) I think strikes are bad and should not be allowed.

  • What do you think is better, going on lots of strikes , going on a few strikes or going on no strikes at all because if you go on lots of strikes you might lose a lot of money because of going on strike those days and earning nothing but also it gives you a chance to express your feelings and might possibly earn more money. For going on a few strikes is not that bad because your not going to lose as much money as you didn't miss that many days of work to go on strike and you might possibly get more money as you went on strike. Finally, if you go on no strikes at all you will have to deal with the money you get paid or if work in an unsafe place you will have to stay with that. So, personally I would say going on a few strikes is better because your not going to lose as much money as you didn't miss that many days of work to go on strike and you might possibly might get more money as you went on strike.

  • Are strikes the best way to resolve a crisis in the working place or there is a better way or means to dissolve the problem without putting the economy and other activities at a halt

    1. Thank you so much for that suggestion but I respectfully would like to give you my opinion.
      I feel like strikes are the best way for resolving a crisis in a working place this is because since the strikes have a negative effect on both the economy and other activities of the place the CEO and the board of the place will automatically have to respond to the striking people and by responding I mean they have to look through the reason for the strike and also resolve it for example strike over low wages they increase the wages accordingly and they do so because they want the economy and activities of the place to go back to normal or to be on good terms.
      So yes I really feel like strikes are the best way for resolving a crisis in a working place.

  • At the end of the day, are strikes worth it? And do you think that workers should be compensated for the months of their strike?

  • I was looking through the topics of discussions and I really felt the need to suggest that this topic to be put up for discussion. It goes "Should the government be involved in strikes" Yes or NO with reasons for the suggestion.

  • I think every one should not be allowed to strike because if people like health workers strike it may lead to untimely death of some people in hospitals since the health workers will now be minding on striking and not on treating or taking care of the patients leading to many deaths . And in terms of teachers striking , it may leave some children dormant or idle minded like some children in rural areas or even some children in urban areas who can not afford electric gadgets that can enable them to learn without teachers.I also think the government must strive to fulfill their employer's desires like they may want increase in salary and many others since those may be the main reason as to way people strike to reduce cases of strike.

  • I think strikes have both disadvantages and advantages. In South Africa those days during the apertheid policy strikes, many people lost their lives and some got serious injuries but the strike also helped the citizens to also be leaders in the government. They also gained independence.
    In the recent elections of Uganda[2020-2021], due to the strikes of different political parties we lost some important people. Leading to increased rate of orphans since most people who strike are adults.

    1. Are these strikes or protests?

  • A question about strikes that I think would be a great discussion is what are the different types of strikes?

  • I have a question.

    How did the royal family start?

    Like back in the day did the people in the village decide there needs to be a family that is royalty and above all others? How did a certain family get chosen to be royal?

    1. Interesting question. Can you research and find the answer?

  • My father works as a teacher in a school, and one day they went on strike, demanding rights such as an increase in salaries and job vacancies. On that day, I understood what the strike means and why the workers strike. It is a human right so that the worker’s voice reaches the responsible authorities and the people.

  • i think the metaverce is useful as it could provent quite a few strikes but on de other hand it will be really bad for ur eyes and most people will be really inactive maybe only an hour a day otherwise u could possibly get sick .

    1. I'm not sure about this as if you get ill wouldn't you get medicine? How come you say that? Your saying that if somebody like me gets ill, I wouldn't get medicine? Please explain for me.
      Have a great day anyways!

  • I will put a question for discussion and express my opinion and share my opinions with me. 1_ What are the alternatives that can be provided in the event of a strike so that students are not affected by strikes and dropping out of studies? From my point of view, strike is a union right exercised by the employee when a problem occurs with the institution in which he works. Strike is the last stage in Work disputes that the employee resorts to because the institution in which he works does not respond to the solutions and mediations that tried to solve the problem, but unfortunately the opposite result of this strike is on the beneficiaries (students, refugees, health, education, services) provided by the institution to citizens. One of the most important contributions of teachers in the education sector is to provide alternatives for students so that there is no educational loss due to the strike and the absence of students, including the use of social media such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and the Times program for students’ lessons in schools.

    1. So, for your first question, the only solution to this is digital learning. During the COVID-19 period, although there was no school, we learned due to the presence of various online platforms to aid in the learning process even out of school. In addition, I have a question to pose. Why do you think that the government has issues with fulfilling workers' demands during strikes and Why do you think that we should agree or disagree on the importance of strikes although it plays a major role in the country and politics?

  • I will put a question for discussion and express my opinion and share my opinions with me. 1_ What are the alternatives that can be provided in the event of a strike so that students are not affected by strikes and dropping out of studies? From my point of view, strike is a union right exercised by the employee when a problem occurs with the institution in which he works. Strike is the last stage in Work disputes that the employee resorts to because the institution in which he works does not respond to the solutions and mediations that tried to solve the problem, but unfortunately the opposite result of this strike is on the beneficiaries (students, refugees, health, education, services) provided by the institution to citizens. One of the most important contributions of teachers in the education sector is to provide alternatives for students so that there is no educational loss due to the strike and the absence of students, including the use of social media such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and the Times program for students’ lessons in schools.

  • Why do you think that some people can go on Strikes and some people can't because it not fair that some children can have a day off and some children is still in school so what do you think?

    1. I think strikes should be ended because every day children go to school

    2. In my opinion, different working conditions cause some people to go on strikes and some not to embark on that. All in all, strikes are a major part of our country's development. In my country Ghana, various workers like lecturers go on strikes because of low wages and high cost of living

  • I think strikes have more disadvantages than advantages because during strikes a lot of damage is done which leads to destruction of property. Some of the disadvantages are;1 Death-This occurs when people start to strike using dangerous items like guns ,stones and fire which when used carelessly lead to accidents .2Famine-This period is bought upon when people strike near food sources and destroy them.
    I also think that strikes can lead to destruction of buildings and roads that will require much money to reconstruct them by the government.
    I also think that in order to control strikes in the country , the government should try to fulfill all its duties and listen to the people's views and suggestions

  • what steps should be taken to end strikes

  • Strikes should be allowed in my opinion because it shows where the government has gone wrong and where they can improve to make the country better.

  • What are the advantages of a strike and what are the disadvantages?

  • I think that workers should strike only if it's important . I mean, if someone is murdered and hospitals are striking, then who's gonna come and help? This is why policemen and especially hospitals are striking someone could die without them. When important workers are planning on striking, it's a good idea to say that half the group of workers should strike on one day and the next day they won't. Did you know that the first British strike happened in the year 1888. It was organised by the Match Girls. The match girls were a group of young girls that had to work in a factory. The girls were not just working in any normal factory, they were working in a factory that had phosphorus in it. This caused The Match Girls to be very sick. This sickness included the gums hurting and teeth just falling out. After their sickness they couldn't have it any more . That was the start of the first British strike. From now on, people should only strike unless it in an emergency

  • is it true kids can strike

    1. What reasons would they have to strike?

  • Strikes do have more disadvantages that the advantages.For example; when students strike at school, they do destroy alot of property forgetting that it's just there parents are going to pay for the destruction. Secondly, they think that teachers are going to loose anything but teacher usually get their salaries fully. One of the advantage is that their grievances are heard and responded to. So as for me I do not prefer that strikes are good.

  • i think that we should have strike days because we get a break and also the teachers get a break and they also protest for a payment rise

    1. I disagree because that isnt a valid reason for a strike.

      1. What would you define as a "valid" reason, neat_editor?

  • i think that strikes should only be done by certain workers that don't get paid enough for the type of jobs that they preform.

    1. Can you give an example, magical_skill?

    2. Unfortunately, I disagree with your opinion magical_skill because strikes are not only held because of workers' income. For example, say a certain doctor earns a hefty salary monthly, but in their clinic, they do not work with or have incubators, so premature babies die quite often, this doctor can begin a strike on this matter.

  • i think people should strike because what is the point in working and not being able to provide for your family

  • i think that strikes can be bad and good because it can give students a day of but the bad thing is that the students can miss un important lesson that we need in are actual lives or in tests and then we don't even get a right score because we missed that one lesson.

  • The problem with the strike is that we miss learning but the teachers can get more money so i think we can miss a day of lessons in order for them to get food on the table for there family and friends.

  • Having very important workers or personnel having the ability to go on strike could be bad for citizens. What could happen if a police officer goes on strike during a criminal outbreak? Or a teacher goes on strike during the biggest test of the year?

  • The opinion of many students on this week's topic was that the strike is bad, because it does not allow anyone to provide for the people's needs .
    In your opinion, what could be the alternatives to strike?the alternatives which give the Laborers their rights from their employer and which let people to have their needs from the laborers.

  • Fashion is a thriving industry who need to obey the consumer's wishes. However, since the population is desperate to keep up with the latest trends, too many shipments need to be due on time. Hence, many workers making the clothing patterns and designs are forced to work in unsafe conditions and toxic chemicals. therefore they go on strike. Fashion can also relate to climate change. Not only does acidity affect marine life due to so many ships transporting clothes, but also the way the products are manufactured. It has been stated that over 35% of microplastics pollution in the ocean is from the textile industry.

    Based on this, I would like to suggest a discussion. Which of the two - strikes and climate change- topics on the topical talk hub do you think is most affected by fashion and why?

  • I would like to know why some countries do not stand with the strikers and sometimes threaten to dismiss them and replace them with other workers?
    Don't you find that this is unfair to the strikers who strike only to obtain their full rights

    1. I find this unfair because strikers are only workers trying to obtain their full rights. In a country where every time workers go on strike they are replaced strikes will be completely useless. Also the newly hired workers will only come and meet the same inconveniences that the striking workers were fighting against which will force them to work in inconvenient conditions because striking will only cost them their jobs. This act will also give excess power to the employer. The employer will believe that he or she does not have to improve on the conditions because if workers go on strike he or she can simply sack them. There will also be inefficiency because workers will not have the ability to complain. They will be forced to work under bad conditions with not enough facilities or equipments which will cause a reduction in the product's quality causing the company's profit to reduce. The masses will also be affected. Since they are the end users, the low quality products will also affect them. Basically lack of strike will affect the masses, workers and the company.

  • I think strikes are important for a country's development because some strikes are worthful and some are useless we need to gather for a useful one which help for us. and we can also strike against useless law... Strikes are to know the needs and demands of the public. Some strikes made a huge impact over the world.. agree?.

  • I agree because strikes increase bargaining power of the workers, and it brings attention to the concern of workers and the issue they face. Strikes also bring employees together so they can work with one another to face the problem they're facing.

  • Strikes, I believe, are a potent tool in the right hands but are a necessary evil. It cannot be denied that strikes cause damage both to companies and individuals, and even governments. However, it is often the last resort of marginalized communities and overlooked laborers.

    Strikes played a noteworthy part in the battle for independence from British colonial rule in India. Indians utilized strikes to combat exploitative working conditions, low wages, and discrimination. Strikes enabled workers, soldiers, and citizens alike to bind together and build a sense of solidarity among themselves. The British government attempted to crush these strikes with brutal force, but the Indians were uncompromising in their endurance. Strikes, which eventually merged with other non-violent protests such as civil disobedience and boycotts, proved to be successful in debilitating the British reign and, in the long run, led to our freedom. 

    Thus, while strikes are not the best way to make yourself heard, it is sometimes the only way, and any attempt to suppress a peaceful strike is a crime not only against democracy, but against humanity as a whole.

  • In my opinion , strikes have more disadvantages than advantages because of if a doctor strikes and someone has an injure wich should take care of the patient , also I think that all the people have the right to a free spech but also some people use strikes to don´t work.

  • I think strikes should be allowed because it's not fair not to be appreciated for what you do best

    1. What do you mean here? Please explain more

  • It was explained to me in the chat group about strikes, why they exist and what are their harms, etc. But everyone has the right to strike if they do not like the way they work, the salary, the type of work, or the treatment they receive. All of this affects the worker and work, for example in construction, if the worker does not want to work. Because of his working conditions, he may not build well and build in any way that makes him finish the work quickly. I have watched the exciting and many clips in which I find people falling on the walls without even a slight earthquake. Therefore, the working conditions affect the work itself and may also lead to harming lives others

  • Strickes have more advantages and disadvantages one during a strike, workers refuse to work in order to get more moneny or better working condions. strickes are damaging to workers because they might be fired and replaced,damaging to companies because they halt production and are seen as threaenterprise and social order when strickes occur in industries, it leades to environmental pollution,and even this is clear indication that strikes are more likely to reduce production of an organisation,as well as result in a firm lossing customers.on the other, one of the consequences of strikes employees is that they may lose their remuneration,it leads to loss of capital.strike action results in less productivity,which in turn means less profit , law labour law expert etc. it leads to destruction of buildings which even harm people even roads that cause accidents .lf a strike occurs in hospitals,patients may die ,mud people,it also leads to losses eg medicine .strickes cause death to people l have examples of strikes eg the steel strike of 1919,the greate Anthracite coal strike of 1902,the Railroad shop workers strike o f1922 etc so l say the government should strict laws againist strikes

  • On the topic of strikes, we always discuss strikes about many things among employees, but I came to share to ideas i have and further explain my reason for thinking about these topics.

    Firstly, I want to ask, why do we always speak about the employees and never the employers? Do they not have reasons for not providing their employees with their needs and if they do can we try to guess or brainstorm some?

    Secondly, what about if we talk a sort of different type of strike' like strikes not based on employees but on global issues, such as on Littering or even on our Presidents. People do strike on these issues and discussing about reasons people do this and how they go about it, the effect this makes on us and consequences they on their action. I would like us to discuss on a topic like this under the subject of strikes, as, I would like to know on this.

  • I can suggest a question related to strikes that can spark an interesting discussion:

    "What is the effectiveness of strikes in achieving the demands of workers, and what are the potential drawbacks or consequences of using strikes as a form of protest?"

    This question can lead to a lively debate about the history and impact of strikes, their role in promoting workers' rights, and the potential economic and social effects of labor disruptions. Participants can also explore alternative forms of labor activism and their relative advantages and disadvantages.

    1. Well in my opinion, strikes are very effective. Strikes basically involve workers forfeiting their work until their demands have been met. When workers don't work it affects the business forcing the employer to listen and fulfil their demands. Strikes affect everyone, the employer, the society and even the workers who go on strike. But when the employees get fed up they have no choice but to listen because there will be loss of clients because there are no employees to attend to their needs slower growth because processes and operations have ceased to be effective. There will be losses as a result of lack of production because there are no employees to aid in production.
      The disadvantages though are many. Like employees may lose their remuneration, they can be sacked if the employer doesn't want to comply especially if the employer finds replacements. If they are not sacked they will not get their wages.

  • i think that strikes are a good thing because teachers or other workers should get paid more because they work around 8 hours per day and it not fair for teacher to buy prizes or awards with their own money and not get pain enough for the school to buy them.

  • Why doesn't the government sort the problem out quicker?

    I am asking this because the longer they take to give all the people on strike a good wage wit would they would probably be losing a lot of money.So why don't they just pay everyone.It is also a good point because at the moment people are having to pay more money to live in their house so that means that the government would get more money to pay all of the workers.

  • I personally believe that the workers should be allowed to go on strike if they feel the need to protest. If they work unpaid hours, lack of pay, if the treatment they get from their employer is unfair and if they are endangered throughout the workplace in any way possible. On the contrary, the patients in hospitals are at greater risk due to the fact of injuries and lack of medical attention as there are little to no nurses or doctors. In total from all jobs, 2.472 million working days have been lost due to the strikes happening, creating a worsened economy, and less education for students around the United Kingdom. Railroad strikes have caused health issues and risk assessments to fail due to the loss of work. With inflation in the UK the real face value of regular wages fell by 2.5% last year from October to December which was calculated by the government. Behaviours started to change towards the strikes and it created more uproar. This could create a bigger problem around the UK as the health of every person there would be at risk. In conclusion the idea of striking should be allowed if needed for reasons that are justified, but without good reason it doesn’t have to happen.

  • i think strikes have more disadvantages than advantages. I see this as firstly taking a day of school to protest for your pay can confuse and alter the timetable of the children in school making there learning extremely difficult to do. Next many jobs are dependent on attendance and lose money once the people who are required to be there meaning you striking the day makes the company or place lose more money giving you an even lower salary than before.

  • I have an opinion..... I think that the idea of striking is not compatible in some societies, for example there are many societies in which there are not many (scarce) job opportunities. In Palestine, the idea of a strike does not coincide because of the lack of job opportunities, especially Gaza..

  • Do you think going on strike has affected everyone globally?

  • How does strike affect schools?

  • i think strikes should be sometimes allowed because teachers sometimes stress themself out when teaching and other people but the dissandvantage is that they sometimes lose some money when striking

  • What is better in your opinion going on lots of strikes , going on a few strikes or going on no strikes at all because if you go on lots of strike the benefit is that it will give you the chance to earn more money or better working conditions but the disadvantage would be that on those days that you missed to go on strike you would of have earned no money so on your next paycheck you wouldn't get that much money and plus you have to pay taxes so that money would become even less money. For going on a few strikes it wouldn't be that bad as it give you a chance to earn more money or even safer working conditions and you would miss that many days of work so you would still get some money. Lastly, for no strikes at all there would be a benefit that you lose no money by going on strikes but the disadvantage would be that you can not persuade your boss to give you better working conditions or a pay raise as if you get annoyed of it you might move jobs but that would not be a good idea as you would start that new job with not that much money per hour probably even less then the job you had before.

  • What do you think is better more strikes,less strikes or no strikes at all because if you have more strikes there is a benefit that it will give you a chance to get more money or better working conditions but on those days you would of have not gone to work and of have earned no money whatsover so you would get less money on your paycheck and that money would become even less money as you have to pay taxes. Less strikes would definitely be better than more strikes as you wouldn't lose as much money as you would if you did more strikes but you would still lose some money and tou would still get a change to get more money and safer working conditions. Lastly, if you go on no strikes at all you would lose any money as you don't go on strike but it would not give you a chance to earn more money if you are being underpaid or want safer working conditions. If you go to another job then you would probably get even less money than you did before so there would be no point as it would just be worse.

  • School strikes affect education. This are the effects of school strikes in education. Children can fall behind in their studies and have trouble catching up. Research shows that this causes negative effects in terms of school performance, labour market participation and wages for those exposed to the strikes. It can also cause peer pressure and causes learners to make wrong decisions. It also affects the calendar of learning. The best solution against strikes in schools is to speak out your problems without fear but with confidence. School strikes should not be allowed.

  • During my research on strikes, I have come to think about how the reasons why workers go on strike, and how the process of striking impacts both the workers and the employers involved and it got me thinking. I think this idea or question was formulated to address the topic of strikes, which is a significant social and economic issue that affects both workers and employers. Strikes occur when workers collectively refuse to work in order to demand better working conditions, higher wages, or other benefits from their employers. By asking about the reasons behind strikes and their impact on both parties involved, we can gain a better understanding of the underlying social, economic, and political factors that motivate strikes and how they can influence the dynamics of labor relations. In my opinion, this question is also relevant to policymakers, employers, and labor organizations, who may need to consider the implications of strikes for their respective industries and communities.

  • We recently discussed strikes in my class, and it changed my mind about workers going on strike. Workers go on strike because of unsafe working conditions, less salary, etc. However, I think that essential workers, who make big impacts in countries should not go on strike. I think that these workers should inform officials before going on strike so that they can negotiate with them, which might get them what they need.

    When we were having the discussion, people were talking about the workers giving petitions to the government so that they can negotiate with the needs of the workers. However, that's when my teacher said something incredible.

    So, in my country, a lot of workers have tried giving their petition to the government, however, the government doesn't take heed to what the workers want to say, due to this reason, they have no choice but to result to strike.

    Even though I think these essential workers should not go on strike, in my country the government doesn't take heed of them, therefore they go on strike. So, I think that the only way to decide if workers go on strike or not is in the palms of the government.

    1. Great example of showing how the discussion has developed your thinking! Am I right that you think strikes are a last resort when people have been ignored? Does that mean that strikes should always be allowed?

      1. I will like to answer this question ,I think strikes should be allowed because if sitting with government is not working I believe strikes is the only way . Although strike have its disadvantages such loss of lives ,student falling behind in their studies and financial losses I believe most strikes are about pay and better working conditions . Without the threat of strike actions , corporations will get bigger profits , while working conditions will get worse.

      2. Hi, Tiff @ Topical Talk,
        You are right to think that I think strikes are a last resort when people have been ignored, this is because some workers do everything possible to get the things they need, however, once no one is taking into consideration their requests, they have no choice but to go on strike.
        I think that strikes should be allowed. I know that some people will not agree with me saying that the workers will have to give out petitions to the government so that they can negotiate with them about the things they need, instead of temporarily stopping their jobs, however, in some countries the government does not take heed to the workers, therefore, the workers have no choice than to go on strike.

        1. What advice would you give to governments and to workers to stop it getting to the point of strikes?

          1. I would like to advise the government to pay more attention to the workers and their needs so that they can be present in the country if needed. I would also like to advise the teachers to send petitions and negotiate with the government instead of going on strike, by doing this, the government might agree to their needs, however, if the government still doesn't pay heed to them, they should protest about it instead of temporarily stopping their work.

  • Yes I believe going on strike has more disadvantages
    1. Loss of jobs:due to absence at place of work
    2. Idleness
    3.increase in the rate of criminals:for instance;if a school should go on strike,some students engage themselves in crimes such as theft.
    4.depression:when a government worker goes on strike,and is being relived of his post,it might cause depression as he have his family to take care of.
    I would suggest that workers are paid nicely for their jobs to avoid strike and put an end to these effects.

  • After conducting class discussion , I have many questions about this topic .

    1. What are the main reasons behind teachers and doctors' strikes in today's society?
    2. How do strikes impact the quality of education or healthcare services provided to the general public?
    3. What are some alternative solutions for organizations and unions to resolve conflicts without resorting to strikes?
    4. How have government policies or budget cuts affected the frequency and severity of workers' strikes in the education and healthcare sectors?
    5. How do media outlets and public opinions affect the outcome and public perception of workers' strikes in different contexts?

  • I think that postal workers play a very good role in the functioning of personal and business communication in the communities. If postal workers go on strike letters would remain u opened, bills will not be paid, package may not reach their destination and it will cause delayed deliveries. Items posted the day before and the day of strike action will be delayed in reaching their destination. In 1980 when postal workers went on strike hundreds marched on post office headquarters at St. Martins-le- grand demanding better pay and conditions. These were early days for the labour movement in Britain. if the strike goes on for a long period of time then the companies around it will go through a massive loss and it may cost lives

  • Are some strikes traditions or they are still necesary?

  • A question I have is what happens if not enough people go on strike to harm the finances of companies? What would happen to those workers who decided to put their job on the line to strike? I understand that there is great advantages to striking but wouldn't people lose their jobs if there isn't enough participants in the strike?

  • I'm not sure about this because... Strike is something that people get involved for the people in authority to get to see their worth in their field of perfection and this is not something that one country is involved in. Most countries in the world experience some certain kind of strikes some may include Educational strikes in which teachers who are not being payed for their services to the students go on or Workers strike in which workers go in hundreds to protest and even threaten to stop work if not been payed, they only do this if their services are not been payed for.
    These average workers go months without being payed a single dime and you don't expect these people to be smiling because they depend on that salary to fend for their families and for even their self.
    Moreover strikes are meant to upgrade the empowerment of the people by the government or corporate organizations by simply listening to the cries of the people and pay them the salaries they worked for but instead in most countries, strikes eventually make people to lose their job and they are not even payed the outstanding salaries that the company or organization owe them and this reduces efficient services in the country and this will then lead to the downfall of the economy of that particular country. So organization are meant to use these strikes to make better adjustments.

  • Strikes have always been in modern society for a reason. They are one of the only ways workers can directly affect those in the highest places, for example higher ups in jobs or those in government. They attack their wallets directly and if they try to stop strikes, more will happen. It is one of the most powerful ways to make things right, even if it does inconvenience many, and companies either have to ignore them, cutting their profits more and more, or obey their demands.