Too old, too young, not enough, too much

This discussion was inspired by respectful_anteater of Cheam Fields Primary Academy in the United Kingdom. They have won five stars for having their idea published!

Look at the phrases that respectful_anteater believed would be a good way for Topical Talkers to share their views on the news:

  • “Too old”

  • “Too young”

  • “Not enough”

  • “Too much”

Comments (115)

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  • I would like to express my opinion on 'Not enough'. It simply means something should be more. I have never seen anyone saying ," Now I need nothing. Everything I have is enough for me." We human have a character that we are never satisfied with whatever we have achieved. For example, in a class a failed student dreams to pass, passed student dreams of getting better marks while who have scored distinction are also not satisfied with their marks. We always want to be better than we are at present. For us our study is not enough, our physical state is not enough, our great achievements are not enough, our wealth is not enough and many more. Then, what is the thing that we are satisfied with? The simple answer is nothing. So, its a normal character of human beings to say 'Not enough' regarding any topic.

    1. hello!

      Yes, this could be true, but a scenario is, If you have done a paragraph of work, and your very proud of it, Your teacher/classmate may say "That's too little, write some more," This has happened to my classmates and me sometimes, That is why I suggested this discussion.


    2. Yaa it's true we humans have no satisfaction what we achieve. Your topic was really nice

    3. A little attitude, hard work and focus makes a big difference! 'Not enough' is just a phrase used to make people put in their best. When there is a state of emergency in the country, we are always quick to say, 'the government isn't doing enough'. What efforts do you put in to change the situation? Yes, the government are to provide our needs but not all. Some things depend on your personal efforts. Have you checked if you are putting in your best? Are your efforts above or below 'not enough'.
      In what situations do you think individual efforts are not enough and what efforts are to be added? Including your contributions?

      1. I agree. People have to keep these questions in mind before making a claim. Many people forget this and simply jump to claims that make it seem like one group or person is at fault, which I don't think is fair. As much of a problem this is, I'm pretty sure people will continue doing this and not make an effort to understand.

      2. Hello!

        Yes, with your scenario, (The government,) would mean its just phrase. But, with other scenarios the meaning could hurt peoples feelings. For example, If you had done loads of work, and someone said "That is not enough. " or, "Add more." How would you feel? Even though, it may not be the best you can do, you still tried with it. But, I agree with your opinion, and yes, 'Not enough' could be used to show how someone is feeling about something, Their opinion, to be exact. With some other scenarios, The meaning could be hurtful or disappointing, but in others, The meaning could change something, as in, if you added 'But that's not enough for our community, ' etc, into a conversation, then, it would be a more positive note.


    4. I can't quite say that I agree. As humans saying 'Not enough' has become more of a ritual than a character, we say it just to fulfill all righteousness without actually striving to get more. These words 'Not enough' are more powerful than they seem. As you have said someone who is getting low marks in their studies always complains that it is not enough but deep down, he/she wants to improve. Not enough is not practically saying that you are not satisfied but can also mean that you want improvement, using this phrase 'Not enough' is not a normal character of human beings because... they say this because they know they can contribute even more than they are currently doing.
      'Not enough' is the same as saying not sufficient; lacking in what is necessary or required: an insufficient answer. deficient in force, quality, or amount; inadequate. Not enough means less than needed/expected. “Not enough” means not meeting expectations or requirements for the minimum of what is necessary to fulfill any specific desire/request/or need. So, saying this word that is taken for granted has a deeper meaning, these words are a 'paradox', and are more than just complaining of something that should be better.


      1. I totally agree. Not enough is more of a motivator than a pessimistic mindset. There's a quote that says "Greed Equal Justice". Every time we say something is not enough for me, we are ready to push ourselves further. We are willing to break all of our limit and transform ourselves into a new person. Not enough allows us to never accept situations for just what they are, but rather, transform it to match our own expectations.
        We can never be the best until we are dissatisfied. If we are satisfied too early, we will never be able to explore our full potential. The world is limitless. So every time you win something, there is something more, a victory above it, a challenge more tougher waiting to be defeated by you. There are thousands of unconquered mountains which can only be beaten if we say "Not Enough".
        Today's world is badly overpopulated. There are not enough jobs and resources as there are people. In such a situation, we can make it to the top of the world only by saying "Not Enough". Only by being better than yesterday.
        The fact that perfection doesn't exist is a boon, because it allows us to be closer to improvement in pursuit of best.

        1. I agree with you because the perspective presented emphasizes the power of dissatisfaction as a motivator, suggesting that the drive for more pushes individuals beyond their limits and encourages personal transformation. The concept of "Not Enough" becomes a catalyst for continuous improvement, urging people to surpass their current achievements and strive for greater success. The idea that perfection is unattainable is viewed as an advantage, as it fosters a perpetual pursuit of improvement and being better than yesterday. In a world with challenges such as overpopulation and resource scarcity, adopting a mindset of "Not Enough" becomes a strategy for overcoming obstacles and reaching the pinnacle of success.

        2. I partly agree with you because in a situation where someone has heard that a million times that the person's self esteem is down it will no longer be motivational.

    5. I agree with you as its a human tendency to see the greener grass on the other side. Instead of focusing on what we have today and be grateful about them, we constantly keep complaining regarding the same , even if we don't want to situations make us to surrender and complain.

    6. It is true that human beings seem to never settle. I wonder whether this 'Not enought' mindset could also be positive. For instance, a student that fails an exam would study again and eventually pass such exam; an architect will work through any potential difficulties in order to creare a safe and stable building and would not simply settle with a first draft of the plan. Is it not also our intention which determines whether 'Not enought' is actually positive?

      1. I do agree on what you said Not enough is actually positive,you said that when a student fails an exam, the student would study again, why this is important, they can get better knowledge and try to correct theirselves for the second as a result of not reading enough, they will try to correct their mistake, sometimes learning from mistake is good. All what is trying to tell us is sometimes when something is not enough, it can be rectified for the second and turn out to be even better.

        1. Thank you educated_cheetah. Indeed, making from the lemons lemonade. Although that may not always be as simple as it sounds.

          1. Yes, that is not always the case, but in case of making from the lemons lemonade, one needs to hardworking, determined and ready for work and ready to pass. The person will try to improve better for the next chance, that is because if he determined. Anyone who is determined can make the impossible possible, this means that hardworking leads to success. This is one, who does not want to make the same mistake for the second time, but in cases like that, the person was not ready to learn from his mistake, the must have been discouraged due to failure.

  • I will be talking based on how I have seen in the news that funds are " not enough " in the Nigerian economy . Nigeria is a very blessed country in which I am very lucky to live in . We have a lot of resources . I feel the reason for lack of funds or " not enough funds " is due to the insufficiency of cultivating natural resources . If we can do that , I feel we will have sufficient funds .
    Not only to my fellow Nigerians but also to other people around the world we are not to young or to old to contribute to the growth of a society . We can aid the growth in a society as little children by doing the following .
    1 Being Kind .
    2 Try to perform a Good Deed every day .
    3 Show a sense of Gratitude .
    4 Be a Good Neighbor to others .
    This is simply an urge to those out there to give out their positive best to the society , because it is from these little things that we grow out to develop and we should learn to help each other in our times of need .

    Thank you.

  • I think the phrase "too young" can be situationship phrase. It really depends on the situation. In some cases, being "too young" might mean not having enough life experience or maturity for certain responsibilities or activities. Taking an example of going abroad we need to pass a certain age criteria So, that in that phase we will already be bold enough to handle responsibilities.Being young can't always be inferior as being young can also bring new perspectives, creativity, and a willingness to learn anything in a short period of time. We need to consider the situation when using the phrase "too young."
    Thank you!!

    1. Rightly said free fish ,Determining the age limits for certain actions like voting, going to prison, and learning about the news can vary across countries due to cultural, social, and legal differences. While it's important to have some general guidelines, each country has the autonomy to set its own age limits based on its unique context and values.

      For voting in an election, the age limit is typically 18 in many countries. This is because 18 is considered the age of adulthood and is often associated with legal rights and responsibilities. However, some countries may have different age limits, such as 16 or 21, depending on their legal frameworks and societal norms.

      When it comes to going to prison, the age limit is usually determined by the age of criminal responsibility. Different countries have different age thresholds for holding individuals accountable for their actions. In some places, it may be as low as 7 or 8, while in others, it may be 18 or even higher.

      Learning about the news doesn't typically have a specific age limit, as it is a fundamental part of education and information sharing. However, the content and level of understanding may vary depending on a person's age and maturity.

      As for whether each country should agree on the same age limits, it's important to consider the diverse cultural, social, and legal contexts that exist globally. Different countries have different values, traditions, and legal systems, which may necessitate different age limits for certain actions. While it can be beneficial to have some international standards and guidelines, it's also crucial to respect the autonomy of each country to determine its own age limits based on its specific circumstances.

      Ultimately, the goal should be to ensure that age limits are set in a way that promotes fairness, protects rights, and considers the well-being and development of individuals within each country's unique context.

    2. I agree because... in the aspect of "not enough" , Being young is not a situation that one will forever be in . It is just simply saying that we need to be a little more mature to be able to handle some cases in life . I always use this saying that Martin Luther King Junior stated , as an encouragement : which tells me that "If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way" .
      I urge us to use our little voices as children to make a great impact in the society by standing for what is right always .

      THANK YOU .

      1. I absolutely agree with this statement! Because, somethings you do need be a little more mature to handle but you will some day be able to know these things as you get older.

        1. I agree because... When you are still young, some things that you need to understand , will not satisfy you because you're not old enough to know what older people say. When you're still young, your brain is still fresh and you need to be a little older
          before you understand what their meaning.

      2. I agree because... I side with the aspect of "not enough", There is a constant feeling in everyone that they haven't done enough, oh they haven't achieved enough, oh they haven't done enough classes, I don't have what it takes to get there, to be at the top but as we should not focus on those things we should think positive and keep on hoping and dreaming, there is a saying that."We should not be afraid of losing but look forward to the excitement of wining.

    3. I agree with you on this your point you have stated about being"too young" because if young people are given some responsibilities such as being presidents and owning huge properties, this world will be in shambles because many young people don't have experiences and do not know much about that role, but are still going through the learning process. There is a saying that goes" With higher age comes greater responsibility". This saying simply means that youths are meant to have little responsibilities and as they age, get greater ones. So I think that there are somethings that youths are meant to be addressed as "too young". But this doesn't mean that young people should stay back and say" I am too young" but instead strive to learn more about different roles and how to be good in them so that when they grow up, they can easily perform them. I also think that young people can be given small platforms to practice some huge roles such as student unions and age grades in a community, because there is a saying that goes"practice makes perfect".
      THANK YOU.

    4. Yes I agree a lot. Some people may be considered "too young" but they have potential. Learning does not have an age restriction. People may say "you are too young to know that", but no one is stopping you from learning. People have expectations which is what defines "too young", but this should not stop young people to give out their point of views and how they think or know.

  • Are the "youth to young to vote and be voted for",for me I don't think they are too young to vote and to be voted for,why?
    Voting is a fundamental act of which citizens/youth participate and contribute to democracy.young people are empowered to play a vital in the development of the society.

    The constitution state that "you can vote and be voted for at the age of 18"if the youth are allowed to govern the society or country,they would contribute positively to the society. They have the ability to solve problem, innovative ideas,build closer relationship with the people and ensure security.

    They are more active in political stage and global talks,and are great at decision making.unlike the aged politicians,who is not nationally conscious and also careless of the people,some even have health issue,while focusing on their health I don't think they will be considerate of the people.but with young minds who are energetic and full of enthusiasm and unique perspective I think the people will be save and happy.

    If not for the youth,so many politicians would have not be chosen,so therefore I think the youth should be given a chance.

    1. I agree with you partially, admirable_butterfly, that younger minds have a better understanding for problem solving and so are good public for the selection of leaders for our countries, but, I have a point in opposition to yours. Young people (under 18 as you suggested) do not have as much life experience and at that age, and are busy developing themselves and their careers and so may not pay as much attention to politics. They are too busy finishing university/college/school assignments, adjusting with peers and getting to know themselves. This means they may just vote anyone without a second thought and he/she may not be the right person for the post. This is also an indication that they are under a lot of pressure and may be facing anxiety, and putting the pressure of elections and politics on their head and expecting them to make the right decisions may not be the best idea. This may also increase peer pressure, for example, a group of kids start teasing and bullying another kid for not voting because he/she is "dumb" and "lacks understanding for such a task". Once 18, each individual has better understanding of their surroundings and are capable of doing the right thing, as around that age, peer pressure also decreases as everyone gets busy in making their own lives.

    2. I completely agree with you that the youth is not too young for getting voted or voting because yes of course they are full of ideas and energetic but also because the world is changing constantly and we definitely need younger people in politics who understand these changes instead of old people who usually are stubborn and rely on old methods . I would also like to add on that we also don't need people who are too old for politics and therefore there should be a retirement age for politicians as well which is not there in many countries.

  • 1. Age is often a topic of discussion when it comes to individuals in the news. Some people argue that certain individuals are too old or too young to be engaging in certain activities or holding certain positions. This debate stems from the belief that age directly correlates with capability and competence. For instance, critics may argue that an older politician may not have the energy or innovative thinking required for effective governance, while others may argue that a young entrepreneur lacks the necessary experience and wisdom to successfully run a business. However, it is important to recognize that age alone should not be the sole determinant of someone's abilities or suitability for a particular role. Factors such as skills, knowledge, and personal qualities should also be taken into consideration.

    2. Similarly, the question of whether something happening is not enough or too much often arises in relation to news events. This can be seen in various contexts, such as political debates, social movements, or even environmental issues. Some individuals may argue that the actions taken by governments or organizations are insufficient to address the problem at hand, while others may claim that the measures being implemented are excessive and unnecessary. These differing perspectives highlight the complexity of finding a balance between addressing pressing issues and avoiding overreactions. It is crucial to engage in constructive dialogue and consider multiple viewpoints to ensure that decisions and actions are based on a thorough understanding of the situation rather than being driven solely by personal biases or preconceived notions.

    This is what i think about age restrictions I hope you agree

    1. Personally I disagree with your views around age restrictions on voting. I see where you are coming from with the idea around age doesn't directly correlate with someones capability and competence. At the current voting age of eighteen a person's brain is not yet fully developed and competent, so I believe that the age currently a person is able to vote is a matter of fact too young.

      Voting is quite a significant part of a country's democracy so when it comes time to vote for a new president or prime minister we make sure that everyone who is able to have a say is able to fully grasp and understand the situation at hand. Which is why I propose that the voting age should be raised to the age of twenty five.

      I also believe that there should be a cut off age where someone is no longer able to vote as their age affects their decision making leading to poor quality choices. This age should be around seventy, as this is the age where the older generation starts to become less rational and make poorer decisions due to their health.

      So in conclusion, I believe that there should be an age range between twenty five and senenty as this is the age gap your are able to make the most rational decisions with the least contributing factors such as health.

  • One of the phrases about which I would want to share my opinion on is not only for one of them but for all of them combined. To be more specific I want to talk about other people's opinions and how they can affect our lives in a majority of ways.
    Nowadays, that many things have changed from the past and people are more free to do what they want without being judged things should be better. Right? Well no, as it seems it has turned into people's habit to regularly talk-not always in a good way- about the decisions one has made.
    Everyone wants to be what it is considered to be "PERFECT" even though it hasn't been exactly clear what perfect is. Whatever one does will be judged. For example, is someone who belongs in the category of elder people is not satisfied with the decisions they have made during their life and decide to change things for the better others will say that this person is "TOO OLD" to change things now. On the contrary, if a teenager wants to take an active part on politics or something that they are attracted to which is considered to be for "older people" it will definitely be brought up the fact that they are "TOO YOUNG".

    In addition, when someone gets irritated and cares about what others thing people and as a result tries to follow the " trends" and be "in" people will say they do "TOO MUCH". However, if they don't care about what others thing and do whatever they like people will say they are " NOT doing ENOUGH".

    That was a thought I wanted to share a even learn other people's opinion on it I hope you can relate and THANK YOU for the time you dedicated to read my comments.

  • I believe that is " not enough" what media represent nowadays as role models. Young people care too much about their appearance, their in fashion styles, and media tries to influence young people into this tendency. We need more educated role models, more examples of young people and older providing something important to our world.
    So the representation of roles models in the news are not enough to set good examples.

    1. I agree with you, the media is doing 'not enough' to promote education in young people.

      The younger generations spend so much time scrolling through the internet, so shouldn't the things they are looking at help promote education. Social media has become a place to see the latest trends to do with fashion, makeup and skincare and young people know so much about these topics because they see it so much. If we can remember these things because of how often we see it shouldn't we make what we see more applicable in our everyday lives.

      For young people their aspirations have become to be the next big social media influencer just like their role models. Whereas before social media more people wanted to become journalists and doctors as a result of what their role models do.

      I think this shift of who our role models are will lead to a decrease in the number of doctors and teachers we have, which is already a problem we are facing.

  • I chose option c (not enough),I believe the government's involvement in our society, especially in the medical sector, falls short. Many express concerns about losing loved ones due to inadequate hospitals. Numerous communities lack public healthcare, face a shortage of workers, insufficient equipment, and an inhospitable environment. I think it's crucial for the government to prioritize and enhance healthcare instead of diverting attention to irrelevant activities. Instances of operations being hindered by equipment shortages, staff inadequacy, and unsanitary conditions highlight the urgency. Developing well-equipped and conducive hospitals could significantly reduce mortality rates and contribute to community well-being. Collaboration with NGOs willing to support societal health could be a viable approach. After all, as the saying goes, "HEALTH IS WEALTH."

  • Yes i do believe that people that do the news can be too young or too old because if your to young to understand the news then you wouldnt even know what go talk about even if it was right in front of you.I believe you can be to old to do the news because as you get older if your not in shape or something like that so you would forget what your talking about or not be able to see very well.So in my opinion you need to be in a decent age group and have experience to do news casting.

    1. "I agree that experience plays a crucial role, particularly in professions like newscasting. Young individuals might lack the depth of experience that comes with age, which is essential in delivering news effectively. As one matures, they accumulate valuable insights and perspectives that contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the world.However, it's important to acknowledge that the elderly may face challenges in recalling information due to common memory loss issues. While their wealth of experience is invaluable, there is a need for a balance, perhaps incorporating technology or support systems, to ensure accurate and timely delivery of news. Striking a harmonious blend of youthful energy and seasoned wisdom can create a dynamic and effective news broadcasting team"
      Thanks 👍😊

    2. Hi, outgoing_passionfruit I am fully agree with you. I think only a old people can casting a news correctly. Only for his experience. A man who is too old he/she can complete his or her work only using by his experience, durability. But, a young person can't casting a news like a old man by using only his or her talent. So, News casting is a great profession only for old people.

  • Determining if someone is "too old" or "too young" for a particular task or if something is happening "not enough" or "too much" is often subjective. Age and frequency considerations depend on context and individual capabilities. It's essential to assess each situation based on merit, taking into account factors such as experience, competence, and the specific circumstances. Context and nuance play crucial roles in making fair judgments in such matters.

  • The phrase "too old" is used to indicate something or someone that has reached an age where they are considered no longer functional for a certain purpose. For example, a piece of tech' might be considered "too old" if it cannot support the latest software updates as tech are growig rapidly.
    Similarly, a person might be seem "too old" for a particular job if their physical abilities have reduced with their age but we can't say that old people can't do anything because they have lifelong experience of life than us even if they are uneducated. In most of the places they have age limits for old because it can hamper their mental,economical health. Plus many countries have rule that if the pass a certain age limits of aging they get a sum of money from government to live the rest of their life freely. So, in my opinion I'm neutal because the phrase "too old" is a situationship phrase too. We should consider the situation while using it !!!
    " Its never too late to be what you might have been"- George Eliot.

    1. I agree because yes, the phrase "too old" is used to indicate something or someone that has reached an age where they are considered no longer functional for a certain purpose which you have said free fish and I agree with it. and also, the quote which you have said " It's never too late to be what you might have been" by George Eliot. Actually, from this I have learnt a lot of thanks for your option of your comment about the phrase "too old ". Thanks, free fish for your comment.

  • Hi,
    I do not believe in the concepts of being "too young" or being "too old", Age is literally just a number to show how long we have been on the earth, it is never too late or too early to pursue your dreams and goals. Limiting ourselves just because we think we are too young or too old is the biggest mistake we will ever make, restricting ourselves because of this will hold us back from a lot of unlimited things and opportunities the world has to offer. The world in general needs to learn how to stop limiting people and even themselves because of some beliefs like " oh you are too young" or " this person is too old" that is just people being insensitive and wanting to stop people from achieving their full potential, in fact, I think that adhering to these age limits and all those stuff is just telling yourself you are too afraid of pursuing something you love and to me it destroys your confidence and self esteem. Okay, I know that some of these age limits are there for a reason because like a six year old can just start driving a car or go to turn on a gas burner to cook but not all these age rules and restrictions are relevant, in general people and their capabilities differ, for example: Somebody in my age group can't cook that doesn't mean that I can't cook because as a matter of fact I can and my mom allowed me to start when I was a little bit younger but of course with a lot of safety measures taken and also her supervision, and that is a way that we can help eradicate these age limits, safety measures can be made and taken too aid people who are normally not believed to be able to do a thing to do it because nowadays many things are possible and this isn't a hard task.
    In conclusion, being too old or too young in my honest opinion is a concept that does not exist but is given importance, as a matter of fact it is like an imagination being played in the minds of people all over the world over and over again, but the truth is we own these mind of ours and it is our decision to realize our mistake or error and to free our minds from this facade and move on to a see a wider horizon of opportunities and a new beginning.
    Thank you!

    1. I'm not sure about this @ giving_snail ; because... many people say that age is just a number but I feel that age restrictions comes with intellectual reasoning . Some people may be young by age but are mature in the mind while others may be vice versa . I feel that we could help the problem of age limits by taking general surveys to test the maturity of someone (maturity in the mind ) ; rather than concluding that age limits is of no use or age limits should be for a particular age group .

      I am open to other suggestions .
      Thank you.

      1. I agree because... age is just a number. Restrictions can limit individuals from showcasing their talents, and younger people may have valuable ideas and lasting solutions. My sister, who recently turned 2, is already in school. Initially, our parents doubted if she was ready, considering her age. However, she has surpassed expectations and is excelling beyond her older classmates. This shows that age doesn't define capability. Everyone should have the opportunity to prove their abilities, regardless of their age.

        1. I disagree because... age isn't just a number but if it is as you say, that means if a 30 year old person can fly a plane an 18 year old person can.
          Many people believe in only 18+ can do things and it really defers cuz I wouldn't allow a 6 year old do the same thing I will allow a 9-year-old person to do many people also believe that age is just a number but in my opinion I I don't think it is, because the more you grow up you get the sense of humor the sense of understanding everything and then you understand things better than the way you did before in some ways e.g allowing a 6 years old cook in the kitchen as you see that person is too young to cook in the kitchen and he/she won't really understand that if he does not really take care of himself in the kitchen a fire breakout might occur but like a person that is nine will know what to do and it won't really cause any problems.

      2. I agree because age isn't meant to be a factor for determining the ability of an individual, because I think that maturity is more important than age, think about a 29 year old person acting like a 13 year old, isn't this a bad situation. But think about a 17 year old individual as wise as a 35 year old, isn't this a more better situation, don't you think that there is hope for a society with mature youths, this to me is better than using age as a criteria of qualification, but should use maturity, because if an individual can be able to coordinate himself properly at a young age he will not have any limits to what he can do in that society, so we should not just give age restrictions or say the person is "too young" to do that task or as you said we should rather use maturity, because maturity shows the state of the mind of the individual.
        THANK YOU.

    2. I agree because... I also believe that age and size don't limit our ability to make a change.
      Take Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan, who fought for women's education rights at a young age, inspiring people worldwide. Then there is also Mark Zuckerberg, who created Facebook at just 13, tawn and eats into a massive platform that impacts lives and businesses globally.
      Many other young individuals have also made significant contributions to the world. It goes to show that anyone regardless of age or size can make a difference.

    3. I agree because I know lots of people who don't pursue setting goal because they feel they are too old. I think the world has created the persona that you need to be a certain age to have certain capabilities. As you said, age is just number, so that number shouldn’t stop us trying to chase the things we think we are capable of achieving. You are not too young or too old to get a degree, you are not too young or too old to start a business, you are not too young or too old to have fun etc.

  • This is quite an interesting topic because it appears in the news very often and in any possible subject. I have noticed how you are too young until you are too old. For some people, there's no in-between. And that's just sad. Many times, when society doesn't want you to be doing something, it tells you one of these phrases. It becomes annoying when you see someone who is a few years younger or older doing the exact thing that you want to do. When you are told that you are not old enough, you start dreaming about how wonderful it will be to finally reach the rightful age. When you are told that you are not young enough, it feels like you just missed a huge opportunity, that you will never have again. It lives you stuck in the moment, wishing you could turn back time. Maybe some don't realize it, but these phrases hurt and they bring down many. If society doesn't approve of you doing something, then it should have some better, more valid explanation. For example, if it says that you are too young, it should refer to the fact that you are not matur enough, not just the age itself. Some people mature quicker than others, so why should they have to wait? When it says that you are too old, it should refer to the fact that you might be facing some health problems and it would not be recommended to do some certain activities that might harm you. However, if you are perfectly healthy, then I don't see why you would not be able to do something.
    I am glad that there are so many people out there which have proved that age is just a number and it can't actually stop you from doing something that you really want. When talking about celebrities, some have become famous at an incredibly young age, while others had to wait a lot more, until they have reached success. But it happened. So my advice would be to not listen to what others say, especially when they don't even know you.

    1. Hi marvelous hedgehog,
      I strongly agree with you that age is just a number, and people do mature faster than others so why is it that people who are younger are restricted to certain things?

      1. I'm not sure about this because is age really just a number? For some things maybe we could use such words but when talking about restrictions due to age they are in place usually for the own saftey of the person. It is annnoying for one when some restricts them from something because they are too young or too old but for certain things we need those restrictions because someone can seem mentally mature but physically they are not mature until a certain age. Maturity is definetly a topic that some think it is unfair to say you are only mature once you hit a certain age but your brain only fully develops by a certain age and for a lot of people today they are not mature enough for certain things.

      2. I believe that younger people are restricted because they are considered to not be mature enough. That may be true in many cases, but because of that, there are others that suffer. All around the world, there are children who have the necessary abilities to do stuff that grown up adults can't. However, they are unable to participate in the tasks, because of age limits. I think that this shows the fact that we still have a long way to go. We need to continue evolving. What I find most unfair is how the age limit from some apps are supposed to stop kids from seeing certain things, but they fake their age and so they get free access to all kinds of stuff. This is happening while some kids are told that they can't participate in some competitions, because they are too young. So, uncultural activities are still happening, while cultural ones are forbidden to children which are not of age yet. Why is that happening? I think that we should definitely find a way to fix this. If children have the skills to participate in a competition, then they should, even if they are underage. If they take part in the competition, they should also not be denied the prize, in case they actually deserve it. Why is it so common for kids to be disqualified, just because of age? I strongly believe that if they have worked hard for something, they should be congratulated. Children should be supported for the great things that they do.
        People always talk about us, children being the future and how we will do great things in life. If that's true, then why is there an age limit for it? I am pretty sure that we can achieve amazing things from a young age.

  • I would like to do the phrase "Not enough". It means that everyone has no limit to complete something. For example when teachers are doing work and a student gets done with a assingment. Usually teachers would more than likely say " Not enough keep working so you can get better." That helps students getting better and more succesful in life. It also helps with a better mindset to do your work and don't fall behind on it.

  • I think that these years we can not determine exactly when it is "too young" " too old" , too much" or "not enough".
    It depends on a variety of factors. However age should not consist a factor preventing us from doing things in our life. We must respect the cycle of life and respect the choices of every person at different ages.

    1. I totally agree with you!! We can not say when it is too old, too young, too much, not enough. In every situation we should determine which one is acceptable.
      If we are talking about simple things in our daily life we can see it from a different perspective.
      For example maybe someone is too young to go alone at night. We can't live a small child wandering outside. Maybe an elderly person is too old to eat special types of food because the doctor suggested for his health.
      If we are about daily tasks then we can talk about what is too much or not.

    2. I agree with you deciding whether someone is "too old" or "too young" is virtually impossible in this day and age. Those making the decisions around whether someone has the capability to do something was brought up in a world that is completely different to the world we are being brought up in today.

      Let's take social media as an example, forty years ago social media didn't exist so the adults of today don't completely understand how the media affects a young person's mind. These advancements such as social media means that the older generations can't fully grasp the way that the younger generations minds are developing.

      There are also factors such as life experience that come into play when speaking about someone's mental maturity. So in conclusion, age doesn't determine our capabilities, but our life experiences do.

  • I think parental care is not enough in this new generation ,Parental negligence can have profound and lasting effects on a child's development. Children who experience neglect may struggle with emotional and social difficulties, leading to issues such as low self-esteem, trust issues, and challenges in forming healthy relationships. Cognitive development can be hindered, impacting academic performance and problem-solving skills.

    The absence of consistent care and emotional support may contribute to behavioral problems, as children may seek attention in negative ways. Neglected children may also be at a higher risk for mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences may extend into adulthood, affecting their ability to navigate challenges and maintain stable relationships.

    It is crucial for society to recognize the impact of parental negligence and provide support systems to help both parents and children break the cycle and foster healthier family environments.

    1. Rightly said admirable_butterfly, and I agree that parental care alone may not be enough in this generation. Times have changed, and there are so many factors that can influence a child's development and well-being. While parental care is crucial, it's important to recognize that children are also influenced by their peers, media, and the wider society.

      In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, children are exposed to a vast amount of information and influences that parents may not always have control over. Social media, for example, can have a significant impact on a child's self-esteem, body image, and mental health. Peer pressure and societal expectations can also shape their values and behaviors.

      Additionally, parents may face challenges in balancing work, personal life, and raising children. The demands of modern life can sometimes limit the amount of time parents can spend with their children or be actively involved in their lives. This can result in a lack of guidance or supervision, leaving children vulnerable to negative influences.

      That being said, it's crucial to have a holistic approach to child development. It's not just about parental care, but also about creating a supportive and nurturing environment that extends beyond the family. Schools, community organizations, and government programs all play a role in shaping a child's growth and well-being.

      By fostering strong connections between parents, schools, and communities, we can create a network of support for children. This can include providing access to quality education, extracurricular activities, mental health resources, and positive role models. It's about creating a village that works together to raise and guide our children in this complex world.

      Parental care is incredibly important, but it's true that it may not be enough in this generation. There are so many external factors that can impact a child's development and well-being. With the rise of technology and social media, children are exposed to a whole new world of influences that parents may not have complete control over.
      Peer pressure, societal expectations, and the constant bombardment of information can all shape a child's beliefs, values, and behaviors. It's important for parents to be aware of these influences and to provide guidance and support to their children. However, it's also important to recognize that parents can't do it all alone. It takes a village to raise a child, as they say. Schools, community organizations, and other support systems can play a crucial role in providing additional resources and guidance to children. By working together as a community, we can ensure that children receive the care, support, and guidance they need to thrive in this ever-changing world.

      So, while parental care is vital, it's essential to recognize the broader influences that shape a child's life. By working together as a community, we can provide the necessary support and resources to ensure that children thrive in this generation.

    2. Well said admirable_butterfly.
      Parental negligence can indeed have profound and lasting effects on a child's development. The impacts of neglect can be wide-ranging, affecting a child's emotional, social, and cognitive development. It is not enough for parents to simply provide for their child's physical needs, but they must also offer consistent care, emotional support, and a nurturing environment.

      Children who experience neglect may struggle with self-esteem and trust issues, making it difficult for them to form healthy relationships. Their cognitive development may also be hindered, leading to academic difficulties and problems with problem-solving skills. Behavioral problems can arise as neglected children may seek attention in negative ways.

      Furthermore, the consequences of parental neglect can extend into adulthood, affecting an individual's ability to navigate challenges and maintain stable relationships. This cycle of neglect can be challenging to break without the necessary support systems in place.

      Recognizing the impact of parental negligence is crucial, as it highlights the need for societal support systems to help both parents and children. By providing resources and interventions, we can help create healthier family environments and break the cycle of neglect, ultimately improving the well-being and future prospects of children.

    3. I think I would disagree with you on this one, parents are becoming too caring towards their children which decreases their problem solving skills. These problem solving skills are a vital part of a persons life and more parents are beginnig to solve their problems for them without the child even knowing it their development was set back when they weren't given the space to figure something out by themselves.

      There will obviously be a few cases where neglect is present in a child's life and this will also set back for both their academic and emotional development. Quite often a child experiences neglect when there is an absent parent, which can lead to emotional issues as they are growing. For instance they may find trusting people difficult or even being honest with themselves and other people. This is a sort of parental care that is not enough for a child's wellbeing.

      So I believe that when it comes to parental care balance is the key. I am not saying that one second a parent does everything for a child and the next leaves them alone, but what I am saying is that instead of doing everything for your child you teach them how to do things for themselves. It is almost like reading, you have someone read something to you and then you try to read it next and with trial and error you eventually won't need that help that you originally needed.

      So I would like to add another option for this idea around parental care and this is just right. This is when there is the balance between care and love but also allowing a child to have some hardship in their life so they can learn from their mistakes.

  • Hiii, Hello, Namesthe and Vanakkam to everyone....
    I think that being too young is not that much easy to come in the breaking news or even to come in the normal news line. According to everyone, young people doesn't have gained much experience and also they don't have enough maturity to understand what is happening around. And they have rarely seen young people in the news and Most of the time only adults and old people only will be in the news. But according to me, young people don't have enough maturity and experience but some people like soborno isaac bari, Shanay Vimesh Dedhia and many more have capacity to come in the news. They both are only '' 10 to 11 years old '' young people who set their record in the '' world book of records '' . So young people also have capacity to come in news but the society hides them. So my phrase is " Too young are not given much important in the news!!! "
    Thank you!!

  • I will like to mention the case of Nigeria in the phrase " too old" . The Nigerian president is too old to be leading a country. His body system is weak and not strong to be doing what he is doing . There are smart youths who are fit for the position but are not given a chance to do so .

    1. I do not totally agree with you because there is a quote which is " work smarter not harder" maybe the president is too old but has too much experience to drive a country maybe I do not have the complete vision but we should not judge on the quality of any person just for the age we need time next to the muscles also that is my personal opinion .

  • I would like to express my opinion on 'Too Old'. I feel most of the politicians in power are to old to be in that seat.I recently found out that former President Muhammadu Buhari is 81 of current. I am not saying that people in that age range should not be there but then they are not giving space to the younger ones who have a fresher brain.The energy and idealism of youth can be a powerful force for social environmental change. The contribution of youth in social and environmental change can be seen in many fields such as education, politics, and community service.

    1. I accord with your point of view because... as younger youth , we understand more of current happenings and situations . Also as younger youth , we could help the society by :
      1 ) Continuously assessing and improving technology.
      2) Discovering trends that can be helpful in the society .
      3) Avoiding mistakes due to knowledge of the present .
      4) Getting more value out of the technology you have , and many more advantages .
      I am not saying that older ones are not " up to date " but as the years pass by , a new generation comes forth with newer and better discoveries than the old .

      THANK YOU .

      1. That is an interesting perspective. Young people are generally considered to be more in touch with the ever evolving world whereas as we grow old, we tend to have vast array of experiences which gives us unique strength. Do you think is there a balance to be achieved in politics where young people can be involved? What do you think some of the things younger people can do to strive towards it?

    2. I agree with you, as a world our politicians are becoming older and older which leads to countries continuing to believe in some of the older generation's archaic views on society. There are certain views surrounding racism and sexism that we need to leave in the past and this isn't possible if the people governing our countries still believe or used to believe in these things.

      As well as politicians still having these old views surrounding society, their minds are also beginning to deteriorate. From the age of around fifty-five the human brain begins to slow down and stop working efficiently. We shouldn't be allowing people who aren't of completely sound mind to run our country. Instead we should begin to have younger people with newer and unique ideas to run our country.

      So in conclusion, there is a point where a person becomes "too old" to run a country correctly.

  • I don't think there is an age to do things, but maybe for physical things, yes, even so, I think it is good for young people and adults to be interested in the news because that way they help people in some way and do what they like, they themselves have to help. so they have a great quality of life

    1. I must appreciate your effort at the first place, but I must confess that age really matters in what ever we do in this life. For example, as a kid you attend school, not as an adult, don’t misunderstand me of course I know that most adults do go school but not to start from grade 1 as kids do.
      Now in Nigeria, and probably in all the countries, there is a fixed age that one will get to before contesting for any political party even before you vote, you must get to a particular age.
      Do you think that they do not have their reasons for this, ooooo yes they do, and it is Because of age, age is to be considered in everything that we do and age plays a crucial role in our lives as humans.
      So I think there is an age to do things.

  • I think that the discovery of new emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica is too good to be true. According to the news report, scientists found 11 new colonies of the birds by spotting their guano from space. This means that there are about 20% more penguins than previously thought, and they may have a better chance of survival in a warming world. Penguins are important indicators of the health of the Antarctic ecosystem, and they are also very cute and charismatic animals.
    However, I also think that this news should not make us complacent about the threat of climate change. The new colonies are mostly located in areas that are vulnerable to ice loss, and some of them may disappear in the future. Moreover, the overall population of emperor penguins is still declining due to the loss of sea ice, which they use to breed, feed and molt. Therefore, I think that we should still take urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the Antarctic environment. This would benefit not only the penguins, but also the whole planet.

    -This news about the discovery of new emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica happened in January 2024. The scientists published their findings in the journal Antarctic Science on January 25, 2024. They used satellite images to spot the penguins' guano (poo) on the ice and snow.

    News Sources :
    (1) New emperor penguin colonies discovered in Antarctica after guano ....
    (2) New Colonies of Emperor Penguin Discovered Thanks to Bird Poop Seen from Outer Space.
    (3) How an Antarctic cruise passenger’s illness led to the discovery of a new penguin colony.
    (4) Scientists discover emperor penguin colony in Antarctica using ....

  • Although people say that age is just a number it is often a common and popular topic in the news or among individuals.People often have to lose their opportunitie because of being "too old " or "too young". It is sad and humiliating how people are like I wish I was old enough to do this or younger . It is really sad when this too young or too young thing is applied to the learning process. A person is never too young or old to gain some positive knowledge. I also would like to express my opinion on the phrase "not enough".Like it really confusing when people's expectations are always high. I also know a lot of people that always think that they are not enough even though they are doing their best. A lot of young people or students suffer from mental issues due to the high expectations from people. This thing is really sad. I have never heard a person say that this is enough but have heard a lot of people say this isn't enough.I personally don't think that this age thing should really be a thing.

  • I believe that people expect too much from certain age groups of people. Teenagers are expected to act like adults but are also supposed to be treated as children. Things like 'maturity' are supposed to be gained over time, but because of the impact of peer pressure and rapid development of the mind, some children and teenagers view things differently, causing them to do things that they believe are okay, because it is viewed as 'mature'. This also means that they may feel a certain amount of pressure due to the fact that they have 'not enough' maturity and 'too much' to say about things they are presumed not to understand. However, I do understand that there is a certain level of self control someone should have at an age, so that they can carry out duties responsibly.

    1. Some good thinking here, noble_orange. Could you expand on your ideas with some examples?

      1. An example of this would be the fact that some teenagers in have been trying to act older than they are due to both the expectations of the children and adults around them. Things like this can lead to stress, and one of the biggest factors contributing to the rapid development of mental age would be the fact that different people have different expectations of them. When someone tries to act a bit more like they are expected to, trying to display what they believe is maturity, only to be told they don't understand because they are a child, it can be a bit infuriating. These are the things that can affect the mind of an adolescent, who are already dealing with hormonal changes and mental changes without the added pressure of other people. These same things could be applied to adults, though, but from experience, I do feel like it happens more often in young people.

  • The phrase '' too young '' means that someone is too safeguarded by their parents and guardians and are not mature for the age. For example, to go on transport alone you have to be over 18. But, if you are 18 but don't look like one, you could be rejected and are not able to use the transport. On the other hand, being young means that there are many things you may have not unearthed yet. So, we need to examine the phrase ''too young'' very carefully.
    Thanks for reading this!

  • When I watch the news and I feel there is not enough representation of very important matters. The news channels go over things that are important in the moment most of the time, and not that things that have been important for a long while. Important topics like the many cases brutalization and prejudice towards groups of people. With the multiple accounts of unjust and wrongful imprisonment. Finally the blatant ignorant people coming together in conjunction with the uneducated people. They're coming together in groups spreading false information to other people that will believe it. I understand not bringing attention to these groups, but telling people to be cautious would be advantageous to everyone. To conclude this post i'll say this, there is a lot to cover at one time I realize there is no one who can cover every story yet some stories definitely need to be covered.

  • Every day there is one success and another fail but the one who continues is the one who has passion to continue in what does he/she love it is not related to the age and also not related to the environment factors like mind , smartness or even money when I seen anyone success in the job or in the competition the first question I ask to myself it is not how does he do this but from where he gets the passion to do what he loves a month ago I have entered a competition but for sorry I have not taken a place but for a chance I had mate in this competition and he told me that he has entered this competition for 5 times and it is the only one he wins was this time and he told me that he just loves what he is doing and also passion , we should not judge the book from the cover we do not know what does the person pass by or how does he work hard so I hope we should look more deeply in people life to see how did they do their success.

  • In my perspective, the comment "too young" varies. In some circumstances age matters; for instance, the age requirement for voting, going to jail, driving, and more are very reasonable as they are laws and rules that keep us safe. Although, age and maturity are two very different things as age is the number of years someone has been alive for while maturity is based on the way you understand yourself, your life, and your environment. If your 13, you might have the same maturity level as an 18-year-old deepening on your surroundings and your life. This shows that in some situations like law, age does matter but in other situations such as achieving your dreams or making a positive impact on the world, age shouldn't matter. I believe that anyone young or old should be allowed to help the world or accomplice their dreams. In conclusion, the phrase "too young" depends on the case or situation as there is an understandable reason for both points.

  • The excessive impact of unemployment on communities is evident(too much). When a significant portion, around 80%, of a society is without jobs, it results in severe consequences such as financial hardship, poverty, debt, homelessness, and family discord.

    Financial hardship, stemming from unemployment, deprives individuals of basic needs like food and shelter, causing significant strain.

    Family breakdown is another consequence, as the inability to provide for the family leads to conflicts, potential divorce, children dropping out of school, and contributing to increased illiteracy.

    Poverty, triggered by unemployment, can lead to death, frustration, and a rise in criminal activities, further jeopardizing societal safety.

    Given these detrimental effects, it is crucial for the government to address unemployment. Implementing measures like skill improvement, welcoming expatriates, enhancing labor mobility, and frequent empowerment programs can be effective solutions.

    Empowerment programs, teaching skills ranging from tailoring to robotics, provide an avenue for the unemployed to acquire new skills. This approach, as seen in Nigeria, has successfully transformed many into entrepreneurs.

    For lasting impact, collaboration between the government, wealthy individuals supporting initiatives, and those with skills volunteering to teach is essential. This collective effort can significantly reduce unemployment rates and foster a more secure and prosperous society.

  • I would personally choose "Too old", because sometimes in the news you would see people doing a kind of sport and these people will be judged by others saying they are too old to be doing those kinds of activities, and sometimes they are even insulted by their own fans. The people who want a job from a business will sometimes be accepted because they look fit for the job, but sometimes people will not be accepted just because they are elderly or old aged. I think the elderly should be respected more because they have been on earth more than some people, so because they are old that does not mean they have lost their sense and intelligence.

    1. I agree with you here, being "too old" shouldn't restrict you from doing something you love to do. No matter how old someone is, if they are the best for the team they will be chosen to play. I think that if people truly want and have the required ability to play professionally in their sport then their age shouldn't matter.

      However, if it has gotten to the point that their age is affecting their health then the recruiters still hold the right to reject a player for their age, as it would then oppose as a safety risk for both them an the rest of the team that they would be playing on.

      So in conclusion, if the older player is the best choice for the team then they should be recruited instead of the younger player that isn't as skilled.


    The pervasive influence of technology on the world has reached a point where I am starting to sense that everything, including our long-preserved culture and traditions, may be replaced by it.

    Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing various aspects of society, from the economy to education. The rapid advancements in technology have profound effects, showcasing its multifaceted impact on the world, examining both its positive contributions and the challenges it presents.

    Global connectivity stands out as one of the most significant positive impacts of technology. The internet has transformed the world into a global village, enabling instant communication and information sharing across borders. Social media platforms have further amplified this connectivity, allowing unprecedented collaboration and mobilization. This interconnectedness facilitates cultural exchange, increases awareness of global issues, and contributes to the emergence of a more globalized society.

    Furthermore, technology has revolutionized industries, driving innovation and economic growth. Automation and artificial intelligence have streamlined production processes, increasing efficiency and productivity. This has led to the creation of new job opportunities and the development of novel industries. The tech sector itself has become a major driver of economic growth, with technology companies playing a pivotal role in shaping the modern economy.

    In healthcare, technology has brought about significant advancements, improving diagnosis, treatment, and overall patient care. Medical technologies such as telemedicine have expanded access to healthcare services, particularly in remote areas. Research in areas like genomics and personalized medicine has the potential to revolutionize how we approach health and wellness.

    Despite these positive contributions, the impact of technology on the world is not without challenges. The widening digital divide is a notable concern, where access to technology and its benefits is unevenly distributed, exacerbating social and economic inequalities.

    Another challenge lies in the ethical implications of technological advancements, particularly in areas like artificial intelligence and data privacy. The increasing reliance on algorithms and machine learning raises questions about accountability, bias, and the potential misuse of technology. Striking a balance between technological innovation and ethical considerations is crucial to ensure equitable distribution of technology benefits without compromising individual rights and societal values.

    In conclusion, the profound and far-reaching impact of technology on the world, while bringing about positive changes, also poses challenges that require careful consideration. Society must navigate the evolving technological landscape with a commitment to addressing inequalities, upholding ethical standards, and harnessing the power of innovation for the greater good. Only through responsible and thoughtful integration of technology can we maximize its benefits and minimize potential drawbacks in shaping the future of our interconnected world.

    1. Yeah, I totally get what you mean! Technology has become such a big part of our lives. It's everywhere! But you know, it's not all bad. There are some really cool things that technology has brought us too. Like being able to connect with people from all over the world and having access to so much information at our fingertips. It's pretty amazing when you think about it!Absolutely! Technology has had a tremendous impact on our generation. It has changed the way we communicate, learn, and even entertain ourselves. Just look at how smartphones have become an extension of ourselves, always within arm's reach. And let's not forget about social media and how it has transformed the way we connect with others. It's crazy to think about how different things were just a few decades ago. But hey, change can be a good thing, right? We just need to find a balance between embracing the benefits of technology and not losing sight of what truly matters to us. What are some specific ways you think technology has impacted our generation?

  • I pick too young. I've seen it both on news and real life . I want to say the one saw on News. I'm sure most people know about Sonko Ousmane he was a 49 year old man who got rejected because his age. It is an African aspect that says that age comes with more wisdom. We the young are not likely given the chance to be independent because of many fake theoretical African Proverbs

  • In my opinion, the assessment of whether someone in the news is considered "too old" or "too young" to be doing something, or if something is happening "not enough" or "too much," is subjective and often influenced by individual perspectives, societal norms, and cultural contexts. Age, for instance, is a relative concept, and societal expectations regarding what individuals can or should achieve at different stages of life can vary widely. Similarly, the perception of whether an event is "not enough" or "too much" may depend on personal beliefs, values, and the specific context of the situation. It's like when you see a grandparent rocking the latest tech trend or a teenager making waves in a field you never expected. It's all about personal views, right? Like, is there really a "right" age for anything, or is it more about breaking stereotypes and embracing everyone's unique journey? In conclusion, it's important to look at things from different angles and have open conversations. We all see stuff in our own way, and what's okay or enough can totally change depending on who you ask. So, talking it out and hearing what others think helps us get that full picture. Everyone's got their own take on what's right or enough!

  • I would like to intimate my point of view on the phrase"Too Much",a quote reminding me 'TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS GOOD FOR NOTHING'which means too much of anything or excessive amounts also have bad/negative effect.Things which are good or beneficial for everyone can sometimes harmful.Example:Too much of food cam make us obese,too much of dedication can turn into workaholic ruining other facet of their life,too much of workout can make you ill,too much of screen timing can cause problem in your eyes...........from all angles TOO MUCH of anything is bad.

  • I want to say what I think about "too old". People in their thirties who wish to follow their aspirations are sometimes told they are "too old" now. Is there a time limit for achieving a dream? Why do people have to constantly remind themselves that they are too old and that they are incapable of doing anything on their own at a certain age? A person lacks the guts to change even if they are dissatisfied with their career or work because they believe that they are "too old" in the eyes of society. Consequently, those people's lives become meaningless, and they lose interest in living. In some way, society has dictated how long I am allowed to follow my aspirations. Society forces us to halt and settle down in life if we are unable to accomplish our dreams within that time frame. But in my opinion, there is no time restriction on achieving goals.
    Many successful individuals achieved their goals later in life. Whether starting a new career, pursuing education, or exploring creative endeavors, individuals can find fulfillment and success at any age. The key is to embrace the journey, acknowledge personal passions, and understand that learning and growth continue throughout life. In the end, rather than being influenced by outside time constraints, the pursuit of dreams should be motivated by one's own goals, passion, and sense of purpose. Rather of being a barrier, age can be a source of wisdom, resiliency, and experience that can help one succeed in their pursuits. If you have the ability and the desire to do anything, your age is irrelevant.

  • Here are thoughts ….

    “Not enough”:Imagen if you had a Ferrari and a huge mansion and luxury items and you think..Hey! I need one more gucci bag for example don’t you think that is enough you have plenty of things and even if you died who will have all those things HUH?

    “Too young” “Too old”: people of all ages can do spertacular thing such as singing dances drama art karate and even playing a musical instrument !!
    In the news once,there was this eight year old boy who could play prodigy!!!! I know and we children can do anything too (people say that to learn do do something it takes about 1000000 hours )

  • Hello
    I feel that the phrase" too young" and "not enough" is something that limits us. I feel that for the young ones they are limited in the form of job opportunities (no working experience) and also in terms of decision making which they may not be taken seriously because they are seen as inferior to knowledge.
    In the other hand "not enough" limits both the old and young in form of material things like for example many people have been limited in terms of money. In essence what I am trying to say is that people can be limited to things especially in terms of things that show inferiority, but we should not give up in our dreams and keep up pushing on no matter how small or less privileged we are we should work hard, and the sky will be our limit.
    Thank you.

  • Hello,
    On the news I have seen in some parts of Europe that farmers are protesting and going on strike for not being paid enough. Their wage is not enough, and now they are challenging the authorities by blocking roads with their vehicles and demanding higher wages, lower taxes, and protection from cheap exports. I think their reasons for protesting are very reasonable. You need money to be able to live in this world, and when you aren't being paid enough to afford bills and basic human necessities, your life becomes depressing. Sadly, we live in a world where the ones who work hard every day for thousands of people to have food aren't being paid the amount they deserve. Farmers are extremely important in almost every country, hence why we need to provide for them so they can provide food for us.

  • I would like to express my opinion on "too young", being too young to take responsibilities such as: president, vice president and so on can affect the country in all aspects in a negative way due to lack of experience in life which can hinder development in the country. This doesn't mean that young people shouldn't be encouraged to have opportunities to rule but before they should get into power they should have under gone through training to enable them to make decisions that will promote the growth of the country. Due to their young age they have the zeal to be creative and learn more and more.
    In conclusion, young people should be given opportunities to take responsibilities in order to be exposed in some certain aspects of life and as the saying goes " experience is the best teacher".

    1. How can we train to make good decisions?

      1. Hi Tiff, so glad to reply to your question
        There are so many ways to make good decisions such as: understanding yourself ie to know your strength and weakness, and to know the existing problem, it's cause, you also consider the available resources to solve those problem.
        Secondly, you have to be strict ie to be disciplined enough to implement each of the strategies you must have observed to be a solution to the existing problem.
        Lastly, the priority is to focus on the cause of the problem rather than just solving the problem because when you eradicate the taproot of the existing problem it will give you a strong background to handle any future problem.
        I hope this has answered your question.

      2. We can train to make good decisions by thinking before you do things and think about what will be the aftermath if you do it.

  • I have a mixed comment on these phrases.
    When you are a kid, and want to take part in any campaign, you are told that you are "Too young" for this.
    When you have retired, are free and now want to participate in campaigns, they will say that you are " Too old" for this.
    If you are very engaged in such things, people say that this is "Too much".
    And if you are not really interested in these things, you are told that this is "Not enough".
    But we are never told what is the "perfect". What is required is that we are willing to do the hard work, are committed and won't give up. These phrases can discourage those who are willing to work for the people.

  • Id like to add my opinion on too old as it simply means that you could do it something years ago but as you have aged you aren't able to do it anymore. This is also preventing people over a certain age from doing things in the last years of their lives. 'Too old' restricts againt elderly rights as they want to do an activity but aren't allowed to do it as they are over an age. It may be dangerous but if they are wanting to do it, it means they have considered the risks and still want to do it. For example im the UK we make people over 70 years old re-take their driving lisence too make sure they are safe but some of that age could still be in perfect health

    1. I agree because should we be ageist in a society like this? Many elderly want to live a fun last years instead of sitting alone, but these restrictions die down this dream

  • Id like to add my opinion on, too old generalises as a restriction against elderly rights, 'too old' to do or join an activity they want to do on their own accord? Yes, sometimes it can be dangerous but most of the times they should be given the ability to do as they decide to do. Infact, they shouldn't have to be given the right they should already have it. Some 65 year old could be very well in better shape than a 25 year old. Too young is stereotyping abilities and peoples mindsets ans holding them back from achieving. Not enough is simply saying someone is worthless and brings them down. Should we bring this behaviour up to others?

    1. I agree because we should not be restricted as to our age ,oppourtunities should not be limited as it could limit our future and stop us from growing

  • Age is not just a number. As you get older,you become more experienced and more mature. In your youth, you are more naive and incapable of making important desicions. You can be too young for certain things,such as drinking. However, you cant be too old as you have already experienced so much. People who young and are exposed to more vulgar things have their childhood ripped from them. Nowadays, it is hard to see children who actually act like children. The media has influenced kids as young as ten to start acting like adults. For example, youngs girls have been influenced by the media so heavily that they have already started wearing makeup and using anti-aging skincare products. The fear of not 'fitting' into society's beauty standards has reached children.

    I believe we should leave children to be children, and leave harsh stories and the reality of the world in the hands of adults, until someone is mature enough to actually understand the importance or severity of certain situations.

    1. I totally agree, in today's society the roles between the youth and elders has drastically changed over the years. Children who have been seen as gifted and mature are fed into this ideal of being grownup for their current age. This puts alot of unnecessary pressure on kids as now that they've been visioned as a perfect role model and so want to live up to the standards set by the people around them. This ideology of flawlessness creates a barrier between the standard and the destined carefree life of a young child. Children are being non-verbally told to grow up instead of cherishing the time they have before adulthood hits as well as the side effects that come with it.

      However, on the other hand, those who have reached adulthood and are far past that stage desperately find any opportunity to hold on to the memories of their youth. Problems such as relationships, divorces, bills, rent and money issues are sole factors in making the older generation suffer mentally and in most cases, silently. All of these pent up emotions pile on over time and cause a decrease in ones mental health. Looking back at photo albums of the old times can bring sadness but a moment of happy recollection.

      So, in conclusion, whilst adulthood is out of reach for the young children, childhood is also out of reach for those who experienced it long ago.

      [I also would like to add that I am in no way intending to downplay themes as neglect, trauma and PTSD that may unfortunately occur in a child's life. I fully understand that this can happen in their youth and I am aware that alot of kids dont have the carefree or unproblematic lifestyle.]

  • When people have made an achievement but then someone comments its not enough it can lower their self esteem and can change their mindset for the worse. Or when someone gets a promotion leading to pay raise and then someone tells you its not enough that can bring your confidence down. Sometimes just by saying something so small as a 3 word comment can really affect a persons mental health and can lead to anxiety or even worse depression. Some people say something and then proceed to never think about it again but then person on the other hand could think about that all the time every second of every day because of how much that affected their mental state. They could use that comment to reference to everything they do and use it to bias their decisions to what that person said. They could never meet that person again but maybe they never saw them but they will have always heard them and sometimes for the worse.

  • I feel that it's essential to recognize that age should not be the sole determinant of someone's ability or suitability for a task . One may do the work more efficiently than another and their age may differ. age can only give us one reason that an older one may or may not have more experience than the other but People of different ages bring diverse perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, and these factors should be considered when evaluating their capabilities.Similarly, whether something is happening "not enough" or "too much" often depends on goals and desired outcomes. What may seem excessive to one person or group may be considered insufficient by another. Finding a balance often involves considering various perspectives and objectives. the assessment of individuals and events in the news should extend beyond superficial considerations of age and quantity. By focusing on the substance of actions and the impact they have, we can cultivate a more inclusive discourse that celebrates the contributions of individuals of all ages and recognizes the complexity of the issues we face.
    It's essential to approach such assessments with an open mind and consider a range of factors before forming conclusions, we should always keep in mind that "Age is not a determinant of capability, nor is quantity a measure of quality. Whether deemed 'too old' or 'too young,' or something seen as 'not enough' or 'too much,' true potential transcends arbitrary limits and defies conventional expectations."

  • Hello, I have seen in the news that in certain places young people and adults have been denied certain privileges such as a better job, in the case of adults, they are prohibited from entering places such as restaurants and even more so to those who are disabled from what I believe. that no one should be treated like that there are organizations that help the anxious with certain things and I think it is very good but you should never deny someone from doing activities or entering places due to your age maybe for teenagers yes but that is something with what I'm not very sure about

  • Hi! In our economics class, we learnt that human's wants are insatiable.
    So, it is normal to feel that what we have is "not enough" we can never be the best until we are dissatisfied, it is in our dissatisfaction as humans that put us on the edge to crave improvement.
    You have to go an extra mile to get what you want. In fact, a grade A student555966 wants to be the overall best in the school, the rich want to be wealthy, and the wealthy wants to be stinkingly wealthy. Past successes "not enough" because the past is history, the present is an open cheque, and the future is a promissory note. It is only when we believe that our efforts now at self-improvement is "not enough" that we can get better in whatever it is that we do daily. As we improve individually and embrace a life of growing mindset, we make our dear world a better place. Thanks

  • Hii, hello guys
    I find this topic interesting for today..
    I start with a quote "GREED IS A BIG LOSS " As crafty river said we humans have a character of saying not enough "but if we get everything too much it leads to a big loss. For example if we are hungry and we are going to a restaurant we eat till our stomach full. But if we eat more more saying not enough it leads to a big issue. Finally I say everything should be un limit for humans and well as animals.
    Than you,

  • I would have to say "Too young". In the news I always see many events happening. While I can't name specific news stories, in general whenever I as a person under 13 whenever I try to take action there is always something saying 13 and up, 15 and up, etc. I feel like this really blocks out great minds for solutions to help the world. The saying you're too young is often used wrongly to justify a lot of things. You're too young to have social media, you're too young to be tired, or you're too young to be depressed. Your too young is a saying that is overused and I think you are never to young to feel your feelings or to make a change.

    1. I'm not sure about this because although, yes, you are almost never too young to try and make change there can be many difficulties in it. For example, you can 100% be too young to have / use social media (based on the app) because of the content on there. Social media apps like Facebook are okay for younger people to use as it is very friendly (plus, many families use the app) but apps like Discord can be dangerous due to how people can anonymous and lie. Despite this, I do believe it is good if people under 13 feel strongly about the news and wish to help and there should definitely be more places for them to try and advocate for the topic.

  • I would like to say on behalf of this topic, I say that someone in the news isn't either of the categories. Especially for being "too young" because Skai Jackson was on the news and she wasn't even 5 yet. Now what I will say is for the "too old" topic, I don't believe in that either but also I don't think ALL old people should be on the news.

  • I would choose the phrase "Not enough" to describe the response to climate change initiatives in the news. Despite increasing awareness and urgency surrounding climate change, the actions taken by governments, industries, and individuals are often deemed "not enough" to address the magnitude of the problem. While some progress has been made in terms of renewable energy adoption and carbon emission reduction efforts, the scale and pace of action fall short of what is necessary to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. More ambitious and comprehensive strategies are needed to effectively combat climate change and safeguard the planet for future generations.

  • I would like to say too young and too old, I choose these because I have heard I the news that people below 18 should not be allowed to drive because their a little low of experience and that over 80+ should not be allowed to drive because they may start to loose their eye sight and that may cause a lot of accident. And another thing is that if some people are too old or to young to do something, it may be hard to pick out individuals that are just perfect to do things like voting this may cause some negative acts because the people may be angry thinking why is there a rule that people are too young or too old to do things. This may cause to people protesting and cause riots against the government and it may cause people to get hurt or killed or destruction of the nation. And another negative effect on this can be many people may just decide to leave the country to find a country that doesn't have a law of too old or too young and because a lot of people may leave a country the country might just become like an abandoned wasteland. This can also make a lot of people to loose loyalty to their country and spies from other countries can come and spy on where their country is least protected so they can start attacking from that particular place and even if some people know about it, they may not even say a thing because of loosing patriotisms for their country or just think that they are too old or too young to report about it to the government. So what I think their can be people too young to do some things like voting, placing bets, driving or even allowed to play in a pro league football match but there should not be anything like too old to vote or have any human right but I agree that some people are too old too drive.

  • I believe there aren't enough businesses or brands supporting climate change efforts. If more businesses invest in initiatives to protect the planet, our world will become a better place to live. Additionally, if brands and celebrities use their influence to raise awareness about the dangers of climate change, people will pay more attention and work together towards solutions. Currently, not enough businesses prioritize climate issues, but by increasing support and advocacy, we can inspire positive change and create a healthier environment for everyone

  • Around the globe, I have seen cases of young people below the age of eighteen becoming people in high places like becoming owners of successful organizations. In my opinion, I think that they are actually really hard working and have a right attitude to work. They have the zeal to push forward despite the obstacles that come their way. To conclude my point, I do not think that they are to young even though they might not have the right mentality to cater for whatsoever that they have established, it is still a remarkable first step.
    Thank you!!!

    1. I'm not sure about this because young people often fail too. Many young entrepreneurs are becoming successful today but some are failing too. The news highlights only those who are successful. Nobody knows or pays attention to those who failed and are now suffering. In our country, parents often want their children to go into an educational field and not try something different like sports, singing, dancing etc. Parents do so because they fear we are too young to try something different and might fail. They think not everyone is successful in such fields and want us to take the path where success is more likely. Some youngsters today see successful young people and think they will be able to prosper like them too, and then, when they fail, they blame themselves and become prey to mental illnesses. While it is true that age is just a number, sometimes being old is better than being young. Being old brings you experience, connections, learning and many different skills. So, I think sometimes in some cases people might be too young.

  • Something not enough is peace in the world. Today in the world there are wars,Robberies and their sad things going on.In the news they like to talk about whats going on but they never like to talk about how we can better it for us and are future generations. We need to promote peace and stop violence around the world.

  • I would like to comment on too young and too old. These two expressions represent two different age groups but we should respect both of them . Youth expresses these spontaneous actions that young people take, their care free spirit and the curiosity to learn new things. The other one expresses the wisdom and all the experiences an older person has in order to make more logical decisions. So for me we can't say that something is too old or too young yo do. We just need to follow the line of life and live according to our age.

  • I believe nobody is too young to help protect the planet. From the time we start school until we become adults, we can all contribute in our own small ways. Whether it's learning how to clean up litter, conserving water, or other eco-friendly actions, every effort counts. It's never too early to start caring for the environment. By teaching young people the importance of protecting our planet and instilling eco-friendly habits from a young age, we can make a big difference in preserving Earth's beauty and resources for future generations. Together, even the youngest among us can play a vital role in protecting our planet.

  • I disagree with the statement "too young" and "too old". I say this because no matter how old you are you can always achieve something. On May 21, 2023 a young 12 year old boy graduates college with 5 degrees. Another example is a 72 year old man graduating college in may 12, 2023. These both show that you are never too old to accomplish something.

    1. Hello, thank you for sharing your ideas! So, do you think that, by seeing examples like you mentioned here will make people gain more acceptance that there is no such thing as 'too young' or 'too old'?

  • I disagree with the statement "too young" and "too old". I say this because no matter how old you are you can always achieve something. On May 21, 2023 a young 12 year old boy graduated college with 5 degrees. Another example is a 72 year old man graduating college on May 12, 2023. These both show that you are never too old to accomplish something.

    1. I agree because... there are people in the world that have done great things whether old or young . I have heard of a story that a young boy of age 7 became the king of a whole nation and of an old man that did a great thing in the society. In Nigeria, our current president is aged 70 plus. That goes to say that age can not stop us from achieving great things.
      Therefore, I think that people should not be discriminated and be restricted from doing some particular things because of their age.

  • Hi ! I just wanted to add in on this topic and say that, In this generation people don't put in enough work nor do they wanna work for anything they have. So, This is a good topic to teach the young. I would also like to say that children and pre-teens are too young to be doing things in this generation. For example, children and pre-teens are able to find things that the police can't and they are too involved in inappropriate activities. So, Im glad that this topic is avalible for the young generation.

  • According to me, minors being allowed to vote should not be encouraged as they are "too young". Minors at their age are still in the phase of learning and growing as they still have not been introduced to all ideas surrounding them. They are still young and are gradually growing. They need to be in an age where they have truly been introduced to all ideas of democracy and the functioning of the country's government. Only then minors would be able to take able and wise decisions concerning the functioning of their country. In my considered perspective, minors, till they surpass 18 years of age, don't have much of an aptitude towards their country's polity. It is important to understand that matters concerning the country's functioning and government require considerate decisions to be taken and only experienced individuals can ensure that. So minors should be given time, time to develop their aptitude towards politics and should be allowed to play a part in the elections only after becoming mature enough. Thank you

  • In the news I've seen too much death. In the United States the death rate is steadily rising every year. According to my research approximately 3,273,705 deaths occurred in the United States. In comparison to the deaths in 2023 2022 looks extremely small. According to the research I've done on Google approximately 61 million people died in 2023.
    You may be wondering what the leading causes of these death it was covid-19, heart disease, and cancer. Heart disease claiming the most lives out of the three. Another leading cause to the loss of life in the US is gun violence. according to what I read almost 4,000 people have died in relation to gun violence in the US. Meaning approximately 118 lives are claimed a day by gun violence in 2023.

  • I believe that when it comes to protecting the Earth, nothing is too much. In today's global crisis, everyone is collaborating to find sustainable solutions. No effort is excessive, regardless of its size, if it helps safeguard the Earth. We can combine various actions to create a better and safer planet. Let's continue working together tirelessly for the well-being of our Earth. Every small step counts in making a positive impact on our planet's health and ensuring a brighter future for generations to come. So, let's not hesitate to do whatever we can to protect our precious planet.

  • I will like to oppose the motion ''too old'' and ''too young.'' My dad always stressed the fact that age is just a number and with careful observation, I have come to see that that is true. The honest fact is, life does not check your age before it throws challenges towards you nor does it regard age when rewarding success. Even regarding Christians like me, we believe that God decides our fate based on our capacity and ability to withstand temptations and not our age. I believe that in life we should strive to work hard to improve our capacity and ability to handle real life challenges than to keep stressing on the importance of age besides, no one will give you the respect your age deserves if you lack competency. We should keep our mind open to learn as far as learning from the youngest child. Just take a look at things this way, if I have two like bottles one older than the other and the younger contains mercury while the older contains water, definitely the younger is considered more valuable than the older regardless the age difference. Simply put, ''IT'S NOT ABOUT THE CONTAINER IT'S ABOUT IT'S CONTENT'.'

  • On the news I think there is too much bad news. Almost every time you turn on the news you here about wars or climate change getting worse and I think it is getting too much. I think on the news they should be more good news like how more people are able to accesses electricity or how more girls are getting the right education. Overall I think there should be more good news on the news.

    1. Could you expand on this further? For example, what are the downsides of 'too much' bad news? And how might we benefit from the good news examples you detailed?

      1. Hi, Loretta copper

        Too much bad news can cause a lot of things in our society,it can make people feel insecure,deprive them of freedom and it can make people rebellious.
        Let use this as an example; you were informed that in a community, flood killed a lot of people due to unusual climate change, people around that area will feel unsafe and will be in grieve and it can cause panic attack for some people.such news should be handled by the government and elders in the community.
        Another example;if the youth in a community find out that the candidate they want to vote for ended up loosing due to election rigging and bribery, don't you think the will be rebellious and this will destroy a lot of things and harm a lot of innocent people.

        Everyone loves good news,it is called good news because it has a positive impact on the life of those in the society.
        Giving people access to electricity will make their work efficient and easy in this world of technology,it will help in various sectors like health care, school, company and our contributing positively to our daily life and this will give the people a peace of mind.

        Before now female were not given the opportunity to proper education,I will be of great opportunity if there was a new on giving the access to will produce good women in the society that will change the world, there won't be a large amount of illiterate, teenage pregnancy and early marriage.they will also be seen as valuable people in the society.

        And it will put an end to gender therefore good news has so much to offer.

  • I believe age shouldn't hold us back when it comes to addressing climate change and using AI. It's never too late to learn new things. People of any age can help invest in protecting the environment. It's better to start late than never. Grown-ups and elderly people can join in and brainstorm sustainable ways to protect the planet. They can also learn to use AI to aid the environment, even if they didn't go to school for it. Age doesn't matter when it comes to making a difference. Thank you, and I strongly believe it's better late than never to act for our planet's future.

    1. Yes, you are right!
      Absolutely! Age is indeed just a number when it comes to intelligence and creativity. Critical thinking and inspiration can lead to remarkable achievements regardless of age. It's inspiring to see young inventors making significant contributions, showcasing that age is no barrier to innovation and success.

      1. You're absolutely right! How cool is it that anyone, no matter how old, can be super smart and creative? Thinking deeply and getting inspired can help us do amazing things, like inventing stuff or making big changes. It's awesome to see kids doing incredible stuff and proving that age doesn't matter when it comes to being awesome! Keep being curious and creative – you never know what amazing things you might come up with! Thank you loyal_snow for stating this amazing statment.

        1. You're welcome! It's truly inspiring to witness people of all ages embracing their creativity and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. The curiosity and innovation of individuals, regardless of age, drive progress and shape our future. Keep fostering that curiosity and creativity—it's the key to unlocking incredible achievements!

  • "Too old" is used to indicate something or someone that has reached an age where they are considered no longer functional for a certain purpose, being "too old" or literally any of these are just social norms. The elderly should be respected more because they have been on earth more than some people, so because they are old that does not mean they have lost their sense and intelligence. Old people's lives become meaningless, they lose interest in living because of society.

  • 1.When talking about news being too much it is like a two way street and what I mean by this is that there is two ways that the phrase too much can go. The first way is it being too much to handle. I mean this by not being able to cope with the amount of good or bad news that we hear about on the television. The second way is when a constant stream of disastrous reporting whether you are exposed actively or passively can elevate stress levels and trigger symptoms like anxiety and trouble sleeping.

    2. The phrase too young only has one main reason. This is that the news that you someone else is hearing may not be age appropriate for you or your friends. This can cause nightmares or anxiety and stress. This IS NOT good for your mental health and that can change the rest of your life.

    3. My third and final phrase that I would like to discuss today is the phrase not enough. This phrase can also be explained as a two way street. The first way is that the television can not tell enough good news about the world. And the second way is not showing enough bad news to help us understand about what is happening around the world.

    Thank you for reading my response and I hope whoever is reading this has a great rest of their day.

  • I would like to discuss about not enough. In this world, no one is satisfied with anything. If a man is walking, then he wish to have cycle. Where as, the man who has cycle, he dreams to have bike. the person who has a bike, then he dreams to have a car. We human beings always think that we aren't enough. I think it's because of society. Nowadays, we can see that the people of society is judgeing everyone. So, this makes people think they are not enough.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi, thank you for sharing your ideas! So, do you think that if each individual is happy with what they have, we would live happier lives?

  • A news story that took my notice recently is about the very first patient from my country getting completely free from Cancer by adopting an indigenous CAR-T cell therapy. Cancer is a problem which is “too old” and has been persisting for the longest time. This therapy, developed by an Indian technology and research institution- IIT Bombay , and an Indian hospital- Tata Memorial Hospital , has been provided to 15 patients out of which , 3 have been successful so far marking a great feat. This treatment can be afforded cheaper in India, at a cost of 40 lakhs, which otherwise would’ve cost 4 crores abroad.
    I am extremely proud of the progress made by my country and feel that this news should be highlighted and brought in the spotlight.

    Thank you

  • I would like to use the phrase, "Not Enough" while relating it to the talk about the Ecuador prison escape. We always talk about how many people go into jail, but we never talk about how we can refrain people from heading to the jails or even heading back to jail. We could talk about over and over again how people commit too many crimes, how too many people go back to jail, and many more about how many people can do this and that. We never talk enough about how we can change or reform people to fix their habits.

    Things could talk about more rather than not enough:

    1-We could talk more about how people can change from being prisoners to reformed better citizens. We can do this by doing things talking about the different ways that can recover since many former prisoners want to recover from jail, but they feel pushed down due to the fact that society penalizes all criminals.

    2-We could talk about how there are rehab homes for prisoners to go to, so that they can discuss their in-prison experience with people who have been there. There are several rehab homes and centers for troubled teens, drug addicts, and there are even some for basic mental illnesses. With these rehab homes all kinds of prisoners can have some way of recovering from their memories of prison.

    3-We could talk more about how former prisoners could reform themselves by going to their rehab centers as well as going to job interviews to grow out of their old selves. These small jobs at a fast food chain or small business would help heal the prisoners' records due to their short to long prison sentence.

    We all could more highly reform prisoners since they could have the self control to leave their criminal past behind to find their now reformed civilized self. If we give them more motivation rather than pushing them away from furthering their our as well as our economies futures. Circling back to how we don't talk enough about how prisoners could help reform themselves.

  • People 60 years of age or older are typically the target of the term "too old." It is utilized by retired individuals. It is improper to use the phrase "too old" because, if the individual claims he is capable, you should just let him do what will make him happy.

  • I will choose the phrase "too young".
    People say that age is just a number but is it? In some cases it might be but I think in most of the it is not. For example a young person wants to fight in election but he/she can't because of his/her age. Young people may not have all the skills required to
    run the country properly they are not mature enough to run the country. So, I think age is not just a number. Age matters in most of the cases where there is the neccesity of high skills.

  • I would go with the phrase " too much". This is because the high rate of Fake News in the society is too much.
    If there's too much of fake news in the society, it is not a good idea. For example ,if someone hears or listen to a fake news, if the person didn't know that it is a fake news the person would start spreading the wrong information to everyone else.
    Additionally, so many people had died due to fake news, for someone who's hypertensive can easily die as a result of fake news, for instance if someone is given a letter that he /she has been sacked from work, the person may die as due to hypertension, or might even result in high blood pressure.
    So I think that the high rate of fake news is "too much" and it must be stopped because it cause harm to the society.

  • I would like to express my opinion on "Too much" The news about insecurity is too much not only in a particular place but all over the world. You might be hearing new about cases like kidnappings, robbery, bombings etc.
    What's happening in the news in Nigeria is about the news of insecurity, in the news there's high rate of insecurity in the Northern part of the country particularly. In those parts of the country there's always a news a news about either kidnappings , arson or robbery.
    What's I think is "Not enough" is the works of the security officers, this is because if there's high security in those places it will not be easy for kidnappers to kidnap people and demand for Ransome or for arsonist to burn people's property any how.
    Although the government are already trying their best in curbing the issues of insecurity that is Too much in the society.
    I think that the issues of insecurity is too much and it needs to be tackled for the betterment of the people and the world.
    Thank you.

  • In the news, I have observed a situation where something is " too much ". It concerns the widespread use of single -use plastic in daily life. Plastic waste has a negative impact on environment but many industries are still producing and using it. This over-reliance on single - use plastic contribute to pollution and is a threat to eco systems, wildlife and human health. Because of too much production of plastic packaging and other single use item, it has led a vast amount of waste ending up in oceans and landfills.

    Many efforts have been made to address this issue but the problem is not solving because of inadequate regulations from industries and individuals. By taking stricter regulations and promoting eco friendly alternatives, we can ensure about a future where the excessive use of plastic is reduced. It is crucial to think that the current situation of plastic consumption is " too much " and take decisive actions to mitigate it’s harmful effect on our planet.

  • If age is just a number, then why are there those age limits for every single activity? People mature at different ages, so it isn't the same for everyone. I think that way too many people confuse these things. It is discouraging to tell children that they can't do something and when they ask why, you say it is because of their age. I think that children have lots of creative ideas. These ideas shouldn't be ignored. It can often have a negative impact on the children. Being told that they can't might be something that they will remember and it could stop them from doing amazing things. For instance, when I was in kindergarten, I heard about continents. It was something completely new to me, something I had never heard about before. I remember having kind of a hunger for information. I wanted to learn and to be able to memorize every single one of them. It may seem small, but it was coming from a very little kid. However, I was told that I wasn't old enough to learn about them and that there was no way I could actually memorize them. I obviously persisted, but with no luck. Years later, in school when I had to learn about them, my excitement had faded. I learned them, of course, but with a terrible lack of excitement.
    When I say that it can affect one's mind, I am speaking from experience. Adults shouldn't be killing kids enthusiasm.

    1. An interesting reflection on your experience. Thank your for sharing with an example to illustrate your point of view.

  • Hello,
    I think the phrase "too young" can be used in every situation, but it really depends on the situation. Occasionally "Too young" is meant for people not having enough life experience or can be meant for people who are not mature enough in doing things or taking responsibilities. Let's say for example, a teenager being a police officer. This is a situation that could be used for the phrase "too young". I say this because teenagers are not mature enough and they don't have full responsibilities for doing this. It's very common for young people to be stressed. This could be a problem because they are probably going to let the mission fail and we don't want that.

  • People of old age in my opinion are not to partake in straneous extra curricular activities but can engage in mild ones.

    1. I honestly disagree. This would be because, in most cases, no one is really too old to do something. This is especially if they enjoy doing certain things. For example, many people have different perspectives of what's, "too old". Some people believe being 80 is too old and others may even believe 30 or 40 is too old. There are many older people who enjoy doing difficult tasks that require them to move around or to thoroughly think out problems. While yes, in some cases, the elderly population shouldn't do many things that could effect on their health. If they want to do difficult problems or even, as you said, extra curricular activities, they should be able to do what they enjoy. Just as the younger population is able to do as they enjoy.

  • I believe the phase, "too young" is a phase that has a lot to debate about. In may situations a person can definitely be too young to do certain things, or to be on the news. Although that is true, there are also situations where we need to see the perspectives of the younger people. I'll be speaking on why both of these perspectives are true.

    First is the perspective of the younger people should have a voice! This is exactly true when something violet is occurring in that area. Typically, when social media hears of violet things, only a few parts of the media will speak out on these things. But, when younger people are up, saying they're stories and explaining hope these actions are affecting they're lives, more people will spread the word. These people would be trying harder to help this area because of those younger people and children are asking for help. When things happen on the news, especially if they involve children, people will try to spread it to help those certain people.

    On the other hand, if a person did not agree to being on the news, then they could be counted as too young. For example, imagine a very young child going through something very traumatic. Then, while the child is recovering, they get cameras shoved into their face! Keep in mind, this child-nor their parent- gave the news permission to interview the child. In this case the child would be "too young" to be on the news.

    In conclusion, the "too young" can be true in certain situations, it can also be false. Children speaking about what's going on in their lives can bring more attention to what's going on. But in may areas, children being on the news could be wrong and could ruin the child's mental state or life.

  • I would like to comment on 'too young'.
    Lately in my surroundings i have noticed that the students aged about 14-17 are mostly involved with brilliant mindsets and ideas for their future like starting a bussiness or some kind of a club to have a better knowledge about the society .
    Children in their teenage are sometimes critisised for being too young . The society think of them as a burden but they are so much more than that. The creative mind of a child starts from this point and they should be encourged for whag they are doing rather than making them feel insecure . No one is ' too young' or' too old' to start their journey.

    I believe that a person should not be expected to do accomplish that only people odler than him do , such as getting married, driving, holding a leadership position etc, if they are too young. However, some people still marry at young age , ever knowing it's not a good idea them to do it . People that practice it might be illiterate or they lake wide knowledge. THANK YOU

  • I would like to express my opinion on "too old" /too young. First of all when it comes to the aspect of education no one is smarter than each other. For instance when you are given an assignment some people will find it difficult to give to the sibling who knows it , rather you start browsing from another source like Internet or they Will prefer failing the course/subject.while some people they will meet a higher person, check the Internet for a better information or they will meet thier sibling who knows it.
    When it comes to the aspect of reporting news no one is above casting news no matter your size because God gave each of us brain to do things. In conclusion I don't think anyone is too young or too old to do anything.

  • The phrase ' not enough ' will be a really good phrase. The people in today's generation are not happy with the things they have. People want more and more thing and then tat things are of no use and it is thrown in the corner. There would be alot of people who have everything but then also thy want another thing. Some people wants the thing by seeing another person. If she haves then I should also have that. The people who are in need are really thankful if they get one or the other thing. But we people are really ungrateful. The main thing which people wants more is money. But htey don't understand that money can't buy happiness.

    1. Hello! Thank you for sharing your ideas. So, do you think that if every person is grateful for what they have, the world would be a better place?

      1. I think the world would be a better place if everyone is happy with what thry have. There will be no jealousy between people. Everyone will be happy with what they have. There will be no comparison or competition. Being grateful with what we have is a relly good thing. If people wants something then they take bribe, or they steal, people fight for that thing. But if they will be happy with what they have then nothing like this will happen. In this way the world could be a better place.

  • I took the phrase "Too much" and applied it to a news topic. An example of this could be, considering the ongoing debate on social media usage by public figures, one might express the view that some people share "too much" personal information or opinions online. This could include politicians, celebrities, etc. The discussion could then turn into potential consequences of the behavior and make us question whether there should be limits on the extent of personal disclosure in the public domain.
    Thank you

  • I would like to pick the phrase "not enough". This is something that the younger generation is hearing constantly, which has led to the lowering of their confidence and self-esteem. For instance, they may be in class writing what you think is the best story you have ever written, but your teacher will walk past and see your short but incredible paragraph and say that is "not enough" witout even reading its contents.

    Hearing comments like this daily eventually begin to destroy your self-esteem, people decide that if their best isn't good enough then they might as well stop trying. So that is what they do, stop trying. If our younger generations begin to just give up then our future will start to look darker and darker. If we don't try then there will be no improvement in our planet and instead we may just stay the same forever.

  • I would go with the phrase "too much",I would likely to relate it with the cases of "bullying". The cases of bullying is very common nowadays especially in schools,not only in schools but also in the society.
    Bullying can be inform physical, emotional, verbal, social,cyber bullying ,prejudicial etc. The case of bullying has caused a lot of harm to people, like if people are called names they're supposed to be called,if someone is excluded from group the person may feel like an outcast.
    Focusing more on cyber bullying, cyber bullying is a form of bullying that occurs through digital medium such as social media,mails, text messages etc. It includes harassment and spreading rumors about someone online.
    Therefore, it is imperative that we collectively work towards eradicating bullying in all its forms. By fostering environments of inclusivity, understanding, and support, we can create a world where every individual feels safe, valued, and empowered to thrive. Together, let us stand against bullying and champion kindness, compassion, and respect as the cornerstones of our communities.

  • According to what I saw in the news, I would like to use the phrase "too young," while watching the news I saw something about " Greta Thunberg " ,in her early childhood, Greta realized or noticed how climate change effects us , as a result of that she was traumatized and often spoke , but on the other hand, her interest in helping the environment rose. She began learning more about the situation and soon made an awesome change . Now a days, Greta became an environmental activist. Currently, Greta has protested for Palestinian rights which makes me very elated to know youths that are very actively informed of not just environmental change but also political problems which in my opinion links with the discussion about " Are young people politically engaged " and indeed Greta Thunberg is politically engaged and a prestigious role model and activist for other youths out there.

  • I recently came across a news article about Soborno Isaac Bari, an 11-year-old who has become a professor at MIT. It's impressive that he was able to achieve such a position at a young age, with the support of his family and community. However, I do feel that he is quite young to be a professor. Nevertheless, he holds the title for being the youngest professor in the world.

  • I have noticed that whatever you do, it is never enough. Everything that you do, you could have done better. Perhaps it is true, but that doesn't mean that we need to be reminded every day. Sometimes, society judges us, without caring to even figure out why we have done something in a way or another. Strangely enough, I mostly see people who don't do any actual work, complain the most. How come they get to pull us down, so easily? Personally, I believe that what actually matters is that you make an effort to try. You don't need to do everything perfectly. Of course, after you have done the same thing over and over again, but still can't do it right, you can ask yourself a few questions. But at least you are doing something. I believe that a harsh truth is that you will never be doing enough for everyone. So, I think that it is better for both you and the others to not be bothered by their comments. Also, if people are telling me that I am too young and so I don't contribute much work, I always wonder when they would think that I would have time to learn. For example, in my childhood years I could not be old enough to do something, but then I would become too old not to know it. From my point of view, the expectations are too high, coming from people who haven't done better than us, either.

  • I think there is too much pressure on students to perform well in exam. I agree that parents seeing their children excel in their academics brings them joy ,but sometimes they put too much pressure on their children . Some student resulting into cheating, because of the expectations put on them by their parent. But at the end of the day, not everyone would wants to do a formal job, some want to be; footballers, musicians, barbers etc. So parent should stop trying to control their children's life, but should rather give them advice on what occupation to choose.

  • Dear.

    I heard a lot of the phrase " not enough" We need more, it's hard to live, it's unfair. I didn't hear anyone in my country saying in the news or when listening to the radio I always hear a lot of discussions and there can be disagreements but they always negatively say not enough. Some countries are having a hard time with recourses of food, fuel or even some financial situations. So people become angry and make organizations or even channels do this usually. They say " why we're like this look at the other countries they are better they have a better coin because their president is better we are nearly without a president we need to quell that and try to make talking conflicts with anyone who could say to the president. I hate this negative talking on the News and I don't like why they do this. Do you eat and drink? "Yes“ so try to wait it will not be the third world war if you didn't wait.


    1. Can you explain what you mean by 'Do you eat and drink? "Yes“ so try to wait it will not be the third world war if you didn't wait'? Thanks.

      1. First, I need to thank you for replying to my comment.

        I mean with "Do you eat and drink?", and "Yes" that yes you are not in the best country and conditions in the world but you can live with these conditions which you have. And I mean with it will not be the third world war that it will not be a total disaster if you waited to have better country conditions

  • I want to explain my thoughts for "too old." First of all, no one should be considered too old to be doing something. For example, if a 37 year old man wants to be in the park, it should not be an issue. Mainly because, some adults or older teenagers are still children at heart, and this should be respected. Either they grew up very fast, or they didn't experience a good childhood. Either way, they may want to feel like a kid again, so there should not be any "too old" in some terms, considering the fact that some people simply want to have fun.

  • All.of these in a way can represent something in the news but one thing I will comment is too much.
    Too much stress in our lives and that is based on many factors.
    First of all these days news seem to show too much of negative news. News about wars, about discrimination between genders, races, criminal acts and of course climate change. And this make you wonder. Do we really need to be shown so many negative news that cause people stress and worry about the future?
    Of course we should be shown the prob9but we need to focus more on solutions and how to overcome them in order people to feel relieved that in any problem there is the right solution.

  • Good Day Everyone,
    I would like to discuss about 2 phrases
    1st would be "too much" I recently saw a news report about a company that was found to be excessively exploiting natural resources, leading to significant environmental damage. The company's practices were deemed "too much" by environmental activists and regulatory authorities, highlighting the need for stricter regulations and sustainable business practices.
    2nd one is "Too young": In a recent news story, a young entrepreneur was criticized for being "too young" to lead a successful business venture. Despite the skepticism, the entrepreneur's innovative ideas and determination have proven to be effective, challenging the notion that age determines success in business.

    1. Very true, people feel that what we should do should be based on our age, most of the world's population tend to forget that age does not limit us but rather empowers us to be great.

  • I like to put emphasis on "too young "you see nobody is too young to do or achieve something rather it depends on what it is that the individual is doing ,for example, there is this anime called detective Conan it is about a very good detective who got shrunken into a child of age seven people doubted him and thought he couldn't solve the case yet he was able to crack the hardest case in HQ, and then he always said, it doesn't matter if I'm small, I can still do it!

  • I feel like more people need to realize that they don't want to be millionaires or billionaires, they want to be comfortable. They don't want to have "too much" They want to feel like they won't have to worry if their family will eat today. It is okay to have wants and needs like this, but being filthy rich will make you feel terrible mentally. For example, the creator of the game Minecraft became incredibly rich after selling his game to Microsoft. His whole life fell apart simply because he got rich. His passion project was no longer his and he would rant on social media about how bad he felt.

    Many people feel like they won't do this, but almost all celebrities or other rich people are sad, lonely, and have nothing to do with their money. If you have "too much", you'll have no reason to do anything or work. You can just pay someone or buy something. On the other hand, if you have "not enough" you will feel the need to work and make money, but you'll still be sad since you don't have all of your necessities. We can really never be fully happy in life, but we can try our best to be content in what we have and who we are.

  • I honestly think there is too much deforestation. People are so quick to cut down trees yet so slow to replant them. Deforestation has caused so many problems like climate change, soil erosion and even global warming.
    Deforestation is caused by many things. One of which is industrial agriculture. This may actually seem crazy cuz how will agriculture, something that has to do with growing cause deforestation? I want to lay emphasis on INDUSTRIAL agriculture. Nowadays, everything has been industrialized even agriculture and this actually causes a disadvantage. When industrial agricultural sites need more land to create more factories, trees suffer. This actually occurs in the production of commodities like palm oil and soy. These crops are used in our daily lives for various purposes. The more we need them, the more trees suffer. This is just one of the reason why there is too much deforestation.

  • In recent news, it has been speculated that some people may be considered "too young" to be taking on certain responsibilities such as leading important projects or making crucial decisions. This debate often arises when individuals of a younger age express their opinions or take on roles traditionally held by older, more experienced individuals. While some argue that youth brings fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, others contend that experience and maturity are vital for certain tasks. The ongoing discussion about age and capability highlights the importance of recognizing individual strengths and qualities beyond just age.

  • I agree with respectful_anteater that symbols are good to use to represent words. I think that something on the news is 'too old'. that something is the us president . i say this because the old presidents might have dementia/the lack of remembering or thinking can lead to poor decision making. instead pick younger presidents this can lead to better decision making. in conclusion the US should pick a younger president.

    1. I agree, it is important to have a representation of different ages in politics. Can you think of two reasons why?

  • Hello!

    As I helped suggest this topic I would like to share another point of view..

    In the comments there has been lots of people disagreeing with "not enough"... However, not enough could be used in different ways, for example, "what the community is doing is not enough to stop climate change." This could be used to encourage people. This is what I've seen people talking about, but, there is a more negative way. For a situation, You could have done so much work for school, but your peers/teacher says that's not enough, it would bring you down and make you feel upset.


  • Personally I feel that no one is too young to do anything, for they say age is just a number
    I’d like to talk about two sisters who didn’t let their age affect what they could do for the world. Melati Riyanto and Isabel Wijsen born in 2002, are Indonesian climate activists . I’d admit many young people aren’t interested in things like the climate but these two girls thought of ways to aid Indonesia’s plastic waste pollution problem. They started a campaign with other kids in their community to clean Bali’s biggest beach in 2018. Now they are known in many countries around the world and their movement is wide spread . They believe any kid and every kid can make a difference.So whenever you doubt yourself saying you are too young to make a change, remember this story and make a move .

  • "Too young" for me means that you can hardly be noticed, even if you speak facts that are true, they are not taken seriously because you are too young. Being too young does not mean that I cannot speak facts. Sometimes younger people are even more mature and have more knowledge than older people. But nevermind you are “too young“ too have the rights to speak with the older ones. Sometimes they know that you are right but they ignore that and think that you are way “too young” to understand what they are talking about.

  • There is not enough restrictions and rules for smoking and vaping. In our society many of the youth have been peer pressured to vape but many try to blame the youth but the real people to blame is the sellers who sell them. Many young people have the accessibility to smoke or vape. We should try to restrict or stop this to prevent the children coming forward should not be affected by this.

  • I would like to comment on the "Not enough" option, because ever since Joe Biden was elected, I have not heard much or anything about him. I live in the United States and ever since he was elected, COVID definitely went down. No hate at all, but after that I haven't heard much since and the economy seems to be getting worse. Hopefully soon he could do more for the U.S soon before election day.

  • I think the biggest problem of today's generation is the phrase "not enough". On the internet, we see unrealistic things and people as role models every day and we think that something is wrong with us and because we are not like them, we are not enough. I think that we should know that the things we see on social networks are not always real and that we can learn not to compare ourselves with others, also that we need more educated role models who will focus on important things in our world.

  • While news can be a good way for education and entertainment for us, it also can lead to anxiety. Watching too much news can be toxic by increasing anxiety levels and over the long term, it will cause lack of restful sleep, emotional distress, and even depression. Too much bad news may lead to doomscrolling. It is obsessively scanning social media and websites for bad news for a long period of time without knowing.This phenomenon is most seen in teenagers and kids. Beware of too much negative news it can make the world appear worse than it truly is.

  • I would like to give my opinion on "Not enough", this is simply because, in the new, there has been a lot of talk about climate change and how we are not doing enough to combat it. Scientists warn that the actions we are taking now might not be sufficient to prevent the most catastrophic effects of climate change in the future. They suggest that governments, businesses, and individuals need to do more to reduce carbon emissions, protect natural habitats, and transition to renewable energy sources. This issue affects everyone, including students like yourselves, as it will determine the kind of world we inherit and pass on to future generations. Thank you!

  • I think that in the news I see too much negativity and not enough solutions for problems. In my opinion, this makes people feel more anxious and afraid. For example, in my country, I always hear about dozens of car crashes, natural disasters like floods or even students skipping school. From my point of view, all of these have one thing in common: panic. People tend to overthink every single aspect of a tragedy, leading them to wanting to read more news to find out what else happened. Although negative news can make people appreciate what they have and sometimes determine them to help others, I don't think that it is healthy to be flooded in news. Personally, When I have to worry about so many troubles at the same time, I end up feeling like I can't keep my head above the water. It is almost like I am drowning in information. However, it is like a ray of sunlight when I hear that there has been found a solution for something. In my opinion, this many negative news increases things such as Eco-anxiety. I think that less articles should be written about what is wrong in this world. It leads to people being overcome by fears and it is not helpful at all. I believe that showing what other people did in order to make a difference could motivate others to also try. After all, we often get easily manipulated by ads to buy different products, so I think that we could try to do the same in order to attract more people to help out with different issues.

  • None of these are true there will never be too old, or too young. The news is supposed to be an honest view of the world not people's opinions!

  • I would like to refer back to the phrase "too old". Ruth Gottesman, a 93 year old woman recently donated 1 billion dollars to a Medical school in Bronx. At the very end of her life, she changed the lives of thousands of young people and showed her kind soul. We are never too old for anything, we can always change our own life or the life of others.

  • I believe that everybody is different and it’s good but not all think that. Sadly we live in a bad society.

  • I believe the expression "not enough" is often associated with the fight for women's rights in news stories; conversely, many have used the expression "too much" to describe women fighting for their rights as annoying or too feminist. This dichotomy of views related to one topic is appalling to me because people forget what the real essence of this fight for rights is. It is not to put down the other but to walk side by side as equals while playing the role suitable and needed, be it a homemaker or a breadwinner. The news plays and will play an important role in making this world equal by uplifting all rather than putting down one or making two clash.

  • One phrase that comes to mind is "too much" in relation to news coverage of celebrity scandals and trivial events.
    While it is understandable that celebrity news and light-hearted stories can provide entertainment and a break from heavier topics, it often feels like there is an overemphasis on these stories in mainstream news. This can overshadow more pressing issues such as global conflicts, climate change, and social justice movements.
    While some may argue that this type of coverage provides an escape for readers, the issue lies in the proportion of attention that it receives in comparison to other critical events. A more balanced approach to news reporting is needed to ensure that the public remains well-informed on a variety of topics and issues.

  • Hello, all.
    For a while now, the war in Ukraine has been making headlines. Even though it is necessary to know what is happening around us, there has been an avalanche of news (on violence and destruction).
    It would be nice to see some balance in the reporting that also captures humanitarian efforts, reconstruction and inspiring stories about how people are coping with the situation. Thank you.

  • I want to express my opinion about the phrase "too young". "Too young" has several meanings, depending on how we look at it. For example, if we at someone as if he is too young in the sense that he is not live enough, that he doesn't have enough experience and that he has not gone trough enough in life to have an opinion on some things. In addition, the phrase "too young" can also mean that they are not allowed to do certain things or, for example, they cannot do heavy work and generally work in an office. A person who is too young doesn't understand that he will encounter all kinds of situations in life.